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Maryknoll School of Manay, Inc .

Brgy. Central ,Manay, Davao Oriental


Subject Area/Level: SCIENCE 8 Date: NOVEMBER 13-17, 2023 Week No. 6

Unit Topic: SOUND & LIGHT Quarter No. 2

Stage I – Desired Results

Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the propagation of sound through solid, liquid, and gas.
Performance Standard:
The learners should be discussing phenomena such as blue sky, rainbow and red sunset using the
concept of wavelength and frequency of visible light.
Essential Understanding:
Sound is produced by vibrations of molecules in gases and other media. Light always comes from a source
and it travels in straight lines at constant speed.
Essential Questions:
1. What is sound?
2. What factors are needed for energy transfer to take place in sound waves propagation?
Learning Competencies:
The learners…
 infer how movement of particles of an object affects the speed of sound through it.
 investigate the effect of temperature to speed of sound through fair testing.
Learning Target:
I can…
 explain the basic concepts of sound and light
 identify key characteristics, and apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Stage II – Evidence of Learning

The students will explore a specific application of sound or light waves in technology, medicine, or other

Stage III – Learning Plan

A. Explore
Day 1
1. Begin with a brief discussion on the importance of sound and light in our daily lives.
2. Ask students to share examples of situations where they encounter sound and light waves
3. Introduce the key concepts of sound and light waves.
4. Define terms such as wavelength, frequency, amplitude, and speed for both sound and light.
5. Engage students with a short multimedia presentation highlighting the basic principles of sound
and light. Use visuals and animations to make the concepts more accessible.

Day 2

Activity 1: Sound Exploration

1. Conduct a hands-on activity to explore sound waves.
2. Provide each student with a tuning fork or a rubber band. Instruct them to create vibrations and
observe the resulting sound.
3. Discuss how the pitch and volume change with variations in frequency and amplitude.
4. Demonstrate how sound waves travel through different mediums by using a solid (table), liquid
(water in a container), and gas (air).
5. Discuss the differences in the speed of sound in each medium.

Day 3
Activity 3: Light Exploration
1. Transition to the exploration of light waves.
2. Use prisms or other materials to demonstrate how white light can be dispersed into its
component colors. Discuss the concept of refraction.
3. Provide flashlights or laser pointers to students and let them experiment with the reflection and
refraction of light.
Maryknoll School of Manay, Inc .
Brgy. Central ,Manay, Davao Oriental
4. Encourage them to observe how light behaves when passing through different materials.

Day 4
Group Activity
1. Bring the class back together for a group discussion.
2. Compare and contrast the properties of sound and light waves.
3. Discuss how they are similar and different in terms of speed, mediums of propagation, and the
presence of a medium.
4. Facilitate a discussion on real-world applications of sound and light waves. Explore topics such
as medical imaging, communication technology, and musical instruments.

Day 5
1. Conclude the lesson by reviewing key concepts.
2. Encourage students to ask questions and seek clarification on any confusing topics.
3. Assess students' understanding through a brief quiz or class discussion.
4. Ask them to explain specific concepts related to sound and light waves.

1. Formative
2. Summative

 Performance Task

VI. Reference/Instructional Materials:

Science Links 8 Teachers Resource Material. 2013.Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Instructional Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Activity Sheets

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Academic Coordinator

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