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During the school _____, Alisa and her

brother went to ___ their grandparents in

the ______. They were very excited.
Their grandparents were very _____ to
see them. Their parents _____ for a night
and the next morning, they left for work.
Later, that day, Alisa and her brother
followed their _____ to the _____ behind
the house. There were many kinds of fruits.
They ____ to _____ the rambutans and
put them in a big ____. They ate the fruits
and ____ themselves very much.

visit happy orchard stayed

allowed holidays pick up enjoyed
basket grandfather basket village
Last Monday, Sue and her family
____the Mooncake ____. At night, they
_____ in the _____. Her mother had
______some_____, fruits and flowers for
Sue carried ______with her brother.
They also lighted up some _____around the
house. Then, they gathered at the table
and _____the mooncakes.
After that, Sue's grandfather asked
them to sit around him. He ____them
____about the Mooncake Festival.
Everyone ______themselves that night.

garden gathered candles celebrated

lanterns Festival mooncakes enjoyed
told ate stories prepared
Yesterday ________, Jane and her
family went to the _____near their house.
There were many _____ at the park. Some
boys were ____ and her brother, John,
joined them.
Jane and her parents ____ around the
park. After a while, they _____to do
some_____. Then, they sat on a
_____and_____. They enjoyed the
_____morning air.
Jane and John had an _______time and
_____to go to the park again.

bench jogged cycling stopped

hoped people fresh morning
park enjoyable exercises rested
Yesterday, Jin Khai was ____ home
from school. He _____ a stall selling foods
and drinks. There were some flies flying.
However, he was very ______. So he ____
a ____of nasi lemak.
Later in the evening, he had a bad
______. He _____several times. His
mother was very _____about him.
She took him to see a_____. He told
Jin Khai that he had food poisoning. He
gave him some _____ and ______ him not
to eat at any stalls that are dirty. Jin Khai
_____to be careful in future.

noticed packet walking hungry

bought doctor promised vomited
advised stomach medicines worried
One day, Darren's mother _____ him
twenty ringgit as ____money for a week.
She ____him to spend _____. Darren,
being a good boy, listened to his mother's
The ____ day, Darren went to a _____.
He _____to buy some stationery. On the
way, he saw a _____ sitting on the
pavement. He took ____on him and gave
him some money.
Darren ____his mother about it. Later,
he put the balance in his coin box. She
____him for _____ his money wisely.

wisely asked spending praised

told gave pocket beggar
next bookshop pity wanted
It was _____ Day. We had a _____at
school. We watched our friends _____and
dancing on the stage. They ____ very well.
After that, we had a_____. Our
parents prepared a lot of_____. We ate
together with our _____and teachers.
Later, we ____treasure hunt. We
____with other classes. Our class ____to
get the first placing and we ____a ____ at
the end of the day.

competed performed Children's prize

received concert played classmates
managed food party singing
One hot evening, Tom was ____in the
park. He was quite _____and would throw
stones at animals. Suddenly, he noticed
In no time, Tom ____up a stone and
threw it towards the beehive. A ____of
angry bees flew out. Tom was _____and
_____away as fast as he could.
______, the bees were too quick and
stung him. He _____for help when he saw
his mother. She ______him to the hospital
for treatment. Tom ____not to be ____to
animals anymore.

picked naughty Unfortunately beehive

cruel ran walking promised
sent shocked screamed swarm
It was a ____afternoon. Jing Hua and
Xuan _____to go fishing at the river near
their house. It was their first fishing trip
and they were very_____.
When they _____the river, Jing Hua
took out the fishing _____and bait. They
_____a ____-spot under a big tree. Then,
they cast their fishing lines into the
After some time, Xuan managed to
_____a fish. It was quite big. He was
very_____. Meanwhile, Jing Hua caught a
smaller one. They took ____their catch for
their mother to cook for_____.

rods found excited reached

happy shady river breezy
dinner decided home catch
One fine Sunday evening, Mrs Tan
____to the______market. The place was
very_____. There were a lot of _____and
noises were heard everywhere.
_____, someone came from behind and
_____Mrs Tan's handbag. She screamed
loudly for help.
Luckily, a few men ____to her aid. They
____after the man and caught him. Then,
they ___him to the police station. Mrs Tan
got her _____back and she _____the men
for their quick_____.

crowded chased went snatched

thanked Suddenly came sent
night handbag stalls action
It was Kenny's tenth ______yesterday.
His parents _____him to the _____for a
birthday treat. It was located in a shopping
____. There was a long ____at the ticket
counter, but they managed to get
Kenny _____to watch a movie about
animation. Before entering the cinema, they
bought _____and drinks.
After that, they _____the cinema hall.
The movie was very ____and they
_____themselves _____much.

cinema tickets entered wanted

mall very birthday enjoyed
took queue popcorn interesting
It was Environment Day. Roney and his
classmates _____to ___up the school
compound. They ______in the school hall
and were given different _____by their
Roney and his classmates _____empty
tins and bottles. Some of them cleared the
rubbish in the _____and ______flowers in
the pots.
After half a day of _____work, the
_____was happy. The school looked
______and the headmaster _____them
for their hard work. They were very ____.

praised headmaste gathered proud

hard beautiful collected wanted
tasks drains drains clean

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