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Full Marks:25 Time Alloted:1 hour

1. Answer any five questions 5x1=5

(i).What is the term we use in Pattern recognition instead of "Probability"?

(ii).Write down one difference between AI and Pattern


(iii).What is mean value?

(iv).What is standard


(v).What is random variable?

(vi).What is the full form of MLE?

2. Answer any four questions 4x5=20

(a).What is pattern recognition? Define the term features vector. Write down the applications of

(b).Describe the design principles of pattern recognition system with an


(c).What is classifiers, discriminant functions and decision surfaces?

(d).Give the expression of multi-variate Gaussian distribution explaining all parameters.

(e).Explain Gaussian Mixture Model with an example.

(f).Differentiate Supervised learning and Unsupervised learning.

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