Perfume de

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Chandkheda, Ahmedabad

A Project Report On
Perfume Shop Management System


B. E. 3rd, Semester – VI(COMPUTER BRANCH)


Sr.No. Name of Student Enrollment No

1. Sagar Sundavadra 210170107131
2. Neha Kanki 210170107120
3. Esha Trivedi 210170107110
4. Diti Nirmal 210170107112

Prof. B.N. Patel,

(Internal Guide)


(Head of the Department)

Academic Year (2023-2024)



This is to certify that the project report entitled "Perfume Shop Management
System " has been carried out by Team ID: 515743 under my guidance in fulfillment
of the subject Design Engineering (3140005) of Bachelor of Engineering in
COMPUTER ENGINEERING (Semester VI) of Gujarat Technological University,
Ahmedabad during the Academic year 2024.

Prof. B.N. Patel Prof. KAJAL S. PATEL

Internal Guide Head of Department


Sr. No Topic Page.No.

1 Introduction 4
2 Observation Phase 4
2.1 AEIOU Canvas 5
2.2 Empathy Canvas 7
2.3 Ideation Canvas 9
2.4 Mind -Map 10
2.5 LNM Canvas 12
3 Product Development Phase 13
3.1 Product Development Canvas 14
4 Prototype 15
5 Conclusion 18


1. About DE
Design engineering is an initiative taken by Gujarat Technology University in
this direction with the help and guidance of the professors of the GTU
Innovation Council we are looking ahead in moving on the path of innovation.
so now let’s understand, what is design engineering...?

Design is a plan of a system, its implementation, and utilization for attaining a

goal. It is to change the undesired situation into the desired situation means to
find solutions for undesired/ uncomfortable situations. ... Designing means
evolving goal-oriented processes.

Design Thinking is a methodology used by designers to solve complex

problems and find desirable solutions for clients. A design mindset is not
problem-focused; it's solution-focused and action-oriented towards creating a
preferred future. Design thinking draws upon logic, imagination, intuition, and
systemic reasoning, to explore possibilities of what could be—and to create
desired outcomes that benefit the end-user.


• The purpose of the Perfume Shop Management System is to provide a

modern and efficient solution for managing all aspects of a perfume shop.
This web-based application is designed to simplify operations, increase
productivity, and enhance customer satisfaction through automation and
streamlined processes.
• Perfume shops face unique challenges in managing their inventory, sales, and
customer information. The Perfume Shop Management System addresses
these challenges by offering a centralized platform that automates manual
tasks, optimizes inventory management, and improves overall efficiency. By
providing a user-friendly interface and powerful features, the system aims to
empower shop owners and managers to run their businesses effectively.
1.1 AEIOU Canvas:
By using these all observations, we have to make the AEIOU canvas. This is a basic
canvas for our Project or Problem. This canvas has all basic information about users,
activities, environment, etc. which will helpful for us ahead.

A: Activity
E: Environment
I: Interaction
O: Objects
U: Users

Environment is an also important part of the observation.It is
also effect on the users and activities.
 Hot
 Crowded
 Cold

interaction is a kind of action that occurs as two or more living and non-living
things have an effect upon one another. The idea of a two-way effect is essential in
the concept interaction.

There are some examples of interaction

 Stock management
 Shop management
 Work load management
 Customer phycology

We Listed objects like

 Perfume bottles
 Air conditioner
 Perfume holders
 Chair
 Platform

Activities is a basic step to understanding engineering design. We have observed , they
were doing different types of activity as show in below:
 Customer conversation with worker.
 Manager managing the stock.
 Worker showing perfume to customer.

 Customer trying/checking the perfume.

 Customer paying bill of perfume

 Biller/workers making bill of perfume.

 Manager uses card swipe machine.

 Stock-Manager
 Workers
 Admin
 Customer

1.2 Empathy Canvas:

 Understanding the problem of society is one of the biggest challenges for

engineering student as till now they were making project on imaginary ideas. So
this was based on understanding the domains of the problem in broader sense
which emphasized on interacting with the people of your domain area which
included more of casual talk rather than technical session And this activity was
named as Story boarding canvassing.

 Stock-Manager
 Workers
 Admin
 Customer

 Customer
 Workers
 Customer conversation with worker.
 Manager managing the stock.
 Worker showing perfume to customer.
 Customer trying/checking the perfume.
 Customer paying bill of perfume
 Biller/workers making bill of perfume.
 Manager uses card swipe machine.

Story Boarding
 Happy:
o One of my friend wants to gift something to his sister , but he was getting
confuse what thing he can gift , so one of his female friend has tried a
good perfume tells him that this would be good gift. so he bought that
perfume he gifted that perfume to his sister , her sister loves the perfume.

o One of my friend uncle is owning the perfume shop by using this type of
product they had expanded his business to online and they had improved
his sales.

 Sad:

 One of my friend wants some special type of perfume he was finding that
perfume since long he was little bit sad about that he didn’t get that perfume.

 One of my relative has ordered a expensive perfume from online when he get
that perfume and he tries that he didn’t liked the small of that perfume so his
money get wastage.

1.3 Ideation Canvas:
This canvas is used for finding different problems in the and we can find a possible
solution to that problem.

 Stock-Manager
 Workers
 Admin
 Customer

 Customer conversation with worker.
 Manager managing the stock.
 Worker showing perfume to customer.
 Customer trying/checking the perfume.
 Customer paying bill of perfume
 Biller/workers making bill of perfume.
 Manager uses card swipe machine.

• Stock manager maintaining stock.
• Customer trying trial packs of perfumes.
• Owner verities everything in shop.
• Customer bargaining with owner.
• Customer checking the expiry date.
• Customer comparing price in online sites.
• customer paying the bill of perfume.

There were many props which we find it at perfume shop:

• Stock manager can manage it through computer.

• Customer can directly buy perfume through their website.
• Owner can attract customer through discounting for increment the sales.

1.4 Mind - Map:
A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking
tool that helps to structure information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend,
synthesize, recall, and generate new ideas

1.1 LNM Canvas:
In this section, we observe the basic learning needs and write down the point of
purpose ofthe product component material strength criteria,tools, principal and
experiment and mathematical requirement.

1.2 Product Development Canvas:
In this canvas, we can describe the purpose, function, feature, components, and user of
this Product.

• Improve sales of perfume shop
• Customer can get what they want
• Stock manager can easily manage stock

 Stock-Manager
 Workers
 Admin
 Customer

Product Experience
 Flexibility
 Beneficial

Product Functions
• User can buy perfume from anywhere.
• User can buy multiple perfumes via card.
• User can easily find the perfume.
• Owner can add,update,delete perfume type.

Product Features
• Cart management.
• Reduce problem regarding stock management.
• User can pay online.
• Saves the time owner & customer both.

 BootStrap
 JavaScript

Customer Revalidation
1) Customer can’t use cart without login.



• The system offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for shop
owners and managers to navigate through its various modules. From inventory
• management to sales tracking and customer management, the Perfume Shop
Management System provides a centralized platform for efficiently handling key

• Sales tracking is streamlined through the system's features, allowing for the
creation and processing of sales orders, generating invoices, and managing
payments. Customer information and purchase history can be recorded, enabling
personalized interactions and the implementation of discounts, promotions, and
loyalty programs. The system's analytical capabilities empower shop owners to
identify sales trends, top-selling products, and customer preferences, supporting
data-driven decision-making.

• Effective customer management is facilitated by the system's ability to store and

retrieve customer information. Segmentation based on preferences and purchase
behavior enables targeted marketing campaigns and personalized promotions.
Customer feedback, complaints, and inquiries can be managed efficiently,
ensuring prompt resolution and enhancing overall customer satisfaction.


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