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Here is where it all starts – the prestigious Nail Kit by AQUA MINERAL

The Nail Kit is a combo pack that includes everything you need in order to take Thorold and
prestigious care of your nails.

The package includes:

NAIL BUFFER: a correct use of the buffer will clean and strengthen the nails and give them a
natural shine that would easily last for 2 whole weeks.

Cuticle Oil: For softening and taking care of the dead skin around the nail.

Nail File: Uses to shape the edge of the nail.

Body lotion: Enriched with Dead Sea minerals, comes in 3 fragrances.

The Nail Kit is a simple product, easy to use and its results are fast and impressive.

Seeing the immediate effect surprises the costumer therefor makes it relatively easy to
demonstrate and sell this product.

Customers that could be interested in the Nail Kit:


-Women who hold jobs that do not have the possibility of taking care of their nail (cooks,
nurses, doctors, house wives, etc..) a good demonstration means a sure sale!

-People who bite their nails. A correct use of the Nail Kit will cure the nails and strengthen
- Men and women. Serves as a great, original and useful gift for someone (or varies people)
u love

Normally, the Nail Kit would be the first product we will show the client.

First of all let's understand the difference between selling in a shop to selling in a kiosk, this
way we will learn how to stop the client in order to get to the demonstration part.

1. The importance of stopping clients and the way to do it:

Selling in kiosks is totally different from selling in a shop.

The main difference is that that the shop attracts clients with "pry-shopping plans", if
planning to buy on the spot o even taking notes in order to plan a future perches.

On the other hand we have the kiosks that are based on an "On Going” perches – The client
does not plan to come and buy from us, they are just walking by. Now if we manage to
create the triangle interest between us, the client and our product, the client will stop and
come and check what we have got to offer.

The more clients we stop the better is our possibility to sell.

2. It all starts with stopping the right way:

We must be focused and to be in alert all day long.

We get the chance to ask only one question.

We must approach them in a perfect way and in the exact timing.

We managed to get a client to stop for e second? We got a chance to throw in another
sentence that will take us to the demonstration faze and end it with a sale.

If we don't make the offer right and on time, the client will ignore us, he/she will keep on
walking and that means we lost. Gone…

Ways to bring in a client for a demonstration:

.1"Hi Ma'am/Sir, try some lotion? / For you, mineral lotion!"

.2"Wow, you have a beautiful nails! You always keep your nails natural"?

)For men: Do you have a special lady in your life( ?

.3"Let me give you something for your nails to keep in mind, for the next time / let me give
you something for your wife/girlfriend/mother… keep it in your mind".

Important to clarify!

All the Sayings such as "think about it for the next time…" , "free demonstration", etc, are in
order to get the client to a demonstration situation. The moment we start the demo we go
right back to selling position.

3. Demonstrating the product:

After we stop the client and create a clear eye contact, we straight away turn around and
walk to our kiosk, there is no need to ask the client to agree to come with us, we want to get
to a situation that they know they need to follow us because that is what we have decided.

The Buffer:

When we get to our demonstration spot, we'll present the buffer to the client, we'll ask for
their hand and demonstrate on the thumb by order of the colors.

"Do you see the lines on your nail? These lines are called ridges and they make your nails .
.split and break"

.)hold the thumb( "This is a professional buffer; I'm starting with the dark gray side.

This side removes the ridges, yellowness and stains, leaving your nails clean and smooth.

You do that for 5 seconds once a month, not more than that, O.K?

The next step is the most important one – The light gray side, it is made out of 100% cotton.
It stimulates the blood circulation under your nails so they will grow faster, stronger and
much healthier than before.

The last step is amazing! This is the white side; it is made out of pure silk - smooth right? This
side brings out the natural oil of your nails, using no chemicals and no nail polish."


We have finished demonstrating the buffer. Just before showing the customer the final
result we will create expectation and excitement to what the client is going to see, we need
to greaten the result before the client sees the new nail so that we make her inthusiastment
greater than normal the moment we discover the Shine…
Remember the clients inthusiasment depends a lot on the inthusiastment we show, of curse
continuing in the same line after revealing the amazing natural Shine.

"Are you ready to be amazed?

Promise not to scream in the middle of the Ship?!

Come closer to the light…

And take a look at your new shiny nail!!!


Try to scratch it! Try to peel it! Try to take it off! Nothing can remove it.

This is your natural nail! It will stay like this for the next 2 whole weeks no matter what you
do! Wash dishes, Work in the garden, whatever you do it doesn’t come off!!!"


"Cuticle Oil

Now, do you see all the dry, dead skin around your nail? The cuticles.

Most people push them back and cut them, it will only make them grow faster and stronger!

To complete the treatment, use one drop of this Cuticle Oil once a week (This oil is made out
moisturizes the cuticles, softens them and basically makes them disappear!"

After completing the treatment with the buffer and the oil, we'll ask the client to compare
between her two thumbs and to notice the difference between the treated nail and the non-
treated one, making sure she is impressed by the simplicity and the beauty of our product.

"Compare your two thumbs and take a look at the difference!

Imagine all your nails looking like that!"

5. Presenting and pricing the product:

After demonstrating the 2 basic products and amazing our client, we will present the
complete Kit we are selling. We make the connection of everything we explained during the
last few minutes into one product called The Nail Kit!
We elegantly hand a brand new the Nail Kit over to the client close to the heart, this action
will prevent her from "escaping", it will cause curiosity and admiration while the client will
be looking at what we just handed over to her. Getting familiar with what is soon to be her
Private Nail Kit.

Other than that, by looking at the way the client holds the product, we can learn a lot about
her purchasing plan:

Holding the Nail Kit close to the body – the client is very interested in the product.

Checking the package all around, looking for something specific – searching for the price.

Handing over the kit to the client (serving) creates a "salesman/buyer connection" and lets
us go to the price presentation and lead to a sale.

"Everything I showed you comes in this beautiful kit; The Buffer - you have two dark gray
sides, one is for your nails and the other is for your toes, Cuticle Oil, amazing Mineral Lotion
and a Nail File".

Before presenting the price, we'll explain to the client how much they would pay in a nail
salon for that kind of treatment, so that the price will sound logical and really worth the

"As you probably know, if you want to treat your nails in the Nail Salon, you need to pay
between XX - XX for manicure and pedicure every 3 weeks.

This Nail Kit is a great investment! It is a two years supply of manicures and pedicures. It cost
XXX, that it is a great price for two years supply! Now it's even better - you have a great
special promotion. It's only XXX for the whole kit and there is also amazing deal – if you take
two kits you get the third one completely for free!"

6. Important to remember!

This is an "On Going" sale, meaning the client wasn't planning to meet us today and didn't
have any idea that she is going to buy a Nail Kit, that's why we need to avoid a situation of
silence especially after giving the price, so the client doesn't create thoughts such as "but I
didn't plan on buying this…" etc. thought that will make the closer harder for us.

After saying the price, the real sale starts. The client likes the product and it is our job to be
sure she/he will buy it. So directly after giving the price, we'll use 5 strengthening sentences,
speaking non- stop in this order:
".1You are also getting a two year warranty on the buffer, so if anything happens to it you
can come back and replace it for free!

.2The instructions are written on the Buffer and on the back of the kit step by step so you
don't have to remember anything I just told you.

It is very important the client sees how easy the buffer is to use. At this stage we'll take kit
away from the client and give her/him the buffer. While they try it themselves we will guide
them step by step in order to get an impressive result.

."3Are you right handed or left handed?

I want you to try it yourself just to see how easy it is! Start with the dark gray side, once a
month for just a few seconds, then the light gray side, also once a month for few seconds,
and the white once every 2 weeks. Now just put one drop of the Cuticle Oil.

Show me …. Wow! You did it yourself! You’re a professional. You're hired! (Do you want to
work here and I'll go home?("

After managing to do it by herself/himself, we'll admire the results.

We'll ask her/him to choose their favorite sense, that way we can return to their hand the
Nail Kit with the right body lotion.

" 4. The Lotion inside comes in three different fragrances, smell them and tell me which one
you like the most )LET THE CLIENT SENSE ALL THREE) which one did you like? This Lotion is
amazing! It based on water, combination of nourishing oils and 21 minerals from the Dead
Sea. When you rub it over your hands you can feel how it's penetrating into your skin, it
doesn't give you the sticky greasy feeling, and it’s very smooth and soft. It also does miracles
for dry areas like hands, elbows, knees and heels. This is the Kit with the lotion you liked.

5. The last thing that you need to know is that for this beautiful Kit you don’t have an
expiration date. It can be amazing gift to give for Christmas, Birthdays, Baby Showers… you
can keep it in the closet until the right time. We buy the same gifts all the time – perfume,
clothes, gift cards, decoration for the house… this Kit is amazing and unique and can save a
lot of money for people that are going or are planning to go to the Nail Salon."

At this point it's time to check the clients will of buying.

A client that is not interested will normally not say clearly "no" but will hesitate and say
things such as – "let me think about it…, maybe next time…, I'll go to get money from the
ATM and come back to buy…"
Any answer other than "YES" means a "NO" to us, that's why we'll never ask a question that
can be answered with a NO.

“So you want to take the deal or just one for yourself? "

"Are you buying it for yourself or as a gift for someone?"

The answer to these questions will bring us to closing the deal!

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