Section 013595 Logistics Planning - Rev1

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SECTION 013595




A. This section addresses the Contractor's responsibility, as a necessary part of his

works, to plan, prepare, maintain, and manage the Site and temporary
works/equipment, temporary roads, controls, utilities, and other facilities required to
perform the Works in an efficient coordinated manner that provides maximum benefit
to the construction of the Works and to the operations and activities of all contractors
or parties that may operate near or within the limits of his Works.
B. Contractor is responsible for coordinating the Works and activities with all parties,
particularly with Other Contractors and parties which may operate within the limits of
the Site or proximal to the Site.


A. Contractor's Site Logistic Plan: Within three (3) days of the Effective Date submit a
Site Logistics Plan for approval by the Company’s Representative. The plan shall
accommodate any phasing requirements and allow for the most efficient construction
of the Works. The plan shall contain, at a minimum, but is not limited to:
1. Contractor Site & field office area and layout.
2. Sample building, exterior mock-up area, including entry & service drives.
3. Temporary utility runs, tanks, and power generation areas.
4. First Aid Stations, Ambulance staging areas, Clinic and Nursing Station.
5. Access control/security stations.
6. Temporary fencing and gates.
7. Temporary Site roads vehicle staging and lay-bys, turning and delivery cycle
areas, clearly depicting emergency access and fire lanes.
8. Proposed delivery route to Site and Site entrance that major material deliveries
will utilize. If different types of material delivery, then they will utilize different
entrances/routes that should be shown.
9. Storage and offloading areas.
10. Fabrication and staging areas.
11. Stockpile areas.
12. Material testing laboratories or storage areas.
13. Fire hydrant locations.
14. Firefighting facilities and equipment, including tanks as applicable.
15. Hoisting and crane locations.
16. Site sanitation facilities.
17. Praying areas.
18. Equipment fueling and maintenance areas.
19. Hazardous material storage areas.
20. Secured material storage sheds. (Climatically controlled/non-controlled)
21. IT systems staging/storage areas.
22. Mess halls.

Section 013595
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Logistics Planning

A. Transportation: Submit a detailed plan for transit for moving Contractor's workers to,
from, and about the Site for each shift for each working day. Contractor shall possess,
use, and maintain sufficient and acceptable equipment and facilities for this purpose.
B. Deliveries: Plan, manage, and coordinate oversized vehicle deliveries with the
appropriate public officials for conveyance on public roads, to obtain all necessary
permits, to ensure that oversized equipment is received in an orderly and efficient
manner and do not unduly burden or congest the public road system or cause
congestion to either the Project Site or the Contractors site access road systems.
1. Contractor shall give a minimum of five (5) working days written notification prior
to any heavy, high, long, or wide-load delivery to Site and will coordinate the
delivery with the traffic police and relevant authorities.
2. Generally, there will be restrictions on times for major equipment and materials
traffic, haulage, and delivery. Contractor shall consider that the period 1.5 hours
before and 1.5 hours after the time for any shift change or during other periods
of high traffic volume, to be a restricted time when no unusual (large, wide, long,
high, heavy) loads shall be allowed on the access roads, public roads proximal
to the entrances and exits to the project sites, or otherwise in a location where
the load would impact traffic.
3. Contractor is to follow the Red Sea Development site road rules and implement
directional Site signage scheme to direct delivery vehicles and authorized
visitors on arrival to one project site. Contractor is to develop a Site traffic flow
system on the approved site road scheme to optimize Site traffic flow and
minimize congestion. Once this scheme is approved by Company’s
Representative, the Contractor shall implement it immediately.
4. Contractor is responsible to create within the Site any temporary diversion or
alternative traffic routes to allow the installation of permanent Works.


A. Clean Up: With reference to other relevant section of these General Requirements,
and in accordance with the Contractor’s Environmental and Sustainability
Management Plan, the Contractor shall maintain a clean works Site. Control
accumulation of waste materials and rubbish and dispose of same off-Site daily.
Regularly clean up works areas to maintain safety for access and to avoid fire hazard.
Always keep site neat.


A. The Contractor is required to implement a comprehensive Materials Tracking System,

both for the materials in bound to the site from suppliers and on site to control the
delivery/storage/uplift and provision to the work front in a quality controlled and
system assured manners. The Contractor is required to incorporate tagging and RFID
technology to ensure materials and equipment delivered to site can be traced,
identified as "approved for installation or use" and independently verified by the
QA/QC team. (Also see Section 014500 Item 1.6).


A. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer within seven (7) days of the Notice to
Proceed (NTP) the following documents:
1. Contractor Site Logistic Plan
2. Transportation Plan
3. Plant & Equipment Schedule

Section 013595
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Logistics Planning
4. Site Traffic Flow System
5. Material Tracking System (MTS)


Section 013595
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Logistics Planning

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