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Sales Contract Review

Pre-foreclosure Sale Program

U. S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development
Ollice ol Housing
Federal Housing Commissioner
OMB Approval No.25O2O4b4
(exp. O7/81/2OO9)
Public reporting burden lor this collection ol inlormation is estimated to average 9 minutes per response, including the time lor
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection ol
inlormation. This inlormation is required to obtain benelits. HUD may not collect this inlormation, and you are not required to complete this lorm,
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Section 2O4 ol the National Housing Act authorizes the Secretary to pay an insurance claim that bridges the gap between the lair market
value proceeds lrom the HUDapproved third party sale ol a property. The respondent s maybe lenders (mortgagee s), counselors and homeowners
who are attempting to sell their properties prior to loreclosure. The Privacy Act ol 1974 pledges assurances ol conlidentiality to respondents. HUD
generally discloses this data only in response to a Freedom ol Inlormation request.
Mortgagee Contact Person: Phone Number: Account/Control Number: FHA Case Number:
Homeowner Name(s):

Property Address:
Homeowner Name(s):
Date ol Sales Contract: Date contract Received by Mortgagee: Sales Agent and Firm: Phone Number: Sales Commission & Rate
Ollered By: Address:
listing Price:
Price Ollered:
Appraised Value:
Fstimated Net Sales
Mortgagee (or HUD) Review of the Sales Contract
The Sales Contract ollered by the individuals listed above is:
Rejected (list reasons below)
This Sales Contract is rejected lor the lollowing reasons(s):
Mortgagee Signature and Date
lorm HUD-90051 (Ob/2OO8)
rel. Handbook 488O.1
ol Appraised
Six Percent (6%)
Chris Thomas
480-457-3088 184412405 461-4321265
Cheryl Walker-Sheppard
148 Spirit Mountain Lane Easley, SC 29642
Kevin M. Lancaster -
(864) 485-9283 8,070.00 6
Kendall Snipes
134,500.00 142,500.00
Chris Thomas
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DA63E8B-DA0A-4681-BC6A-4E3F9E32F20C
Nov-08-2011 | 17:15 PT
Sales Contract Review Additional Information
Home Owner Name:
Loan Number:
Thanks & Best Regards,
FHA Negotiator
Please drop me an email if you have any questions,
HUD has approved $ _____ for buyers closing cost credit.
*** Please note, these funds cannot be used for any portion of the buyer's down payment, nor can it be used to
pay for fees that HUD has deemed un-allowed. For example, third party negotiation fees, repairs or additional
realtor costs. The final HUD that is submitted for approval must show both buyer and seller costs. If a fee is
determined to be a non-allowed, you will be notified at that time, and final approval will be withheld until
corrections have been made. ***
Cheryl Walker-Sheppard
Purchase Price: 134,500
Buyer Name: Kendall Snipes
Net Proceeds: 119,700
88% of Appraised Value: 125,400
ATP Expiration: 12/28/2011
Agent: Kevin Willson
Approved fees to be paid from sales proceeds: CC 4035, S/I 594.40, Tax 900, Comm 8070, settle 400, Tax 151.80, Tax 358.80
Fees to be paid from seller incentive: HOA 290
Chris Thomas
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DA63E8B-DA0A-4681-BC6A-4E3F9E32F20C
Nov-08-2011 | 17:15 PT

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