Cambridge Lower Secondary English 7.-End of Unit Test 7

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Cambridge Lower Secondary English 7: End of Unit 7 test

Section A: Reading

Read the extract below, then answer questions 1-8.

None of these objects stood up to her. None of them inspired the same giddy
sense of wonder as she had felt when, one day in the early spring she had
walked through the entrance to Grandma’s pergola and suddenly found herself
somewhere else entirely.

She had made a friend there, in the other world, where the wood smell like
dark chocolate and the trees spun spells and weaved dreams between their
branches. A friend the likes of which she had never had here, in this world of
loneliness and rain and school and stinky sports halls. Sannala, Hanna held the
name close to her heart like a glowing ember. The memory of Sannala was the
only thing that kept Hanna warm through her cold everyday life. Sannala with
her blue hair and skin like streaked granite. Sannala who could talk to birds
and who dived headlong into every new adventure with a hearty chuckle. And
there, in the island realm, Hanna had been a different person too - she was
strong; she was admired. Together she and Sannala fought against monster;
they liberated the fairy queen Malkian’s enchanted ring from the cloud city
and let the lonesome tree of sorrow sing once more, for the first time in
seven hundred years.

On the Golden Cape shores, they waded, hand in hand, out into the warm
turquoise sea. As soon as they step foot in the water, a wild raging wave
surged towards them.

When they dived in they were forced to let go of each other’s hands.

Everything became a blur of bubbles and flurries.

When she re-emerged she found herself no longer in the turquoise sea but in
a cold grey sea bordered by smooth rocks. And she was alone…

1. What word describes the feeling Hanna experienced when she walked through
Grandma's pergola entrance?


2. How is the other world described in terms of its atmosphere?


3. Compare the scent of the woods in the other world with Hanna's everyday life.
 _____________________________________________________

 _____________________________________________________(2)

4. What characteristics describe Sannala, according to the passage?

 _____________________________________________________

 _____________________________________________________

 _____________________________________________________

5. What effect does the description "the hot sand smelt like toffee and burnt
sugar" have?


6. How does the environment change when Hanna and Sannala step foot into the
warm turquoise sea?


7. What feeling does the ending of the passage evoke in the reader?


8. What aspect of the story does the passage provide?


Section B: Writing

Now write a description of a magical room. You should write three


You could include:

 what room you are describing

 what magical features it has
 how it feels to be in the room

Space for your plan:

Write your describing:



Description of the Enchanted Room Hailey

Imagine a special room called the Enchanted Room. It's like a magical place inside a
big castle. When you open the door, soft lights shine, making everything look
mysterious and exciting. You can smell old books and a sweet smell like flowers. It
feels calm and cozy inside.

In the Enchanted Room, there are books everywhere! But these aren't just any
books – they're magical. Some books move by themselves, and if you look closely,
you might see pictures in them that come to life. Sometimes, you can even hear
whispers of magic spells.

As you explore the Enchanted Room, you might find hidden corners with surprises.
Maybe you'll discover a shiny crystal ball that shows you amazing things. Or you
might find a special pen that writes all by itself! It's like a room full of secrets and
adventures just waiting for you to find them.

Being in the Enchanted Room is like being in a fairy tale. It's a place where you can
forget about time and worries and just have fun exploring all the magical things
around you. It's a room where dreams come alive and anything is possible!

Description of the Magic Story Room Kaylee

Welcome to the Magic Story Room! It's a special place in a big castle where
amazing things happen. When you open the door, a warm light twinkles and welcomes
you inside. The room smells like old books and flowers, making you feel cozy and

Inside, there are shelves full of magical books. These books are special because
they can talk to you! They whisper secrets and stories that no one else knows.
Sometimes, the pictures in the books even come alive, showing you dragons, fairies,
and brave knights.

As you explore the Magic Story Room, you might find hidden treasures. There could
be a shiny crystal ball that shows you faraway places or a special pen that writes all
by itself! Every corner of the room is filled with surprises and adventures waiting
for you to discover.

Being in the Magic Story Room is like stepping into a fairy tale. It's a place where
anything is possible, and you can let your imagination soar. So come on in, grab a
book, and get ready for an enchanting journey through magical lands and exciting

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