Botany Lab Report

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Colby Twist Botany Lab Lab Report 8/30 Botany Lab Report 1. A.

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference in how many times bees visit flowers based on color of the flower. Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significant difference in how many times bees visit flowers based on color of the flower. B. The data that one would need when testing a hypothesis would be results from the alpine meadows of how many times bees visit each flower in a extended period of time. This location is the same that is being tested in the hypothesis so the results would be accurate and the experiment must last an extended period of time for more accurate results. C. Since there is more than two colors of flowers, a T Test is out of the question leaving the Chi-Square test as the best fit to analyze data. D. In this experiment 200 visits from bees to flowers have been recorded between four groups of flowers that differentiate in color. According to my Null Hypothesis each flower should have 50 visits through out the experiment. After data is recorded the degree of freedom would be calculated and the critical value will be found. With these two figures the Null Hypothesis can then be proven correct or incorrect. Red Yellow Purple White 25 86 50 39 2. A. Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the number of branches that were in high fertility compared to low fertility. B. High Fertility Low Fertility Mean: 1.200 1.200 SD: 0.7746 0.1746 SE: 0.2000 0.1746 P Value is > 0.9999 (Not Significant) 3. x: 0.1045 s: 0.1139 s2: 0.0129732

4. It is most likely expected that both plants are heterozygous because the percentage of white is closer to 25% than 50%, which it would be if one of the plants were heterozygous. So the unsusually high number of white plants is due to chance.

W w 5. A. B. C. D. E. F. G.


w Ww ww

Nitrogen No Nitrogen Mean: 44.500 28.100 S: 8.683 8.543 S2: 75.394489 72.982849 Nitrogen content has no effect on production of Tomatoes. Alternate Hypothesis: The Nitrogen content has a significant effect on the production of Tomatoes. .05 (Standard) Since there was 18 Degrees of Freedom is 18 the critical statistic is 2.101 Yes. P Value is 0.0005, which is less than the standard 0.05 leaving the two extremely significant. The significance can be found between the means.

6. A. B.

No, this is because there are more than 2 groups making the T Test useless. Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference in plant productivity between burning and grazing grasslands C. Alternate Hypothesis: There is a significant difference in plant productivity between burning grasslands and grazing grasslands. D. Grass Burned Unburned Grazed Mean: 236.38 191.63 81.133 S: 114.46 99.940 65.013 S2: 13101 9988.0 6582.6 Litter Burned Unburned Grazed Mean: 58.058 352.7 274.8 S: 70.730 215.72 191.87 2: S 5002.7 46,535 36,814 Forbs Burned Unburned Grazed Mean: 17.292 13.7 7.8 S: 33.494 15.213 11.908 2: S 121.8 231.44 141.80 E. F. .05 (Standard) The Burned grassland was not significantly different compared to the Unburned grassland, however both were significantly different than the grazing grassland.


Burned grassland and Unburned grassland have very similar plant productivity however Burned Grassland has far less liter than Unburned grassland.

7. A.

60 +7 +4 +5 +0 +0 +1 +2 +0 +2 +1 82

Mean: 7.45 Years

B. 8. A.

Median: 2 Mode: 0

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between test scores from when Fred Flinstone didnt tutor his students and when he did tutor them. Alternate Hypothesis: There is a significant difference between the test scores from when Professor Flinstone didnt tutor his students and when he did tutor them B. Since the Degrees of Freedom are 18 the critical value is 2.101. C. 1st Test 2nd Test Mean: 800 873 S: 25 4.69 2: S 625 22 D The Alternative Hypothesis is correct. E. The Alternative Hypothesis is correct; this is proven by the significant increase in the Freds students test scores. a. 9. A. Fred deserves a raise. (See above) Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the control and experimental groups calorie counts. (Enough to make a claim) Alternate Hypothesis: There is enough of a significant difference between the control and experimental groups calorie count to make a claim. Since the Degrees of Freedom are 11 the critical value is 2.201.


C. Control Experimental Mean: 800 873 S: 25 4.69 2: S 625 22 D. There is not a significant difference. E. The difference between the control and experimental group is not significant enough to make a claim. 10. A. Null Hypothesis: Alternate Hypothesis: B. Since the Degrees of Freedom are 39 the critical value is 1.960. C. Control Experimental Mean: 240 229 S: 18 15.6 S2: 324 243.36 D. E. There is a significant difference according to P-values. The data clearly shows an improvement in cholesterol of those who took the medication compared to the control. - One would use a smaller P-Value if they are looking for more accurate results.

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