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1.CHEMISTRY: Vitamin E, is a plant derived , lipid soluble substance

whose molecular structure is compromised of a chromanol ring with a side
chain located at the C2 position. Vitamin E refers to a group of eight different
compounds alpha , beta , and gamma, tocopherols and the corresponding four
 Vitamin E is a naturally occurring antioxidant.
 It is essential for normal reproduction in many animals hence known as
anti- sterility vitamin.

2.SOURCES: Vitamin E is found in plant- based oils, nuts seeds, fruits

and vegetables.

 Wheat germ oil

 Sunflower safflower
 Almonds
 Peanuts
 Pumpkin
 Kale
3.ABSORPTION: The first phase of absorption of vitamin E is the
dissolution of vitamin E in the lipid phase of meal. This phase is then
emulsified into lipid droplets at the both gastric and duodenal levels. No
metabolism of vitamin E ( degradation and absorption) appears to exist in
stomach. In the duodenum, vitamin E is incorporated, along with lipid digestion
products, in mixed micelles, structure that are theoretically essential for its
absorption by the enterocytes.
When approaching the brush border membrane, mixed micelles are
supposed to dissociate due to existing PH gradient . Vitamin E
absorption has been considered to occur by passive diffusion through
enterocytes apical membrane.
 Uptake:
Vitamin E is absorbed from the lumen of small intestine into the
enterocyte. This process is facilitated by specific transport proteins such
as scavenger receptors class B type 1(SR-B1) which binds to vitamin E
allows its entry to cell.
 Intracellular Transport: Once inside the enterocyte vitamin is
trafficked through the cytoplasm .It may bind to intracellular transport
proteins , such as tocopherols transfer protein which helps shuttle
vitamin E to the cell.
 Packaging into Lipid Droplets: within the enterocyte vitamin E
incorporated into lipid droplets along the other dietary lipids such as
triglycerides and cholesterol esters. These lipid droplets serve as storage
and transport structures for lipids within the cells.
 Formation of chylomicrons : vitamin E along with other lipids, is
packaged into chylomicrons within the enterocytes . Vitamin becomes
embedded within the phospholipid layer of chylomicron.
 Exocytosis: Once assembled chylomicrons are released from the
basolateral side of the enterocytes into the lymphatic vessels through a
process called exocytosis. This allows chylomicrons , carrying vitamin E
and other lipids to enter the lymphatic system and eventually reach the
blood stream.

4.TRANSPORT: vitamin E doesn’t appear to have specific carrier proteins

in plasma. It is rapidly transferred from chylomicrons to plasma lipoprotein to
which it binds non specifically is taken up by the liver and is incorporated with
 The majors of triglyceride rich VLDL remnants are returned to liver.
Some of them are converted into lipoprotein lipase to LDL’S .
 It appears that during this process , vitamin E also transfers spontaneously
to apolipoprotien B containing lipoprotein including VLDL,LDL and

5.STORAGE: In most non adipose cells, vitamin E is localized almost

exclusively in membranes. Kinetic studies indicate that such tissues have two
pools of the vitamin

 Labile , rapidly turning over pool

 Fixed, slowly turning over pool
The labile pools predominate in such tissues as plasma and liver , as the
tocopherol contents of the tissue are depleted rapidly under condition of vitamin
E deprivation. In adipose tissues the vitamin E resides predominantly in the
bulk lipid phase which appears to be a fixed pool.



1. It is an antioxidant. That means it protects body tissues from

damage caused by substances called free radicals. Free
radicals can harm tissues and organs . They are believed to
okay a role in certain conditions related to aging.
2. It helps keep the immune system strong against several
viruses and bacteria.

3. It helps form red blood cells and widen blood vessels to keep
blood clotting inside them.

4. It helps body use vitamin k.

5. Cells also use vitamin E to interact with each other. It helps

them to carry out many important functions.

8.BIOESSAY: A bioassay procedure that utilizes the protective effect of a

single dose of vitamin E in rats against the in vitro haemolytic action of
dialuric acid upon vitamin E-deficient erythrocytes has been described, and
its precision, specificity, and dependability studied. A number of precautions
that must be observed to obtain good precision in the haemolysis test are set
forth. A new single-dose bioassay is described that may be completed in two
days and is so designed that the test animals may be used for a number of assay
periods. The method will allow easy application to a variety of products that
contain vitamin E. Biological potencies determined by this method are reported
for several tocopherols and their esters. The results differ from earlier reports
in the literature in that the values reported here for d-gamma tocopherol and its
acetate are higher and that there is no significant difference between the ester
and alcohol forms of the various tocopherols. The d-alpha-tocopherol, in
accordance with earlier work, is about 33% more potent than the racemic form.


1. Vitamin E and vitamin C work synergistically as

antioxidants. Vitamin C helps regenerate vitamin E
back to its active form enhancing its antioxidant
2. Vitamin E and selenium work together to neutralize
the free radicals and protect cell from oxidative
3. Vitamin E acts as a lipid soluble antioxidant
scavenging free radicals and preventing lipid
peroxidation of vitamin E.
4. High dose of vitamin E supplements may interfere
vitamin k metabolism leading to potential
antagonistic affect on blood clotting.
5. Vitamin E may enhance the absorption of iron from
plant based iron by reducing iron’s oxidation state by
making it more bioavailable for absorption. However
excessive vitamin E supplements may impair the
absorption of vitamin E causing iron deficiency.

11.DEFICIENCY : Deficiency of vitamin E may cause the following :

1. Haemolytic Anaemia: vitamin E deficiency can lead to
Haemolytic Anaemia a condition characterised by the
premature destruction of red blood cells.
2. Neurological Disorders: Vitamin E plays a crucial role
in protecting nerve cells from oxidative damage.
Deficiency of vitamin E can lead to peripheral
neuropathy characterised by numbness in extremities
and muscle weakness.
3. Ophthalmic Disorder: vitamin E deficiency is known
to cause retinal degeneration and vision impairment.

1. Gastrointestinal Disturbances: high doses of
vitamin E may cause Gastrointestinal symptoms
such as diarrhoea abdominal cramps and nausea.
2. Haemorrhagic Effects: vitamin E can interfere with
blood clotting by inhibiting platelet aggregation and
interfering with vitamin k metabolism.
3. Increased Risk of Stroke: some studies have shown
that high doses of vitamin E can cause the risk of
stroke particularly in people with pre- existing
cardiovascular risk factors.

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