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Pechay seeds

Vegetables and fruits

Juicer machine/grater


Garden shovel


Measuring cup


A. Gathering of Materials

The researcher will obtain pechay seeds in a local agri-store and along with the
materials needed like garden shovel, 30 pieces of pots for each pechay seeds.
Measuring cup, ruler, grater, water, s and fruit are available in the researcher own
household. The materials needed will be gathered and organize in a container.

B. Germination of Seed

The seeds will be soaked in water for a few hours before planting. To speed up
the process, the pechay plant should be placed in a suitable location that receives
ample sunlight as pechay thrives in well-lit conditions. The soil will be prepared by
loosening it to a depth of 12 inches. This allows enough space for the plants to grow
and develop without overcrowding. Pechay plants should be grown in well-draining,
nutrient-rich soil. To improve the soil quality, organic fertilizer derived from compost
and manure will beaded.
C. Transplanting the plant

The researcher will choose an area that receives ample sunlight, as pechay
thrives in well-lit conditions. Pechay plants prefer well-draining, nutrient-rich soil. The
researcher will find a spot with 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day. After the reseaher
find a good place, then the researcher will prepare the soil by loosening it to a depth
of about 12 inches. The distance between each hole should be approximately 12-18
inches, depending on the variety of pechay you're growing. This allows enough
space for the plants to grow and develop without overcrowding. Carefully place the
seedlings or seeds into the prepared holes, ensuring they are at the appropriate

D. Preparation of organic fertilizer

The researcher will prepare the organic fertilizer from vegetables and fruits. The
researcher will be gathering all the vegetable and fruits in a container from the
researchers own household. After gathering all the vegetables and fruits, the
researcher will prepare the juicer machine or the grater. The researcher will use the
machine or grater for the vegetables and fruits to be grinded in small bits and then
the researcher will put it in a container.

E. Application of Fertilizers

The researcher will then measure the organic fertilizer by ML for each plant.
Organic fertilizer from vegetables and fruits can be applied by mixing it to the soil.
When applying organic fertilizer from vegetables and fruits to the pechay, make sure
every plant has the same amount of fertilizers. The application of organic fertilizer
can be applied every twice a week. Every Tuesday and Wednesday in a week.
Following the application instructions of the plant and monitoring the plant growth are
important for the effective use of the organic fertilizers from vegetables and fruits.

F. Gathering of Data
In order to monitor the plant and the progress of it growth, the researcher will have
a regular routine of checking the plant pechay. Every Tuesday and Wednesday will
be the day the researcher will count the leaves of the plant pechay and take records
of the plant and its overall health. The researcher will be consistent in monitoring the
plant will allow the researcher a thoroughly information about the changes of the
leaves and health of the pechay plant. This routine will help the researcher to
determine the general health and issues of the plant.

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