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• business plan - бизнес-план
• friendly alliance - дружелюбный альянс
• strategic advantage - стратегическое преимущество
• takeover bid - предложение о поглощении
• red tape- бюрократизм
• bottom line - чистая прибыль
• competitive bid- торги
• Let’s move to the next item on the agenda.
• This young entrepreneur wants to buy this company and has already made
one bid.
• He was appointed to the board of directors last year.
• The chain of supermarkets belongs to their family.
• All their major competitors are also taking part in the project.
• They have cut a deal with China on meat import.
• If the dividend is only 30 cents a share, the shareholders will be
• The headquarters of this organization are in Berlin.
• The planned merger will create the biggest cell phone company in the
• He will discuss our proposal with his business partner.
• Brooks entered into partnership with Owen to form the firm two years ago.
• He decided to buy shares in this company.
• This is a profitable venture for inventors.
Dreaming of a new golden age
IRAN, like Mexico, has a new and more reform-minded president who wants to
loosen the national oil company’s grip on his country’s massive reserves, and
bring in private investment to boost output. One big difference is that Iran’s
ability to do so is severely curtailed by international sanctions on the country over
its nuclear programme. Nevertheless, the president, Hassan Rohani, has brought
back a former oil minister, Bijan Zanganeh, who in his previous stint, in 1997-
2005, ushered in what some Iranians remember as a golden age of oil investment.
Back then, Mr Zanganeh signed deals with many foreign oil majors, bringing
billions of petrodollars to Iran. He decentralised the powerful National Iranian Oil
Company (NIOC) and filled his ministry with technocrats. Some of these were
blemished with financial scandal. On taking office, Mr Rohani’s populist
predecessor in the presidency, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, denounced them as the
“oil mafia” and chucked them out.
Записаться на встречу, потенциальные конкуренты, индекс
конкурентоспособности, серьезная конкуренция, ожесточённая конкуренция,
честная конкуренция, поддерживать конкуренцию, столкнуться с
конкуренцией, заключить сделку, достичь решения, найти решение.
Our salary claims will go to arbitration.
Unfortunately, their company went bankrupt.
They were paid € 5,000 compensation for losses.
This article is protected by copyright.
Mr. Richards was ordered to pay damages of ₤8,000.
The court imposed heavy fines.
Police investigated a complex espionage last year.
I have already paid my car duty.
What make of car did you buy?
They received a patent for their invention.
A patent is a form of intellectual property.
My laptop is still under warranty.
Edward’s father left him everything in his will.

Accounting period - Бухгалтерский период
Black economy - Теневая экономика
Death duties - Налог на наследство
Due diligence - Должная осмотрительность
Inheritance tax - Налог на наследство
Insurance cover - Страховая защита
Intellectual property - Интеллектуальная собственность
Seek redress - Искать возмещение
Seizure warrant - Ордер на арест
Shell company - Фиктивная компания
Statutory obligation - Законная обязанность
Tax rate – Налоговая ставка
Tax evasion - Уклонение от уплаты налогов
Under licence - По лицензии
Go bankrupt – Обанкротиться
clarify - c) confuse
denial - b) confession
discriminate against - a) act fairly
knock-on effect - h) one-off
lawful - f) illegal
legal - f) illegal
male - e) female
malice - g) kind intentions
preselection - d) fair job promotion procedures
punitive - i) token
insurance cover - страховое покрытие
labour body - орган труда
arbitration committee - арбитражный комитет
tender contract - контракт на тендер
copyright protection - защита авторских прав
third party - третья сторона
license certificate - лицензионный сертификат
patent agreement - патентное соглашение
industrial espionage - промышленное шпионаж
arrest - i) a suspect
bring - e) a client
charge - h) a prosecution
defend - c) a case
infringe - d) a copyright
instigate - b) a brief
prefer - j) a verdict
prepare - g) out of court
reach - f) a fee
settle - a) an accusation

agreeing disagreeing
adopt the decision | dismiss claims
affirm | dismiss the motion
assent | dissent
concur | reverse a decision
share the opinion | treat as true
Insurance agent, insurance premium, amount of losses, force majeure, appeal
statement, reject the appeal, file an appeal, satisfy the appeal, arbitration hearing,
arbitration decision, counterclaim, unfounded claim, withdraw a claim, dismiss a
claim, appellate court, arbitration court, international copyright law, transfer of
copyright, patent law, patented invention, enter into a licensing agreement, terms of
a licensing agreement, valid patent, licensed product, industrial property, register a
trademark, duty-free import, customs duty, pay a fine.
You need to study the content of the insurance contract.
Force majeure circumstances delayed the execution of the contract.
We want to receive compensation from the insurance company.
What decision was made on the appeal?
The arbitration court dismissed the appeal.
You have the right to appeal.
We have studied the tender documentation, and this project has interested us.
Why haven't you patented your inventions?
We have permission for duty-free import of equipment.
We ask for your assistance in obtaining permission for duty-free import.
These goods are not subject to customs duty.
Every financial meltdown prompts a hunt for scapegoats. In the wake of the most
recent one, calls to reform accounting have grown particularly loud, and action is
on the way. In the coming months both America and the European Union are
expected to introduce new rules aimed at enhancing auditors’ independence. But
for all the heated debate over the changes, any improvement is likely to be modest.

America’s bean-counters were effectively self-regulating until 2002. That year,

following a wave of accounting scandals, Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley act
to reform corporate governance. It limited the consulting work firms could do for
their audit clients and set up a new regulator, the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board. At a meeting on December 4th, it outlined three policies it
expects to implement by the end of 2014.

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