Interpreting Divisional Charts

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Hindu Astrology Seriesj

0'U^irha-l' S/ie^eu^ch


Divisional Charts

An innovative approach through the destinies of twins

N.N. Sharma

Deepak Bisaria

K.N. Rao
Not run of the mill. Not lukewarm. Not mild but revolutionary is
what, the author, Mr.N.N. Sharma, a member of the teaching faculty,
Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan perhaps relishes for he
unlocks the mysteries of divisional charts with a shock treatment. It is
sure to activate the brain cells of readers and make them think loudly.
A timely initiative indeed that was due since long.
The book is scientific in nature. The reasoning is convincing. It is
now for us to apply the methodology and take forward this research. It
is explained scientifically for the first time as to why some twin births
within one to three minutes interval have different destinies.
Divisional charts refer to the different facets of a person's life.
Except for Shastiamsha, the meaning of the divisions of divisional
charts have not been mentioned. The Shastiamsha was also not used
much as it required a very precise and accurate record of the birth
time. However, the researches carried out by a team of devoted
researchers, under the guidance of our revered Guru Shri K. N. Rao,
have made the divisional charts popular.
With the emphasis on raw rather than the readymade modules,
the milestones in research are being achieved with a greater speed
now. Tradition is an important ingredient of the craft of astrology,
which is bolstered through research. Strong research is necessary for
the progress of astrology. Modernising is essential to get to the correct
predictions. Classics, in their original form, are not adequate. They
have to be interpreted in today's context with modifications.
The importance of divisional charts: Ask our research
enthusiasts to collectively brain storm and answer the question as to
which is the area in astrology that is virgin and has the potential to
transform astrology. The reply has to be the divisional charts. I am
sure once we get to roots of this challenging area, the percentage of
correct predictions would go as high as it was never ever before.

I dedicate this book,

Reverentially, to my elder brother. Late Shri B. N. Sharma

Whose blessings have proved so meaningful, now,

Lovingly, to my wife Mrs. Kanta Sharma

Who has borne me for fifty four long years,

Affectionately, to my grand sons, Kanav, Rohin and Sahil,

Whose time I have utilized in writing this book.


First of all 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to my Guru

and guide Shri K. N. Rao who has been a source of inspiration to
me always. 1 have learned all the astrology, that 1 know today,,
from him.

1 want to thank my senior colleague in Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan,

Shri Deepak Bisaria, who, in spite of his multifarious activities, has
spared his valuable time to edit the book with valuable

1 wish to thank another senior colleague in Bharatiya Vidya

Bhavan Shri. Shivraj Sharma for proof reading the book and his
brilliant suggestions.

1 also wish to thank all my colleagues and friends in Bhartiya

Vidya Bhavan who have given me their data along with other
details of twins.

1 shall be failing in my duty if 1 do not record my thanks to

Shri Satyakam and to Rajendra Singh , both my students, who
have helped me in computer systems.


Dedication 3
Acknowledgement 4
Preface 6
Some Thoughts 8
Introduction 10
Divisional Charts 14
Navamsha 23
Sookhshams 29
Case Studies
Case No. 1 46
Case No; 2 51
Case No. 3 56
Case No. 4 60
Case No. 5 65
Case No. 6 69
Case No. 7 71
Case No. 8 75
Case No. 9 79
Case No. 10 84
Case No. 11 89
Case No. 12 94
Case No. 13 99
Case No. 14 102
Case No. 15 107
Case No. 16 110
Case No. 17 113
Case No. 18 115
Case No. 19 121
Case No. 20 126
Case No. 21 132
Case No. 22 136
Case No. 23 141
Case No. 24 143
Case No. 25 146
Case No. 26 152
Case No. 27 158
Case No. 28 160
Case No. 29 162
Case No. 30 164
Case No. 31 167
Case No. 32 169
Case No. 33 171
Case No. 34 174
Case No. 35 177
Case No. 36 180
Case No. 37 184
Case No. 38 189

The concept of Divisional charts is unique as each divisional

chart refers to the different facets of a life of a person. While
narrating the different divisional charts Maharishi Parashara did
not elaborate the methodology to be adopted for reading these
charts, except in the case of Shastiamsha. Therefore, these charts
were not much used by astrologers who preferred the Bhava
Chalit Chart to delineate. The Shastiamsha was also not used
much as it required a very precise and accurate record of the
birth time.

However, the researches carried out by a team of devoted

researchers, under the guidance of our revered Guru Shri K. N.
Rao, have made the divisional charts popular. On the basis of his
researches Shri K. N. Rao has demonstrated the use of these
charts in his book titled, Timing Events through Vimshottri Dasha,
In the weekly research classes Shri Rao emphasizes the importance
of divisional charts and reminds the research students never to
forget them as they are to be used to dig out the events with
more subtleties. Col. Gour, one of his distinguished student has
recently published a paper and delineated a chart for Bhakti,
using only the Navamsha.

The divisional charts are to be analysed in the same manner

as in the birth chart. First look at the ascendant, followed by the
concerned bhava and also the karaka and the then see the key
planets of the birth chart in the divisional chart.

The predictive principle laid down by Maharishi Parashara

have been meticulously followed in probing the destinies of twins
where the birth chart is invariably the same. The concept of
divisional charts have been further extended and Sookhsham charts

are prepared. It was observed that ,as in Optics, Physics, a
combination of lens/prisms gave a better view of the field focused,
a particular divisional chart when merged with a navamsha and
vice versa , focused the planets, which are the power centres,
with more clarity for better understanding.

Any comments and suggestions from readers are most

welcome and will help me in improving the subsequent editions.

Vijay Dashmi, September 28, 2009. N. N. Sharma

Some lyougyts

Research: Taking astrology ahead academically seems to be

a task confined to the Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya
Bhawan alone. There is not so much emphasis on research
anywhere. The research activities in the Institute of Astrology
have increased with six sections of about 50 researchers in each.
The workshop questioning attitude has become a culture of the
research classes. With the emphasis on raw rather than on the
readymade modules, the milestones in research are being
achieved with a greater speed now. Tradition is an important
ingredient of the craft of astrology, which is bolstered through
research. Strong research is necessary for the progress of
astrology. Modernising is essential to get to the correct
predictions. Classics, in their original form, are not adequate.
They have to be interpreted in the context of today with
The importance of divisional charts: Ask our research
enthusiasts to collectively brain storm and answer the question as
to which is the area in astrology that is virgin and has the potential
to transform astrology. The reply has to be the divisional charts. 1
am sure once we get to roots of this challenging area, the
percentage of correct predictions would go as high as it was
never ever before.
Question yourself???
1) Why Shodasvargas are given in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
so prominently?.
2) What has to be done with names of ten divisions of
dashamansha, seven divisions of Saptamsha and sixty
divisions of the Shastiamsha given in Brihat Parashara Hora
3) Why does Navamsha Dasha give excellent results and so do
other dashas based on divisional charts?

What matters in the final analysis, is the rate of successful
predictions, which now stands in the vicinity of 70 percent can
move to around 90 percent once we understand the hidden
portion of the divisional charts .This is the importance of
understanding divisional charts. Mr. N. N. Sharma has shown us
the way. It will be a great service to astrology to understand his
hypotheses without a bias and collectively take up this stupendous
task. The concept can be best understood by the astrologers who
follow the Parashari principles and have their leanings on the
methodology advocated by the Shri K.N. Rao. See at least three
houses, three planets and two divisional charts is the guiding
principle of Shri. K. N. Rao.
Mr. N.N. Sharma has worked a hypotheses that is scientific,
logical and replicable and gives inspiring results.
The Mysteries hidden in the navamsha: Many have delved
into this fascinating area but there is still a lot lacking. This research
will also provide a new direction to other ongoing researches.
The controversy of aspects in Divisional charts: Some
astrologers take aspects in divisional charts and have their
justification and some do not follow and have their justification
too. Saturn does not turn right to aspect the third house from
its position in the skies while orbiting and does not then get
straight to aspect the seventh house and then again does not turn
right to aspect the tenth house. It is the influence that has been
observed since time immemorial which has created astrology. To
dismiss certain fundamentals of astrology as not logical or not
conforming to map of the cosmos, when there is demonstrable
evidence would be a huge mistake. One should not forget that
astrology is a knowledge acquired through divine insights of our
great rishis. The aspects in divisional charts are there and are
similar to that of the birth chart and have been observed and
demonstrated perhaps due to the will of the Almighty. They
have been experienced and amply demonstrated.
The sookhsham charts research is bold and innovative and in
line with divisions of rashis and nakshatras as given classics. These
have been giving convincing results. This is sure to answer the
unanswered so far to the logical and scientific readers with respect
to birth of twins within one minute to three minutes intervals.

Deepak Bisaria


Prarabdha or destiny is handful of sanchit karmas of a person

with which he is born either to enjoy the fruits in this life or to
suffer . The picking of handful of sanchit karmas is entirely a
divine function and the person has absolutely no choice . The
sanchit karmas are so chosen by our karamphaldata that these are
in perfect equilibrium and harmony with the prevailing forces of
nature as represented by stars or grahas at that time. Therefore
the birth chart is a manifestation of the karmic pattern of the
person. The astrologers, with the blessing of God try to read the
language of the stars. At any given time, although the planetary
position in the horizon is the same, but the people bom during
that period have different prarabdha . This is for the simple reason
that each planet, under altered alignment has to deliver widely
different and varied functions. The alignments get altered, with
respect to the fastest moving entity, the Ascendant. Twins born
of the same parents, almost at the same time are a perfect example
of the wide fluctuations in prarabdha. It is not uncommon to
come across the following cases of twins.
a) One of the twins dies after birth, say within a few weeks,
while the other enjoys, a normal healthy life even up to
b) While one is enjoying the fruits of rajyoga the other is a
rolling stone in life.
c) While one is blessed with the male children the other is
having no
child or only female children.
The above examples are only indicative and by no means
exhaustive and can at best help in introducing the subject. The
twins have, mostly the same birth chart and same navamsha in
majority of the cases. Our revered Guru, the living legend of
astrology, Shri K. N. Rao has stated in the Journal of Astrology

Mesha Sankranti issue, (April-June, 2005) at page 44: "When two
identical horoscopes are before us, we at Once see our limitations".
Maharishi Parashara has given sufficient guidelines and
indications in Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra but, unfortunately, these
have not been carried further and developed by sustained and
organized research. For the last couple of centuries, astrology has
been in the hands of traditional pandits, who were interested in
astrology as related to karam kand seen by them as a source that
sustained their families. No research is reported during this long
period. Thus, there has been no effort to interpret the ancient
Vedic dictas in modern scientific and social context. During this
period the contemporary physical sciences have advanced to
specialization and super-specialization levels. Astrology, which
is really a super science, remained buried and got fragmented
partly because of the indifferent or rather hostile attitude of the
rulers. In this book an attempt has been made to interpret or even
extend the original basic principles, without in anyway interfering
with the basic dictates of vedic philosophy.
More than half of twin births are within a time gap of ten
minutes and thus the co- boms have the same birthchart and
more often the same navamsha also. It will not be wrong to say
that twins may have the same prarabdha or very nearly the same
On careful examination of the birth charts of several twins,
the following observations are worth sharing.
a) Twins have near identical horoscopes.
b) The planets are also quite identically placed,i.e. their
longitudes are almost the same.
c) When divisional charts are prepared, most of the planets
move to the same rashi. For example, a particular planet in
navamsha. is found in the same rashi in both the horoscopes.
d) The purpose of divisional charts is to highlight the position of
planets as these are the power centres in the horoscope.
Highlighting of a planet also pre-supposes discarding a
certain useless portion of the chart. A navamsha chart actually
represents only forty degree of the original zodiac of 360
degree of the birth chart. In scientific parlance, it can be said
the navamsha chart is the nine times magnification and focus
around the position of planets( which are the power centers)
and the remaining 320 degree of unwanted load is to be
discarded in interpretation of a specific area.

e) In most of the cases, it is observed the the ascendant in a
divisional chart has got changed while the planets stick to
the same rashis in one set of twins. This small observation
forms the basis for differentiating between the prarabdha of
f) The Ascendant is the fastest moving entity. On an average,
it moves one degree every four minutes. It means that for
every difference of thirteen minutes in the birth time of twins,
the navamsha ascendant will always be different. However,
it does not imply, that the navamsha ascendant will be the
same if the difference in the birth time is less than 13 minutes,
in some extreme cases the navamsha ascendantmay be
different with birth time difference of even one minute,
g) Ascendant is a reference point from where the planet's
position and its karkatawas (significations^ are demarcated,
in other words, with the change of the ascendant, the role of
different power centres (planets) get altered.

The Innovation:
A changed Ascendant has been found to answer the puzzle
of interpreting birth charts of twins having different destinies.
This approach of changing the Ascendant is well within the defined
principles of astrology. The guiding source have been the
principles and guidelines laid down by Maharishi Parashara in
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. The magnifications of some of the
divisional charts has been experimented to prepare sookhsham
charts and then use them as original divisional charts for evaluating
the results. As in optics, for better clarity and resonance, a
combination of optical devices are employed, on the same
analogy, a combination of divisional charts have been used to
prepare sookhsham charts. The results obtained are convincing
and replicable. if a birth chart is compared to the physical body,
sthool sharira, the divisional charts are the sookhsham of the
particular portion, in focus, and then the sookhsham (charts) may
be taken as MRl of the power centers (planets).
Sookhsham charts shall not normally be prepared for any
single chart unless the birth time is very accurate.

Understanding Medical Science

The ovaries, in the females, produce one egg every month
from puberty till menopause. These eggs contain the

chromosomes, which are the carriers of hereditary characters.
After its discharge from the ovaries, the egg travels through the
fallopian tube on way to uterus. In the fallopian tube the egg
meets sperms from the male species. Sperm also contain male
chromosomes. Many sperms surround the egg, but only one is
able to pierce the egg wall and enter inside. The other sperms
remain outside and get destroyed. Thereafter the egg and the
sperm fuse together to form a zygote, and this moves to the
uterus for further development. The process of division and further
divisions then follow.
In certain cases, which are quite rare, during the initial process
of division, two equal portion of the zygote separate out and
develop as two separate babies. Since both of these are formed
from the same zygote, they are very similar and even have the
same physical characters
In certain cases which is still rare, during the process of initial
division the zygote separates into two parts but they do not
separate fully and remain attached at a very small place. The two
portions develop as separate individual babies but attached
together at a very small point. After the delivery these have to be
surgically separated. These are Siamese twins.
In yet another, but freak case, a female generates two eggs
in a particular month and both of these get fertilized by separate
sperms and thereafter develop as separate babies. The physical
characters fn this type of twins may not be the same and might

Divisional Charts

Vedic astrology deals vyith seven planets that physically exist

and two nodes which are mathematically calculated points. All
these nine are in a continuous motion on the zodiac belt around
the Sun. These nine are known as navgrahas in Hindu Astrology.
Being in motion always, their position keeps on changing along
360 degree elliptical zodiac. These grahas are the power centres
in a horoscope, and it is , therefore, important that their position
be precisely defined. The first step in dividing the zodiac, either
through visual observations or through calculations, would have
been the suggestion of formation of 12 equal parts of 30 degree,
each, called a rashi. This division enabled the learned astrologers
to tabulate the position of grahas and also the ascendant in a two
dimensional format, which is the present day birth chart .
The next step, in this direction, is the division of the zodiac
of 360 degree into 27 nakshatras of 13 degree and twenty minutes
each or 800 minutes. To get at a more refined division each
nakshatra can be further subdivided into four equal parts of 3
degree and 20 minutes (200 minutes)called charan or pada. Thus
the entire zodiac is. divided into 108 padas. These padas or
charans are also called navamsha. The position of a planet can be
precisely defined, with the help divisions. Suppose a planet is in
the 67th navamsha. Divide 67 by 4 , denominator is 16 and 3 is the
remainder. Denominator indicates the number of completed
nakshatra and the remainder shows the navamsha in which the
planet is posited in the running nakshatra.. Thus the planet in the
67 navamsha points to the third charan of Anuradha (17th)
nakshatra. Conversely, from the position of a planet the overall
number of navamsha can also be worked out. Suppose a planet is
in libra 15 degrees and 30 minutes. The position of the planet can
be written as 6 sign, 15 degree and 30 minutes. The overall
navamsha is, therefore, 6x9+ 5, = 59 navamsha

In order to define the position of a planet three types of
division of the zodiac are used. These are;
a) Rashi having a span of 30 degrees,
b) Nakshatra having a spn of 13 degrees 20 minutes (800
c) A navamsha or a charan having a span of 3 degrees 20
minutes (200 minutes).
Maharishi Parashara , the legendary Saint Astrologer, has
divided the Rashis, further and prepared 16 divisional charts or
vargas. This is a unique attempt to further highlight the position
of power centers, the planets. The salient features of the
methodology of division and their objectives can be summed up
as follows.
1) Each rashi is divided into different but equal parts.
Trimshamsha (D-30) is an exception.
2) Equally fragmented portions of rastA are arranged, in a
uniform but in different pattern in each divisional chart.
3) The unwanted portion of rasH is discarded and finds no place
in the new divisional chart
4) Each divisional chart is to be seen and analysed for predictive
purpose for one specific aspect of a person's life, for
example-,, saptamsha for progeny, navamsha for spouse and
dashamansha for profession and attainments. The basis for
these divisional charts is, however, not clear, as to why 1 /7
portion of a rashi or 4 degree 17 minutes 8.571 seconds. Is
marked for progeny or 1/9 portion or 3 degree and 20
minutes meant for matters concerning spouse and for
assessment of the strength of the planets or 1 of 10 portion or
3 degrees is indicative of career matters and professional
In the case of trimshamsha (D-30), rashis are firstly classified
into odd and even rashis and the span of 30 degrees is divided
into five groups of varying and but not uniform degrees. The
planetary position is then fixed on the basis of a particular portion
as well as odd and even classification. However a different method
of trimshamsha division is followed by some
To substantiate the statement made in the serial no. 3, above,
some calculation are made and the results are tabulated below
as an illustration, for five out of the 16 divisional charts. Similar
calculations can be made for the rest.

In order to define the position of a planet three types of
division of the zodiac are used. These are;
a) Rashi having a span of 30 degrees,
b) Nakshatra having a spn of 13 degrees &. 20 minutes (800
c) A navamsha or a charan having a span of 3 degrees &. 20
minutes (200 minutes).
Maharishi Parashara . the legendary Saint Astrologer, has
divided the Rashis, further and prepared 16 divisional charts or
vargas. This is a unique attempt to further highlight the position
of power centers, the planets. The salient features of the
methodology of division and their objectives can be summed up
as follows.
1) Each rashi is divided into different but equal parts.
Trimshamsha (D-30) is an exception.
2) Equally fragmented portions of rashi are arranged, in a
uniform but in different pattern in each divisional chart.
3) The unwanted portion of rashi is discarded and finds no place
in the new divisional chart
4) Each divisional chart is to be seen and analysed for predictive
purpose for one specific aspect of a person's life, for
example;, saptamsha for progeny, navamsha for spouse and
dashamansha for profession and attainments. The basis for
these divisional charts is, however, not clear, as to why 1/7
portion of a rashi or 4 degree 17 minutes 8.571 seconds. Is
marked for progeny or 1/9 portion or 3 degree and 20
minutes meant for matters concerning spouse and for
assessment of the strength of the planets or 1 of 10 portion or
3 degrees is indicative of career matters and professional
In the case of trimshamsha (D-30), rashis are firstly classified
into odd and even rashis and the span of 30 degrees is divided
into five groups of varying and but not uniform degrees. The
planetary position is then fixed on the basis of a particular portion
as well as odd and even classification. However a different method
of trimshamsha division is followed by some
To substantiate the statement made in the serial no. 3, above,
some calculation are made and the results are tabulated below ,
as an illustration, for five out of the 16 divisional charts. Similar
calculations can be made for the rest.

Table 2.1
Divisional Charts Zodiac of 360 degree
Name English Retained Discarded Retained Discarded
name (degree) (Degree) (percent) (percent)
Navamsha D-9 40 320 11.11 88.88
Dashamansha D-10 36 324 10.00 90.00
Dwadashamsha D-12 30 330 8.33 91.66
Chatuvimshamsha D-24 15 345 3.45 95.833
Shastiamasha D-60 06 354 1.666 98.333

Shodashavarga charts, as described by Maharishi Parashara,

are given in the table 2.2. These 16 charts have been arranged in
four different groups and also each chart has been evaluated on a
point scale of vishwabal. The table is taken from Brihat Parashara
Hora Shastra.
Table 2.2
S. Vargas Name Shad Sapt Das ha Shodas
No. varga varga varga varga
1 Rasi D-l 6.0 5.0 3.0 3.5
2 Hora D-2 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.0
3 Drekkana D-3 4.0 3.0 1.5 1.0
4 Navamsha D-9 5.0 2.5 1.5 3.0
5 Dwadashamsha D-12 2.0 4.5 1.5 0.5
6 Trimshamsha D-30 1.0 2.0 1.5 1.0
7 Saptamsha D-7 — 1.0 1.5 0.5
8 Dashamansha D-10 — — 1.5 0.5
9 Kalamsha D-16 — — 1.5 2.0
10 Shastiamsha D-60 — — 5.0 4.0
11 Vimsamsha D-20 — — — 0.5
12 Chaturvimsamsha D-24 — — — 0.5
13 Bhamamsha D-27 — — — 0.5
14 Turamsha — — — 0.5
15 Khavedamsha D-40 — — — 0.5
16 Akhshavedamsha D-45 — — — 0.5

Careful perusal of the data given in the table 2.2 , specially

the shadavarga and shodasvarga (group of six and sixteen vargas
respectively) show that the importance of navamsha is almost the
same as that of a birth chart. Maharishi Parashara has allotted five

vishwaba! units to a navamsha chart and six units to the birth
chart in the same group of shadvarga. Similarly, in shodasvarga
the similar units allotted to navamsha are three as against 3.5 to
the birth chart. The navamsha has been discussed in detail, in the
next chapter.
Amongst the various varga charts, the most revealing and
fascinating is the shastiamsha division. Here a rashi is divided
into sixty equal parts or half a degree ( 30 minutes) each and
arranged in a systematic but in a uniform manner. Quite
surprisingly, Maharishi Parashara has allotted (table 2. 3:
reproduced from BPHS ) much more vishwabal units to
shastiamsha varga than any other varga including the birth chart.
Perhaps, the sage wants to tell us that Shastiamsha helps in
delineating the results of person's prarabdha more or better than
even the birth chart. In spite of very clear guidelines, the use of
shastiamshas is restricted and is not commonly used for various
Maharishi has given no further details about interpreting the
results from various divisional charts. But in the case of
shashtiamsha he has very clearly described the characteristics of
each and every shashtiamsha and given many more details
(column 4, 5, (k 6 of table 2.3 ). Subtle inferences that can be
arrived at from the dispassionate study of the data in table 2.3,
about shastiamsha, are as follows.
a) All shastiamshas are named properly, column 4 of the table.
b) It is clearly mentioned about every shastiamsha whether it
benefic or malefic , column 5 of the table.
c) The expected results from each shastiamsha are also indicated
in the column 6, of the table. These results need to be
modified , suitably, in the present context of society so that
they are in line with the place .time and the specific character
(desh, kaal &. patra)

Table 2.3
[S.No. Odd Sign Shastiamsha Characteristics Even Sign |
From To Name B/M Shastiansha Character From To
I 00-00 00-30 Chora M Awful 29-30 30-00
2 00-30 01-00 Rakhash M Demon 29-00 29-30
3 01-00 01-30 Deva B Divine 28-30 29-00
4 01-30 02-00 Kuber B Treasurer 28-00 28-30
5 02-00 02-30 Yaksha B Celestial Singer 27-30 28-00
6 02-30 03-00 Kinnara B Deformed man 27-00 27-30
7 03-00 03-30 Bhrashat M Vicious 26-30 27-00
8 03-30 04-00 Kulghana M Destroyer of family 26-00 26-30
9 04-00 04-30 Garala M Poison/Venom 25-30 26-00
10 04-30 05-00 Yahni M Fire/Gastric faculty 25-00 25-30
11 05-00 05-30 IWya M Deceit/juggley 24-30 25-00
12 05-30 06-00 Purishaka M Dirt 24-00 24-30
13 06-00 06-30 Apampathi B Ocean/Varun/Rain 23-30 24-00
14 06-30 07-00 Marut B The wind god 23-00 23-30
15 07-00 07-30 Kaala M Darl< colour: Time personified 22-30 23-00
16 07-30 08-00 Sarpa M Snake 22-00 22-30
17 08-00 08-30 Amrita B Nector/immortal 21-30 22-00
18 08-30 09-00 Indu B Moon/Begining 21-00 21-30
19 09-00 09-30 Mridu B Moderate/Soft 20-30 21-00
20 09-30 10-00 Komala B Tender/Agreeable 20-00 20-30
21 10-00 10-30 Heramba B Canesha; Boastful Buffalo 19-30 20-00
22 10-30 11-00 Brahma B Universal fattier 19-00 19-30
23 11-00 11-30 Vishnu B Second sacred triad:
Lawgiver: Pious man 18-30 19-00
24 11-30 12-00 Maheshwara B Third triad deity:
Great destruction 18-00 18-30
25 12-00 12-30 Dwa B Divine 17-30 18-00
26 12-30 13-00 Ardra B Moist 17-00 17-30
27 13-00 13-30 Kalinasa B Destruction of strife 16-30 17-00
28 13-30 14-00 Kshiteesa B Ruler of earth 16-00 16-30
29 14-00 14-30 Kamalakara B Lake full of lotuses:
Lotus garden 15-30 16-00
30 14-30 15-00 Gulika M Sonofsatum 15-00 15-30
31 15-00 15-30 Mrithyu M Death: Son of mars 14-30 15-00
32 15-30 16-00 Kaala M Dark colour: Time
Personified: Destructive
principle; Liquor business 14-00 14-30
33 16-00 16-30 Davagani M Forest configeration 13-30 14-00
34 16-30 17-00 Chora M Violent 13-00 13-30

35 17-00 17-30 Yama M Death petsonified 12-30 13-00
36 17-30 18-00 Kantaka M Trouble maker; Thorn:
impediments: Difficulties 12-00 12-30
37 18-00 18-30 Sudha B Nector: Ganges: Ambrosia 11-30 12-00
38 18-30 19-00 Amrita B Necton Immortal 11-00 11-30
39 19-00 19-30 Pooranchander B Full Moon; Light everywhere 10-30 11-00
40 .19-30 20-00 Vishadagadha M Destroyed by poison;
Sufferingeverywhere 10-00 10-30
41 20-00 20-30 Kulnasa M Destroyer offamily 09-30 10-00
42 20-30 21-00 Vamsakshaya M Decend; Not growing
Further; the best has
Already passed. 09-00 09-30
43 21-00 21-30 Utpata M Inelevent: Unusual
Rienomenon towards
Calamity 08-30 09-00
44 21-30 22-00 Kaala M Time personified:
Desriudive alignment
Uquorvends 08-00 08-30
45 22-00 22-30 Saumya B Handsome:
Auspicious: Saoed
As Moon 07-30 08-00
44 22-30 23-00 Komala B Soothing; Favourable:
Acceptable 07-00 07-30
47 23-00 23-30 Seetala B Soothing; Sandal:
Favourable; Moon 04-30 07-00
48 23-30 24-00 Karaladanishatra IV\ Frightful: Armed: Teethed 06-00 06-30
49 24-00 24-30 Chandramukhi B Appaaiing; Attractive:
Uke full moon 05-30 06-00
50 24-30 25-00 Praveena B Clever; Expert: Trained 05-00 05-30
51 25-00 25-30 Kalapavaka M Trouble shooter: Unadjustable 04-30 05-00
52 25-30 26-00 Dandayudha M Querral with sticks:
Staffhdd by ascetics 04-00 04-30
53 26-00 26-30 Nirmala B Sinless; Qean;
Stainless: Virtuous 03-30 04-00
54 26-30 27-00 Saumya B Fovourable: Qean; Adjustable 03-00 03-30
55 27-00 27-30 Kroora M Rttiless: Bloody; Mischievious 02-30 03-00
56 27-30 28-00 Atfeeeda B \feiy cold; Unresponsive 02-00 02-30
57 28-00 28-30 Amrita B Nector 01-30 02-00
58 28-30 29-00 Payodhi B Ocean; Unfathomable:
Very Deep 01-00 01-30
59 29-00 29-30 Bhramana M Wanderer 00-30 01-00
60 29-30 30-00 Chandarekha B Streak of moon; Ray of hope 00-00 00-30

The practitioners of modern day astrology are, however,
using only a few of the charts like saptamsha, navamsha,
dashamansha, dwadashamsha, trimshamsha, etc. Maharishi has
not given many details, for these charts as compared to
shastiamsha, and therefore there exists a wide variation in
interpretation at the individual level. The shastiamsha is not used
the way it was meant to be used even though the detail guidelines
are well defined and laid out. This is perhaps due to the reason
that the birth time of the person is not accurately available. Any
difference of time upto two minutes will altogether alter the
shastiamsha and lead to erroneous judgments.
India is mainly a rural country and concept of time, as regards
birth time records, in most of the cases, had been quite primitive.
There were no watches to record the correct time of birth. Till
recently the deliveries in towns and even in cities, were by
midwives (skilled female technicians) that emphasized rightly
saving the life, of new born, mother, or both, rather than recording
the correct time of birth. Inaccurate birth time leads to unreliable
birth charts. Shastiamsha derived from such birth charts will thus
go wildly off the track
Things have changed vastly since then and in urban
agglomerates as also in metros, the deliveries, now, are invariably,
in hospitals by qualified Doctors and assisted by trained nurses
and with better medical infrastructure. The recording of birth
time is thus more reliable and accurate. Thus with all round
developments, and availability of more reliable birth time, the
science of micro division , as propounded by Maharishi Parashar,
needs to be probed further, to elucidate the subtleties of karmic
The available information on divisional charts including
shastiamsha can be summed up and inferences drawn, are as
a) Only grahas (planets) are the power centres.
b) Accurate graha position is of prime importance.
c) Division of rashis or nakshatra can done upto any desired
level but division has got to be uniform through out.
d) Similarly, uniform system has to be followed in arranging
the fractions containing the power centers.
The concept of micro-level division and identification of a
benefic or malefic point in a rashi and also in nakshatra is not new
and is described in our classics. The amrit ghati, vishghad and

mrityu bhag are the well known examples. These are sensitive
points or super sensitive points and are independently described
for rashi as well as nakshatra. Both amritghati and vishghati have
a range of four ghatis each, whereas mrityu bhag'is only mentioned
as a super sensitive point. Four ghatis of nakshatra corresponds to
53 minutes {k 20 seconds of the zodiac. The following table 2.4 is
taken from Uttarkalamrit and gives the amritghati, vishghati and
mrityubhag for all the nakshatra. The figures given are in ghatis
and refer to the beginning of the sensitive point for amritghati
and vishghati.
Table 2.4
The following table gives the beginning of the Vishghati,
Amritghati and Mrityubhag of nakshatra. The first two have a
duration of four ghatis. 1 Ghati = 24 minutes
s. Nakshatra Vishghati Amritghati Mrityubhag
No. ghati ghati Ghati
1 Ashwani 50 42 08
2 Bharni 24 48 04
3 Krittika 30 54 12
4 Rohini 40 52 02
5 Mrigshira 14 38 06
6 Ardra 11 35 14
7 Punarvasu 30 54 10
8 Pushya 20 44 16
9 Ashlesha 32 56 24
10 Magha 30 54 20
11 Poorve Phalguni 20 44 22
12 Uttar Phalguni 18 42 02
13 Hasta 22 45 26
14 Chitra 20 44 30
15 Swati 14 38 38
16 Vishakha 14 38 38
17 Anuradha 10 28 36
18 Jeyeshtha 14 38 34
19 Moola 20 44 32
20 Poorve Asada 24 48 42
21 Uttar Asada 20 44 44
22 Saravan 10 34 40
23 Dhanishtha 10 34 48

24 Shatbhisha 18 42 50
25 Poorve Bhadrapcd 18 40 52
26 Uttar Bhadrapad 24 48 52
27 Revati 30 54 54

Based on the above discussion, it is necessary, that the science

of micro division, as propounded by Maharishi Prashaar and further
developed and practiced by other sages needs a fresh look, with
an open mind. In this book a beginning has been made in this
direction. The relevant divisional charts are further split into micro
divisions with navamsha as the central pivot and the results are
revealing. For the first time similar and identical charts of twins
have been delineated, with sound astrological basis to explain
the difference in the prarabdha of two persons having similar
birth charts.


In the vedic way of life number nine seems to have a divine

linkage, as navgraha shanti is a pre-requisite for all auspicious
occasions. Taking a clue of its divine link Maharishi Parashara
proposed a navamsha with almost equal importance and status
as that of the birth chart. This has already been discussed in the
previous chapter. As a matter of fact navamsha and the birth chart
are considered complimentary to one another, and therefore,
studied together. Some of the learned astrologers , today, study
the birth chart, navamsha and the relevant divisional charts
together. If the birth chart is taken as the sthool shirara then
navansha is the sookhsham shareer of the same body. In the
modem scientific parlance, if the birth chart is the physical body
of the native, the navamsha is the x-ray plate of the same.
Navamsha is considered to have subtle and latent information
about the entire gamut of one's prarabdha, including the earlier
In a recent article on a person's inclination towards bhakti,
our guru. Col. Gour, has delineated the events, using only
navansha chart. Col. Gour has beautifully summed up, as follows.
"Shiva is the eternal God. He is sarvagya and sarveshaktiman,
omniscient and omnipotent. He is karamadhyaksha, presides over
our karmas. He is also our karamphaldata, ensuring that the results
of our karmas reach us in accordance with the law of karma. Since
the horoscope is an exposition of our karamic pattern, with His
grace, it is possible to become privy to the designs of
karamadhyaksha.. For this insight into HIS will, one needs to read
the knavish where subtleties are located".
When so much of information is available in navansha, it is
desirable to have a detailed look at navamsha , and study it from
every angle. To start, the basics .about navamsha are as follows.

Navamsha is 1 /9 portion of a ras/w and has a span of 3 degrees
20 minutes. There are, thus, nine navamsha in a rashi and this,
in turn, works out to 108 navamsha in twelve rashis around the
zodiac. All these navamshas are arranged, serially from 1 to 108.
The lordship of the first navamsha is of Mars as in Aries, and the
second is of Venus as in Taurus. Navamsha lordship follows the
same pattern as in the twelve rashis till twelfth navamsha with
Jupiter lordship is reached. The thirteenth navamsha is again of
Mars as in Aries and the cycle repeats after every twelfth
Suppose a planet is in navamsha no. 65. Dividing this by 12
the remainder obtained is 5. This means that the 65th navamsha
belongs to Leo and Sun is its lord. Conversely, it is written as 6
signs, 15 degree fk 18 minutes. In Libra the planet is in 5
navamsha. Six signs having passed, the total navamsha works out
to 6x9+5=59. Dividing this by 12, the remainder obtained is 11
and the planet in Libra moves to Aquarious with Saturn as its lord
in navamsha. Mathematically, the formula can be written as,
Navamsha = completed rashis x 9 + running navamsha
The remainder gives the navamsha position of the planet.
Mathemetical portion , for calculating the navansha, is described
in sufficient detail as this is proposed to be followed for all
navamsha calculations, including sookhsham, in this book. The
table 3.1 is given a ready reference for cross checking the
navamsha position.

Table 3.1
Planet Planets in Rashis
loonjitude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
deg min Planet goes in navansha to rashi
3 20 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
6 40 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5
10 00 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6
13 20 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7
16 40 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
20 00 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9
23 20 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10
26 40 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11
30 00 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12

Scientifically, the navamsha or any other divisional chart is
the selected magnification about the planet's position, in the
birth chart. The magnified field reduces the focus , from original
30 degree (one rashi) of birth chart to the selected division of the
respected divisional chart, which in the case of navamsha is 3
degree fk 20 minutes. In other words, in the case of a divisional
chart, each portion represent the selected magnification around
the position of the planet, and thus the divisional chart gets
reduced proportionately. For the purpose of affirmation, it is
repeated, once again, that the position of a planet, remains
unchanged, in terms of its original longitude.
In the table 3.2, are given the value of the focused portion of
( zodiac ) commonly used divisional charts. The magnification, in
physics is referred to as x value and the same terminology is
adopted here.
Table 3.2
Magnification Focussed Planet Position
X Field
Birth Chart Nil 30 degree
(1800 minutes) Fixed
Saptamsha 7 257.14 minutes Remains Fixed
Navamsha 9 200 minutes Remains Fixed
Dashamansha 10 180 minutes Remains Fixed
Dwadashamsha 12 150 minutees Remains Fixed

From the above, it is clear that the planet position has not
changed in the divisional charts, but the focused area is reduced
in proportion to the magnification and also the angle of vision has
also changed. By moving to different houses, in the divisional
charts, the respective significations are indicated, but in a different
manner. Let us try to understand the changes, the planet has
under gone to affect its significations
From our basic knowledge of astrology we know that
ascendant, the fastest moving entity, in the birth chart, is entirely
responsible in fixing the position of the planets in the chart. It can
be said that different significations get allotted to the planets
through the ascendant . If the ascendant get changed , the
significations of the planets also get altered. This is true of all the
charts, the birth as well as the divisional charts. In the various
divisional charts, both the lagan as well as the planets, move as

per the respective magnification and thus signify differently as
compared to the same birth chart. Along with the magnification,
in the divisional charts, the angle of viewing and observing the
planet has also changed.
The study of various divisional charts, along with the data
presented in table 2.2 and 2.3, leads to the following observations.
a) Magnification of the objective field of planet bring many
changes, especially, with regard to the functions of the
planets from different houses.
b) Navamsha has a unique feature, and is above all other
divisional charts (except shastiamsha). It has been pointed
out that navamsha reveals almost the same information as
the birth chart and that is why Maharishi Prashara has allotted
almost similar units of vishwabal to both the charts.
c) Maharishi Prashara has allotted much more units of vishwabal
to shastiamsha, and therefore the shastiamsha conveys more
information than either the birth chart or navamsha. To add
to this the learned sage has described each of the sixty
shastiamsha in the divisional chart.
In the case of shastiamsha the magnification is sixty times
than as compared to navamsha where it is nine times only. It
therefore, follows that more the magnification, the more is the
information available for delineating the results. Based on this
concept, it is proposed to further increase the magnification further
to prepare a new series of sookhsham charts (represented by
capital S ) , and this will be followed by some numerical number
to tell its identity.
It has already been mentioned that the criteria for the
functioning of divisional charts is not dear; from the available
literature ,i.e., why saptamsha (7x magnification) signifies progeny;
navamsha (9x magnification) signifies matters related to spouse;
dashamsha (lOx magnification) signifies professional
achievements; dwadshamsha (12x magnification) for parents and
so on. This is perhaps that the vedic astrology is based on Karmic
theory and its laws are known to the Almighty Supreme - the
Creator. Therefore, in the abbsence of any scientific or reasonably
understandable basis for fixing the functions of various divisional
charts, it appears logical to assume that Maharishi Parashara , the
father of the vedic astrology, enjoined some divine blessings,
when he described the divisional charts and assigned them the
functions they are known to perform. In the modern context of

science and in our effort to understand and extend further, the
theory of magnification for better elucidation of results, we have
very limited choice. We cannot indiscriminately extend the
magnifications and create new charts and grope in the dark for
Basic optics, in physics, has taught us , that the hue and
clarity, of magnifications can be increased, many folds, by- using
different combinations of sets of optical gadgets. Applying the
same principle to our field of divisional charts, a new series of
sookhsham charts is created, with the basic function of the
divisional chart remaining the same as laid down by Maharishi
Prashara. Amongst the various divisional charts, navamsha has a
special status, and the same is proposed to be maintained in the
sookhsham series also. Navamsha is proposed to be linked to
other divisional charts, both ways, and sookhsham prepared
thereof. In the case of dashamsha, the proposed sookhsham will
be, firstly a navamsha from the traditional dashamansha and then
a dashamansha from the traditional navamsha, in the reverse order.
Charts in the sookhsham series are prepared and used
extensively in differentiating the destinies of twins , where the
original birth chart is the same and in more than 30% of cases the
navamsha is also the same. Some of these cases of twins are
described in this book in subsequent chapters. Some of the charts
of sookhsham series are as follows.
1) S-9/9; A navamsha of a navamsha: Magnification 81 x. Since,
this chart has only one type of division of the rashi followed
by same type of arrangement for the fractions, the sookhsham
can be prepared, directly from the birth chart (D-l)
2) S-10/9: A navamsha of dashamsha, and S-9/10, a dashamsha
of a navamsha. Magnification 90 x. These sookhshams cannot
be prepared directly from birth chart (D-l)
3) S-12/9; A navansha of a dwadashamsha, and S-9/12, a
dwadashamsha of navamsha. Like dashamsha, these
sookhshams can also be not prepared directly from the birth
chart, (D-l).
4) S-7/9; A navamsha of a saptamsha, and S-9/7, a saptamsha of
a navamsha. Magnification 63x. Like navamsha, the basis for
preparing the two divisional charts is quite similar, therefore,
the sookhshams can be prepared directly from the birth chart,
5) 5-3/9; A navamsha of the dreskona, and S-9/3, a dreskona of

a navamsha. These sookhshams cannot be prepared directly
from the birth chart (D-l).
6) Almost all the divisional charts can be processed for
sookhsham except the trimshamsha (D-30).
it is very clear from the above that the unique status of
navamsha is not only maintained but is further strengthened
further as it is combined with almost all other divisional charts
and a new series of sookhshams are prepared.
There are certain limitations for sookhshams. All divisional
charts cannot be treated for super speciality sookhshams.
Divisional charts which are created by using one uniform criteria
are eligible for further subdivisions to form the sookhshams. Charts
like D-30, where there is no uniform pattern of division, cannot be
subjected to further divisions and sookhshams prepared thereof.


In the previous chapter, it has been pointed out that the

sookhshams are prepared from the divisional charts . Two
divisional charts are combined to make one sookhsham. One out
of the two divisional charts is always the navamsha and the second
one a conventional divisional chart. We have also learnt that the
span of a particular divisional chart varies , for every chart. The
different divisions for the conventional charts are reproduced, for
ready reference.
Saptamsha 257.14 minutes
Navamsha 200.00 minutes
Dashamsha 180.00 minutes
Dwadashamansha 150.00 minutes
Shastiamsha 30.00 minutes
Planets, which are the power center in the birth chart, remain
at their same position in terms of its longitude, but are relocated,
within the above span for the respective divisional chart. The first
step in preparing a sookhsham chart, is to identify precisely, the
position of the planet, within the above fractional span, which is
running and is not yet completed. This is done by subtracting the
completed fractions of the respective divisional chart, from the
original position (longitude) of the planet in the birth chart (D-l).
Suppose a planet is at 17 degree 32 minutes, in a particular rashi
in the birth chart (D-l). Its position in the different divisional
charts will be as follows.
Position of the planet 17 degree 32 minutes
Less compled saptansh (four) 17 degree 08 minutes 34 sec
0 degree 23 minutes 26 sec.
The position of the planet for casting a sookhshamof saptansha, is
23 minutes 26 seconds, in the fifth saptansh of the same rashi.

Position of the planet 17 degree 32 minutes
Less completed navamsha (five) 16 degree 40 minutes
00 degree 52 minutes
The position of planet for casting a sookhsham of navansha, is zero
degree 52 minutes, in the sixth navamsha of the same rashi.
Position of the planet 17 degree 32 minutes
Less Completed dashmansh (five) 15 degree 0 minutes
02 degree 32 minutes
The position of the planet for casting a sookhsham of dashamsha
is two degree and 32 minutes, in the sixth dashamsha of the
same rashi.
Postrion of the planet 17 degree 32 minutes
Less Completed dwadashansh (seven) 17 degrees 30 minutes
The position of the planet, for casting a sookhsham. Of
dwadashamsha, Is only two minutes in the 8th dwadashamsha of
the same rashi.
In this way the position of all the planets and also that of
lagan, for casting a sookhsham, can be worked out.
Let us take one example chart of a person born On October
12, 1931, at 0755 hours at Machlipatanam (Andhra Pradesh). The
first step is to prepare the birth chart and then the required
divisional charts. The next step is to identify the position of the
planets in the divisional charts, as explained above. Four divisional
charts, namely D-9, D-7,D-10, and D-12 are prepared and the
position of the planets are indicated in the each chart. All
reference, from now onwards will be to these positions of the

Lag 2 IMS'
Sun 24053'
Moon Example
Mars 24001' 12 Oct. 1931 Jup -
0.7:55 Mrs.
Mer 20004' Machlipatanarr
Jup 24042' Andhra
Ven 03054'
Sat 24004' Lag Sun
Sat Moon Mer
Rahu MarsVen Ket

Lag OI^S'
^SyMars ^ Ket Mars
Sun 01033'
Moon 02046' ^ Ket Jup
Mars 0
00 41' Jup Mer
Mer 00004' ^ Mer 10 D-9
Jup 01 22' Sun
Ven 00034' JC Moon
74 9
0 y/\ Ven Moon
Sat 00 44' Sat Rah
Rahu 02030' jA N. /Ven8Sat

Lag 00048'
Mars ^ Rah Lag Mars
Sun 00053'
. XX 2 \ / 12
Moon 02046' /x xxRah
Mars 00001'
Mer 02004' D-10
Jup 00042' Sun Sat
Ven 00054' J[t Ven Jup 10
>/X. Mer y^XSun
Sat 00004' Ven Jup Moon Ket
Moon N. / Mer
Rahu 00030'
Lag 00022'17
Lag Sat Jup
Sun 03027'17 12 10
Mars Ket
Moon 02046,00 Ket^A. Mars
Mars 02035'17
Mer 02055'26 D-7
Jup OS0^'^ Sun
Ven 03054'00 Mer yV r,8^
Sat 02038'17 xs y/N. Rah Moon
S n. S Moon N. Ven
Rahu 03055'12 / Sun Ven

Navamsha ka navamsha, S-9/9, is the first sookhsham chart

that will be prepared. We know that a full navamsha is of 3 degree
8^ 20 minutes or of 200 minutes. This is equally and uniformly
divided into nine parts and each part works out to 22.222 minutes.
In the table 4.1 are given the nine divisions of a navamsha.
For our example chart the navamsha lagna is Aries and at
one degree fk 48 minutes (example chart). From the above table,
it is in the fifth division, and therefore, the lagna for S-9/9, goes to

Table 4.1
Part Minutes Deg Min Sec
1 22.222 0 22 13 333
2 44 444 0 44 26.666
3 66.666 1 06 40.000
4 88.888 1 28 53.333
5 111 111 1 51 06,666
6 133 333 2 13 20 000
7 155.555 2 35 33 333
8 177 777 2 57 46,666
9 200 000 3 20 00.000

Leo. Moon is in Libra, at two degree 8. forty six minutes. From the
table 4.1, this corresponds to the eighth division. Six rashis are
already completed, therefore the position of Moon in S-9/9, works
out to 6x9+8/12. The remainder is 2, and thus the Moon goes to
Taurus. Working out the complete S-9/9, will look like as follows.

4 Rah Moon
7 . Mer
Ket Sun Ven
Mars Mer
2 S-9/9
Wloon Lag
Jup Sun Ven
11 Sat
Mars 1
10 12 vRah Ket

The overall magnification of S-9/9 is 81 times (81 x). This

chart is basically a navamsha, prepared twice, one after another.
Therefore, the chart can also be prepared, directly from birth
chart ( D-1 ), as D-81.
One rashi of 30 degree, is divided into 81 equal parts of
22.222 minutes or 22 minutes fk I 3.333 seconds. The sookhsham
division, in the birth chart (D-1), is noted, first. Then the sookhsham
is worked out, as in navamsha, as per the following formula.
Completed rashi( by planet in D-l), X 81 + Sookhsham
division of the planet, divided by 12. The remainder gives the
rashi where the planet will move in S-9/9.

Table 4.2
It is a ready recKoner for preparing the S-9/9
Planets Planets in D-9
1 12 [3 |4 ] 5 j6 17 18 ! 9 |10 |11 jl2
Deg Mm Sec Planet goes in S-9/9
1 0 22 13 333 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
2 0 44 26 666 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5
3 1 06 40,000 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6
4 1 28 53 333 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7
5 1 51 06,666 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
6 2 13 20 000 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9
7 2 35 33 333 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10
8 2 57 46 666 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11
9 3 20 00 000 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12

In the example birth chart, the lagna is Libra at 21 degree 48

minutes. The lagns is at 59 division for sookhsham. Since six
rashis are completed, the formula becomes 6x81 + 59 ^ 545.
Dividing this by 12, the remainder obtained is 5, indicating that
the lagna for S-9/9, of our example chart is Leo.
In the example chart, Mars is again Libra, at 24 degree fk 01
minutes, and this works out to 65 division for the sookhsham
chart. Therefore, it works out to 6 x 81 + 65 = 551. Dividing this
by 12, the remainder obtained is 1 1 and, therefore Mars goes to
Aquarius in S-9/9.
Further, jupiter is in cancer at 24 degree fk 42 minutes and
this works out in 67 division for the sookhsham. Applying the
formula, 3x81 + 67 - 310. Dividing this by 12, remainder obtained
is 10 and thus Jupiter in S 9/9, gets debilitated.
Thus, on the similar lines, the position of every planet in D-1
can directly calculated for S-9/9.
This table 4.3 is given as a ready reckoner for preparing the
S-9/9, directly from the birth chart (D-l).

Table 4.3
Planets in D-1
■ ! o J ,
8 DP. 11 12
Planets go to in S-9/9
1 ' 0 j22 13.333 110 10 7 10 7 4
26.666 11 i ^ I!11 8 11 5

3 1 00 40.000 i12 I 6 I 12 9 '12 9 6
4 ! 1 28 53.333 I 1 1 10 1 10 7
5 ' 1 151 06,666 !2 2 11 2 11 8

6 2 13 20.000 6 3 12 9 6 " 3 12 9 6 3 12 9
7 2 35 33.333 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10
8 2 57 46.666 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11
9 3 20 00.000 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12
'lO 3 42 13.333 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1
11 4 04 26.666 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2
12 4 26 40.000 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3
13 4 48 53.333 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
14 5 11 06.666 2 11 J8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5
15 5 33 20.000 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6
16 5 55 33.333 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7
17 6 17 46 666 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
18 6 40 00.000 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9
19 7 02 113.333 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10
20 7 24 26.666 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11
21 7 46 40.000 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12
22 8 08 53.333 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1
23 8 31 06.666 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2
.24 8 53 20 .000 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3
25 9 15 33 333 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
26 9 37 46.666 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5
27 10 00 00.000 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6
,28 10 22 13 333 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7
.29 10 44 26 666 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
30 11 06 40.000 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9
31 11 28 53.333 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 io-
32 11 51 06.666 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 ii
33 12 13 20.000 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12
34 12 35 33.333 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1
!35 12 57 46.666 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2
!36 13 20 00.000 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3
37 13 42 13 333 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
38 14 04 26.666 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5
39 14 26 40.000 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6
40 14 48 53.333 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7
41 15 11 L06.666 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
42. 15 33 20.000 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9
43 15 55 33,333 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10
44 16 17 46.666 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11
45 16 40 00.000 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12
46 17, 02 13.333 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1
47 17 24 26.666 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2
48 17 46 40.000 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3
49 18 08 53.333 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
50 18 31 06.666 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5
51 18 53 20.000 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6
52 19 16 33.333 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7
53 19 37 46.666 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
54 20 00 00.000 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9
55 20 22 13.333 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10
56 20 44 26.666 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11
57 21 06 40.000 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12
58 21 28 53.333 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1
59 21 51 06.666 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2
60 22 13 20.000 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3
61 22 35 33.333 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
62 22 57 46.666 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5
63 23 20 00.000 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6
64 23 42 13.333 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7
65 24 04 26.666 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
66 24 26 40.000 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9
67 24 48 53.333 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10
68 25 11 06.666 8 5 2' 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11
69 25 33 20.000 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12
70 25 55 33.333 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1
71 26 17 46.666 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2
72 26 40 00.000 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3
73 27 02 13,333 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
74 27 24 26.666 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5
75 27 46 40.000 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6
76 28 08 53 333 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7
77 28 31 06.666 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
78 128 53 20.000 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9
79 J29 15 33.333 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10
80 29 37 46,666 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11
81 30 00 00.000 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12

Saptamsha and Sookhsham

Two sookhshams are possible from a saptamsha, S-7/9 and S-
9/7. Infact both are the same. Given, (example chart D-7), is the
saptamsha of our one example chart.
S-7/9, can be prepared from the saptamsha, on the similar
lines. One division of saptamsha is of 4 degree 17 minutes and
8.571 seconds or 257.142 minutes. This one division of saptamsha,
when divided, uniformly, into nine parts works out to 28.571
minutes. Nine divisions, so obtained, are as follows and are given,
in table 4.4.
The sookhsham saptamsha of the planet is noted from the

Table 4.4
Sr. No. Minutes Deg Min Sec
1 28.571 0 28 34.28
2 57.14 0 57 08,57
3 85 71 1 25 42 78
4 114,28 1 54 17.04
5 142.85 2 22 51.30
6 171 42 2 51 25 56
7 200.00 3 20 00 00
8 228.57 3 48 34.28
9 257.14 4 17 08,34
table 4.4 and treated in the same manner. Lagan in the D-7 is
Pisces at 22 minutes and 17 seconds and is in the first division.
Therefore the lagna of S~7/9, is
11x9+ 1 = 100/12. The remainder is 4. Lagan for S-7/9 is
Let us take Jupiter as the second example. Jupiter is in Gemini
at 3 degree 16 minutes and 17 seconds. From table 4.4, Jupiter is
in seventh division. It thus moves to 2 x 9 + 7 = 25/12, the
remainder is one and therefore Jupiter moves to Aries. In this
manner the position of all the planets in the sookhsham S-7/9 can
be worked out, and the chart is given herewith.

Moon Jup Sat

Rah Ven
Kct \/
8 \ / Mer l2
\ /lvloon
Sun X X
S Nv 11
Mars Sun Kct
/ Mars N. /

Similarly, sookhsham saptamsha S~9/7, can also be prepared

from saptamsha D~7. A navamsha is of 3 degree and 20 minutes
or of 200 minutes. This when divided in to seven equal parts
works out to 28.57 minutes, as in the case of S-7/9, in the table
4.4. Since, in both the cases the magnification is 63 times, the
sookhsham division has also to be the same. Therefore, the table
4.4 can be used for both the charts.

Table 4 5
(a ready reckoner for casting the S-7/9)
Planets in D-7
1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Deg Min Sec Planets go to in S-7/9
1 0 28 34,28 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
2 0 57 08 57 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5
3 1 25 42.78 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6
4 1 54 17,04 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7
5 2 22 57.30 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
6 2 51 25 40 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9
7 3 20 00,00 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10
8 3 48 34 28 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11
9 4 17 08 57 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12
Casting, of S-9/7, from a navamsha is also on the similar lines.
Lagan, in the example chart, in D-7, is Aries at one degree 48
minutes. From the table 4.4, it is seen that it is in fourth division.
Therefore, according to our formula, the lagna moves to Cancer,
i.e., 0x7 +4^4. This divided by 12, the remainder is four and
hence the cancer lagna. The second example is of Jupiter, which, in
navamsha, is in Aquarius at one degree 22 minutes. Referring the
table 4.4, it is observed that Jupiter is in the third division. According
to the formula, 10 x 7 + 3 - 73. Dividing this by 12. the remainder
is one and hence Jupiter moves to Aries. Similarly. The planetary
position for all the planet, for casting, S-9/7, can be worked out.

Moon Jup Sat

6^. yf Ven/'^
Rah Ven
Sun ^ jXfwioon
/9 \ /nN^ah Mars Sun Kot
y' Wlars / >,

It is observed that both the sookhsham, namely, S-7/9 and S-

9/7, are the same. This is because the counting for both navamsha
and saptamsha, is in the same cyclic manner, starting from first
rashi Aries to last rashi Pisces, and the cycle getting repeated
The total magnification of both these charts is 63 times. Since
both these charts are basically, prepared on the same principle, the
sookhsham can, also, be prepared directly from the birth chart, i.e.,
D-1, as in the case of sookhsham navamsha. The formula, gets
modified, as follows.
• Completed rashi x 63 -f running division of the planet /12.
The planet moves to the rashi indicated by the remainder.
Example chart (D-l) is again taken for directly casting the
Lagan, in D-l, is Libra, at 21 degree 48 minutes. It is in 46
division. Therefore, 6 x 63 + 46 = 424. Dividing by 12, remainder
obtained is 4. and the lagna goes to cancer.
Moon, in D-l, is in Libra at two degree 46 minutes. It is in
sixth division. Therefore 6 x 63 + 6 = 384. Dividing by 12, the
remainder obtained is 12 and the Moon goes to Pisces.
Saturn, in D-1, is in Sagittarius at 24 degree 4 minutes. It is in
51 division. Therefore 8 x 63 + 51 = 555. Dividing by 12, the
remainder obtained is 3 and Saturn goes to Gemini.
Table 4.6
Planets in D-1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Deg Min Sec Planets go to sookhsham saptamsha
1 0 28 34.28 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10
2 0 57 08 57 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11
3 1 25 42.78 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12
4 1 54 17 04 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1
5 2 22 51.30 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2
6 2 51 25 60 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3
7 3 20 00.00 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4
8 3 48 34 28 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5
9 4 17 08.57 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6
10 4 45 42 78 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7
11 5 14 17.04 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8
12 5 42 51.30 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9
13 6 11 25.60 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10
14 6 40 00.00 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11
15 7 08 34,28 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12
16 7 37 08.57 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1
17 8 05 42.78 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2
18 8 34 17.04 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3
19 9 02 51.30 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4
20 9 31 25.60 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5

21 10 00 00.00 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6
22 10 28 34 28 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7
23 10 57 08 57 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8
24 11 25 42.78 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9
25 11 54 17 04 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10
26 12 22 51 30 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11
27 12 51 25 60 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12
28 13 20 00,00 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1
29 13 48 34.28 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2
30 14 17 08.57 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3
31 14 45 42,78 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4
32 15 14 17.04 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5
33 15 42 51 30 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6
34 16 11 25 60 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7
35 16 40 00.00 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8
36 17 08 34.28 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9
37 17 37 08.57 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10
38 18 05 42.78 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11
39 18 34 17.04 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12
40 19 02 51.30 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1
41 19 31 25.40 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2
42 20 00 00.00 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3
43 20 28 34.28 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4
44 20 57 08.57 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 ,8 11 2 5
45 21 25 42 78 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6
46 21 54 17 04 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7
47 22 22 51.30 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8
48 22 51 25.40 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9
49 23 20 00.00 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10
50 23 48 34.28 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11
51 24 17 08.57 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12
52 24 25 42.78 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1
53 25 14 17 04 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2
54 25 42 51.30 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3
55 26 11 25 40 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4
56 26 40 00 00 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5
57 27 08 34 28 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6
58 27 37 08,57 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7
59 28 05 42.78 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8
60 28 34 17 04 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9
61 29 02 51.30 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10
62 29 31 25.40 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11
63 30 00 00.00 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12

Jupiter, in D-l, is in cancer at 24 degree 42 minutes. It is in
52 division. Therefore 3 x 63 + 52 = 241. Dividing by 12 the
remainder obtained is one and Jupiter goes to Aries.
Similarly, calculations for all the planets can be done to prepare
a sookhsham saptamsha , directly from the birth chart, D-I.
The table 4.6 is a ready reckoner for preparing the sookhsham
saptamsha, directly from D-l.

Dashmansh and Sookhshams

There are two sookhshams around dashamsha. The first is S-9/
10, navamsha ka dashamsha and the second is S-10/9, dashamsha
ka navamsha. The magnification in both these sookhshams is 90
times (90 x). Since the methods of preparing navamsha and
dashamsha are quite different from one another, these two charts
cannot be prepared , directly from birth chart , i.e., (D-l).
S-9/10: Navamshaof 3 degrees and 20 minutes (200 minutes)
and is equally and uniformly divided into ten parts and each part is
of 20 minutes. Ten parts thus obtained are as follows and are given
in table 4.7
Table 4.7
Sookhsham part Minutes Deg Min
1 20 0 20
2 40 0 40
3 60 1 00
4 80 1 20
5 100 1 40
6 120 2 00
7 140 2 20
8 160 2 40
9 180 3 00
10 200 3 20
Locate the position of the planet in the navamsha with the
help of table 4.7. In whatever division the planet is located, in the
navamsha. the same number of houses away, if the planet is in odd
rashi, or if in the even rashi, from the ninth house. The counting is,
in fact, is the same as in preparing conventional dashamsha from
the birth chart.
The lagna of navamsha of our example chart is Aries at one
degree 48 minutes. From the table 4.7, it is the in sixth division.
Aries being the odd sign, the sixth house from Aries is Virgo.
Therefore, the lagna of S-9/ 10 is Virgo

Similarly, Mars is in Taurus at 0 degree 41 minutes. It is in the
third division. Taurus is an even sign. The ninth house from Taurus
is Capricorn and third from Capricorn is Pisces. Therefore Mars, in
S-9/10 moves to Pisces
Similarly, the position of all the planets can be calculated. The
complete chart S 9/10, is as follows.

Mars Rah Moon

8\, ^\ven yf4 Mcr Jup
Ket Sat

9 Moon S-9/10
Sun Ven
J0 \/ Mars X/
Ket Lag

Table 4.8
(a ready reference table for preparing sookhsham navamsha ka
dashamsha , S-9/10)
Planets in D-9
1 \2 | 3 1 4 | 5 6 7 8 |9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Deg Mm Planets go to in S-9/10
1 0 20 1 10 3 12 5 2 7 4 9 6 11 8
2 0 40 2 11 4 1 6 3 8 5 10 7 12 9
3 1 00 3 12 5 2 7 4 9 7 11 8 1 10
4 1 20 4 1 6 3 8 5 10 8 12 9 2 11
5 1 40 5 2 7 4 9 6 11 9 1 10 3 12
6 2 00 6 3 8 5 10 7 12 10 2 11 4 1
7 2 20 7 4 9 7 11 8 1 11 3 12 5 2
8 2 40 8 5 10 8 12 9 2 12 4 1 6 3
9 3 00 9 6 11 9 1 10 3 1 5 2 7 4
10 3 20 10 7 12 10 2 11 4 2 6 3 8 5

Similarly, Dashamsha ka navamsha S-10/9, can be prepared.

A dashamsha is of 3 degree (180 minutes). This, when divided by
9, sookhsham division of 20 minutes is obtained and these divisions
are already tabulated earlier in table 4.7. In our example chart the
lagna of D-10, is Taurus at 48 minutes. From the table 4.7, it is seen
that this is in the third division. Working the navamsha, in the usual
manner, 1 x 9 f 3 =12, Therefore the lagna foe S-10/9 goes to

Moon is in Libra at 2 degree and 46 minutes. Referring the
table 4.7, it is observed, that it is in the ninth division. Applying
the formula for navamsha. 6x9 + 9 = 63. Dividing this by 12, the
remainder obtained is three. So the Moon goes to Gemini in S-10/
9. The position of all the planets in dashamsha can be for S-10/9.
The complete chart is given here.
N. Sat // ^gt yS Sun Sat Moon
2 c12 10
/X X. Mer
s. Moon y S-10/9
Mer Rah
Ven /t\
Mars Jup
/S Rah \ Mars N.\ Ven

Table 4.9
(for pre jaring the sookhsham S-10/9, from dashamsha)
Planets in D-10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Deg Min Planets go to sookhsham S-10/9
1 0 20 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
2 0 40 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5
3 1 00 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6
4 1 20 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7
5 1 40 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
6 2 00 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9
7 2 20 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10
8 2 40 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11
9 3 00 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12
Dwadashamsha and Sookhsham
Two sookhshams are prepared from dwadashamsha (D-12).
Since the basis for preparing D-12, and D-9 are quite different,
therefore these sookhshams cannot be prepared directly from the
birth chart, D-1. The two sookhshams are, Navamsha ka
dwadashamsha S-9/12 and the dwadashamsha ka navamsha, S-12/
9. The magnification in both these cases is 12x9= 108 times (108
X). 3 degree and 20 minutes of a navamsha is divided into and nine
equal parts the sookhsham division obtained is 16 minutes and 40
seconds. The same sookhsham division of 16 minutes and 40

seconds is obtained when 2 degree and 30 minutes of one
dwadashamsha is equally and uniformly divided in to nine parts.
The same is also the sookhsham division when 30 degree of one
rashi is divided equally and uniformly into 108 parts. The table
4.10 gives the divisions for sookhsham from dwadashamsha
Table 4.10
Division Minutes Deg Min Sec
1 16.666 0 16 40
2 33.333 0 33 20
3 50.000 0 50 00
4 66.666 1 06 40
5 83.333 1 23 20
6 100 000 1 40 00
7 116 666 1 56 40
8 133 333 2 13 20
9 150.000 2 30 00
10 166,666 2 46 40
11 183 333 3 03 20
12 200 000 3 20 00
Dwadashamsha ka navamsha: Dwadashamsha of our example
chart has Gemini lagna at one degree 48 m9nutes. Firstly, as
earlier, the division of the sookhsham is noted from table 4.10.
Lagan is in seventh division. Calculating the navamsha, as usual, 2
x 9 t 7 - 25. Dividing this be 12 the remainder obtained is one and
thus lagna for S-12/9 goes to Aries.
Moon, in D-12, is in Scorpio at zero degree and 16 minutes.
It is in the first division. Calculating 7x9+1= 64. Dividing by 12
the remainder is four and Moon goes to Cancer in S-1 2/9.
Saturn is in Virgo at one degree 34 minutes in D-12. It is in
sixth division. Calculating 5x9 + 6 = 51. Dividing it by 12 the

Lag Sun
Rah Sat
SuriS/^'^ Rah ^
/ \ /\ Moon
s. Moon w,er
y S-12/9
Ket Mars

/ K \ / 8\ven Mars Jup Ket

/ \ / Jup X Ven

remainder is three and so the Saturn goes to Gemini. The position
of all other planets in S-12/9 can be worked out. S-12/9 sookhsham
is given in chart S-12/9.
Table 4.11
(A reference table for preparing S-12/9 from a navamsha)
Planets in D-12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
□eg Min Sec Planet moves to in S-12/9
1 0 16 40 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
2 0 33 20 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5
3 0 50 00 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6
4 1 06 40 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7
5 1 23 20 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
6 1 40 00 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9
7 1 56 40 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10
8 2 13 20 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11
9 2 30 00 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12
Navamsha ka Dwadashamsha (S-9/12)
This chart can be prepared by noting the position of the
planet in navamsha and then finding its division with the help of
table 4.10. The counting is in cyclic manner from the house the
planet is posited in the navamsha. The lagna in the navamsha, in
our example chart is Aries at one degree 48 minutes. From the
table 4.10, it is observed that the lagna is found to be in seventh
division from table 4.10. The seventh house from Aries is Libra
and therefore the lagna of S-9/12, is Libra.
Another example may be taken for jupiter posited in
Aquarius at one degree 12 minutes. This works out in fifth division
(table 4.10). The fifth house from Aquarius is Gemini and therefore
Jupiter goes to Gemini in S-9/12. Similarly, the position of all the
Ket 5
y'C Moon
/ Sun Ven Moon S-9/12
Sat jr N. Mars Sun
\IVler yS Ven
Xx Xx
Ket Lag

Table 4.12
(A reference table for preparing S-9/12 from a navamsha)
Planets in D-9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Deg Min Sec Planets goes in S-9/12
1 0 16 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 0 33 20 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
3 0 50 00 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
4 1 06 40 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
5 1 23 20 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
6 1 40 00 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5
7 1 56 40 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
8 2 13 20 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 2 30 00 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 2 46 40 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 3 03 20 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
12 3 20 00 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

planets of navamsha can be worked out for S-9/I2. The complete

chart (S-9/12) is , for our example chart is given.

Case Studies

Case I — 16/07/1961; Lucknow

A - 16:00 hrs. B- 16:02 hrs.

\ 7 s 9 > X 7 /
1°X 9 /y Ny/ 6 io\ 6
SattR)^ N/
JUD/ N. 8 /XMoon Sat(R) 8 /\Moon
11 5 \ 5 \
/ Rah X 11 Rah X
C Ket Mars / Mars /
2 Xy/ 4
2 x</4
12 >2\^Sun 12
. Ven Sun
/X Ven
/ 1 S 3 X. 1 x 3
/Mer N.
Mer >v
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
21015' ISMO' 21041' 03011' 15041' 18055'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
09041' 19047 ' 030-\3- 04012• 04012' 09041' 19041' 03013' 04012• 04012,

RanS^/^^ 4
Moon gun
yrN^Mars RahS/^ 4 X/^6

S-9/9 N. /X Sun Rah S

X 2 / 1
\jup / XyVerTy/ ^12
Moonv>*y' ^ ^Vyr Sun
Mars/X. y/x. j3*1

Q Moon yC y
Mars y/ S
Sat \ yr X. Vio
Ket ^ 8 ^
8 Mer^y ^^/
/ 3at\ / X.
Ket Mer

These are the charts of twin sisters, born with a difference of
two minutes. Birth chart, navamsha and dashamsha are the same.
Saptamsha is, however, different.
Both of them are married and are having children. Native 'A'
has two male sons and the native 'B' has two daughters. Native A
is a housewife and native B is a professional..
Saptamsha of native A has Virgo lagan and Capricorn as the
5H. Sun is posited in the SH. , which in turn is aspected by Jupiter
and 5L, Saturn, which is in the 11H, Capricorn, and is aspected by
two male planets, Mars and sun.. Thus, both 5H and also its L are
aspected by two male planets.
Sookhsham saptamsha of native A has again the Virgo lagan

Ven Mer Ven Mer

Ket A Sun Ket B Sun

D-1 D-1
Sat(R) 16:00 hrs. Mars Sat(R) 16:02 hrs. Mars
Jup Rah Jup Rah

Lag Moon Lag Moon

Jup Moon Ven Jup Moon Ven

Rah Rah

Sun Sun
D-9 D-9
Lag Lag
Mer Mer
Sat(R) Sat(R)
Ket Mars Ket Mars

Sun Sun Lag Ven

Rah Lag Ven Rah
Jup Jup
Moon Moon
Mars Mars
S-9/9 S-9/9

Sat Sat
Ket Ket
Mer Mer

Case Studies

Case I — 16/07/1961; Lucknow

A - 16:00 hrs. B - 16:02 hrs.


Sat(R) Moon Sat(R) Moon

Jup Jup

Ket Rah Rah

Mars Ket Mars

Sun Ven Sun

Mer Mer
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
21015' 030ir 15040' 18055' 12058' 21041' 0 3011' iSMV 18055' 12058'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
Og^v 19047' 03013' 04012' 04012' 09041' 19041' 03013' 04012 ' 04012'
Jup Mer Ket Jup Mer Ketu
Sat(R) Sat(R)

Rah Rah
Moon Sun Mars M001 Mars
Ven Ven
S-9/9 SunURah
VJ P j Ven
Moon Sun
Ven Mars Rah

Ket Mer

These are the charts of twin sisters, born with a difference of
two minutes. Birth chart, navamsha and dashamsha are the same.
Saptamsha is, however, different.
Both of them are married and are having children. Native 'A'
has two male sons and the native 'B' has two daughters. Native A
is a housewife and native B is a professional..
Saptamsha of native A has Virgo lagan and Capricorn as the
5H. Sun is posited in the 5H. . which in turn is aspected by Jupiter
and 5L, Saturn, which is in the 11H. Capricorn, and is aspected by
two male planets, Mars and sun.. Thus, both 5H and also its L are
aspected by two male planets.
Sookhsham saptamsha of native A has again the Virgo lagan

Ven Mer Ven Mer

Ket A Sun Ket B Sun

D-1 D-1
Sat(R) 16:00 hrs. Mars Sat(R) 16:02 hrs. Mars
Jup Rah Jup Rah

Lag Moon Lag Moon

Jup Moon Ven Jup Moon Ven

Rah Rah

Sun Sun
D-9 D-9
Lag Lag
Mar Mer
Sat(R) Sat(R)
Ket Mars Ket Mars

Sun Sun Lag Ven

Rah Lag Ven Rah
Jup Jup
Moon Moon
Mars Mars
S-9/9 S-9/9

Sat Sat
Ket Ket
Mar Mer

and the 5L Saturn is in the 5H with Mercury. Sun and Mars are
conjoined in the 11H and are aspecting the 5H and its L, Saturn.
Repeated influence of male planets on both 5H and its L, gave the
native two male children
In the case of native B, the saptamsha lagan is Libra and
Aquarius is the SH.The 5H has Ketu posited in it, pointing to
female children only. The 5L, Saturn, is in the 10 H and has no
connection with the 5H. The 5L is aspected by Mars. There is no
male influence on the 5H.
Coming to the Soolchsham saptamsha, Libra is again the lagan.
The 5L, Saturn, is in the 4H with Mercury. Being in the 12H from

Ket Ket
Sun Jup Sun Jup
Mars Mars

Sat Sat
Moon Moon
ven Rah Ven Rah
Moon 9
Mer Ven
Mars Ket Moon Ket
Ve Sat Mars Sat

Rah Jup Sun Jup

S-9/10 Rah
Sun Sun

Ven Ket Mer Mars

Sc 3 Sat 5 NX
Sat Jup
2 Moon / 6
X / 4 X ^ / Ket
Mer X / Moon >

5H, Saturn, is not conducive for the growth of the 5H. However,
two male planets sun and Mars are, in turn, aspecting the 5L.
Native A has an edge over native B. In native A , both 5H
5L are under the repeated influence of two male planets each. In
the case of native B, only the 5L is under the male influence and
not the 5H..This is responsible of male children to native A and
female children to native B.
Native B is professional whereas native A is a housewife. In
the case of native B, both dashamsha as well as its Sookhsham the
2L is exalted. In dashamsha it form dhanyog with the LL and in
Sookhsham it forms Rajyoga with 9L, 10L, 11L and also SLin lagan,
indicating professional prosperity. These planets in the lagan are

Ket Sun Ket Sun

Lag Ven Lag Ven

Mars A Mars B
D-10 D-10

Moon Moon
Jup Sat Rah Jup Sat Rah
Mer Mer

Sun Jup Sun Jup

Rah Rah

S-10/9 S-10/9

Mer Lag Lag

Mars Moon Ket Mer Ven Ket
Van Sat Mars Sat

Rah Mer Sat Rah Mer Sat

Ven Ven
Moon Lag

S-9/10 S-9/10 Jup

Jup Moon

Lag Mars Ket

Sun Sun Mars Ket


Rah Jup
Jup Sat Mars Rah
Mars Moon Sun Sat

Sun Ven Ket oon

Ket ven

® ^\/sun Rah\/ 7 \/5

y/x. Mars Ve,XX

C Rah rKet
e, / S Sat Sun
\ Ven ' / Nv Mer Mars /
SatS/^ 12 11 1
Mer/ Jup j/ N. /r2\ /X ^
/ 11 \Moony' 1 y' Jup / 2
/ Moon \
Ven Moon Ven Moon

Ket Sat Ket Sat

Sun D-7 Rah Sun D-7 Rah

Mars Lag
Jup Mars Lag Jup
Mer Mer

Jup Ket Jup Ket

Moon Moon

Sun Sun
Mars Mars
S-7/9 S-7/9
Sat Sat
Mer Mer
Rah Lag
Ven Rah Lag
also aspected by the LL Jupiter thus strengthening the Rajyoga,
which also involves the 10L.

In the case of native A a weaker Rajyoga is formed in the 3H
and without 1 1L, pointing no independent income of her own. As
compared, a strong and powerful Rajyoga in lagan, involving both
10L and 11L make the native B an earning individual.

Case 2 — 6/09/1968; Muzaffarnagar

These are the birth charts of twin sisters born with a difference

A-ll:l6hrs. B- ll;26hrs.
D-l R /\ e 71K /\ i 7
Ket Mer Ket Mer
Ve Ve
Sun Sun
Jup Jup

Mars Mars

11 11 '
Moon Sat Moon Sat
Rah Rah
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
27°55' 2001 6, 11049 ' 26046, 13009' 29050 ' 20016' IfSS' 26046, IS^g1
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
22022' 11027' 01022' 16018' 16018' 22022' 11027' 01022' 16018' 16018'
4 / Ket yi 4 3
Ket 7i
sXX 3 \/sat 5\/ X/ Sat
/N. Mer Mer
3 ^^7^ Mars / ^ Mars \

SunV7/^ g
S 9
"a7x 7X 1
Z' Rah ^^^7 Moon / Rah^\y Moon
S-9/9 \ Mars 2 7
11 / Mer / \SatVeny7 N. S
12 \y7 8 5
\/ 1
Rah TC

^ Jup Sun y Ket Rah ^

Sat ^\7^6 TV yS Mer Tvt

Moon^C Mars /C Ket Sun
7^\. Ven y' 5 N.

of nine minutes. The birth charts, navamsha, saptamsha and
dashamsha are all the same. Therefore only relevant Sookhsham
charts will be analysed
The native A is a post-graduate in home science and has gone
abroad, after marriage with her husband and settled there. She has
an elder son and a younger daughter. The native B has a degree in
management and is working in India. She has two sons
The Sookhsham navamsha (S-9/9), of native A, the lagan is
Capricorn and the LL, Saturn, is in the 7H, with yogkarak, the 5L &.
10L Venus and also the 4L 11L, Mars, giving rise to rajyogs. LL
Saturn aspects the 12L Jupiter in the 4H. Jupiter and Sun are
mutually aspecting each other along the 4/10 axis. The 12L Jupiter

Rah Sat Rah Sat


Moon A Mars Moon B Mars

D-1 D-1
11:16 hrs. Sun 11:26 hrs. Sun
Jup Jup
Ket Ket
Lag Mer Lag Mer
Ven Ven
Sat Sat
Mars Mer Ket Lag Mars Mer Ket Lag
Ven Ven

D-9 D-9
Moon Moon

Rah Sun Rah Sun

Jup Jup
Rah Jup Moon Rah Jup Moon

Sat Sat
Mars Mars
S-9/9 Ven S-9/9 Ven

Mer Sun Ket Mer Sun Ket

aspects the 1 OH and also its own 12H giving a foreign connection.
Venus, Moon and 5H connection gave the native a graduation in
Home Science
In the case of native B the S-9/9, has Gemini lagan. Saturn,
Mars and Venus are conjoined in the 2H. The 5H is Libra and has
Sun posited in it. This is aspected by Jupiter, the karak for
management education and also the 10L along the 5/1 1 axis. The
involvement of 10, 11 and 5 houses gave the native a career but
there is no involvement of 12H and hence no foreign connection.
The S-10/9, of native A, the 10L 8^ LL Mercury is conjoined
with 12L sun in the 8H, giving the native a foreign connection. The

^\Ven jS \. 3 jS ^^X Yen yr X^ 3 y'
Mer/\. 4 ^/\Moon Mer/C 4 V^Moon

jS iZ. Rah ^X.

\ / \ /
X/ X"""' /
Mars^\ /\Jup x/ 10 x/ 12
WarSj/>. /X jUp
y* Sun yr ^SX. y/^ Sun^^X
S-10/9 X un1 /X /
X^ Meiy' 12X. 1 yT
Jup\/ Moon 4 X. / \/10
Yen /\ /X Rad /x xxKet

3 9
x y\ y
2C 12
yC 2 *\y e \/ 8
Mars X. Moon /\ven
5 7
/ X. yr Sun MerX. // Sat xX. /y \X.

S-9/10 7 5 / X 1 11
-Yon Saty I2XVMoon y/
Suny Rah \y 10
8 6 \y 4 2 X/^
Ket yC Mer
Mars Jupy X.
9 ^
3 \ 3
4X y 8
10 12 \y 2 6 \/
Mer Rah /X-Jup Ket /\Mars
11 x / 1 x. 5 / rX
Moon yyYen Sat
\ Sun

4L 8.7L Jupiter and 9L Jk2L Venus are aspect!ng the 9H and so
also the 5L Saturn from the 12H, fortifying the bhagyasthan. There
is no involvement of 11H/11L in the otherwise good combinations.
In the case of S-9/10, Saturn the 5L is conjoined with the 9L.
Venus, in the 12H. Saturn aspects the 12L Sun in the 2H and also
Jupiter, the 7L. in the 9H. This confirms that the native has gone
abroad after marriage. Though she has the potential to earn, but
she is not earning as there is no direct involvement of either 11H
or 11L.
In the case of native B, in S-10/9, the 10L Jupiter is in the 9H
and is conjoined with 3L Venus. 11L Saturn and 10L Jupiter, both
independently aspect the 3H, showing that her profession is

Jup Rah Moon Jup Rah Moon

Sat Sat

Sun Lag Sun Lag

D-10 D-10
Ven Ven

Mars Ket Mer Mars Ket Mer

Macs Sun Lag Sun

Mer Mars Mer

Rah Rah
S-10/9 S-10/9
Ket Sat Ket Sat

Jup Lag Jup

Ven Moon Ven Moon
Rah Jup Rah Jup

Moon Moon

S-9/10 Ven S-9/10 Ven

Mer Sat Mer Sat

Mars Sun Lag Mars Sun Ket



Kot\< 1
Mer/ \ Moon Mer/N. Moon
s x. Sat /
( Mars j1u0p y C Mars JXT jup y

5 7
y^Rah 5 7
/ N. /^ah

\. 10 /\. 8 /
Marsy/ N. von x. yr N. Rah y/7
Sun\//^ 5 3 11 g X^//sun
Moon/C 9C Sat Jup yA, /vMoon
/ Rah K et N 'v'ars

1 Sat / x
>/ Ket X, >/ 4 X,

Lag Ven Ket Lag Ven Ket

Moon Mer Moon Mer
Sat Sat
Mars Mars
Jup D-7 Jup D-7

Rah Rah
Sun Sun

Ket Sat Ket Sat

Jup Ven Jup Ven

S-7/9 S-7/9

Rah Sun Sun

Moon Mars Lag Rah Moon Mars
Mer Mer

management and the earnings are as a result of self efforts.

Coming to S-9/10, the 10L Jupiter, mutually aspects. 9L Mars

along the 3/9 axis. Jupiter aspects the 1IH also. Finally, the 11L
Saturn posited in the 6H aspects the 10L Jupiter in the 3H,
indicating steady income of the native.
Coming to progeny, in the case of native A, the sookhsham
saptamsha, S-7/9, the 5H is Sagittarius and its lord, Jupiter is
posited in the 7H. The 5L has no connection with the 5H. Saturn,
the 7L, is aspecting the 5H along 5/1 1 axis. Mars, the 9L, is also
Case 3 — I l/l2/1983; Delhi
A - 17:05 hrs. B- 17:08 hrs.

Rah Rah
11 11
Moon Moon

Mars/ N. Sun Jup / > Mars Sun Jup

7 N. Ket / 9 ' 7 \
Ven Sat x / Mer Ven Sat Mer
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
21023, 25013, 13038' 19042' 22008' 25013, 13°39'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
27Q38' ifSS' IS^T 22016, 22016' 27038' IfSS' IS^I'22016, 22016,
Mer Mars Mer // \\ Mars
/ 4 \/
Rah X Rah X

10 y 12
Ket /\fat K- Xj3'
Von / 11 Ven/ 11 N^P
s. /Sun Moon\ x Sun Moon
Sat Mer Rah Sat
Moon Moon

Rah Ket Sun Mer

Mars ven

aspecting the 5H from 2H. Male planets involved are 5L, Jupiter
and 9L, Mars. Similarly, female planets are 6 fk 7L Saturn.
Connection of two male and one female planet gave the native first
a male child and then a female child.
In the case of native B, the 5H is Aries and its lord, Mars, is
posited in the 10H and aspecting its own 5H, Aries. 8L Moon, 9L
Sun and 10L Mercury conjoined in the 11H are also aspecting the
5H. Sun is a male planet but Moon and Mercury are female. The
effect of two female planets is negated by the connection of the
house lord, Mars, a male planet. Therefore, the native has two
male children.

Case 3— 11/12/1983; De hi
Lag Lag
Rah Rah

Moon A Moon B
D-1 D-1
17:05 hrs. 17:08 hrs.

Mer Sun Van Mars Mer Sun Ven Mars

Jup Sat Jup Sat
Ket Ket
Sat Mars Sat Mars
Jup Jup

Sun Lag Sun Lag

Moon Rah Moon Rah
D-9 D-9
Ket Mer Ket Mer
Ven Ven

Sun Mars Sun Mars

Ven Ven
Ket Ket
S-9/9 S-9/9
Rah Rah

Sat Lag Mer Lag Sat Moon Mer

Moon Jup Jup

These are the charts of a twin born with a difference of three
minutes. Native A is a male child and native B is female. Birth
charts , navamsha and dashamsha are the same and therefore,
only sookhshams are discussed.
Native A is a school dropout and has just started his job, as a
clerk in a transport company. Native B is a student of English
The S-9/9, of native A, lagan is Libra and 10L Moon is posited
there. The LL Venus is in the 9H with Z &< 7L Mars. The 5H is
Aquarius and no aspect on 5H. The 5L Saturn is in the 2H, also
without any association. The native is a school dropout.
✓ X 5 /\Moon 5
jr y/^^
/ Mars \/ IV'er X

9 11 9 11
Sat >C Ket Xc Sat
y/ Ket y' \jup
/ 10\ / 12
/ Ven \/ Sun \ / Ven Nyy' Sun N.
2 Rah N^y^
RaX/ s at XX2
Ven yX. X Jup
/ \ / xat
C Moon / Sun yr
y^ Ny Mer /
Mars y' 9^\ .^MOOnV
/ Sun N. / Mars Xy Mer X
X^^ Rah^X,. X4
Sun 8
Ra^X. yX. /X X Sun

8 10 ^NXwiars X/ 12 \X
yr Jup yil\Ket Jupy/X Mars Xv
/ 9 X. XMoonX. /MoonX^6' y' _bat
X \^X MerVen X^ / Mer Ven \/ \

The lagan of native of native B is Sagittarius and LL Jupiter is
in the 10H with exhalted Mercury, the karak for education. The
5H is Aries and Moon aspects it from the 11H. The 5L Mars is in
the 7H with Venus. The 5L Mars aspects the LL Jupiter and Mercury
in the 10H. The native is a student of English literature.
Dashamsha of native A, the lagan is Leo and LL Sun is in the
8H. The 1 OH is Taurus and Mercury is posited there. The 1OL Venus
is in the 6H. Yogkarak Mars is aspecting the 10H along 4/10 axis
The S-10/9 has Taurus lagan and the LL is debilitated in the 5H. The
10H has Mercury and Moon. The 10L is in lagan with Jupiter, in S-
9/10 the lagan is Cancer with 2L Sun in it. The 1 OH is Aries and 10L
Mars in the 9H in R/K axis. The 8H has LL Moon along with

Sun Sat Mer Moon Sun Sat Mer Moon

Jup Jup

Ket Ket
D-10 D-10
Ven Lag Ven Lag
Rah Rah

Mars Mars

Lag Sat
Sat Jup
Moon Rah Moon Lag
Mer Mer Rah
S-10/9 S-10/9
Ket Ket

Mars Sun Ven Mars Sun Ven

Mars Sat Mars Sat

Ket Ket
Moon Lag Moon
MerVen Sun MerVen Sun
S-9/10 S-9 /10
Jup Jup

Rah Lag

Mercury and Venus. The native has started a job involving the
physical labour. No definite profession can be made out as the
native has just started his job and is yet to attain proficiency in it.

Case 4 — 3/10/1960; Jodhpur

These are the charts of twin born with a difference of five
minutes. All the main charts are the same and therefore focus is on
A - 09:00 hrs. B - 09:05 hrs.
6 6
X8 y \S u n /) 9%
y SySun ' 5
Sat 7 Rah Sat 7 Rah
Jup y/ Ven Jup y Ven
s. Mer v Mer ,
4 10 4
riS. y 3 1l\
MoonyS 1 Moon 1 3
KetyX Mars Key Mars
s 12 S 2 12 / 2

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
18040' 23049' 1203V OS^S' igHS' IfiW 23052, 1203r OS^S'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
OS^e' IS^?' 18045' 22008' 22008■ 03016' 18045' 22008 ' 22008'
D-9 \ 1
11 /
\**t/ XvenX Ven yS
2Xiuy 12 xry
Moon V X m™ MoonX X...
Suy/V XS^rs SuryX /XMars
3 Mer
/ 3
K ^'er

46 8
y\ sat y><\
/ 5 \ / 7 \
y \y Rah \ S 5
^Xy^ Rah
/ \Moon y/^
2 N.y Rah \yio

C Rah >< iet > Sat Jup

\ /•> X
y \ Mer yX
\ / Sat NTy yxX Ket \/8

y/^ Mars^X. y^x

concerned sookhsham. The prarabd of the two natives is also the
same. Both are having their own business, mostly trading, and are
doing fine. The difference lies in the fact that native A has migrated
to United States and is doing trading business there. Native B has
stayed back, at his native place, and is pursuing his business.
Further, native A has two daughters, and native B has a son and
also a daughter.
In S-9/9. of native A, the lagan is Sagittarius and its lord
Jupiter is posited in the lagan. The LL Jupiter and 2L Saturn are
mutually aspecting each other along 1 /7 axis. The 9L Sun and 10L
Mercury, which is exhalted, are posited in the 10H forming a very
powerful Rajyoga. The LL Jupiter, 2L Saturn and 8L Moon are

Mars Mars

Moon Moon
Ket A Ket B
D-1 D-1
09:00 hrs. Rah 09:05 hrs. Rah

Sat Lag Sun Sat Lag Sun

Jup Ven Jup Ven
Mer Mer
Lag Ket Moon Lag Ket Moon
Jup Sun Jup Sun

Van Ven
D-9 D-9
Mars Mars

Mer Rah Sat Mer Rah Sat

Rah Sat Lag Sat

Moon Mars
Moon Mars
S-9/9 S-9/9

Lag Ven Ket Jup Ven Ket

Jup Sun Sun
Mer Mer

independently aspecting the 9H enhancing the power of the
house. The 12 5L Mars aspects the 11H and 11L Venus has
shifted to the 12H giving rise to a strong connection with income
from foreign sources.
In the case of native B, the lagan is Pisces and the LL Jupiter
is in the 10H, mutually aspecting 11L Saturn along the 4/10 axis.
Mercury is exhalted in the 7H and 6L Sun is conjoined with it.
In S-10/9, of native A,, the 9 10L Saturn is in the 8H and
aspects the lOH.The 12 7L Mars is conjoined with 5L Mercury in
the 7H. Mars aspects the 10H giving a perfect link to profession
and a foreign land. In S-9/10, the position becomes more clear,

D-10 2 2
Nw yS XR^h JS N. /\Rah yS
Saty\_ 1 y\Ven SatyC 1 y\Vcn

✓x 7
XX '^er X^bX Sun y\i
/6 x ^un X X y Ket X. Mare / 8
y Ket X^Marsy 8 X.
/ Moon x^/X yX Moon X^yX X.
3 Rah 6 5
y/ 2 XKey/^ 0^X
X Xy' Moon \ yyx4
Mars XX \X
Mer Xn.

^ sat y^ y
x ^X^X ^un X
6\/ 8 N^/lO
MoonyC Mars xx Jup Jup
Vler y\ ven y\2
y' ' jS
y Rah X^yX Sat \ Sun Ket
,,2 / ^ X.Ven /
X^MerX y'^^x ^ars
y/ Mer ^^^12
^ X\ Rah ySMoon
^ y/\^Ven
.s XNlars ^X
6 x^y 8 x^/io
® Sun Sat
/ X. Ket X'^S X. yX yvs""
y 6 X. / Sat X.
y Sun ^^x Xj

12L Jupiter is posited in the 10H of Saturn and Saturn aspects
both the 10H and also the LL Jupiter posited in it. Finally the LL
Mars also put its seal of approval to a profession in a foreign land,
by aspecting the 10L Saturn.
In the case of native B, in S-10/9, the lagan is Virgo and the
10H is Gemini and a common lord Mercury posited in the 3H.
There is an exchange between 4L Jupiter and 5L Saturn. Further,
Saturn aspects the tOFH and Jupiter aspects the 11F1 of income. The
3L Mars is conjoined with LL &. 10L Mercury and Mars aspects the
10FT showing Mercury related trading business with all self efforts.
In S-9/10. the 10H is Aquarius and its lord Saturn is posited in the
7H. Mercury, the 5L is posited in the lagan and is aspected by 10L,

Rah Lag Sat Rah Lag Sat

Ven Ven
D-10 D-10
Jup Jup

Mer Sun Ket Mer Sun Ket

Mars Moon Mars Moon

Ven Ket Lag Ven Ket

Sun Sun
S-10/9 S-10/9
Jup Jup

Sat Mars Rah Moon Sat Mars Rah Lag

Mer Mer Moon
Ven Lag Mer
Rah Ven Rah Lag
Mars Mars Mer

Moon Moon
S-9/10 S-9/10
Jup Jup

Sat Sun Sat Sun

Ket Ket

12 \ 12 /XRah/
1 9 1 s NVen/9
Sat 11 N^Mer Sat X 11
X T'
S \ / \JuP
2 8
X. 3 5 X
Mars un
^ y' 4X. Mars /
y' Moon >v yr ® yr MoonN^ / 6 Nv
/ Ket X/ \ / Ket \/ \

Ket N. Mer y' N, Ket /

12 X/ 10 X/ „2 X/ 12 \/10
Ven S-X van yX

^ Mer y S Moon
\ Mars S

y' y' /5\ y/A.
3 Rah
Rah jup
Sat Sun Sat Sun

Lag Moon Lag Moon

Ket Ket
Rah D-7 Mars Rah D-7 Mars
Ven Ven

Mer Mer
Jup Jup

Ven Mer Sun Lag Mer Sun


Ket Sat Ket Sat

S-7/9 S-7/9
Lag Rah Rah

Moon Jup Moon Jup

Mars Mars

Saturn, suggesting Mercury related trading business The LL is in

the 11H and 11L is in the 9H and aspects lagan and also Mercury

posited there No connection of 12H or L with 10H/L.
Coming to the children for the natives, since the saptamsha
in both the cases is the same, only sookhsham saptamsha is
considered. In the case of native A, the lagan is Capricorn and LL
Saturn is in the 7H. The 5H is Taurus and Sun is posited there. The
5L Venus is exhalted in the 3H. No other connection with 5H or 5L.
Exalted Venus suppressed Sun and the native has two daughters.
In the case of native B the lagan is Pisces and LL Jupiter is in
the 8H. The 5H is Cancer and Saturn is posited there. The 5L Moon
is in the 10H with Mars. Mars also aspects the 5H. Mars double
influence on 5H as well as on 5L blessed the native with one male
child and more female influence on the 5H, also a daughter.

Case 5 — 20/06/1985; Delhi

These are the charts of a twin, a brother and a sister born with
a difference of three minutes. Elder one is a male child (native A)
and the younger is a female (native B). Birth lagan is the same and
A - 09:48 hrs. B - 09:51 hrs.
4 ya 4 y/a
7 . 6 yS ^ 6
/Mer 7^ .y /Mer
Sat 5 Moon Sat >C 5 Moon
Ket .Mars Ket Mars
NSun N3un
2 a \y^ 2
/l / i
9 11 Rah 9 yv 11 Rah
.. Ven Ven
x yy 12
x y/ 12
Jup(R) \/ Jup(R) X,^/
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
05008' 24051, 13028' 02005■ 05008' 24053' 19033'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
22056, 13057' ISMS' 22008' 22008• 22056, 19034' 28048' 23053' 23053■
Moon Mer Moon Mer
Ke 11
Sat Mars Sat Mars

Jup Jup

^ 8 > 8 \
ven Rah Sun Ven Rah Sun

Rah Mars Rah
yen Ven
Moon Sun

Sun Sat Moon
Ket Ket
Mer Jup Mer Jup
so also the navamsha and dashamsha. Native A is a mechanical
engineer and native is a commerce graduate. Only sookhsham
charts are analysed.
Rah MerSun Rah MerSun
Ven Moon Ven Moon
Mars Mars

D-1 D-1
09:48 hrs. 09:51 hrs.
Jup(R) Lag Jup(R) Lag

Sat i Sat
Ket Ket

Mer Lag Moon Sat Mer Lag Moon Sat

Ket Ket

Mars Jup Mars Jup

D-9 D-9

Sun Ven Sun Ven

Rah Rah

Sat Moon Sat Moon

Ket Ket
Mer Lag Mer
Jup Jup
S-9/9 S-9/9
Rah Rah
Ven Ven

Sun Mars Sun Mars Lag

^ Sun 7 \ ^ yy^ ®un ,
Mars\/ ^ Mars \y ^y
Ven yX 5 /S. Ven/\^ 5

Rah ^ C Rah yK y>

Mer^^ Moon Mer^^ Moon ^^Jup

S-IO/9 8
9 y^T \ Ju
KeP y'
MoonX/ / \\/ K5
Mer Sa
sun y

MoonS^^ Mars Mars I y^^ 3
Sat^y Ven yr
/ Sun \
5-9/10 4 X 8
X. 6 v Mer y/ V /y 7
up «. 6 y
7 \S 5 \y 3 Sun\/ \/ 5
Rah Sat/X. yA. Rah
/y Jup 2
y7 y 10 4
Moon Mer yy
N. Ven
rx / 11 x. y 1 IVX y'
Sun\/ Mars Mars ^y 1 N/ 3
Sat /x. Ket Ket/ \
/ 10^ y 12 x. y 12 \ y 2
/ Ven Moon X.

Native A, in S-9/9, Mars is yogkarak being the lord 5H and

10H and is posited in the 4H. Mars aspects the LL, Moon, in the
11H. LL and 2L, Sun, are mutually aspecting each other forming
dhanyog. Another good yog is formed by mutual aspect of 11L,
Venus, and 9L, Jupiter along the 2/8 axis.
In S-10/9, Mars is again a yogkarak and form a powerful
Rajyog, with 10L Venus , in the 7H The 7L Saturn is in 5H with 12L
Moon and aspects thee 5L Jupiter in the 2H. 5L Jupiter aspects LL
Sun in the 6H and also the 10H.
In S-9/10, Mars still continues to be the yogkarak and is
posted in the 7H in R/K axis. The 10L, Venus and the 11L, Mercury


Jup Ket Jup Ket

Moon Sun Moon Sun

A Sat B Sat
D-10 D-10
Lag Lag

Mer Rah Mars Mer Rah Mars

Van Van

Rah Rah

Mars Mars
Van Van
S-10/9 S-10/9
Sun Mer Sun Mer

Moon Jup Moon Lag Jup

Sat Ket Sat Ket

Moon Moon

Mars Mer Mars Mer

Ket Ket
S-9/10 S-9/10
Van Lag Van Rah
Sun Jup Sun Jup Lag
Sat Sat

mutually aspect each other along the 6/11, generating dhanyog.

Similarly, 9L Jupiter and 12L Moon aspect each other along the 4/
10 axis. 9L Mars also aspects the 10H.
There is a consistent connection between Mars, a technical
planet, and 5H/L and 10H/L pointing to technical qualifications
and also the profession. Another notable feature is that the lagan,
in almost all the charts, is Leo. And, therefore, the native is destined
to enjoy position of authority in his profession.
Coming to native B, in S-9/9, the 5L is Saturn and is posited in
the 7H. 5L aspects exhalted Moon, the 1 1L, in the 9H. LL Mercury
and 7L Jupiter are conjoined in the 6H in R/K axis.
In S~10/9, 5L Saturn is conjoined with 10L Moon in the 3H

and aspects the 9H. . Mars the 2L and Mercur/, the 9L mutually
aspect each other along the 5/11 axis. In S-9/10, 9L Mercury is in
the 10H and aspects LL Venus in the 4H.. 5L Saturn and 1 1L Sun
are conjoined in the 3H. 5L Saturn aspects 7L Mars in the 5H and
Mars, in turn aspects the 10L Moon in the 8H. Involvement of
Mercury shows the commerce education.

Case 6— 12/11/1976; Delhi

A - 19:05 hrs. B- 19:15 hrs.
3 3
D-l \ 1 \ 1
\Moon > v Ket XMoon y sKet
4 4 X. /
Sal X / 2 12 Sat 2 12
Jup(R) Jup(R)
11 5
( 5 V

8 10 JC 8 10
yK Mars /rx Mars
/ Sun > ' 9 / Sun^ 9
/ Mer Rah Ven / Mer Rah Ven
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
23039' 26045• 28035■ OO^S' 29049, 26005' 26046' 28040, OO^B' 29049'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
O3022' 04011' 23007' 09053' 09053' 03022 ' 04012' 23007' 09053' Og^S'
6 ® ^S\?''arS/^un
JC IVIer ^X/^ ® ^x/^ Mer

^ ^en

Rah/X, jup R
^X\Ju1p y/C
/ 10 \ / 12 X.
/ Sat \
jV yS NyMoonI yT ^^X Rah y||/'/^^\. Sun y/^
Mer XK 11 10 8
Ket yA. y/X. Vs6

x xx Mars y
sS. y' Sun
Mars Jup
yK Sat X. y/ 8
y/^er KetS^

These are the charts of twin sisters born with a difference of
ten minutes. Birth charts and navamsha is the same. Both the
natives are undergraduates and are working as stenographers.
The only difference is that native A is serving in a private company
whereas the native B is in government service
In S-9/9, of native A the tOH is Capricorn and 10L Saturn is in
the 6H of servitude. 2L fk 7L Venus and 4L Moon are conjoined in
the 12H and mutually aspect the 10L Saturn. The 5L Sun is with 9L
jupiter in the 7H. Saturn also aspects Mercury in the 3H.
In the case of native B, the 10H is Leo and LL Mars is posited
there. The 10L Sun is in the 12H with 5L jupiter. Both jupiter and
Saturn aspect Mercury, quite independent of each other. 9L Moon

Ket Lag Moon Ket Lag Moon

Jup(R) Jup(R)

A Sat B Sat
D-1 D-1
19:05 hrs. 19:15 hrs.

Ven Mars Sun Mer Ven Mars Sun Mer

Rah Rah
Ven Sun Mer Ven Sun Mer
Moon Moon
Ket Ket
Jup Mars Jup Mars
D-9 D-9
Sat Lag Sat Lag

Rah Rah

Moon Lag Mer Moon Mer

Ven Ket Ven Ket

S-9/9 S-9/9
Mars Mars

Rah Sun Sat Rah Lag Sun Sat

Jup Jup

is with 7L Venus in the 5H and are aspected by Saturn.
The dashamsha of native A has Taurus as the 10H. The 10L
Venus is again in the 6H of servitude and also in R/K axis. The
yogkarak Mars is with Mercury, the 11L, in the 12H and aspects
10L Venus along 6/12 axis. The lagan is Leo and LL Sun is in the
11H and has no connection with the 10H or 10L.
In the case of native B, the 10H is Gemini and Sun is posited
there indicating government service. The 10L Mercury is in the
11H with Mars and also in R/K axis. The 9L Venus aspects the 10L
Mercury along the 5/1 I axis.
In all the above four chart there is persistent aspect of Saturn
on Mercury indicating hard working Mercury orientated job.
\ 6 4 > 7
WerMars/ 5
\Ket/ Sat . /4
7 \/ 5 V/ 3 8 Mor
/\ yS\Sun 6 Mars
8 2 ^ 9 3
C Sun
11 1 IflS 12 ' 2
Jup Rah Moon
/ 10 \ / 12 11 ' i
/Rah Ven Moon X. Jup
Moon Sun Moon Sun

Mer Ket Mer Ket

Jup Mars Jup Mars
Rah D-10 D-10
Lag Rah
Ven Ven

Sat Sat Lag

Case 7 — 07/07/1977; Delhi

These are the charts of twin brothers born with a difference of
three minutes.
The native A is in service and is also not married. The native B
is having a business of his own and was married when he was
running the dasha of Ketu/Venus/Moon.
The birth chart, navamsha and dashamsha of both the natives
are the same, and, therefore, only sookhshams are discussed.

A- I 1:07 hrs. B- I 1:10 hrs.
\ 7 \ 7 5 /
sX y 8\ > X / 4
6 4 6
Rah Sat Rah /v ®at
3 3
/ 9 Sun f 9 Sun x.
Mer Mer /
'2 toXy 2
loXy/ 12 Jup 12 X S Jup
Moon yen Moon /\Ven
11 \Kct j/ 1 s 11 \ Ket ./ 1 X
S Mars Mars X.
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
03024' 21027, 10026' 29007, 29055' 04004, 21027' lO^S1 29007' 29055•
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
27036' 07005' 22015, 26043• 26043' 27036' 07005' 22015• 26043' 26043'
X. Ket X. s®t yS
iNVen/ 11 X. / „ iXye n/l iV ^/
'\X ^\Mars SU
/\ ^/K^flars

5 5
Mer/\^ ^\Moon Mer/X yXwoon
Ju Rah
/ Xv>/^ P X. / X^y/jUp RaXv
^X.Moo'v'^^ ^X. ^X s 8~ ^XMarsy/'^
10 X./ Mo0n X.y'^G
9 Mars Ven Rah Xf X.

Rah ^^^^^Sun Sat^^

X .^X. s
Xf Mer ^SXy'Sun
Jup /N. /\ Sat
yT Jup X. y' 2 X. yr 1X. yT 3X^6'

The S-9/9, of native A, the lagan is Libra and 7L Mars is

posited there. The native is thus mangalik. 7L Mars is aspecting its
own 7H. Saturn is also aspecting the 7H which has no benefic
aspect. From Moon the 7H is Taurus and Mars is aspecting this
house. There is no benefic aspect on the 7H from Moon. From
karak Venus the 7H is Aquarius and there is still no benefic aspect
on the 7H from Venus. Complete absence of any benefic influence


Moon Mars Jup Sun Moon Mars Jup Sun

Ket Ven ^"Mer Ket Ven Mer

A Sat B Sat
D-1 D-1
11:07 hrs. 11:10 hrs.

Lag Lag
Rah Rah
Ket Sun Mer ' Ket Sun Mer
Ven Ven

Lag Lag
D-9 D-9
Sat Sat

Mars Moon Jup Mars Moon Jup

Rah Rah

Jup Mer Jup Mer

SunSat SunSat
Ket Ket
S-9/9 S-<5/9
Rah Ven Rah Ven

Moon Lag Lag Mars

Mars Moon

on the 7H has not given the marriage to the native.

In the case of native B Taurus is the 7H from lagan as well as
from Moon. Mars is aspecting the 7H from the 12H. 7L Venus is
posited in the 10H. The native was married during the dasha of
Ketu/Venus/Moon. The MDL Ketu is in the 9H. The ADL is Venus
the 7L and is posited in the 10H. Moon, the PDL is in lagan and is
aspecting the 7H. Two running dashas are having a direct link with
the 7H and hence the marriage.
Coming to the activities of the 10H, since the dashamsha of
both the natives is the same, two sookhshams of each of the native
is discussed.
In the case of native A, in S-10/9, the 10H is Leo and the 10L,

D-10 2
N. Ket y/ y'

^ '^er y' ^ ./

Sat/ /to\ OupV

Say ^ y^S^Moon
yA 8 y* Sun y' 8 y/ Sun
/ \y/ MarsRah \ / \/ Mars Rah \
y' ^\. Ven Moon / iqS. 9 y'
10 \y 8 \y 6 12 NSuy' Sat / 8
Sat /\. Jup y/v Rah '^Ket XX XX Jup
x^X / X
S Sun ^
N. Moon
Ket/\ /yr
y\ M'rs

S-9/10 \ 12 2 12
3S Rah y' i
Mer y 10
X>atx 11 9 \y it
yx Ven

/ 2 8 4
Moon Jup 10 N
V Rah Mars
v Ket
S ' 7 5 9
7 \/
/V Sun
Sun yy^Ven
y4x. y sX
y Mars / s o \ / Moon
x Jup Ket \

Sun, is in the 4H with 9L, Moon, forming a powerful Rajyoga. LL

Mars, is also the 6L, and is posited in the 9H and aspects the Sun
and Moon, the Rajyoga forming planets in the 4H.This gave the
native a service carrier for the native.
In S-9/10. Scorpio is the 10H and the 10L Mars and the 6L
Moon have exchanged houses. The 10H is also in R/K axis. 11L
Jupiter is in the 6H with 10L Mars forming dhanyog. The native has
a good promise of service in the charts.
In the case of native B, in S-10/9, the 10H is Libra and its lord
Venus is posited there. The 11L Mars is posited in the 7H and
aspects the 1 OH and also the 1OL Venus. The LL Saturn also aspects

Mer Lag Mer Lag
Ven Ven

Moon Ket Moon Ket

Sun D-10 Sun D-10
Mars Mars
Rah Rah
Jup Jup
Sat Sat

Mer Mer
Ket Ket

Moon Mars Moon Mars

Sun Sun
S-10/9 S-10/9
Sat Sat

Lag Ven Rah Jup Ven Rah


Mer Rah Mer Lag Rah

Sat Sat
Lag Mars Mars
Jup Jup
S-9/10 S-9 /10
Sun Sun

Ven Moon Ven Moon

Ket Ket

the 10H from lagan as if putting his stamp of approval for the own
business of the native.
In S-9/10, the 10H is Capricorn and 10 Jk 11L Saturn is in the
12H with debilitated Mercury. LL Mars and 9L Jupiter are conjoined
in the 4H and aspect the 10H.

Case 8— 10/01/1981; Delhi

These are the charts of a twin born with a difference of 5
minutes. The birth charts, navamsha and dashamsha are the same
The fate of the two also appears to be similar. Both are engineer
and are in service. Besides, native B has also done a course in
management. Native A is serving in public sector whereas the

A - 12:30 hrs. B - 12:35 hrs.
N. 2 / >. 12 / 2 12 /
X/ii i ^v/ii
3 1 /XJVIoon 3 \y y^Moon
/ x
/ 4 ' 10 N.
f Mars } k Rah Mars j
Rah . Mer / Mer /
\Kot y
x6!/®un 5
\/ 7 Sun
yv ^ 7 /XVen
/ xVen 6 8
S jup6satN.\ y/ 8 X
s // JupSalN X X

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
06055' 26022' 02027' OS^S' 26022, 15046' 14033' 02027,
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
16°28' OS-'IO' 17022' 17022' 05010' 16007' 1'7022' 17022•
D-9 X . XX. Sat y/ \ /\ Mars Sat X
X. Very X. / ^Oup Very
5 Ket y\. 5 Ket 1

7 ^ y^Moon
/C Rah
/ 8 \ Rah / \
/ Sun / Mer Sun X^^X
S-9/9 X Moon XX 11 X
KetJup Mars / X. S
2 Vy Sun J2 \yio
/\ /xSat Rah X
VcnX y/ ^X
9 3
2C ) C
x 10 XX ^ X X. / 6 yX
11 yx 4 X^X Jup 8
y/C Mars MeryC^ yS. ^e'
X 5 X X 7 X
/ Sun X^y/ven2RalT\ yy sat \ y X.

native B in the private sector. Since the main charts are the same
only sookhshams are proposed to be analysed.
S-9/9 of native A has Aquarius is the 5H and no planet is
posited there. The 5L, Saturn is in the 11H and is aspecting its own
5H. Saturn being a hard working technical planet gave the native
a good engineering education. The LL Venus is in the 8H with
Rahu, another technical planet. Finally, the 5L Saturn aspects the


Lag Lag

Moon A Rah Moon B Rah

D-1 D-1
Mars 12:30 hrs. Mars 12:35 hrs.
MerKet MerKet

Sun Jup Sun Jup

Ven Sat Ven Sat
Mars Lag Mars Lag
SatJup Ket SatJup Ket
Ven Ven
Moon Moon
D-9 D-9
Mer Mer

Rah Sun Rah Sun

Sun Moon Ven Lag Moon Ven

Mars Rah Sun Mars Rah

Mer Mer
S-9/9 S-i9/9
Sat Sat

Ket Lag Jup Ket Jup

LL in the 8H. Mars, yet another technical planet is in the 7H with

1OL Moon and aspects both the 1 OH and also the lagan, conforming
the engineering profession for the native.
In the case of native B, the 5H is Cancer, and Mercury, the
karak for education, is posited there. The 5L Moon is with Mars in
the 2H and from there, Mars aspects the 5H also. Mars influences
both the 5L as well as the 5H and hence the engineering education
for the native. The lagan is Pisces and LL Jupiter aspects it from the
7H indicating management also.
The S-10/9 of native A, the 10H is Virgo and the 1 OL Mercury
is with 5L 12L Mars in the 9H. In fact Mars and Sun have
exchanged houses. The LL Jupiter aspects both Mars and Mercury.

A „ B
Moon Moon
Sun Sun
Rah Rah

Mer Mer

Jup Ket Jup Ket

Sat Sat
ven Ven
Mars Mars
Sat Sun
Jup ven

Moon Mars Jup
Mars Sat
Mer MoJ Sun
Ket Ven
Sun Jup
Ven Mer Moon
Sat ars
Moon Rah Sat

Mars Ven
Sun Mer

Involvement of Mars, Mercury, Sun and LL and 10H gave the

native an engineering profession
The S-9/10, has Pisces as the 10H with Rahu posited in it. The
10L Jupiter along with the 2L Moon aspects the 10H. The LL
Mercury is conjoined with 3L, Sun and IIL 8^ 8L Mars in the 11H.
This points to good income for the native from engineering
In the pase of native B, the S-10/9, the 10H is Aquarius and
11L Jupiter is posited there. The 9L and 10L Saturn is also the
yogkarak and is posited in the 9H. The 7L 12L Mars is with 5L
Mercury and are aspecting the 10H and also the Jupiter posited


Lag Lag

Ket Moon Ket Moon

D-10 D-10
Ven Sun Ven Sun
Mars Rah Mars Rah
Jup Met Jup Mer
Sat Sat

Ket Lag

Jup Ven Jup Ven

S-10/9 S-10/9
Sat Mars
Sat Mars Mer
Lag Sun Moon Sun Moon
Rah Rah
Rah Sun 1 Lag Rah Sun
Mar Ven Met Ven
Mars Mars

S-9/10 S-9/10
Sat Sat

Jup Lag Jup

Moon Moon
Ket Ket

there. The native has technical profession with management

applications in a private sector.
The S-9/10, has Leo as the 10H and Saturn is posited there.
The 10L Sun is with LL 6L Mars and also the 11L Mercury in the
6H of servitude. The native is having an engineering profession.

Navamsha Difference One

Case 9 — 27/05/1953; Rohtak

These are the charts of twin born with a difference of 11
minutes at Rohtak. Both the birth charts are the same, Navamsha in
the case of native A is Gemini and in native B is Cancer. Native A is

A - 05:58 hrs. B - 06:09 hrs.
3 1 3 1
' 2 \ 4X \ // 2 X /12
Sun 12 Sun
Ket Jup Mer Ven Ket yc Jup Mer Ven
v. Mars / . Mars y
5 11 / 5 11
6 6
X/ 8 ' 10 X / 8 ' 10
Sat(R)V Rah Sat{R)V' Rah
7 ' 9 7 ' 9
S /S Moon
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
19010' 12013' 21058, 24033' IS0!^ 2'\057' ^20^3^ 22002 ' 24033• 15015'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
lO^S?" 29057 , 27057' 11052 1 ll^' :0057' 29057, 27057' 11052 ' 11052'
Mer Ju
k XX// 3 X\/Moon
/ P
Sat/Vw x'XMer
Sat Ven C Ket >< M°oP" )
x xx x X X x Sun X
X x x X

8 0
/\ xx"

^ ^en
3 1
JI UPXX x5eVl1
Mer X Sat X
/ en
Sun X,
X. Mars X^^ / XX. ^Ket XX Moon
Rah SX
1 X^^ Mer ^
/sunX X^^ 8^S\
/Moon Rah X^ s N>. s '^ars ^S.
an orthopaedic surgeon, having migrated to USA and is doing
very well there. The native B has a diploma in library science and
had done odd jobs, for living. He later landed himself in financial
problems. His brother, native A, then called him to US, where up
till sometime back was having, unsteady living.
Both the birth charts are the same and, therefore, navamsha
and its sookhshams are discussed.

Ven SunMer Ven SunMer
Jup Jup
Mars Mars
A Ket Ket
D-1 D-1
05:58 hrs. 06:09 hrs.

Moon Sat(R) Moon Sat(R)

Ven JupSun Mer Lag Ven JupSun Mer

Moon Moon
Rah Rah
D-9 D-9
Mars Mars

Ket Sat Ket Sat

Ven Lag Jup Ven Sat Jup

Ket Sat Mer Ket Mer

Mars Mars
S-9/9 S-9/9

Sun Lag Sun

Moon Moon
Rah Rah
In native A, the lagan is Gemini and the 10 H is Pisces.
Afflicted Moon is in the 11 H. Exhalted Venus, the 5 L, is posited in
the 10 H. The 9 L, Saturn, is posited in the 4 H and aspects the 10
H and also Venus. Mars, the 11 L also aspects the 10 H and this
accounts for a degree in surgery The connection between Saturn,
Jupiter and Mars lords of 9, 10 and 11 houses make a perfect
Rajyoga and promises comfortable steady life. Further, Mars,
connects the four upachhaya houses and this indicate progressive
growth in life uniformly The exchange between the exalted Sun,
the 3 L and 11 L, Mars points to the self efforts for the achievements.
in the case of native B the lagan is Cancer and 10 H is Aries.

Moon, Sun and Jupiter are posited in 10H and are in R/K axis.
There is no other aspect in the 10 H. The position is not clear and
nothing positively can be made out.

Sookhsham Navamsha
In native A, Aries is the lagan and LL Mars is posited in the 4
H. The 10 L Saturn is in the lagan.. Both LL and 10 L are debilitated
and independently aspect the 10 H confirming the surgery as a
profession for the native. The 4 L, Moon and 5 L Sun are posited in
the 6 H forming a yoga and also activating the 6 H of sickness but
of professional attainments for a medical graduate. Both Sun and

ven mer Mars
Mars Moon Ket
on Mer
Jup Moon
Rah Sat R Jup
Ven Jup
Sat Mer Ket Moon
1*P Ven 11
Mars Jup Sat Mars
Ket Mer Rah
12 Sun
Mars Moon Sat Jup
Ket Sun Mer

Sun Mars

Mer Ven Sat Ket

Moon also aspect the 12 H and exhalted Venus, the 2 L of income.
The 12 H is a house of hospitalization, an essential requirement for
a surgeon, The 12 L Jupiter is also bhagesh and aspects the 11 H of
income making it an income in foreign country.
Another important feature is the connection of upachhaya
houses/lords making the chart as a progressively rising one. The 10
L Saturn aspects Jupiter and Mercury. Jupiter is the 9 L, whereas
Mercury is the 3 and 6 L and Saturn itself is the 10 and 11 L.
In the case of native B the lagan is Sagittarius and LL is in the
7H. The 10 H is Virgo and Sun and Moon are posited there and are
in R/K axis. The exhalted Venus is in the 4 H and aspects the 10 H.
The 10 L Mercury is in the 7 H along with the LL, Jupiter. The

Jup Moon Mer Jup Moon Mer

Sun Ket Sun Ket
Sat(R) Lag Sat(R)
D-10 D-10 Lag
Ven Ven

Rah Mars Rah Mars

Moon Jup Moon Jup
Ket Ket
Mars Mars
S-10/9 S-10/9
Sun Sun

Ven Lag Ven Mer

Sat Rah Mer Sat Rah

Ket Jup Ket Jup

Mer Mer

S-9/10 S-9/10
Lag Ven Ven
Sat Sat
Mars Sun Moon Mars Sun Rah
Rah Moon

professional status of the native is not clear.

D-IO, Dashamsha
Native A, the lagan is Cancer and the 10H is Aries. Jupiter, the
9L, is in the 10H. 10L Mars aspects the 10H from the 3H making
the house strong. Saturn, the 7 8L aspects the 10H - technical
combinations repeated . Mars the 10L also aspects Rahu in the 6H
and Mars also connects the upachaya houses. Venus and Sun have
exchanged houses. Connection between almost all technical planets
and 6,10 and 12 Houses points to very good surgical profession for
the native.
In the case of native B no such combination involving 9, 10
and 11 Houses is there.
Since the position is very clear from dashamsha itself the
sookhshams, though prepared , are not discussed.
Summing up, there is more steady and repeated connection
between 10, 6 and 12 Houses for profession and also the 11H for
steady income in the case of native A from medical surgical
Contrary, the native B has always different planets connecting
the 10H and under different hues of sookhshams also, points to
uncertain nature of the work.

Case 10 — 17/09/1966; Calcutta

These are the charts of twin sisters born with a difference of
three minutes. Birth and lagan chart is the same but the navamsha
differs by one. Boith are housewives. Native A has two daughters
and native B has two sons.
Navamsha — In the case of native A, Cancer is the lagan and
Scorpio is the 5 H and LL Moon is posited there with Rahu and 5 H
is in R/K axis. There is no aspect on 5 H. 5 L, Mars, is exhalted in
the 7 H and is associated with Sun. Both are aspected by Saturn
from lagan influence of female planets, Moon and Saturn, both on
5 H as well as its lord is responsible for two daughters for the
In sookhsham navamsha the lagan is Aquarius.- Sun and Moon
are posited there. The 5 H is Gemini and its lord Mercury is there.
There is no other aspect on the 5 H. Female 5 H and also lagan is
responsible for the birth of two daughters to the native.
In the case of native B the lagan of navamsha is Leo and
Jupiter is posited there. The 5 H is Sagittarius and the house is

A - 13:01 hrs. 13:04 hrs.

Moon Moon
Ket Ket

Sat(R) Sat{R) Mer

Sun Sun
Rah Rah Ven
Mars Mars
Jup Jup
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
VW 00033' 05058' 20057' 06033' 00034, 06000 ' 20057, 06034,
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
04058' 16054' OS^S' 24004• 24004 , 04058• 16054' 03003• 24004, 24004,

6\jup/ 4
Vcn^^ Sat(R) Ket

^ Moon Ket y
X Rah / X /
Moon\y' ^ 12
Mars yr\. y^jloX ^er
/ 9 NySun S 11 N. y/MarsX^ y/ ^2
s y' Mer / Sun X^/ \
\ Mars Ket /\ / \ « y/X. Mars Ket /
\Sat(R)/ \ J0 / X. / \Sat(R) /
^12/ ii \Ven/ 3 XX 1
^ Moon
9 Mer X XMc00n
/ ® s / X / X^un

\ ^ ^'en
3\. JUP
Mer)^^ y'N,
y' Rah Rah X. X.

aspected by its lord Jupiter. 5 L, Jupiter, is aspected by Mars.

Influence of male planets on 5 H and also lagan gave the native
two male sons.
In sookhsham navamsha the lagan is Aries and the 5 H is Leo.
Jupiter is posited in the 5 H, and is aspected by Sun. All male
planets connection with 5 H and also lagan blessed the native with
two male sons.


Sat(R) Rah Sat(R) Rah

A Mars Mars
Jup B Jup
D-1 D-1
00:00 hrs. 00:00hrs.
Ven Ven

Lag Moon Sun Lag Moon Sun

Ket Mer Ket Mer

Ket Ket

Mer Lag Mer Sat(R)

D-9 D-9
Mars Lag
Mars Jup Sun Jup
Moon Ven Moon Ven
Rah Rah
Mars Mars
Ket Mer Ket Lag Mer
Sat(R) Sat(R)
Lag Moon
Moon Sun
Sun S-9/9 S-9/9
Ven Jup Ven Jup

Rah Rah

Saptamsha :Native A has Aquarius lagan and Jupiter is

posited there. 5 H is Gemini and no planet is associated with the
5 H. 5 L Mercury is in the 3 H . Predominant female influence
gave the native female children.
In sookhsham saptamsha the lagan is Gemini and it is in R/K
axis. 5 H is Libra (female rashi) and Moon is posited there. No male
influence on either 5 H or lagan gave the native two daughters.
Saptamsha of native B has Pisces as lagan and Sun is posited
there (both male). The 5 H is Cancer and has no planet. 5 H is also
not aspected by any planet. 5 L, Moon, is with Venus in the 9 H. 5
L, Moon is aspected by Mars. Male influence gave the native two
male sons.

\ 12 1 11
\^un Ket/ . 10 / v Jup
2 12
11 Mars V/ 10
Mer /C Jup 2C Sun
2 8 \ / 3
C Mars 9
Moon /
v Ven y'
3 y/7 6 /3
5C 5 4 \/ Sat Moon
Rah \Veri
/s\ ' 7
' Sat 6Rah\^

aS. Sat yr y/
5 Sat /
MarsV/ 3 \sy 1 1
Mars 3
Sun Rah Moon/\. Sun y^Rah
Men' / >v >^Mer^/

MoonS^^ 9
S / iX

Sun Mer Mars Lag

Ket Sun Mer Mars
Lag Jup
D-7 D-7

Moon Sat Moon Sat

Ven Rah Ven Rah

Ven Lag Ven Rah


Sat Sat
S-7/9 S-7/9
Mars Lag
Sun Mer Mars
Sun Mer
Ket Jup Moon Ket Jup Moon

Sookhsham saptamsha is more clear and has Leo as lagan

and Sun and Mars are posited there. The 5 H is Sagittarius in R/K

axis. No other influence on 5 H, but the 5 L, Jupiter, is aspected
by Mars. Repeated male influence gave the native male children.

Case I I —31/01/1967; Bhilai
These twin sisters were born with a difference of 15 minutes.
Birth charts are the same but navamsha is different. The salient
features are:

A - 04:35 hrs. B - 04:50 hrs.

unMer unMer
ven Mars Ven Mars
Ket Ket

Sat Moon Sat Moon

Rah Rah
Jup(R) Ju(R)
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
-IS0!!' 20046, 26001, UW 'WW 20057, 02056, 26002l
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
03002, 18010' IS^O' CM^S' OG^O' 03002' IS^O'
Rah Moon Mars Mer
Mars Mer Sun Rah Moon
Jup Sat

Ven Sun

Mars Sat Sat
Ven Ven

Jup Mars Mer

Rah Rah

Sun Sun
Moon Mer Jup 6
Ket Moon

Native A native B
TO B 04:35 Mrs 04:50 Mrs
Lagna Sagittarius Sagittarius
Navamsha Lagan Leo Virgo
Education Economics Business Economics
Marriage 24-5-1991 16-1-1996
Dasha Rahu/Sun/Venus Jup/Sat/Sat
Children daughter 7- 5 -1993 no issue so far
General Working in India Working in Australia

Native A, the position is clear in navamsha, where 5H is

Sat Rah Sat Rah

Ven A Jup(R) Ven B Jup(R)

D-1 D-1
Sun 04:35 hrs. Sun 04:50 hrs.
Mer Mer

Lag Mars Moon Lag Mars Moon

Ket Ket

Ket Sun Ket Sun

Moon Moon
Sat Sat
D-9 D-9
Lag Mer
Mer Jup
Ven Mars Rah Ven Mars Lag

Sat Lag Mars Sat Ven Mars

Ven Rah Rah
Jup Lag Jup
S-9/9 S-9/9

Mer Sun Moon Mer Sun Moon

Ket Ket

Sagittarius and 10L, Venus, is posited there. It is aspected by LL
Sun along 5/11 axis. The 5L Jupiter is in lagna with Mercury, the
\ 1 11 1 / 11
. Jup // , Jup S
2 12 N^KIO 2 12 N^xio
Ven /S. Mer Ven Mer

9 \ 3 9
X 3 >

Moon^C 6 8 Moon 6 8
Sat X 7\. Sat /A.
/ 5 > ' Sun 5 > ' Sun
/ Rah Mars N, Rah Mars

Mars yf Moon
® ^NXsun 2 12
Juf^rSv ^X\Rah /x /\Mer

Sun Ven
N. Rah X\ Ket X
KetS/ 11
yX Mer \>X N.
Lag Lag
Ven Ven

Jup Moon Jup Moon

Ket A Ket B
D-7 D-7
Mer Rah Mer Rah

Sun Sat Sun Sat

Mars Mars

Mars Sun Lag Mars Sun

Rah Rah

Moon Sat Moon Sat

S-7/9 S-7/9
Mer Lag

Ven Jup Ven Jup

Ket Ket

karak for education and also economics. The 5L Jupiter aspects its
own house and strengthen it and thereby promising good education
and effect of Mercury on 5L gives economics.
Native B, the position is more clear in S-9/9, where 5L Mercury
is in the 10H and the 10L Mars aspects it from the 4H and a
Rajyoga is formed.. The 10H is in R/K axis. The 1 1 and 2L Jupiter is
exhalted in the 6H and aspects the I OH and also Mercury posited
therein making good education for the native with specialization in
business economics.

Native A, in S-9/9, the MDL Rahu is in the 2H, ADL Sun is in
D-IO 3
\^ y/X^enJup/
N. Mer y' 1 12 y'
3 Ny' Ven Ny^ll
/\ Jup /\Sun
/ \ Ket / \ / '^er y/

x yx ^un y
6 8
„7 PX Moon zX10
X X Mars X \Sat , X7\. yX\.
yX 6 Rah / 8 XMars\ / sat \
yX yX Moon / Rah X/ bat \
rV \Mer yX ^X JuP yXXv Mars yX
g X^y Mer X/enx 2
Rahj M rs
yX "P yX/VN^Ven

k A
Rah NX Sat
2^ Kot >2

9 11
yXSat 1" ^S/Moon
S N.N. Xl2\K e
yX g\ yX'Nv un
MoonN. t

S-9/10 4
z' 0 ^vMoonyy
X. / Mars \ y^ 1
7 ® ^\/Mars 5 Sun Mer
RahyN. Sun
jUp 2
N Moon y

VenXX n \X Met Rah\X ^ NX"

Sat / \ / \ Ket
10 yX 8 \ SatyX 10 N.
X N. X 12 \

Lag VenJup Lag
VenJup Mer Ket Mer
Sun Sun
A 3
D-10 D- 10

Sat Moon Mars Sat Moon Mars

Rah Rah

Moon Sat Mars Moon Sat Mars

Sun Ket Ven Sun Ket Ven

Mer Lag
S-10/9 S-10/9
Jup Jup

Rah Rah

Mer Lag
Mer Moon Mars Ket Moon Mars
Ket Sun Sun

S-9/10 S-9/10

Ven Jup Rah Ven Jup Rah

Sat Sat

the 7H and PDL Venus in the lagna. Venus is also the karak for
marriage. Thus the dasha is ideal for marriage.
For native B, the marriage took place in Jup/Sat/Sat,
comparatively later. In navamsha, the MDL Jupiter is is posited in
the 12H and ADL and PDL Saturn in the 1 1H. Jupiter also aspects
Venus, the karak for marriage. The dasha favours marriage.

Native A, has a daughter, born in Rahu/Mars/Saturn dasha. In
S-7/9, the 5H is Sagittarius with Ketu and Venus posited therein.
Jupiter the 5L, is in 3H, aspected by Mars, the ADL. The MDL Rahu
aspects the 5H. Presence of Ketu in the 5H gave a daughter to the

Native B has no child. Saptamsha has Cancer as 5H, with its
lord Moon posited therein. It is aspected by Mercury along 5/11
axis. In S-7/9, the 5H is again Cancer with Saturn posited in it and
the 5H is again aspected by Mercury. No immediate promise.

Native A, in navamsha the 10L, Venus, is in the 5H, aspecting
the LL, Sun, in the 11H. The 11L, Mer, has gone to lagna. Mars, the
9L aspects the 9 and 10H. All this assures good profession. In
dashamsha, the 9L Jupiter aspects Saturn, the 10 and 11L forming
a Rajyoga and also good combination for profession. In S-10/9 ,
the 9L Mars and 10L Venus are conjoined in the 11H. In S-9/10,
Venus and Mars mutually aspect leads to repetition of the Rajyoga.
Aspect of Saturn adds stability to the yoga and points to sound
professional career.
Native B, In navamsha there is an exchange between 10 and
12 lord, and aspect of 9 2L Venus on the 10H, is a good
combination for profession in a foreign land. In sookhsham
navamsha the 12L Saturn aspects Mars, the 10L, and also the 11H
forming a good combination for working in a foreign land. In
dashamsha, the 11L Jupiter is in the 12H and aspects 9 8^ 10 L
Saturn in the 8H, again a good combination for migrating and
working abroad. In S-10/9, the 10L, Mars has gone to the 12H and
is conjoined with Venus the 11 L. Jupiter the 9L, aspects 10H,
again, forming a combination for settling abroad.

Case 12 — 24/05/1974; Delhi

These are the charts of two brothers born with a difference of
ten minutes. Birth lagna of the both is the same but navamsha
differs by one.
Both of them are doing business, trading primarily in consumer
goods. The difference lies in the fact that native B has migrated to
United States, whereas native A is settled at birth place.
Native with the chart B, navamsha has a powerful Rajyoga
where 10L, Sun, and 12L Venus are conjoined in the 5H. These are
aspected by exhalted 11L, Mercury from the 11H. LL Mars aspects
the 11H and its L as well as the 9L, Moon and also 3 fk 4L, Saturn,
in the 3H. Connection between 9, 10, 11, 12, Lagan and LL is a fair
indication of moving to the foreign land for work. Involvement of
Mercury indicates trading business.

In sookhsham navamsha the connection between the above
houses is maintained , firstly in the form of mutual aspect between
Saturn and Sun on one hand and Jupiter and Mercury on the other.
This is followed by an exchange amongst 11 and 12 Lords
In S-10/9, the same connection gets repeated when 11L shifts
to the 10H and 10L. migrates, to the 12H. Added to this is the
exchange between 12L and 2L Coming to the second sookhsham

A- 10:10 hrs. B - 10:20 hrs.

Moon Sat Moon Sat
Mars Mars
Sun Sun
Mer Mer
Ket Ket

Rah Ven Rah ven

Jup Jup
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
WIQ* 09008' lO^V 26051' 29000, 15026' OgW lO0*!' 26051' 29001'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
21020' 28019' 10006' 25055, 25055, 21021' 28019' lO^G' 25055, 25055,
Ket Moon Mer
10 Ket
Moon Rah

Rah Mars Sun

Jup Ven
Sun Jup Mars
Jup Sun Sat Ven
Rah Mars

Mars 11
Ket Moon Rah
Ven Sun 4 1
Sat Jup Mer

S-9/10, the above connection gets re-established, as follows.
a. There is mutual aspect between the 10L. Venus, and LL,
b. The 12L. Jupiter, aspects the 9L, Mercury, in the 12H.
c. The 11L, Mars, which is conjoined with 8L, Sun, mutually
aspect the 9L Mercury, along the 6/12 axis.
Persistent connection with 10 and 12 H/L and also the houses
of income 11 and 2 H/L points to a comfortable business for the
native in a foreign land.
Coming to charts of native A, a similar connection between
the houses 9, 10, 11, 12, lagna and 2, can be seen in navamsha,
dashamsha and together in their sookhshams. The only difference

Ven Sun Moon Ven Sun Moon

Mer Mars Mer Mars
Ket Sat Ket Sat
Jup A Lag Jup Lag
D-1 D-1
10:10 hrs. 10:20 hrs.

Rah Rah

Sun Jup Mars Sun Jup Mars

Ven Ven

Rah Rah
D-9 D-9
Moon Ket Moon Ket
Sat Sat

Lag Mer Lag Mer

- Rah Lag Moon Rah

Moon Jup Jup

Mer Mer
S-9/9 S-<)/9
Sun Sun
Sat Sat
Van Mars Lag Ven Mars
Ket Ket

D-10 n. Moon jup y\ 4 y
6\Ven /V 3 / \Sat Kety >y
Ket \ / \ /2
JupSay^ Mery^^ Ven

Mer Sun /
8 N. y12
XX 10 yXj'ah Mars ^^x^^Sun
/ ^s. Mars y/ y^ Rah >v
S-10/9 S. Moon Rahy'N. 1 y
\ Mars y NAIer Sury
4 >Xy 2

\ Jup X\ /

ii\y < \y^°on

y\ sun y?^
/ 12\sat / 2N^h
/ Mer
S-9/10 Mars yA
it's. ^ y/'"\Mer y^
sat \X Ju ^y2
Rah yN. P yA.

2 4
MoonS^^ 10 Ven
Mery N. y^N^Ket y\ y5vsah
yMars Sun\v//'

is that when 10H is involved the 12H is not involved and when
twelfth is involved the tenth is not. Rarely both these houses are
involved. This is quite apparent as both are engaged in business,


Rah Sun Rah Sun

Mars Lag
D-10 D-10
Ven Lag
Mer Jup Sat Mer Jup Sat
Moon Moon
Ket Ket
Sun Moon Sun Lag Moon
Sat Mars Sat Mars
Mer Rah Mer Rah
Ven Jup Ven
S-10/9 S-10/9

Ket Lag Ket

Ven Mars Ven Mars

Ket Sun Ket Sun
o-a /10 S-9/10
Lag Jup

Moon Sat Moon Sat

Mer Rah Mer Rah

mostly trading. One of them is settled at his native place while
the other has shifted to United States.

Case 13— 14.09.1973; Kanpur

These are the charts of twin sisters born with a difference of 15
minutes. Birth lagna in both the cases is Taurus but navamsha in

A - 22:20 hrs. B-22:35 hrs.

D-l 3 /\ 71R 3 /\ i
Sat Ket Mars Sat Ket Mars
Moon Moon

Sun Sun

Mer Jup Mer Jup

ven Rah Ven Rah
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
16004' 28013' 23051' 15034' 08015' 28014' 24000' IS^' OS0^'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
09°06' 08003' 10018' 10043' lOMS' 09006' 08004' 10018' 10043' lOMS"
4\/ 2 12
Ra/XjlTp MarSy/N.

Mars Moon / ( ^ Mer Jup p

6 8 I
^ /VMoon
/✓ axxVen
/ x ®un Sx 10 x.
y^Sun VenS. / SatKe
t \
5 ^N^Ven/^ 5\^en>1
Mara/X oah /\ 3 Rah y/^x
/ X / X

Moon TX. 7
>. Mer y' yr
Mars^^^ ^ ^^Ket
ywoon Mer\>^JuP SatS^

native A is vargottam but in the case of native B is Gemini. Both
are medical graduates. In the case of native A , the first marriage
was dissolved by legal divorcee, and she married a second time
when she was running the dasha of Venus/Saturn/Mars. Later,
she also got a son during the dasha of Venus/Saturn/Jupiter. The
native B has no child.
Lagan of native A in navamsha is vargottam. It has Scorpio as
the 7H and the 7L, Mars, aspects the 7H giving strength to the
house. Jupiter also showers his blessing on the 7H and hence the
Legal separation becomes clear in sookhsham navamsha, S-
9/9. Legal separation took place when she was running the dasha

Moon Mars Lag Sun Moon Mars ! Lag Sun

Ket Ket

D-1 D-1
22:20 hrs. 22:35 hrs.
Jup Sun Jup Sun

Rah Ven Mer Rah Ven Mer

Mer Lag Mer Lag

Jup Jup

Moon Rah Moon Rah

D-9 D-9
Sat Mars Sat Mars
Ket Ket

Sun Sun
Van Ven


Ket Ven Ket Ven

S-9/9 Lag S-9/9
Jup Sun Jup Sun
Sat Rah Sat Rah
Moon Mars Moon Mars
Mer Mer

1 Sun Rah S
12 '11 ^
S >y Mer / X Moon/
Moon \11 /
1 9 2 12 NX io
Mer Sun
2 8 \ / 3 9 \
3 4
Xy' \x 8
5 yS 7 Mars 6 yXy Ven
Sat S 6 X Jup
4 ^v Ket y' JUP Xy S 7 Ny
Mars /S Sat5Ket\

X. 2 /N Moon /
x X \Sun X^1
3 >y X^ 1 Xj2yXjup Vlars
/X /X Ven
x' \ X \Rah
/ Moon ® ^
Xy Sun yX Ny ^X
Ket\/^ 7 ^SXMars
_XN. \ Mer 1 3
X^^N y^^x"1

Mer Lag Mer

Lag Sun
Moon Mars Moon Mars
Sun Rah A Rah B
D-7 Sat D-7 Sat
Ket Ket

Ven Jup Ven Jup

Moon Lag Moon

Sun Sun
Ven Ven
Jup Sat Jup Sat
Rah Rah
S-7/9 S-7/9
Ket Ket

Mars Mars
Mer Mer
of Venus/Saturn/Ketu. The lagna is Leo and both Rahu and Sun are
posited in it and are aspecting the 7H. Both Rahu and Sun are

separating planets. The 7L, Saturn, is in the 6H. Saturn is also the
ADL. The MDL, Venus, is in the 12H. The PDL is Ketu which is
posited in the 7H itself. The above combination leads to divorce.
Thereafter, the native marries a second time when she was
running the dasha of Venus/Saturn/Mars. In birth chart as well as in
navamsha the 7L is Mars. In sookhsham navamsha the 7L Saturn is
conjoined with Jupiter and PDL Mars aspects it. If 9H is taken for
second marriage, the 7L is Mars again.
Coming to the case of progeny, the native A got a son when
she was running the dasha of Venus/Saturn/Jupiter. Examining the
sookhsham saptamsha S-7/9, Aries is the lagna and the 5H is Leo,
and 5L posited in the 12H. LL Mars is aspecting the 5L. Jupiter, the
karak for progeny is aspecting the 5H. All three male planets are
influencing the 5H/L. The dasha running at that time was Venus/
Saturn/Jupiter. The MDL and also the PDL are posited together and
are aspecting the 5H.
Coming to native B, she was married in the dasha of Venus/
Saturn/Mercury. In the navamsha the MDL is posited in the 7H and
is also the karak for marriage. The ADL is in the 8H and aspects the
7L. The PDL, Jupiter, is the 7L and posited in the 10H. The running
dasha is quite capable of giving the marriage to the native. Coming
to the sookhsham navamsha, the 7H is again Sagittarius and 7L
which is also the PDL is conjoined with the ADL, Saturn, in the 8H.
After the marriage, when the native was running the dasha of
Venus/Saturn/Ketu had one miscarriage. In the navamsha, Saturn
is with Ketu in the 8H, and Saturn is aspecting the 5H. The 5/8
connection is further repeated in sookhsham navamsha, where
Mars and Saturn, posited in the concerned houses, and mutually
aspecting each other. Further, in saptamsha and sookhsham
saptamsha., the above connection gets repeated.
Coming back to sookhsham navamsha, the 7H is in kartari
yog, mostly shub. 7L , Jupiter, is one of the constituent of the
kartari yog and is posited in the 8H, conjoined with Saturn. Although
there may be some disturbances in the married life, but no possibility
of divorce as 8H is also the house of saubhagayam, in ladies, and
Jupiter is posited there.

Case 14 — 28.09.1979; Ftrozabad, UP

These are the charts of twin brothers born with a difference of
five minutes. Birth charts are the same. Both of them are engaged
in the family business of bangles and the family is a multi millionaire.

A - 00:30 hrs. B - 00:35 hrs.

Mars Mars
Jup Jup
Sat Sat
Rah Rah
Sun Sun
Ven Ven
Mer Mer
Ket Ket
Moon Moon
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
26008, ICKBO* 23021' OSW 21045, 27013' ICSO' 23023, OS^Q' 21045•
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
OSW IQ^S" 25049' oew tg^s12504g,
D-9 \ XX 2 X
\Won / sin y/f Mer Jup
4 5 3 1
X/ XX \X Ven \X
MeryC yC Rah^^ T^Sun

X 6 XVX 12 X
Rah Moon V Mars /X. /

8 7 \x
yC 9 xX"
X P8 X X 10 XKet
/\Sat /v\ / S a.\/ \
N^oonX ^ NyRaty/
7 Jup 3
XX XX K^t/x M8er
yS 8 Mars
X Wer xx en
ySun ^XX
iXx'^Sun nX'^1
Mars yX,. Rah
yXsat 12
\ S 1 X. Ven yX 3 >.

Navamsha of native A, Saturn is the 9 8* 10L and posited in

the 7H. Jupiter is the IIL in the lagna. Saturn and Jupiter are
mutually aspecting each other forming a Rajyoga. In the sookhsham
navamsha, 9L Mars, 10L Venus and LL Sun are conjoined in the
10H forming another powerful Rajyoga. The power of the yoga is
further enhanced by the aspect of 11L, Mercury from the 4H.
Involvement of Venus supports the bangle business.

Lag Lag

Ket A Mars Ket Mars

D-1 D-1
00:30 hrs. Jup 00:35 hrs. Jup
Sat Sat
Rah Rah
Moon SunVen Moon SunVen
Mer Mer

Sun Lag Ven Sun Jup Lag

Jup Ven

Moon Mer Moon Mer

Ket Ket
D-9 D-9
Rah Rah

Sat Mars Sat Mars

Mars Mars
Ven Ven
Sun Sun
S-9/9 S-9/9
Sat Lag Sat Jup
Ket Jup Ket
Mer Moon Mer Moon

Coming to dashamsha, the 9L Venus is in the 10H and 10L is

posited in the 4H. Mutual aspect between 9L and 10L again
produces the same Rajyoga. This is further supported by another
mutual aspect amongst the LL Saturn and 11L Jupiter along the
3/9 axis.
In S-10/9, there is no direct involvement of 9L and 10L but
only indirect and hence the yog formed is weak. The 10 8^ 11L,
Saturn is in the 6H and 9L Jupiter is in the 7H. Both of the are
independently aspecting , Mercury, the karak of business. LL, Mars
is aspecting the 9L, Jupiter and also the 10H as well as 11H
forming a yog, though not that powerful
In S-9/10, 10L LL, Mercury, is in the 12H. The 9L, Venus,

0\\s Ny/wer
/\ /V Rah MarsX' 12

Mars Ven C Kef >< }

X S X ✓

^ xx ^
y' Sun Jup
Sun Mor
Mer/\. Moon ctr
Sat /XX\ Mars /XXXKet

N. Mars S

RahN/ 10 12
Sun/N^ Jup Ver^xS. yiiX
S 6 \ / Rah\
/ Sat Ven \
hV 7 N. Mer / 6Vle'///^4^v y/l
Rah\/ 4 Mars Sun
Jupy y/N. Ket

10 yC R 10
12 Sun ah\/^ 12
/ivS. / 1
y/ven SaiV S 1 y' 9
>. XWen SaNv
/ Moon \ X \x Moon x
4L, Moon and 5L, Saturn are conjoined in the 6H and are aspected
by Mercury the 1OL along the 6/12 axis forming the same Rajyoga.
The persistence of raj yog in almost all the charts, involving 9, 10,
11 houses or their lords along with L/LL speaks about the business
prosperity of the native.
Coming to the case of native B, in navamsha the same yog is
formed along the 6/12 axis involving the 9L and 10L. Mars, the
11L, aspects the 10H and also the 11H. The 10L, Jupiter aspects
the 11L Mars. All combinations for prosperity. In the sookhsham
navamsha ( S-9/9), the LL. Mars, the 10L, Sun and the 12L, Venus
are conjoined in the 7H and are being, mutually aspected, by 11L


Sat Mars Ket Lag Sat Mars Ket

Lag Moon
D-10 D-10
Sun Sun

Mer Ven Jup Mer Ven Jup

Rah Rah

Lag Ket Mer Ket Mer

Moon Moon

Mars Lag
S-10/9 S-10/9
Sun Sun

Ven Jup Sat Ven Jup Sat

Rah Rah
Sun Sun
Ket Ket

Ven Sat Ven Sat Lag

Moon Moon
S-9/10 S-9 /10
Mer Mer

Rah Lag Rah Jup

Jup Mars

Mercury, from lagna forming a powerful Rajyoga for prosperity.

In dashamsha the same Rajyoga is yet again repeated and 10L
Jupiter and 11L Saturn aspect each other along the 2/8 axis.This is
supplemented by mutual exchange between Mars, the 9L and 3L
Venus followed by the aspect of 9L, Mars, on the 10H.
In the case of S-10/9, the 10L, Mars, is in lagna and aspects
the 9L, Jupiter. The LL, Moon and 7L, Venus, have exchanged the
houses. Jupiter, the 9L, aspects the 10H and also Mercury, the
karak for business. In S-9/10, the 9L, Jupiter and 10L, Mars, are
conjoined in the 3H repeating the same yog. The aspect of Mars on
the 10H and that of Jupiter on the 11H enhances the value of yoga.
Powerful yog for successful business in bangles, is repeatedly

formed in all sookhsham, though in varying degrees.

Case 15 — 16.03.1971; Roorkee

These are the charts of twin born with a difference of eight
minutes. Lagan is the same but navamsha has . changed.
Both are housewives and are well settled in life. Native A has
done M.Phil, whereas native B is an arts graduate. Native A has an

A - 03:30 hrs. B - 03:38 hrs.

D-1 Fv z o ^^ n /\ 5 7
Mars Mars
Sun Sun
Mer Ven Jup Mer Ven Jup
Rah Rah
7 Sat 7
Sat Moon Moon

Ket Ket

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
oi0^' i2049' oaoag1 04045' 01 "IS' ■\2053' 08039'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
12054' 20021, 25007, 29045, 29045, ^205'^^ 20022 ' 25007' 29045• 29045,
D-9 12 10
\ Ket y/ Z
\Moon y^
t2\/ 10 y/8 1 11 9
Ket /x ^oon /C Sat

2 4 Rah 3
yC Sun yC Mer ..Mars/^jN.
y^ 5 SyC\. Jup
yr 3 \Ven 5 / Sun^N / 6 N.
/ Mars \ N. / Ven \/ Rah Mer \
^\Moon/^^ 1 S
Mer Ven
^ \.Ny/
Mars 10 Nys Sat
Rah/Ny yk iL

Sun /

8 \/ 10 yC Mars 2X^7 Ven \VMer

at^gN y^\Ket /X y\Rah
/ Ny / Moon Ny

elder daughter followed by a son. In the case of native B the elder
child is a male and the younger one is a daughter.

Native A. 5H of navamsha is Taurus. 5L, Venus, is in the 7H
with Sun, the 8L. These are aspected by 7L from lagna. 5H is
aspected by LL, Saturn, from the 11H. The karak, Mercury, is
exhalted in the 9H and is in R/K axis. The 5/8 connection is
responsible for a research degree. In the sookhsham navamsha (S-
9/9), 5H is Scorpio and 8L, Saturn, is posited there. Jupiter, the 9L
is aspecting the Saturn in the 5H. Karak Mercury is again exhalted
in the 3H and is aspected by Mars the 10L. 5/8 connection gets

Sun Sat Sun Sat

Mer Mer

A Ket Ket
D-1 D-1
Lag 03:30 hrs. Lag 03:35 hrs.
Ven Ven
Rah Rah
Mars Jup Moon Mars Jup Moon

Ket Mars Ket Mars

Sun Lag Sun

Ven Ven
D-9 D-9
Moon Moon

Sat Jup Mer Sat Jup Mer

Rah Rah

Mars Jup Mars Jup

Ket Ket
Ven Ven
S-9/9 S-9/9
Moon Lag Moon

Sat Sun Mer Sat Sun Mer

Rah Rah


Sun Ket
6 VUP Ket Sa
Sat Jup

Mer Rah Mars
Moon Moon Rah

2 Sun
yK. Moon y\Mars Jup

( Sun .,6 ; Moon

\ Ket /\ ""I /
x X X X
Jup^^ ^^Sat SatMars .X.
yS Mer >y y/ ® N.
/ Rah \/ \

Mars Lag Mars Ket

A Ket B
Rah D-7 Jup Moon D-7 Lag
Rah Jup

Moon Ven Sun Ven Sun

Mer Sat Mer Sat
Sun Jup Sun Lag
Ket Ket Jup

S-7/9 S-7/9
Van Sat Moon Sat

Lag Mars Mer Mars Mer

Moon Rah Rah
repeated here.
In the case of native B, the 5H of navamsha is Gemini, and

Mars, the 10L is posited there, it is aspected by Jupiter, the 11L.
5L Mercury is exhalted in the 8H and is in R/K axis, in sookhsham
navamsha (S-9/9). the 5H is Taurus and Jupiter, the 12L is posited
there. LL Saturn is aspecting from the 11H. The 5L Venus is in the
7H. The karak Mercury is exalted in the 9H and is in R/K axis. The
native had education up to graduation in arts.

The situation here is also very similar.
in native A. the 5H of saptamsha is Scorpio and Venus and
Mercury are posited there. Saturn is aspecting them from the 3H.
The 5L Mars is in the 8H aspected by Jupiter .in the case of
sookhsham saptamsha (S-7/9). the 5H is Aries and Jupiter is posited
there. Mars, 7L is aspecting from the 11H. Influence of three
female planets on the 5H gave the native a first female child and
then as in sookhsham the influence of 5L gave second child, a male
in the case of native B, in saptamsha. the 5H is Sagittarius and
its L Jupiter is aspecting it. And hence the first male child, in the
sookhsham saptamsha (S-7/9), the 5H is Leo and Saturn is posited
there. Jupiter is aspecting the 5H. The SL.Sun is in the 12H. Female
planet in the 5H gave the native a second a female child.

Case 16 — 29.06.1980; Chennai

These are the charts of twin sisters born at an interval of five
minutes. Birth lagna is same in both the cases but the navamsha
differs. Both the sisters are in the final year of medical graduation
in both the cases there is a close link between the 5H, house
of education, the 10H, the house of profession, the 6H. house of
sickness, and 12H, house of hospitalisation
These connections are supplemented by connections with
11H. income house and also the L /LL
in the case of native A. in navamsha, the 5H. is Leo. and the
5L. Sun is aspecting the 5H from the 11H. 10H is Capricorn and
exhalted LL is posited there. The 10L. Saturn, is in the 9H aspecting,
Sun the 5L and also the 6H. The 9 fL 12L, Jupiter, is in the 4H.
conjoined with Mercury, the 6L, and both are aspecting the LL in
the 10H. A close knit combination for medical education.
in sookhsham navamsha (S-9/9). the 5H is Aquarius in R/K
axis and also aspected by the 10L, Moon, from the 11H. The 5L.
Saturn, is posited in the 10H mutually aspected by exhalted. Mars.

A - 09:20 hrs, B - 09:25 hrs.

N. Mars / Ratl / \Mars / XRahMer/

7 7 5
y/s. Jup y/N-Sun Jup y2\SUn
/ 8 N. 531 / 2 X yr 8 N. Sat 2 N.
/ > / N,
\ / \ Ven(R) / \ /\ Ven(R) }

/ 10 \ /
/ Ket \ / Ket N.
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
02022' IS^S' 23044' 00007' OI^V 03034' 23049 ' 00007' 01031'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
12° 10' 23039, 27047' 27014• 27° 14' 12010' 23039' 27047' 27014, 27014'


XX ^. up Mars ( Ven Sun y

Mer S/\X Sx
6 Ny/ q Ny/lO
v'v\ 7 /v K
y^xMoon / sV3
y*^^ '^e' ^,S\y/^ Moon^\^ X Xx' Sat
S-9/9 x Sun /x. G y
N. Mer / \ / Ket ^\jup jS
8 7
9 X/ \/ 5 12
X X Moon Mars X Sun
y X. y \Mer
Vnv /NRah
C Mars Sa, /
2\/ Sat
y 3 'v yMoonX.
the 2L, along the 4/10 axis.. Jupiter, the 12L is aspecting the 10L,
Moon. The 5L, Saturn is also aspecting the LL, Venus in the 7H. The
9L, Mercury and the 11L, Sun, are conjoined in the 2H. An ideal
combination for medical education.
In the case of native B, the 5H, in navamsha, is Virgo in R/K
axis. The 5L, Mercury, is conjoined with Jupiter, the 11L, in the 3H
and these are aspecting, Mars, the 12L along the 3/9 axis. The 9 &


Ven(R) Sun Ven(R) Sun

A Mer Mer
Rah B Rah
D-1 D-1
09:20 hrs. Lag 09:25 hrs. Lag
Ket Jup Ket Jup
Sat Sat
Moon Mars Moon Mars

Rah Lag Rah Lag

Sun Jup Sun Jup

Mer Mer
D-9 D-9
Mars Ven Mars Ven

Sat Moon Ket Sat Moon Ket

Ven Ven

Ket Sat Ket Sat

S-9/9 S-9/9
Mars Moon Lag Moon
Rah Mars Rah
Jup Sun Lag Jup Sun
Mer Mer

10L, Saturn, is in the 8H and aspecting the 10H and also the 5H.
The LL, Venus, is in the 4H aspecting the 10H. A closely groomed
combination for medical studies.
In sookhsham navamsha (S-9/9), the 5H is Taurus and the 10H
is Libra, and thus have a common lord, Venus, posited in the 4H.
The 10L fortifies the 10H by aspecting its own house. The 12L,
Jupiter, aspects the 5 fk 10L, Venus, in the 4H, and also the 6H.The
LL, Saturn, aspects Mars, the 1 1L in lagna and also the 5 fk 10L
Venus. The 6L, Mercury is in the 11H with Sun and are aspecting
the 5H. A good combination for medical studies.
In both the above cases there is persistent and regular
connection between 5, 6, 10 and 11 H/L in all the charts. The

natives are studying medicine in a medical college. The
dashamsha and its sookhsham are not discussed as the natives are
still pursuing their studies.

Case 17 — 09.09.1989; Delhi

These are the charts of a twin bom with a difference of ten
minutes Native A is a male and is a science graduate and native B
is a female and has a degree in commerce. Birth chart of both of
A - 09:08 hrs. B-09:l8hrs.
\ 8 6 \ 8 6
Mer s. Mer y5
9 N.X /> 9 N. y
MoonN^ 7 Mars Moon 7 Mars
Sat Ven Sun sayyC\ Ven Sun
\Ket Njet
X 10 4 y 10 4

11 \/ 1 3 11
Ny 1 3
Rah/N. Jup Rah >r\. Jup
/ 12 ' 2 y 12 / 2

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
02028' 22043' OrM' 29032, 16028' 04039' 22044' 01019' 29032, IC^S'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
13022 ' 02021' Ol^' Ol^' ^3O22- 020211 01054' 01054'
D-9 7
Mars Sun Ven
7 ^5 NRahy'
Mars Sun Ven Sat(R)
Jup Sat(R)

/\ Ket yA
/ 12 \
/ \ /
/ Mer Moon
S-9/9 _Sun / \ 12 y
/ Ma'rs/ 7 \<etMey5
vx Ven1 Sat \x
\s \/
X. jup X.

4 4
Moon Moon
Jup Sat
Ket Sun
Mer Mars Rah


Jup Jup

Rah A Rah
D-1 D-1
00:00 hrs. Mars 00:00 hrs. Mars
Sun Sun
Ket Ket
Moon Lag Mer Moon Lag Mer
Sat Ven Sat Ven

Moon Mer Moon Mer

Ket Ket

! Jup Jup
D-9 D-9
Sat(R) Sat(R)

Mars SunVen Mars Lag SunVen
Rah Rah
Rah Van Rah Ven
Sat Sat

Moon Moon
S-9/9 S-9/9

Mars Jup Mer Mars Lag Mer

Ket Jup Ket

them is the same but navamsha differs by one.

The navamsha of native A has Aquarius as the 5H and Jupiter,
the 3L, is posited there. The 5L, Saturn, is in the 11H and aspects
its own house and strengthens it. The karak Mercury, is in the 8H
and is aspected by 5L Saturn. In the sookhsham, S-9/9, the 5H is
Leo and is not aspected by any planet. The 5L, Sun, is in the 2H,
and LL, Mars, aspects it. The karak, Mercury, is exhalted in the 6H.
The aspect of Mars gave the native a degree in science.
In the case of native B, in navamsha, the 5H is Pisces and LL,
Mars aspects it. The 5L, Jupiter, is in the 4H and is aspected by
Saturn. The 5L has no connection with the 5H. The karak, Mercury,
is in the 7H and is aspected by Saturn the 3 4L. In S-9/9, the 5H

is Aquarius and is aspected by Jupiter, the 3 8^ 6L. The 5L, Saturn,
is debilitated in the 7H and is conjoined with LL Venus. The karak
Mercury is exhalted in the 1ZH and is in R/K axis. Without the
support of any technical planets the native did not have any
technical education but graduated in commerce.

Case 18 — 04/04/1972; Puttur, AP

A - 12:05 hrs. B- 12:25 hrs.

\ 4 Mars / X 4 /X. Mars /
\ Ket / \SatVen/ X. Ket / NSatVetiX
5 \\// 3 \ 2
/1 5 aT S
NX 3
yc x.1
/ 6 \/ 12 \ y ^ e w ^SSSs\
x s\. ® un
✓ Sun
X / Xjyer(R)/ N. S /
7 11 7 JX
\< 9U 9 1
/ 8 X J P /10 X
S/ Moon XX^yX / Rah \ yX S Moon
8 NkyX s 10
Lag Sun Moon "Mars Mer' Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
l/MZ' 21007, 20031, IIM?' 14019' 22°14' 21008' 20041' IIMS'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
-mO' 06051' 0903T 08031' OS^V 14011' 06052' OS^V OS^V
D-9 \ 2 S\. Sat Ven /
^vMars / / X / 1 \Rah/
2 \jC/ Rah12Sat \/10
^^Moon 3\/ Mars V/n
/ Ven S >^un

XX ^un x
Ket \/^Mer
y/Ke^V /8^\.
y Mer \
yKven Mars

10 xX xX z .^X^yX Sun XXJ

y^ y\Ketu Ms0at/\
yXMoon x^ / X, X^ 12 X. y' Ket
X Sat \X Sun \
Sun Mars Lag Sun Mars Lag
Mer Sat Mer Sat
Ven Ven

A Ket Ket
D-1 D-1
12:05 hrs. 12:25 hrs.
Rah Rah

Jup Moon Jup Moon

Lag Mars Sat Lag

VenSat Ven Mars
Rah Rah

D-9 D-9
Moon Jup Moon Jup
Sun Sun

Mer Ket Mer Ket

Sun Ket Jup Sun Ket Jup

Moon Ven Moon Ven

Sat Sat
S-9/9 S-9/9
Mars Mars

Rah Lag Rah Lag Mer


These are the charts of twin sisters born with a difference of

twenty minutes. Birth charts are the same but navamsha is different.
Native B has migrated to States after her marriage.

Both of them are graduates but native B has done
environmental engineering afterwards.
Navamsha of native A has Cancer as the 5H. The 5L, Moon, is
in the 1 1H with 6L, Sun and is aspecting its own 5H. Karak Mercury
is in the 9H and Mars aspects. In the case of sookhsham navamsha
the 5H is Capricorn and 9 Jk 2L, Venus aspects it from the 11H.
Karak, Mercury, is exhalted in the lagna. The native has studied

Rah Mer
Moon Moon Rah

Jup Sat
Ven Ket Ket
JupSat Sun
Mars Sun
S-10/9 11
X\Rah // Sat
12 10
Sat ✓v Mer Rah

Mars Mer

Ven Ket Jup Mars

Jup Sun
Moon Ket Sun Moon Ven
S-9/10 6
X Moon X 7 Mars /
9\Ven / jup .Mei/ 5
Rah Rah
Sun SunxX

Ven Sat

Ket Jup Ket
Sat Mars Mer

upto graduation level.

Navamsha of native B has Leo as the 5H and Jupiter is posited
there. The 5L, Sun, is in the 10H with 4L, Moon. The placement of
5L establishes a connection between education and profession. LL
Mars is in lagna and aspects Mercury in the 8H. Coming to the
sookhsham navamsha, the education becomes more clear. The 5H
is Aquarius and Moon and Saturn are posited there. Mars aspects
from the 11H. Jupiter also aspects the 5H and the planets posited
therein. Combination of Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars gave the
native education in environmental engineering.


Mer JupSat Ket Sun Jup Sat Ket Sun

Von Mars Mars

D-10 Lag D-10
Moon Moon

Lag Rah

Lag Sat Lag Sat

Rah Rah
S-10/9 S-10/9
Mer Moon *
Ket Mer Ket

Mars Jup Ven Mars Jup Ven

Sun Sun Moon

Ket Ket

Lag Sat Sat

S-9/10 S-9/10

Sun Ven Moon Mars Sun Ven Lag Mars

Rah Jup Mer. Rah Moon Jup Mer

Native A was married in June 1999 when she was running the
dasha of Venus/Rahu/Saturn. Native B was married a little later in
May 2001, during the dasha of Venus/Jupiter/Jupiter
Navamsha of native A, has all the three dasha lords posited
together in lagna and are aspecting the 7H. The transiting Saturn is
in Aries in June 1999 and Jupiter moved out of Pisces on 27 May,
1999. Vivah sahem is also in Pisces. Thus the dasha is conducive for
marriage. In the sookhsham navamsha, S-9/9, the MDL Venus is in
the 11H, the ADL Rahu is in 3H and the PDL Saturn is in the 6H
with 11L Moon. 7L, Jupiter is aspecting the PDL Saturn. Transiting
Saturn is aspecting the 7L from Aries. Jupiter, in transit, was in


Moon Ven
Sun 6
Rah Mars Moon

Mars Ket Rah

Ket Jup


^\yen Jua/^^^v Mars

10 8 ^^uny 5 N^lejy
NZ \Zjup T Moon ^^

S. Moon yr

sft ^Zwars
X N. X \^er
1 Ket
Jup Jup

Ket Ket
Mars D-7 Rah Mars D-7 Rah
Sun Sat Sun Sat

Mer Lag Moon Lag Moon



Sat Ket Sat Ket

Mars Mars
Mer Mer
S-7/9 S-7/9
Moon Lag
Rah Lag VenJup Rah Jup
Sat Sat
Pisces up to 27-5-1999, aspects both the lagna and LL and also
the ADL Rahu in the 3H which is Scorpio. Vivah sahem is also in

Scorpio and is duly blessed by the transiting Jupiter.
In the case of native B, marriage took place in May 2001 when
she was running the dasha of Venus/Jupiter/Jupiter. Navamsha has
Libra as the 7H. The MDL is thus the 7L itself. Jupiter, the other
dasha lord, aspects both the lagna as well as the LL. The position is
more clear in sookhsham navamsha where Aries is the 7H. The
MDL Venus is in the 10H. The ADL Rahu is in the 2H. Vivah sahem
is also with Rahu in the 2H. The PDL Saturn is in the 5H with 10L,
Moon. Saturn aspects both the 7H as well as the 7L, Mars. Looking
at the double transit of Saturn and Jupiter, both of these planets
were in Taurus in May 2001 when marriage took place.. Transiting
Saturn aspects the LL Venus and Jupiter the Vivah sahem as well as
the ADL, Rahu. Therefore the marriage could take place at that

Native A is a housewife and therefore dashamsha is not
Dashamsha of native B has three planets in the 4H. The first is
the LL Saturn. ; the second is the 12 8. 3L Jupiter and third one is
Mars, the 4 Ik 11L All of them are aspecting the 10H. Besides, the
three of them are also aspecting their own houses. The 9L and the
10L are forming a Rajyoga in the 3H. Moon, the 7L is in lagna. This
is a good combination for moving to a foreign land in professional
In the sookhsham the position is more clear in S-9/10. Here,
the LL Venus and 10L Moon are posited in the 2H of gains and
forming a Rajyoga. The 9L is exhalted in the 12H and is conjoined
with Mars, the 2 Ik 7L The Jupiter is in the lagna blessing everyone.
Professional success is well indicated after marriage.

Native A has a son and native B none up to the time of
A child was born to native A in September 2002 when she
was running the dasha of Ven/Jup/Ket. In Saptamsha the 5H is
Aquarius in Rahu/Ketu axis. The 5L Sat is in he 4H with Sun and
Mars - male planets. The MDL Ven is in the 3H and ADL )up is in
the 6H: the PDL Ketu is in 5H.
In S-7/9, the 5H is Pisces and Sat is posited there. Jup is 5L in
11H. MDL Ven; ADL jup (also the 5L) are conjoined in the 11H

along with Sun the 10L, and all three aspects the 5H. The PDL
Ketu is in the 8H. Involvement of Jup and Sun - male planets gave
the native a male child.
In the case of native B, though up to the time of reporting the
native had no child but the connection of 5L and Sun with the 5H
holds promise for the native.

Case 19 —26/05/1975; Jammu

A - 00:01 hrs. B-00:l5hrs.
D-i \ 11 9 11 9 /
\ Sat y Sat >
12 12 N
Moon\ / 10 S Moon 10 yv 8
/ 1 7 1 7 \
C Mer Mer
2^ 2X
SurrV jS SuiX,
Jup XX 4 6 Jup 4 \X 6
Ven Ket Ven yX Ket
atx 3 \ X 5 Raj/ 3 ^ 5
y Mars N.
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
18007' 10056' 05040' 22001' 22038• 22048' 10056' 05048' 22001■ 22039'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
14014' 22025' 22°56' 20030• 20030• 14014. 22025' 22056' 20030' 20030,
Ven y/^^X .2 N. Moon / X. 8
3 VVl 8
Moon/C^ ^\Sun Ven Rah Jup

Mars XX Sun /
X^ Mer / Sat /
MarsXy^^ 11
Mer/Xx Xg^Ket X^X.
/X X^y/ Ket
N. Ket yX N. 9 yX "arSyX \^v1e0n yX
12 10 Xjuy „ x:/9
MarsXXX Ven \X cT.
JURX X. yX xX Ket X\

Nv y'Nv Moon y/ X Mer y/N. y/
4 6 _ jXyX Rah NyX /
MerV X\ S^X ^^XNMoon
jr Sun^v y'
X \x \

These are the charts of a twin born with a difference of 15
minutes. Elder, native A, is a female and the younger one, is a
male. Native is a A, is a graduate and serving in a private firm.
Native B has done his M.Sc. in agriculture and is serving in the
state animal husbandry department.

Navamsha of native A, 5H is Libra and Mars and Mercury are
posited there. Saturn and Sun are aspecting the 5H and the planets
posited in it. Aspect of mutually inimical planets Sun and Saturn on
Mars in the 5H is not conducive for the functions of the 5H.
However, placement of Mercury in the 5H gave native education

Sun Jup Sun Jup

Moon Mer Ven Moon Mer Ven
Rah Rah
Sat A Sat
D-1 D-1
00:01 hrs. 00:15 hrs.
Lag Mars Lag Mars

Ket Ket

Sun Jup Lag Sun Jup

Sat Sat

Ven Lag
Rah Ven
D-9 Rah
Ket Moon Ket Moon

Mars Mars
Mer Mer

Mars Mer Sun Mars Mer Sun

Jup 1 Jup
Ket Ket
S-9/9 S-9/9
Lag Rah Ven Rah
Sat Moon
Sat Moon

up to graduation level.
In the sookhsham navamsha S-9/9, the 5H is Taurus and the
5L, Venus in the lagna. The 5H has again Mercury posited in it and
gave her education up to graduation.
Navamsha of native B has Scorpio as the 5H, and Jupiter the
9L aspects it. Saturn, the planet for physical labour also aspects the
5L and Mercury. The 5L Mars is in the 4H with Mercury - the karak
for education. Mars is also the karak for agriculture and, therefore,
the native, had post graduation in agriculture. In the sookhsham
navamsha, S-9/9, the 5H is Gemini and Sun is posited there. The
5H is aspected by Mars. The 5L, Mercury, is in the 4H and is

D-IO 1 2 12 S
Sun j' 12 11
S Jup/ s. Mare y'
2 Mare \ /10 3
Jup 1 5C 11
/\Ket Sun
3 9 \ 4 1° \
Moon / Rah Ket
4 9
Rah 6 8
N/ Mer 5 7 \y
Sat /N. Ven /VMoon
/sV / 3 Nv
Ven S 7 6 >
Sat Mer
N(enKejy Nysat y' Xfvllrs// \(en Ket/
Sun Jup /N. MeryX. Sun

Mare y/Nv Moon

Moons/^ 10 12 1 12
M8 y< yv
'/ /ll\
/ 9 / Rah\ yS Rah^S^yy
Sat y/ 8\Ven
Sat 5
y\ Ket
y' ^0n y'

yv Mare ^ MoonX^^ Me ^
Juo/N, ' /X
/y' Jup
^ X.x.Rahy'y/ Mer
2 Xyx. y/1 ^ yX Sun^V
/ Rah Mars x^/1 x^

aspected by Saturn. The same combination of Mercury, Mars and
Saturn gets repeated.

In the strict sense the stenography is more of a labour oriented
job for earning a livelihood and, therefore Saturn involvement with
10H and 11H is taken as a basis for the study. Dashamsha of native
A, has Sagittarius as the 10H and 5L Moon is posited there. The
10L, Jupiter, is also the LL and is posited in the 3H. It is aspecting
both the 11L, Saturn as well as the 11H. Mars, the 9L is in mutual
aspect with Saturn along the 1/7 axis. Coming to S-10/9, the 10H
is Aries and the 10L is aspecting it from the 4H. Mars, also aspects

Lag Sun Jup Mars Sun Jup

Rah Rah
D-10 D-10
Ket Ven Ket Ven

Moon Mer Sat

Moon Mer Sat

Sat Sat

Rah Lag Rah Jup

S-10/9 S-10/9
Ven Ven
Ket Ket

Moon Mars Sun Moon Mer Mars Lag

Mer Sun

Jup Mars Mer Sun Jup Mars Mer Sun

Rah Moon Rah

S-9/10 S-9/10

Sat Lag Sat Lag Ven

Ven Ket

Mars ®
1°N.\® /s 8 \.Moony/
\ / 6 ^N^Suryr ^\./7
Mars Mct ^\Moon
Sun\ / \Ket

^ Rah Mer- ^

kx >6 VenN/ ^ ^

Sun yA
5 \/ ven 1

( Moon .,3
\ jup y\ ven y X /\ ^'er /

12 ^S^^Sun 7 V 9 ^N/Wlars
y' >. Mer Sat/gN. Jup y^XRah
/Mars Rah yr Moon

Rah Ven Rah Ven

Jup Sat Jup Sat

Mars D-7 Mars D-7
Sun Sun

Lag Moon Mer Lag Moon Mer

Ket Ket
Mer Sun Ven Mer Sun Lag
Mars Rah
S-7/9 S-7/9
Ket Moon Ket

Moon Sat Lag Jup Sat


the 11H. 9L. Jupiter is exhalted in lagna. The position is more

clear in S-9/10, where 10H is Cancer and the 10L is in the 5H. The

5L, Saturn, is in the 3H and aspects both thelOL and also the 11L
In the case of native B, in dashamsha, the 9L, Jupiter, the 10 8^
11L Saturn, and LL Mars are forming a yog by aspecting each
other, in series. The Sun is exhalted in lagna and thus native is
having a good government job. In the case S-10/9, Sun is again in
the lagna. The 10H is Gemini and the 5 6L, Saturn, is posited
there. Saturn, from the 10H is aspecting, 9L Venus and also the
11L Moon. The 11H has Jupiter, and this aspects the 10L, Mercury,
in the 3H. The position is slightly better in S-9/10, where 10H is
Leo and 10L, Sun has gone to the 8H. Saturn aspects the 10L, Sun
and also the 11H. Jupiter, the 2 5L, is conjoined with the 9L,
Moon, and also aspects, the 11H and lagna. LL Mars and 3 11L
Mercury also aspect the lagna. The native is comfortable in a
government job.

Both of them have a male child each. Saptamsha of native A,
has Pisces as the 5H and Rahu is posited there. It is aspected by the
11L Mercury from the 11H. The 5L, Jupiter is in the 4H. The 5L,
Jupiter and Rahu in the 5H gave the native a male child. In the
sookhsham saptamsha S-7/9, the 5H is Capricorn and 5L, Saturn, is
exhalted in the 2H. Both the 5L and also the 5H are not aspected
by any planet. The 5H is in kartari yoga involving two male planets
and this has given the native a male child.
In the case of native B, the saptamsha has Aries as the 5H and
Venus is posited there. It is aspected by Moon from the 11H. The
5L, Mars is in 2H with another male planet, Sun. The 5L, Mars,
aspects its own 5H and this has blessed the native with a male
child. In the case of sookhsham saptamsha, S-7/9, the 5H is Libra
and exhalted Saturn is posited there. The 5L, Venus, is in lagna,
and is aspected by male planet and karak for progeny, Jupiter.
Result is a male child for the native.

Case 20 — 27/11/1982; Delhi

These are the charts of twin born with a difference of fifteen
minutes. Birth charts are the same but navamsha is different. Native
A has done MBA and is a bank officer in Dubai. Native B is only
undergraduate but is doing fine in family business.
Navamsha of native A has three planets in the 5H. These are,
yogkarak Mars, the 5 8^ 10L, Mercury, the 12 8^ 3L and Saturn, the
7 8. 8L. Exhalted Jupiter, the 9L, is aspecting the 5H and the

planets posited therein from lagna.. Influence of these planets
including the 5L gave good education and Jupiter gave the native
management also.
In sookhsham navamsha, S-9/9, the 5L is again Mars posited
in the 9H. Again exhalted Jupiter aspects the 5H and also the 5L in
the 9H. Saturn also aspects the 5H. Influence of 5L and also Jupiter
gave the native good management education.
A - 13:40 hrs. B-13:55 hrs.
D-1 K T 7^ 71K ; 7^ 7 7!

12 12
Moon Moon

Rah Mars Rah

Ket Mars
Mer Mer
Sun Sun
up up
Sat Sat
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
OOoog" 11 "OS" 22025' 26023, 15023' 05031' 11008' 22034 ' 26023, IS^S"
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
00°17' 16054' OeW IIW 11000' ocm' 16054' oe^?' iroo" nw

Sun ^ ^ Mars /
N^Sat Meryr S
oar®V/^ Moon
/ Moon S 12
/ Rah \
Ket\/ Moon 8
Ket ^^loon

N. y/N. Ven yX X. Mer y/X. ^7

loXy/ Mars I
I" Mara Sun^/Xy^ Rah
/qX Sun / X.Rah
/ Sat \/Ven \

In the case of native B, the 5H in navamsha, is Sagittarius and
Venus is posited therein. No other influence on 5H. The 5L, Jupiter,
is in the 12H in R/K axis. The 5L has no connection with the 5H.
Poor education. In the sookhsham navamsha, S-9/9, the 5H is
Capricorn and 12L, Sun is posited there. Jupiter, the 4 ik 7L and
1 1L, Moon, are aspecting the 5H. Saturn, the 5L, has no connection
with the 5H. Poor education.

Dashamsha of native A, the 10H is Leo and 10L is posited in
the 12H and LL, Mars, is in the 10H. 1 1 L, Mercury and 12L, Venus,
and 4 8^ 5L Saturn are conjoined in the 2H of Jupiter. Exhalted

Lag Lag
Moon Rah Moon Rah

D-1 D-1
13:40 hrs. 13:55 hrs.

Mars Ven Mer Sat Mars Ven Mer Sat

Ket SunJup Ket SunJup

Jup Jup
Ket D-9 Ket
Moon Moon Lag
Rah Rah

Van Mars Sun Ven Mars Sun

Sat Mer Sat Mer

Mars Ven Mars Ven

Rah Rah
Sat Lag Sat Moon
Moon Jup
Jup S-<)/9
Sun Sun

Mer Ket Lag

Mer Ket

Sat Mer Sun
Rah Sat Mer Sun
Mars Ket Rah

Ket Jup Moon Mars

Moon Jup
Rah Ket
Ven Jup Mer Mars Ven

Sun 11
Sat Moon

Mars Mer Jup

11 1 Sun
Ket Moon Sat Rah

S-9/10 Mars Sun

oo 1 %Sat Jup Mer
Sun Moon
Ket Sat Mars Ven
Jup Mer

Ven Ket Rah


Jupiter is in the 9H and is aspecting. the lagna. Native has

comfortable foreign income.
The S-tO/9, has Aries as the 10H. Exhalted 2L, Sun, and 10
11L, Saturn are posited there. The 10L, Mars, is in the 5H and
aspects the 12L, Mercury, along the 5/11 axis, and also the 12H.
Saturn also aspects the 12H from the 10H. Mercury involvement
brings good foreign income from banking sources.
In S-9/10, the LL and 10L, Jupiter and 11 12L, Saturn are
posited together in the lagna, forming a Rajyoga indicating
sustained foreign income. Mercury and Sun are conjoined in the
11H indicating banking service. Venus, posited in the 10H, also


Ket Moon Ket Moon

Jup Jup
D-10 D-10
Mars Mars

SatUer Lag Sun Rah Lag

Van Sat Mer Sun Rah
Sun Uer Rah Sun Uer Rah
Sat Sat

Moon Lag Moon Jup

S-10/9 S-10/9

Ket Mars Ven Lag

Ket Mars Ven
Jup Mars Ket Jup Mars Ket
Sat Moon Sat Moon

S-9/10 S-9/10 ,
Sun Sun
Uer Uer
Ven Rah Ven Rah

lends a helping hand.

Coming to the native B, in dashamsha, the 10L Mercury, the
11L Venus and 2 Jk 3L, Saturn, are posited together, in lagna,
forming a dhanyog. The 9L Sun , is in the 11H and the 5L, Mars, in
the 9H. This points to good family income..
In S-10/9, Leo is the 10H and no planet is there. The 10L, Sun,
is with 3 Jk 4L. Saturn, in the 6H. The 11L, Mercury and LL Mars
mutually aspect each other along 1/7 axis. The 9L, Moon, is in the
4H and aspects the 10H.
The position is better in S-9/10. Here the 10H is Scorpio and is
in R/K axis. The LL Ik 12L, Saturn and 11L and 2L, Jupiter are
posited together in the 2H forming a dhanyog. The 10L, Mars, is

with 6L, Moon, in the 3H. The 10L aspects the 9H and also the
10H and thus house gets strengthened.. The LL, Saturn, aspects
the 11H, and the 9L, Venus posited there. The 11L, Jupiter aspects
the 10H. All this points to a good income of the native from
family business.

Case 21 —01/01/1971; Calcutta
These are the charts of twin sisters born with a difference of six
minutes. Both are housewives. Birth chart is the same but navamsha
is different. Both are housewives and other details are as follows.

A-09; 12 hrs. B - 09:18 hrs.


Sat(R) Moon Sun Sat(R) Moon Sun

Rah Rah Mer

Jup Jup
Ven Ven

Mars Ket Mars


Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
02056' le^e' 06° 17' 22040' 08022' CMMS' 16036' 06020' 22041' OS^'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
O^OS' 01028' 22029' OO^S' OCFSS' 04009' 01028' 22029' OO^S' 00055'
oon Sat
Jup 8
Rah Moon
Sat Sun

ven Sun

Mars Mer Ven

Ket Mer
up Ke Sat Mars
Sun Ven

Mer Jup
Mars 12 ^ Sat Ket
Ven Sun Moon

Native A Native B
Birth Lagan Aquarius Aquarius
Navamsha lagna Libra Scorpio
Saptamsha lagna Aquarius Pisces
Marriage 28-1 -93 25-11-93
]up/sat/Mars Jup/Mer/Mer
Progeny none so far two daughters
First on 29-10-94
Second on 8-12-2000

Sat(R) Sat(R)
Lag Lag
Moon A Moon B
Rah D-1 Rah D-1
09:12 hrs. Ket 09:18 hrs. Ket

Sun Jup Mars Sun Jup Mars

Mer Ven Mer Von
Mars Mer Mars Mer
Ket Ket

Ven Ven
D-9 D-9
Jup Jup
Sun Sun

Moon Lag Lag Sat

Sat Rah Moon Rah

Sat Lag Jup Moon Sat Jup

Ket Ket
Mer Mer
S-9/9 S-9/9

Sun Mars Ven Sun Mars Lag

Rah Rah Ven

S. Moon Mars10 / 1
\!3un jS \Afler jS //\2SV\Rah S
Jup Moon
^/N. Rah Ven / >. Mars ^N. Mer
\ Sun^/r

Ket Sat
/ Sat\
V Mars Jup /\ 4 /
>vKetNsSat jS
^ Ven

{ Moon Ket
X Rah /X /

9 s1u1n
y^ox Xyon
/ JupMer N^/Moon Rah\
Moon Jup Moon Jup
Mars Ven Mars Ven
Sun Sun
Rah Rah
Mer D-7 Ket Mer D-7 Ket

Sat Sat

Sat Lag Ket Sat Ven Ket


Sun Sun
S-7/9 S-7/9

Moon Mars Moon Mars

Rah Jup Mer Rah JupMer
Native A was married when on 28. 1. 1993, when she was

running the dasha Jupiter/ Saturn/ Mars. Navamsha has Aries as
the 7H and its lord Mars is posited there. Exhalted Saturn and
Jupiter are both aspecting the 7L and also the 7H as well . MDL
Jupiter, ADL Saturn, and PDL Mars are all connected with the 7H.
in sookhsham navamsha, S-9/9, Scorpio is the 7H and its lord Mars
is posited there. MDL Jupiter and ADL Saturn are both
independently aspecting the LL Venus. PDL, Mars is in the 7L
itself. Thus dasha running is very favourable for the marriage of the
Native B was married a little later, on 25 11 1993, when she
was running the dasha of Jupiter/ Mercury/ Mercury, in navamsha,
Taurus is the 7H and 7L Venus is posited in the 9H. MDL Jupiter is
aspecting the LL Mars. ADL and PDL, Mercury, has no connection
either the 7H or 7L. in sookhsham navamsha, S-9/9, the 7H is
Aries and the 7L Mars is posited in the 2H MDL Jupiter is aspecting
both the lagna and the LL and also the Mercury, the ADL PDL.
Mercury is also aspected by 7L Mars. Thus dasha is quite conducive
for marriage.

Native A has no issue so far but native B has two daughters.
Saptamsha of native B has Cancer as the 5H and 5L Moon is
posited in lagna with Mars and Sun. The first daughter was born on
29 10 1994 when she was running the dasha of Jupiter/ Mercury/
Venus. MDL Jupiter and PDL Venus are posited together in the 3H
and have no connection with the 5H. Only, ADL Mercury is
aspecting the 5H. 5L, Moon has also no connection with the 5H. In
the sookhsham saptamsha S-7/9, the 5H is Sagittarius and 5L
Jupiter is posited in the 2H with Mars and Mercury. Saturn is
aspecting the 5L Jupiter and also the 5H. No connection between
5L and 5H and influence of female planet in both the charts is
responsible for the birth of a daughter to the native.
The second daughter was born to the native on 8 12 2000,
when she was running the dasha of Jupiter/ Moon/ Jupiter. In
saptamsha the ADL Moon is the 5L and is a female planet.. Another
female planet, Saturn, is aspecting the Moon, in sookhsham
saptamsha, the 5L Jupiter is also the MDL as well as the PDL and is
under the influence of two female planets. Hence, another daughter
born to the native.
Native A had no issue till the time of reporting The sookhsham
of native A has a promise as the 5L is aspecting the 5H. Coming

dasha will , however, decide the issue.

Case 22 — 04/09/1973; Muzfarnagar, UP

These are the charts of twin sisters born with a difference of
seven minutes. Birth lagna is the same but navamsha differs by
one. Native A has done MBA and native B is B.Com. in banking.
Native A has done MBA in marketing. 5H of navamsha of

A-16:55 hrs. B-17:02 hrs.

D-1 [\. .. q S\ I\ *a q /
Rah Rah
10 8 10 ^8
Jup(R) Moon Jup(R) Moon

Mars Mars

Van van
3 ' ' 5 N 3 N ' 6 \
Sat Ket Sun Mer Sat Ket Sun Mer
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
le0!?1 le^g1 i^os* ig^e1 ISW 18018' IG^' 14005' 19048'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
09043' 26001' 11 MS" 11045' 09043' 26001' O^Se' 11045' 11 MS"
Rah/^ /\Jup Mars 1
Ven/X yS\.
\ Mars / ( Sun P
Ven S N. Mer / Ny /
Mcr^yyCN. Moon J?t
/B\ Sat / \
/ Moon\^ / 10
/ \/ Ket \
S Sat /
12 10 8
Sun MoonX/
3C \X,
V Ven
y^Ket Jup/ X^ / XRah

10 ><^o2on Sun^N^^ 4 Mer

Rat^^gNk >r^^up
S SatN. y' 11 \s^ Ket/X / X
X MarsXX 5 \

native A is Virgo. Exhalted 5L and karak for education, Mercury is
posited there along with 4L Sun. Jupiter and Saturn are
independently aspecting the 5H and 5L. In sookhsham navamsha,
S-9/9, the 5H is Scorpio and Venus is posited there and is R/K axis.
It is aspected by Sun, the 2L. The 5L Mars, is in the 1ZH. Saturn and
Mars are in mutual aspect. The karak. Mercury exhalted in the 3H
find is aspected by Jupiter and Moon. All the nine planets are thus
connected around 5H, or 5L, or the karak Mercury. Predominant
influence of Jupiter gave the native qualifications in management.
Native B is a commerce graduate with banking specialization.
Navamsha has Libra as the 5H. The 5L, Venus, is in the 3H , with
Mars the 11L. The karak. Mercury, is exhalted in the 4H and is

Mara Sat Mars Sat

Ket Ket

D-1 D-1
Lag 16:55 hrs. Sun Lag 17:02 hrs. Sun
Jup(R) Mer Jup(R) Mer

Rah Moon Ven Rah Moon Ven

Jup Lag Jup Lag

Rah Rah
D-9 D-9
Ket Mars Ket Mars
Ven Ven

Sat Moon Sun Sat Moon Sun

Mer Mer

Moon Sun Mars Moon Sun Mars

Jup Ket Jup Ket
S-9/9 S-9/9

Sat Van Mer Sat Ven Mer

Rah Rah

conjoined with 3L Sun. These are aspected by 10L Jupiter. In the
sookhsham navamsha, S-9/9. the 5H is Taurus and Sun is posited
there. The 5L, Venus is aspecting 5H and this is also in the R/K axis.
The karak Mercury is in the 9H and is also mutually aspects Jupiter
and Moon. The LL, Saturn, is also aspecting the Mercury. Mercury
has given the native a degree in commerce and banking.

Native A was married on 28 8 1999, when she was running
the dasha of Venus/ Venus/ Jupiter. Navamsha has Scorpio as the
7H and Moon is posited here. The 4L, Mars, is in the 4H with Venus
the MDL Ik ADL. The PDL, Jupiter is aspecting the 7H. In the
N^Ratiy/ 11 ^sVen Sun y'
1 Sun Nv/m0 0 n
X. Mer yX" u p /X ^ /\Ven
yr Nk Rah y/^
^ Moon N

7 4 Sat 8
/ 5 X Ket
y/ 4
Ny/' Sat Ket\. yr Mars^X yr N.
S-10/9 4
Moon yr \v Jup y'
J \\/ ^ ///
® S
^ \/Mars 6 \/ \/ 2
/\Sun Ket/x s\

\ Mer / {X, Mars

Sun yr
^ y
\Rah / \ /
^ 3 y^Moon Mer
/ \ Jup /4\ yr 9\. yr 1lk|?ah
2 Ven

S-9/I0 N. 6 y/
XSun/ \ 4 / ^ \sun ^5
7 5 ,
Mara A. Jup Sat 9 Mars
/ \ Rah / \ / \ X?
8 2
k JK 9
\/ Nv / 1
9 11 y^Moon Ket
yk 1
yv 3
/ \ Mer / \.Ven Mer/ \ Moon / X
/ 10 \ Ket / 12 V "/ 12 N. Ven y' 2 X.

sookhsham navamsha, S-9/9, the 7H is Capricorn and 7L, Saturn,
is in the 6H. The PDL, Jupiter, is in the 9H with Moon, the LL, and
aspects the lagna as well as the MDL ADL, Venus in the 5H but
in R/K axis. The running dasha is quite conducive for marriage.
Native B, was married on 25 2 1998, when she was running
the dasha of Venus/ Venus/ Venus. Navamsha has Sagittarius, as
the 7H and Saturn is posited there. . The 7L, Jupiter is in the 10H.
There is only one lord for all the three dashas. The dasha lord is in
the 3H with Mars, and Mars aspects the 7L Jupiter. Coming to the
sookhsham navamsha, S-9/9, the 7H is Cancer and the 7L is posited
in the 3H with Jupiter. Jupiter aspects the dasha lord, Venus. Thus
the dasha running was conducive for marriage.

Rah Lag
Sun Sun
Mer A Mer B
D-10 D-10
Van Mars Ven Mars

Moon Sat Moon Sat

Jup Ket Jup .. Ket

Mer Jup Mer Jup

Rah Rah
Sat Ven Sat Ven
S-10/9 S-10/9
Moon Moon

Lag Mars Ket Mars Ket

Sun Sun

Moon Moon
Ven Ven
Mer Mer
Ket Ket
S-9/10 Lag S-9/10
Jup Sat Jup Sat
Rah Rah
Mars Sun Lag Sun

Native A has joined her husband in his business. In dashamsha

Ven Sun
Sun Moon Jup
Mer Sat Ven
Rah Sat
Mars Moon
Rah Mars

Jup Mer
Sat Rah Ket Sun
Sun Sat

Ven Moon

Ket Rah
Mars Ven Jup
Mer Moon

Rah Mars Rah Mars

D-7 Moon D-7 Moon
Sat Sat
Ket Ket
Sun Lag Jup Sun Lag Jup
Mer Ven Mer Ven

Jup Lag Sat Jup Rah Sat

Rah Sun Sun

S-7/9 S-7/9
Ven Ven Lag

Moon Ket Mars Moon Ket Mars

Mer Mer

the 7L, Sun is posited in lagna and 10L Mars, is posited in the 7H.
Sun and Mars are mutually aspecting each other. The 11L, Jupiter,
is aspecting the 10L Mars in the 7H forming a dhanyog. The
combination is a very fair indicative of business through spouse.
Native B is a bank officer in Bahrain. In dashamsha, the LL
Jupiter, is also the 10L and posited in the 10H with Moon, the 5L,
forming a mahayog. The 12L Saturn, and 7L Mercury have
exchanged houses. The LL, Jupiter aspects the 9L and 2L Mars.
Combination of 10, 11, 12, lagna and 2H and also Mercury gave
the native a banking job in a foreign country.
In S-10/9, the 10H is Aries and 10L , Mars, is with the 2L, Sun,
in the 4H lOL.Mars, and 2L; Sun, aspect the 10H and also the 11H.
The 11L is in the lagna. The 9L, Jupiter, and 12L, Mercury, have
exchanged houses. Thus a connection between 10, 11, 12, lagna,
and 2H is established as in navamsha.
In S-9/10, the 10H is Cancer and 10L, Moon, is in the 7H with
LL, Venus, forming a Rajyoga. The 7L, Mars, is 1 nthe lagna, aspecting
Moon and Venus in the 7H. The 12L, Mercury, and 5L, Saturn,
mutually aspect along the 5/11 axis. A triangular yog is formed,
between, Saturn, Mercury and Sun by being the dispositor for each
other. Thus, as in the earlier cases, a link gets established with, 10,
11, 12, lagna and 2L ensuring a good banking job for the native in
a foreign land.

Case 23 — 07/05/1945; Sukhur, Pakistan

These are the charts of a twin born with a difference of 30
minutes. Native A is a male and has well settled life and native B is
a housewife with problems in life. Lagan of both is the same but
navamsha differs by two navamsha.
Navamsha of native A has Capricorn lagna and 7H is Cancer.
The 7L, Moon, is in the 3H with 9L Mercury and in R/K axis. The 5H
is aspected by Jupiter and so also the 7H. The 1 OH has two digbally
planets, Sun and Mars posited therein The 10L Venus and LL,
Saturn, are posited together in the 2H indicating financial stability.
Coming to the sookhsham navamsha, S-9/9, the 7H is Aquarius
and the 7L, Saturn, is in the 4H. Jupiter is aspecting the 7H, thus
blessing the married life. In both the charts there is no malefic
influence on the 7H. The 1 OH is Taurus and the 10L is posited in the
5H. The 10L and LL are aspecting each other along the 5/11 axis
persisting with a combination of financial stability.
The native has thus a happy married life backed by financial

A - 10:30 hrs. B- I 1:00 hrs.
D-l 2 / 2 /
N. 4 N. 4
5\ / 3 >yy 1 5 \ / 3 1
Jup(R)X Sat /VSun Jup(R)X Sat y\Sun
Rah . Rah
' 12 ' 12 N.
X 6 Mer Ven \ r 6
Mer Ven \
Mars / Mars /
9 N/Moon 7 X/ 9 Nr 11
/C ykMoon
Ket Ket
/ 8 X s 8 y 10 n.
"Lag~ Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
23008, lyss* lO0^' 27035' 19036' 23009' 180ir 10014' 27037'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
24032' 24006' 14003' 17038' 17038' 24031' 24006, UOQS' 13037' 13037,
D-9 9
MooXyr^ 8 \/ Rah \/ 10
Rah yX yX. Moon /X
/ X^Mei^y
\ ^ ^'ars y
^un >r

/ \y^ MarsSun N.
'\Mer/'^ 5 / 2
Mars Sun
^ y\

5 ^S^Mars
4 5
S 10 X
/ XN. /ex"
ykah Mer\^
/ \/ Ket \

Navamsha of native B, has Pisces lagna and Virgo as the 7H.
The 7L, Mercury, is in the lagna with 5L, Moon. Both lagna and 7H
are in R/K axis. The only good point is the aspect of Jupiter on 7L in
lagna. 7H has no aspect on it. The 10H is Sagittarius and no
connection with any other planet. However, 10L Jupiter is in the
9H and is aspected by Saturn, the 11 Jk 12L.


MerVen Sun Lag MerVen Sun Lag

Mars Sat Rah Mars Sat Rah

Moon A Moon B
D-1 D-1
10:30 hrs. Jup(R) 11:00 hrs. Jup(R)

Ket Ket

Moon Lag
MerRah Moon
Sat Sat
Van Ven
D-9 D-9

Jup Mars Ket Jup Mars Ket

Sun Sun

Ket Sun Ket Sun

s-g/g s-g/g

Ven Mars Mer Ven Moon Mars Mer

Sat Jup Rah Sat Jup Rah

In the sookhsham navamsha, S-9/9, the 7H is Leo, and LL,

Saturn, is aspecting the 7H. The 7L Sun is in the 5H. Theyogkarak,
Venus and 11L, Jupiter, are both aspecting the 7L, quite
independent of each other.
Coming to the 10H, the position is not so bad. The 10H
Scorpio, has both Saturn and Moon are posited there. The 9L and
11L have exchanged houses. The 1OL, Mars, is in the 9H with 11L,
Jupiter. All this points to a good financial stability.

Case 24 — 08/07/1981; Etawah

These are the charts of twin sisters born with a difference of
twenty eight minutes. Birth chart is the same. Both of them are

homely girls and only native A is married and native B is not
married as on date.
Native A, the navamsha has Gemini lagna and LL, Mercury, is
in the 6H. 7H is Sagittarius and 5L, Venus, is posited there . . The
7L, Jupiter is in the 10H in R/K axis. 6L, Mars, and Jupiter are
mutually aspecting each other. Mars, thus afflicts both the 7H and
also its lord. From Moon, the 7H is Scorpio, and Mercury is posited
A - 18:05 hrs. B - 18:33 hrs.
D- I \ .. B 7 \ .n D /'
Ket Ket

6 6
Moon Moon
Sat Jup Sat Jup
3 V / Sun3 X /
'X Sun ySX ' 2 X Mer /4 X
2 x.Mer / 4 \
Mare X / Ven Rah Mars \X //v'on Rah

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer ' Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
07048 , 22039' ^6005' 29042, 03047' 14028' 22040' le0^' 29042 ' 03047'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
og^g1 ig^?' 1oo19■ os0^' 080i2' ogoig1 i6o58" looig1 os0^' 08012'
D-9 4
5 XX XX Sun

\ Mars yXy ^ / X Mat /\ Moon y

\ Rah / \ Ket /
7 Ven
10 xx X^Np
/S Mer
8 X.X^yr/ Nv SJup Ket
S-9/9 4
/ N. Rah /
X. PX 10 Nv /1
12 Sun 3
/\ Xw?
/ \ Sat
/X. / \ Ket
Ven X Moon Xx /
X. Mare / /
Rah^^^^ ^ ^^^^lare Xx 9
/ Moon Mer \ /sun KetV X*^ ^SX


Mars Sun Mars Sun

Mer Mer
Ven Ven
A Rah B Rah
D-1 D-1
Ket 18:05 hrs. Ket 18:33 hrs.

Lag Moon Lag Moon

Sat Sat
Jup Jup
Jup Sun Moon Lag Jup Sun Moon
Ket Sat Ket Sat

D-9 D-9

Ven Mer Mars Ven Mer Mars

Rah Rah

Ven Rah Ven Rah Lag

Sat Sat
Jup Jup
S-9/9 S-9/9
Lag Mer Mer
Sun Mars Sun Mars
Mer Mer Moon

there. Jupiter aspects the 7H. From karak Venus, the 7H is lagna
itself and it is aspected by Saturn.
In sookhsham navamsha, S-9/9, the 7H is Cancer and it is not
aspected by any planet. The 7L, Moon, is in the 8H with 9L,
Mercury. Jupiter is aspecting the 7L, Moon. From, Moon, the 7H is
Aquarius and has Jupiter posited in it and aspected by LL, Moon,
and 2L, Mercury. From, Venus, the 7H, is Libra and is aspected by
debilitated Saturn
More benefic influence, on 7H/L permitted the native to marry.
Navamsha of native B, has Leo lagna and 7H is Aquarius. No
aspect on 7H. The 7L, Saturn, is debilitated in the 9H and is with
natural enemy. Sun. It is also aspected by Mars. From Moon, the

7H is Scorpio and Mercury is posited there. Jupiter is aspecting
the 7H. The 7H from Venus is Gemini and is aspected by
debilitated Saturn.
In the sookhsham navamsha, S-9/9. Sagittarius, is the 7H and
it is aspected by Mars. The 7L, Jupiter, is posited in the 9H and is
aspected by LL, Mercury. From, Moon, the 7H is Pisces and is
aspected by Mars.. From Venus, the 7H is Libra and is aspected by
debilitated Saturn and also Jupiter.
More afflictions to the 7H/L has not given marriage to the
native so far.

Case 25 — 09-/09/1946; Bulandshahar

Rah Lag Rah Lag

Moon A Sat Moon B Sat

D-1 D-1
09/09/1946 Sun 10/09/1946 Sun
23:45 hrs. Mer 00:15 hrs. Mer
Ket Jup Mars
Ket Jup Mars Ven

Rah Rah
D-9 D-9
Ket Ket

Ven Jup Lag Mars Lag Sun Moon Mars

Sat Sun Mer Ven Jup Sat Mer
Rah Moon Sun Rah Moon
Mer Mer

S-9/9 S-9/9
Mars Jup Mars Jup
Sat Sat
Lag Ket Ven Ket

These are the charts of twin born with a difference of thirty
minutes. Birth charts are the same but navamsha is different. Native
A has a diploma in electrical engineering and is a government
servant with good steady income. Native B had no formal education
and had a modest job in a private factory and some income.

A - 09/09/1946; 23:45 hrs. B - 10/09/1946; 00:15 hrs.

4 2 / 4 2
fN Sat / V Rah / S > Sat y \Rah
Sun 3 1 Sun 3 1
Mer Mer
6 ' 12 N. 6
Mars Mars 12
7> 7 9
\/11 11
9 /C Moon Jup
Ven Moon
8\ s ION. 8 \ / 10
Ket Ket
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
OOMS' 23020' 02045' 26056• 18034' 07041' 23021' 03002' 26056, 18037'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
OS^S' 09033' H^S' 23019' 23019, 03a58' 09034' H^S' 23018, 23018,
i® Mars y' Ket ^^5un Jimy^
7 NMeo/
Ven Sat Sun ® 11 Ven N/Moon
/ Moon N. /X /

Ket y><f y XX. / Mars

Mer yr

2 Rah
s ^xy* ^V
Sun y' ^^X ^ yr
10\ y^s N. /e
's'T/x Ven /x Ket Jup yc Moon y( ^
s N. Mer / x.
Ket y

RalOv Moon
yV 4
yr N. y' SX.
>r 1 j^un MerS^ / Ven X^yMars&rtS^

Navamsha of native A has Aquarius as the 5H and its lord,
Saturn, is in lagna with 10L, Moon, and 11L Sun indicating education
related to profession. In the sookhsham navamsha, 5-9/9, the 5H is
Pisces, and is in R/K axis. The 5L, Jupiter, is in the 10H , maintaining
a connection between education and profession.
Initially, the native did not have any formal education. He
took up a job in a electric firm and slowly learnt the electrical trade.
In course of time he passed a diploma in electrical and also got a
job with the state electricity board and was finally serving as a
In the case of native B, the 5H is Aries and the 5L is in the 10H
D-IO 4 2 \. 6 y
3 N. y/l/ S. 4 s
5 Sat 7 Ny/ NyX 3
Rah 5 y/\Sat
6 12 8 2
Sun y/3 CX Jup J
7^ 9 N. s Mer 9 11
/NJMoon Ket ✓X 1
8 X yX 10 N^et / 10 \ / 12 N.
Jup Mars Ven\^ .r Mars Ven Sun MoonXv
S-10/9 6
Xsun y/ \.Mor/ N. Rah yS jS
11 X/ 9 7 8 \X MarS
\/ 4
^en/\. /\Rah MeiyX. ^XyMoon

Koty? \, Moon 4 >X " yX Sat
Ssun Ven\. y/''^ Ket^^V


Sat Rah Mer Mars^^^

Sun 9
X. Ket yX X. /

1 3 N/jup Moor^^ 8
Moon / 4 NVen
/ 2 \ Ket / \
yr Mars \^yr Sun X^ y/jup Ver^Xy/ Mer N.

with the IOL Mercury. A link between education and profession.
The same link is not maintained in the sookhsha navamsha, S-9/9,
where the 5L, Venus, has gone to the 6H. Karak Mercury is in lagna
but has no connection with either 5H/L. The native picked up few
Sundry tricks during the odd job that he did and this landed him in
a reasonable job in a private factory.

Clear indications are available from navamsha in the case of
native A of prospects of a government job. In navamsha, the 5L,
Saturn, 10L, Moon and the 11L, Sun are conjoined in the lagna
forming a Rajyoga. Since Sun is the karak for government, and

Sun - Lag Sun

Sat Moon Sat
Moon Mer
Ket A Ket B
D-10 D-10
Mars Rah Mars Lag
Ven Ven Rah

Jup Jup

Ket Sat Moon Ket Sat

Sun Moon
Ven Ven
S-10/9 S-10/9

Lag Mer Rah Jup Mer Rah Jup
Mars Mars

Mars Moon Lag Mars Sun

Ket Ket

Sun Sat Moon

O-S no S-9/10
Jup Jup
Ven Ven
Lag Mer Rah Mer

therefore, the combination means a government service. In the
case of sookhsham navamsha, the 5L, Jupiter, has gone to 10H.
The 10L Sun and the 11L Mercury are posited in the 8H, forming a
dhanyog around the government job with a steady income.
Dashamsha of native A, has Pisces as the 10H and Sun is
posited there. The 10L, Jupiter is in the 6H. Jupiter from the 6H,
and 11L, Saturn, from lagna are independently aspecting the 10H.
The 11L Mars, aspecting the 11H . This all results to a steady
income from government.
In S-10/9. The LL Jupiter and 5L Mars are in the 10H. The LL
Jupiter aspects the 2H of income and also the Sun posited there.
The 2L, Saturn, aspects the 10L Mercury in the 12H and also the
11L, Venus in the 3H. All this connection involving 10, 11, 12,
lagna and 2H and also Sun indicates steady income as a result of
government service.
In S-9/10, the 10L, Mercury, is in the 11H. The LL, Jupiter, and
11L, Venus, are in the 9H of Sun. These are aspected, quite
independently, by 5L, Mars, and 2L, Saturn. This is also a
combination for regular income from government. An interesting
feature of the three dashamsha is that there is a regular involvement
of 8H also, pointing to the income, which, may not necessarily be
above board always.
Dashamsha of native B, gives a confused picture. The 10L,
Venus and 9L, Mars, are posited together in the 6H. The LL, Sun
and 12L, Moon are conjoined in the 8H. The 11L, Mercury, is in
between the two in the 7H and in R/K axis. There is no connection
amongst them. Only redeemable feature, is the aspect of Jupiter,
the 5L, on the 10H.
In S-10/9, the 10H is Gemini and 10L is in the 3H. The 6L,
Saturn is in the 9H . Saturn and Mercury mutually aspect each
other. The 9L Venus and 12L Sun are both in the 6H. Similarly,
Mars, the 8L and 4L, Jupiter are conjoined in the lagna. When no
definite expertise, is available, such confusing situations can be
seen around the 10H, the house of profession.
In S-9/10, The 10H is Sagittarius and is in R/K axis. The 10L
Jupiter is with the 8L, Venus, in the 6H. 11L Saturn aspects along
the 6/12 axis. The 9L Mars is aspecting the 9 as well as the 10H,
from the 3H. Some financial stability is indicated.

The native B met with an serious accident on 14.1.1990 and

as a result the native lost his right eye. The dasha running at the
time of accident was Sat/Venus/Sun. In sookhsham navamsha. S-

/ x 3 Mars"/*^

u Rah
\. Mars Sat \
X iKet1 XT
/ X /
XX. Sun /X.
y/MerVerXsyX Moon^v
X 12 XX 10 X
XMars \^Sat y*
8 6 Moon^^ ^ x \ ^
^/X / x
S Sun

N\oon\S 2 Mars
Mars/i\. S XRah
>/ Sun jS 3
/ Xy' Jup Ven \ y'MerRan\y' ^^X
Sat Rah Lag Sat Rah

Moon Moon Lag

Sun D-7 Sun D-7

Ven Jup Mars Ven Jup Mars

Mer Ket Mer Ket

Moon Sun Jup Mars Moon Sun Jup

Mars Ven Ven
Rah Lag Mer
o- r/9 S-7/9
Sat Sat
Ket Ket


9/9, the MDL Saturn is the 8L posited in the 8H. With Mars, the
6L The ADL Venus is the 12L posited in the 6H. The PDL Sun is in
the 2H and is aspected by both Mars and Saturn. Sun is the karak
of right eye in the 2H and Venus is the karak for eyesight. When
all three 6, 8. and 12 houses are involved something serious had
to happen. Involvement of Venus indicates the loss of eye sight.

The native A, has an elder son and a daughter. Saptamsha of
native A, has Libra as the 5H and Jupiter and Ketu are posited
there. The 5L Venus is in the 7H with Mercury the LL. Mars and
Saturn aspect the 5L In sookhsham saptamsha S-7/9, the 5H is
Pisces and Mars and Moon are.posited in the 5H. Saturn aspects
both Mars and Moon in the 5H. The 5L Jupiter is with Venus in the
8H. Mars from the 5H aspects both Jupiter and Venus in the 8H.
Involvement of Jupiter in both the charts gave the native a male
child first and then a female .child.
Saptamsha of native B has Scorpio as the 5H. Neither any
planet is present there nor there is any aspect on the house. The 5L
Mars is in the 3H and is aspected by Saturn. In the sookhsham
saptamsha, S-7/9, the 5H is Gemini and Venus is posited there.
Mars is aspecting the 5H from the 2H. The 5L, Mercury is in the 6H
in R/K axis and also aspected by Saturn. Almost all female
connection with the 5H/L gave the native two female children.

Case 26 — 26/05/1972; Etawah

These are the charts of twins born with a difference of thirty
minutes. Only the birth charts are the same. Both of them are
engaged in multi million family business. Native A has two
daughters and the native B has two sons.
Navamsha of native A, has a Rajyoga formed between 9L.
Mars, and 1OL Jupiter along the 6/12 axis. The 1OL is also the LL. In
sookhsham navamsha, S-9/9, the same Rajyoga between 9L, Sun
and 10L, Mercury, is repeated along the 3/9 axis. The LL, Jupiter
and 11L Venus are posited together in the 5H and are aspecting
their respective houses.
Dashamsha of native A, 9L, Jupiter and 5L Sun are posited
together in lagna forming a good dhanyog. Both 9L, Jupiter and 10
11L, Saturn, independently aspect the 9H forming another yog.
LL Mars also aspects the 10L Saturn lending support to the yoga..
In the S-10/9, the 9 8< 1 OL Saturn is in the 8H with 4L Sun and 11L

Jupiter is aspecting them; another dhanyog is formed. Finely in S-
9/10, a very powerful Rajyoga is formed by 9L Jupiter, 10 11 L
Saturn and LL Mars having conjoined in the 5H
Repeated formation of rajyog/dhayog in almost all the charts
make the business of native successful and productive.
Coming to the case of native B, in navamsha, the 9 Sw 10L,
Saturn is in the lagna. 12L Mars is posited in the 1 OH which is in R/
A-I7:08hrs. B-17:38 hrs.
D-i PC—:—TX Tire—;—TX—I 71

Jup(R) Moon Jup{R Moon

Rah Ket Rah

Mars Mars
ven Ven
Mer Mer
Sat Sun Sat Sun
Lag Sun Moon "Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
WZV H^O' 23009, 00044' 25006' 11051' 23028' 15026' 00047'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
13021* HOIS' 15051' 03049' 03049' 13020 11°15' 15°51'03049'03049,,
^\Moon Mars yf
2 NSun/ -12 Un
Sat yC Mer 4X/
\/ 2 X
Sat \/>/2
/X / \yen
Jup Mars
Ket / \ Rah /
✓V 8 Mer
y^7 \V XVen
Jup Ket\^y/^
/ /? 4S. 2
yC Sat X Ket X lvlars
X X X XMer

C Mars yC y ^ Sun ^

v P >< 3 6
en/\ ^X^R'h
/ Ke. \/Sat \

K axis also. The 11L Jupiter is in the 4H aspecting Mars mutually
and 10L Saturn also aspecting the 10H and planets in it forming a
dhanyog. In the sookhsham navamsha, S-9/9, the 9 &< 10L Saturn
and the 3L Moon have exchanged houses. There is another
exchange between 11L Jupiter and 12L Mars. LL Venus has moved
to 12H with Jupiter and the 2L Mercury to 11H with Mars as if to
further strengthen the yoga formed.
A powerful Rajyoga is formed in S-9/10, where the 9L, Saturn,
101, Jupiter and 11L, Mars, are conjoined in the 3H. Mars, the 11L,
aspects the LL Mercury. In S-10/9, there is an exchange between

MerSun Mars MerSun Mars

Sat Ven Sat Ven

A Ket B Ket
D-1 D-1
Rah 17:08 hrs. Rah 17:38 hrs.

Jup(R) Lag Jup(R) Lag

Moon Moon
Lag Moon Sat Sun Moon
Sun Sat
Mars Mars
Rah Rah
D-9 D-9
Mer Jup Mer Jup
Ven Ket Ven Ket

Mars Jup Ket Mars Jup Lag

Ven Mer Ven Ket

Mer Sat Sat

S-9/9 S-9/9
Sun Moon Sun

Lag Rah Rah


12L, Jupiter and 8L, Sun. Jupiter is joined by 11 and 4L, Mars and
also, 7L Moon. Similarly, Sun is joined by LL, Saturn and Rahu. The
LL aspects the 9H. 9L also aspects the 9H; a strong Bhagyasthan.

Native A two daughters and the native B has two sons.
Saptamsha of native A, has Gemini as the 5H . There is neither
any planet posited in the 5H nor any planet is aspecting it. The 5L,
Mercury, is posited in the 10H and both Saturn and Jupiter are
aspecting the 5L, quite independent of each other.
In the sookhsham saptamsha, S-7/9, the 5H is Taurus and, as

2 12 4 2 /
Moon r 1 \ / XMoon/
3 Sun Ket 11 5 3 X)2iup1
X Ke
Sal Jup yv Sat
y' ^^un
4 10 / 6 12
Mer /3 N. Ven J

5 7 7
X/ 9
Rah /X 9 Rah /X 11
6^ 8 S 10
Ven Mars yS/ Mars
8 ^ Mer X.
11 Sat Sun /
^S^et yS yS X / \Rah /
MoonSc 2
>C .I2 \S/ 8
Vey/N. ySMor Mer


6 \/ 8 yS 10
Rah\^ y 8 Mars
/ \/ Sun Sat \ / Ket ^^yr jup ivioonX^

jS ^V\RalT^//^^ 3
JupXy/ N^y/i

\ /X. Moon y S
Rah X
Sat\ / Ny /j
Mars 7 N^Von

/ Swn Ke^SV|/' Mer Mer^v Moon\.

Lag Sun Lag
SunJup Moon Sat Jup Moon Sat
Ket Ket

D-10 D-10
Mer Mer

Mars Rah Ven Mars Rah Ven

Mer Lag Ket Mer Ket

Moon Ven
S-10/9 S-10/9
Mars Mars
Jup Lag Jup
Sun Sun
Sat Rah Sat Rah

Rah Lad Rah Lag

S-9/10 Sat S-9/10 Sat

Moon Mars Moon Mars
Jup Jup
Ven Mer Sun Ven Mer Sun
Ket Ket

above, is not connected with any planet. The 5L, Venus, is in the
9H in R/K axis. The 5L is aspected by Mars. Influence of more
female planets s gave the native the female children.
Saptamsha of native B, has Cancer as the 5H with Rahu posited
in it.. The LL Jupiter is aspecting the 5H. The 5H is also aspected by
Sun, another male planet. The 5L, Moon, is in lagna with LL Jupiter.
5L is also aspected by the third male planet. Mars. In the sookhsham
saptamsha, the 5H is Gemini and Mars is posited there. Saturn is
aspecting the 5H. The 5L, Mercury, is in the 7H with Jupiter. All
male influence on 5H/L gave the native two sons.

\ 12 /\ 10 /
\ Moon / \ Sun / N. 1 yS \2\Sat /
NJUD/ \Ket/ g
2 Moon X^X Sun
1 Sat y\ jup xV
/x s\ X X. S \Ket
2 lv,er
\ / x X

Rah Mars
xx /\^'er
Rah Mars y' Ven

12\X 10 X/ 8
Ket yX. yX. S 1
V\ x\

C Sat y \ Moon X

2 4 Rah
yv Sun
y'3X^ y^ XVXVen M r
* y\ Jup y<^oon
yr Marshy / 5 N. y' 4 Mor y' 6 N.
y Jup Mcr y' Sun Rah Ven\^

Moon Lag
Jup Moon
Lag Rah Sat Rah
A 8
Sun D-7 Ven Sun D-7 Ven
Ket Ket

Mor Mars Mer Mars

Ket Sat Mars Ket Sat Mars

Sun Lag Sun

S-7/9 S-7/9
Lag Jup Jup
Mer Mer

Moon Rah Moon Rah

Ven Ven

Case 27—12/01/1981; Delhi
These are the birth charts of twin, born with a difference of five
minutes. Birth charts, navamsha, dwadashamsha, and drekkana
are the same. Both the natives are school dropouts and are engaged
in fathers business. Native A has suffered an attack of polio, early in
life, and has damaged his body portion below hips including legs.
Birth chars of both the natives has Moon in the 8H and is,
A - 12:30 hrs. B-12:35 hrs.
D-I K : 7^ 7i K ; tx : 7

Rah Rah
Mars Mars
Mer Mcr
/ 10 ex
Jup(R) Ny' Sun Jup(R) Sun
Sat Sat , Ket
9 N^en
Moon X Moon
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
ISMS' O^SO' 01''SS' OTW 04053' ISMS' 04033' 01055' 07002'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
16Q42' 02042' 1600r lyMO' 17019' I6042' 02M2' 16001' 17019' 17019'
D-9 12
Nv X. Van \12 y/
y' X.
y/ )x ^x Rah
y/X. y7 XJVIer

Moon Moon
Jup x^K 5 x^K y Jup X^y' 7
Ket X. X. Mars Ket^X. ^X^ars

S-9/9 10
Ket ® y2'^ N^M^rs/X. /
^ Jup(R) ^^^Ven Moorw^ ^
Mery x. ^y X^

Rah ** y>

yAK Moon yOv yXs. s'" y/^R)

/ 12 XMer / 2h\
S Mars Sun x.

therefore, a case of balarisht in both the cases. The arishta gets a
further boost from the fact that the Moon, of both the natives, is in
visha ghati of Moola nakshatra. In spite of strong balarisht, the
natives have survived because of the blessings of Jupiter on LL,
Venus, as well as on lagna.
Navamsha of both the natives, although is the same but the
LL, Saturn, is afflicted by Moon, but the lagna continues to be
under Jupiter's protection.
Added to the above arishta, the lagna of native A is also in
visha ghati of Krittika nakshatra. In S-9/9, the protection of Jupiter
in the lagna, could not prevent the double attack on lagna , firstly,
by lagna itself being in visha ghati and secondly by the afflicted

Lag Lag

Mars A Rah Mars B Rah

Mer D-1 Mer D-1
Sun 12:30 hrs. Sun 12:35 hrs.
KetVen KetVen

Moon Jup(R) Moon Jup(R)

Sat Sat

Moon Jup Sat Moon Jup Sat

Sat Sun Sat Sun

Lag Lag
D-9 D-9
Ven Ven

Mer Mars Mer Mars

Rah Rah

Mars Moon Rah Mars Moon Rah

Sun Mer Sun Mer
S-9/9 S-9/9
Ven Ven
Sat Sat
Ket Lag Ket Jup(R)

Moon from the 7H. Therefore the native had suffered an attack of
polio. i,
The S-9/9, of native B, lagna though Afflicted but Jupiter is
aspecting lagna, and the same is under dual protection of its lord,
Saturn and also benefic Venus. Therefore the native did not have
any such problem in the childhood.
In order to locate the defective body part, the houses 9, 10,
and 1 1 are invariably afflicted, in the case of native A, in
dwadashamsha and drekkana charts and their associated
sookhshams. 9H represent the hip joint and upper part of leg
(femur) and the following houses the further parts, down.

Case 28 — 10/05/1971; Delhi

These are the charts of twin born with a difference of twenty
five minutes. Lagan is different in both the cases. It is Taurus for
native A and Gemini for native B. Native A, died within a month

A - 07:35 hrs. B - 08:00 hrs.

D-1 Sun
Mer Ket Sat
Ket Sat Sun
Ven Mer


Mars Moon
Jup R Rah
Moon Jup R) Mars Rah
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
26034 , 25019' 2005r Ol^' 020321 25020' 21005, 09042' Ol^'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
OgM?' 26020' Ol^r 25038' 25038' Cm?' 26020 ' 01 "ST 25038 ' 25038•
D-9 \ G
4 8 6 /
\Jup(R) / Sun Oup(R) /
7 5 \s 3 9 7 \ /5
Rah ✓v F'at1
8 2
10 4 N.
\ Sun Sat
1 11 \ /1 11 N 1
Ket 3
2^ Ven Ket Moon Ven Moon
/ \.Mer
r ' 12 \ Mer
/ 10 12 X ' 2
/ Sat Mars Mars

S. 10 8 \ 2 12
X Sat / XMars
11 9 7 3 1
Sun Rah Moon x/ Ket 11
Very X.
12 6 4 10
C Mars /
v Mer
x/ 3 5 SN. y/ 7 9
Kot yC Rah Sun
Moon 4
2 \ Van / Mer / 6 X /8
// Sat / Jup(R)
and the native B is leading a normal life.
A close scrutiny of the data show that the lagna of native A is
in visha ghati of Mrigshira nakshatra in Taurus. Lagan of native B is

Ven Sun Lag Ven Sun Sat Lag

Mer Sat Mer

A Ket B Ket
D-1 D-1
Mars 07:35 hrs. Mars 08:00 hrs.
Rah Rah

Jup(R) Moon Jup(R) Moon

Mars Moon Mars Moon

Mer Mer
Ven Ven
Ket Ket
D-9 D-9
Sat Lag Sat Rah
Sun Jup(R) Sun Lag Jup(R)

Mars Ket Sat Moon Mars Lag Sat Moon

Ven Ket Ven
Mer Mer
S-9/9 S-<3/9

Lag Rah Jup(R) Sun Rah Jup(R)


free from any such affliction.
Besides the affliction to lagna of being in visha ghati, it is
afflicted by Saturn, in birth chart, by being in R/K axis in navamsha
and by Sun in S-9/9. Only lagna in birth chart has the aspect of
Jupiter, there is no protection in either navamsha or its sookhsham.
Therefore the native A could not survive beyond a few week
Note: If the lagna, at the time of birth, could reach the Virgo
navamsha, though the lagna would have continued to be in visha
ghati, but, perhaps, the child would have survived because of
continued protection from Jupiter both in navamsha as well as its

Case 29 — 08/03/1991; Delhi

These are the charts of twin born with a difference of one
minute. Both the birth charts and also the navamsha is the same.
Native A is a normal child and is going to school., but native B is
suffering from mental problem of hallucination.
A - 08:49 hrs. B - 08:50 hrs.
\ Mars 12 2 . 12
y1 Ven '11 N.\Mars/ N. Ven
3 1 3 1 11
Sun Sun
Mer Mer
/ 4 10 / 4
Ju 10
Sat C P Sat
\ Ket Rah \ Ket ■v Rah
5 yS 7 9 5 7 9
6 / 8 / Moon 8
s Moon S 6 ^
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
07016' 23018, 20002' 23014' 28050' O/oSO' 23018 ' 20003' 23014' 28050,
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
10036' 23° 18' Og^' 02058 ' 02058' icrae123018' og^' c^sa' c^sa'
Mars Mars
Mer Sun Sun

Sat Sat

Jup(K Jup R
Moon Moon
ven Rah ven Rah

Sun Moon iip(R)
Moon Jup(R) Ven Sun
Rah Sat
Mer ven
Sat Mars
Ket Rah

Moon in both the birth charts is in the 8H and the children

are suffering from some problem of balarisht. Further, Moon is
also in vishaghati of Jeyeshtha nakshatra which further aggravates

Ven Lag Mars Ven Lag Mars

Sun A Jup Sun B Jup

Mer D-1 Ket Mer Ket
Sat 08:49 hrs. Sat 08:50 hrs.
Rah Rah

Moon Moon

Sat Sun Lag Sat Sun Lag

Mer Mer
Mars Mars
Ket Ket
D-9 D-9
Moon Moon
VenRah Ven Rah

Jup(R) Jup(R)
Mer Mer
Mars Mars
Ket Ket

Sat Sat
S-9/9 S-9/9
Moon Moon

Sun Lag Ven Sun Jup(R) Ven

Jup(R) Rah Lag Rah

the problem. What is then the saving grace in native A and is not
there in native B.
In the navamsha, in both the cases the lagna is Gemini and its
lord Mercury is posited there, making the lagna strong. The lagna
further gets strength by the aspect of Jupiter. The problem, however,
is different in S-9/9, where the two lagnas are different. Native A
has Scorpio lagna and Jupiter is posited there. Lagan is afflicted by
the aspect of natural malefic Saturn. The LL, Mars, though in R/K
axis, is associated with three benefics. Mercury is conjoined with
LL, Mars, and the LL is aspected by Venus and Jupiter quite
independently and separately.
In the case of native B, in S-9/9, the lagna is Sagittarius and
Sun is posited there. The LL, Jupiter, is in the 12H, which is not
conducive for the welfare of lagna. Further, there is no benefic
influence on either lagna or LL.
Thus it is clear from the above, in native A, though Moon is
continuously afflicted but there is sustained and persistent benefic
influence of Jupiter, making it strong, and thereby avoiding the
arishta. In the case of native B, affliction to the Moon coupled with
weakness of lagna has resulted in the mental problem in the form
of hallucination.
Recent researches in the medical sciences have indicated that
the second child is susceptible to certain mental conditions to
varying degrees.

Case 30 — 02/12/1953; Rohtak

A - 16:57 hrs. B- 17:05 hrs.
2 2
Ket Jup(R) Ket Jup(R)

Mars,Xx 8
7XVen Sun
VySVen Sun ah
Moon y Moon\. .
Mer Sat X / Mer Sat x /
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
10016' teW 01044' 23050' 26034, lO^G1 tew 01044' 23050 , 26034'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
29041' 02045' 11032' OlMg1 01049' 29041- 02045' 11032' 01049' 01049'

Mer yX^

\ vtn / \ Rah /\ /
\Rah / \.RahS X^ yX Ny Rah yX

Mars/\ Moon /\Sun MarsX Moon ^^^Sun

4 Sat
9 Mars
x X Rah
X X Xx Xx5


8 ^ Moony/ Sun y/ ^
Me^X X. Ket >9 X.
Mars N^^X ^S^y'Sat RanX

These are the charts of twin born with a difference of eight

minutes. Both the birth charts and navamsha are the same. Native
A died within a few weeks but native B is leading a normal life.
Since birth charts and navamsha are the same we will
concentrate on S-9/9. In the case of native A, the birth lagna is
Taurus and is on the exact mrityu bhag degree of Rohani nakshatra.
Lagan is further afflicted by three malefic. Firstly by being in R/K
axis, secondly by Saturn presence in the lagna and thirdly by
aspect from Mars. All this malefic influencing could not save the
In the case of native B, neither the lagna is in mrityu bhag nor
there is so heavy affliction on the lagna.


Jup(R) Lag Jup(R) Lag

A Ket B Ket
D-1 D-1
Rah 16:57 hrs. Rah 17:05 hrs.

Van Moon Mars

Van Moon Mars Sun Mar Sat
Sun Mar Sat

Lag Mar Lag Mer

Ven Ven
Rah Rah
D-9 D-9
Sat Mars Sat Mars
Rah Rah

Sun Moon Jup Sun Moon Jup

Sun Lag
Sat Sun Sat
Rah Rah
Moon Moon
Van Ven
S-9/9 S-9/9

Ket Mars Ket Lag Jup


Mars Mer

Case 31 — 28/08/1995; Delhi
These are the charts of twin born with a difference of twenty
four minutes. Birth lagna, in both the cases, is the same but
navamsha is different. Both of them are in school. Native A, has
suffered, in early life, from epilepsy and native B had no such
LL, Moon, in both the cases is in the visha ghati of Uttar
A - 02:52 hrs. B - 03:16 hrs.
D-l fv 5 7^ 71K s 7X 71
6 X Sun Sun
MerNVen Mer Wen
Moon \/ Moon
Mars/^ Mars

Rah Ket Rah Ket

Jup Jup
Sat Sat
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
OOW 10^O' OCmS' 29024 ' 04035' OS^S' tO^O' OCSQ' 29024' 04038'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
12041' ^20^3• 28052 , 0305 r 03051' 12041' '\20'\4' 28052 ' 03051'
N. yS A \ Sat NyMars z' N^unVer^X
Sun Ven 7 5
Mars^Xf j /\ XxSat

Rah X' ™
°\S Moon 9 Mer ^
Rahy?\ yS.
Mer yr tAooiy\^ ^
S-9/9 3
6 N7 4 TX. X^^ ^X^un y/T
Sun NX
c X 2 Xx Mars xx 3
/\ / X X Rah X \
/ 7 \ / 1 \

8 XS 10 ✓ 12
/9N. Mer / \sat XioX Ke, / \
y Ven y 11 Ven
/ \7 Ket x / "X^/Moon

Phalguni nakhshatra. Lagna in the case of native A is firstly weak
and secondly has many afflictions as compared to the lagna of
native B which has much less afflictions.
Navamsha lagna of native A is on absolute rashi ghandant and
is thus very weak. The fact that the lagna gets repeated in every
divisional chart including their sookhshams is a blatant sign of
weakness rather than strength. In navamsha, as expected, the
lagna is Cancer and Sun is posited in the lagna. The LL, Moon is in
the 7H and aspects lagna is a sign of weakness as Moon is in visha
ghati, rather than, strength, as is the normal case of house lord
aspecting its own house would be. In the case of S-9/9, again
Cancer is the lagna and Sun is posited there. The LL, Moon is

Ket Ket

Sat A Lag Sat B Lag

D-1 D-1
02:52 hrs. Sun 03:16 hrs. Sun
Ven Ven
Mer Mer
Jup Rah Moon Jup Rah Moon
Mars Mars

Ket Sat Kot Sat

Mer Lag Mer Sun

Sun Ven Ven
D-9 D-9
Moon Moon Lag

Rah Jup Mars Rah Jup Mars

Moon Jup Moon Jup

Sat Sat
Ket Lag
Sun Ket Sun
S-9/9 S-9/9 Lag
Mer Mars Mer Mars
Rah Ven Rah

further afflicted by its association with Saturn and aspect of Mars.
In the case of native B, in navamsha, the lagna, is Leo and is
aspected by both Mercury and Saturn, quite independently. The
LL, Sun, is in the 12H with Venus but is aspected by Moon. In S-9/
9, lagna, is again Leo and Mars and Rahu are posited there. The LL,
Sun, is again in the -IZH and is aspected by two benefics, Venus
and Mercury.
Because of the intrinsic weakness of lagna, coupled with
affliction, the native A had to suffer bouts of epilepsy, in early life.

Case 32 — 27/07/1976; Ghaziabad

These are the charts of twin born with a difference of seven

Moon Jup Moon Jup

Ket Ket
Von Sat Ven Sat
A Mer Sun B Mer Sun
D-1 D-1
12:50 hrs. Mars 12:57 hrs. Mars

Lag Lag
Rah Rah

Rah Rah
D-9 D-9
Jup Mars
Jup Mars Sun Ket
Sun Ket
Lag Von Sat Lag Ven Sat
Moon Mer Moon Mer

Sat Rah Moon Sat Rah Moon

Mer Jup Mer Jup

S-9/9 Lag S-9/9
Sun Sun
Mars Mars
Ket Ven Lag Ket Ven

minutes. Birth charts and navamsha are the same. Native B died
within a few weeks and native A is leading a normal life.
Birth lagna of native B is in visha ghati of Swati nakshatra in
In S-9/9, of native A, LL Sun is in the lagna providing protection
to the native. In the case of native B, LL, though exhalted, but is in
the 8H. Additionally, Saturn is also aspecting the lagna. The main

A - 12:50 hrs. B-12:57 hrs.

s. g y \ /\. y
S 6 S 8

9 ><C Rah XMars X. Rah Xwars
/ Ven Sat / ^^N/ven Sat
S. MerSun / y/N^Mer Sun /
Moon yX N. Moon y^
y 12
\Ket / Ju2 \ / 12 \Ket / 2 X
y \/ p \ y \/ Jup \
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
08029' 05006' 2 701 7, 15° 11' 11036' 09048' 05007' 27022' 15° 11' IIW
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
02014' 14014' 11057' 15040' ISMO' 02014' 11057' 15040' ISMO1
D-9 \ 1° /X 8 / \ 10 X\ 8 X
\JUP ^ \Wen X N. Jup / X. Ven X
R RahyX y\J®tr
/\Moon xV0'

3 3
T\s Xy^Ket Xx/ y*^
w ars
Xn. yC Mars yx
yy N
2 v

10 8
S-9/9 \ /X X
®un yA.X
KetyX.X Mars 3
Mer/N. XKet
\X Moon X Sat y><x Ven

9 11
yx Mer yx Rah RahXX 3
yr 2Nv
X ^^un
X x X12\
X 10 x. yS ^\.
y/MoonX^X jup \

affliction to lagna being in visha ghati, which proved fatal for the

Case 33 — 28/01/1956; Lucknow

These are the charts of twin sisters born with a difference of
forty minutes. Birth charts are the same but D-9 lagna differs by
four navamsha. Native A was married on 20 5 1986, when she was

A - i 3:00 hrs. B-13:40 hrs.

^ -7.

4 4 \
Moon Ket Voon Ket
5 Ven 5
Jup(R) Jup(R) ven
Sun Sun
S.N. Sat 8Mars er(R) K\Sat 8Mars ierfR]
7 X Rah . 7 XRah

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
09050' I^OS' 23055, 12022, 20012, I^OS" 24020' 16004' 12024'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
05°40' tg^O' 07058' 20052' 20052' OSMO" 19052, 20052 , 20052•
^SyMer^ 2
Jup Ven yC 10 K t
Sun/ X. ' / >^ah s^/X ® /\sUP
7 Mer
K vx y
10 12
b\X Rah
Sat ^S^Mars Mars/\^^ ^^^Ven
/ Moon X^
Sat Mars /
,\ / 12 X®'/
/\ vun /\10

^ Mer Sat ^

10 ^S^Sun
X Mo S >^en
Rah nfler / on X^/Mars1 Ket\

running the dasha of Venus/ Saturn/ Rahu and had a daughter
afterwards. Native B was married on 18 5 1984 during the dasha of
Venus/ Saturn/ Venus. Thereafter she had two sons.

Navamsha, of native A, has Virgo as the 7H and Saturn is
posited there. MDL, Venus, is in the lagna aspecting the 7H. The
ADL, Saturn posited in the 7H . The PDL, Rahu, is in the 1 1H of
Saturn. The LL, Jupiter aspects the 7H and also the PDL, Rahu.
Dasha running is, thus, very conducive for the marriage of the
native. In S-9/9, The MDL, Venus, is exhalted in the lagna and
aspects the 7H. The ADL, Saturn, is in the 2H, and aspects the 7L,

Lag Lag
Ket Ket

Ven A Moon Ven B Moon

D-1 D-1
Sun 13:00 hrs. Jup Sun 13:40 hrs. Jup
Mer Mer
Sat Sat
Mars Mars
Rah Rah
Lag Mer Jup Ven Mer Sun
Ven Sun Jup

Moon Ket Moon Lag

D-9 D-9
Rah Rah

Mars Sat Mars Sat

Sun Sat Sun Sat
Ven Ven
Mars Jup Mars Lag
Ket Ket Jup
S-9/9 S-9/9
Rah Rah

Moon Mer Moon Mer

Mercury, along 2/8 axis. The PDL, Rahu, is in the 6H of Sun, who is
posited with MDL, Venus, in the lagna. Dasha is thus favourable for
In the case of native B, the navamsha has Capricorn as the 7H.
The MDL, Venus and the 9L, Jupiter have exchanged houses.
Venus and Jupiter are both aspecting, Saturn, the 7L as well as the
ADL quite independent of each other The PDL is again Venus. In S-
9/9, the MDL, Venus is in the 9H. The ADL, Saturn, is the 7L and
also aspects the 7H. Exhalted Jupiter also blesses the 7H. The PDL
is Venus again. The dasha running a quite favourable for the marriage
of the native.

The navamsha of native A, the 5H is Cancer and Ketu is
posited in it. No other aspect on 5H. The 5L, Moon is in the 12H
also un-associated. In S-9/9, the 5H is again Cancer and LL .Jupiter
is posited there. The 5L, Moon is posited in the 9H aspected by the
Jupiter The saptamsha has Taurus as the 5H and Jupiter aspects the
5H. The 5L, Venus, is in the 6H with Moon and Saturn. In the
sookhsham saptamsha, the 5H is Cancer and Ketu is posited there.
Both Saturn and Jupiter aspect the 5H. The 5L Moon is in lagna
D-7 9 \ 1 11
N. 11 / \ Ket y 12
12\/ 10 8 2 10

1 3
/ N./ 7 S
( Moon 9
^ Ket yC Sun
v Rah \SatVen
2 \/ 4 Jup 6 a
3 y/5\ Mer Jup /T\
//MoonVX . Mars Mer y' Sun
/ Sat Ven /S Mars^ Rah
S-7/9 11 9
1 11
/ \ v Sun
12 X/io 12 N. / 8
Sat. Moon y^Rah jupVen
Jup Ven .
3 / 1 7
9 \ Mars
Sun y ( Moon
4 6 SC 8
2 4 6
Ket Sa Ket Mer
/5\ '/3
Mer 7 ' 5

Ket Moon Lag Ket Moon

SatVen SatVen

Lag D-7 Mars D-7 Mars

Sun Jup Sun Jup

Rah Mer Rah Mer

Lag Jup Moon Sat

JupVen Sat Ven
Ket Ket
S-7/9 S-7/9
Rah Mer Rah

Sun Mars Sun Mars Mer

with Jupiter. Consistently more influencing in navamsha, of female

planets on 5H/L gave the native a daughter.
In the case of native B, the 5H is Scorpio and its lord Mars is
posited there. Sun and Jupiter aspect the 5H as well as its lord
Mars. In S-9/9. the 5H is again Scorpio and Jupiter aspects it. The
5L, Mars, is in the 8H with Ketu. In saptamsha, the 5H is Cancer
and is not associated with any planet. The 5L, Moon is with Saturn
and Venus in the 4H. In the sookhsham saptamsha, the 5H is
Taurus and LL Saturn is posited there. The 5H and Saturn are
aspected by Mars. The 5L, Venus is in the 3H with Jupiter.
Overwhelming male influencing on 5H/L gave the native two
male children.

Case 34 — 02/03/19SS; Rohtak

These are the charts of a twin born with a difference of fifteen
minutes. Native A is a male and has Scorpio lagna and native B is a
female with Sagittarius lagna. Native A was married at the age of
forty years whereas native B was married when she was running
twentieth year of her life.
Both the birth charts are at ghandant and native A is
comparatively at more ghandant. The 7H of native A in the birth
chart, is Taurus and is in paap kartari. Moon is posited in the 7H.
The 7L is in the 3H with Mercury. From Moon lagna, the 7H is
again in paap kartari. From karak Venus, the 7H is afflicted by both,.
Mars and Saturn
In navamsha, the 7H is Virgo and is aspected by Mars as well
as Sun. The 7L, Mercury, is with Moon in the 5H and is aspected by
In sookhsham navamsha, the 7H is Cancer and is in paap

A-02:10 hrs. B - 02:25 hrs.

Rah Sat R Yen Mer
Yen Sun Rah Sat{R)


Mars Jup Ket

Mars Jup Ket Moon
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
29010, l?0^' 21036, O^OQ' 22007, 21045, OQ^O' 22008,
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
ZT^OO' cmg' 27050, O^SO' O^SO' 27000, 03020' 27050, O^SO' OQ^O'
3\. yS ^\sun
2 12 Mars^v 1 X^ y' 11
VT Sun
c Xven JupSaOC
Rah / X. /\
/ Mars 9 Ven
\ Jup Sat Ket y/ Moon yl
\ Rah / \ S X Mer S
MoonS/^ 8 5 Ket
Mer/^^^ XX XX

Mer ^SyMoon,/^ ^\Ven
10 e
12 x/ Sat(R) x ys
^OMoon J
Ky><r ^P yX^un

^ Mars Jup ^ ^ sat?R) y

2 4 1 ^S^Rah
Rah Sun^^^


Mars Moon Jup Mars Moon Jup

Ket Ket

Sun A Sun B
D-1 D-1
02:10 hrs. Ven 02:22 hrs.

Lag Sat(R)
Rah Lag Sat(R) Rah

Lag Mars Sun Lag Mars

Sun Jup Sat Jup Sat
Rah Rah
Moon Moon
Mer Mer
D-9 D-9
Van Ven

Ket Ket

Mars Rah Mars Rah

S-9/9 S-9/9
Lag Sun Sat(R) Sun
Mer Moon Jup Ven Mer Moon Lag
Ket Ket Jup Ven

kartari, again, and also aspected by Saturn and Mars both. Thus all
afflictions to the 7H, in all the charts, resulted in the delay in
marriage to the native.
in the case of native B, the 7H is Gemini and Jupiter is posited
there. The 7H is in R/K axis. There is no other aspect on the 7H. The
7L, Mercury is in the 2H with Venus, the karak for marriage
The navamsha has Libra as the 7H and no planet is posited
there. The 7L, Venus, is in the 10H. Jupiter is blessing the 7H.
Coming to the S-9/9, the 7H is Aries and its lord Mars is
posited there, thereby strengthening the 7H. The 7H is blessed by
Jupiter also. Continuous blessings from Jupiter in all the three
charts resulted in timely marriage for the native.

Case 35 — 18/07/1969; Kanpur
These are the charts of twin born with a difference of twenty
minutes. The birth charts are different and so are the divisional
charts. But the prarabd is the same. Both the natives, are running
their business of photography. Some events of life of native A are
discussed but not much is known about native B.
Native A was married, on 29 10 2001, when he was running
A - 09:40 hrs. B - 10:00 hrs.
D-l fv I TX 3 71K " T'v s 7
Jup Sun Moon
5 Ket
Moon Mer Mars Jup Sun
Mars ven Mer

Sat ven
Rah Sat
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
26024, OfSS' ^°2Q' 08056' 26042' 0005y 01 "se1 11030' OS^O' 26043,
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
06°55' 18040' ^403^^ 29003' 29003' 1804r 14031' 29003' 2^003,
D-9 7
N.Ket y'
0/x 8

12 Moon ^^^Mars
jup 73>sfoon
yT 3\ Sur1 / \
y' 1 yr Mer^V y Mer N. y 5 >.
/ Ven Rah / Ven Rah \/ Sat \
Rah/ N. 11 yS
?\X 12 \/l0
^ /\ Ven /X

\ ®un x /x ^un 7
JupN. y/ JupS. y7^ ^^X yT^ ^
Mars yC ® yC Mars 6 /Moon
Sat/ \ / 7\ Saty 5\. yr 7\.
y ® y MoonN.
y \^y Mer Ket \ y ^\^y Mer Ket

Sat Van Mer Sat Ven Mer

Rah A Sun Rah Sun

D-1 D-1
09:40 hrs. Lag 10:00 hrs. Moon
Moon Ket
Mars Jup Mars Jup

Jup MerVen Jup MerVen

Rah Rah

Moon Moon
Sun Sun
D-9 D-9
Sat Lag Sat

Ket Lag Mars Ket Mars

Lag Rah Lag Rah

Van Ven
Jup Jup
Mars Mars
Sat Sat
S-9/9 S-9/9

Sun Moon Mer Sun Moon Mer

Ket Ket

the dasha of Moon/ Saturn/ Moon. In the birth chart the MDL,
Moon is in the lagna, aspecting the 7H. The ADL, Saturn, is the 7L
and is posited in the 9H The PDL is again the Moon. In navamsha,
the MDL, Moon, is in the 9H and is aspected by Jupiter. The ADL
Sat is in the 10H aspecting the 7H. In the sookhsham navamsha,
the MDL, Moon is again in the 8H with 7L Mer. The ADL, Saturn, is
in the 5H with Jupiter and Saturn is aspecting the 7H. In the three
charts the dasha running is connected with the 7H/L and is thus
conducive for marriage.
The native A also got a son on 19 10 2002, when he was
running the dasha of Moon/ Mercury/ Venus. In the birth chart, the
MDL, Moon is in the lagna. The ADL, Mercury, is in the 11 H and

aspects the 5H. The PDL, Venus, is in the 10H and is aspected by
the 5L, Jupiter. The navamsha, has Pisces as the 5H and its lord
Jupiter is posited there giving strength to the house. The MDL,
Moon is in the 9H and is aspected by the 5L Jupiter. The ADL and
PDL are conjoined in the 8H. In the sookhsham navamsha, the
MDL, Moon, is also the 5L and is posited in the 8H. Three planets,
LL Jupiter, Mars and Saturn are conjoined in the 5H. The MDL
Moon and ADL, Mercury are conjonined in the 8H and are aspected
by 9L Mars, from the 5H. The PDL, Venus, is exhalted in the lagna
and is aspected by LL Jupiter from the 5H. Thus the dasha running
is well connected with 5H/L and is favourable for the birth of a
male child.
Profession — Both the natives are professional photographer.
In the case of native A, in the birth chart, the 10H is Taurus
and its lord Venus is posited there . The 9L Mars and 10L Venus are
mutually aspecting each other along 4/10 axis forming a raj yog.
Jupiter is aspecting the 10H and also the 10L and thus fortifies the
yoga. Mars is also aspecting the 11L Mercury in the 11H forming
another dhanyoga. In the navamsha, the 10H is Leo and Saturn is
posited there. The above rajyogs are again repeated by the
conjunction of 10L, Sun and 9L, Moon, in the9H. Rajyogais further
blessed by Jupiter. The LL Mars and 5L Jupiter are mutually aspecting
along 5/11 axis, forming another yog.
Sookhsham navamsha, S-9/9, of both the native is the same
supporting the theory if interconnectivity of destinies. However, in
the case of native B Moon has shifted by 1H to 9H. The 10H is
Sagittarius. The 10L, Jupiter, the 9L, Mars, and 11L, Saturn are
conjoined in the 5H, forming a very powerful yog. There is also an
exchange of houses between 5L, Moon and 9L, Mars forming
mahayog. Venus, the karak for photography is exhalted in lagna.
With such strong indications in the sookhsham charts the prarabd
has got to be similar if not same.
The birth chart of native B, has the 10L. Mercury, in the 10H
and 9L, Venus, in the 9H and both of them connected by aspect
from Mars thus making the yog, though, indirectly. Additionally,
the 9L, Venus is aspected by Jupiter, and 10L, Mercury, by the
In the navamsha, the same yog is formed by the conjunction
of 10L Venus and 9L Mercury in the 6H. LL Saturn also aspects the
With so many yogs being repeated in all the charts the natives

have got to be successful in their profession, which is photography,
in this case.

Case 36 — 16/01/1977; Lucknow

These are the charts of twin sisters born with a difference of
forty five minutes. Birth lagna is the same but all other divisional
charts are different. Native A. is a post graduate in medicine and

A - 18:30 hrs. B- 19:15 hrs.

D-1 fv I /\ 3 K /\ i /
Sat(R) Sat(R)

Rah Jup Rah Jup

Ket Ket
8> 8 ^
Moon Moon
Sun Sun
^ 9 ^
Mars Mer von Mars Mer Ven
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
IS0!?' 02045 ' 21056' ISOOS' 13036' 25001' 02045' 22023' 18009' 13037'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
27038' ig^' 21014, OS^' 05052, 27038' igW 21014' 0 50 2 2 ' 05022'
D-9 Moon Sat j
10X Jup Ven < Sun S
Sun \l0/9
Moon Rah Mars sC Jup
Sat >

Mer Ket Rah

ven Ket Mer

Rah Rah
Sat Ven
Ven Mer

Mars Sun Jup
Mer Moon Sun
Jup / 4 \
Ket Moon Ket

Jup Jup
Ket Ket

Ven A Lag Ven Lag

Sat(R) B Sat(R)
D-1 D-1
18:30 hrs. 19:15 hrs.
Sun Sun

Mars Moon Rah Mars Moon Rah

Mer Mer

Ven Ket Ven Ket

D-9 D-9
Sun Sat Mer Sun Sat Mer
Moon Moon

Jup Lag Mars Jup Rah Mars


Sat Moon Sat Mais Jup

Mais Jup Mer
Ven Ket Lag Moon
Ven Ket
S-9/9 S-(3/9
Rah Sun Rah Sun


native B holds a post graduate degree in literature.

Native A, has uniformly good connection with 5H of education,
10H of profession, 6H of sickness. 12H of hospitalization, and also
L/LL and houses of income and finance. In the navamsha, the 5L
jupiter is in the 2H, aspecting the 6H and also 11L Mercury, in the
10H. 9L Moon and 10L Sun are conjoined in the 3H forming
Rajyoga and also are with Saturn, the 3L, which aspects the 12H.
Thel2L, Venus, is exhalted in the 5H. The LL, Mars, from the 11H
and Venus mutually aspect along the 5/11 axis. A very close
connection between these houses.
In the sookhsham navamsha. S-9/9, the 10L Mercury is
conjoined with 12 Ik 5L Mars, and 2 Ik 3L Saturn, in the 5H. The 9L

Sun and 6 Jk 11L Venus are aspecting each other along 3/9 axis,
.indicating a link between bhagya and sickness. The LL Jupiter,
aspects the 11H. and its lord, Venus in the 3H and then its own
house lagna.
The dashamsha, the 1OL Venus has gone to lagna and aspects
the 12L, Moon, along the 1/7 axis. The 9L Jupiter, is in the 6H and
aspects the 10H, and the 12H and then the LL, Sun, in the 2H,
knitting closely, the above relevant houses/lords.
In S-10/9, the 10 Ik 11L, Saturn and the LL Mars are conjoined
in the 7H. The LL Mars aspects the 10H. There is an exchange
between the 5L Sun and 6L Mercury. The 2 Ik 7L Venus is with
Mercury in the 5H. The 9 Ik 12L Jupiter mutually aspects both of
.In S-9/10, the 5 fk 12L, Mars, is in the 1 OH. The 10L, Mercury,
is in the 9H and mutually aspects the LL, Jupiter and Moon. The 9L
Sun is in the 6H. The LL Jupiter also aspects the 11H.
In four out of the five charts the houses/lords, relevant to the
study of medicine are closely involved with one another thus
making a strong combination for education and profession in
Coming to the native B, the Jupiter connection, with 5H/L, is
quite prominent throughout.
Navamsha of native B, has the 9L Venus in the 2H mutually
aspects the 10L Mars along the 2/8 axis, forming a Rajyoga. The
10L Mars aspects the 11H and its lord Jupiter .The LL Saturn
aspects the 9L, Venus and then the 9H.
In S-9/9, the 10L Mars is in the 4H and aspects the 10H along
the 4/10 axis and also the 11H. The LL Saturn is with the 5L
Mercury in the 3H. The LL Saturn aspects the 9 Ik 12L Jupiter in the
5H. Jupiter, in turn, aspects the 9H, the 11H and then the 9L,
Venus in lagna.
Dashamsha of native B, the 5L Jupiter aspects the 10L Sun in
the 11H. The LL Mars also aspects the 10L Sun and thereafter the
5L Jupiter
In S-10/9, the 10L Moon is posited with 3L Jupiter in the 5H.
The LL Venus is posited with 9L Mercury in the 11H. These two
sets of planets mutually aspect forming Rajyoga. Another dhanyog
is formed by 2L Mars and 5L Saturn in the lagna. The 5L Saturn also
aspects the 10H. Thus education and profession are linked around

Sun Sat(R)
Sat(R Mars Jup Sun
Rah Ket Moon

Moon Mer Ket

Jup Mer Mars

Rah Sun
Jup Mars Mer

^9 11\
Ven Moon Moon
Mer Mars Sat Jup.
Sun Ket Rah
11 Ny Ven Sun
Moon Sat Mer Moon
Rahy Ket

Mars Mars
Mer Jup
Ket Sat ah
Sun Ven
In the S-9/10, the 10L Jupiter is in the 9H and 9L Saturn in
the 7H, aspecting the 1OL Jupiter forming a yog. The 11L Mars is
in the 4H aspecting, first the 9L Saturn, then the 10H and lastly
the 11H and also the Moon posited therein. The LL Mercury also
aspects the 10L Jupiter.
A combination for literature is repeated many times.


Mer Ket Mars Mer Ket Mars

Moon Moon
D-10 D-10
Jup Lag Jup Ven
Rah Sat(R) Sun Rah Sat(R) Sun

Rah Lag Rah

Jup Jup
S-10/9 S-10/9
Ven Ven
Mer Mer
Moon Mars Sun Mars Sun
Sat Ket Sat Ket

Sun Moon Sun Lag

Jup Ven Jup Ven

Moon Rah
Rah S-9/10
Mer Mer
Ket Ket
Lag Mars Sat Mars

Case 37 — 20/12/1982; Delhi

These are the charts of twin born with a difference of thirty
minutes. Although these are twins but their charts are different. As
lagna has changed these charts can be analysed in the normal
manner. All sookhshams are given and the results can be confirmed
through them also.

Native A has done MBA and is serving and native B has done
engineering and is having a small scale factory. Both the charts are
having a number of good yogas which get repeated in other charts

Birth chart of native A has four planets in the 5H of education.
These are LL Sun, 10L Venus, 11 2L Mercury and a yog is thus
formed. These are all aspected by 7L Saturn and gave the native
good education and with 5L, Jupiter, the management degree.
In the navamsha, the 5H is Aries. The 5L Mars is in the 6H
with 9L Sun (yoga) and Mars is aspecting the LL Jupiter in the 9H

A - 20/12/1982; 23:45 hrs. B - 21/12/1982; 00:15 hrs.

Sat Rah
Mer Rah
Jup Sun
Sun Ket
Mer Moon Mars
Mars Moon
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
27033' O^SS' 0300y UW 21 O^IO' (MW OS0^' ^4035, 21033■
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
05^7' le^g* OS^S' lO^S' 10038' io^s1 ioo38'
D-9 \. 10 8 / \ 12 /\ 10 /
\Rah / \ /
11 jS Sat ^^Moon
/ / \ Mer

^ Sun y
N, Mars / y'
_ Ny yT yr ^Or
/i\yen /x Ven }\Moon
S 2 \ / Ket N.
/ Sun Mars Xy' \
*\s 3 MetNy/ ®
Ket/\ MOOn
yK^ars Rahy^v " yA.

7 9 Mer MarsS/ 3 y/ Sat

Ven y'NRah yr ^ Moon yT \Ket
/ Sun ^vy*^ >,

(yoga), and Jupiter is aspecting the lagna and also the 5H. The
karak for education, Mercury, is also the 10L and is posited in the
11H with Moon and both of them are aspecting the 5H. Here also
is the association of Jupiter for management education.
In the case of sookhsham navamsha, (S-9/9) the 5H is Libra
and the 5L, Venus is in the 7H . Venus is aspected by Moon, the 2L,
from lagna. Mars aspects the 5H confirming the technical education.
The 10L Jupiter is in the 4H and strengthens its own house.
In the case of native B, the 5H is Capricorn and exhalted Mars
is posited there. The 5L, Saturn, is in the 2H aspecting Sun. Venus,
Mercury and Ketu in the 4H. Both the 5L and Mars are technical
planets and hence the engineering education. The 9L, Venus and

Rah Rah

Moon A Moon B
D-1 D-1
Mars 20/12/1982 Lag Mars 21/12/1982
23:45 hrs. 00:15 hrs.
Sun Jup Sat Sun Jup Sat Lag
Van Mer Van Mer
Ket Ket
Sun Sun
Mars Mars

Ket Lag Ket

D-9 D-9
Rah Jup Rah Jup
Van Ven

Lag Moon Sat Moon

Sat Mar Mer

Mars Sun Lag Mars Sun Moon


Mer Mer
Rah Rah
S-9/9 S-9/9
Sat Sat
Ket Ket

Van Jup Lag Jup


10L, Mercury are in the 4H forming a powerful Rajyoga.
Navamsha of native B has Gemini as the 5H and LL Saturn is
aspect!ng the 5H from the 11H. There is no other aspect on 5H.
The 5L, Mercury, is also the karak for education, is in the 9H with
Moon the 6L. No affliction means good education.
The sookhsham navamsha has Aries as the 5H and its lord
Mars is posited there. There is no aspect on either the 5H or the 5L.
The karak Mercury is in the 3H in R/K axis, yet again technical
association. Influence of technical planets gave the native
engineering education.

Mer ven
ven Moon
Mer Ket Jup

Jup Rah Ket

Rah Mars Sat

Sat Sun Mars
Ven Ket

Rah Sat Jup

Sun X 5
Jup Ven 4
Mer Rah Moon
4 Mars Mer
Moon X y Sun Mars
S-9/10 Ven Sun
Jup \ Sat y
Ven 3X2/
Mars Mer Mars Mer
Ket Ket

Sun Moon Jup

Dashamsha of native A, has Aquarius as the 10H and 9L fL
10L, Saturn, is posited in the 8H and lord of the house is aspecting
the house. The 11L, Jupiter, is in the 4H and also aspects the 1 OH
along the 4/10 axis. The LL Venus is also the 6L and is posited in
the lagna making the native a service personality. This contention
gets strength from the fact the 10L is Saturn, a planet known for
servitude functions. Thus native is having a good income through
In S-10/9, the LL Saturn is posited in the 10H, making the
service as an integral part of natives life. The 5L Mercury is in the
7H with 10L Mars forming a yoga. 10H further gets strength from

Moon Lag Moon Ven Lag

Ket Ven Ket

Mer Mer
D-10 D-10
Mars Jup Mars Jup
Sun Sun

Sat Rah Sat Rah

Ven Rah Sun Rah Sun


Lag Moon Moon

S-10/9 S-10/9
Mars Lag Mars
Mer Mer
Sat Jup Sat Jup
Ket Ket

Ven Lag Ven

Lag Mars Sun Mars Sun
Mer Ket Sat Ket Sat
Lag Moon
Mer Mer Moon
S-9/10 S-9/10
Jup Jup

Rah Rah

the aspect of its own lord Mars. This finally means a good service
for the native.
In the 5-9/10, the 10H is Scorpio and LL Saturn, is again
aspecting the 10H. The 10L Mars and 9L Venus are conjoined in
the 3H forming a Rajyoga and also the 10L Mars aspects it own
house, the 10H . Rajyoga and association of 10L with the 10H
ensures a good service for the native.
Coming to the case of native B, the 10H of dashamsha is
Pisces and 2L, Moon and Ketu are posited there. The LL Mercury
and 11L Mars are mutually aspecting along the 2/8 axis. The 1OL.
Jupiter, is in the 3H. Both the 1 OL Jupiter and 11L Mars are aspecting
the 11H, quite independent of one another, giving boost to the
self income of the native, who is having a factory of his own.
In the case of S-10/9, the 10H, is Libra and Jupiter is posited
there. The 10L, Venus is in the 5H in R/K axis. The 10L Venus and
LL. Saturn, are aspecting each other along the 5/11 axis forming a
good Rajyoga. This gets strength, firstly by the presence of LL
Saturn in the 11H and secondly by the aspect of 11L Mars on its
own house. This translates to a good independent income for the
5-9/10, has Capricorn as the 10H and 9L, Jupiter, is posited
there. The 10L, Saturn, is in the 2H with 2L Venus and also the 5L
Sun. This combination is aspected by 9L, Jupiter, from the 10H.
This speaks for the financial soundness of the native who is running
a factory of his own.

Case 38 — 14/06/1972; Koraput

These are the charts of twin born with a difference of fifteen
minutes. This is the simple case as birth lagna has changed. Native
A is a successful businessman and native B is in government service.
Birth chart of native A, the lagna is Leo and 10H is Taurus. LL
Sun and 6 {k7L Saturn are posited in the 10H. The 9L, Mars and
10L Venus are posited in the 11H along with its lord Mercury
forming a Rajyoga. This is aspected by 5L Jupiter imparting some
more strength to the yoga. This amounts to an independent business
for the native.
The navamsha has Virgo as the 10H and 9L Sun is posited
there along with Moon. The 10L, Mercury and the LL, Jupiter are
mutually aspecting each other along the 2/8 axis. The LL Jupiter is
aspecting the 11L, Venus, in the 12H.
In S-9/9, the 10H is Aquarius and 9 Ik 10L, Saturn is posited

A 1:50 hrs. B- 12:05 hrs.

Mars Moon
Sun Jup Ven
Sat Wars
Jup Rah Sun
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer
27022 ' 29046' 07012 ' 27023' 10056' 00056' 29049' 07020' 27023■ lO^O'
Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
11°18' 05002, IS0^' 02050, 02050, HOIS' OSOOS' IS0^' 02050' 02050'
D-9 N. Mer Rah 8 /
\ 10 y' ^ ^^en/7 \ 11 /\ 9 /
12 Xx^ 1° \/ 8
Xx. Mer X^ Ven
/ X. Rah / \
X 1 XX 7 X
K Sun >y

1 Sat
XX Xx i"? xxMoon
\ '^ arS
yr 4^X X X Ket X X
X^ 3 \y X^ 5 ^v
/ XX Ket
X X Sat Mars \ X \
S-9/9 X^ 1 X\. Moon Ket/
2 12
NvX^ Mer xJ/io
XX Mer

r „5.
Rah Moon
X. yA. Sat S
Sun Ven yC 6
7 9 / s x / x3'5
jS Rah X^x' Jup x^

there along with Moon and Ketu. Saturn is a yogkarak planet.

Jupiter, is aspecting the 10H and also the 10L. Beside the above,
the LL, Venus and 7L, Mars are conjoined in the 7H. Another good
feature of the chart is the mutual aspect amongst the 4L, Sun and
the 5L, Mercury, along the 5/11 axis. All this amounts to a good
and successful business for the native.
Coming to the native B, the birth chart has Virgo as the lagna

Sun Ven Sun Ven
Sat Mars Sat Uars
Uer Uer
Uoon Uoon
A Ket B Ket
D-1 D-1
Rah Lag Rah

Jup Jup Lag

Sat Sat
Uars Uars
Jup Jup
Ket Ket
D-9 D-9
Uer Lag
Rah Uer
Lag Ven Uoon Ven Uoon
Sun Sun
Uer Lag Uer

Moon Uoon
SatKet SatKet
S-9/9 S-"J/9
Rah Rah

Mars Jup Sun Uars Jup Sun

Ven Ven

and the LL and also the 10L, Mercury is conjoined with 9L Venus
in the 10H, in presence of Mars the 8 fL 3L. Saturn and 12L Sun
are in the 9H, indicating a link between service and bhagya.
Saturn is aspecting the 11L Moon in the 11H. The linkage indicates
service for the native.
The navamsha has Libra as the 10H and the 10L, Venus, is
posited in the 11H aspected by jupiterthe 3 fL 12L. Sun and Moon
are in the 9H. The LL Saturn and i 1L Mars are in the 6H and Mars
is aspecting the Sun in the 9H. A good combination for government
In S-9/9, the 10H is Sagittarius and 10L Jupiter is also the LL
and is posited in the 8H. The 11 12L, Saturn is conjoined with

the 5L Moon in the 12H and are being aspected, quite
independently, by 10L, Jupiter, and also 9L, Mars, from the 9H.
This points to the service carrier for the native.


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