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In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject

6413 – ADPRODIM – Advertising, Promotions and Digital Marketing


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Promoting HAU through Digital Influence

A reflection paper
If I will have the opportunity to advertise HAU. In that case, I will use Digital Advertising to
establish communication with the consumers, and the occurrence of technology has shown
advancement towards people's lifestyles and thinking. Modern technology has become a tool for
enhancing marketing forces' ability to perform market research and testing when developing ads. In
utilizing Digital advertising, I can gather extensive collections of consumer data, which means I will
receive more feedback and opinions, which can be analyzed based on marketing operations, to have
better solutions or preparations for development.
Furthermore, other effects of Digital Advertising would be influential. For instance, virtual
groups may bring individuals from different parts of the Philippines or abroad together to see and
offer feedback on adverts. As a result, audiences would attain full awareness of HAU's educational
aspects, giving other opportunities to the external environment the probability of being interested and
deciding to purchase the service, knowing that HAU offers a sufficient student support system.
Some of the objectives that I could implement are Communication, Consideration, and
Awareness. Communication, because I am to form a relationship with my target audiences and
achieve commercial success. Through consideration, because I would gather sufficient evaluation
regarding HAU's competitive advantage and the level of satisfaction of the current students, which
relates to meeting their needs. Then lastly, through awareness, and this refers to reaching out to
HAU's prospective consumers. The information that a buyer discovers while researching a product
significantly influences selecting the preferable service. With this, I aim to promote HAU's
professional image by attaining a solid online presence, which is how people will identify the
strengths of HAU's performance. Social media is a flexible platform where I can create various
content to post online, which is why HAU's online presence may convey its message more effectively
and precisely.
Moreover, my target audiences are the youth members and, of course, the parents. Parents
want what is best for their children, and considering the education they want them to enroll in must
promote integrity, discipline, and excellence. At the same time, the Youth, who is regarded as the
visionaries of this generation, deserves extensive knowledge to showcase innovation and success in
their future.


Hence, I will use rational appeal for this advertisement because education is an investment
primarily to target prospects who look forward to a university's education quality and fosters
competitiveness. Through Digital Advertising, I can emphasize HAU's wide range of academic
programs, which attain a strong faculty and provides a supportive and inclusive environment for its
students. I can also include the sufficiency of HAU's resources, such as libraries, computer labs, and
extracurricular activities that supports student learning and development.
Organizations like the Management Society and Juris Orbis: Law Organization can be the
highlight primarily to students who are willing to have a productive college life. Promoting awareness
regarding students becoming prepared for the workforce by providing opportunities for internships,
research, and networking is also my way of encouraging students to enroll at HAU.
The Commercial advertisement titled "Family Planning TVC 2014", its intro starts with the
lyric "isang taon pa lang ako." This is considered one of the best advertisements because it slaps the
economic condition of our nation. This commercial will always stay relevant because poverty in the
Philippines is still evident, primarily through the mentality of Filipinos, for they consider a higher
number of children as a bridge to escape the financial crisis. But the effect becomes the opposite,
giving the children the responsibility that they never asked for their approval. Hence, it is an iconic
(in a negative manner) commercial because, as an educated individual and as part of the Youth,
allowing the students to learn not only academics in school but also real-life lessons that would
support their decision-making in the future. One of the platforms that I want the government to
implement is sex education in every school's curriculum. This is because students must be aware of
the consequences of their actions, become independent individuals, and learn how to use
contraceptives to prevent STDs. So that their children will not experience the same challenge their
parents had endured, for it is unjust on the child's part.

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