Spot The Error

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Spot the error

An exercise like the one below can help you to identify if you need extra practice or tutoring (e.g. in
spelling, punctuation, concord, etc.).

1 The following sentences include several errors often made in written English. Underline the
errors and write the correction above them.

a. Felix is a brilliant musician and can learn you how to play the guitar well too.

b. I believe that you and me should try to get more exercise.

c. You'll soon see the affect that extra practise has on improving your skills.

d. To whom did you send the parcel to?

e. There are less students in our class this year than last year.

f. The girls in my family is not as lazy as the boys.

g. Where did you loose your watch?

h. Which of your two brothers is oldest? Its hard to tell.

i, There's the woman which sat next to me on the bus this morning.

j. 'Please give me some advise. I need to licence my car. Do you know where I must go to get the
new licence?'

k. The dog who bited my brother's leg still lives next door to us.

l. Its hopeless trying to drain spagetti in this seive because the wholes are to big and lots of peices
slip through.

m. You must stand in the queu and weight untill one of the cashiers is free.

n. The bigger of the three kittens had stripes different than the other two.

o. Neither this brown or that orange are really colours I would chose for a carpet.

p. There was a march through the city center yesterday to protest at the new rates increase.

q. To be fair, we should share the reward between you and 1.

r. When my best freind immigrated to Canada I was quiet upset because I thought I might never see
her again.

s. In some of the world's dryest desserts it may only rain once in fourty years.

t, 'Please can I lend your scooter, just to go to the cafe?'

u. 'You should of asked me earlier. Now I need it myself Im afriad.

V. The hall oposite our house is often used for functions on special ocassions.


a. Felix is a brilliant musician and can learn you how to play the guitar well too.

b. I believe that you and me should try to get more exercise.

c. You'll soon see the affect that extra practise has on improving your skills.

d. To whom did you send the parcel to?

e. There are less students in our class this year than last year.

f. The girls in my family is not as lazy as the boys.

g. Where did you loose your watch?

h. Which of your two brothers is oldest? Its hard to tell.

i, There's the woman which sat next to me on the bus this morning.

j. 'Please give me some advise. I need to licence my car. Do you know where I must go to get the
new licence?'

k. The dog who bited my brother's leg still lives next door to us.

l. Its hopeless trying to drain spagetti in this seive because the wholes are to big and lots of peices
slip through.

m. You must stand in the queu and weight untill one of the cashiers is free.

n. The bigger of the three kittens had stripes different than the other two.

o. Neither this brown or that orange are really colours I would chose for a carpet.

p. There was a march through the city center yesterday to protest at the new rates increase.

q. To be fair, we should share the reward between you and 1.

r. When my best freind immigrated to Canada I was quiet upset because I thought I might never see
her again.

s. In some of the world's dryest desserts it may only rain once in fourty years.

t, 'Please can I lend your scooter, just to go to the cafe?'

u. 'You should of asked me earlier. Now I need it myself Im afriad.

V. The hall oposite our house is often used for functions on special ocassions.

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