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Izmir Katip Çelebi University

School of Engineering and Architechture

Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Course Title: Flow Through Porous Media Instructor: Dr. Ibrahim Kocabas
Course No.: PNGE 218 Assignment# 4 , Spring 2024
Date : 03/04/2024 Due Date : 03/05/2024

You are asked to solve the following problems and submit your work. Show the steps in your
solutions so that one can reproduce your results by means of simply following your steps. Submit
your work only as electronik file(s)!!

1. The steady state flow in a five-spot waterflooding (i.e. injecting water into
the reservoir to displace oil towards production well(s)) is given by the
following equation.

kh piw − p pw
q = 7.081*10−3
B ln (d / rw ) − 0.619

What is the dimensionless productivity index for this well?

In this equation piw is the injection well pressure and ppw is the production
well pressure and d is the distance between the injection and production
well. (Please see the five spot figure in your notes.) In order to be able to
increase the injection rate q, how would you change the three controllable
variables piw, ppw and d? Discuss with your friends and other experts if
there are any restrictions on varying these variables freely.

2. The pseudosteady state flow equation in a circular reservoir is given as

kh p − pw
q = 7.081*10−3
B ln (re / rw ) − 0.75 + s
Assume that Assume re = 2100 ft and rw = 0.3 ft, If the drawdown, ( p –
pwf) = 1000 psi, and s=10

a. What is the dimensionless productivity index for this well?

b. How much psi is lost "in the skin zone"?
c. What is the damage ratio?
d. What is the flow efficiency?

3. A well is located producing in a circular reservoir with the following fluid

and reservoir properties

r = 2600 ft r = 0.3 ft
e w

h = 10 ft B =1.4 RB/STB

 = 1.1 cp k = 1 md

p =1500 psi p =500 psi

average wf

Assume that the skin factor is 8 and the equal production rates in each well.
Also assuming pseudo steady state flow in the drainage area,
a. How much is the production rate?
b. What is the flow efficiency?
c. What is the damage ratio?
d. Is it possible to have a flow efficiency greater than one, and if yes how?

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