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Government of Pakistan

Higher Education Commission (HEC)

Programme for the establishment of

Universities of Engineering Science and Technology of Pakistan (UESTPs)

Terms of Reference for the Main (Local) Architects and Consultants (MAC)


The Higher Education Commission (the client) plans to establish state-of-the-art technical
universities and integrated technology parks on green-field sites near major Pakistani cities in
collaboration with partner universities in Europe, China and East Asia. Technical and financial
proposals from pre-qualified Main (Local) Architects and Consultants (MAC) are invited to
assist in this programme in accordance with the Terms of Reference (ToR) provided by the

The MAC will ensure, in co-ordination with the IAC, that the UESTP campus includes all
necessary landscaping, access and road infrastructure, services, educational and research
facilities, housing for faculty members, for students and for support staff, recreational amenities
etc. The ToR brief will include, inter alia, technical requirements relating to

(a) specification of research and teaching laboratories;

(b) installation of equipment;

(c) energy efficiency.

Laboratories and equipment will be specified by the collaborating universities, to meet the
requirement that the education in the UESTPs is of equivalent standard to that in their own

The above goals are also stated explicitly in the Explanatory Bid Document.

The (MAC) will be appointed by HEC in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations
applicable to the appointment of Consultants in Pakistan. The MACs will be required to work in
close collaboration with the International Architects and Consultants (IAC) who will be
responsible for preparation of the Conceptual Master Plan for the UESTPs.

Terms of Reference and Scope of Services

The document attached to these terms of reference is entitled ‘Explanatory Bid Document’ and
contains detailed terms of reference for the appointment of :

(a) International Architects and Consultants (IAC);

(b) Main (Local) Architects and Consultants (MACs);

(c) Architects from Partner Countries (APCs).

It explains in detail the objectives and provisions of the ToR as well as the co-ordination between
the different Consultants stated above, their interrelationships, and the scope of the work required
to be performed by each of the above Consultants.

Explanatory Bid Document

The Explanatory Bid Document explains in detail the requirements for each UESTP, including
the number of students at undergraduate, Masters and PhD levels, and the numbers of Faculty
and staff. The requirements of teaching departments in the different disciplines, with details of
rooms and accommodation to be provided, the details of teaching and research laboratories, of
residential buildings, recreational facilities, landscaping and technology parks are also defined.

It also provides data in respect of sites, general design guidance and parameters for the Central
Teaching and Research Area (CTRA). It discusses the ‘identicality principle’ and includes the
inputs required from the MAC and other consultants in Pakistan to enable the IAC to prepare the
conceptual master plan.

This document also explains the work to be performed by the IAC, by the MACs and by any
APCs that may be appointed by the HEC.

The specific attention of the MACs is invited to the provisions of paragraphs 3 to 3.11, and to the
overriding clauses in paragraphs 6.1, 6.2 , 6.3 and 6.4.

Summary of the services to be provided by the MACs

1. The MACs shall provide information to enable the preparation of the conceptual master
plan by the IAC. This will include

(a) carrying out topographic surveys of sites (for details see the Explanatory Bid
Document, paragraph 7.4);

(b) carrying out preliminary geotechnical, hydrological and soil investigations

(paragraphs 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3).

2. The MACs shall prepare the final master plan of the UESTP from the approved
conceptual master plan prepared by the IAC (paragraphs 9.2).

3. The MACs shall work out preliminary cost estimates in coordination with the IAC and
any APCs to ensure that the financial provisions of the approved PC-1 are not exceeded
(paragraph 10.2).

4. On approval of the final master plan and receipt of the technical submission by the IAC
with the conceptual master plan, the MACs shall carry out detailed geotechnical
investigations for the structural design of various buildings and structures relating to
infrastructural development (paragraphs 8.4 and 12.1).

5. The MACs shall prepare detailed Architectural, structural and services design documents
(paragraphs 11 and 12.1).

6. The MACs shall prepare construction documents for all buildings and works, configured
either in different packages or for a turn-key construction operation (the construction
strategy to be decided by HEC), (paragraphs 12.2,13,13.1).

7. The MACs shall be responsible for the provision of quantity survey services, to ensure
the correct preparation of engineering cost estimates and bills of quantities (paragraphs
14and 15.1) and for incorporation of this information for use in the preparation of bid

8. The MACs shall provide services for the bidding stage and for the evaluation of bids
(paragraphs 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4).

9. The methodology for determining fees payable to the MAC for services to be performed
during the design phase of the Project is given in paragraph 15.5 for work on the lead
university and for its buildings and services. The methodology applicable to fees for
repetitive use of building designs is given also.

10. Where the design for the repetitively-used buildings and services exists with the client
(the HEC) as a result of work done previously by another MAC is made available to a
newly-appointed MAC, it shall be mandatory for the newly-appointed MAC to satisfy
himself about the designs already prepared before adopting them. The HEC will pay the
new MAC for vetting the structural design already prepared at the rate of 25% of the
finally-negotiated fees worked out on the cost of superstructure, itself determined at 30%
of the cost of civil works (so that the additional fees payable shall be set at the finally
negotiated and contracted rate of 7.5% of the cost of works included in the designs).
(paragraph 15.5)

11. The MACs shall be responsible for providing services for project management and
quality control of the execution of works through the provision of detailed construction
supervision. The services to be provided by the MACs to ensure that the contractors
executing the project adhere to design and specifications are defined (paragraphs 16.1 to

12. The Explanatory Bid Document and its annexes define, inter alia, the contract formats,
special conditions, earnest money, liquidated and performance security, adjustments in
fees, increase in supervision fees due to time over-runs, fee payable to MACs for
construction supervision services included in the contract, consultants offices, fees and
remunerations, advance payments, time-schedule evaluation, criteria for the award of
works, powers of client to award work (paragraphs 16.11 to 27).

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