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Digital Transformation in Education

Technological Advancement in Xavier College

Aims and Objectives

Aim: This study will examine ‘Technological Advancement in Xavier College’.

Objectives: By the end of this project this study will examine four objectives and they
1. To analyse how adapting to new technologies has benefited students.
2. To identify about the advantages and disadvantages of the new technology used in
teaching and learning.
3. To evaluate the change in results from previous years to the present with help of
technological gadgets.

We would like to acknowledge the following for helping us compile this research work:
Firstly, the Almighty God, for giving us the wisdom, knowledge and strength to complete
this project.
Secondly, our English teacher (Mrs Goundar), for her guidance throughout the project
and for her kind advice on how to go about doing this project.
Last but not the least, to all those who had answered our questionnaire and interview.

The following methods were used to put together for the compilation of this project:
Primary Research
1. Questionnaire- Ten questionnaires were designed and distributed to the students and
teachers of Xavier College. After a week the ten sets of questionnaires were collected
and analysed.
2. Intervieiw- teachers namely Mr Asish Chand and Mrs Ashita Sharma were interviewed
regarding the advancement of technology that has taken place in Xavier College over
the past years. The mode of communication was English at all times. Both the
interviews that were conducted was done according to the teacher’s availability.

Secondary Research
1. Library- information was collected from different sources such as encyclopaedia and
2. Internet- the internet was accessed to collect relevant information pertaining to the
research topic.

Declaration of Originality
We Anshita, Adarsh Naicker, Divyash Sharma and Senirusi Maka, hereby declare that this
project was compiled and completed by us and is our original work.

Signature: ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Anshita Adarsh Divyash Senirusi

Date: ________________

Table of Contents
Index page Content Page Number
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Investigation Results 2
2.1 Benefits of the New Technology 2
2.2 Problems Faced While 3
Researching in the Library
2.3 Learning Using Projectors 4
2.4 Negative Impacts of the New 5
2.5 Methods of Learning Over the 6
Past Years
2.6 Improvement to Teaching and 7
3.0 Conclusion 8
4.0 Reference 9
5.0 Appendix 10-12
5.1 Questionnaire
5.2 Interview
Literature Review
Several authors had written about digital transformation in education. As well as websites
have been published regarding the topic, these authors have written their own opinions
based in the related topic.

Most significantly, A.A Bilyalowa (2019) has stated that digital technology in the modern
world is not only a tool, but also a living environment that opens up new opportunities;
learning at convenient time and lets individuals continue with education at any convenient

On the contrary, other authors shows a different view point of the digital transformation
in education. Henry Black (2020) has stated that, the digital transformation of the
education sector has many different detractors offering very real concerns. D.A. Nikclause
(2019) had included that the potential for in- class distraction, the possibility of unequal
access between students and the lack of digital source oversight.

Hence, this proves that digital transformation in education is beneficial towards the
education sector as A.A.Bilyalowa has stated in his article. Yet, some authors such as
Henry Black, D.A.Nikclause strongly disagree with the advancement that is taking place
in schools in regard to digital transformation.

Technology has transformed society and changed many aspects of daily life. Education
technology is not restricted to individual computer use. It can involve other equipment
and applications, such as, digital television allowing students to interact with programs at
their own pace.

This English project is based on the theme Digital Transformation in Education. This topic
has been chosen because of the technological changes that has taken place in Xavier
College Thus, the group will shed light to the technological changes in Xavier College.

Xavier College and other schools, implement technology initiatives for different reasons.
Program goals include increasing students’ economic competitiveness, reducing inequities
in access to computers, thus, raising access to achievement, increasing student
engagement, creating for more learning opportunities to students and making it easier to
differentiate student’s instruction according to students need. Teachers who use
technology frequently in their classrooms remark greater benefits to students’ learning.

In conclusion, this project will state the use of technology used by teachers in Xavier
College in order to enhance students learning.


2.1 Benefits of the New Technology

Digital transformation in education is all about making changes to the way students are
educated. This could mean anything from incorporation of new technology into the
classroom, to make changes to the way we assess and track student progress. Some key
benefits of digital transformation in education sector include faster and more accurate
students’ progress tracking collaborative learning, future-focused discussions or lectures,
time- and cost-efficiency, and improved communication between a teacher and a student.
Technology allows students to be included in the classroom in ways they have never been
before. As technology becomes more prevalent in schools, students have become more
advanced as the new teaching and learning criteria settles in.

Figure 2.1 Benefits of the New Technology



Source: Questionnaire Analysis

Figure 2.1 states that six individuals who were distributed with the questionnaire had
agreed that they had benefited from the new technology, while the other four individuals
had disagreed that they do not benefit from the new technology. This proves that use of
technology in teaching and learning benefits in students education.

2.2 Problems Faced While Researching in the Library

The findings reveal that, there were several challenges that was identified, commonly
which include slow internet speed, struggle in finding related information, In Xavier
College there is not enough laptops for all students. Students have to wait for their turn
to use laptops because there are not many laptops available thus, this becomes a real
hassle since some students do not get their chance to do their research work given in
that period of time. Also, there may be difficulties in internet connectivity where
information is not at as accessible because of the slow network connectivity. More laptops
should be provided in the school library so that it will be easy for students to do their
research work at ease.

Figure 2.2 Problems Encountered

Wait in long queques

Source: Questionnaire Analysis

Figure 2.2 interprets that four people stated that relevant information is not provided,
there are not enough laptops available in the library, they had to wait in long queues to
access information and it is hard to locate books in the library. Another four individuals
states that they face internet issues while doing research work and two individuals said
that the school should provide wifi.

2.3 Learning Through the Use of Projectors

Projectors enable teachers to create bulleted notes or power-point presentations for the
class. With the use of projectors in the classroom, students can take better notes with
the ability to discern what information the teacher displays are most useful to them. With
the use of projectors, teachers can now use films, slides, and images about the world
and places that students had never seen before. Teachers will also find that the internet
is more useful since projectors can display web content to an entire class, rather than
each student accessing information on small individual computers. Projectors facilitate
the planning process so teachers can decide on lecture content and important point ahead
of time instead of making decisions spontaneously. Hence, Xavier College has projectors
installed in every classroom to make the teaching and learning methods easier, for both
teachers and students.

Figure 2.3 Use of Projectors



Source: Questionnaire Analysis

Plate 2.3 the interpretation that is shown above that three people who had answered
the questionnaire says that projectors had improved the learning and teaching, another
thirty percent people indicated that use of projectors is the best teaching method, while
the rest stated that projectors helps pupils understand concepts better.

2.4 Negative Impacts of the New Technology

Relevant research has proven that technology could change education negatively through
deteriorating students’ competences of reading and writing dehumanizing educational
environments, distorting social interactions between teachers and students and isolating
individuals. That is why many teachers in Xavier College prefer teaching using white
boards instead of projectors. Projectors take longer periods of time to connect to its
source, since teachers may not have an updated version of the technology available and
gives less time in teacher student interaction in teaching and learning.

Fig 2.4 Negative Impact of Technology



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Source: Questionnaire Analysis

Figure 2.4 states that eight people out of the ten people who had answered the
questionnaire do not agree that the advancement has negatively impacted Xavier College
teaching and learning whereas two people believe that this advancement has negatively
impacted Xavier College in teaching and learning.

2.5 Method of Learning Over the Past Years

The traditional mode of teaching method of using can be described as the conventional
a chalk and a blackboard mostly in school where the modern method of teaching gives
students the ability to acquire more knowledge through diverse means. In the past few
decades there has been vast changes in Xavier College regarding the technology. There
has been installation of projectors, a new spacious library with laptops provided with
internet connectivity. Therefore, making the work easier for both teachers and also

Figure 2.5 Methods of Learning

Learning in
Learning using
projectors that
under trees textbooks,
is powerpoint
and chalk

Source: Questionnaire Analysis

Plate 2.5 the above interpretation shows the different methods of teaching used to
educate children. Traditionally school started under the trees, it then evolved and
classrooms were made. Teachers now started using textbooks, chalk and blackboard to
teach. Teaching and learning then evolved to use of technology. This made teaching and
learning even easier and students tend to understand better with visuals. This impacted
in better results compared to past years in Xavier College.

2.6 Improvement of the New Teaching and Learning

There are many modern technological devices used in education: online teaching, smart
boards, digital projectors and mobile devices. In Xavier College, technology can be
improved by providing more laptops in the school library for effective research and
students would not have to wait in line for their turns. Providing tablets, tablets are small,
can be moved and used anywhere, and can be kept from interactive learning resources
Tablets have become one of the most important elements of modern e-learning systems,
ever became one of the most influential learning tools. Internet connectivity to be given
so that technological devices and be used anywhere around the campus.

Figure 2.6 Improvement Required

Tablets Wifi Laptops

Source: Questionnaire Analysis

Plate 2.6 interprets that the use of technology is present in Xavier College, however to
enhance its usage tablets, laptops and wifi should be provided to students to improve

After the completion of this project under the theme digital transformation in Fiji. It can
be concluded that Xavier College is an institution which promotes technological

From the research, it was found that digital transformation in Xavier College is effective
through the use of projectors, it helps teachers improve their lessons and facilitate
personalized learning.

Moreover, many technological gadgets are available in Xavier College which can enhance
technological skills. These include computers in the computer lab, and a spacious library
with laptops connected with internet. Surveillance cameras is also in the campus to avoid
any mishap’s taking place.

It can be said that in the past few decades, teachers used to rely mostly on chalk, pencils
and blackboards to teach students in the classroom but those teaching methods have
been replaced by computers, whiteboards and projectors to name a few.

Therefore, it is important for all students to utilise this opportunity to use the necessary
facilities and equipment’s which can further develop a student’s ability to do better in the
education system.


Bano,H. (2022, September 6th).

Black,J. (2016). Education in New Normal. Toronto: Golding Press.
Bowman,A. (2022, September 6th).
Devario,M. (2022, September 6th).
Hoffman, R. (2020). The Inevitable. Australia: Sydney Press.
Johnson,S. (2019). How We Got To Now. USA: New York Times.
Olivia,R. (2022, September 8th).
Peng,O. (2019). Digitalization in Education. London: London Press.

5.1 Year 12 English Project
Xavier College
Name: _______________________ Age: 15-25 25-435 35-45
Gender: Male Female Area: ___________________
Theme: Digital Transformation in Education
Topic: Technological Advancement in Xavier College
1. Is digital transformation and teaching effective in Xavier College? Yes or No
2. Is this technological advancement beneficial to you? Yes or No
3. What are some advantages of this new advancement that took place in Xavier
4. Is this type of new teaching and learning easy? Yes or No

5. Do you face problems while researching in the library? Yes or No

6. List some issues you face while researching.

7. State some ways in which Xavier College can improve in this new teaching and
learning method?
8. Has this new technology negatively impacted Xavier College? Yes or No
9. As a teacher / student do you prefer learning and teaching using projectors?
Yes or No
10. How has the change in teaching and learning method benefited individuals over the
past few years?
Thank You

5.2 Year 12 English Project

Xavier College
Interview Questions
Name: ____________________
1. For how long have you been teaching in Xavier College?
2. What do you understand by the term Digital Transformation in Education?
3. What are some major technological advancements that has taken place in the past few
4. Why do you think that Xavier College needs to be transformed digitally?
5. Do think that installing laptops in the library with internet has benefitted students?
6. Do you agree that using projectors in the classrooms has made the work easier for
students and teachers?
7. Do you think that all teachers agree on teaching using the new method?
8. Lastly, do you think that this technological advancement has any negative impact on
the students as well as the teachers?


Thank You

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