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|| \\\ Cove | nt THE: T_OR CTHE DISTRICT JUDGE THANE AT THANE a Civir APPEAL NO. 123/2023 shy B- ) age 45 years , octupatioy: Service) .. AppellanT A® Roral , Thane } Versus Shy A D) age BO years , OcCupation : Sevier) -- Responclet GB Rvack , Thane ) FIRST APPEAL UNDER SECTION 96 OF CIVIL PROCEDUE Cope L 1qo8 May ([T PLEASE Your HONOUR? The above namect appellaut flee Lu appeal under secLin 96 ch Civil Prooclure Cudle, 1708 againil Ms clacree olodad 27/03/2023 pass o} Cre ap to Summary fru tecture 5- Becanpe (+ has bean fey porvoves! Hot Prow'ssony note oso frins lenreol te et Harel Perhon cottrout ful WIiAg Blu Cumcltbm . The Cowt viebetow has usmongty rejedad it on acbsolecloly Untenabte Qproundo . 6. Because learneel Lowr court has wutsunderstid ame urtscenshusal Mu pach of Mu Cope T: BDecaupe the lecree passed leamest lower Gut ts vrolabive 4 prinuples 4 suslier egwity ancl Good Conscience - B- Gecaupe the judgemsil f 44 Cont belw ts bam cn law and on tery cmel clozerves to be set astd2- |B pelle spate fr ts Lut conti eed coptes om 2 |0d] 2023 and some to=rc avetteble en oi) 23 A hence , Ltt eppeat preferrest fodoy py wot waitin Umrtealin aa Jo. Becaupe Are appeol 1:3 valusel tyr Bu purpose ap Synish'dion anc Proper Court fre stomp [Pouch thereon: I The. cppetlaut -therefre mou humbly prays! W ther fr cppecd be atlowed wolth CosB- Uy) thect the sett of Ait pleivitrf) be olrssrnrssol eo tty Costs CU) Pass amy othe Orelsy ton) pt en Mer crdareot of juste - tole Court claemest place: Thane Sel/- B Dela: 03/04) 2023 ArPe ant ed /— ADVOCATE OF APPELLANT

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