Teenagers Are Stressed More Than Ever

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Carlin Jane R.

Remoquillo English Performance Task Persuasive

10 - Amorsolo

Teenagers Are Stressed More Than Ever

Teenagers have been reported to have higher levels of stress than adults since 2013,
according to surveys conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) on public
stress. In the modern era, teenagers are confronting stress levels that surpass those of previous
generations. Due to the confluence of social pressures, academic demands, and societal
expectations, teenagers are under greater stress than they have ever experienced before. It is
crucial to address the numerous causes of teenage stress and present strong evidence of its
widespread effects on the mental and emotional health of teenagers.

Academic pressures stand out as a primary source of stress for teenagers. The constant
pressure to achieve high grades and the constant fear of college admissions have made
education a stress-filled environment. In a survey, the APA found that over 80% of students
cited academic stress as a significant source of anxiety, making it the most frequently
reported stressor among teenagers. The never-ending cycle of exams, homework, and
extracurricular activities, which leaves little time for relaxation or self-care, exacerbates
teenagers' stress levels.

Social media exacerbates teenage stress by fostering a culture of comparison and

validation. Teenagers are constantly exposed to social media platforms such as Instagram,
Snapchat, and TikTok, which provide a constant reminder of their peers' seemingly flawless
lives. According to research published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, teenagers
with higher levels of anxiety and depression have been found to use social media excessively.
The pressure to maintain an idealized online persona and FOMO, or fear of missing out, both
contribute to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt that worsen teenage stress.

Societal expectations place an immense burden on teenagers to excel in every aspect

of their lives. Whether it's community service, extracurricular involvement, or academic
success, there's an implicit expectation to manage many responsibilities with ease. The
pressure to excel in many different areas has a big impact on teenage stress levels. They
experience emotional exhaustion and overwhelm as a result of the never-ending pursuit of
perfection, which has a negative impact on their mental health.

Academic pressures, social media influence, and societal expectations have resulted in
historically high levels of stress for today's teenagers. This ongoing stress also impairs their
mental and emotional well-being, making it more difficult for them to develop and reach their
full potential. We must recognize the gravity of this problem and act rapidly to assist
teenagers in adolescence during these trying times. By prioritizing mental health education,
fostering open communication, and redefining success beyond traditional markers, we can
create a more nurturing and supportive environment for the next generation to flourish.

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