Employers Information Requirements (EIRs)

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Year 13 - PCP.

Employers Information Requirements (EIRs)

Employers Information Requirements – a key document to communicate to all
project team members what information is required and when during the lifecycle
of a project. This will ensure the process of BIM is achieved by creating a structured
and clear set of requirements that the client will utilise at the final handover of the

The EIR is a key starting point for clients when engaging in BIM projects,
because it contains some clear instructions about how a project should be
executed (Delivery and Handover).

- EIR’s form part of the appointment and tender documents on a BIM project to
enable suppliers to produce their initial BIM execution plan (BEP).
- EIR is created as early as possible (from the outset of a project), before the
appointment of the design or construction suppliers.
- The EIR is created in house by the employer or by their professional
advisors who have experience in the creation of EIR documents.
- An EIR makes sure the appointed team know the level of service they need
to provide. The information is provided to all parties involved where and
when requested.

Working without EIRs:

- Teams working without EIRs in place will struggle to ensure that the right
information is issued at the right time to support decision making.
- Teams working without could be creating excessive amounts of
information just for the sake of it, rather than efficiently focusing on what is

What does the employer/client want?

What the employer wants to get out of the project information model at the end of
each stage will vary for each project?

E.g. If an employer wants their Facilities Management team to implement a

variable maintenance schedule this needs to be set out in the EIR so the
project team knows they must enter full product specification details onto the

EIR establishes:

❏ Who is sharing the information? (Responsibility matrix)

❏ What information is needed? (Detailed information requirements)

Year 13 - PCP.

❏ When information is needed by? (Project milestones)

❏ Why information is needed? (defined information purpose)

A typical EIR will be broken down into three areas covering:

- Technical,

- Commercial,

- Management Considerations.

Technical: Management: Commercial:

- Information format - Standards, - Timing of data.

(data exchange - Stakeholder roles and - Clients strategic
format) and file type responsibilities, purpose.
Software platforms - Planning the work and - Defined BIM/project
used for exchanging data segregation and deliverables,
information, security, - BIM-specific
- Co-ordinates, - Security, competence
- Level of detail - Coordination and clash assessment,
(general). detection process, - Competence
- Level of detail - Collaboration process, assessment for those
(components), looking to tender the
- Model review
- Training. meetings, project and
demonstrate their
- Health and safety and
ability to deliver the
construction design
requirements of the
- System performance
- Compliance plan,
- Delivery strategy for
asset information.


Q1. What is the purpose of the information?

Year 13 - PCP.

Q2. What are the effects on project outcome and delivery?

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