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Group: 19207


Name Email Code

Mazen Hany 1922042

Yassin Bassem 1922059

Omar Saad 1922039

Eyad Saleh 1922014

Portfolio contents

1. Present and Justify a Problem and Solution Requirements

• Egypt Grand Challenge

• Problem to be solved
• Research
• Other Solutions Already Tried
2. Generating and Defending a Solution
• Solution and Design Requirements

• Selection of Solution
• Selection Prototype
3. Constructing and Testing a Prototype
• Materials and Methods

• Test Plan
• Data Collection
4. Evaluation, Reflection, Recommendations
• Analysis and Discussion

• Recommendations
• Learning Outcomes
• List of Sources in APA Format
Chapter 1

Present and Justify a Problem and Solution Requirements:

• Egypt Grand Challenge

• Problem to be solved.
• Research
• Other Solutions Already Tried
Egypt grand challenges

Manage and increase sources of clean water

Water scarcity poses a grave threat to Egypt's development and stability. As the
most populous country in the Middle East, Egypt faces mounting pressure on its limited
water supplies from growing demand, degradation of resources, and uncertainties over
transboundary flows from upstream nations. According to the Routledge Handbook on
Contemporary Egypt, agricultural activities in Egypt consume over 85% of available
water. However, scarcity is exacerbated by inefficient irrigation methods, pollution, and
infrastructure deficiencies that limit access in rural regions (Richard , 2021).
Access to safe drinking water remains a challenge for 7.3 million Egyptians,
many residing in rural areas where piped connections cover only 88% of homes
according to UNICEF Sanitation is also lacking for 8.4 million people, predominantly
in rural zones where 15% lack improved facilities. This disproportionately impacts
public health, as waterborne illnesses like diarrhea cause 3,500-4,000 under-five deaths
annually. While coverage has expanded greatly, continued infrastructure development
and hygiene promotion are needed to fully protect communities (Pirozzi, 2017).
Agriculture consumes the lion's share of scarce supplies, yet surface irrigation
wastes vast amounts through evaporation and runoff. It is estimated that surface
irrigation methods, used on over 70% of cultivated land, achieve only 30-40%
efficiency. The Ministry aims to upgrade 3.36 million hectares of open channels by
2030 for 80% efficiency by lining channels to reduce seepage and adopting sprinkler
and drip irrigation. Precision technologies like drip systems, which deliver water
directly to the root zone of plants, can help maximize conservation on cultivated land
through controlling dosage and reducing evaporation losses. Sustainable agricultural
practices such as improved fertilization and pest management techniques and
modernizing outdated earthen distribution networks are also important for long-term
resource stewardship and protecting water quality. (Tas, 2021)
Treating and reusing non-conventional sources also presents an opportunity to
augment supply volumes. Egypt's current wastewater treatment capacity covers only
27% of needs, with most plants not functioning properly. However, the Ministry of
Water Resources estimated that expanding treatment significantly could provide an
additional 1.5 billion cubic meters of treated wastewater yearly for irrigation and other
non-potable uses if fully developed according to Egyptian authorities. This would help
close the supply-demand gap. Also, desalination along Egypt's Mediterranean and Red
Sea coasts, with large plants is capable of producing hundreds of millions of cubic
meters of freshwater annually to ease pressure on the Nile (Abdel-Shafy & Mansour ,
Increase the industrial and agricultural base in Egypt

Agriculture faces several challenges in Egypt due to decreasing land resources,

water scarcity, and outdated practices. Approximately 25% of the workforce is
employed in agriculture but it contributes only 15% to GDP. This indicates problems
with agricultural productivity and efficiency. Horizontal and vertical expansion
strategies aim to overcome these resource constraints and boost production (El-Din,
Horizontal expansion involves reclaiming new desert lands to increase the total
cultivated area. The Western and Eastern deserts offer areas that can be developed for
cultivation with proper infrastructure and resources. Evaluating the biophysical
characteristics of reclaimed lands helps identify optimal locations and crop choices.
Assessments of groundwater aquifers also aid sustainable irrigation. Previous case
studies provided insights on suitable crops and pilot challenges. Spatial analysis further
helps regulate urbanization impacts on farmland (Elbeih, 2021).
Vertical expansion focuses on raising yields from existing lands through
improved techniques. The adoption of sprinklers and drip irrigation seeks to optimize
scarce water usage. Greenhouse cultivation introduces high-value crops on reclaimed
desert farms. (Mehmood et al., 2023)
Key food security and economic crops receive support in the form of subsidies
and procurement prices. Agro-industrial development processes outputs into valuable
goods. Egypt aims to overcome resource limitations and better feed its population by
increasing production through these expansion efforts. However, long-term challenges
from water scarcity and weak infrastructure remain.

Figure (1): Monitoring Agricultural Expansion in a Newly Reclaimed Area in the Western
Nile Delta of Egypt Using Landsat Imageries.
Egypt has been working also to develop its industrial sector for many decades in
order to address issues like rising population, decreasing arable land, and improving
food security and exports. Early industrialization began in the 1920s and focused on
agricultural-based manufacturing like cotton spinning and weaving, as well as food and
tobacco industries (Karakoç et al., 2017).
The government played a role in establishing industries through initiatives like
Bank Misr in the 1930s. After the 1952 revolution, the government took a more direct
role in industrialization through heavy investment in state-owned enterprises,
particularly in textiles, steel, fertilizers and other industries. However, this import
substitution strategy faced challenges in the 1960s due to fiscal and foreign exchange
issues. Subsequent wars also disrupted industrial development plans. In the 1970s, an
"open door" policy encouraged private investment but industries remained import-
oriented and the economy relied heavily on rents.
From the 1980s, import restrictions and new industrial cities laws incentivized
more domestic manufacturing. However, liberalization reforms in the 1990s aimed to
reduce protectionism and encourage exports. Currently, the government is privatizing
state firms and gradually removing subsidies to improve competitiveness.
The manufacturing sector growth has outpaced GDP, though value added per
capita remains low compared to peers. Key industries are food, chemicals, metals and
machinery, though textiles have declined. Challenges include outdated public textile
firms, rising input costs, and low productivity/skills. To further develop industry, Egypt
needs investments in infrastructure, technology adoption, skills training, improved
competitiveness and better integration into global markets. Strategic privatization and
private sector encouragement can help transform the industrial landscape (Mounir,
Problem to be solved

Egypt is facing significant water limitation challenges as its population continues to

grow. With a population of over 100 million people, Egypt is already experiencing
water scarcity due to its arid climate and limited water resources. The country relies
heavily on the Nile River, although it is the second longest river in the world, and covers
an area of about 2.9 million km (AbdEllah, 2020), the Nile's water resources are not
infinite, and as the population increases, the demand for water also rises.
One of the main factors contributing to water limitation in Egypt is the rapid
population growth. The country's population has been increasing at an alarming rate,
putting immense pressure on the available water resources. As more people require
access to clean water for drinking, sanitation, and agricultural purposes, the strain on
the already limited water supply becomes more pronounced.
Agriculture is a vital sector in Egypt's economy, accounting for a significant portion
of employment and food production. However, agriculture is also one of the main
consumers of water resources in the country. To address the challenge of limited water
supply for agricultural expansion, several strategies can be implemented. (Climate
Diplomacy, 2021)

1. Improved Irrigation Techniques: Implementing modern irrigation techniques

such as drip irrigation and precision farming can significantly reduce water wastage
in agriculture. These methods ensure that water is delivered directly to plant roots,
minimizing evaporation and runoff.
2. Water Recycling and Reuse: Implementing systems for recycling and reusing
wastewater can help increase the available water supply for agriculture. Treated
wastewater can be used for irrigation purposes, reducing reliance on freshwater
3. Desalination: Expanding desalination projects can provide an additional source
of freshwater for agricultural purposes. Desalination involves removing salt and
other impurities from seawater or brackish groundwater to make it suitable for

In addition to addressing agricultural water needs, managing and increasing sources

of clean water for domestic and industrial purposes is crucial. Here are some
strategies that can be employed.

1. Water Conservation: Promoting water conservation practices among the

population can help reduce water wastage and ensure the efficient use of available
resources. This can include measures such as fixing leaky pipes, using water-saving
appliances, and raising awareness about responsible water usage.
2. Infrastructure Development: Investing in infrastructure projects such as dams,
reservoirs, and water treatment plants can help manage and increase the availability of
clean water. These projects can store water during periods of abundance and release it
during times of scarcity.
3. Groundwater Management: Proper management of groundwater resources is
essential to ensure their sustainability. This involves monitoring groundwater levels,
implementing regulations on extraction, and promoting recharge techniques such as
artificial groundwater recharge.

❖ If the water limitation problem in Egypt is adequately addressed, the consequences

will be:

1. Food Security: Increasing water supply for agricultural expansion would enhance
food production capabilities, ensuring food security for the growing population.
2. Economic Growth: Access to sufficient water resources would support economic
growth by sustaining agricultural productivity, attracting investments, and promoting
industrial development.
3. Improved Quality of Life: Adequate access to clean water for drinking and
sanitation purposes would improve public health conditions and overall quality of life
for the population.

❖ If the water limitation problem in Egypt is not adequately addressed, several

negative impacts may arise:
1. Water Scarcity: The growing population's demand for water would surpass the
available supply, leading to increased water scarcity and potential conflicts over limited
2. Food Insecurity: Insufficient water for agriculture would result in reduced crop
yields, leading to food shortages and increased dependence on imports.
3. Environmental Degradation: Overexploitation of water resources, such as
excessive groundwater pumping, can lead to environmental degradation, including land
subsidence and saltwater intrusion.

Topics related to the problem:

❖ Egypt water scarcity:
Water scarcity is a big problem to Egypt as it locates in an area with dry climate and
Egypt considered one from the biggest populated country in the middle east. Also, by
our time water crisis has involved many new causes, from these causes: the long periods
of drought and the high increasing in the of the Figure (2): Droughts and lack of water sources.
temperature which led to the climate change, the
climate has shrunk the Nile River and it’s the main
resource for the water and the lack of water will
cause large amounts of damage to Egypt’s food
supply, agriculture activities, growing demand and
access to safe water drinking remains a challenge for
7.3 million Egyptians. In addition, the crisis is
exacerbated by inefficient irrigation methods,
pollution and limited facilities.

❖ Waste water sources:

Wastewater is a critical environmental concern, and it originates from various sources,
including domestic, industrial, and agricultural activities. Domestic wastewater
primarily includes sewage and greywater, stemming from residential homes and public
facilities. Industrial wastewater, on the other hand,
Figure (3): Aquacultural wastewater.
comprises effluents generated by industrial
processes, which may contain pollutants harmful to
the environment. Agriculture contributes to
wastewater pollution through the runoff of fertilizers
and pesticides from fields also some other sources
like car wash water contains chemicals that pollute
the water. These diverse sources of wastewater pose
significant challenges for water quality and
ecosystem health (Dicken et al., 2016).
❖ Selection of Plant:
There are many types of plants in the world and some plants have the ability to thrive
in arid environments with minimal water requirements. These plants have adapted to
conserve water, making them highly resilient to drought conditions. Other plants can
require months or years to grow and produce its first arm in addition some can’t grow
in winter weather conditions, furthermore; These some of plants can’t be used in our
❖ Basil (type of plant):
Basil (lamiaceae family) is a popular culinary herb known for its aromatic leaves and
medicinal properties. As with any plant, water quality plays a crucial role in the
growth and development of basil plants. It is relatively easy to grow and has a short
growing season, typically around 4 to 6 weeks. Also, basil Figure (4): Basil Plant.

can grow in cool climate, typically it can thrive in a

temperature range from 10 to 30 C in addition, this range
of temperature is available in the winter and fall seasons
in Egypt. Importance of Basal for Egypt considered as an
essential ingredient in Egyptian cuisine, adding flavor
and aroma to various local dishes, such as falafel, salads,
etc. It is also used in medical supply for its benefits.
remedies for illness such as coughs, problems in
stomach, and as an insect deterrent (Drost, 2023).
There are some parameters of water we want to consider when growing Basil
1. PH Level:
The pH level of water refers to its acidity or alkalinity. Basil plants generally prefer a
slightly acidic to neutral pH range of 6.0-7.5 for optimal growth. Deviations from this
range can affect the availability and uptake of essential nutrients by the plants.

2. Nutrient content:
The nutritional content of water is critical in the development of Basil plants. Nitrogen
(N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and trace
elements such as iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and boron (B)
are essential for basil plant growth. Inadequate quantities of these nutrients in water
can cause nutrient shortages inside the plant, resulting in stunted growth, yellowing of
the leaves and poor root development.
3. Salinity
The concentration of dissolved salts in water is referred to as salinity. High salinity
levels can harm Basil plants by interfering with water intake and osmotic equilibrium.
Excessive salt concentrations in soil or irrigation water can cause water stress and
losing of plant moisture (Agriculture and Food, 2019).
❖ Freezing thaw:
Freezing thaw is physical process involves freezing of water liquid that contains
containments to produce water crystals, then thawing the crystals of water leaving
behind the suspended solids.

The main stages in the freezing thaw process involves:

Freezing: The water freezes.
Forming of water crystals (ice): As the water freezes, Water and substances with
lower freezing points turn into crystals, leaving behind the components with lower
freezing points.
Thawing: The ice is then taken in a separate container and then, thawed to produce
purified water.

❖ Chemical precipitation:
Chemical precipitation is a process used to treat toxic water from impurities and remove
various contaminants from water such as suspended solids and heavy metals. It also
involves adding chemicals to water that react substances, forming solid precipitates that
can be removed easily by sedimentation (gravel and sand)
❖ Granular activated carbon: Figure (5): Activated carbon

Granular activated carbon (GAC) is extremely

effective at adsorbing organic pollutants found in
vehicle wash effluent, such as oils, greases,
detergents, and other substances. Contaminants cling
to the surface of the carbon particles when the
wastewater travels through the GAC filter bed. GAC
filters also can be used to remove chemicals that give
odors or tastes to water.
❖ Phytoremediation:
Phytoremediation is a biological-ecofriendly process that uses plants to clear
contaminates and impurities from water. This process cleans up many types of
contaminants like metals including (cadmium and arsenic), pesticides, and organic
pollutants. As the plants are photosynthetic, they don’t change the PH (level of acidity
or alkalinity) of water (Environmental Protection Agency, 2012).
Prior solutions

The Kafr El Sheikh Water Treatment Plant

Figure (6): Kafr El-Sheikh Water Treatment Plant

The Kafr El Sheikh Water Treatment Plant is a vital facility in the Nile Delta region of
Egypt. It plays a significant role in treating and providing clean and safe water for
various purposes, including agricultural irrigation.
The treatment processes at these stations include:
1. Coagulation and Flocculation: Chemicals are added to the water to help particles
and impurities clump together for easier removal.
2. Sedimentation: Water is allowed to settle, allowing the heavier impurities to sink to
the bottom.
3. Filtration: Water passes through sand or other media filters to remove remaining
4. Disinfection: Chlorine or other disinfectants are added to eliminate harmful
The presence of these water treatment stations has a significant impact on the
agricultural productivity of the Nile Delta. Clean water promotes healthy crop growth
and helps mitigate the risk of waterborne diseases in agriculture.
Strength of Kafr El Sheikh Water Treatment Stations:
• Strategic Location: Nile Delta Water Treatment Stations are in one of Egypt's most
fertile and agriculturally productive regions. This location allows for efficient water
distribution to a vast area of farmland.

• Enhanced Crop Yields: By providing clean and safe irrigation water, these stations
contribute to increased agricultural productivity and crop yields. This is crucial for
food security and the country's economy.
Indirect benefits include an expected increase in the volume and quality of fish in
Lake Burullus (70% of the country's fishing industry), safer agriculture production,
improved conditions for tourism on the Mediterranean coast, and job creation for
37,000 man-years’ work during the planning and construction phase, and 1,400 jobs a
year during the operational phase (EIP, 2013).

Weakness of Nile Delta Water Treatment Stations:

• Operational Costs: Maintaining and operating water treatment stations can be costly.
Funding and resources are required to keep these facilities running efficiently and
• Aging Infrastructure: Some water treatment stations may suffer from aging
infrastructure and equipment. This can lead to maintenance challenges and reduced
efficiency in water treatment processes.
NEWater Initiative
Figure (7): NEWater purification initiative in Singapore

NEWater is a hallmark initiative by Singapore’s Public Utilities Board (PUB) to

provide a sustainable water supply solution. It involves treating used water to a high
standard, making it ultra-clean and safe. This water is used for various purposes,
including industrial use and irrigation. (Teo, 2019)

Treatment Process:
The treatment process for NEWater involves multiple advanced stages to ensure the
water is of the highest quality:
1. Microfiltration/ Ultrafiltration: Water goes through membranes to remove
suspended solids, bacteria, and other contaminants.
2. Reverse Osmosis: A semi-permeable membrane is used to remove dissolved solids,
viruses, and bacteria. This stage plays a crucial role in demineralizing the water.
3. Ultraviolet Disinfection: Exposure to UV light ensures any remaining
microorganisms are inactivated.
4. Addition of Alkali: This final step involves adjusting the pH level of the water before
it is sent out for use or blended with reservoir water.
Strength of NEWater Initiative:
• Water Security: NEWater contributes significantly to Singapore’s water resilience,
ensuring a stable and secure supply.
• Sustainability: It promotes the recycling of water, reducing dependence on external
• High-Quality Water: The advanced treatment process guarantees that NEWater
meets and exceeds the World Health Organization’s drinking water standards.
• Innovation: NEWater is a testament to Singapore’s innovative approach to water
management and has garnered international recognition (Lee & Tan, 2018).
Weaknesses of NEWater Initiative:
• High Costs: The advanced treatment process requires substantial investment in
technology and infrastructure.
• Energy Intensive: The treatment process, particularly reverse osmosis, is energy-
• Limited by Technology: The capacity to produce NEWater is contingent on the
availability and advancement of membrane technology.
El Paso Water’s Advanced Water Purification Facility
Figure (8): El Paso Water Purification in Texas.

El Paso Water’s Advanced Water Purification Facility in Texas represents a

pioneering effort in direct potable water reuse. Instead of discharging treated
wastewater into a river or using it for irrigation, this facility purifies the water to a
standard where it can be added back to the drinking water supply. (Guerrero, 2016)
Treatment Process:
The water undergoes a rigorous multi-barrier treatment process to ensure its safety and
quality, which includes:
1. Membrane Filtration: This step involves ultrafiltration where water is passed
through membranes to remove suspended particles, bacteria, and viruses.
2. Reverse Osmosis: Water is forced through semi-permeable membranes to remove
dissolved salts and impurities at the molecular level.
3. Advanced Oxidation: This stage uses ultraviolet light and hydrogen peroxide to
break down any remaining organic compounds and disinfect the water.
4. Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Filtration: This additional filtration step
ensures the removal of any remaining organic compounds and helps in improving the
taste and odor of the water (CivicLive, 2018).
5. Disinfection: Finally, chlorine or another disinfectant is added to the water to ensure
any remaining microorganisms are killed, making the water safe to drink.
Strengths of El Paso Water’s Advanced Water Purification Facility:

• Water Security: Provides a reliable and drought-proof water source for the city.
• Environmental Sustainability: Helps in conserving freshwater resources and reduces
the dependence on water imports.
• Economic Efficiency: Investing in water reuse can be more cost-effective in the long
run compared to other water supply options.
• Innovation: The facility showcases advanced water treatment technologies,
positioning El Paso as a leader in water reuse.

Weakness of El Paso Water’s Advanced Water Purification Facility:

• Operational Costs: The advanced treatment processes are energy-intensive and can
have high operational costs.
• Maintenance: The sophisticated equipment and technologies used require regular
maintenance and skilled operation.
Chapter 2
Generating and defending a solution:
• Solution and Design requirements
• Selection of solution
• Selection of prototype
Solution and Design requirements

In order to show the success of our solution and prototype, the project should be tested
according to some points as a rubric.
Our design requirements for the project are:
1- The water that undergoes the process should be used in irrigation of a Basil plant, so
the treated water quality parameters should be within the normal range:
- The TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) in the water should be less than 1100 mg/l
- Decreasing the rate of two toxic elements from the water which are cadmium and
mercury to match the normal range.
2- The growth rate of the basil plant should be near the normal range. the rate will be
expressed quantitively by measuring the number of leaves, root length and shoot
These specific design requirements are chosen according to the problem we are trying
to solve which is treating water for the agricultural purpose. So, the design
requirements were chosen to make sure that the produced water is suitable for
agriculture and that our plant is branching out, in our case the Basil plant.
Selection of solution
In addressing the pressing challenge of water scarcity, particularly in the context of
agricultural sustainability, our project delves into the selection of a comprehensive
solution. This involves the strategic choice of basil as the target plant species,
considering its scientific resilience and economic relevance in Egypt.
Simultaneously, the focus on aquaculture wastewater as a source aligns with the
principles of circular economy, offering an opportunity to repurpose and recycle
nutrient-rich effluents. Furthermore, the treatment processes employed encompass
physical, chemical, and biological methods, each backed by scientific foundations,
to ensure the effective purification of aquaculture wastewater for sustainable
irrigation. Figure (9): Basil plant

The choice of basil (Ocimum basilicum) as the

designated plant species is underpinned by its
known adaptability to various environmental
conditions, including suboptimal water quality.
Basil's resilience to factors such as pH fluctuations
and salinity makes it a suitable candidate for
irrigation with treated wastewater. Additionally,
basil holds both medicinal and culinary significance in Egypt, making it not only a
scientifically sound choice but also culturally and economically relevant.
Simultaneously, our focus on aquaculture wastewater arises from its unique
composition and relevance to water scarcity. Aquaculture systems, while
contributing to food production, generate wastewater rich in organic matter and
nutrients, offering an opportunity for recycling and repurposing. This aligns with the
circular economy model, where waste is transformed into a resource, contributing to
both environmental sustainability and agricultural productivity.

Treatment Processes: Figure (10): Freezing thaw process

1. Physical Process - Freeze-Thaw:

The freeze-thaw method leverages differences in
freezing points between freshwater and salty water,
utilizing the principle of fractional freezing.
2. Chemical Process - Coagulation and Filtration System (Na2S Addition,
Filtration, and Active Carbon):
Our chemical treatment process, aptly named the Coagulation and Filtration
System, involves a series of meticulous steps to purify aquaculture wastewater.
Sodium sulfide (Na2S) is added to induce the precipitation of heavy metals such as
mercury and cadmium. Subsequently, filtration using filter paper is employed to
remove the formed precipitates. To ensure a thorough purification, activated carbon
is introduced, effectively adsorbing any remaining impurities (Latif et al., 2020)
3. Biological Process - Phytoremediation with Moringa Seeds:
Phytoremediation involves using Moringa oleifera seeds Figure (11): Phytoremediation
to absorb, accumulate, and transform pollutants, aiding in
the removal of impurities, including heavy metals
(Benettayeb et al., 2022). The selection of these treatment
processes integrates principles from physics, chemistry,
and biology, providing a holistic solution for the
purification of aquaculture wastewater for sustainable agriculture.
Selection of Prototype

The prototype stands as a pivotal element in the success of any project. It not only
serves as a critical indicator of whether the project aligns with the established design
criteria but also acts as a scaled-down version of the proposed solution. Embarking on
our capstone journey, we have committed to adhering to the systematic stages of the
Engineering Design Process (EDP). This involves first identifying and defining the
problem at hand. Subsequently, we focus on devising a tailored solution that addresses
this issue – in our case, constructing a miniature model of a water treatment unit. The
ultimate goal is to develop a viable solution that effectively tackles the challenge of
wastewater and reuse it in agriculture.
Our prototype comprises a central wooden box, serving as the housing for our water
purification system, as depicted in. This wooden box has specific dimensions designed
to accommodate the various components required for our water treatment process.
At the top of the box, we have a compartment containing dry ice, which plays a crucial
role in the initial freezing-thaw process, the first step in purifying the water. Moving
down to the second shelf, there are key components such as Na2S, Activated Carbon,
and Gravel. These substances are integral to our chemical treatment process,
effectively eliminating impurities, odors, and discoloration from the water. The
bottom section of our prototype houses Moringa seeds, a vital component for the
biological treatment of water. These seeds play a critical role in removing any
remaining impurities and ensuring that the water is purified and safe for various uses,
including planting.
To facilitate the seamless flow of water through these treatment stages, transparent
tubes connect all the shelves of our prototype, ensuring an efficient and continuous
purification process.
Our water purification prototype operates in three distinct stages. The first stage
involves the physical treatment of freezing and thawing, effectively preparing the
water for subsequent purification. In the second stage, we employ a combination of
chemical treatments using Na2S, activated carbon, and gravel to eliminate undesirable
colors, odors, and tastes from the water. Finally, in the third stage, Moringa seeds are
introduced to remove any remaining impurities, leaving the water thoroughly purified
and ready for various applications.
Chapter 3
Constructing and testing a prototype:
• Materials and methods
• Test plan
• Data collection
Table (1): Materials Used Materials and Methods
Item Quantity Usage Cost Source picture

Used for the

Wooden 4 construction 100L.E Carpenter
Box of the housing

Used to
Activated remove bad Chemical
15g 45L.E
Carbon smell from Supplies Shop
Used to
precipitate Chemical
Sulfide 0.01g 1 L. E
the two toxic Supplies Shop

Used in the
Dry ice 150g Freezing 50L.E
Supplies Shop
thaw process

Used to
Moringa Center for
2g coagulate
Seeds 5 L. E Agriculture
and Research
Used to
Water Sanitary ware
8 water
Pipes 50L.E Shop
Used to
Water Control the Sanitary ware
4 100L.E
Taps amount of Shop
Total Cost 351L.E
The materials listed in Table 1 were utilized to construct a prototype which is a treatment
unit designed to treat aquacultural wastewater from fish farms. The unit employed a
multi-stage approach incorporating physical, chemical, and biological treatments. The
prototype construction process was composed of 5 stages.
Figure (12): Wooden Box
In phase one, a wooden frame structure was built as a base for the
prototype and contained vessels. A 95cm in height by 35cm in width
by 25cm in length wooden frame stood as the foundation, supporting
four 20 cm in length by 20 cm in width by 10 cm in height plastic
containers connected by a piping system. The piping system consisted
of 4 faucets of length 6 cm; each one was connected to a container.
Each pipe with a diameter of 1.8 cm to control the passage of water
through the prototype as shown in Figure (12). Flexible 1.8cm
diameter PVC pipes with female connectors allowed water to pass between containers
while controlling.
Phase two involved freezing and thawing was used as an initial filtration. Aquacultural
water was placed in a container with dry ice for approximately 6 minutes, lowering
the temperature to nearly 0°C and allowing freshwater crystals to form leaving the
dissolved salts and other minerals in the liquid.
Phase three commenced the chemical treatment. Water from the first container passed
to the second where coagulation took place using sodium sulfide (Na2S). Just 0.01
grams of Na2S was introduced, reacting with, and precipitating heavy metal ions like
mercury and cadmium to form insoluble compounds and reduce toxicity.
Phase four comprised multiple filtration stages. The coagulated water and precipitated
particles moved to a layer of gravel for rough filtration. It then percolated through a
bed of activated carbon granules which adsorbed residual contaminants. A final paper
filter polished the effluent before draining it into the third container.
In phase five, biological treatment was applied. Moringa seeds were dried and ground to
a fine powder, then mixed with two grams of seed powder. This was poured through
a strainer to remove the remaining seed particles. After two hours of settling, the water
ended the treatment phase.
Safety Precautions
To ensure the team’s safety during the process of constructing and testing the
prototype we took some safety precautions and followed some instructions:
• We used masks during our chemical treatment process because of the bad
smell coming from the water and to avoid any toxic gases.
• We used gloves when we added chemicals, and while painting the stand. it
helped us to keep our hands clean and lessen our chance of getting germs that
can make us sick.
• We wore lab coats all the working time as they Provided protection for skin
and personal clothing from incidental contact and small splashes.
• We made sure everyone knew exactly his role when constructing and testing
the model for everyone to follow the guidelines.
• We wore goggles they acted as a shield for our eyes against liquid or chemical
splash, irritating mists, and vapors.
Table (2): Safety Precautions

Tool Usage Illustration

To protect ourselves from

Lab coat
chemicals and sharp tools

Protect our hands from

chemical substances

To maintain the safety of our


To protect ourselves from

inhaling dangerous gases
Tools Used
Table (3): Tools Used

Tools Usage Illustration

Used to cut the wooden

sheets to make the
Saw wooden box.

To measure the Total

Dissolved Solids after
TDS meter each treatment for our

Used to measure the

Ruler Lengths of our prototype.

Used to fix different parts

Hot glue
of the prototype in
gun position
Test Plan

- The prototype was well-constructed to meet its design requirements;

among which are:

1. The water that undergoes the process should be used in irrigation of a Basil plant,
so the treated water quality parameters should be within the normal range:
- The TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) in the water should be less than 1100 mg/l
- Decreasing the rate of two toxic elements from the water which are cadmium
and mercury to match the normal range.
2. The growth rate of the basil plant should be near the normal range. the rate will be
expressed quantitively by measuring the number of leaves, root length and shoot

- Several tests were done to ensure the success of the project and the
achieved design requirements:

1. The First step is measuring the TDS in water after each Treatment and
measuring the TDS of city and wastewater using a TDS meter and it should be
less than 1100mg/L. Each measurement will be conducted 3 times and taking
the average value to make sure that it is true.
2. Secondly, we will trace the concentration of the two toxic elements (cadmium
and mercury) by analyzing the water again in laboratories.
3. Thirdly, we will observe the growth parameters of the plant whether they are in
the normal range or not.
Data Collection

First Phase
Our first phase of three is the freezing-thaw method. It is a physical method
involving freezing impure water which causes only the pure water part to change
into ice, leaving the dissolve salts and other minerals behind in the liquid.

Components of the first phase:

For our experiment, we collected water from an aquaculture farm that is known to
have high levels of dissolved solids and heavy metals like cadmium and mercury.
We placed this wastewater in a container and surrounded it with dry ice for
approximately 6 minutes until it formed a slush. The slush was then removed and
thawed in another container. We used a TDS meter to test the total dissolved solids
concentration in the treated water sample. Heavy metal analysis further revealed
slight reductions in both cadmium and mercury levels after undergoing one
freezing-thawing cycle table (4). To assess the water quality more, basil plants
were watered with either the treated aquaculture water, city tap water, or untreated
wastewater on an alternating schedule every two days. Comparative observations
of plant growth and metal uptake in leaves provided quantitative data to evaluate
the effectiveness of the freezing-thaw technique. Fig (15).

Table (4): comparison between the water treated with different methods to the waste water and tap water

Type of water City tap water Water treated by the Aquaculture

physical method wastewater
Total dissolved Salts 900 3187 14659
(TDS) (mg/l)
Mercury concentration 0 1 1.06
Cadmium 0 0.54 0.6
concentration (mg/l)
Figure (13): Growth of Plants irrigated with tap water Figure (14): Growth of Plants irrigated with wastewater

. .

Figure (15): Growth of Plants irrigated with 1st phase treated water only

Advantages of using freezing-thaw method:

• Decreasing the TDS value to about 21% of its initial value.
Disadvantages of using freezing-thaw method:
• It did not contribute efficiently to reducing the toxic metals.
• The plant growth rate shows that we can’t depend on it alone.
Second Phase
Our Second phase of three is Coagulation and filtration. It is a chemical method
involving the addition of soluble Na2S which reacts with mercury, and cadmium
changing them to insoluble compounds and filtering the precipitation using a
tunnel of sand, gravel, activated carbon, and filtration paper.
Components of the second phase:

First trial
Firstly, the physical method was applied then 0.06 grams of ferric sulfate was
added to precipitate mercury and cadmium. It worked will but as the sulphate
group is transferred to the mercury and cadmium in the reaction an excess of iron
was left leaving the water highly toxic. Thus, we needed to change the chemical
Second trial
First, the freezing thaw method was used. This causes only the pure water to
freeze, leaving the dissolved salts and other minerals in the liquid. Next, 0.01 gram
of sodium sulfide was added to specifically react with and precipitate mercury and
cadmium ions, forming insoluble compounds.
The sodium sulfide also helped reduce the overall TDS by acting as a coagulant for
other dissolved substances. The heavy metal precipitates and coagulated particles
were then passed through multiple filtration stages for thorough purification. This
included sand, gravel, activated carbon, and filter paper to effectively trap
contaminants. The total dissolved solids concentration in the treated water sample
was determined using a TDS meter. Heavy metal tests demonstrated further
reductions in cadmium and mercury levels table (5).
Finally, basil plants were used to assess the treatment effectiveness by watering
with the first and second phases’ filtered water, city tap water as a control, first
phase filtered water, and wastewater for comparison. Plant growth and metal
content in leaves after two weeks provided a means to quantitatively measure how
well the process removed toxins to a level that allowed for safe irrigation fig (16).
Table (5): comparison between the water treated with different methods to the waste water and tap water

Type of water City tap water Water treated by Water treated by Aquaculture
the physical physical and wastewater
method chemical methods
Total dissolved Salts 900 3187 1902 14726
(TDS) (mg/l)
Mercury 0.02 1 0.01 1.06
Cadmium 0.01 0.54 0.03 0.6

Advantages of using freezing-thaw, coagulation, and filtration methods:

• The freezing thaw decreased the TDS
• Coagulation and filtration decreased the concentration of the two toxic
elements (mercury and cadmium) to an acceptable value and decreased the
TDS further
• Activated carbon removed the turbidity and odor
• The plant growth rate shows that we can depend on it.
Disadvantages of using freezing-thaw, coagulation, and filtration methods:
• Bacteria originally found in wastewater still exist.

Figure (16): Growth of Plants irrigated with 2nd phase treated water only

Third Phase
Our last phase is remediation using moringa seeds that act as a natural coagulant
decreasing the turbidity and some of the metal content.

Components of the third phase:

Our third treatment phase began by using the freezing thaw method, allowing pure
water to freeze and separate from dissolved salts and minerals. Sodium sulfide was
then added to chemically coagulate heavy metals like mercury and cadmium. The
coagulated contaminants were filtered out through a sand, gravel, and activated
carbon tunnel.
Next, 2 grams of moringa seeds were dried, crushed into a powder, and mixed with
water to form a milky mixture. This was poured through a strainer to remove the
remaining seed particles. The beneficial properties of moringa were then harnessed
by adding the seed solution to the partially treated water. After a brief stir and two
hours of settling, the multiple treatment stages significantly reduced total dissolved
solids and heavy metal levels, as indicated by a TDS meter and chemical analysis
tests table (6).
The basil plants' growth and metal content in their leaves were analyzed each five
days for 2 weeks. This provided a quantitative means to compare how well each
type of water supported plant growth after the treatment phases. It specifically
measured whether the treatment removed toxins to a level that was safe for
irrigation purposes and allowed for normal plant development. The basil plant
experiment offered valuable insight into how fully the multi-stage process
remediated the wastewater to be suitable for reuse fig (17).
Table (6): comparison between the water treated with different methods to the waste water and tap water

Type of water City tap Water treated Water treated Water treated by Aquaculture
water by the physical by physical and physical, chemical, wastewater
method chemical and biological
methods methods
Total dissolved 900 3187 1902 972 14726
Salts (TDS) (mg/l)
Mercury 0.02 1 0.01 0 1.06
Cadmium 0.01 0.54 0.03 0 0.6

Figure (17): Growth of Plants irrigated with 3rd phase treated water

Advantages of using freezing-thaw, coagulation, filtration, and remediation
• The freezing-thaw method decreased the TDS
• Coagulation and filtration decreased the concentration of the two toxic
elements (mercury and cadmium) to an acceptable value and decreased the
TDS further
• Activated carbon removed the turbidity and odor
• Moringa seed remediation decreased the presence of bacteria and also
decreased the TDS to an acceptable value
• The plant growth rate shows that we can depend on it.
Disadvantages of using freezing-thaw, coagulation, filtration, and remediation
• The moringa seed did not change much to the growth rate of the plant.
Chapter 4
Evaluation, Reflection, Recommendations:

• Analysis and discussion

• Recommendations
• Learning outcomes
• List of sources in APA Format
Analysis and Discussion
Egypt faces severe water scarcity alongside limited agricultural and industrial
development. An integrated aquaculture wastewater treatment plan was proposed
to help address these interconnected challenges. A three-stage filtration plant
would safely cleanse and disinfect wastewater from fish farms. This idea is a
connection of many prior solutions taking advantage of each. From these are El
Paso Water’s Advanced Water Purification Facility and the NEWater Initiative
Although these solutions treat water efficiently, they use much energy, so a series
of modifications were made to decrease the energy used and thus maximize the
yield. The treated water would be repurposed for irrigation, augmenting supplies
for agricultural expansion onto desert lands. To see if the solution solves the
mentioned problems a prototype was built.
The first phase of building the prototype focused on constructing the basic
framework and container system. A sturdy 95 cm in height, 35 cm in width and 25
cm in length wooden frame provided the foundation as the base. Four plastic
vessels 20 cm in length, 20 cm in width and 10 cm in height were integrated using
a controlled piping network. Each container was attached to the framework and
linked to the next using a series of 1.8 cm diameter flexible PVC pipes fitted with
female connectors. This allowed water to be channeled from one vessel to the
subsequent in a regulated manner. Moreover, 6 cm faucets placed between each
container offered flow adjustment ability. Then, the phases were carried out. In the
first treatment phase water was collected from an aquaculture farm that is known to
have high levels of dissolved solids as it is considered saline water (CH 2.02) and
heavy metals like cadmium and mercury. Then this wastewater was placed in a
container and surrounded with dry ice for approximately 6 minutes until it formed
a slush. The slush was then removed and thawed in another container making use
of the special properties of water (ES 2.02). A TDS meter was used to test the total
dissolved solids concentration in the treated water sample as it depends on the
water conductivity to provide quantitative data (PH 2.02). The TDS meter
measurements showed a huge reduction decreasing the TDS to about 3187 mg/l
compared to an initial value of 14659 mg/l. Heavy metal analysis further revealed
slight reductions in both cadmium and mercury levels after undergoing one
freezing-thawing cycle. To assess the water quality more, basil plants were watered
with either the treated aquaculture water, city tap water, or untreated wastewater on
an alternating schedule every two days. The results of the growing showed an
improvement compared to untreated water as after the 2 weeks the number of
leaves increased to 3, the shoot length increased to 3.4 cm approximately and the
root length increased to 2 cm.
In the second phase besides the initial freezing–thaw method, a chemical method
was added as we have done 2 trials the first of those is the addition 0.06 grams of
ferric sulfate to precipitate mercury and cadmium. It worked will but as the
sulphate group is transferred to the mercury and cadmium in the reaction an excess
of iron was left leaving the water highly toxic. To overcome this problem the
chemical element was changed. As 0.01 gram of sodium sulfide was added to
specifically react with and precipitate mercury and cadmium ions, forming
insoluble sulfides. That specific mass was calculated by applying molarity rules
(CH 2.01) as the concentration of the mercury and cadmium was obtained to be
1.08 and 0.6 mg/l respectively. then after knowing the balanced chemical equation
of each precipitation was
Na2S (aq) + Hg+2 (aq) → HgS (s) + 2 Na+ (aq)
Na2S (aq) + Cd+2 (aq) → HgS (s) + 2 Na+ (aq)
Applying the first equation we have 1.08 milligrams of mercury in one liter so to
change its mass to number of moles, the following equation was applied
mass in gram 1.08∗10−3
Number of moles = = = 5.4 ∗ 10−6 moles
molar mass 200

so, we need exactly 5.4*10-6 moles of sodium sulfide to furnish the available
mercury so reversing the equation
Mass in gram = Number of moles * Molar mass = 5.4*10−6 * 78 = 4.1*10−4 grams

applying the formula to the cadmium precipitation chemical equation. We need an

additional 4.1*10-4 grams, to precipitate cadmium.
The sodium sulfide also helped reduce the overall TDS by acting as a coagulant for
other dissolved substances. The heavy metal precipitates and coagulated particles
were then passed through multiple filtration stages for thorough purification. This
included sand, gravel, activated carbon, and filter paper to effectively trap
contaminants (ES 2.04). The total dissolved solids concentration in the treated
water sample was determined using a TDS meter. Heavy metal tests demonstrated
further reductions in cadmium and mercury levels decreasing them to 0.01 mg/l
and 0.03 mg/l respectively thus meeting the standard levels. Also, the basil plant
showed a growth rate near the normal value.
Moving on to the third phase, the first two phases were applied. Then, 2 grams of
moringa seeds were dried, crushed into a powder, and mixed with water to form a
milky mixture. This was poured through a strainer to remove the remaining seed
particles. The beneficial properties of moringa were then harnessed by adding the
seed solution to the partially treated water. After a brief stir and two hours of
settling, the multiple treatment stages significantly reduced total dissolved solids to
the normal range and heavy metal levels as well, as indicated by a TDS meter and
chemical analysis tests. The plant’s growth did not change much giving us the
choice of whether to choose it or not. Finally, a graph was made as a piece-wise
function (MA 2.01) comparing the TDS and the concentration of the two toxic
elements mercury and cadmium to show the change across all phases.

To enhance the progression of this project, several recommendations have been

suggested to improve the outcomes and efficiency:
1- Using Temperature Control Advancements like refrigeration systems capable of
maintaining a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius during the freezing-thaw process.
Unfortunately, financial constraints prevented the implementation of such a
2- Exploration of alternative processes, like substitution of the phytoremediation
stage with an ozonation process, as it demonstrates high efficiency in eliminating
bacteria and viruses; however, its implementation requires advanced technology
not currently available in Egypt.
3- Propose the construction of the prototype on a large scale in Upper Egypt, near
the aquacultural farms. These steps contribute to augmenting the system's
efficiency and overall effectiveness.
4- Automate the filtration and irrigation processes using mechanical appliances and
automation techniques such as sensors and Arduino.
Learning Outcomes
Table (7): Learning outcomes

Subject Learning Application
We studied GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and their
properties these organisms are any living organism such as bacteria,
plants, or even animals whose cells are modified by an insertion or
removal of a gene in the organism, which could be done in many
ways like selective breeding which used to make a specific trait
Biology BI.2.01 appear in the living organisms, or the DNA cloning which is the
modification of genes. Examples of these modifications can be done
in specific plants by inserting a gene that can make the plant tolerate
tough weather and toxic elements or withstand a shortage of water.
This helped us in considering the suitable plant that we should
irrigate in our prototype.
We studied different types of water and their properties. We learned
about distilled, fresh, saline, and hard waters and the sources from
Chemistry CH.2.02 where they come. Our wastewater source came from fish farms
which are considered Saline water and that helped us to choose the
required treatments to purify the water.
We can use the functions and equations to represent the relation
between the impurities and water purification. We can represent it on
Math MA.2.01 a polynomial graph so that we can predict the efficiency of filtration
according to some given.
We studied how to make a database to gather results and analysis in it
Computer so, we collected the results of plant and soil analysis after testing the
science prototype in database in Microsoft Access program.
We studied the free-body diagram and how it can assist us in
presenting the forces that can impact a body and cause it to accelerate
Mechanics ME.2.01 and decelerate. This might aid our understanding of the forces that act
on water throughout its flow because of gravity and pressure.
Knowing the role of gravitational force and what can affect it, the
sedimentation had cleared. knowing this, the prototype was made in a
Physics PH.2.01
low place in the direction of gravity to make sure that the process is
made efficiently.
We learned about the parameters of water such as: TDS (Total
dissolved solids), TSS, DO (dissolved oxygen) and heavy metals and
how these things can affect the water quality. We also studied
Chemistry CH.2.01
stoichiometric equations like mole fraction and mole concertation and
that helped us in calculating the required Na2s for tracing mercury and
cadmium and other purposes.
We learned about water pollution and its impacts to the environment.
We also studied different methods of water filtration as our usage of
Earth Sedimentation and activated carbon was inspired to us through
ES.2.04 studying this learning outcome so, we learned the properties and usage
of each treatment and how to formulate the treatment efficiently in our
We learned about the properties of water and studied its structure and
properties such as, boiling point, freezing point, heat capacity and
Earth polarity. We also studied about the water cycle and how water goes
Science from reservoir to reservoir. This helped us to know the nature of water
in freezing thaw and its movement through Sedimentation process.
We learnt about abbreviations and scientific terms and it helped us to
English EN. V express our writings in a better way, which helped in making the
portfolio and poster clear.
We studied about conductivity of different materials and elements.
This helped to understand the conductivity of water and the effect of
Physics PH.2.03 (TDS) total dissolved solids concentration in it. So, we used to measure
the TDS of water after each treatment to make sure that our water is
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