Palaeo-Formation Water Evolution in The Latrobe Aquifer, Gippsland Basin, South-Eastern Australia Continental Shelf

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Geofluids (2015) 15, 503–526 doi: 10.1111/gfl.


Palaeo-formation water evolution in the Latrobe aquifer,

Gippsland Basin, south-eastern Australia continental shelf
CSIRO Energy, Kensington, WA, Australia; 2Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC),
Barton, ACT, Australia

Offshore fresh or brackish groundwater has been observed around the globe and represents an interesting but
unusual freshwater reserve. Formation waters in sedimentary basins evolve at geological time through fluid–rock
interactions and water movements in aquifers. However, the mechanism and timing of freshwater displacing and
mixing with pre-existing formation water offshore under the seafloor has not been investigated in many cases.
The growing need for developing freshwater resources in deeper parts of sedimentary basins that have not been
economic or technically feasible in the past, may potentially lead to an increasing conflict with petroleum produc-
tion or injection of carbon dioxide. For being able to assess and mitigate possible impacts of fluid production or
injection on groundwater flow and quality, a better understanding of the natural history of the interaction
between fresh meteoric water and deep basin formation water is necessary. A low-salinity wedge of meteoric ori-
gin with less than 5000 ppm currently extends to about 20 km offshore in the confined Latrobe aquifer in the
Gippsland Basin (Australia). The Latrobe aquifer is a freshwater resource in the onshore, hosts major petroleum
reservoirs and has been considered for carbon dioxide storage in the offshore parts of the basin. The objective of
this study is to constrain the evolution of formation water in the Latrobe aquifer by investigating the water natu-
rally trapped in fluid inclusions during burial. The measured palaeo-salinities from onshore and offshore rock sam-
ples have a minimum of about 12 500 ppm (NaCl equivalent) and a maximum of about 50 000 ppm. Most of
the salinities are in the 32 000–35 000 ppm range. There is no evidence for freshwater in fluid inclusions and the
variation in palaeo-salinity across the basin is consistent with the palaeogeography of deposition of the sedimen-
tary rocks. The current low-salinity water wedge must have started to form recently after most of the diagenetic
processes that led to the trapping of water in fluid inclusions happened. The minimum homogenisation tempera-
tures (Th) recorded are consistent with current formation temperature. However, they are generally higher than
present day suggesting that hotter temperatures were attained in the past. The Th and salinity data together sug-
gest that the fluid inclusions record the diagenetic modification of connate water to higher salinities over a time
period that was accompanied by an increase in temperature, consistent with a westward palaeo-fluid flow from
the deeper part of the basin through the aquifer. Subsequent pore-water evolution from palaeo- to current day
conditions is consistent with an influx of fresher and cooler meteoric water into the Latrobe Group. The meteoric
recharge originates from the area of the Baragwanath anticline in the onshore part of the basin where the Lat-
robe Group subcrops at high elevations.

Key words: CO2 sequestration, depositional environment, fluid inclusion, freshwater wedge, groundwater

Received 21 January 2014; accepted 14 September 2014

Corresponding author: Julien Bourdet, ARRC, 26 Dick Perry Ave., Kensington, WA 6151, Australia.
Email: Tel: +61 8 643 687 67. Fax: +61 8 633 685 55.

Geofluids (2015) 15, 503–526

• The low-salinity water wedge in the Latrobe aquifer

system is relatively recent
HIGHLIGHTS • Cold freshwater replaced warm marine or brackish
connate water
• No freshwater was found in fluid inclusions in the • The late diagenetic features are controlled by the
Latrobe aquifer system freshwater influx

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

504 J. BOURDET et al.

this limitation, salinities were also derived using Raman

spectroscopy (Dubessy et al. 2002; Baumgartner & Bakker
Formation waters in sedimentary basins evolve at geologi- 2009). The combination of classical fluid inclusion tech-
cal timescale along with the fluid–rock interactions and niques and Raman spectroscopy, to understand the salinity
water movements in aquifers or through faults. The pres- evolution of the formation water in the Latrobe aquifer in
ence of fresh or brackish groundwater in offshore sedimen- the Gippsland Basin, provides a more robust data set with
tary basins has been observed in many locations around which to investigate the potential mechanisms for emplace-
the globe. The mechanisms commonly proposed for this ment of the freshwater wedge in the basin.
are an influx of freshwater from onshore aquifers during
tectonic uplift and periods of lowstand sea level in the Plio-
cene and Pleistocene (Post et al. 2013). In some cases, the
sedimentary rock units that contain the fresh or brackish
water have potential recharge areas onshore such as in the The Gippsland Basin is located in the south-east of Austra-
New Jersey Continental Shelf (USA) (Hathaway et al. lia, with an offshore deeper central part and platforms and
1979; Cohen et al. 2010), in the Northwest Java Basin in terraces in the northern and southern parts (Fig. 1). The
Indonesia (Maathuis et al. 2000) and the Gippsland Basin onshore part of the basin is constituted by the Seaspray
in Australia (Varma & Michael 2012). In these cases, the and the Lake Wellington depressions. The Latrobe Group
freshwater adopts a wedge shape. The Gippsland Basin, forms a basinwide aquifer system in the Gippsland Basin.
south-eastern Australia, has a freshwater wedge within the It is a freshwater and coal resource in the onshore parts,
confined Latrobe aquifer system that extends 20 km off- hosts major petroleum reservoirs and has been considered
shore (Glenton 1983; Kuttan et al. 1986). The Latrobe for carbon dioxide storage in the offshore parts of the
aquifer also contains significant oil and gas accumulations basin.
and recently has been identified as a suitable candidate for
large-scale CO2 storage (Gibson-Poole et al. 2006; Gol-
die-Divko et al., 2010; O’Brien et al. 2013). There is an
emerging need to understand the movement of freshwater The thickness of the Latrobe aquifer in the central part of
in deeper parts of aquifers that were previously uneco- the basin decreases westward from 2000 m to around
nomic to be developed to access new freshwater resources 200–400 m. Along the northern and southern margins,
and to assess the storage capacity and potential impacts of the Latrobe Group pinches out completely. The Latrobe
CO2 injection in geological formations. Understanding the Group is underlain by the Strzelecki Group aquitard that
natural hydrodynamic evolution leading to a low-salinity outcrops in the onshore part of the basin. At the base of
water wedge in the Latrobe aquifer is important to predict the Seaspray Group, the Lakes Entrance Formation forms
storage capacity of deep aquifers for resources or waste. the major regional aquitard, primarily consisting of shale
The objective of this study is to use fluid inclusions that and marl and confining the underlying Latrobe Group
trap palaeo-formation water to constrain the evolution of aquifer system. The Lakes Entrance Formation is absent in
formation water in the Latrobe Group and as a baseline the western half of the onshore Gippsland Basin and
with which to assess the origin and timing of the low-salin- reaches a maximum thickness of 1200 m in the offshore
ity water wedge. This will determine to what extent the part of the basin. The late Oligocene to mid-Miocene Sea-
connate water has been modified/overprinted by low-salin- spray Group aquifer-aquitard system consists onshore of
ity water recharge and, if so, when this might have sandy aquifers embedded in coal seams and shale beds.
occurred in the basin evolution. Some information about Offshore, the time-equivalent Gippsland Limestone con-
palaeo-formation water evolution in shallow aquifer sys- sisting of limestone, silt and marl forms a low-permeability
tems, using fluid inclusions trapped in diagenetic cement, aquitard system. The maximum thickness of the Seaspray
have been published (Fisher et al. 1989; Matray et al. Group in the onshore part is 700 m and in the offshore
1994; Worden et al. 1999; Buschaert et al. 2004). How- part it reaches a thickness of 2000 m.
ever, in many studies, there are limited data sets from shal- The main hydrogeological features of the Gippsland
low samples. The high density of the water from near- Basin were summarised by Michael et al. (2013) as fol-
surface or subsurface environments is responsible for meta- lows:
stable phase behaviour during thermometric measurement • Cold, high-density seawater in the ocean and shallow
(Roedder 1984; Weisbrod & Leroy 1987; Roedder & Bel- stratigraphic units overlying warm, fresh-brackish,
kin 1988; Zheng et al. 1991; Goldstein & Reynolds lower density formation water in the Latrobe Group
1994). This metastable behaviour of water at high density causes instability and density-driven flow. This results
prevents the determination of the melting point of ice and, in westwards (shorewards) displacement of Latrobe
consequently, a salinity cannot be derived. To overcome aquifer connate waters.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

Evolution of deep aquifer formation water 505

Fig. 1. Simplified map of the Gippsland Basin, showing distribution of the main oil and gas fields with location of the transects along and across the centre
of the basin and the sampled wells. The thick dashed line across the basin is the interpreted present day boundary of low salinity formation water
(<5000 ppm) on the west, representing the end of the freshwater wedge (from Kuttan et al. 1986). The extent of the freshwater wedge was mapped with
Spontaneous Potential logs and water resistivity calculation (Glenton 1983).

• Gravity-driven flow with recharge of meteoric water in salinity profile that grades from 10 000 ppm in offshore
areas of topographic highs and discharge into lakes wells proximal to the coast to 30 000–40 000 ppm in
and along the fresh-seawater interface. This results in wells in the Central Deep (Fig. 2).
eastward flow in the Latrobe aquifer and forms a Occurrence of saline formation water within the hydro-
freshwater wedge that pushes seawards. carbon zones (Kuttan et al. 1986) underlain by a low-
• Offshore petroleum production and onshore mine salinity water aquifer implies that the hydrocarbons were
dewatering overprint the natural flow system, focusing emplaced prior to the onset of the low-salinity water influx.
formation water flow towards production-induced The most likely geological interpretation places the onset
hydraulic sinks. of the low-salinity water influx at about the Pliocene
Kuttan et al. (1986) and Varma & Michael (2012) (5 Ma). This timing is constrained by the exposure of the
showed that onshore the groundwater is particularly fresh upper Latrobe Group to meteoric water influx as a result
in the Seaspray Depression due to meteoric recharge in the of the reactivation of compressive structuring along the
area of Latrobe outcrop. In the offshore part of the Lat- Baragwanath anticline in the onshore part of the basin (out
robe aquifer, groundwater with salinity of around of the map on Fig 1).
4000 ppm (i.e. mg/L, NaCl equivalent) occurs as far as
the Snapper field, increasing to around 40 000 ppm fur-
Stratigraphy and depositional environments
ther offshore (Fig. 1). Based on wireline log interpreta-
tions, Glenton (1983) and Kuttan et al. (1986) identified The Latrobe Group extends in age from Late Cretaceous
a low-salinity water wedge at the top of the Latrobe Group to Oligocene and is divided into four subgroups (Fig. 3):
with salinities between 500 and 4000 ppm that pinches • The Emperor and Golden Beach subgroups are Late
out offshore around Luderick-1, and a ‘background’ Cretaceous and consist of graben-fill terrestrial fluvial

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506 J. BOURDET et al.

Fig. 2. Distribution of formation water salinity

along a west–east cross section in the Gippsland
Basin indicating model flow systems in the Gip-
psland Basin from (Varma & Michael 2012).
The line of cross section is shown in Fig. 1. The
thick dashed line across the basin on the west is
the present-day boundary of low salinity forma-
tion water (<4000 ppm), representing the end
of the freshwater wedge.

Seaspray Central
(Ma BP)

Coal line

Depression Deep




10 Cod Cod

Swordfish Fm
Entrance Fm

Entrance Fm

7 Latrobe Unconformity Latrobe Unconformity

6 Amberjack-1

Golden Beach


40 West-1 Dolphin-A1
5 West Luderick-1
Eocene Seahorse-2
Marlin Unconformity Marlin Unconformity
Marlin Unconformity
4 North



Seaspray-1 (?)

Harlequin-1 Halibut-1


60 Paleocene 2 Bream-5
1 Tarwhine-1

Seahorse Unconformity



Late Colliers
Cretaceous Hill-1 (?)
Longtom Unconformity
Longtom Unconformity


100 Otway Unconformity

Sandstone Mudstone

Sandy siltstone Marl

Fig. 3. Gippsland Basin stratigraphy in the Sea-

Early spray Depression, the Central Deep West, the
Cretaceous Sandstone Limestone Central Deep and the Shelf Edge areas (from
Partridge et al. 2012). The well names indicate
120 Volcanic
the approximate position of the samples chosen
EOW : Early Oligocene Wedge for this study.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

Evolution of deep aquifer formation water 507

flood plain deposits. The depositional systems are Cretaceous and Cenozoic. They interpreted a series of coal
interpreted from the Seaspray Depression (in the west) lines as surrogate palaeo-shorelines (Fig. 4), suggesting the
to the Central Deep (in the east) as (i) a coastal plain Latrobe Group sediment record was a combination of
environment of sands, shales and coal, (ii) increasing stacked eastward marine and westward subaerial environ-
marine incursion onto the coastal plain and (iii) a ments. The initial formation waters presumably ranged
siliciclastic shelf environment of marine sands and from brackish water in the west to seawater in the east.
shales (Partridge 1999). The Seaspray Group, a largely carbonate-dominated of
• The Halibut Subgroup is Late Cretaceous to Eocene and Oligocene to Holocene sequence, overlies the Latrobe
comprises a sequence deposited during a north- Group. At its base, marly sediments of the Lakes Entrance
westerly marine transgression in the basin. A succession Formation provide the principal regional sealing unit across
of alluvial–fluvial, deltaic and marine sediments was the basin.
deposited across the basin at this time. This subgroup
comprises upper coastal plain fluvial sediments and
Basin burial history
lower coastal plain coal rich sediments and includes the
marine Kate Shale in the Central Deep area. Featherstone et al. (1991) published a stratigraphic model
• The Cobia Subgroup is middle Eocene to lower of the Gippsland Basin and presented a burial history
Oligocene and comprises coal-bearing lower coastal analysis for the Gurnard-1 well (see location on Fig. 1).
plain facies and the shallow to open marine mud- They indicated no significant erosion for this part of the
dominated Gurnard Formation. basin (Central Deep) for the Latrobe Group and a con-
Bernecker & Partridge (2005) mapped the seaward stant and regular decrease of the heat flow from late Ter-
extend of the paralic coal occurrences through the Late tiary to the present. In the Seaspray Depression, Goldie

147:15E 147:30E 147:45E 148:00E 148:15E 148:30E

Northern Pla orm

7 6


Northern Terrace 4
Lake Wellington Depression

Harlequin 1 Wirrah 1
Colliers Hill 1 West Seahorse 2

Golden Beach WST1

Seaspray North Seaspray 1 Barracouta 1
Depression Mulloway 1 2
Halibut 1
Tarwhine 1

Luderick 1
Amberjack 1 Central

Bream 5 1
Dolphin A1

Southern Terrace

Southern Pla orm

0 20


147:15E 147:30E 147:45E 148:00E 148:15E 148:30E

Fig. 4. Westward migration of coal lines, from Bernecker & Partridge (2005), representing the maximum seaward extent of coal deposition in the Gippsland
Basin at various times. 1: Maastrichian Forcipites longus Zone; 2: Paleocene Lygistepollenites balmei Zone; 3: Early Eocene Lower Malvacipollis diversus Zone;
4: Early Eocene Proteacidites asperopolus Zone; 5: Middle Eocene Lower Nothofagidites asperus Zone; 6: Late Eocene Middle Nothofagidites asperus Zone;
7: Early Oligocene Upper Nothofagidites asperus Zone; 8: late Early Miocene Triporopollenites bellus.

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508 J. BOURDET et al.

North Seaspray-1 Barracouta-1,3 Bream-2 Halibut-1

0 0 0 0
the “Barracouta trend”
from Shibaoka et al (1978)

1000 1000 1000 1000

2000 2000 2000 2000

3000 3000 3000 3000

4000 4000 4000 4000

0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1

Vitrinite reflectance %Ro Vitrinite reflectance %Ro Vitrinite reflectance %Ro Vitrinite reflectance %Ro

Featherstone et al. (1991), Gurnard-1 burial model 1985 Amoco Australia dataset Latrobe Group

Goldie Divko et al. (2009) Shibaoka et al. (1978) Strzelecki Group

Fig. 5. Vitrinite reflectance measurements in Gippsland Basin from Shibaoka et al. (1978), Featherstone et al. (1991), Goldie Divko et al. (2009) and the
Amoco Australia data set incorporated in the Halibut-1 well completion report.

Divko et al. (2009) presented vitrinite reflectance (VR) <4000 ppm (Figs 1 and 2), was predicted to be about 20–
data from the Strzelecki Group in North Seaspray-1 consis- 30 km offshore (Glenton 1983). Wells were selected from
tent with maximum burial at present. Other available VR the Seaspray Depression and the Central Deep West that
data (in Halibut-1 well completion report) showed that at intersected the Latrobe Group. Samples suitable for the
Halibut-1 (Fig. 5), located in the eastern part of the basin, investigation were selected by the following criteria:
VR data were lower than in Bream-2, Barracouta-1 and • the nature of the sample: cores or side-wall cores (SWC)
Barracouta-3, suggesting that in the Deep Central area, were preferred to ditch cuttings for their preservation
the maximum palaeo-temperatures may also have been of potential intergranular cements and generally better
lower. Shibaoka et al. (1978) noticed that at comparable preservation of the rock fabric;
depths, VR values decreased with distance from the present • the reservoir quality: matrix-poor, medium and coarse
coastline, and that the 0.4% iso-reflectance line followed grained sandstones were preferred for their ability to
the unconformity at the top of the Latrobe Group. host both thick cement overgrowths and pervasive
Harrison et al. (2012) conducted heat flow analysis from pore-filling cements;
downhole temperature logging and thermal conductivity • the position of the reservoir samples relative to
measurements of boreholes in the onshore Gippsland hydrocarbon accumulations: samples within hydro-
Basin. They calculated gradients of about 35–80°/km. carbon accumulations were avoided. Hydrocarbon
Their temperature gradient analysis clearly outlined a ther- accumulations could shield the reservoir from further
mal anomaly in the Cenozoic section of the eastern evolution in the water chemistry of the aquifer;
Depression, which was most likely due to heat loss by fluid • diagenesis: well completion reports briefly describe the
migration towards the producing oilfields offshore. Impor- petrography of the core samples and indications of the
tantly, they observed that this thermal anomaly was mostly presence of cements can be inferred. When sampling,
restricted to the Cenozoic section, and only minimally hard, indurated, cores were preferred over friable
affected temperature gradients in the underlying Strzelecki cores.
Group. The wells were sampled (Table 1) along two orthogonal
transects (Fig. 1) to compare palaeo-formation water salin-
ity to the present-day low-salinity water wedge: (i) a NW–
SE transect from Colliers Hill-1 to Blackback-1 and (ii) a
The study area within the Gippsland Basin extends from SW–NE transect from Amberjack-1 to Moofish-2. All sam-
the Seaspray Depression, onshore, to the Central Deep, ples were plugs from cored intervals, with the exception of
offshore (Fig. 1). The top Latrobe Group gradually deep- Colliers Hill-1 where SWC samples were taken. Most sam-
ens from about 1000 m near the shoreline to almost ples are from either the Cobia or Halibut subgroups, with
3000 m in the vicinity of Blackback-1. The front of the the exception of Colliers Hill-1 (Golden Beach Subgroup)
low-salinity water wedge, delimited by salinities and North Seaspray-1 (possibly Golden Beach subgroup).

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Evolution of deep aquifer formation water 509

Table 1 List of core samples from the Latrobe Group. mMD: meter Measured Depth (below rotary table or Kelly bushing).

Well name Well location Sample depth (mMD) Sample depth (ftMD) Core or SWC number Formation or group name

Amberjack-1 Central Deep West 1285.00 4216 Core 1 Cobia

Barracouta-1 Central Deep West 1965.41 6448.5 Core 16 Halibut
Bream-5 Central Deep 2569.95 8432 Core 3 Halibut
Colliers Hill-1 Seaspray Depression 1368.49 4490 SWC 15 Golden Beach
Dolphin-A1 Central Deep West 1239.71 4067.5 Core 3 Cobia
Golden beach West-1 Seaspray Depression 1409.02 4623 Core 2 Halibut
Halibut-1 Central Deep 2421.06 7943.5 Core 16 Halibut
Harlequin-1 Central Deep West 2016.24 6615 Core 2 Halibut
Luderick-1 Central Deep West 1848.55 6065 Core 2 Cobia
Mulloway-1 Central Deep West 1398.54 4589 Core 2 Cobia
North Seaspray-1 Seaspray Depression 979.81 3214.6 Core 4 Halibut-Golden Beach
Tarwhine-1 Central Deep West 2664.35 8742 Core 3 Halibut
West Seahorse-2 Central Deep West 1446.65 4746 Core 2 Cobia
Wirrah-1 Central Deep West 2046.05 6713 Core 6 Halibut

The stratigraphic position of the samples is shown in maximum temperature reached (Meunier 1989; Barker &
Fig. 3. Goldstein 1990). Alternatively, it may happen during heat-
ing/cooling cycles in the laboratory by overheating the
fluid inclusions beyond their homogenisation temperature
or by freezing the water within the inclusions. With two-
Core samples were cleaned using soxhlet extraction with phase inclusions the Th were measured first. With single-
solvents to remove potentially fluorescing oil and other phase inclusions, they were firstly cooled, but not frozen,
contamination. A total of 19 samples were prepared as to nucleate a bubble before the Th were recorded. After
paired single polished thin-sections and double polished freezing the inclusions for Tm ice measurement, the Th was
80–100-micron-thick sections, with Irgalite Blueâ pigment not measured as it was considered invalid.
added to the epoxy resin to enhance the observation of When water inclusions are formed at shallow depths
porosity and reduce fluorescence. Petrography was per- (e.g. the low-temperature phreatic zone), the densities of
formed using an Olympus AX70 microscope and photomi- the trapped fluids are high and the Th of the water inclu-
crographs were taken with an Olympus DP72 camera. sions are low. At 20°C, those inclusions are often only
Selected areas of some thick sections were examined in filled by stretched liquid water (Roedder 1984; Roedder &
more detail using a Philips XL40 controlled pressure SEM Belkin 1988), and typically have no contraction bubble. A
fitted with an EDAX energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer bubble may sometimes nucleate by cooling the inclusion.
(EDS). Some Raman spectra were also collected to check In absence of bubble, Th or Tm ice cannot be recorded.
the mineralogy of unresolved SEM-EDS measurements. Microthermometric measurements were made with a
Linkam MDS600 heating–freezing stage and T95 control-
ler connected to a LNP95 cooling system. The stage was
calibrated using a Linkam CO2 synthetic reference plate
The cycling method established by Goldstein & Reynolds and a Bubble incâ pure water plate providing reference
(1994) was used when measuring phase change tempera- temperature at 56.6, 0.0 and 374°C. The precision and
tures. Salinity is calculated by measuring the final melting accuracy on temperatures is 0.1°C. At a salinity of
temperature of ice (Tm ice) upon heating after freezing the 5000 ppm, this equates to 1800 ppm, while at a salinity
inclusion and then referring this value to the equation of of 30 000 ppm, this equates to 1600 ppm.
Bodnar (1993). The temperature at which the vapour bub-
ble disappears into the liquid water phase upon heating
Raman spectroscopy
corresponds to the homogenisation temperature (Th). In
most cases, Th, in more resistant minerals such as quartz, Measurements using a Raman microscope offer an inde-
can be considered as a minimum trapping temperature. pendent tool for salinity calculation based on the vibration
Dolomite and the other carbonates, on the other hand, of water molecules excited by a laser. Water molecules have
are weaker minerals and water inclusions easily re-equili- characteristic O-H vibration (stretching) between 2800
brate by deformation of the cavity due to internal pressure and 3800 cm 1 that is called the water band. The shape of
(Goldstein 1986). This may happen naturally by heating the water band is partly dependant on the ionic environ-
the fluid inclusions to higher temperatures than when they ment of the water molecules and can be translated into
formed. In such cases, the fluid inclusion will record the salinity (Georgiev et al. 1984; Mernagh & Wilde 1989;

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510 J. BOURDET et al.

Dubessy et al. 2002; Sun et al. 2010). Applied to fluid pyrite (FeS2), anatase (TiO2), siderite (FeCO3), poikilotop-
inclusions trapped in quartz, measurements at different ic dolomite (CaCO3) and goethite (FeO(OH)) (Fig. 6).
angles are required to account for the polarisation effect of In the Seaspray Depression (onshore area), K-feldspar
quartz (Dubessy et al. 2002; Baumgartner & Bakker 2009; grains are moderately dissolved and are commonly associ-
Sun et al. 2010). The quartz polarisation control method ated with the formation of authigenic kaolinite and pyrite.
used here enabled a salinity precision of less than Quartz cement, while present, is not a common at Golden
2000 ppm for near pure water and less than 5000 ppm for Beach West-1 and North Seaspray-1, but is moderately
50 000 ppm calibration saline solutions (Bourdet & common at Colliers Hill-1. Quartz grains often show cor-
Kempton 2014). roded surfaces suggesting episodic periods of mineral dis-
Water inclusions were excited with a 514 nm argon laser solution (Fig. 6A). Poikilotopic, pore-occluding dolomite
connected to a Labram Raman microscope with 300 mm cement was observed only at Golden Beach West-1
focal length and 1800 grooves/mm grating. Spectra were (Fig. 6A) and this superposition on, and therefore post-
collected between 2777 and 3965 cm 1 every 15° on a dates, pyrite, feldspar dissolution fabrics and corroded
180° rotation of the water. A deconvolution method was quartz. Pyrite is also observed along some diagenetic frac-
used to separate the water band into two Gaussian bands tures in quartz grains in Golden Beach West-1 suggesting
using MagicPro software. The Raman response was cali- that they were formed during burial. Anatase (TiO2), con-
brated using standard solutions of water with different firmed by Raman spectroscopy, is observed in samples from
amount of dissolved NaCl in a cuvette. The area ratios of Colliers Hill-1 and North Seaspray-1, and postdates quartz
the two bands were correlated with the salinities by a third overgrowth at Colliers Hill-1 (Fig. 6B). Goethite occurs
degree polynomial equation that was used to derive salinity along with pore-filling kaolinite and also postdates quartz
of natural fluid inclusions. overgrowth in Colliers Hill-1 (Fig. 6C).
In the wells from the Central Deep West area, K-feldspar
dissolution and precipitation of kaolinite is a moderate to
strong diagenetic feature. Dissolution of an initial matrix is
clearly observed in Amberjack-1 (Fig. 6D), Mulloway-1
and Harlequin-1 and its presence may be one reason for
Petrographic descriptions for each sample are summarised the minor to trace abundance of quartz cement in these
in Table 2. The main diagenetic phases include mineral and other samples. Quartz overgrowth is, however, more
dissolution–including matrix, feldspar, mica and quartz– common in Tarwhine-1. Quartz grain surfaces, and some-
and mineral/cement precipitation–such as quartz, kaolinite, times overgrowth, show corrosion features (Fig. 6D). Pyr-

Table 2 Petrographic character of the samples from the Latrobe Group.

Sample Grain Visual Quartz Carbonate Feldspar Other

Well name depth (m) size porosity overgrowth cement dissolution Clay minerals Other minerals features

Colliers Hill-1 1368.49 f-m High Moderate No Moderate Kaolinite FeS2, TiO2, FeO Slight quartz
Golden Beach 1409.02 c Low Negligible Dolomite Moderate Kaolinite FeS2
North Seaspray-1 979.81 vf-c Low Negligible No Moderate Kaolinite FeS2, TiO2, CaSO4
(abundant), illite
Amberjack-1 1285.00 f High Trace No Strong Fe-illite, kaolinite FeS2 (minor), FeSO4 Corroded quartz
Barracouta-1 1965.41 f-m High Minor No Strong Kaolinite, illite, TiO2, (Fe-Mg)O, FeS2 Bitumen, corroded
chlorite quartz
Dolphin-A1 1239.71 f High Trace No Moderate Kaolinite TiO2, FeS2 Corroded quartz
Harlequin-1 2016.24 f-m Moderate Trace No Moderate Kaolinite FeS2 (minor to Corroded quartz
Luderick-1 1848.55 vf-c Low Minor No Moderate Abundant FeS2 (abundant) Corroded quartz
Mulloway-1 1398.54 vc High Negligible No Moderate Kaolinite FeS2 (rare), TiO2 Matrix dissolved
Tarwhine-1 2664.35 c-vc Medium Abundant No Moderate Kaolinite, FeS2 (rare) Corroded quartz
West Seahorse-2 1446.65 f Low Minor No Moderate Kaolinite TiO2, ZrSiO4, FeS2 Organic matter,
corroded quartz
Wirrah-1 2046.05 f Low Minor Siderite Strong Kaolinite-illite FeS2 (abundant), Corroded quartz
Bream-5 2569.95 m-c High Abundant No Moderate Kaolinite, Ti-Illite FeS2 (minor)
Halibut-1 2421.06 m-c High Minor No Moderate Grain coating FeS2 (minor) Dissolved matrix

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

Evolution of deep aquifer formation water 511

Seaspray depression Central deep west Central deep

(onshore) (near-offshore) (offshore)

Early Late Early Late Early Late

Matrix dissolu on ?
K-Feldspar dissolu on
Quartz dissolu on
Quartz cement
Dolomite cement
Goethite ?
Iron sulphate

(A) (D) (G)

Qz matrix
1 Corroded K
Dol surface
Dol Amberjack-1 Bream-5
1285.00 m 2569.95 m
Qz Cobia Halibut
2 K
(E) (H)
Golden Beach West-1 Py Qz
1409.02 m K Qz
300 μm
(B) K
A Qz

Colliers Hill-1 Qo Baracouta-1 Halibut-1

1368.49 m 1965.41 m 2421.06 m
35 μm
Golden Beach Halibut Halibut
(C) (F)

Qz Qz
Colliers Hill-1 Wirrah-1
1368.49 m 2046.05 m
Golden Beach Halibut Qo

Fig. 6. Mineral paragenesis in the Latrobe sandstone with accompanying SEM-BSE photomicrographs of samples from the Seaspray depression (A–C), the
Central Deep West (D–F) and the Central Deep (G and H). A: anatase; Dol: dolomite; Fp: K-feldspar; G: goethite; K: kaolinite; Qz: quartz; Qo: quartz over-
growth; Py: pyrite; Sid: siderite. On photomicrograph A, a poikilotopic dolomite cement is postdating kaolinite, pyrite, dissolution of feldspar (black arrow 1)
and the quartz grain corrosion (black arrow 2).

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

512 J. BOURDET et al.

ite is commonly observed and is abundant in Barracouta-1 Seaspray depression

and Luderick-1 samples, often associated with mica Water inclusions were observed at the quartz overgrowth
(Fig. 6E). Pyrite is also observed at the quartz overgrowth boundary and within quartz overgrowth cement in the
boundary in Barracouta-1, Harlequin-1 and in fractures in Colliers Hill-1 and Golden Beach West-1 samples. Almost
quartz grains in Luderick-1 and Mulloway-1. Siderite crys- all the observed fluid inclusions, however, contain liquid
tals were observed growing on corroded quartz surfaces in water without a contraction bubble (single-phase water
Wirrah-1 (Fig. 6F). Like the Seaspray Depression, anatase inclusions, Fig. 8A), which is typical of trapping in low-
was observed in samples from the Central Deep West in temperature phreatic zones. Those inclusions exhibited, in
Mulloway-1, Barracouta-1, Luderick-1 and Wirrah-1. Iron most cases, metastable behaviour during thermometric
sulphate was detected in Amberjack-1. measurement. Six-cycled Th were measured with values
In samples from the Deep Central area (Bream-1, between 66.3 and 93.1°C. A cycled salinity of
Halibut-1 and Blackbck-1), K-feldspar grains are not as 26 000  1700 ppm was derived from Tm ice measure-
altered and show less dissolution features. Porosity in ment in the Colliers Hill-1 sample, while salinities of
these samples was occluded by syntaxial quartz cement, 15 500, 16 000 and 23 000  2000 ppm were calculated
authigenic kaolinite (Fig. 6G), illite and a limited amount from Raman spectra. Water inclusion also containing authi-
of pyrite. Pyrite grains are often observed at the quartz genic pyrite was also observed in fractures that cut through
overgrowth boundary in the sample from Halibut-1 quartz grains (Fig. 8C) at different water to pyrite volume
(Fig. 6H). Anatase was not detected in any of the samples ratios. Their Th range between 84 and 93.4°C. The water
from this location. inclusions from these fractures did not always have a con-
traction bubble and were systematically metastable at low
temperatures. Salinities of 23 000  2000 and
Thermometric data from fluid inclusions in quartz and
25 000  2000 ppm were calculated from Raman. An
assemblage of single-phase water inclusions was observed
The fluid inclusions that trap the ambient pore fluid during in a fracture cutting through quartz grain in North Sea-
sediment burial are observed in the following locations spray-1 (Fig. 8D) providing Tm-derived and Raman-
(Fig. 7): (i) healed fractures through grains that also trap derived salinities of 12 500 and 16 500  2000 ppm,
authigenic pyrite, (ii) at the quartz overgrowth boundary, respectively.
(iii) within quartz overgrowth cement, (iv) along healed At Golden Beach West-1, water inclusions were mea-
fractures transect detrital quartz and its overgrowth, (v) sured in dolomite cement. The trapping locations of the
within pore-filling dolomite cements and (vi) along healed water inclusions in dolomite were unclear, but appear
fractures transect dolomite cements. The absence of mostly to occur in fractures through the cement (second-
cements, and by consequence the trapping sites for fluid ary). One inclusion, however, appeared to be contempora-
inclusions, precluded measurement of salinity and homoge- neous with the precipitation of the dolomite cement
nisation temperatures from Amberjack-1, Dolphin-A1, (primary) and has a Th of 96.1°C. Several water inclusions
West Seahorse-2, North Seaspray-1 and Mulloway-1. in fractures through the dolomite had similar temperatures.
Fluid inclusion salinity data are presented in Table 3 and Two inclusions in other fractures in dolomite cement,
in the text are rounded to the nearest 500 ppm NaCl however, have lower temperatures of 74.2 and 85°C. All
equivalent value. the salinities are in the range 27 500  1600 to
37 000  1600 ppm. Dolomite fluoresces under the laser
excitation and this prevented Raman salinity measurement
from any inclusions that exhibited metastable behaviour.
Fracture in cements
Pyrite Central Deep West
Two-phase water inclusions are present at the quartz over-
Fracture terminating
at quartz overgrowth with pyrite
growth boundary and within quartz overgrowth in Barra-
Grain Pyrite couta-1 (Fig. 8E), Harlequin-1, Tarwhine-1 and Luderick-
Fracture transecting
quartz overgrowth
1. The Tm-derived salinities range from 31 000 to
42 000  1600 ppm and the Raman-derived salinities
Quartz overgrowth
overgrowth range from 21 000 to 38 000  2000 ppm. Homogenisa-
tion temperatures are from 91 to more than 150°C.
Assemblages of water inclusions containing pyrite were
observed in fractures cutting through quartz grains in Lud-
Fig. 7. Schematic summary of the different petrography of fluid inclusion erick-1 and Mulloway-1 and also at the quartz overgrowth
trapping sites observed in the sandstones. boundary in Barracouta-1 and Harlequin-1. Their Tm- and

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

Evolution of deep aquifer formation water 513

Table 3 Fluid inclusion measurement results acquired on the selected samples from the Golden beach, Halibut and Cobia subgroups.

Salinity equivalent Raman-derived

Well name Mineral Location in cement Tm ice (°C) Cycling Th (°C) Cycling NaCl (ppm) salinity

Quartz WQO Metastable – 81 Yes – 16 025

Quartz QOB Metastable – 66 Yes – –
Quartz WQO Metastable – – – – 15 508
Colliers Hill-1 Quartz WQO Metastable – 89 Yes – –
Quartz WQO 1.5 Yes >100 No 26 057 –
Quartz QOB Metastable – 93 Yes – –
Quartz QOB Metastable – 69 Yes – –

Dolomite Fracture – – 74 Yes – –

Dolomite Fracture – – 85 Yes – –
Dolomite Unknown 1.9 Yes – – 32 267 –
Dolomite Unknown 2.0 Yes – – 33 882 –
Dolomite Unknown 2.2 Yes – – 37 087 –
Dolomite Fracture 1.6 Yes – – 27 375 –
Dolomite Fracture 2.0 Yes – – 33 882 –
Dolomite Primary Metastable – 96 Yes – –
Golden Beach West-1 Dolomite Fracture 1.8 Yes 97 Yes 30 645 –
Dolomite Fracture 1.7 Yes 93 Yes 29 014 –
Dolomite Fracture Metastable – 96 Yes – –
Dolomite Fracture 2.3 No 98 Yes >38 677 –
Dolomite Fracture 1.9 Yes 97 Yes 32 267 –
Quartz QOB Metastable – 88 Yes – 23 154
Quartz FTQG+Py Metastable – 84 Yes – –
Quartz FTQG+Py Metastable – 93 Yes – 25 075
Quartz FTQG+Py Metastable – 88 Yes – –

North Seaspray-1 Quartz FTQG 0.7 Yes – – 12 590 –

Quartz FTQG Metastable – – – – 16 414

Quartz QOB+Py Metastable – 100 Yes – –
Quartz QOB+Py 1.9 No – – >32 591 –
Quartz WQO+Py Metastable – 101 Yes – –
Quartz QOB 1.9 Yes >130 No 32 591 –
Quartz QOB 2.5 Yes >130 No 42 148 –
Quartz QOB Metastable – 100 Yes – –
Quartz QOB – – 101 Yes – –
Quartz QOB 2.1 Yes 106 Yes 35 809 –
Quartz QOB 2.1 Yes 108 Yes 35 488 –
arracouta-1 Quartz QOB 2.0 Yes 115 Yes 34 204 –
Quartz QOB 2.0 Yes 117 Yes 34 204 –
Quartz QOB 0.6 No 105 Yes >10 523 –
Quartz QOB 1.9 No 101 Yes >32 591 –
Quartz QOB 1.8 Yes 114 Yes 30 970 –
Quartz QOB 2.0 Yes 115 Yes 34 204 –
Quartz QOB 2.2 Yes >150 No 37 406 –
Quartz FTQG Metastable – 96 Yes – 34 000

Dolphin-1 Quartz FTQG Metastable – 85 Yes – –

Quartz QOB+Py Metastable – 105 Yes – –

Quartz QOB Metastable – 108 Yes – –
Quartz QOB Metastable – 109 Yes – –
Quartz WQO 1.3 No 102 Yes >22 408 –
Quartz WQO 1.9 Yes 125 Yes 32 591 –
Quartz WQO Metastable – 95 Yes – –
Quartz QOB Metastable – 99 Yes – –
Quartz WQO Metastable – 95 Yes – –
Quartz QOB 2.1 Yes 106 Yes 35 809 –
Quartz QOB 2.5 Yes 138 Yes 42 148 –
Harlequin-1 Quartz QOB 2.2 Yes 151 Yes 37 406 –
Quartz QOB 2.2 Yes >150 No 37 406 –
Quartz QOB – – 93 Yes – –
Quartz FTQO 1.3 No 91 Yes >22 408 –
Quartz FTQO Metastable – 94 Yes – 17 616
Quartz FTQO Metastable – 99 Yes – 12 469
Quartz WQO 1.3 No 94 Yes >22 408 –
Quartz QOB Metastable – 91 Yes – –
Quartz QOB – – 91 Yes – 20 845

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

514 J. BOURDET et al.

Table 3. (Continued)

Salinity equivalent Raman-derived

Well name Mineral Location in cement Tm ice (°C) Cycling Th (°C) Cycling NaCl (ppm) salinity

Quartz FTQG+Py 2.2 Yes 128 Yes 37 406 –

Quartz FTQG+Py 1.0 No 90 Yes >17 365 –
Quartz FTQG+Py 0.9 No 91 Yes >15 667 –
Quartz FTQG+Py – – 84 Yes – –
Quartz FTQG+Py Metastable – 83 Yes – –
Quartz FTQG+Py – – 84 Yes – –
Luderick-1 Quartz FTQG+Py Metastable – 82 Yes – –
Quartz FTQG+Py 1.4 Yes – – 24 403 –
Quartz FTQG+Py Metastable – 85 Yes – –
Quartz FTQG+Py Metastable – 87 Yes – –
Quartz FTQG+Py Metastable – 84 Yes – 24 888
Quartz FTQG+Py Metastable – 93 Yes – –

Quartz FTQG – – 80 Yes – –

Quartz FTQG+Py – – 75 Yes – –
Quartz FTQG+Py Metastable – 104 Yes – –
Mulloway-1 Quartz FTQG+Py Metastable – 71 Yes – –
Quartz FTQG+Py Metastable – 69 Yes – –
Quartz FTQG+Py Metastable – 70 Yes – 22 853

Quartz FTQO Metastable – 103 Yes – 27 004

Quartz FTQO 2.0 No 130 Yes >34 204 –
Quartz WQO 0.9 No 117 Yes >15 667 37 798
Quartz FT-WQO 2.1 Yes 144 Yes 35 809 –
Quartz FT-WQO 1.0 No 116 Yes >17 365 –
Tarwhine-1 Quartz FT-WQO Metastable – 109 Yes – –
Quartz FT-WQO Metastable – 121 Yes – –
Quartz WQO 2.0 No 120 Yes >34 204 –
Quartz WQO 1.8 Yes 145 Yes 30 970 –
Quartz WQO 2.1 Yes – – 35 809 –
Quartz WQO 2.3 Yes – – 38 994 –

West Seahorse-2 Quartz FTQG Metastable – – – – 34 675

Quartz QOB Metastable – 114 Yes – –

Quartz QOB Metastable – 115 Yes – –
Quartz QOB 2.3 Yes 130 Yes 38 994 –
Quartz QOB 2.4 Yes 123 No 40 575 –
Quartz QOB 2.3 Yes 131 Yes 38 994 –
Quartz FTQO 2.4 Yes 118 Yes 40 575 –
Quartz QOB 2.2 Yes 126 Yes 37 406 –
Quartz QOB 2.3 Yes 128 Yes 38 994 –
Quartz QOB 2.4 Yes 135 Yes 40 575 –
Quartz QOB 2.3 Yes 132 Yes 38 994 –
Bream-5 Quartz QOB 2.3 Yes – No 38 994 –
Quartz QOB 2.3 Yes 127 Yes 38 994 –
Quartz QOB Metastable – 130 Yes – –
Quartz QOB 2.3 Yes – No 38 994 –
Quartz QOB 2.1 Yes 128 Yes 35 809 –
Quartz FTQO Metastable – 119 Yes – –
Quartz WQO 2.6 Yes 138 Yes 43 712 –
Quartz WQO 2.8 Yes 162 Yes 46 818 –
Quartz QOB 2.3 Yes 163 Yes 38 994 –

Quartz QOB 0.7 No 95 Yes >12 246 –

Quartz QOB 2.0 Yes 103 Yes 33 398 –
Quartz QOB Metastable – 95 Yes – –
Quartz FTQG+Py 2.1 Yes 98 Yes 35 809 –
Quartz FTQG+Py 2.0 Yes 97 Yes 34 204 –
Halibut-1 Quartz QOB 2.9 Yes >150 Yes 48 052 –
Quartz QOB 2.8 Yes >151 Yes 46 818 –
Quartz QOB 3.0 Yes >152 Yes 49 893 –
Quartz WQO Metastable – 94 Yes – –
Quartz QOB 2.2 No 122 Yes >37 406 –
Quartz QOB 2.0 Yes 103 Yes 34 204 –
Quartz QOB Metastable – 99 Yes – –
Quartz QOB Metastable - 95 Yes - –

WQO: within quartz overgrowth; QOB: quartz overgrowth boundary; FTQG: fracture transecting quartz grain; FTQO: fracture transecting quartz over-
growth; Py: associated pyrite: FT-WQO: fracture transecting or within quartz overgrowth. Water inclusions belonging to a same assemblage are reported
successively with a grey shade.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

Evolution of deep aquifer formation water 515

(A) (B) Dolomite (C) Quartz D

(D) Quartz
Lw-V Lw-V
Seaspray Lw-V
Colliers Hill-1 Golden Beach West-1 Goldenbeach WEST-1 North Seaspray-1
1368.49 m 20 μm 1409.02 m 50 μm 1409.02 m 20 μm 979.81 m 20 μm
Golden Beach Halibut Halibut Halibut or Golden Beach

(E) (F) (G) (H)

Deep Lw-V-Py
Barracouta-1 Lw-V Barracouta-1 Harlequin-1 Luderick-1
1965.41 m 20 μm 1965.41 m 20 μm 2016.24 20 μm 1848.55 m 20 μm
Halibut Halibut Halibut Cobia

(I) (J) Qo
(K) (L)


Lw-V Qo
Deep Lw Lw
Mulloway-1 Tarwhine-1 Tarwhine-1 West Seahorse-2
West 1398.54 2664.35 m 2664.35 m
20 μm 20 μm 20 μm 1446.65 m 20 μm
Cobia Halibut Halibut Cobia

(M) (N) Quartz (O) (P)

grain Qo
Lw-V Lw-V
Central Lw-V
Deep Qo
Bream-5 Halibut-1 Halibut-1

Bream-5 Lw-V-Py

2569.95 m 2569.95 m 2421.06 20 μm 2421.06 20 μm

Quartz grain 50 μm
Halibut Halibut Halibut Halibut

Fig. 8. Photomicrographs of fluid inclusions, composed of a combination of liquid water (Lw), a contraction bubble (V for vapour) and pyrite (Py) observed
in samples from the Latrobe aquifer in the Seaspray Depression (A–D), Central Deep West (E–L) and Central Deep (M–N). Note that in (A) the initial water
inclusion was single phase and a contraction bubble appeared (inset) under the Raman laser beam.

Raman-derived salinities vary between 23 000 to overgrowths in the samples from Bream-5 and Halibut-1
37 500  1600 ppm and their Th are between 69 and (Fig. 8M–O). Ice melting temperatures were cycled on
104°C (one Th value measured at 128°C). Assemblages of many inclusions and salinities range from 33 500  1600
single-phase and associated single-phase and two-phase to 50 000  1500 ppm. Homogenisation temperatures
water inclusions were observed in fractures cutting through were measured from 94°C to more than 150°C and were
quartz grain in samples from Barracouta-1 Dolphin-1 Har- generally higher at Bream-5 than at Halibut-1. Inclusions
lequin-1, Mulloway-1 and West Seahorse-2. Two Raman- within the quartz overgrowth (Fig. 8N) have the highest
derived salinities were measured at 34 000 and salinity and homogenisation temperatures while those in
34 500  2000 ppm, with Th values of 80–96°C. fractures transecting (postdating) the quartz overgrowths
Associated single-phase and two-phase water inclusions have lower temperatures. Water inclusions in Bream-5
along fractures transecting quartz overgrowths (i.e. later in exhibited strong fluorescence under Raman excitation, but
the diagenetic sequence) were observed in Harlequin-1 not the quartz, precluding their measurement and indicat-
(Fig. 8G) and Tarwhine-1 (Fig. 8K). Their Th were ing the possible presence of a small amount of dissolved
between 91 and 130°C with Raman-derived salinities of hydrocarbon within the inclusion cavities.
12 500 to 27 000  2000 ppm. Two water inclusions associated with pyrite in fractures
that cut through quartz grains were observed in the Hali-
Central deep but-1 sample (Fig. 8P). Thermometric measurement indi-
Assemblages of two-phase water inclusions are common at cated salinities of 34 000  1600 and 36 000  1600
the quartz overgrowth boundary and within quartz ppm and Th of 97 and 98°C, respectively.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

516 J. BOURDET et al.

maximum of about 50 000 ppm in the distal offshore well

Halibut-1. Together, the salinities are mostly in the
32 000–35 000 ppm range (Fig. 9). The Raman technique
was a valuable tool to derive salinities from inclusions that
The measured palaeo-salinities from the final ice melting would otherwise not yield any result using the microther-
temperatures, together with those derived from the Raman mometric technique.
water band shape, have a minimum of about 12 500 ppm For those samples located within the present-day low-
in North Seaspray-1 and Harlequin-1 wells and a salinity water wedge (e.g. Colliers Hill-1, North Seaspray-

Fig. 9. Cross-plot of salinity and homogenisation temperature (with associated histograms) of palaeo-formation water measured in fluid inclusions from the
collected samples in the Latrobe Group.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

Evolution of deep aquifer formation water 517

1, Mulloway-1, Luderick-1 and West Seahorse-2), there is inclusion salinities, with values approximating or less than
no positive evidence from the fluid inclusion record of pal- that of present-day seawater, and as low as 12 500 ppm at
aeo-formation water with salinity below 5000 ppm. From North Seaspray-1. For the most distal wells in the Central
a relative timing perspective, the emplacement of the low- Deep, such as Halibut-1 and Bream-5, the range of palae-
salinity water wedge must have postdated many of the dia- o-salinities approximates or is higher than that of seawater,
genetic processes that led to the trapping of water in the ranging between 33 500 and 50 000 ppm.
fluid inclusions measured in this study (i.e. quartz and This trend in palaeo-formation water salinity is consis-
dolomite cements and diagenetic fractures). tent with the palaeogeographic reconstructions of Partridge
There is a reasonably strong trend in the recorded palae- (1999) and the relative position of the coastline during
o-salinities and the location of wells in the basin. deposition of the Latrobe Group. In the distal Central
Figures 10 and 11 illustrate this relationship along recon- Deep wells, marine environments dominate the deposi-
structed transects in the basin, both parallel and perpendic- tional setting and the connate water salinities here were
ular to the axis of the basin (Fig. 1). In general, the likely to have been somewhat near seawater. By compari-
onshore part of the basin (Seaspray Depression) and son, coastal plain-dominated environments characterise the
western part of the Central Deep (offshore) have lower Latrobe Group in wells from the Central Deep West and

ac -1
Be ray
ld eas 1
en p

Go h S Hill-

rw 1A
ai 1


pt y-


hi a

Br -3
W low


rt rs









Sea Bed
1000 12500-16500

15500-26000 23000
Base of
wat 24500-37500
2000 r

33500 - 50000
36000-47000 Top Mid-Miocene
Depth (m)

Top Lake entrance

3000 Top Latrobe
Base K/T

Top Golden Beach


Top Strzelecki

Core sample location

Top Halibut Formation

10 km
ac -1
Be ray
ld eas 1
en p

Go h S Hill-

ai 1


pt y-



hi a

Br m-3
W llow


rt rs










Sea Bed

66 - 93 74 - 98 69 - 104

Base of
90 - 128
2000 r

95 - 121
114-162 Top Mid-Miocene
103 - 145
Depth (m)

Top Lake entrance

3000 Top Latrobe
Base K/T

Top Golden Beach

Fig. 10. WNW-ESE transect along the axis of 4000

Seaspray Depression and Central Deep showing Top Strzelecki

the range of salinities (top) and the homogeni-

sation temperatures (bottom) of formation 5000
Core sample location
water trapped in fluid inclusions measured in
Top Halibut Formation
the collected samples. Refer to Fig. 1 for loca- 10 km
tion. 6000

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

518 J. BOURDET et al.

in -2
qu rse
ut -5
lp k-1

r l e ho


co ta

Do rjac


Ha ea
rra ou








Sea Bed

Top Mid-Miocene

34500 Top Lake entrance

Top Latrobe
Depth (m)

2000 Base 31000-42000

of fr 12,500-42000
r Base K/T

Top Golden Beach

27000-39000 Top Strzelecki


Core sample location

Top Halibut Formation

10 km
in -2
qu rse
ut -5
lp k-1

rle ho


co ta
Do rjac


Ha ea
rra ou







Sea Bed

Top Mid-Miocene

Top Lake entrance
Top Latrobe
Depth (m)

2000 Bas 96-117

f fre 91-151
sh w
Base K/T

Top Golden Beach

103-145 Top Strzelecki
Fig. 11. SW–NE transect perpendicular to the
axis of the Central Deep showing the range of
Core sample location
Seal salinities (top) and the homogenisation temper-
Top Halibut Formation
atures (bottom) of formation water trapped in
10 km
fluid inclusions measured in the collected sam-
4000 ples. Refer to Fig. 8 for location.

Seaspray Depression (onshore) and connate water there measured among those inclusions is 66°C (Fig. 12) consis-
was likely to have been less than seawater (more brackish) tent with often reported minimum temperature required
due to freshwater influx from rivers. The palaeo-salinities for quartz cementation (McBride 1989). In most cases,
recorded in this study most likely represent these connate the absence of vapour bubbles prevented measurement of
waters that were then diagenetically modified during bur- Th. This impacts the results of single-phase inclusion
ial. assemblages where the minimum Th of the water inclusions
may not be recorded. For the assemblages containing both
single- and two-phase water inclusions, the Th of the two-
phase inclusions are about the lowest Th values recorded in
Assemblages of single-phase or single- and two-phase water the samples, which is consistent with a high-density fluid
inclusions are often recognised in North Seaspray-1, Col- due to trapping at low temperature.
liers Hill-1, Golden Beach West-1, Mulloway-1, West Sea- There is a general positive correlation between minimum
horse-2, Harlequin-1 and Barracouta-1 and Tarwhine-1. Th and sample depth. The Th of water inclusions are mini-
The absence of a vapour phase is most likely due to trap- mum trapping temperatures unless the formation water is
ping at low temperature, facilitating metastable behaviour saturated with gas (methane in most cases in sedimentary
of the fluid within the inclusion cavity. The lowest Th basins), in which case they equal to the trapping

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

Evolution of deep aquifer formation water 519

Fig. 12. Plot of the fluid inclusion homogenisa-

tion temperature against the depth of the sam-
ples in the Latrobe aquifer. Current
temperatures are reported in Table 4. Error bars
on temperatures are 0.1°C.

temperature. The Th data suggest that the trapping tem- Table 4 Present-day temperature and salinity data.
perature of the formation water in quartz, for most of the
Salinity Temperature
wells, was not lower than the current temperature
Well name Well location Depth (ppm) (°C)
(Table 4, Fig. 12). Indeed, the Th are higher than the cur-
rent formation temperatures in every well. Barracouta-1 Central Deep West 1965.41 30 000 85
Bream-5 Central Deep 2570 30 000 115
Colliers Hill-1 Seaspray Depression 1368.49 1000 53
Dolphin-A1 Central Deep West 1239.7135 2000 50
Mineral diagenesis Golden beach Seaspray Depression 1409.02 1000 65
Pyrite (FeS2) often observed in samples is consistent with Halibut-1 Central Deep 2421.06 23 000 97
coal or organic–rich tidal flat sediments expected for the Harlequin-1 Central Deep West 2016.18 25 000 84
Latrobe Group (Perry et al. 1984). Authigenic pyrite was Luderick-1 Central Deep West 1848.55 15 000 75
Mulloway-1 Central Deep West 1398.54 2000 64
observed at the quartz overgrowth boundary in Barra- North Seaspray Depression 979.81 500 40
couta-1, Harlequin-1 and in fractures cutting across quartz Seaspray-1
grains in Luderick-1, Halibut-1, Mulloway-1 and Golden Tarwhine-1 Central Deep West 2664.35 25 000 100
West Central Deep West 1446.65 1000 65
Beach West-1, suggesting early reductive conditions before Seahorse-2
quartz cementation (and dolomite cementation at Golden
Beach West-1). Present-day temperature and salinity data were derived from information
provided in well completion reports or industry reports. Temperature is
Dissolution of K-feldspar and quartz corrosion suggests based on direct downhole measurements compiled and quality controlled in
an episode of acidification of the formation water. Corro- CSIRO’s in-house PressurePlot database. Salinity was estimated largely from
sion of quartz and K-feldspar dissolution, due to acidificat- the analysis of resistivity logs performed by ESSO.

ion, might have resulted from the oxidation of pyrite that,

in turn, liberated sulphuric acid and formed iron sulphates dissolution of K-feldspar. Dolomite cementation, in this
and oxides such as observed in Colliers Hill-1, Amberjack-1. case, is consistent with that often reported in the marine/
Dolomite cement at Golden Beach West-1 is clearly a meteoric-water mixing-zone (Land & Hoops 1973; War-
late pore-filling cement, forming after pyrite and the ren 2000). Anatase and goethite, that were observed as a

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

520 J. BOURDET et al.

late diagenetic phase, postdating quartz overgrowth in

Colliers Hill-1, can only form in oxidising conditions. The
occurrence of these late diagenetic features in samples from
the interpreted freshwater wedge would suggest that they
were largely controlled by the influx of freshwater. By con-
trast at Halibut-1 and Bream-5, in the Central Deep, and
away from the interpreted low-salinity wedge, K-feldspar
dissolution is limited and there is no anatase or goethite,
consistent with this area being largely beyond the reach of
freshwater influx.
Pyrite can form by thermochemical sulphate reduction
(TSR), bacterial sulphate reduction (BSR) (Worden et al.
1996; Cai et al. 2003) or as a by-product of the oxidation
of hydrocarbons (Surdam et al. 1993). In wells from the
onshore area, and in some parts of the Deep Central West,
where palaeo-formation temperatures were mostly below
100°C, some of the pyrite observed there might result
from early BSR. Where palaeo-temperatures exceeded
100°C, the pyrite could have a TSR or a hydrocarbon oxi-
dation origin. Ozimic et al. (1987), however, showed that
H2S is absent or present at very low concentrations in the
hydrocarbon accumulations in the basin suggesting that
pyrite is less likely the by-product of TSR.

Pore-water evolution
The trend in salinity as a function of Th (Fig. 9) has a posi-
Fig. 13. Fluid inclusion salinity versus Th of the Latrobe samples (squares)
tive correlation; higher salinities are associated with higher
and the current conditions of formation water salinity and temperatures
homogenisation temperatures and vice versa. This is consis- (diamonds)
tent with the palaeogeography of the Latrobe Group and
depths of burial across the study area. In wells located in
the Central Deep, the fluid inclusions trapped more mar- compared to those in a later phase of dolomite (Fig. 14A).
ine-influenced connate waters at a time when the Latrobe Trends such as increasing salinity with depth are commonly
Group was buried more deeply (i.e. hotter) compared to observed in basin evolution (Dickey 1969; Hanor 1994)
those areas more proximal to the coast. There, the fluid and are the result of a combination of physical processes of
inclusions trapped less saline, brackish waters. displacement and dispersion and chemical processes of dis-
Comparing the fluid inclusion data with the present-day solution and precipitation, with large-scale vertical and lat-
salinity and temperature conditions, it is evident that the eral transport of brine (Hanor 1994). Through this
both the temperature and salinity of the pore water process, deep burial settings are often associated with
decreased after the trapping of fluid inclusions (Fig. 13). higher salinity brines, even where there is an absence of
This effect is greater in wells from the Seaspray Depres- evaporites in the basin.
sions (onshore) compared to those from the Central Deep In the case of Tarwhine-1, a similar trend in salinity and
(offshore) and might be associated with a cooling and temperature evolution is recorded by the inclusions
diluting effect of cold and low-salinity water flow in the trapped within quartz overgrowth (Fig. 14B); however,
aquifer. there is more direct evidence for the subsequent drop in
The results suggest that, over time, fluid inclusions temperature and salinity. Assemblages of single-phase and
trapped diagenetically modified connate waters. In the case two-phase water inclusions trapped along fractures tran-
of Bream-5 (Fig. 14A), the initial connate water salinity secting, and therefore postdating, quartz overgrowth
can have been no greater than seawater (35 000 ppm) and recorded the evolution to cooler and less saline conditions
the higher inclusion salinities are the result of water that that are comparable to current day.
was modified during burial at hotter temperatures. The One possible inference for the homogenisation tempera-
same trend can be interpreted in Golden Beach West-1 tures higher than current day is that the Latrobe Group
where the earlier inclusions in quartz fractures (that also might have been buried deeper in the past, followed by
trap pyrite) have lower salinities and temperatures uplift. This, however, is not supported by AFTA and VR

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

Evolution of deep aquifer formation water 521

(A) (B)

Fig. 14. (A, B) Fluid inclusion salinity versus Th of Bream-5 and Golden Beach West-1 (A) and Tarwhine-1 (B) samples in Latrobe Grp. The current conditions
of formation water salinity and temperatures are shown as diamonds in the graphs. Dashed lines represent the evolution path of the formation water through
time connecting palaeo-formation water trapping conditions and current conditions. The arrows indicate the evolution of the palaeo-formation water during
burial. Fluid inclusion trapping locations are indicated and used to constrain the relative timing of events.

data from Featherstone et al. (1991), Duddy & Green To date the invasion of low-salinity water in the basin, a
(1992) and Goldie Divko et al. (2009) in this part of the predictable and regular relationship between depth and
basin. Increase of temperature can be generated during temperature is needed to provide a control on the estima-
TSR, and H2S generated as a by-product of sulphate tion of the age of the low-salinity water. The thermal effect
reduction. However, H2S is absent or has very low concen- of the fluid flow, however, masks the relationship between
tration in the gas accumulations in Gippsland Basin burial and temperature and prevents estimation of an age
(Ozimic et al. 1987) and this mechanism is unlikely to for the onset of low-salinity water influx. In this context,
explain the Th data. Instead, a more plausible explanation the data are not able to refine the conclusions of Kuttan
for the Th results might be from thermal effects associated et al. (1986), who estimate the exposure of the upper Lat-
with fluid flow from different parts of the basin. The Lat- robe Group to meteoric water influx, as a result of the
robe aquifer, and more specifically the permeable level reactivation of compressive structuring along the Baragw-
represented by the Cobia and top of the Halibut sub- anath anticline, at 5 Ma.
groups, is likely to have conducted water flow throughout
the basin. Initially, compaction-driven palaeo-fluid flow
Implication for the Latrobe aquifer hydrodynamic and
from the deeper part of the basin westward through this
storage capacity
aquifer might be responsible for the higher temperatures
and higher salinities recorded by the fluid inclusions. The Integration of fluid inclusion work from this study, with
current low-salinity water wedge and lower temperatures findings from previous hydrogeological studies, results in
contrasts with the palaeo-formation water salinity trapped the following interpretation for the evolution of the low-
by the fluid inclusions and their minimum trapping tem- salinity water wedge in the Gippsland Basin (Fig. 15):
peratures. We interpret a cooling effect after the trapping • The palaeo-shoreline during deposition of the Latrobe
of the fluid inclusions due to the recharge of freshwater Group sediments (45 Ma) moved back and forth over
from the western part of the basin that was displaced east- a length of approximately 50 km in response to
ward into the deeper part of the basin. eustatic sea level changes; yet generally remained east

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

522 J. BOURDET et al.

West East Minimum temperature for

45 Ma
quartz overgrowth precipitaon
(McBride, 1989)
River ouput
Sea level 130
5 000

Temperature (°C)
4000-3 35000 + Halibut

Golden Beach 50


0 20 000 40 000 60 000
West East Salinity (ppm)
15 Ma
Sea level 150
Diagenesis & mixing
Lakes Entrance and Swordfish 130
Fresh-4000 Cobia
4000 - 35000

Temperature (°C)

> 35000 Halibut 90


Golden Beach

0 20 000 40 000 60 000
Salinity (ppm)
West East
5 Ma
Sea level

Cob 150
i a Diagenesis & mixing
Gippsland Limestone 130
4000 Lakes

Temperature (°C)
- 110
35000 ce and Sw
Reacvaon of ordfis 90
compressive structuring
> 35000

Halibut 50

Golden Beach
0 20 000 40 000 60 000
Salinity (ppm)

West East
Sea level

Cob 150
Fresh 130
Gippsland Limestone
Exposure and recharge
Temperature (°C)

due tothe reacvaon of Base of fresh water wedge Lakes
compressive structuring Entran 90
ce and
starng at 5 Ma Sword
4000-35000 fish 70

> 35000 50
Halibut 30

Golden Beach 0 20 000 40 000 60 000
Salinity (ppm)

Fig. 15. Interpretation of the evolution of the Gippsland basin formation water. The temperature and salinity conditions at the red and blue squares example
locations are reported on diagrams on the left. In those diagrams, dashed lines and arrows represent the evolution path of the formation water during burial.
The grey horizontal dashed lines represent the minimum temperature for quartz overgrowth precipitation (McBride 1989).

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

Evolution of deep aquifer formation water 523

of the present-day shoreline (Partridge 1999). No to high-density saline water (Varma & Michael 2012).
major contiguous low-permeability sediments were Although overall water levels in the Latrobe aquifer
deposited during this period, particularly not in the declined over the last 40 years due to a combination
near-shore area, and the freshwater–seawater mixing of groundwater usage, mine dewatering, decrease in
zone had the form of a conventional seawater wedge meteoric recharge and petroleum production, the
subparallel to the palaeo-shoreline. No sufficient data seaward directed hydraulic gradient increased due to
exist in the onshore palaeo-topography and the actual the large volumes of hydrocarbon production in the
extent of the seawater wedge cannot be estimated. Central Deep (Varma & Michael 2012).
The rock samples from the Latrobe Group in this The formation of the low-salinity water wedge in the last
study would have been unconsolidated at this point in 5 Ma and relatively recent dilution of formation water in
time (i.e. diagenetic fluid inclusions largely absent), the near-shore area of the Latrobe aquifer are corroborated
with approximately ambient formation temperature by the significantly lower salinity of present-day formation
and salinity representative of connate water (i.e. <4 g/ water compared to the salinity of the fluid inclusions at the
l for the near-shore area, and 35 g/l for the distal same location. The fluid inclusion derived salinity and tem-
area). perature data did not provide an age constraint on the
• With the deposition of the marine Lakes Entrance emplacement of freshwater in the deep Latrobe aquifer,
Formation, the shoreline migrated west of the present- but the oldest formation water age from water samples in
day coast, forming a regional aquitard and seal and the onshore Latrobe aquifer was estimated from carbon
resulting in confinement of the Latrobe aquifer in the dating as 35 thousand years (Hofmann & Cartwright
offshore area by 15 Ma. Early diagenesis resulted in a 2013). Their carbon dating and the fluid inclusion salini-
change in formation water chemistry and a slight ties measured in this study are consistent with an influx of
increase in salinity, together with compaction-driven meteoric water scenario, most probably during periods of
movement of saline fluids up-dip and to the west. Pleistocene lowstand sea level as suggested by Post et al.
• Maximum marine transgression was reached (2013).
approximately 5 Ma during deposition of the For a CO2 storage perspective, the petrographic and dia-
Gippsland Limestone, which resulted in further genetic observations in the investigated sandstones showed
westward movement of saline waters. The Latrobe episodes of mineral dissolution and precipitation, indicative
Group was rapidly buried during this time and fluid of an active place of water–rock interaction. The observed
inclusions formed both in quartz and dolomite diagenetic minerals such as dolomite, pyrite, siderite, goe-
cements. The fluid inclusion data clearly reflect thite and anatase, found in the low-salinity water wedge,
increased temperature and salinity conditions in the will need to be taken into account during the numerical
Latrobe aquifer at this time. The initial lower salinity simulation for long term CO2 geosequestration via mineral
near-shore waters had mixed with higher salinity trapping. The fluid inclusion record of the formation water
formation water, reaching approximately 20 g/l, in the aquifer revealed an active hydrodynamic system at
whereas the salinity at the distal sample location geological timescales. However, assessing the short term
increased further above seawater salinity impact of offshore CO2 injection on the dynamics of the
(approximately 40 g/l) due to ongoing water–rock low-salinity wedge and groundwater resources onshore will
interactions. require numerical flow simulations that are currently
• Over the last 5 Ma, the shoreline receded eastward to underway.
the present-day location. The freshwater–saltwater
interface in the Latrobe aquifer closely follows the
present-day shoreline in the form of a low-salinity
water wedge, which displaced saline water downdip Fluid inclusions were used in this study to investigate the
several kilometres offshore. The depth of low-salinity evolution of formation water in the Latrobe aquifer in Gip-
water is currently between 1900 m and 2100 m, psland Basin. Despite the shallow depth of the Latrobe
which according to the Ghyben–Herzberg relationship aquifer and the expected metastability behaviour of liquid
is equivalent to a low-salinity water column height (or water in fluid inclusions, the combination of microthermo-
low-salinity water hydraulic head) of approximately metric and Raman techniques yielded a significant amount
50 m above sea level (a.s.l.). Hydraulic head values of salinity and temperature data. The fluid inclusion data
representative of the recent natural flow system in the set led to the following main conclusions:
Latrobe aquifer along the shoreline were • There is no conclusive evidence for low-salinity
approximately 55 m a.s.l., and the seaward directed formation water (<4000 ppm NaCl equiv.) in the fluid
hydraulic gradient was sufficient to prevent a inclusion record from sediments located within the
shoreward displacement of the freshwater wedge due present-day low-salinity water wedge.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Geofluids, 15, 503–526

524 J. BOURDET et al.

• In the Central Deep part of the basin, distal to the modelling studies that investigate the impacts of
current shoreline, the Latrobe Group was deposited in petroleum production and industrial-scale carbon
a more marine-influenced environment and the storage on freshwater resources in the Gippsland
palaeo-salinities there are generally seawater or above. Basin.
By comparison, the Central Deep West area (proximal
to the shore) and Seaspray Depression (onshore) were ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
located in more coastal plain-dominated environments,
with a higher influx of freshwater, and the palaeo- The authors wish to acknowledge financial assistance pro-
salinities are generally equal to seawater or less vided through Australian National Low Emissions Coal
(brackish). The measured variation in palaeo-salinity Research and Development (ANLEC R&D). ANLEC
from brackish to marine water is consistent with the R&D is supported by Australian Coal Association Low
palaeogeography of the Latrobe Group depositional Emissions Technology Limited and the Australian Govern-
environments (from Partridge 1999). Salinities above ment through the Clean Energy Initiative. Additional
seawater, recorded by some fluid inclusions, are likely financial support was provided by the Australian Govern-
to form from modification of connate water during ment through its CRC program. The authors are grateful
diagenesis. to Natt Arian from the Victorian Department of Primary
• Pore-water evolution during diagenesis consistent with a Industries’ CarbonNet Project (CarbonNet) for assistance
westward palaeo-fluid flow from the deeper part of the in sampling material from the VicDPI core store in Werri-
basin through the aquifer responsible for the higher bee, Victoria, and providing background data for the inves-
temperatures and higher salinities recorded by the tigation. Terry Smith (Petroleum Client Services Officer,
diagenetic fluid inclusions. From the palaeo- to Data Management & Client Services, Earth Resources
present-day conditions, the pore water change by an Development Division, VicDPI) is thanked for granting
influx of fresher and cooler fluids into the Latrobe access to core and providing logistics. Ken Sherry from the
Group from recharge areas onshore and to the west of Werribee core store is acknowledged for laying out the
the present-day shoreline. The associated decrease in core material and help in cutting samples. Peter Eadington,
salinity (i.e. present-day formation water compared to Jim Underschultz and Cedric Griffiths are also thanked for
fluid inclusion water) was about double in the reviewing this document.
onshore/Central Deep West area (i.e. Golden Beach
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gfl_15_4_Issue_Toc_GFL 10/14/2015 6:54 PM Page 1

Volume 15, Number 4, November 2015
ISSN 1468-8115

503 Palaeo-formation water evolution in the Latrobe aquifer, Gippsland Basin,
south-eastern Australia continental shelf
J. Bourdet, R. Kempton and K. Michael
527 Fluid environment for preservation of pore spaces in a deep dolomite reservoir
D. Zhu, Q. Meng, Z. Jin and W. Hu
546 Boron isotope geochemistry of Na-bicarbonate, Na-chloride, and Ca-chloride waters
from the Northern Apennine Foredeep basin: other pieces of the sedimentary basin
T. Boschetti, L. Toscani and E. Salvioli Mariani
563 Experimental investigation of carbon dioxide trapping due to capillary retention in
saline aquifers
X. Li, M. Akbarabadi, Z.T. Karpyn, M. Piri and E. Bazilevskaya
577 The connectivity of pore space in mudstones: insights from high-pressure Wood’s
metal injection, BIB-SEM imaging, and mercury intrusion porosimetry
J. Klaver, S. Hemes, M. Houben, G. Desbois, Z. Radi and J.L. Urai
592 Multiphase flow simulation through porous media with explicitly resolved fractures
K. Su, J.-P. Latham, D. Pavlidis, J. Xiang, F. Fang, P. Mostaghimi, J.R. Percival,
C.C. Pain and M.D. Jackson
608 Groundwater age, brine migration, and large-scale solute transport in the Alberta
Basin, Canada
I. Gupta, A.M. Wilson and B.J. Rostron

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