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No guarantee questions
- Questions can be directly from NCERT or based on a concept in the text book – answers need not be present
directly in the text book
- The question paper will have 60% knowledge-based questions, 20% skill based and 20% HOTS questions
- Blue print to be followed for chapter wise weightage.

Part – A I, 15 MCQs out of which 12 questions will be knowledge based and 3 will be HOTS

II, 5 fill in the blanks with 6 options

Part – B 2 marks from solutions, chemical kinetics, coordination compounds, haloalkanes & haloarenes,
aldehydes,ketones & carboxylic acids and biomolecules

Part – C no HOTS will be asked

- This part has two mains

Part – C, IV - questions will be from d & f-block elements and coordination compound

D- & f- block elements

- Lanthanoid contraction - causes & consequences, properties of transition metals and the reasons for those
properties – catalytic property, complex formation, alloy, colour & magnetic property and variable oxidation
- Preparation and oxidation properties of K2Cr2O7 & KMnO4
- Actinoid contraction and misch metal

Co-ordination compounds

- VBT of 4 complexes – hybridization, geometry, and magnetic property with reason

- CFT of both octahedral and tetrahedral complexes
- Electronic configuration of d orbitals according to CFT based on pairing energy & splitting energy

Part – C, V

- Questions based on solutions, electrochemistry & kinetics


- Difference between ideal and non-ideal solution

- Applications of henry’s law


- Determination of unknown resistance using wheatstones bridge

- Determination of conductivity of an unknown solution using conductivity cell
- Reasons to use conductivity cell to determine the conductivity of a solution
- Variation of conductivity & molar conductivity on dilution
- Graphical representation of a weak electrolyte
- Kohlrausch’s law

Chemical kinetics

- Derivation of rate constant of zero order, first order with respect to concentration and in gas phase
- Derivation of half life – show that half life zero order is dependent on initial concentration and show that half
life of first order

Part – D, VI

All question will be from organic chemistry

- Any one mechanism out of 5 – SN1, SN2, dehydration of ethanol to ethene, hydration of ethene to ethanol
and addition of HCN to aldehydes & ketones
- DDT structure
- Any 8 named reactions – it can be asked directly/ fill in the blank/ identify the name of the reaction
- Any R group can be asked for reactions


- Haworth and fischer projections of ribose, deoxyribose , fructose, glucose sucrose, maltose amd lactose
- Polysaccharides no structure – only MCQs or explanation
- Structural elucidation of glucose – only explanation and equations with only names. Structure not required

- Zwitter ion of alanine and glycine

- Dipeptide formation between alanine and glycine
- Nucleic acids – no structures only names
- Vitamins and hormones – functions and sources

Part – E, VII – problems main

6 problems will be asked – 2 from solutions based on molarity/molality/colligative properties/Raoult’s

Law/Henry’s law
2 from electrochemistry based on Nernst eq ( Ecell, free energy & equilibrium constant) /
conductivity/Kohlrausch law/ Faraday’s 1st law
2 from chemical kinetics based on average rate/ first order rate constant & half life/ Arrhenius equation

Problems based on any parameter can be asked which may require rearrangement of the equations given in
the text book.

Out of 6 problems 3 will be standard and 3 will be HOTS

HOTS problems can be from intext exercises or back page exercises
Problems based on vant Hoff’s equation will not be asked

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