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Sentence Types

I. Rewrite the sentences based on the requirements given in the parentheses.

1. Bargaining is a part of Vietnamese everyday life. Almost everything is

negotiable, from fruit in the market to a room for the night. (compound
2. Daily expenses in Vietnam are quite low because the average Vietnamese
annual income is around $500-600. (simple sentence, using WITH)
3. Economic changes took place in Ho Chi Minh City in 1986. Ho Chi Minh City
has changed a great deal from a war-torn city to a thriving metropolis. (simple
4. Gold is a precious metal and it is prized for two important characteristics,
namely resistance to corrosion and usefulness for industry and science.
(simple sentence)
5. Gold is a precious metal ad it is prized for two important characteristics,
namely resistance to corrosion and usefulness for industry and science.
(complex sentence)

1. Bargaining is a part of Vietnamese everyday life, and almost everything,

from fruit in the market to a room for the night.
2. With the average Vietnamese annual income being around $500-600,
daily expenses in Vietnam are quite low.
3. Since the economic changes in 1986, HCMC has transformed from a war-
torn city to a thriving metropolis.
4. Prized for its resistance to corrosion and usefulness for industry and
science, gold is a precious metal.
5. Gold, which is a precious metal, is prized for its two important
characteristics: its resistance to corrosion and usefulness for industry and
6. Gold is resistant to corrosion, so it is suitable for jewellery, coins, and
ornamental purposes. (conjunctive adverb, compound sentence)
7. Many visitors spend a day or two in Can Tho for exploring the floating markets
there. Can Tho is the Mekong Delta’s biggest city. (simple sentence)
8. The Mekong Delta is a comma-shaped flatland that stretches from Ho Chi
Minh City southwest to the Gulf of Thailand. The delta is Vietnam’s rice bowl
(vựa lúa). (appositive, simple sentence)
9. One development having caused much concern among parents and teachers
is the growing popularity of video games among children. (complex
10. Interacting with one’s friends is an important part of growing up. It teaches a
person to work well in groups and to treat other people with respect.
(complex sentence)

6. Gold is a resistance to corrosion; consequently, it is suitable for jewellery,

coins, and ornamental purposes.
7. Visitors spending a day or two exploring the floating markets in Can Tho,
the Mekong Delta’s biggest city.
8. The Mekong delta, a comma-shaped flatland stretching from HCMC to
the Gulf of Thailand, is known as Vietnam's rice bowl.
9. The growing popularity of video games among children, which has
caused much concern among parents and teachers
II. Form compound sentences by adding a second independent clause to each
independent clause using the word or phrase in the parentheses.

1. The cottage campus is located in the city centre (therefore)

2. Students must pay their tuition and fees before they register for classes
3. Scientists predict that intelligent life exists somewhere in the universe (and)
4. My roommate scored high in English courses (as a result of)
5. Tuition in my university increases 10 percent over years (for example)

1. The cottage campus is located in the city centre; therefore, students are easy
to hang out with their friends.
2. Students must pay their tuition and fees before they register for classes;
otherwise, they have to be kicked out of their school.
3. Scientists predict that intelligent life exists somewhere in the universe and
4. My roommate scored high in English courses as a result

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