Revision Time Table A3.

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March 2017 - Yr 10 revision timetable

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

1. CB1a: microscopes. 2. CC1a: states of matter CC2a: mixtures 3. CP1a: vectors and scalers 4 5

Things to revise Things to revise

Things to revise
1. Resolution and 1. State changes
1. Magnitude
2. Elements, com-
2. Displacement
2. Magnification pounds, mixtures
calculation. 3. Velocity
3. Melting curves
3. SI units 4. Momentum

6. CB1b: plant and animal cells 7. CC2b: Filtration and crystallization 8. CP1b: distance time graphs 9. CB1e: enzymes and nutrition 10. CC2c: paper chromatography 11 12
CB1c: specialised cells CP1c: Acceleration CB1f: Enzyme action
CB1d: inside bacteria Things to revise
Things to revise
Things to revise Things to revise Things to revise 1. RF value
1. Lock and key
1. Cell organelles. 1. Solvent, solute 1. Speed calculation 2. Solubility
2. Digestion system where
2. Sperm, egg, ciliated 2. Filtration 2. Gradient 3. Stationary phase
the enzymes work.
epithelial cells. 3. Risk assessment 3. Acceleration 3. 4 different digestive
3. Standard form. calculation enzymes

13. CP1d: velocity/time graph 14 . CB1g: enzyme activity 15. CC2d: Distillation CC2e: drinking water 16. CP2a: resultant forces 17. CB1h: transporting substances 18 19
CP2b: Newton’s First Law
Things to revise
Things to revise
Things to revise 1. Condensation Things to revise
1. Speed calculation
1. The effect of pH, 2. Fractional 1. Scalers and vectors Things to revise
2. Calculating distance temperature, sub- distillation
2. Balanced/ unbalanced 1. Diffusion
strate concentration.
3. Velocity 3. Water purification
3. Centripetal force 2. Osmosis
2. Iodine and amylase
core practical. 3. Active transport.

20. CC3a: Structure of an atom CC3b: Z & A 21. CP2c: Mass and Weight 22. CB2a: Mitosis Things to revise 23. CC3c: isotopes Things to revise 24. CP2d: Newton’s second law 25 26

Things to revise Things to revise 1. The stages of mitosis. 1. Isotopes

1. Atomic number (Z) 1. Weight and Mass 2. Diploid and haploid. 2. Abundance
and mass (A)
2. Gravitational field
2. Rutherford strength
Things to revise
3. Dalton model 3. Resultant force
1. Acceleration 2. light gate prac

27. CB2b: growth in animals 28. CC4a: Periodic table CC4b: Z and the PT 29. CP2e: Newton’s Third Law 30. CB2e: nervous system 31. CC4c: electron configuration
CB2c: growth in plants Things to revise CB2f: neurotransmission speed
Things to revise 1. Electron shells
CB2d: stem cells Things to revise
Things to revise 1. Action reaction 2. Configuration
1. Groups and periods
1. cell differentiation. Things to revise
2. Mendeleev’s peri-
2. Collision.
2. Percentile charts odic table 1. synapse
3. Meristems 3. Pair reversal 2. Nerve structure
4. Embryonic stem cells 3. Reflex arc
April 2017 - Yr 10 revision timetable
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

3. CP2f: momentum 4. CB3a: meiosis 5. CC5a: ionic bonds CC5b: Ionic lattices 6. CP3a: energy stores and transfers 7. CB3bi, CB3bii: DNA 8 9
CP2g: stopping distance Things to revise CC5c: properties of ionic compounds CP3b: energy efficiency
CP2h:crash hazards Things to revise
1. Fertilisation - zygotes & gametes. Things to revise Things to revise
Things to revise
2. Chromosomes– fusion. 1. Cations and anions. 1. Efficiency calculation
1. Momentum calculation 1. DNA extraction
2. Electrostatic forces 2. Sankey diagram
2. Thinking distance 2. Structure of DNA
3. Melting, boiling points 3. Conservation of
3. Crumple zones energy 3. Base pairs.

10. CC6a: covalent bonds 11. CP3c: keeping warm 12. CB3c: Alleles CB3d: inheritance 13. CC7a: molecular compounds 14. CP3e: non-renewable resources 15/16. CB3e: gene mutation
CP3d: Stores energies CP3f: renewable resources CB3f: variation
Things to revise Things to revise
Things to revise Things to revise Things to revise Things to revise
1. Outer shell electrons 1. Punnet squares.
1. KE calculation 1. Intermolecular forces 1. Nuclear power 1. Discontinuous
2. Electrostatic forces 2. Homozygous and variation
2. GPE calculation 2. Conduction of 2. Tidal and geothermal
3. Dot and cross diagrams hetrozygous 2. Human genome
3. Solar and biofuels project
3. Variation
3. Polymers
(phenotype) 3. Mutation
17. CC7b: allotropes of carbon 18. CP4a: describing waves 19. CB4a: human evolution 20. CC7c: properties of metals 21. CP4b: Wave speeds 22/ 23. CB4b: Darwin’s theory
1. Lucy and Ardi CC7d: bonding models CP4c: refraction
Things to revise Things to revise Things to revise Things to
Things to revise 2. Use of tools
1. Wavelength Things to revise 1. Frequency revise
1. fullerenes 3. Fossil evidence
2. Longitudinal, 1. Conductivity 2. Ripple tank practical
2. Graphene 1. 5 steps of evolution
transverse 2. Different bonds 3. Refraction and normal
3. Giant structure of 2. Antibiotic resistance
3. Amplitude 3. malleable 4. Speed, distance, time
carbon 3. Natural selection

24. CC9a: Masses and empirical formulae 25. CP5a: electromagnetic waves 26. CB4c: classification CB4d: breeds 27. CC9c: Moles 28. CP5c: using the long wavelengths 29/ 30
CC9b: conservation of mass CP5b: EM spectrum CB4e: genes in agriculture Things to revise CP5d: using the short wavelengths
Things to revise Things to revise CP5e: EM radiation dangers
Things to revise: 1. frequencies on the 1. Avogadro’s constant
1. Relative formula spectrum 1. 3 domains Things to revise
2. reactions
mass 2. 5 kingdoms 3. Balancing equations 1. Mutations
2. Concentration of 3. Genetic engineering 2. Radiotherapy
4. Selective breeding. 3. Oscillations
3. Calculating masses

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