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Alsina Nader L, et al. , 2010; ORIGINAL

9 (1): 70-74 ARTICLE
January-March, Vol. 9 No.1, 2010: 70-74

Hepatotoxicity due to rifampicin,

isoniazid and pyrazinamide in patients with tuberculosis:
Is anti-HCV a risk factor?
Lysandro Alsina Nader,* Angelo Alves de Mattos,* Pedro Dornelles Picon,**
Sérgio Luis Bassanesi,** Angelo Zambam De Mattos,* Margarita Pineiro Rodriguez**

* Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre – Brazil. ** Hospital Sanatório Partenon-Brazil.


Background and Rationale. Among the adverse events related to tuberculosis treatment, hepatotoxicity is
the most serious, and recognition of risk factors for it is essential to achieve successful therapy. The aim
of the study is to evaluate the role of anti-HCV as a risk factor for hepatotoxicity in hospitalized patients
under tuberculosis treatment with rifampicin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide (RHZ). Methods. Historical co-
hort study carried out at Hospital Sanatório Partenon, from 1998 to 2006. Patients aged 18 years or older,
tested for anti-HCV, who presented normal pre-treatment aminotransferases (AST, ALT) and bilirrubin and
who used RHZ during hospitalization were included in the study. Individuals who used anti-tuberculosis
drugs six months prior to hospitalization, had clinical evidence of chronic liver disease or showed previous
history of hepatotoxicity to RHZ were excluded. Results. A sample of 534 patients was studied. The inci-
dence of hepatotoxicity was 8.8% (n = 47). After univariate analysis, the following variables were associated
to hepatotoxicity: anti-HIV positive, anti-HCV positive, use of antiretroviral therapy and high doses of rifam-
picin and isoniazid per kg of body weight (p < 0.05). When Cox regression was performed, anti-HIV positive
[RR = 2.3 (IC95% 1.2-4.1); p = 0.008] and high doses of isoniazid per kg of body weight [RR = 1.3 (IC 95% 1.1-1.7);
p = 0.016] remained independently associated to development of hepatotoxicity. Conclusions. In conclu-
sion, the anti-HIV positive and high doses of isoniazid were considered independent risk factors for hepa-
totoxicity due to RHZ esqueme in the present study. Though univariate analysis showed that anti-HCV was
associated to the outcome, it was not identified as an independent risk factor for hepatotoxicity related
to the use of RHZ when the analysis was controlled to HIV.

Key words. HIV. Hepatitis C. Anti-tuberculosis medications.

INTRODUCTION With regard to the treatment, the scheme for re-

cently diagnosed TB cases in Brazil since 1980 is
Tuberculosis (TB) has always represented a se- combining rifampicin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide
rious public health problem in developing countries. (RHZ) for two months, followed by rifampicin and
In developed nations, it reached importance again isoniazid (RH) for another 4-7 months (first-line
after the emergence of the infection by human im- therapy).4 This scheme is almost 100% effective and
munodeficiency virus (HIV). The growth in the presents good tolerance. The need to change sche-
number cases of TB became progressive, with an an- mes due to toxicity occurs at a rate of less than 5%.
nual incidence of active pulmonary TB in the world Hepatotoxicity is among the most serious adverse
approaching eight million, and with approximately effects.5
two million deaths per year.1-3 Some authors suggest that HIV and hepatitis C
virus (HCV) are independent risk factors for develo-
ping hepatotoxicity induced by anti-tuberculosis me-
Correspondence and reprint request: Dr. Lysandro Alsina Nader Ungo, et al.6 describe the risk of developing hepa-
Dom Joaquim Avenue, 680 totoxicity from anti-tuberculosis drugs in patients
Zip code: 96020-260, Pelotas - Brazil
with hepatitis C or HIV as being four and five times
Manuscript received: January 04, 2010. greater respectively. In patients co-infected by HCV
Manuscript accepted: January 21, 2010. and HIV, this risk increased 14.4 times.
© 2019, Fundación Clínica Médica Sur, A.C. Published by Elsevier España S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
Hepatotoxicity due to rifampicin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide in patients with tuberculosis. , 2010; 9 (1): 70-74

Kwon, et al.7 also revealed a greater incidence of The results are shown as averages and standard
hepatotoxicity during treatment of tuberculosis in deviation or frequency of patients with a given cha-
patients infected with hepatitis C virus. racteristic. The statistical tests used in this analysis
This study intends to assess the role of anti-HCV are: Chi-Square test, Fisher’s Exact test, Student’s t
as a risk factor for hepatotoxicity in hospitalized pa- test, and Cox Regression technique, which was used
tients treated for tuberculosis. for the variables with p ≤ 0.20 in the univariate
analysis. The study’s calculated power was of 80%
PATIENTS AND METHODS and its level of statistical significance was 5%. Sta-
tistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), ver-
A historical cohort study was carried out with a sion 13.0, was used in the analysis.
sample comprised of patients who were hospitalized
at Hospital Sanatório Partenon, Porto Alegre, Bra- RESULTS
zil, for treatment of tuberculosis, during the period
from 1998 to 2006. The criteria for inclusion were: The sample was comprised of 534 patients, with a
being 18 years of age or older; having an anti-HCV mean age of 39.08 years (± 12.2), and a maximum
test; having serum aminotransferases (AST, ALT) age of 80 years. From the studied population, 75.1%
and bilirubin levels within the normal range prior to (n=401) were men and 57.7% (n = 308) where whi-
tuberculosis treatment; being under RHZ during te. With the purpose of analysis we divided patients
hospitalization. The criteria for exclusion were: ha- in two groups according to skin color: white and
ving made use of anti-tuberculosis drugs during the non-white. The majority of the non-white were black
six months that preceded hospitalization; presenting skin (n = 135).
with clinical evidences of chronic liver disease; ha- With regard to behavioral factors, alcoholism was
ving a prior history of hepatotoxicity induced by present in 65.7% (n = 351) of the sample, and drug
RHZ. Patients were consecutively included in the addiction, in 37.1% (n = 198).
study. Only 6.2% presented miliar tuberculosis (n = 33).
Hepatotoxicity was considered whenever a pa- Besides that, 39.1% (n = 209) of the patients were
tient, using RHZ, presented with altered liver tests, anti-HIV positive and 33.3% (n = 178), anti-HCV
that is: increase in ALT more than three times the positive. The co-infection rate (HIV/HCV) in the stu-
upper limit of normality and/or levels of total biliru- dy was 23.9%. Of the total sample, 12.2% (n = 65) of
bin greater than two times the upper limit of norma- the patients used antiretrovirals.
lity.8 The incidence of hepatotoxicity was 8.8% (n =
Before beginning treatment, routine blood tests 47), and of those with antibodies for the hepatitis C
were run on the patients in order to analyze liver virus (178), 14% developed hepatotoxicity (the same
function, as well as to determine anti-HCV (3 rd occurred in only 6.2% of those who were anti-HCV
generation ELISA method) and anti-HIV (ELISA me- negative). Likewise, anti-HIV positive patients pre-
thod and, if positive, confirmation by Western-Blot). sented more frequently with hepatotoxicity (13.9%)
Treatment was carried out using the RHZ scheme, than anti-HIV negative patients (6.0%).
with daily doses of drugs adjusted to body weight, as The associations between the presence of hepato-
per Norms of the State Program for the Control of toxicity and the following variables were tested
Tuberculosis (weight 20 to 40 kg, R: 300 mg, H: 200 using univariate analysis: age, gender, skin color,
mg and Z: 1000 mg; from 40 to 60 kg, R: 450 mg, H:
300 mg and Z: 1500 mg; over 60 kg, R: 600 mg,
Table 1. Mean age and doses of RHZ (mg/kg)-Rifampicin, Iso-
H: 400 mg and Z: 2000 mg).9
niazid and Pyrazinamide - and hepatotoxicity.
Patients were followed up during treatment, with
special attention to the development or not of adver- Variable With Without p
se effects to the drugs used to treat tuberculosis, es- hepatotoxicity hepatotoxicity Value
pecially hepatotoxicity, which was screened for Mean (±SD) Mean (±SD)
using liver function tests. Patients who developed
hepatotoxicity had drug discontinuation. Age 39.3 (±11.3) 39.1 (±12.3) 0.91*
Rifampicin 10.68 (±1.91) 9.97 (±1.54) 0.02*
The project was approved by the Ethics Commit- Isoniazid 7.12 (±1.27) 6.64 (±1.03) 0.02*
tees of Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Pyrazinamide 27.55 (±4.22) 26.83 (±4.04) 0.25*
Porto Alegre and of Escola de Saúde Pública do Rio
Grande do Sul. * Student’s t test.
Alsina Nader L, et al. , 2010; 9 (1): 70-74

alcoholism, drug addiction, use of anti-retroviral In this study, when assessing the whole sample,
drugs, miliar tuberculosis, presence of anti-HIV and the incidence of hepatotoxicity associated to RHZ
anti-HCV. A statistically significant association was was 8.8%. Shakya R, et al.16 reported an incidence
observed between the presence of hepatotoxicity and of 8% for hepatotoxicity after assessing 50 patients
the presence of anti-HIV (p = 0.003) and anti-HCV who underwent treatment for active tuberculosis in
(p = 0.002), as well as the use of antiretroviral Nepal. In Turkey, the incidence of liver toxicity was
drugs (p = 0.046). 8.1% in a population of 705 patients.17 In India, af-
Table 1 shows the age and dosage in milligrams ter assessing 200 patients with tuberculosis, Agal S, et
per kilogram of weight for the anti-tuberculosis al.18 reported an incidence of 10.5%. Shaberg T,
drugs (RHZ) used by patients with and without he- et al.19 reported an incidence of 11% when retros-
patotoxicity. pectively analyzing 519 patients hospitalized with
No statistical association was observed between tuberculosis in Germany.
the mean age and the mean dose of pyrazinamide It is still undefined whether anti-HCV reagent pa-
and development of hepatotoxicity. There was a sta- tients are subject to a greater incidence of hepato-
tistically significant association between the use of toxicity during treatment for tuberculosis, since
high doses of rifampicin and isoniazid ( > 12 and some authors only reported it when using univaria-
6mg/kg of weight, respectively) and the incidence of te analysis20 and others were unable to observe this
liver toxicity. association.21
In the Cox regression model, when variables with When assessing the cohort in question, it was ob-
p ≤ 0.20 (use of antiretroviral drugs, anti-HIV, anti- served that the presence of anti-HCV was high
HCV and dose of rifampicin and isoniazid) were among patients hospitalized with tuberculosis, with
analyzed, only the following variables remained in- a prevalence of 33.3%. In a multicentric study that
dependently associated to the development of hepa- assessed 272 hospitalized patients, the prevalence of
totoxicity: presence of anti-HIV [RR=2.3 (CI95% hepatitis C virus was 22%.10 The high rate of anti-
1.2-4.1); p = 0.008] and high dose of isoniazid per HCV/tuberculosis co-infection verified may suggest
kilogram of weight [RR = 1.3 (CI95% 1.1-1.7); p = incorporation of anti-HCV test as a routine for pa-
0.016]. tients with tuberculosis.
Anti-HCV did not remain associated in an inde- In the 178 patients with anti-HCV, the increase in
pendent manner to the development of hepatotoxici- aminotransferases during treatment for tuberculosis
ty caused by the use of RHZ, when controlled for with RHZ was more frequent (14%) than in anti-
the anti-HIV variable. HCV non-reagent patients (6.2%). In the univariate
Of the total number of patients who developed he- analysis, the presence of this antibody was associa-
patotoxicity (n = 47), 89.4% did so during the first ted in a statistically significant manner to the deve-
30 days of RHZ. lopment of hepatotoxicity. However, this association
was not present when Cox regression model was
DISCUSSION applied. Both viruses share practically the same
transmission routes and frequently coexist, with
Tuberculosis is one of the major causes of death anti-HIV being a confounding variable for hepato-
among infectious diseases in the world2 and its pre- toxicity in HCV-infected patients.
sence is reported as being higher in patients with When analyzing this result, among the possible fac-
anti-HCV, when compared to individuals without tors of error, it is necessary to consider that the pre-
this antibody.10,11 sence of anti-HCV in the blood does not necessarily
Measuring the incidence of hepatotoxicity from mean viremia. In a prospective study, Fernandez-Vi-
drugs used in the treatment of tuberculosis is diffi- llar, et al.14 assessed viremia by PCR HCV-RNA in
cult, since the studied populations are different, the HIV-negative patients who took isoniazid for treat-
methodologies employed are distinct and the crite- ment of latent tuberculosis and they found an associa-
ria for defining hepatotoxicity are diverse.8,12,13 tion between the presence of hepatitis C virus and
Thus, there is great variability in the incidence re- hepatotoxicity from the use of isoniazid. Another con-
corded in several countries. For example, Spain14 sideration to be made is the fact that patients with
reports an incidence of 5.8% in a study involving high pretreatment aminotransferases were not inclu-
446 patients. Huang YS, et al.15 in Taiwan, repor- ded in the study, which may have underestimated the
ted an incidence of 14.7% in a population of 224 pa- actual influence of HCV as a risk factor for hepatotoxi-
tients. city due to the exclusion of higher risk individuals.
Hepatotoxicity due to rifampicin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide in patients with tuberculosis. , 2010; 9 (1): 70-74

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