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ASTERI CHINH SACH THANH TOAN VA TIEN DO THANH TOAN DU KIEN PAYMENT POLICY AND ESTIMATED PAYMENT SCHEDULE 1. QUY BINH CHUNG GENERAL PROVISION 1. Chinh sach ban hang nay 4p dung déi véi Du 4n Khu chung cu cao tang thuée 6 quy hoach B6 du dn Khu dan cu va Céng vién Phuéc Thién thud phuding Long Binh va hung Long Thanh My, Quan 9, TP. Hé Chi Minh, Viét Nam c6 tén thugng mai la Masteri Centre Point ~ sau day go! la “Dy An” hoac “Dy dn Masteri Centre Point”. San phdm cla Dy An sau day dude goi chung a “San Pham” hoac “San Pham Dy An’. This sales policy applies for the High-rise Apartment Project at plot 86, as a part of the Phuoc Thien Residential Area and Park project at Long Binh and Long Thanh My Ward, District 9, Ho Chi Minh City with commercial name as Masteri Centre Point - hereinafter refered to as “Project” or “Masteri Centre Point Project”. The products of Project hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Product” or “Project’s Product 2. Quy dinh vé “Bang Ky Tham Dy", “Bang Ky Thanh Cong", céng” Regulation on “Participation Registration", “Successful Registration” and “Successful Transaction” ‘Giao Dich Thanh 21, Bang ky Tham DY Participation Registration Bing ky tham du dugc hiéu [a khi khach hang da hoan tét ky Phiéu ding ky tham du va da hoan tat chuyén Tién Bat Trude cho Céng ty TNHH Méi gi Masterise Agents ("Bang Ky Tham Du") Participation Registration is construed that when the customer has completed the Participation Registration Form and completed the Advance Amount transfer to the Masterise Agents Agency Company Limiteg, ("Participation Registration") 1G (078) 36159159 | 0828157 159 eH elev@modericamencom ostriches con/ ASTERI 22. Bing Ky Thanh Céng Successful Registration ‘ng ky thanh céng dude hiéu la khi khéch hang da hoan tat dang ky nguyén vong chon mua/thué sin phdm cla Du An bing viéc hoan tat ky Ban ding ky guyén vong, Xée nhan ding ky va da thanh togn xong Tién dat trudc ("D&ng KY Thanh Céng") Successful Registration is construed that when customers have completed the ‘aspiration registration to choose to purchase/lease the product of the Project with the completion of signing the Aspiration Registration Form, the Registration Confirmation and completion of payment of the Advance Amount (the “Successful Registration”), 23. Giao Dich Thanh Cong Successful Transaction Giao dich thanh cong duge hiéu Ia giao dich ma khach hang da hoan tét vic ky Van ban théa thuan/Hop déng mua bin/Hop déng dat thué dai han hoac van ban C6 gi tri tudng Gung va 43 hoan tat thanh todn t6i thiéu s6 tién Bat 1 (dam bao dat it nhat la 10% gié ban/thué 43 bao gém thug GTGT) theo quy dinh tai Van ban théa thuan/Hop déng mua ban/Hop déng dat thué dai han hoac van ban cé gia tri tuong duong ("Giae Dich Thanh Céng") The successful transaction is construed to be the transaction in which the customer has completed signing the Agreement/Sales and Purchase Agreement/Long-Term Lease Reservation Contract or an equivalent document ‘and paid the minimum amount of the first installment amount (ensuring at least 10% of the selling/rental price including VAT) as prescribed in the Agreement/Sales and Purchase Agreement/Long-Term Lease Reservation Contract or the equivalent document (the “Successful Transaction’). Il, CHINH SACH THANH TOAN VA TIEN 80 THANH TOAN DU KIEN PAYMENT POLICY AND ESTIMATED PAYMENT SCHEDULE 1. PHAM VIAP DUNG SCOPE OF APPLICATION Chinh sch thanh toan va tién dé thanh toan du kién quy dinh dud| v6i cc giao dich ma khach hang da Bing ky Thanh Con} hat ngay 30/04/2023. This payment policy and estimated payment schedule af for the transactions that the customers have completed from 1S March 2023 until the end of 30 April 2023. 2. CHINH SACH THANH TOAN PAYMENT POLICY 1 (028)39 159159 0820157159 ep edesBmovwiihamencom & mosrichemecon/ ASTERI 21 Thanh toan bing ven tye Payment by own capital oo Lich thanh tosn Thanh toénchudn | Thanh todn sém (one Payment schedule ‘Standard payment | Accelerated payment Ky xde nhan 2809) lrién ast truce so trigu déng 50 trigu aéng io Advance amount 50 million VND 50 millon VND Registration Confirmation Trong vong 14 ngay ké tu ngay ky Xac nhan dang ky 10% gid ban/thué (bao gm thué GTGT) (sau khi tra Tién dat ra fr - trude) inn oan 83 aig re Bortky | Conrinmation (VAT included) (after HOMB/HDOT deducted the Advance } instaliment amount) Sign 100% gid ban/thué (bao SPA/LTLRC | Trong vong 30 ngay ké tu ngay g6m thué GTGT) (sau ky Xac nhan dang ky khi tris Tién dat trudc) Within 30 days from the 100% Selling/lease price signing date of the (VAT included) (after cen eee amount) Trong vong 30 ngay ké tl ngay | 15% gid ban/thué (bao 2” installment | Within 30 days from the due 15% Selling/ease price Trong vong 30 ngay ké tu ngay | 15% gia ban/thué (bao Dots én han thanh toan Bot 2 g6ém thué GTGT) * installment | Within 30 days from the due 15% Selling/lease price date of 2” installment. (VAT included) Trong vong 30 ngay ké tU ngay | 15% gid ban/thué (bao. dots én han thanh toan ot 3 gém thué GTGT) 4° installment Within 30 days from the due date of 3" installment 15% Selling/lease price (VAT inch Bets 5° installment Trong vong 30 ngay ké tu ngay én han thanh toan Bot 4 Within 30 days from the due date of 4" installment 15% gia bani pot 6() 6* installment 0 Theo théng bao ban giao san pham Du An (di kién thang 09/2023) Pursuant to Project's product Handover Notice (Expected in ‘September 2023) 25% gia ban thug GTGT c Kinh phi 25% Selling remaining 1 (078) 39159159 0826157 159 eH elesBmonerihamencom & motriahone on/ ASTERI SS Lich thanh toan Thanh toin chusn | Thanh todn sém oe Payment schedule ‘Standard payment | Accelerated payment ™maintenance fee HBDT/LTLRC: 30% gia thué (bao gm thué GTGT) + 2% Kinh phi bao tri 30% Lease price (VAT included) + 2% maintenance fee [Vao ngay dn han nhan Gidy chang nhan quyén su: dung it, quyén s8 hOU nha 6 va tai sin khae gan lién véi dt theo théng bao cla Chi Bau Tu lupon the due date to receive | , 96M thué GTCT) ‘5% Selling price (VAT Certificate of land use right, per ted house ownership and other properties associated with the land according to Developer's notice ‘5% gid ban (chua bao Dot7 7° installment Chinh sach chiét khau me potiey 13% 13% + 2% 2.2 Thanh todn bing von vay ngan hang Payment by financial package Trung hgp khach hang lua chon thanh ton bing von vay ngn hang 80% gia ban (4a bao g6m thué GTGT), khach hang sé dude nhan hé tr¢ Iai suat ("HTLS") va phi tra ng truéc han ti chd déu tu nhu sau’ In case the customers make accelerated payment by bank loans of 80% of selling price (VAT included), they shall receive interest rate support ("Int and early repayment fee from the developer: CHINH SACH/POLICY CHI TIET/DETAILS ‘Mu du ng vay Outstanding debt ‘Muc du ng duge huéng HTLS Outstanding debt supported by Developer Lai suat va théi gian HTLS Interest rate and Period of interest Rate Support 1 (028)39 159159 | 0828157159 sclemoseishemencom g mosbrichones con ASTERI Lua chon: Tai thai diém ban giao nha, khach hang khéng Uy quyén cho Cong ty TNHH Quan Ly Bat Béng San Masterise Property thuc hién cho thué ‘Option At handover time, customers do not authorize Masterise Property Real Estate Management Company, LTD to lease Ml Lai sudt 0% trong vang 18 thang dau tién ké tu ngay gidi ngan nhung khéng vuot qué ngay 3110/2024 Interest rate is 0% within first 18 months from the drawdown date but not exceeding 31 October 2024 Sau ngay 31/10/2024, néu Iai sust vay cla khiich hang cao hon 6.5%/naim, chu dau tu 88 6 tro phn vugt mu lai suat 6:5%/n3m_ trong vong 18 thang tigp theo khong vst qua ngay 30/04/2026 After 31 October 2024, ifthe customer loan's interest rate is higher than 6.5%/year the Developer will support the excess of 6.5%/vear within next 18 months but not exceeding 30 April 2026 Lua chon 2: Tai thél diém ban giao nha, khach hang Uy quyén cho Cong ty TNHH Quan Ly Bat Bong San Masterise Property thuc hién cho thué (*) ation 2: At handover time, customers do authorize Masterise Property Real Estate Management Company. LTD to lease (*) Thdi gian an han ng géc ké tu ngay giai ngan dau tién 4p dung cho ca 2 Iva chon tren Period of grace for principal as from the date of the Ist disbursement applicable for 2 above options Lai suit 0% trong vong 36 thang ké tu Agay gidi ngan nhung khong vust qua ngay 30/04/2026 Interest rate is 0% within first 36 months from the drawdown date but not exceeding 30 April 2026 Len tdi 36 thang Up to 36 months Phi tra ng trudc han trong théi gian HTLS 0% Early repayment fee during period of 0% Interest Rate Support 0% (**) Thai gian Uy quyén cho Cong ty TNHH Quan Ly Bat Bong San Masterise Property thc hién cho thué can hé sé c6 hiéu luc trong trong vong 30 thang ké tu naa khong vust qué ngay 30/04/2026. The authorization period for Masterise Property Real Estate Manageme! unit will be valid within 30 months from the drawdown dati 2026 Khach hang khéng due cham dt viée Uy quyén trude théi lai s® dugc chu dau tu str dung trong viée hé tro chi tra Iai sust The customer must not terminate the authorization before t will be used by the Developer to support customers’ loan inter ign 6 gidi ngan thanh toan Disburse progress for payment ‘& (020) 39159159 | 0628159159 2 scesdronerchones con® noverichonecon/ i ngan nhung ASTER i Lich thanh toan két hop Von tu ¢6 va vay ngan hang ‘oye than Payment by both equities an & financial package toin Lich thanh toan dh ia Gann | gieiba Payment Payment schedule ich hang thant in hang instalment toanvéntycd | gidingin Paid bythe Disbursed by customer's own | the bank capital Pits . Tién dat truée vao ngay ky Xdc Nhan Son (aang ky Sotrigu déng pegistation |Advance amount at the signing date of | 50-millon VND Contimation {the Registration Confirmation 10% gid ban (ba0 gém thué GTGT) ot ky P 5 (cau khitrisTién HEMB/HDOT alone ingay ké tdi ngity ky Xée dat truéc) F installment |"Man dang 10% Selling price Sign | Within 14 days from the signing date of |. nuded) (anter sparerinc |the Registration Confirmation Tekcdihe ‘Advance amount) 70% gid ban eot2 _ | ong ving 30 ngay ké tu ngay dén han (620 g6m ot? |thanh toan Bot thué GTGT) Within 30 days from the due date of 2 70% Selling installment | installment price (VAT included) 5 _ |Treng vong 30 ngay ké tu ngay dén han | 5% gid ban (bao Pet |thanh toan Bot 2 g6m thué GTOT) instatmene | Within 30 days from the due date of 2nd | 5% Selling price installment (VAT included) pot. _ | Tena vong 60 naay ke tuingay dén han | 5% gia ban (bao m8 thanh toan Oot 3 gém thué GTGT) instctimene |Within 60 days from the due date of 3* | 5% Selling price installment (VAT included) 10% gia ban Theo thong bao ban giao sin phém Du (a0 g6m OkS | Am (du kign thang 09/2023) ae innenibaow | hug cTcT) instatimene | Pursuant to Project's product Handover oe ene? | 10% Selling ‘Notice (Expected in September 2023) price (VAT included) {& (028)39 159159 | 0628157159 mW sdemcjnheen com —| it ASTERI fi Chinh sach chiét khau Discount policy 3.LUUY NOTES - _Tién 46 thanh todn quy dinh tai chinh sdch ban hang nay nhim mue dich tiép thi sin phim du dn va cho su Ia chon ca khach hang. Tién 6 thanh todn cy thé s8 dude ghi nhan tai Hop 86ng Mua Ban/Hgp Béng Bat Thué Dai Han. Payment schedules stated in this sales policy is for the marketing of project product and customers selection. The specific payment schedule shall be regulated in the Sales and Purchase Agreement/Long-Term Lease Reservation Contract. (7 Tai dot ban giao San Phim, khdch hang cé quyén Iua chon thanh toan 5% gid ban. (chua bao g6m thué GTGT) vao Théa Thuan Bat Coc dé dim bao viée thuc hién Hop. Béng Mua Bén (sé duge khdu tris vao gid tri thanh todn dot cusi vao ngay dén han nan Gidy ching nhan quyén su dung dat, quyén sé hdu nha 6 va tai sdn khac gan lién. véi dat ("Gidy Ching Nhan") theo théng bdo cua Chi B4u Tu). Chu Bu Tu trd 9,5%/nam cho gia tri Théa Thuan Dat Coc ké tis ngay Chu Bau Tu nhan du khoan tién, dt coc dén ngay dén han nhan Gidy Ching Nhan theo théng bao cua Chu Bu Tu hoc théi diém khach hang dugc xc dinh la tu lam thd tuc xin cp Gidy Ching Nhan, ty thdi diém nao dén trude. Khach hang c4 nhan chiu thué thu nhép cd nhan theo uy dinh phap luat cho phan Iai nay. (") Upon the Product Handover, the Customer can choose pay 5% Selling price (VAT excluded) at Deposit Agreement to guarantee the performance of the Sales and Purchase Agreement (be deducted at the last installment as the due date to receive Certificate of land use right, house ownership and other properties associated with the land ("Certificate’) according to the Developer's notice). The Developer will pay interest at 9.5%/year on the value of the Deposit Agreement from the date the Developer fully received the deposit until the due date to receive the Certificate according to the Developer's notice or the time when the customers are determined to carry out the procedures to apply for the Certificate, whichever comes first). The Invidival customers pay personal income tax in accordance with such interest. - Ap dung i véi khéch hang [a c4 nhan (“KHEN") ding tén trong hdp déng mua ban. khach hang la deanh nghiép (“KHDN") duoc chi dau tu hé tro Iai trudc han véi mic tdi da bang Iai suat va phi tra ng truéc han hé trd [ai sudt va phi tra no truéc han vuot mulc hé trd trén (néu c6) KHON Y hang. Applicable to customers who are individuals ("Individs the sale and purchase agreement. Enterprise customers| supported by the developer with interest rate and early amount equal to the interest rate and early repay Customer. The interest rate and early repayment fee el evel (if any) will be paid by the Enterprise Customer with 1 (028) 39 159159 | 0820157159 am wdesOmovwiihamencom & nostiabome con ASTERI ii - Trong moi trudng hop, Chu dau tu chi hé tro lai suat trong thei gian néu trén d6i vei cdc khach hing dap ung du diéu kién vay vén, hoan thanh day di cdc thi tuc theo quy dinh cua ngan hang do Chu dau tu chi dinh, In any cases, the developer only provides the program of interest expense support within the duration mentioned here if customers meet alll lending conditions, and fulfill all related documents prescribed by the bank. - Tai dot thanh toan theo Théng bao ban giao San Pham, khéch hang phi hoan thién mot s6 thi tue edn thiét. For the payment installment pursuant to Product Handover Notice, the customer ‘must complete necessary procedures. 1% (07839159199 | 0828159 159g wlevBmoderichamencom — mesbriahenecon/ ASTERI CHINH SACH UU BAI, KHUYEN MAI DANH CHO KHACH HANG PREFERENTIAL POLICIES AND PROMOTION PROGRAM FOR CUSTOMER 1. QUY BINH CHUNG GENERAL PROVISION 1. Chinh sach uu dai, khuyén mai nay d6i vdi Du an Khu chung cu cao tang thuéc 6 quy hoach 86 du dn Khu dan cu va Céng vién PhUde Thign thude phubng Long Binh va phuéng Long Thanh My, Quan 9, TP. Hé Chi Minh, Viét Nam c6 tén thusng mai [a Masteri Centre Point ~ sau day goi la “Dy An” hoc “Dy an Masteri Centre Point”. San pham ctla Dy An sau day duce goi chung [a “San Phim” hose “Sin Phém Dy An These preferential policies and promotion program apply for the High-rise Apartment Project at plot 86, as a part of the Phuoc Thien Residential Area and Park project at Long Binh and Long Thanh My Ward, District 9, Ho Chi Minh City with commercial name as Masteri Centre Point — hereinafter refered to as “Project” or “Masteri Centre Point Project’. The products of Project hereinafter referred to collectively as the ‘Product’ or “Project's Product 2. Quy dinh vé “Dang Ky Tham Dy", “Bang Ky Thanh Cong”, “Giao Dich Thanh cong” Regulation on “Participation Registration”, “Successful Registration” and “Successful Transaction” 21. Bang ky Tham DY Participation Registration Bing ky tham du duge hiéu la khi khdch hang @3 hoan tat ky Phiéu dng ky tham dy va d8 hoan tat chuyén Tién Bat Truée cho Céng ty TNHH Méi giéi Masterise Agents ("Dang Ky Tham Dy"). Participation Registration is construed that when the customer has completed the Participation Registration Form and completed the nce Amount transfer to the Masterise Agents Agency Company Limit ‘ipation Registration’). {& (078) 39 159159 | 0828157159 slevOnasericharencom mesbrahenecon/ ASTERI 22. Bang ky Thanh Céng Successful Registration Bing ky thanh céng duge hiéu la khi khdch hang da hoan tat ding ky nguyén vong chon mua/thué sin phém ctia Du An bang viée hoan tat ky Bin ding ky Aguyén vong, Xéc nhn ding ky va d& thanh toan xong Tién dat trudc ("D&Ng KY ‘Thanh Céng") Successful Registration is construed that when customers have completed the aspiration registration to choose to purchase/lease the product of the Project with the completion of signing the Aspiration Registration Form, the Registration Confirmation and completion of payment of the Advance Amount (the “Successful Registration’) 2.3. Giao Dich Thanh Cong ‘Successful Transaction Giao dich thanh cong duge hiéu Ia giao dich ma khach hang da hoan tat viée ky Van ban théa thuan/Hop déng mua ban/Hop déng dat thué dai han hode van ban c6 gi tri tuong duong va da hoan tat thanh todn t6i thiéu s6 tién Bet 1 (dam bb3o dat it nhdt Ia 10% gia ban/thué da bao gém thué GTGT) theo quy dinh tai Van ban théa thuan/Hop déng mua ban/Hop déng dat thué dai han hoac van ban cé gis tri tuong duong ("Giae Dich Thanh Céng") The successful transaction is construed to be the transaction in which the customer has completed signing the Agreement/Sales and Purchase Agreement/Long-Term Lease Reservation Contract or an equivalent document ‘and paid the minimum amount of the first installment amount (ensuring at least 10% of the selling/rental price including VAT) as prescribed in the Agreement/Sales and Purchase Agreement/Long-Term Lease Reservation Contract or the equivalent document (the “Successful Transaction’). I CHINH SACH KHUYEN MAI, UU DAI DANH CHO KHACH HANG PREFERENTIAL PROMOTION POLICY FOR CUSTOMER 1. Pham vi 4p dung Scope of application ‘Ap dung cho Bing Ky Thanh Céng tw ngay 15/ chuyén sang trang thai Giao Dich Thanh Céng, Applied for Successful Registration from 15 March 2023 have been coverted to Successful Transaction status. |G (028) 39159 189 | 0528 157159 eH sdesOnavericharencom & rthenescon/ ASTERI 2.N@i dung chuong trinh Program content Khach hang Bing Ky Thanh Céng mua/thué Sin Phém Dy An sé duce nhan phiéu qua tang néi that co ban véi chi tiét nhu sau: The customers who have Successful Registration to purchase/lease Products of the Project shall be received loose furniture voucher with the below details: Loai cin ho Gia tri phiéu qua ting Type of unit Value of voucher 2 phong ngu 240 million VNB 2 bedrooms YND 240 million 3.Quy dinh vé diéu kién chi tra Regulations for the payment condition Phiéu qua tng néu tai Muc 2 sé chi duc trao tang cho khch hang sau khi Giao Dich Thanh Cong v6i diéu kién tai thai diém trao tang, Sdn Pham van con trong trang thai aban The voucher at item 2 shall be only given to customer after Successful Transaction if Product status is recorded as sold at the time of given. Phiéu qua tang sé khong duge quy déi thanh tién mat va sé khong duge tris truc tiép vao gia ban. The voucher shaill not be converted to cash and shail not be deducted directly into the price of product. Phiéu qua tang sé dude trao tang cho khach hang sau ngay 30/04/2023. Voucher shall be given to customer after 30 April 2023. 1 (028) 39199189 | 0820 157159 sdes@nosericrescom § moshrnhemescon/ ASTERI tii CAC LUA CHON THAM GIA HUONG TRINH BANG KY MUA/THUE SAN PHAM DU AN OPTIONS FOR PARTICIPATING IN THE PROGRAM OF REGISTERING TO PURCHASE/LEASE OF THE PROJECT'S PRODUCTS 1. QUY BINH CHUNG GENERAL PROVISION 1. Chinh sch ban hang nay 4p dung d6i véi Du an Khu chung cu cao tang thudc 6 quy hoach B6 dy én Khu dan cu va Cong vién Phudc Thién thude Phung Long Binh va phudng Long Thanh My, Quan 9, TP. Hé Chi Minh, Viét Nam cd tén thuong mai la Masteri Centre Point - sau day goi la “Dy An” hoc “Dy n Masteri Centre Point”. San, pham cla Dy An sau day dude goi chung Ia “Sn Phém” hoc “San Phdm Dy An" This sales policy applies for the High-rise Apartment Project at plot B6, as a part of the Phuoc Thien Residential Area and Park project at Long Binh and Long Thanh My Ward, District 9, Ho Chi Minh City with commercial name as Masteri Centre Point - hereinafter refered to as “Project” or “Masteri Centre Point Project”. The products of Project hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Product” or “Project's Product 2. Quy dinh vé “Dang Ky Tham Dy", “Bang Ky Thanh Céng”, “Giao Dich Thanh cong” Regulation on “Participation Registration”, “Successful Registration” and “Successful Transaction” 21 Bang ky Tham Dy Participation Registration Bang ky tham du duge hiéu [a khi khach hang da hoan tat ky Phiéu dang ky tham du va da hoan tat chuyén Tién Bat Trude cho Cong ty TNHH Méi GiGi Masterise Agents ("Dang Ky Tham Dy"). Participation Registration is construed that when the customer has completed the Participation Registration Form and completed the Advance Amount transfer to the Masterise Agents Agency Company Limit. Registration") 1G (028) 39 159199 | 0828157 159g wlevOnoveiacamencom 6 oshrinhenecon/ ASTERI 22, Bing ky Thanh Cong Successful Registration ‘B&ng ky thanh céng duge hiéu la khi khéch hang da hoan tat dang ky nguyén vong chon mua/thué sin phdm ctia Du An bang viée hoan tat ky Bin dang kj guyén vong, Xéc nhn dng ky va da thanh ton xong Tién dat trudc ("Bang KY Thanh Céng") Successful Registration is construed that when customers have completed the aspiration registration to choose to purchase/lease the product of the Project with the completion of signing the Aspiration Registration Form, the Registration Confirmation and completion of payment of the Advance Amount (the “Successful Registration") 2.3. Giao Dich Thanh Cong Successful Transaction Giao dich thanh céng dugc hiéu Ia giao dich ma khach hang da hoan tét viéc ky Van ban théa thuan/Hop déng mua ban/Hop déng dat thué dai han hodc van ban c6 gid tri tuong duong va da hoan tat thanh toan toi thiéu s6 tién Dot 1 (dam bao dat it nhat la 10% gid ban/thué da bao gém thué GTGT) theo quy dinh tai van ban théa thuan/Hop déng mua ban/Hp déng dat thué dai han hoac van ban cé gia tri tong duong ("Giae Dich Thanh Céng") The successful transaction is construed to be the transaction in which the customer has completed signing the Agreement/Sales and Purchase Agreement/Long-Term Lease Reservation Contract or an equivalent document and paid the minimum amount of the first installment amount (ensuring at least 10% of the selling/rental price including VAT) as prescribed in the ‘Agreement/Sales and Purchase Agreement/Long-Term Lease Reservation Contract or the equivalent document (the "Successful Transaction’) Il CAC LUA CHON THAM GIA CHUONG TRINH BANG KY MUA/THUE SAN PHAM DU AN OPTIONS FOR PARTICIPATING IN THE PROGRAM OF REGISTERING TO PURCHASE/LEASE OF THE PROJECT'S PRODUCTS Ap dung cho cac Bang Ky Tham Du ké tu ngay 16/03/2023 dén hét ng Applied for Registration Participation from 1S March 2023 till the end 6 duge tham gia chuong tham gia lua chon sau day: To participate in program of registering to purchas customers are selected to participate below selection: jnh dang ky mua/thué Sa Tién dat trude 50 trigu c6 hoan lai Refundable advance amount of VND 50 million | (020)39 159159 | 0626157159 a sievPnoverihamencom & otriahonescon/ ASTERI Khach hang s@ chuyén khoain tién dat truéc la 50 trigu 6ng/01 San Phém cho Cong ty TNHH Mi Gidi Masterise Agents ("Masterise Agents’). S6 tién dit trudc nay sé duoc chuyén thanh mot phén gid tri thanh toan Bot 1 cla San Phdm theo quy dinh tai tién. 6 thanh todn. Trong truéng hop khach hang khéng dang ky mua/thué San Phdm. hoc khong dén tham du sy kién ban hang thi khach hang s@ duge hoan lai toan bo tién dat trudc theo chinh sch clia Masterise Agents. Customers will transfer the advance amount of VND 50 million/Ol Product to Masterise Agents Agency Co, Ltd. ("Masterise Agents’). This advance amount will be converted into a portion of the I installment as specified at the payment schedule. In case the customer does not register to buy/rent the Product or does not attend the sales launch event, the customer will be refunded the full advance amount in accordance with Masterise Agents policy. 865i vol céc giao dich ban hang hang ngdy, tién dt trudc 50 trigu SB khéng dude hoan tai For daily sales, the advance amount of VND 50 million is non-refundable. 1 (028) 39159 189 | 0828 157 159 sdesOmaveraherencom — mosrithemescon/ ASTERI i TIEN [cH DU AN AMENITIES OF THE PROJECT 1. QUY BINH CHUNG GENERAL PROVISION 1. Chinh sch ban hang nay dp dung ddi véi Khu chung cu cao tang thudc 6 quy hoach 6 thudc Du dn Khu dan cu va Céng vién Phudc Thién thuéc phudng Long Binh va hung Long Thanh My, Quan 9, TP. Hé Chi Minh, Viét Nam cé tén thuong mai la Masteri Centre Point ~ sau day goi la “Dy An” hoac “Dy an Masteri Centre Point”. San pham cla Dy An sau day dude goi chung /a “San Pham" hoac "Sn Pham Dy An”, This sales policy applies for the High-rise apartment project at plot B6, Phuoc Thien Residential and Park Area Project at Long Binh and Long Thanh My Ward, District 9, Ho Chi Minh City with commercial name as Masteri Centre Point - hereinafter refered 10 as “Project” or "Masteri Centre Point Project’. The products of Project hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Product” or “Project's Product’: 2. Quy dinh vé “Dang Ky Tham Du", “Ding Ky Thanh Céng", “Ciao Dich Thanh cong” Regulation on “Participation Registration", “Successful Registration” and “Successful Transaction” 21. Bing ky Tham Dy Bang ky tham dy duge hiéu la khi khéch hang da hoan tat ky Phiéu dang ky tham dy va da hoan tat chuyén Tién B8t Truéc cho Cong ty TNHH Méi gigi Masterise Agents ("Dang Ky Tham Dy”). Participation Registration is construed that when the customer has completed the Participation Registration Form and completed the Advance Amount transfer to the Masterise Agents Agency Company Limited ("Participation Registration’) 22. Bing Ky Thanh Céng ‘Successful Registration ‘Bang ky thanh cng dude hiéu la khi khéch hang vong chon mua/thué sin phdm cla Dy An bang guyén vong, Xac nhan dang ky va da thanh toan x ‘Thanh Céng’) Successful Registration is construed that when ct aspiration registration to choose to purchase/leas| with the completion of signing the Aspiratid Registration Confirmation and completion of pay (the “Successful Registration’), | (020) 39 159159 | 0820157159 xdevBmonericmencom & osriahonescon/ ASTER iii 23. Gia Dich Thanh Cong ‘Successful Transaction Giao dich thanh céng dude hiéu la giao dich ma khach hang da hoan tat viée ky Van ban théa thuan/Hop déng mua ban/Hop déng dat thué dai han hodc vin ban c6 gid tri tuong duong va da hoan tat thanh toan t6i thiéu s6 tién Oot 1 (dim bao dat it nhat la 10% gid ban/thué da bao gém thué GTGT) theo quy dinh tai Van ban théa thuan/Hop déng mua ban/Hap déng dat thu dai han hoac van ban c6 id tri tuong ducng (“Glae Dich Thanh Céng"). The successful transaction is construed to be the transaction in which the customer has completed signing the Agreement/Sales and Purchase Agreement/Long-Term Lease Reservation Contract or an equivalent document ‘and paid the minimum amount of the first installment amount (ensuring at least 10% of the selling/rental price including VAT) as prescribed in the Agreement/Sales and Purchase Agreement/Long-Term Lease Reservation Contract or the equivalent document (the “Successful Transaction’) 1. TIEN [cH DUAN AMENITIES OF THE PROJECT Cu dan cla Dy an Masteri Centre Point duge st! dung tat ca cae dich vu va tién ich chung cua dai dé thi Vinhomes Grand Park va tra phi theo mdc phi 4p dung cho cu dan Vinhomes Grand Park (néu cé) Masteri Centre Point project's residents can use all facilities and services of the Vinhomes Grand Park and pay fee that is applicable to Vinhomes Grand Park's residents (ifany} 1 (078) 39159159 | 0826157159 eH elexBmonerihamencom & mosriahone con/

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