MAS101 Syllabus S2024 Jan5

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MAS101, 25.

101, Calculus I, Spring 2024 Syllabus

Textbook: 25 Lectures for Undergraduate Calculus I.

Registered students can download the textbook from the KLMS course site when it is open.

A. Information for lectures:

(1) Calculus I deals with the differentiation and integration of one variable function. We
assume students have taken and mastered high school-level calculus courses.
(2) There will be 25 lectures. (No class on April 10th, May 6th, May 15th.)
(3) Evaluation: Grades will be determined by the weighted total of the following. ˆ Final
Exam: 45% ˆ Midterm Exam: 35% ˆ Quiz: 15% ˆ Attendance: 5%
(4) If the final score is less than 25% out of 100%, it is a fail (F).
(5) The topics of each lectures are as follows:

Part I Differentiation: Mathematical Description of Motion

1 Limit and continuity #1
2 Limit and continuity #2
3 Differentiation
4 Chain rule and implicit differentiation
5 Integration & fundamental theorem of calculus
6 Inverse functions and their derivatives

Part II Kepler and Newton’s Laws of Motion

7 Rectangular coordinate system and curves in R3
8 Polar coordinates in R2
9 Differential Equations
10 Newton’s law on Earth
11 Newton’s law in space: Two-body problem
12 Kepler’s law and applications
(The midterm exam covers up to the 12th lecture.)

Part III The Arts of Calculus

13 Curves and particle trajectories in R3
14 Linearization and differentials
15 Inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
16 L’Hopital’s rule, Big O, and little o
17 Integration Techniques #1 (Substitution, Integration by parts)
18 Integration Techniques #2 (Trigonometric substitution, Rational functions)
19 Integration Techniques #3 (Improper integrals, Integration with software)

Part IV Approximation Techniques and Series

20 Numerical Integration
21 Sequences and Series
22 Tests for absolute convergence
23 Tests for conditional convergence
24 Power Series
25 Taylor Series and Application
(The final exam covers from the 13th to the 25th lectures.)

B. Information for TA recitation classes:

This information will be announced later in the KLMS system.

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