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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I

Second Quarter
At the end of this remedial activity, the learners are expected to:

1. describe the historical and cultural background of Afro-Latin American and popular music; (MU10APIIa-g-2
2. analyze musical characteristics of Afro-Latin American and popular music through listening activities;


Directions: Identify what is being referred to in the following sentences. Select your answer from the word pool
Form rhythm dynamics
Melody texture harmony
_________1. It refers to the loudness or softness of music.
_________2. An element of music which refers to the structure or framework of music.
_________3. It refers to the tune of a song.
_________4. It is the thinness or thickness of music.
_________5. It refers to proper blending of tones.

Directions: Read each sentence below. Choose your answer from the words in the box.

Latin American Music Nature Pop Music

Salsa Popular Music Son

_____________________6. It is the product of three major influences the Spanish-Portuguese and African.
____________________ 7. The indigenous music of Latin America was largely functional in___________.
_____________________8. It means “music of the populace”.
_____________________9. In the 20th century, the popular music is known as ____________.
_____________________10. A fusion of the popular music or canciones (songs) of Spain and the African rumba rhythms
of Bantu origin.
Activity 2: Check or X
Directions: Put a  if the statement is correct then x if it is wrong.
_____11. Passo doble contains themes centering love, women, longing, nature, and youthfulness.
_____12. Foxtrot is music that was popularized by antonio carlos jobim.
_____13. Reggae music was popularized by bob marley.
_____14. Samba is a social dance that originated in usa and was executed as a one step, two step and syncopated
rhythmic pattern.
_____15. Tango is an arrogant and dignified with a duple meter and march-like character .

Activity 3: Classification
Directions: Classify the following African Musical Instruments:
African Musical Instruments Classification of Musical Instruments
_____16. Atingting kon A. Aerophones
_____17. Balafon B. Chordophones
_____18. Talking Drum C. Idiophones
_____19. Kora D. Lamellaphones
_____20. Trumpet E. Membranophones
_____21. Mbira
_____22. Flutes
_____23. Reed Pipes
_____24. Lute
_____25. Djembe

Activity 4: Guess me!

Directions: Name the following instruments in each picture.

26.__________ 27. _______________ 28. ________________29. ________________ 30. _________________

Activity 5a: Match Match
Directions: Match column a with column b.

Column A Column B
______31. The Natives Were Found To Be Using Local Drum And A. Afro-Latin American Music
Percussion Instruments. B. Euro-Latin American Music
______32. Danceable Rhythms, Passionate Melodies, And Exotic C. Indigenous Latin American Music
Harmonies D. Mixed American Music
______33.Rich And Varied Rhythmic Patterns Produced By Drums And E. Popular Latin American Music
Various Percussion Instruments.
______34. Melodies Of The Renaissance Period Were Used.
______35. Rich Combinations Of Musical Elements.

Activity 5b: Match Me!

Directions: Match column a with column b.
Column a Column b
_______36. It contained a Western style a. Bob Marley
melodic –harmonic base with b. Bossa Nova
African sounds and characteristics. ` c. Tom Jobim
_______37. Philippine Queen of Bossa Nova d. Sitti Navarro
_______38. a Brazilian composer who became e. Reggae
famous for his song DESAFINADO
_______39. It is ideal for easy and relaxed listening, conducive to romantic dates and quite moments at lounges.
_______40. A Jamaican singer-songwriter, musician and guitarist

Activity 5: Guess Who?

Directions: Identify who sing the given music in each number. Write Bob Marley, Tom Jobim or Sitti

_______41. Tuneless _______46. Lively up Yourself

_______42. Para sa sakin _______47. No more trouble
_______43. Stir it up _______48. Look at the Sun
_______44. Kung di rin lang Ikaw _______49. One love
_______45. No Woman No Cry _______50. Lost in space

MAPEH Teacher

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I

ARTS – 10
Second Quarter
At the end of this remedial activity, the learners are expected to:

1. Identifies art elements in the technology-based production arts. (A10EL-IIb-1)

2. Identifies distinct characteristics of arts in the 21st century in terms of production; and functionality range of
audience reach. (A10EL-IIa-2)
3. explain the role or function of artworks by evaluating their utilization and combination of art elements and
principles (A10PL-Ih-2)

Activity 1: FACT or BLUFF

Directions: Write F if the statement is true and write B if the statement is false.
______1. Technology-based art allows communication between the artist and the audience.
______2. Digital art has the same characteristics with traditional art.
______3. Elements of art are indispensable factors that also affect technology-based art.
______4. The use of lightness and darkness of color, shading, and highlighting in an artwork is value.
______5. Vincent Raphael Aseo is the co-director of the animated film inside-out and an animator in Warner Bros.
Activity 2: Multiple Choice
Directions: Choose the letter of your answer.
____6. What function of art pertains to one’s perspective and something humans must do by their very nature and
beyond utility?
A. Avant-Garde C. Motivated Function
B. Communication D. Non-Motivated Function
____7. Illustrative arts, maps, signages and directions are examples of what motivated function of art?
A. Avant-Garde C. Arts as a “free-zone”
B. Communication D. Arts for Social Cause
____8. What function of art usually raises awareness on the different issues in the surrounding?
A. Art as entertainment C. Art for Medical Purposes
B. Art for Social Cause D. Art for Propaganda and Commercialism
____9. “Patalastas” is a specific example of what function of art?
A. Communication C. Art for Social Cause
B. Art as entertainment D. Art for Propaganda and Commercialism
____10.T’nalak, abel, pisyabit and other textiles are examples of what non-motivated function of arts?
A. Expression of imagination
B. Expression of the mysterious
C. Ritualistic and symbolic function
D. Basic human instinct for harmony, balance, and rhythm

____11. Which statement is true about the use of technology-based art in relation to history, culture and
C. It gives reason to the major events of the past.
A. It uses digital images of people. D. It provides digital visual representations of the
B. It works with technology based on history. past events.
____12. All are examples of technology-based art to derive history, culture, and traditions except _________________.
A. digital painting
B. mobile phone art
C. abstract graphics
D. digital photography
____13. Which best describes the picture ABOVE?
A. distinction of digital art from traditional art
B. historical animation of Philippine legendary D. preservation of artistic ingenuity of the Filipino
heroine historian
C. presentation of Philippine traditional dance in animation
____14. All are uses of technology-based art in deriving history, culture, and tradition except _________________.
A. providing visual representations of the past on a digital form
B. educating people with the information gathered in the past with graphical facts
C. preserving ideas, experiences, happenings, and scenic structures through visual arts
D. promoting beauty of natural landscapes, structures and people’s tradition through digital photography and
_____15.Which digital artwork shows Philippine traditions?

A. ` C.

B. D.

____16. Which of the statements is TRUE about artworks in the 21st century?
A. Technology-based art is the only concern of 21st century artworks.
B. Artworks are made using advance brushes and paints in a high-quality canvass.
C. Artworks in the 21st century follow certain standard of color, size, subject and expression.
D. Artist uses technology like computers and cameras in creating, manipulating, and reproducing artwork.
____17. You learned from your previous lessons that classicism in art is all about harmony, balance, and sense of
proportion, whereas artworks in the 21st century is different. What is the notable characteristic of the 21 st century
A. It seeks to bring out the emotion rather than reality.
B. It lacks uniformity and not a single organizing principle.
C. It uses thin brush strokes and emphasizes on accurate depiction of light.
D. It focuses on the idea that progress in science and technology, economics and social organizations are
important and vital in the development of mankind.
____18.What type of art makes use of electric and mechanical devices in producing image and effects instead of using
brushes or the artist’s hand?
A. Digital Art
B. Modern Art
C. Installation Art
D. Conceptual Art
____19. What do you call the process of cutting or removing the outside areas of an image?
A. Editing
B. Framing
C. Cropping
D. Installation Art
__20Which of the following computer applications is used in image generation and manipulation?
A. Adobe Reader
B. Adobe Premier
C. Adobe Lightroom
D. Adobe After Effects
ivity 3: Matching Type:
Directions: Match Column B with Column A.


________21. A creative device that allows you to generate original works of a. DSLR
rts from an entire range of purposes. b. Mobile Phone
________22. It is a new-generation model known as android tablets, c. Photo Grid
hones, and combination of both. d. Phablets
e. Doodle Booth
_______23. It is an application for android phones that allows you to
make collage out of images from your photo gallery. f. Pic Monkey
_______24. This is an application for taking photos and videos using an g. Photo booth
Pad or iPad mini.
_______25. It is a photo editing tool that provides filters, frames, text, and
ffects to manipulate your images.
ivity 4: Modified True or False
Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Write True if the statement is correct. If it is false, pick out the word that
makes the sentence wrong then write the correct answer. (2 pts each)
_________26. Flipagram is a downloadable application that allows you to bring your photos to life and short videos
set to music of your choice.
_________27. Pic monkey is photo editing, image creation and graphic design software which provides many image
editing features for raster (pixel based) images as well as vector graphics.
________28. Stencyl video game development tool allows users to create 2D video games for computers, mobile
devices, and the web.
________29. Photoshop is a photo-editing application for iOS and Android produced by Nik Software, now owned by
Google. It enables users to enhance photos and apply digital filters and save users' editing history and redirect to
any of the actions before. It can also create and save filter combinations by using the default filters and editing
_______30. Game maker is a computer program for the Windows Operating System. It lets people make computer
games without knowing a computer programming language.

MAPEH Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I

Second Quarter

At the end of this quarter, the learners are expected to:

1. Assesses physical activity, exercise and eating habits (PE10PF-IIa-h-39)

2. engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes a day in and out of school (PE10PF-Ib-h-

Activity I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Write the letter that corresponds to your answer in a given statement.
_____1. People who lead sedentary lifestyles are often referred to as
a. couch potatoes b. athletes
c. physically fit d. low-health-risk people
_____2. Your body composition is influenced by which of the following?
a. genetics b. age
c. gender d. all of the above
_____3. Which of the following would not be a benefit of walking?
a. helps with weight management c. lowers blood pressure
b. it is a high impact exercise d. builds aerobic fitness
_____4. How can one maintain an ideal body weight?
a. Follow the latest diet fads
b. Believe in the power of your genes
c. Balance the amount of food you eat with regular physical activity
d. Consult a doctor about an effective diet pill that you can take
_____5. What term/s describe/s the use of barbells, and machines to improve fitness, health and appearance?
a. body building b. strength and conditioning
c. weight training d. weight lifting
_____6. Carbohydrates, fat, protein, and water are called_______because they are needed in relatively large amounts
a. Nutrients b. Macronutrients
c. Micronutrients d. Malnutrients
_____7.An example of a behavior modification technique for weight control is
a. Always clean your plate when you eat.
b. have someone criticize you if you overeat.
c. feel guilty after you overeat.
d. keep a record of your eating habits to see what situations cause ou to overeat.
_____8. This type of fat distribution is not as risky for development of chronic diseases.
a. Lower-body obesity b. Upper-body obesity
c. Waste line obesity d. None of these
_____9. Reasons that aging adults are prone to weight gain include
a. Sedentary lifestyle b. Slower metabolism
c. Loss of lean body mass d. All of these choices are correct
_____10. A low fat diet restricts daily total fat intake to least__________% of daily calories.
_____13. Which of the following signs or symptoms is not a characteristic of bulimia?
A. Depressed moods C. Lack of concern about weight
B. Habit of visiting the bathroom immediately after meals D. Noticeable weight loss or gain Habit of
visiting the bathroom immediately after meals
______14. Which of the following is an example of a passive warm-up exercise?
A. Toe touch B. Basketball lay-ups C. Reading Wattpad D. Walk around the
______15. People who are physically active throughout their lives may add about ____year(s) to their life
A. 1 B. 2 C. 2.5 D. 2.75
______16. Mr. Singao is invited to talk on how to prevent diseases and live a healthy and quality life. What
would be the focus of his talk?
A. Environment where the family lives C. Health background of the family
B. Lifestyle and behavior of the family D. Nutrition, and physical activity of the
_______17. Which of the following food groups is recommended?
A. Fats B. Oils C. Sweets D. Vegetables
_____18. Which of the following is not a benefit of Yoga Exercises?
A. It decreases anxiety and depression C. It is a good form of meditation.
B. It improves posture and balance D. Builds aerobic fitness.
_____ 19. What do we call the “Bad Cholesterol”?
A. Low -density Cholesterol (LDL)
B. High-density Cholesterol (HDL)
C. Moderate- density Cholesterol
D. Fast-density Cholesterol
_____ 20. What do we call the “Good Cholesterol”?
A. Low -density Cholesterol (LDL)
B. High-density Cholesterol (HDL)
C. Moderate- density Cholesterol
D. Fast-density Cholesterol

Activity 2: TRUE or FALSE

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.
_________21.The low-fat, high fiber approach is the most effective for long-term weight loss.
_________22. You should eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods according to your FITT Principle.
_________23. Statistics show that people who practice healthy eating live longer.
_________24. Your daily food selection should include bread, meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods.
_________25. Excess body fat Adult may not increase your chances for high blood pressure, stroke and other illness.
_________26. Adults who eat high-fat meats at every meal are probably eating in a healthy way.
_________27. Eating moderate portions is suggested by doctors.
_________28. You should eat fruit only once a week.
_________29. One of the benefits of walking is Lowers blood pressure.
_________30. Recreational activities teaches negative conflict resolution skills.

MAPEH Teacher

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I

Second Quarter
At the end of this remedial activity, the learners are expected to:

1. discuss the existing health related laws (H10HC-11a-1)

2. explain the significance of the existing health-related laws in safeguarding people's health. (H10HC-IIb-2)
3. critically analyzes the impact of current health trends, issues, and concerns (H10HC-IIc-d-4)

Activity 1: Identification
Directions: Identify the policy being described in each number. Choose from the box the letter of the correct answer
in the table.
a. Consumer Act
b. Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act
c. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act
d. Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act
e. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
f. Tobacco Regulation Act
g. Cybercrime Prevention Act
h. Anti-Child Pornography Act
i. National Blood Services Act
j. Anti-Hazing Law
k. National Environmental Awareness and Education Act
l. Seat Belts Use Act
m. Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law

Letter of the Description of the Policy

1. Provides for the inclusion of environmental education programs in various
national institutions.
2. Supervises the legal production of cigarettes in the country.
3. Provides assistance for the prevention and control of AIDS
4. Provides the regulation of products and services being sold and offered in the
5. Describes the blood donation program in the country
6. Prohibits physical and emotional harm and abuse as initiation to a certain
social group
7. Penalizes vehicle drivers who are under the influence of drugs and alcohol
8. Provides for the regulation of narcotic and other related substances being
sold/imported in the country
9. Identifies scientifically proven herbs as medicinal plants
10. Penalizes vehicle users who will not wear safety belts while on the roads

Activity 2: TRUE or FALSE

Direction: Write T if it is according to the policy, and F if NOT.
_____11. A person with HIV/AIDS is allowed to donate blood, tissues, or organs.
_____12. People with HIV/AIDS are not allowed to avail services provided by public hospitals because infection might
_____13. Medical personnel treat a person with HIV/AIDS with utmost confidentiality.
_____14. The AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998 promotes discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS.
_____15. Pre- and post-test counseling sessions are given to those who undergo HIV testing in accredited centers.
_____16. HIV testing is not compulsory and required.
_____17. AIDSWATCH monitors the incidences of HIV infection in the country and write reports about it.
_____18. A patient’s case is still confidential even if there is an interference by a court.
_____19. The Philippine National Aids Council manages the HIV testing in various accredited centers.
_____20. A person with HIV/AIDS is not allowed to travel abroad.

Activity 3: Multiple Choice:

Direction: Read and analyze the items below. Choose the correct answer in the given question. Write the letter only.
_____21. Which of the following act refers to the Consumer Act of the Philippines?
A. R.A. No. 7394
B. R.A. No. 8423
C. R.A. No. 103521
D. R.A. No. 8504
_____22. Which of the following is not a medicinal plant?
A. Ampalaya
B. Lagundi
C. Makahiya
D. Bayabas
______23. What state of mental, physical and social well-being in all matters relating at all stages of life?
A. Reproductive System
B. Reproduction Health
C. Responsible Parenthood
D. Reproductive Health
______24. What pillars of foundation recognizer the abortion is illegal and punishable by law?
A. Informed choice
B. Respect for life
C. Birth control
D. Responsible parenthood
______25. When was R.A. No. 8504 passed by the congress?
A. July 28, 1997
B. July 10, 19997
C. July 16, 1997
D. July 30, 1997
_____26. The law mandates the prohibition of cybersex,and unsolicited commercial communications..
A. R.A 10175 C .R.A. 8949
B. R.A. 9775 D.R.A. 9512
_____27. The act penalizes those who will go too far during initiation rites.
A. R.A 10175 C .R.A. 8949
B. R.A. 9775 D.R.A. 9512
_____28. It defines the crime of child pornography.
A. R.A 10175 C. R.A. 8949
B. R.A. 9775 D .R.A. 9512
_____29. The act promotes environmental awareness through environmental education.
A. R.A 10175 C. R.A. 8949
B. R.A. 9775 D .R.A. 9512
_____30. It penalizes those who will caught driving under the influence of alcohol.
A. R.A.8750 C.R.A. 7719
B. R.A. 10586 D.R.A. 9775

Activity 4: Fill in the blank

Direction: Read each statement below carefully and fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

31. _________________ protects citizens from the harmful effects of dangerous drugs.
32. _________________ refers to a computer or a computer network or which online communication takes place.
33._________________ is an agency of the government that integrate environmental education in their curricula.
34. _________________ is very dangerous and proven to have killed may lives.
35. ________________ is defined as a state of mental, physical and social well
being in all matters relating to reproductive system at all stages of life.

MAPEH Teacher

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