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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for

the award of degree of

Bachelor of Business administration

Session 2021-2024

Under the supervision of: Submitted By:


This is to certify that I YOGESH student of Aravali College of engineering and management
studying in BBA(GEN.) 6th Semester, Roll No. – 21011301056 has prepared a project report
fulfillment of degree of Bachelor of Business Administration from YMCA University,

I hereby declare that the project report submitted to the YMCA University, is a record of an
original work done by me under the guidance of DR. YOGITA SHAWNEY of BBA

The matter presented in this project work has not been submitted by me for the award of any
Degree or diploma/ associationship / fellowship and similar degree or any other institute.

(Signature of the Candidate

Roll No- 21011301056

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Gratitude of highest order is expressed to Dr.YOGITA SHAWNEY (Head & Associate

Professor) for encouragement and support during my project. His care, endless support and trust
motivate me for opportunity to achieve. This project could not be completed without his insight
and achieve.

I am neither expert nor a trend spotter. I am a management student with foundations of

management principles and theories who is keen in different industries, it's happening mainly in
Hero Motocorp Ltd.




Chapter number Topic Pages

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1.1) Introduction to the Industry 5-6 Pages

15-20 Pages
1.2) Introduction to the Company
15-20 Pages
1.3) Introduction to the Topic



3.1) Research methodology 10-12 Pages

3.2] Research design

3.3) Primary Data

3.4] Sampling design

3.5] Sample size

Sec A - Objectives

Sec B – Resaerch plan



5.1) Findings 5-6 Pages

Page | 3
5.2] Reccomendation

5.3] limitations

5.4) Conclusion

5.5] Reference



Chapter 1

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In bike markets India has the world second biggest Market (after China). In India consistently
sold almost 3-lakh engine cycle. The bike business is among the not many that have Managed to
confront the modern back off. The business' noteworthy development of more than 10% for
multi year till 2006-07. In any case, in 2007-08 there was a drop in farming yield. Be that as it
may, a lift comes in the sixth Pay commission suggestion. Following quite a while of reviling
along at genuinely casual pace, bike industry has at last ventured on the accelater and influenced
its path convenient in to the primary path. All the significant players in the market including
work after some time to snatch cut of bike pie as would be prudent, the market is all of a sudden
thundering for activity. The greater part of them like BAJAJ AUTO, HERO HONDA, TVS,
LML, KINETIC, YAMAHA are including of their current range by launchingnew condition of
workmanship item to meet rivalry head on. As we probably am aware now a days saint bikes is
on inclining and furthermore legend Honda is isolated from each other under their agreement day
and age now saint makes bicycle and most acclaimed bicycle of saint is splendor+ .The bikes
because of which the organization is well known now daily.
. Hero Honda Rebranding to Hero Motocorp.

The year 2010 denoted the finish of one of the world's best corporate relational unions – Hero
Honda and a fresh start for The Munjals of the Hero Cycles Ltd. In 1984, the two firms shared a
typical conviction that India with its blossoming populace, low per capita salary and chaotic
open transport framework, would need parsimonious methods for individual transportation.
Legend with its inborn learning of offering items in India was the boss in Sales and Marketing
and Honda was the undisputed pioneer in bike advancements around the world. Following 26
long periods of sharing innovation to make the most conservative and fuel proficient cruisers for
the Indian customers, Honda Motors chose to move out of the joint wander.This divorce enables
the Hero Group to export its motorcycles to other nations which was not possible earlier and
brings us to an exciting birth of a new brand – Hero MotoCorp

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The world's biggest maker of bikes by volume deals for nine continuous years since 2001and one
of The Forbes 200 Most Respected Companies on the planet – Hero Honda has made
considerable progress. With a huge 5 million in number shopper base and in excess of 20 million
bikes on Indian streets, Hero Honda genuinely moved toward becoming Desh Ki Dhadkan with
DhakDhak picture contacting the hearts and strings of everybody the country over. Rebranding
this huge a brand would be a mammoth errand with a specific end goal to move out of the form
of Hero Honda and ride into more up to date and diverse skylines. The Hero Group restricted in
London-based Wolff Olins - a worldwide brand and development master, to take a shot at its
new personality including the brand design, mark name, mark logo and brand situating with a
hidden subject of Creation, Renewal and Re-invigorating the brand. The whole re-marking
activity would include a steady shrinkage of brand Honda and place Brand 'Saint' on the entirety

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of its items by 2014.

The new logo demonstrates the letter 'H' in capital with a reasonable white foundation alongside
'Legend' composed underneath in Red. The dark shading in the logo remains for strength and
superiority while the Red gives a sentiment of vitality, enthusiasm, and certainty. To speak to
'Saint' in 3D, the logo even has a triangle, trapezoid and a parallelogram in the primary letter of
its name. The sharp edges portray style, building and advancement. The new logo is intended to
identify with the young and their 'can do' soul.

Indian Two-Wheeler Industry

The Indian bike (2W) industry recorded deals volumes of 3.4 million units in Q3, 2011-121, a
development of 11.0% (YoY) however level (QoQ). In spite of the fact that the YoY volume
development of the business stayed in twofold digits, the pace of development amid the last
quarter was at its most reduced apparatus over the most recent three years. The deceleration in
development was contributed primarily by the cruisers section which developed at a much lower
rate of 9.2% (YoY) in Q3, 2011-12; even as the bikes fragment kept on posting 20%+ (YoY)
extension. Generally speaking, ICRA expects the household 2W industry to report a volume
development of ~13% in 2013-14as we anticipate that development will blur advance in Q4,
2011-122 because of base impact.

In a situation where the northward development of swelling, fuel costs and loan costs has been
the adversary of the Indian car industry everywhere, the 2W business has been the strongest
reflected in its sound volume development of 15.0% (YoY) in 9m, 2011-12. The development
has been upheld by different auxiliary positives related with the household 2W industry
including great statistic profile, direct 2W entrance levels (in connection to a few other
developing markets), immature open transport framework, developing urbanization and expected
solid substitution request, other than direct offer of financed buys. ICRA expects these qualities,
combined with the OEMs' pushed on trades, to help the 2W business to report a volume CAGR

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of 10-12% over the medium term to achieve a size of 21-23 million units (local + sends out) by

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Trend in Sales Volumes of the Indian 2W Industry

Although the YoY volume growth of the industry remained in double digits, the pace of growth
during the last quarter was at its lowest gear in the last three years. In an environment where the
increase in inflation, fuel prices and interest rates has been the archenemy of growth in the Indian
automobile industry at large, the 2W industry has been the most tough and was reflected in its
vigorous volume growth.

A look on the volumes of major 2-wheeler OEMs -

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There is by all accounts an early blend move in progress - favoring bikes over bicycles
(advantageous to Honda) and favoring official portion over premium (benefits Hero over
Bajaj) has been seen. While development in bikes seems basic (driven by interest of the
bike as a vehicle that cuts crosswise over sexual orientation and age inclinations), while the
development in official portion seems repeating as purchasers shy away from high fuel
costs and downshift to more fuel proficient items. A long haul pattern of shoppers inclining
toward premium bicycles should continue – volumes ought to recuperate, however timing
will stay indeterminate - possibly in FY14, yet conceivably after that as well.

Piece of the overall industry Trends

The Indian bikes portion keeps on being ruled by Hero MotoCorp which has kept up its
piece of the overall industry at more than 55% in the residential cruisers fragment in the
course of the last five quarters. The best three players represented 89.5% of the business'
volumes in Q3, 2013-14(92.0% of every 2007-08), with Honda Motorcycles recovering its
spot as the third biggest player, a position which it had missed out to TVS in the past
quarter subsequent to having held it since Q4, 2009-10. In the 75-125cc fragment of
cruisers (that spoke to 71% of aggregate bikes deals volumes in 9m, 2011-12), Hero
MotoCorp keeps on being a solid market pioneer with an offer of 74.2% of every 9m, 2013-
14(70.4% out of 9m, 2010-11). In the >125cc portion of bikes, while Bajaj Auto keeps on
representing about a large portion of the section's volumes (49.1% out of 9m, 2011-12),
Yamaha has been the quickest developing having enhanced its piece of the overall industry
from 8.1% of every 9m, 2010-11 to 10.1% of every 9m, 2011-12.

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1.2 Introduction of Topic
Customer Satisfaction

Definition of Customer Satisfaction

Kotler (1997) defines customer satisfaction as follows:
“Satisfaction is a person's feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a
Product’s perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations. ”

Consumer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how items and administrations provided
by an organization meet or outperform client desire. It is viewed as a key execution marker
inside business and is a piece of the four of a Balanced Score card .In an aggressive commercial
center where organizations seek clients, consumer loyalty is viewed as a key differentiator and
progressively has turned into a key component of business methodology.

No business can exist without clients. In the matter of Website configuration, it's essential to
work intimately with your clients to ensure the webpage or framework you make for them is as
near their prerequisites as you can oversee. Since it's important that you frame a nearby working
association with your customer, client benefit is of fundamental significance. What takes after
are a choice of tips that will influence your customers to feel esteemed, needed and cherished.

They are: The essential components of the item or administration, fundamental help benefits, a
recuperation procedure for checking awful encounters, and uncommon administration. There are
numerous meanings of the key components of the administrations, however this one is viewed as
proper with regards to mind or after deals administrations.

Fulfillment is a component of saw execution and desire. In the event that the execution
coordinates the desires the client is fulfilled. In the event that the execution surpasses the desire
the client is exceptionally fulfilled and charmed. On the off chance that the execution does not
coordinate the desires the client is disappointed. Fulfillment is a man's sentiments of delight of
disillusionment coming about for looking at an items saw execution (out-come) in connection t
his/her desire. The connection between consumer loyalty and client faithfulness is relative.

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Suppose customer satisfaction is rated on a scale from 1 – 5. At a very low levels of customer

Level-1, customers are likely to abandon.

Level-2 to 4, customers are fairly satisfied but still find tit easy to switch when a better offer
comes along.

Level-5, the customer is very likely to repurchase an even spread good word of mouth about the
The way to producing high client dependability is to convey high client esteem. An
organization's incentive is substantially more than it's situating on a solitary property. The
majority of the effective organizations are raising desires and conveying exhibitions to
coordinate. These organizations are going for TCS – Total Customer Satisfaction. Consumer
loyalty is both an objective and an advertising apparatus. Organizations that accomplish high
consumer loyalty evaluations ensure that their objective market is known.
After deals bolster administration framework is separated of ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
arrangement managing the help module after the offers of item. It makes a propelled domain to
the association, which are in to specialized help after deals e.g. Organizations offering electronic
products and engine vehicles and so on.

Estimating consumer loyalty

Associations need to hold existing clients while focusing on non-clients;. Estimating consumer
loyalty gives a sign of how effective the association is at giving items or potentially
administrations to the commercial center.
Consumer loyalty is a dynamic idea and the real sign of the condition
of fulfillment will change from individual to individual and item/administration to item/benefit.
The condition of fulfillment relies upon various both mental and physical factors which
correspond with fulfillment practices, for example, return and prescribe rate. The level of
fulfillment can likewise fluctuate contingent upon different variables the client, for example,
different items against which the client can analyze the association's items.

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Selling of any product, there is needed to build relationship with customer. For building a
Relationship there is need for knowing the customer behaviour and how will be they satisfied?

This project is undertaken to know the customer behaviour & satisfaction level for HERO
MOTOCORP. in KADIAN AUTOMOBILES at . Also through this project get awareness that
which factors affect on the selling of bike mainly in the rural area. Because the area where
project was undergoing, it is almost rural area and most population income depends on
agriculture or its products. There were a few restrictions while doing the task. The information
was gathered by individual meetings of the respondents. It was extremely testing to top off the
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survey as the vast majority of the populace returns from rustic ground. As it was the country
region we should clarify every single inquiry of the poll. Additionally a considerable lot of them
didn't demonstrate any enthusiasm for filling polls..

This examination will help HERO MOTOCORP. to know the most famous path by which they
are giving administrations and quality to the clients and to know different clients Perceptions.

From the examination, we found that, the clients were exceptionally happy with the items and
administration of HERO MOTOCORP.., however there were a few objections in regards to after
deals administration and staff of HERO MOTOCORP..

It was discovered that HERO MOTOCORP. Engine cycle is having a decent brand picture in the
market. A large portion of the respondents considered HERO MOTOCORP. showroom is a
standout amongst other spots to buy of Motor cycle.

The present is the period of client Customers are more learned than any other time in recent
memory and in light of the fact that the client is more educated, organizations must be speedier,
more deft and more innovative than couple of years prior. So organizations should endeavor to
upgrade consumer loyalty through knowing their assumptions about items.

Legend MOTOCORP ought to enhance their after deals bolster, and have proficient care staff.
Likewise HERO MOTOCORP should expand the scope of its objectives.

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HERO MOTOCORP. is the World's single largest two-wheeler motorcycle company.

Honda Motor Company of Japan and the Hero Group entered a joint venture to setup Hero
Honda Motors Limited in 1984. The joint venture between India's Hero Group and Honda Motor
Company, Japan has not only created the world's single largest two wheeler company but also
one of the most successful joint ventures worldwide.

HERO MOTOCORP. Ltd. formerly known as Hero Honda is world’s largest Two-
Wheeler company having its registered office in India. The company started with a joint venture
between the Japanese Two Wheeler manufacturing company Honda in 1984, but in 2010 Honda
decided to move out and Hero Cycle bought their shares and became a new independent identity.

▪ the new company which was renamed HERO MOTOCORP. in August 2011 is
now the world’s largest manufacturer of two – wheeler The company has been
working intelligently and trying to utilize every opportunity to promote its new
brand identity.

The Company started with a vision of empowering India by its bikes and making it a
mobile and much more empowered country by taking it to global market with its world class
bikes In the 1980’s Hero Honda introduced low cost and fuel efficient bikes in India. The
Japanese technology which came from their Japanese partner “Honda” in the Hero motorcycles
made it a huge hit in Indian market. The company continued to use the same technology till they
parted ways with Honda. The company offers wide range of two wheelers including motorcycles
and scooter

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With its three manufacturing plants located at Haridwar, Gurgaon and Dharuhera, Hero churns
out approx 3 million bikes in a year. Not only in manufacturing the company is a real “hero” in
customer service also with a huge network of about 3000 dealerships and service centers across


➢ 1983
▪ Joint Collaboration Agreement with Honda Motor Co. Ltd. Japan signed.
▪ Shareholders Agreement signed.
➢ 1984
▪ Hero Honda Motors Ltd. Incorporated.
➢ 1985
▪ First motorcycle 'CD 100' rolled out.
➢ 1987
▪ 100,000th motorcycle produced.

➢ 1989
▪ New motorcycle model - 'Sleek' introduced.
➢ 1991

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▪ New motorcycle model - 'CD 100 SS' introduced.
▪ 500,000th motorcycle produced.
➢ 1992
▪ Raman Munjal Vidya Mandir inaugurated -A School in the memory of founder
Managing Director, Mr. Raman Kant Munjal.
➢ 1994
▪ New motorcycle model - 'Splendor' introduced.
▪ 1,000,000th motorcycle produced.
➢ 1997
▪ New motorcycle model - 'Street' introduced.
▪ Hero Honda's 2nd manufacturing plant at Gurgaon inaugurated.
➢ 1998
▪ 2,000,000th motorcycle produced.
➢ 1999
▪ New motorcycle model - 'CBZ' introduced.
▪ Environment Management System of Dharuhera Plant certified with ISO-14001
by DNV Holland.
▪ Raman Munjal Memorial Hospital inaugurated - A Hospital in the memory of
founder Managing Director, Mr. Raman Kant Munjal.
➢ 2000
▪ 4,000,000th motorcycle produced.
▪ Environment Management System of Gurgaon Plant certified ISO-14001 by DNV
▪ Splendor declared 'World No. 1' - largest selling single two-wheeler model.
▪ 'Hero Honda Passport Programme' - CRM Programme launched.

➢ 2001
▪ New motorcycle model - 'Passion' introduced.
▪ One million production in one single year .
▪ New motorcycle model - 'Joy' introduced.
▪ 5,000,000th motorcycle produced.

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➢ 2002
▪ Becomes the first Indian Company to cross the cumulative 7 million sales mark .
▪ Splendor has emerged as the World's largest selling model for the third calendar
year in a row(2000, 2001, 2002).
▪ New motorcycle model - 'CD Dawn' introduced, New motorcycle model -
'Splendor +'introduced, New motorcycle model - 'Passion Plus' introduced, New
motorcycle model -'Karizma' introduced.
➢ 2004
▪ New motorcycle model - 'Ambition 135' introduced.
▪ Hero Honda became the World No. 1 Company for the third consecutive year.
▪ Crossed sales of over 2 million units in a single year, a global record.
▪ Splendor - World's largest selling motorcycle crossed the 5 million mark .
▪ New motorcycle model - 'CBZ' introduced.
▪ Joint Technical Agreement renewed.
▪ Total sales crossed a record of 10 million motorcycles.
➢ 2005
▪ Hero Honda is the World No. 1 for the 4th year in a row.
▪ New motorcycle model - 'Super Splendor' introduced, New motorcycle model -
'CD Deluxe' introduced New motorcycle model - 'Glamour' introduced, New
motorcycle model - 'Achiever' introduced.
▪ First Scooter model from Hero Honda - 'Pleasure' introduced.
➢ 2006
▪ Hero Honda is the World No. 1 for the 5th year in a row.
▪ 15 million production milestone achieved.
➢ 2007
▪ Hero Honda is the World No. 1 for the 6th year in a row.
▪ New 'Splendor NXG' launched.
▪ New 'CD Deluxe' launched.
▪ New 'Passion Plus' launched.
▪ New motorcycle model 'Hunk' launched.
▪ 20 million production milestone achieved.

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➢ 2008
▪ Hero Honda Haridwar Plant inauguration.
▪ New 'Pleasure' launched.
▪ Splendor NXG launched with power start feature.
▪ New motorcycle model 'Passion Pro' launched.
▪ New 'CBZ Xtreme' launched.
▪ 25 million production milestone achieved.
▪ CD Deluxe launched with power start feature.
▪ New 'Glamour' launched.
▪ New 'Glamour Fi' launched.

➢ 2009
▪ Hero Honda GoodLife Program launched Hunk' (Limited Edition) launched.
▪ Splendor completed 11 million production landmark .
▪ New motorcycle model 'Karizma - ZMR' launched.
▪ Silver jubilee celebrations.
➢ 2010
▪ New model Splendor Pro launched.
▪ Launch of new Super Splendor and New Hunk.
➢ 2011
▪ New licensing arrangement signed between Hero and Honda.
▪ Launch of new refreshed versions of Glamour, Glamour FI, CBZ Xtreme,
▪ Crosses the landmark figure of 5 million cumulative sales in a single year .july 29,
2011 - Hero Honda Motors changed its name to HERO MOTOCORP.
followingthe exit of its erstwhile Japanese promoter, Honda, from the
company.hero Honda is now HERO MOTOCORP.

On 11 sept. 2011 the name of company was enhanced to HERO MOTOCORP.

Ltd. From Hero Honda Motors and its known as HERO MOTOCORP. Ltd.

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HERO MOTOCORP. Ltd. (In the past Hero Honda Motors Ltd.) is the world's biggest producer
of two – wheelers ,situated in India.

In 2001, the Company accomplished the pined for position of being the biggest bike fabricating
Company in India and furthermore, the 'World No.1' bike Company as far as unit volume deals
in a date-book year. HERO MOTOCORP. Ltd. keeps on keeping up this situation till date.


The story started with a straightforward vision – the vision of a portable and an enabled India,
controlled by its bicycles. HERO MOTOCORP. Ltd., organization's new character, mirrors its
responsibility towards furnishing world class portability arrangements with reestablished center
around extending organization's impression in the worldwide field.


HERO MOTOCORP's. central goal is to wind up a worldwide undertaking satisfying its clients'
needs and desires for versatility, setting benchmarks in innovation, styling and quality with the
goal that it changes over its clients into its image advocates. The Company will give a
connecting with condition to its kin to perform to their actual potential. It will proceed with its
attention on esteem creation and continuing associations with its partne₹


HERO MOTOCORP's. key systems are to assemble a vigorous item portfolio crosswise over
classifications, investigate development openings all inclusive, constantly enhance its operational
effectiveness, forcefully grow its range to clients, keep on investing in mark building exercises
and guarantee client and investor amuse
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HERO Honda bicycles are fabricated crosswise over three comprehensively benchmarked
producing offices. Two of these are based at Gurgaon and Dharuhera which are situated in the
province of Haryana in northern India. The third and the most recent assembling plant is based at
Haridwar in the slope province of Uttarakhand.


In the 1980's the Company spearheaded the presentation of fuel-proficient, condition well
disposed four-stroke bikes in the nation. It turned into the primary Company to dispatch the Fuel
Injection (FI) innovation in Indian bikes, with the dispatch of the Glamor FI in June 2006.

Its plants utilize world class gear and forms and have turned into a benchmark in leanness and
efficiency. HERO MOTOCORP., in its undertaking to remain innovation pioneer, will proceed
to improve and create bleeding edge items and procedures.


HERO Honda's item run incorporates assortment of cruisers that have set the business gauges
over all the market fragments. The Company additionally began producing bike in 2005. Saint
Honda offers expansive no. of items and takes into account wide assortment of necessities over
every one of the fragments.


The Company's development in the bike advertise in India is the consequence of an inborn
capacity to expand reach in new topographies and development markets. Legend MOTOCORP's.
broad deals and administration organize now ranges over to 5000 client contact focuses. These

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involve a blend of approved dealerships, Service and Spare Parts outlets, and merchant named
outlets the nation over.


The new Hero is rising and is ready to sparkle on the worldwide field. Organization's new
personality "Hero MOTOCORP. Ltd." Is really intelligent of its vision to fortify spotlight on
portability and innovation and making worldwide impression. Building and advancing new brand
character will be key to every one of its drives, using each opportunity and utilizing its solid
nearness crosswise over games, stimulation and ground-level enactment.

2010-11 Performance

Add up to unit offers of 54, 02,444 bikes, (development of 17.44 for every penny)

Add up to net working salary ₹ 19,401.15 Crores,[ development of 22.32 for every cent]

Net benefit after duty at ₹ 1,927.90 Crores

Add up to profit of 5250% or ₹ 105 for every offer including Interin Dividend of ₹ 70 for every
offer on confront estimation of each

Offer of ₹ 2 each

EBIDTA edge for the year 13.49 for each penny

EPS of ₹ 96.54

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The HERO MOTOCORP. GoodLife Program is designed to compliment your good life
in every way. It brings you an easy to use privilege card packed with special rewards and
benefits. And it doesn’t end here. It also provides you with a free riders’ insurance worth 1 Lakh
to ensure your peace of mind. What’s more, your HERO MOTOCORP. GoodLife Program
membership rewards you with points on all your spends. So make the best use of your card and
redeem your points for fabulous rewards!

Winner of the month-- All members enrolled in a month get a chance ot participate in an
exciting lucky draw and 4 lucky winners get a chance to win a Splendor+.

Referral Points -- Earn additional 3000 points on referring a HERO MOTOCORP. two-wheeler
to your friends-n-family members and 6000 points on upgrading your own two-wheeler.

First Transaction Benefit -- You can earn the ‘First Transaction Gift’ on your first program
transaction through the card and also earn 500 points as first transaction benefit.

Discount on Spares Accessories --Start receiving a special discount of 5 percent on the

purchase of spares and accessories on your successful enrollment and free wash coupon [with
limited validity period].

Points Earned on Money Spent --Accumulate points on the purchase of service, spares and
accessories at an authorized HERO MOTOCORP. dealership or service centre. Each rupee spent
gets translated into one point earned.

Free Rider's Personal Insurance--Get a free Personal Accidental Insurance worth ₹ 1 lakh on
your successful enrolment.

Go Green--Get 50 Green Reward points for every Pollution Under Control check of your
vehicle. Present the Pollution Under Control certificate to the dealer and earn your points.

Service Bonus --Get 100 points per service and 500 points as continuity bonus on every 6th
regular service

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Bonus Points On Birthday --Earn bonus double points for every transaction done on your
birthday and get special greetings too. *Terms & Conditions Apply

Special Value Offers --Exclusive invities to events and special value offers from our partners,
selected especially for you.

Redeem points, take home your gifts

As you continue your journey with us, you can redeem your points for fabulous gifts.




1. Sales


3.Services (pre delivery inspection, good life, extended warranty)







PRIVATE FINANCE available from--


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3. TVS






Page | 25


Show Room Service Station

Godown Incharge Floor Line Suplier Front Line suplier

Delivery bike
Mechanics Helper Wash boy
P.D.I. Incharge

Account Manager
Delivery Mechanics
Cashier Bill Booking Executive
Parts supplier

Finance Executive
Sales P.D.I. Incharge

R.T.o. Service
insInsurance Adviser Page | 26


Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be

understood as a science of study how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various
steps that are generally adopted by the researcher in studying his research problem along with the
logic behind them.

Research Design

The proposed study is of exploratory nature.

Primary Data :

Primary data i.e. collected for the first time. It is fresh and originally collected by the surveyor.

I will used only primary data in calculating the study and collect the data.

Sampling Design :

All people residing in Bhiwani in universe. People existing & Potential customer are our

Sample Size :

A sample of 100 respondents from the different locations from Bhiwani City.

Research Methodology--

Section A- - Objective

1) To know customer behaviour for purchase the HERO MOTOCORP. bikes.

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2) To identify the factor which influences on customers decision

3) To know which medium play important role for purchasing bike.

Section B-- Research Plan


Research Design- Descriptive

Research Method Used Survey

Research Technique Used Questionnaire

Data Collection (location) Shakespeare Sarani (KOL.)

Sampling Plan Convenience

Sample Size 100

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Respondent Profile--

1. Gender profile -

Table 1- Indicating gender profile of the respondents

Gender Percentage

Male 75

Female 25

Total 100


75 % of the respondents were males and

25 % of the respondents were females.
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2. Age profile -

Table 2- Indicating age profile of the respondent

Age Percentage

18-19 5

20-29 41

30-39 29

40 & above 25

Total 100

41 % of the respondents fall in the age group of below 20-29,
29 % of the respondents fall in the age group of 30-39 &
25 % of the respondents fall in the age group of 40 and above
5 % of the respondents fall in the age group of 18-19,
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3. Occupation of the respondents -
Table 3- Indicating Occupation of the respondents

Occupation Percentage

Business 43

Service 32

Students 5

Agriculture 20

Total 100


43 % of the respondents were business class,

32 % of the respondents were service class,
20 % of the respondents were agriculture sector,
5 % of the respondents were students.

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4. Income of the Respondents -

Table 4- Indicating Income of the respondents.

Income Percentage

<10,000 15

10,000-15,000 44

15,000-20,000 30

20,000 & above 11

Total 100

44 % of the respondent fall in the below 10,000 - 15,000 ,
30 % of the respondent fall in the bracket of 15,000 - 20,000 ,
15 % of the respondent fall in the bracket of <10,000,
11 % of the respondent fall in the 20,000 & above.
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1. Do you have own bike?

Population Percentage

Yes 43

No 57

Total 100


57 % respondents don’t have own bike,

43 % respondents have own bike.

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2. Which medium do you refer to purchasing bike?

Sources Percent

News paper 26

TV advertisement 24

Friends & relatives 38

Others 12

Total 100

38 % of the respondents had the knowledge through friends &relatives,
26 % of the respondents had the knowledge through newspaper,
24 % of the respondents had the knowledge through TV advertisement,
12 % of the respondents had the knowledge through others.

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3. Who is decision maker for purchasing bike in your family?
Decision maker Percent

Father 46

Mother 8

Self 42

others 4

Total 100


46 % of the respondents take decision by father for purchasing bikes,

42 % of the respondents take decision by self for purchasing bikes,
8 % of the respondents take decision by mother for purchasing bikes,
4 % of the respondents take decision by other for purchasing bikes.

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4. What is your source of finance?

Source of finance Percent

By Cash 35

By Loan 65

Total 100


65 % respondents purchasing bike by Loan,

35 % respondents purchasing bike by Cas

Page | 37
5. Which factors influence you to purchasing HERO bike?

Brand Reputation

Factor Very Most Important Least Less

important important important important

Brand 52 33 12 3 0

52 % of the respondents told that brand is very important,
33 % of the respondents told that brand is most important,
12 % of the respondents told that brand is important,
3 % of the respondents told that brand is least important,
0 % of the respondents told that brand is less important.

Page | 38

Factor More Most Important Least Less important

important important important

Style 18 34 45 3 0

45 % of the respondents told that brand is important,
34 % of the respondents told that brand is most important,
18 % of the respondents told that brand is more important,
3 % of the respondents told that brand is least important,
0 % of the respondents told that brand is less important.

Page | 39
Factor More Most Important Least Less
important important important important

COLOUR 69 28 3 0 0

69 % of the respondents told that COLOUR is more important,
28 % of the respondents told that COLOUR is most important,
3 % of the respondents told that COLOUR is important,
0 % of the respondents told that COLOUR is least important,
0 % of the respondents told that COLOUR is less important
1 Price

Page | 40
Factor More Most Important Least Less
important important important important

Price 57 34 9 0 0

57 % of the respondents told that price is more important,
34 % of the respondents told that price is most important,
9 % of the respondents told that price is important,
0 % of the respondents told that price is least important,
0 % of the respondents told that price is less important.
1 Pick up
Page | 41
Factor More Most Important Least Less
important important important important

Pick up 5 11 49 21 14

49 % of the respondents told that price is important,
21 % of the respondents told that price is least important,
14 % of the respondents told that price is less important,
11 % of the respondents told that price is most important,
5 % of the respondents told that price is more important.

Page | 42

Factor Most More Important Less Least

important important important important

Mileage 19 44 35 2 0

44 % of the respondents told that price is more important,
35 % of the respondents told that price is important,
19 % of the respondents told that price is most important,
2 % of the respondents told that price is less important,
0 % of the respondents told that price is least importan.

Page | 43
Factor More Most Important Least Less
important important important importan

Maintenance 11 15 67 7 0

67 % of the respondents told that price is important,
15 % of the respondents told that price is most important,
11 % of the respondents told that price is more important,
7 % of the respondents told that price is least important,
0 % of the respondents told that price is less important.

Page | 44


Finding of Study-

1. The study shows that 57 % respondent has already bikes.

2. The study shows that 38 % respondent had knowledge through friends & relatives.
3. The study shows that 46 % of the respondents take decision by father for purchasing
4. The study shows that 65 % respondents purchase bike by Loan.
5. Respondents told that brands 52 %, COLOUR 69 %, prices 57 % are most important.
6. Respondents told that mileage 44 % is more important.
7. Respondents told that style 45 % pick up 49%, maintenance 67 % are important.

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1. Brand is the most significant factors so while making promotional activities companies
must focus more on Brand name.
2. Company should try to use more loan facility.

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Limitations of the Study--

During conducting period this training I come across the following limitations.

• Very often responded do not express their true feelings. In such case their habit,
preference, practice cannot be assessed correctly.

• Some of the respondents refuse to give the important information best known to them.

• Lack of experience.

However in spite of these limitations all efforts have been put to make the report correct,
genuine, and fulfilling the objectives of the reports.

Page | 47
1. Mostly people getting knowledge by friend and relatives.
2. Mostly Father’s decision maker for purchasing bike in your family.
3. Mostly respondents purchased bike by Loan.
4. Mostly respondents told that Brand , COLOUR, Price are most important.
5. Mostly respondents told that mileage are more important.
6. Mostly respondents told that Style, Pick up, Maintenance are important.

Page | 48



Page | 49



1. Do you have own bike?

(a) Yes ( ) (b) No ( )

2. Which medium do you refer to purchasing bike?

(a) News paper ( ) (b) TV advertisement ( )
(d) Friends & relatives( ) (d) others ( )

3. Who is decision maker for purchasing bike in your family?

(a) Father ( ) (b) Mother ( )
(c) Self ( ) (d) other ( )

4. What is your source of finance?

(a) By cash ( ) (b) By Loan ( )

5. Which factors influences you to purchase HERO bike?

FACTOR Most More Important Less Least

important important important important

Page | 50
rand reputation
Pick up
(1=most important factor and 5=least important factor)


1. NAME- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. ADDRESS- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. GENDER - Male Female

4. AGE- 18-19 20-29 30-39 40 & Above

5. OCCUPATION- Business Service Students Agriculture

6. MONTHLY INCOME- < 10,000 10,000-15,000

(in rupees)
15,000-20,000 20,000 & above

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