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xiv) A direct warping machine produces 8 beams each No.

of Printed Pages : 4
containing200000 meters of warp in 8 hours. If the Roll No. .................. 032531
calculated warping speed is 500 m/min, calculate
its efficiency.
3rd Sem. / Text Design
xv) Calculate the time required for winding 100 kg of
20s Ne yarn from a winding machine having the Subject : Textile Calculation
rate of winding machine is 1400m/min.
Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. : 100
Note: Long answer type questions. Attempt any three
questions. 3x10=30 Note: Very Short Answer type questions. Attempt any 15
parts. (15x2=30)
Q.3 Deduce the dividend of a standard 5 wheel take up
motion with a neat figure. Q.1 a) Define worsted count.
Q.4 Calculate the fabric produced per shift in Kg from the b) What is the significance of twist factor?
following particulars of a loom c) What is the speed ratio of a toothed gears?
Ends/ inch= 130, Picks/ inch= 66, Warp & weft count= 40, d) Derive the yarn diameter in mm of a 30 tex cotton
Warp and weft crimp= 8 and 12%, Reed width= 140 cm, yarn.
picks/ minute= 320,Running efficiency= 80%
e) Define crimp.
Q.5 Determine the warp cover, weft cover and fabric cover
f) Why weft insertion rate is used than picks per
of a cotton fabric from the following particulars
Ends/ inch= 60, Picks/ inch= 60, Warp & weft count= 60 ,
g) What is areal density of a fabric?
Warp and weft crimp= 8 and 12%
h) What is cover factor?
Q.6 A cotton weaver’s beam has 5000 ends of 30 Tex and
the size add“on to be 14%. If the beam length is 3000 i) What is the expression used for the calculation of
meters, find the weight of the sized yarn, the count of the resultant count?
sized yarn. j) What is the fabric weight in oz/yd2 if the gm/m2 of
Q.7 What is the demerits of expressing yarn in terms of their the fabric is 250?
diameter? Also discuss the classification of numbering k) Which type of twist is preferred in 2 ply yarn?
system with 3 suitable examples each.
l) Determine the length of the yarn (meter) in the
cone if the cone has 2.5 kg of 20 Nm yarn.

(40) (4) 032531 (1) 032531

m) The r.p.m of winding machine drum is 1800 and the iv) Find the areal density of fabric in g/m from the
diameter of the drum is 2.5 inches, then find its following data Ends/ inch = Picks/ inch = 1000,
surface speed in m / minute. Warp Ne = Weft Ne = 80, Warp Crimp = Weft
n) Determine twist multiplier if a 30s Ne yarn has 760 crimp=14%.
turns permeter. v) Calculate the production of a direct warping
o) What is the conversion factor Ne to Denier? machine in Kg/ shift from the following particulars
Warping speed =800m/ min, Creel capacity = 600,
p) Determine the fabric thickess of 1/1 plain weave Yarn Ne = 30,Running efficiency = 70%
fabric produced from 40s Ne cotton yarn?
vi) Calculate the weft required in Kg to produce a plain
q) The rpm of the crankshaft of a loom is 500 and 180 weave fabric of the following particulars
picks per minute. Find the fabric produced per
hour with 100% efficiency. EPI = 80, PPI = 60, Warp crimp = 10%, weft crimp=
12%, Warp & weft Ne = 20
r) What is maximum beam length can be produced
from 3kg cones of a direct warping machine vii) Calculate the production of a random winding
having 600 creel capacity? machine in Kg/hourhaving the following particulars
Drum Diameter = 2.5 inch, Drum R.P.M = 1800,
Yarn Ne = 80 and Efficiency = 81%
viii) A winding machine yarn clearer recommends a
Note: Short answer type questions. Attempt any ten parts setting of 1.2 times of the diameter of the running
10x4=40 yarn. So calculate the setting in mm for 30 tex
Q.2 i) Deduce the conversion factors for Ne from metric cotton yarn.
count and denier. ix) Why Z-twist is preferred in ring yarns?
ii) Find the relation between TM and Tm if x) In a fabric swatch of 20 cm, the mean warp length is
Twist/inch=TM*Ne1/2 and Twists/meter = Tm*Nm1/2. 21.6. Then calculate its fractional crimp.
(Ne=English count & Nm = metric count)
xi) A simple gear train is found in a machine in which
iii) A motor running at 150 r.p.m., drives a line shaft by Gear1 is meshed with Gear2 and Gear3 is driven
means of a belt. The motor pulley is 700 mm by Gear2. If the teeth of Gear1,2 & 3 are 40, 46 and
diameter and the pulley on the line shaft being 500 54 respectively, then find out the speed of gear3
mm. A 900 mm diameter pulley on the line shaft when rpm of gear1 is 620.
drives a 250 mm diameter pulley keyed to a crank
shaft. Find the speed of the crank shaft assuming xii) Draw the gearing mechanism of 7 wheel take up
there is no slip. motion.
xiii) What is the size add-on and size pick up?
(2) 032531 (3) 032531

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