S9 - End of Unit 1 Test

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Disclaimer: This test and mark scheme have been written by the authors.

End-of-unit test
Unit 1
1 a Write down one reason why plants need magnesium. [1]

b A scientist investigated whether giving plants different quantities of magnesium affected
their growth. He measured growth by counting the number of new leaves produced.
Write down an hypothesis he could test in his investigation. [1]


c Here are his results.
• 0.5 mg magnesium: 3 new leaves
• 1.0 mg of magnesium: 5 new leaves
• 1.5 mg of magnesium: 6 new leaves
• 2.0 mg of magnesium: 4 new leaves
• 2.5 mg of magnesium: 1 new leaf
Draw a results table and fill in the scientist’s results. [2]

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 9 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman and Michael Smyth © Cambridge University Press 2021 1

2 Complete the sentences. Choose words from the list. [2]

asteroid astronomer climate mass

photosynthesise respire stellar weather

67 million years ago, an _________________________ collided with the Earth.

This filled the air with dust. Less light could reach the ground, so plants

could not _________________________.

The _________________________ of the Earth changed, as it became cooler.

Many animals could not survive because they did not have enough food. There was a

_________________________ extinction.
3 a Here are some statements about the carbon cycle.
Tick (✓) the two correct statements. [2]

Plants take carbon dioxide from the air when they respire.

Decomposers obtain their carbon from dead animals and plants.

Combustion of fossil fuels adds carbon dioxide to the air.

Carbon dioxide is returned to the air by photosynthesis.

b Explain the difference between chloroplasts and chlorophyll. [2]





Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 9 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman and Michael Smyth © Cambridge University Press 2021 2

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