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Aug. 24, 2002

Color Diagnostic Ultrasound System SDU-1200/2200 Fault Checklist

Please check the following fault checklist first when any fault occurs with the Color
Diagnostic Ultrasound System SDU-1200/2200: Since check items differ depending on
phenomena, be sure to follow the proper checks indicated below in locating the cause of
the fault.

A. Startup failure
A-1. Nothing appears on the screen, despite the fact that the system has been
activated by the startup operation. In short, the screen stays dark.
(Check 1)
Check power supplies of connected units (printer, VCR, etc.) to see if any power fault
is suffered.
(Check 2)
Disconnect the white cable (DV1) connecting PCIF board and Graphic board. Take
off the monitor cable from the PCIF board, and connect it to the connector on the right
side of Graphic board. Then, turn on the main power switch. The startup state from the
BIOS screen will be shown on the monitor. Identify why such a halt is brought about.
The system starts up normal and so does the US, but the echo-area turns
magenta. If this is the case, turn off the system power switch and check the PCIF board
for contact (clean up the card edge of PCIF board with alcohol). Then, put the
connection back to the regular and confirm recovery of the system.

In the case that the screen still stays dark in spite of above connection checks,
proceed to (Check 3) below.
(Check 3)
Check the Graphic board for contact. Clean up the Graphic board card edge with
In case still the screen stays dark:
Use another PC monitor or notebook computer. The monitor may be at fault.
Check the signal cable in the lower part of the monitor for contact which may result from
a disconnected pin, etc. No power can be supplied to the monitor when the signal
cable has been pulled off. Check the monitor cable on the NT rack side for proper
contact or a possible break in the wire.

A-2. The screen turns dark after the progress bar is full in the upper right area
following the appearance of the SHIMADZU logo in the center of screen after the
startup of the system. Or, the screen turns blue (PC’s normal blue screen) in the
middle of startup procedure and stops.
(Check 1)
Disconnect the white cable (DV1) connecting PCIF board and Graphic board. Take
off the monitor cable from the PCIF board, and connect it to the connector on the
right side of Graphic board. Then, turn on the main power switch. The startup state
from the BIOS screen will be shown on the monitor. Identify why such a halt is
brought about.

(Check 2)
Take out the boards in the NT rack successively beginning with the lowest. Turn on
the power switch to check the system state each time after removing a board from
the rack.
The normal response if the systems is functioning properly is indicated to the right
of each action below:
(1) Take out the SCSI board and sound card:
An error message appears, but an echo-image is displayed as well.
(2) Take out the PCIF board:
The VGA area of MONITOR turns magenta, but the system starts up normal.
(3) Disconnect the FD and CDD:
A black screen emerges with a comment “startup failure” appearing.
(4) Disconnect the HDD:
A black screen emerges with a comment “startup failure” appearing.
(5) Remove the DIMM (memory) on the mother board:
Characters in 1 or 2 lines appear in the case of an old-type of mother board.
The system sounds “pooh, pooh” in case of new-type mother board.
(6) Others:
Check the keyboard for contact. Reinstall the S/W. Check the error log. Check the

A-3. The system starts up as normal, but the logo of SHIMADZU remains at center
of the US screen and no echo-image appears.
(Check 1)
Remove the rear cover and rear panel, and check if an LED corresponding to any
board on the US side is on or off.
(Check 2)
Check the LED of CPB board. If functioning properly, the red and green LEDs are
(Check 3)
What is brought about by connecting a probe and turning on the power switch?
How about turning on the power switch with the probe removed? Does the system
function properly with the probe removed?

z A defective power supply may be fairly assumed as the cause of the fault in the
above case.
A-4. The startup process is normal, but a gray scale appears on the screen after
the startup procedure is complete.
(Check 1)
Check the VEC board LED.
(Check 2)
Check the cable CN3 connecting PCIF board and DSC board for contact.
(Check 3)
Check if the DSC board LED works or not.
(Check 4)
Check if any probe code (VA57R, , , , , ,) is put on the screen. Is the probe
(Check 5)
Does such a fault occur with any specific probe or probe connector?
(Check 6)
Check the contact of PBS board with the mother board.
(Check 7)
Consult the Event Viewer. Check the PCIF board for contact.
(Check 8)
Check the power supply voltage.
(Check 9)
Perform ROC for the VEC group.

B. Skip in echo-image(some blank area is in the echo area)

B-1. Only 1 skip per echo-image

(Check 1)
Disconnect the probe, and put it back.
(Check 2)
Check the driver to see if it causes the skip or not.
(Check 3)
Check if the same occurs with the other three probe connectors.
(Check 4)
Check if the same occurs with the other probes.
(Check 5)
Check the contact of PBS board with the mother board.
(Check 6)
Perform ROC for VEC.
(Check 7)
Check cables around the VEC board and the VEC board itself for contact.

B-2. 2 or more skips per echo-image

(Check 1)
Disconnect the probe, and put it back.
(Check 2)
Perform the “Driver Check” to see if it causes the skip or not.
(Check 3)
Check if the same occurs with the other three probe connectors.
(Check 4)
Check if the same occurs with the other probes.
(Check 5)
Check the contact of PBS board with the mother board.
(Check 6)
Disconnect upper side of respective cables connecting two DBF boards one by
one. Turn on the power switch each time the cable is disconnected to see if the
skip occurs in which DBF board region.
(Check 7)
Perform ROC for DBF.

B-3. Skip with specific probe
(Check 1)
Confirm that the same fault occurs with another system by using that specific

C. Noise
(Check 1)
Is the noise area in VGA (US screen region) or SVGA (monitor screen region)?
(Check 2)
Is the noise digital or analog?
(Check 3)
Does the noise occur with echo-images only?
(Check 4)
Does the noise have a periodicity?
(Check 5)
Does the noise vary with a change in the probe frequency?
(Check 6)
Is any difference seen when the VEC potentiometer is operated?
(Be very careful. The probe or power supply may be broken down.)
(Check 7)
What happens by switching to another probe?
(Check 8)
What happens by taking power from another source?
(Check 9)
How long has such a fault occurred? Does it occur whenever the system is
(Check 10)
Can any change be seen when the probe is applied to a person?
(Check 11)
Disconnect upper side of respective cables connecting two DBF boards one by
one. Does it cause the noise?

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