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March 8, 2019

Grade & Section: Grade 11 CFB Time: 1:30-3:30

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding in preparing and cooking

vegetable dishes.
Performance standard: The learners independently prepare and cook vegetable dishes.
Learning competency: Prepare ingredients according to a given recipe, required form, and
timeframe (TLE_HECK9- 12VD-IIa-9)

Time Frame: 120 minutes

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. classify basic cutting techniques in preparing vegetables dishes;
b. apply safe and accurate cutting techniques in preparing vegetables dishes;
c. prepare ingredients according to a given recipe, required form, and
timeframe and;
d. show enthusiasm on preparing ingredients in vegetable dishes through
active participation on the prepared activities


Topic: Basic Cutting Techniques and Preparing Ingredients for Vegetable Dishes
References: Cookery Teachers Guide, Cookery Manual and Internet
Materials: LCD Projector,Laptop, metacards, bond papers
Stoves, Knives, chopping boards, tables and selected vegetables

A. Preliminary Activities:
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance/Cleanliness and Orderliness
d. Review: Value Line Activity
English-Differentiating sharpest and dullest
Question: Which is more dangerous – a sharp knife or a dull knife?
Participants are directed to line up on an imaginary line with one end
representing “sharpest,” and one end representing “dullest.” Once all
participants have chosen their “spot” teacher will ask several
participants to explain their choice.

B. Lesson Proper
Motivation: “Picture Analysis”-
Show pictures on different vegetable and then the cuts of vegetables.
Let the students give their guess on specific topic to be discussed.
Activity: “Classify and Paste”
 Group yourselves into five.
 Each group should choose leader/presenter.
 Classify the different vegetable cuts according to correct
definition by assigning appropriate metacard.
 After 5 minutes, let them paste their output on the bond paper
provided to them and let them hung it at the board.

Guide Questions:
How do you feel doing the activity?
What did you do to come up with the correct matching?
Do you think you were able to do the task correctly? Why?
Would you like to change your answer before I will close it?

ICT Integration:
Show video on basic techniques in preparing/cutting vegetables.

What are the basic cutting techniques in preparing vegetables dishes?
Why there is a need to consider the safe and accurate cutting
techniques in preparing vegetable dishes?
Abstraction (Integration-Mathematics)
Basic Cutting Techniques in Preparing Vegetables Dishes:
 Julienne - making long rectangular cut
Dimension: 2mm X2mm X4cm (1/16in X 1/16in X 2in)
 chiffonade (shredding) – making very fine parallel cuts.
 dicing – producing cube shapes
Dimension: Small dice- 6mm X6mm X 6mm ((1/4in X 1/4in X 1/4in)
Dimension: Large dice- 12mm X12mmX12mm (1/2 in X1/2in X1/2in)
 mincing – producing very fine cut usually for onions and garlic
 pays anne (fermi ere) – making curved, square or uneven cuts of
the same thickness.
Dimension: 12mm X12mmX3mm (1/2 in X1/2in X1/8in)
It is important to consider the safe and accurate cutting techniques in
preparing vegetable dishes to have uniform size of vegetables making it
cooked uniformly, more presentable and palatable.

Group Activity:
Each group will be given different vegetables.
Let students perform the cutting technique.
Output will be rated using the scoring rubrics.

1-5. Enumerate the basic cutting techniques
6-10. Explain why there is a need to a safe and accurate cutting techniques in
preparing vegetables dishes

Find a vegetable dish at the internet or in any culinary books and present
to the class ingredients and procedure in preparing the said vegetables

Prepared by:

Cookery Teacher

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