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6th Lecture ∣ The Physiology Team

Physiology of brainstem


❖ What is brainstem
❖ What are its internal structures
❖ What are its functions
❖ What will happen if damaged e.g brain death.

Done by :

❖ Team leaders: Abdulelah Aldossari, Ali Alammari Colour index:

Fatima Balsharaf, Rahaf Alshammari ● important
● Numbers
Faisal Alsaif, Abdulmajeed
❖ Team members: Alwardi, Abdulaziz Aldukhayel, saif ● Extra
almeshari, mohammed alqahtani
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What is brainstem and its internal structures

The Brainstem
● The brainstem is the lower part of the brain.
● It is adjoining and structurally continuous with the spinal cord.

Components of Brainstem

● Midbrain.
● Pons.
● Medulla Oblongata.

● The midbrain, pons and

medulla connect to the
cerebellum via the superior,
middle and inferior
peduncles respectively.

What is brainstem and its internal structures

. The Midbrain
Is divided into three parts:

1. The Tectum 2. The 3. Cerebral

("roof" in latin), includes: Tegmentum Peduncles
B) The inferior colliculus: - Ventral to the - The ventral side of
- It is associated with auditory cerebral aqueduct. midbrain is
A) The superior colliculus: pathway - Several nuclei, comprised of paired
- It constitutes center for - It sends its inferior brachium tracts and the Cerebral
visual reflexes. to the medial geniculate body of reticular formation is Peduncles
- It sends its superior brachium the thalamus. contained here. - These transmit
to the lateral geniculate body of - The cerebral aqueduct runs axons of UMN
the thalamus. through the midbrain, beneath (Upper Motor
the colliculi. Neuron).

What is brainstem and its internal structures

Midbrain Internal Structures

Reticular Formation:
- A large area that is involved in
various important functions of the midbrain:
● It contains LMN.
● It is involved in the pain desensitization pathway.
● It is involved in the arousal and consciousness systems.
● It contains the locus ceruleus, which is involved in
intensive alertness modulation and in autonomic reflexes.

Periaqueductal Oculomotor Red Substantia
Grey matter: Nerve: Nucleus: Nigra:
(CN III) nucleus.
This is a motor - A concentration - Directly anterior to the
Around the cerebral
Trochlear nucleus that of neurons in the floor of the 4th
aqueduct, contains sends a ventral ventricle.
neurons involved in the Nerve: descending portion of - It is a pathway by which
pain desensitization tract to the midbrain. many tracts project up
pathway. lower motor - It is involved in to the cortex and down to
(CN IV) nucleus.
neurons. motor function. the spinal cord.
What is brainstem and its internal structures

The Pons

● At the level of the mid pons:

○ Trigeminal nerve (CN V) emerges.
● Between the basal pons:
○ Cranial nerve 6 (abducens), 7 (facial) & 8 (vestibulo- cochlear)
emerge (medial to lateral).

The Medulla

Ventral view Dorsal view

● The most medial part of the medulla is the

● The most medial part of the medulla is the anterior posterior median fissure.
median fissure. ● Moving laterally on each side is the fasciculus
● Moving laterally on each side are the pyramids. gracilis.
● They contain the fibers of the corticospinal ● Lateral to that is the fasciculus cuneatus.
(pyramidal) tract as they head inferiorly to synapse ● Superior to each of these, are the gracile and
on lower motor neuronal cell bodies within the cuneate tubercles, respectively.
ventral horn of the spinal cord. ● Underlying these are their respective nuclei.

● In the midline is the vagal trigone and superior to

that is the hypoglossal trigone.
● The anterolateral sulcus is lateral to the pyramids.
● Underlying each of these are motor nuclei for the
● Emerging from the anterolateral sulci are the
respective cranial nerves.
hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) rootlets.
● Lateral to the anterolateral sulci are the olives
containing underlying inferior olivary nuclei and
afferent fibers).
● Lateral (and dorsal) to the olives are the rootlets for
glossopharyngeal (IX) & vagus (X) cranial nerves.
What is its functions

Brain Stem function

Though small, brain stem is an extremely important part of the brain:
1.Conduct functions.
2.Provides the origin of the cranial nerves (CN-III-XII).
3.Conjugate eye movement.
4.Integrative functions.
1. Conduct functions
All information related from the body to the cerebrum and cerebellum
and vice versa, must traverse the brain stem.

The ascending sensory pathways Descending tracts

coming from the body to the brain Corticospinal Upper motor

includes: tract (UMN) neurons

The The dorsal runs through crus

cerebri (the anterior
spinothalamic column, fasciculus originate in brain
portion of the
tract for pain gracilis, and cerebral peduncle), stem's vestibular, red,
and temperature cuneatus for basal part of pons and reticular nuclei,
sensation touch, and medullary which also descend
proprioceptive pyramids; 70-90 % of and synapse in the
and pressure fibers cross in spinal cord.
sensation. pyramidal decussation
to form the lateral
corticospinal tract,
synapse on LMN in
ventral horn of spinal
What is its functions

2.Provides the origin of the cranial nerves (CN III-XII)

● The brain stem provides the main motor and sensory innervation to the
face and neck via the cranial nerves (CN III-XII).
● The fibers of cranial nerve nuclei except for olfactory & optic nerve
either originating from, or terminating in the cranial nerve nuclei in

Origin and function of the cranial nerve

Origin CN number Function

CN III(oculomotor) Both moves eyes; CN III constricts the

Midbrain pupils, accommodates.
CN IV(trochlear)

CN V (trigeminal) Chews and feels front of the head.

CN VI (abducens) Moves eyes


CN VII (facial) Moves the face, tastes, salivates, cries.

CN VIII (acoustic) Hears, regulates balance.

Tastes, salivates,
swallows, monitors carotid body and sinus.

Tastes, swallows, lifts palate, talks,

communication to and from thoraco-
CN X (vagus)
Medulla abdominal viscera.

Turns head, lifts

CN XI (accessory)

Moves tongue.

*Note that the origin of CN I and II are not in the brain stem
What is its functions

Classification of the cranial nerve according to function

Function Cranial nerve

CN I (Olfactory)

Sensory CN II (Optic)

CN VIII (acoustic)

CN III (oculomotor)

CN IV (trochlear)

Motor CN VI (abducens)

CN XI (accessory)

CN XII (hypoglossal)

CN V (trigeminal)

Mnemonic :
CN VII (facial)
Some Say My Mother Bought My Brother Some
Both (mixed) Bad Beer My My
CN IX (glossopharyngeal) S: sensory. M: motor. B:both.

CN X (vagus)

3.Conjugate eye movement

It refers to motor coordination of the

eyes that allows for bilateral fixation
on a single object.

The frontal eye field (FEF) projects to the opposite side at the midbrain-pontine junction, and
then innervates the paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF).
From there, projections directly innervate the lateral rectus (contralateral to FEF) and the
medial rectus muscle (ipsilateral to FEF).
The left FEF command to trigger conjugate eye movements to the right.
Function and lesions

4. Integrative functions

1. It controls consciousness & sleep cycle (alertness and arousal) through reticular
2. It has got center for cardiovascular, respiratory & autonomic nervous system.
3. It has centers for cough, gag, swallow, and vomit.
4. Sense of body balance (Vestibular functions)
5. Plays role in motor control:
a. Substantia Nigra ( which is a part of the basal ganglia ) is involved in control
of movement.
b. Red nucleus in Midbrain which regulate the motor activity through
6. Pain sensitivity control: Periaqueductal grey matter of mesencephalon is an
area which is rich in endogenous opioid and is important in modulation of painful
7. auditory & visual processing required for head movements, in the Inferior and
superior colliculi which are situated on the dorsal surface of the midbrain.

Functional organization of the Brain stem

1- Ventral :
•Motor in function

2- Middle:
•Sensory in function
•Contains medial lemniscus which
conveys sensory information from
dorsal column.
Function and lesions

Brainstem IMPORTANT!!

Part Midbrain Pons Medulla oblongata

1- Nerve pathway to 1. Crossing of motor tracts.

cerebral hemispheres. •Respiratory Center. 2. Cardiac Center.
2- Auditory and Visual 3. Respiratory Center.
reflex centers. 4. Vasomotor Center (nerves
Function having muscular control of the
blood vessel walls)
5. Centers for cough, gag,
swallow, and vomit.

Two: Four: Four:

•CN III -Oculomotor •CN V - Trigeminal [motor •CN IX - Glossopharyngeal
[motor]. (Related to eye and sensory]. (Skin of face, [mixed]. (Muscles & mucous
movement). tongue, teeth; muscle of membranes of pharynx, the
•CN IV -Trochlear [motor] mastication). constricted openings from the
(Superior oblique muscle •CN VI - Abducens [motor]. mouth & the oral pharynx and
Cranial of the eye which rotates the (Lateral rectus muscle of the posterior third of tongue).
nerves eye down and out). eye which rotates eye •CN X - Vagus [mixed].
outward). (Pharynx, larynx, heart, lungs,
•CN VII - Facial [motor and stomach).
sensory]. (Muscles •CN XI - Accessory [motor].
of facial expression). (Rotation of the head and
•CN VIII - Acoustic shoulder).
[sensory]. (Hearing) •CN XII - Hypoglossal [motor].
(Intrinsic muscles of the

•Cranial Nerve (CN) •CN Deficits: CN V, CN VI, •Movement:

deficits: Ipsilateral CN III, CN VII, CN VIII. Ipsilateral paralysis.
CN IV palsy and ptosis •Pupils size: Pinpoint •Pupils:
(drooping). •Movement: - Size: Dilated.
•Pupils: Abnormal extensor. - Reactivity: Fixed.
- Size: Midposition to •Respiratory: •Respiratory:
Signs and dilated. -Apneustic (Abnormal Abnormal breathing patterns
symptoms - Reactivity: Sluggish to respiration marked by •CN Palsies: Inability to control
of lesion fixed. sustained inhalation). movement. Absent cough,
•Movement: Abnormal -Hyperventilation. gag.
extensor. •LOC: Semi-coma •LOC: Comatose.
•Loss of consciousness
(LOC): Varies
Function and lesions

Brainstem function tests

● To test reticular formation:
A. Alertness, Consciousness & Sleep.
B. Corticospinal tract: by Motor power, reflexes.
C. Pain response: Facial grimacing on firm pressure over the
supraorbital ridge.

● To test respiratory center:

● Look for the normal pattern of respiration.

● To test Cardiovascular center:

● Look for normal circulatory function.

● To test brainstem reflexes:

● Pupillary and corneal reflexes.

● Vestibulo-ocular reflex: Injection of iced water into the ear will
produce eyes movement.
● Oculocephalic reflex: Eyes will be fixed when head is moved in one or
another directions.
● Gag reflex.
● Cough reflex.

Vestibulo-ocular reflex Oculocephalic reflex

Function and lesions

Deficits of Brainstem Structures

*All of them are ipsilateral except 3

Motor pathway Contralateral Glossopharyngeal

(Corticospinal Tract) weakness CN9
Contralateral Ipsilateral pharyngeal
Medial lemniscus proprioception/ sensory loss
Midline Structures

vibration loss

Ipsilateral Vagus CN10

Medial longitudinal
ophthalmoplegia Deficit
Ipsilateral palatal
Motor nucleus Ipsilateral CN
and nerve function loss

4 Cranial Nerves In Medulla

Ipsilateral ataxia
Deficit Spinal accessory CN11

Deficit Deficit
Contralateral pain/
Spinothalamic Ipsilateral shoulder
temp sensory loss
Lateral Structures


Sensory nucleus of Ipsilateral pain/

CN5 temp loss in face Hypoglossal CN12
Sympathetic Ipsilateral Horner’s Ipsilateral weakness
pathway syndrome of tongue
Function and lesions

Deficits of Brainstem Structures Cont.

Ipsilateral facial
Trigeminal CN5
sensory loss

Ipsilateral eye
Abducens CN6
abduction weakness

4 Cranial Nerves
In Pons
Ipsilateral facial
Facial CN7


Auditory CN8 Ipsilateral deafness

Olfactory CN1 Not in midbrain


Optic CN2 Not in midbrain
4 Cranial Nerves
Above Pons

Eye turned out

Oculomotor CN3
and down

Eye unable to look
Trochlear CN4 down when looking
towards nose
Dr.Shahed cases

Sample Cases
Sample case 1:
A 58 y/o female patient was referred to you because of recent onset of left
hemiparesis, left-sided loss of proprioception and right-sided tongue

History Location
58 year old woman - Medial

- motor (corticospinal
- Left hemiparesis - Medial
tract), right

- Left-sided loss of - medial lemniscus,

- Medulla
proprioception right

- Right-sided tongue
- CN12, right - Medial
- Medial medullary syndrome (R) - Vertebral artery, medullary branch (R)

Sample case 2:
A 58 y/o female patient was referred to you because of recent onset of Left
sided miosis, anhydrosis, ptosis, left-sided ataxia, Uvula deviated to right.

History Fiber Location

58 year old woman Sympathetic tract, Left - Side, left

- Left-sided meiosis,
anhydrosis, ptosis - Spinocerebellar - Side, left
Left-sided ataxia.

- Uvula deviated
- CN10, Left - Medulla
to right.
- Lateral medullary syndrome (L) - Posterior inferior cerebellar artery (L)

1.structure in midbrain is associated

with auditory pathway?
A. Inferior colliculus
B. Superior colliculus
C. Tegmentum
D. Substantia nigra
2.Which one of the following Cranial
Nerves is pure Sensory? 6.which of the following cranial nerve
A. Abducents is responsible of rotation of head?
B. Accessory A. Optic nerve
C. Trochlear B. Trigeminal nerve
D. Olfactory C. Accessory nerve
3.Which of the following is rich in D. hypoglossal nerve
endogenous opioid?
7.Which brainstem structure is a
A. Substantia nigra
B. Red nucleus center for gag reflex?
C. Periaqueductal grey matter
A. Midbrain
B. Pons
D. Superior rectus
4.Pinpoint pupil size, hyperventilation
C. Medulla oblongata
and sustained inhalation is a D. Thalamus
characteristic of? 8.which of the following muscle is
A. Lesion in medulla oblongata contracted as a part of the pupillary
B. Lesion in cerebral peduncles reflex?
C. Lesion in midbrain A. Ciliary muscle
D. Lesion in pons B. Pupillary dilator muscle
5.A patient with a lesion in Trochlear C. Pupillary sphincter muscle
nerve , which muscle nerve supply is
D. Superior oblique muscle
A. Superior oblique 9.if there is a lesion in the Vagus cranial
B. Inferior oblique nerve it will cause…...?
C. Lateral rectus A. Contralateral palatal weakness
D. Superior rectus defect
B. Ipsilateral palatal weakness defect
C. Contralateral pain loss in the face
D. Ipsilateral pain loss in the face

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