Cause Paragraph Handout

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Cause paragraph
B1 level linkers A1 & A2 level linkers
• Although (but) • Also o After (time/event) (if
• Apart from (different from) • And (also) necessary)
• As a result (concluding) • As (because) o After that (if necessary)
• Because of • As well as o And (after) (if necessary)
• Because of (this/ that) • Because o Before (SVO) (before I
• Besides • But (different came home) (if
• Despite statement) necessary)
• Different from (not same) • First o Before (time/event)
• Due to • First of all (before breakfast) (if
• For instance • For example necessary)
• Generally (usually) o Finally (after a long time)
• However
• In addition (if necessary)
• I believe (that) ...
• In conclusion, o Next (immediately after)
• I think (that) …
• In fact, (if necessary)
• Or (possibilities)
• In general (concluding) o Then (if necessary)
• So
• In my opinion, o When (time) (if
• In order to • To (purpose)
• In spite of o While (time) (if
• Instead of necessary)
• Like (such as)
• Personally, I believe that
• Rather than
• Regarding
• Since (because)
• Therefore
• To begin with (at the start of
a situation)
• While (contrasting)


EXERCISE 1. Choose the appropriate linker.
1. This job doesn’t pay well; (therefore / however), it is a lot of fun.
2. Sales of houses have been down in the past six months; (therefore/ in addition), house owners are offering lower
3. The library on 5th Avenue in New York is one of the best places to do research. (As a result / In addition), it has
hundreds of the most respected magazines and journals in the world.
4. (Apart from/Because of) their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.
5. She is a talented musician as well as / due to a successful photographer.
6. Most people didn’t like the new Nolan film. In fact / Moreover, I quite liked it.
7. We just had soup instead of / or a full meal.
8. She has said nothing regarding / such as your request.
9. Everything was absolutely perfect apart from / due to a little error in punctuation.
10. She has a reputation for brilliance. However / Also, she is a good communicator.
EXERCISE 2. Read the following sentences, decide on the logical relationship between them. Then, choose the
correct transition from the parentheses and combine the sentences using it. Remember to use correct

1. My professor is an extremely fascinating person. She tells some of the most interesting stories I’ve ever heard.
(however / in addition)
2. The café is close to the hotel and offers reasonably priced meals. It is very popular with tourists. (however /
3. Living in a big city offers good job opportunities. It provides good educational opportunities. (besides/as a result)
4. Traditional Indian medicine concentrates on the individual person. Western medicine concentrates on the disease.
(also / while)
EXERCISE 3. Rewrite the following sentences using the given words without changing the meaning. Pay attention
to punctuation.
1. Students may have difficulty in improving their speaking skills due to not having enough practice. (since)
2. Because of being impolite and arrogant, that woman leaves a bad impression on others. (as)
3. The workers went on a strike due to low wages and terrible working conditions. (because)
4. Even though it was raining heavily, the children were playing outside. (in spite of)
5. Although he doesn’t work hard, he’s got a promotion recently. (despite)
6. Despite experiencing culture shock at first, many immigrants get used to the new way of life after some time.
(although) __________________________________________________________________________________
7. Even though we stayed in a terrible hotel, we had a great time during our holiday. (despite)
8. In spite of being tired, Mark drove a hundred kilometres to the next town. (although)
9. Although he had pain in his leg, he completed the marathon with success. (in spite of)
10. In addition to being late, he didn’t even apologize for his bad behaviour. (besides)
11. She went to Paris. She wanted to learn more on fashion. (in order to)
12. If you want to produce a good essay, you need to edit your writing before you hand it in. (to)
Discuss the following questions:

- According to recent research:

1. More than 50 % of people have regular headaches. Do you agree or disagree with this finding?
2. Women are more likely to suffer from headaches than men. Do you agree or disagree with this finding?

- What are the possible causes of headaches? You can take notes below before you discuss.


RESULT > Having a headache

A cause paragraph discusses the reasons why something happens (for an event, an issue, a phenomenon, etc.).
Topic: “What are the causes of (reasons for) headaches?”

Step 1. Brainstorm the topic

Brainstorming is the process of generating ideas. Reflect on the topic and use a mind map;
* Use a piece of paper to write down everything you can think of about the topic.
* Write the topic in the centre of the page.
* Do not try to organise any information - the aim is to generate as many ideas as possible.
* Use key words or phrases to write your ideas.
Step 2. Organise the information

Organise the information by identifying at least two (or three) major supporting ideas.

* If you write three major supporting ideas, you need to support each of them with at least one minor supporting
detail. If you write only two major supporting ideas, you need to support each of them with at least two minor
supporting details.

• ......
• ......

• ......
• ......

• ......
• ......

Step 3. Prepare an outline

To organise your ideas, you will need an outline for your paragraph. Write these ideas in phrases, not in complete


(with 3 major supporting ideas) OR (with 2 major supporting ideas)
Topic sentence:
Major Supporting Idea 1 (1) ________________________________________________
(Cause 1):
(a) ________________________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail(s): (b) _______________________________________________
Major Supporting Idea 2 (2) ________________________________________________
(Cause 2):
(a) ________________________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail(s): (b)________________________________________________
Major Supporting Idea 3 (3) ________________________________________________
(Cause 3):
(a) ________________________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail(s): (b) _______________________________________________
Concluding sentence:


MODEL PARAGRAPH 1 (with 3 major supporting ideas)
Topic: What are the causes of (reasons for) headaches?
Causes of Headaches
Headaches are very common and can have several causes. The most important reason is stress. Many people do not
have peaceful lives and they frequently have a number of stress factors around like work, family, and money. Another
reason for headaches in some people is unhealthy diet. For instance, some get headaches because they are dependent
on caffeine, while other people may be allergic to salt, or they may have low blood sugar. The environment can also
cause this uncomfortable condition. Allergens such as chemicals used in our houses including polishes, waxes and
paint can cause headaches. In conclusion, headaches are serious conditions and may have different reasons. Lowering
stress, controlling your diet, and avoiding allergens can help avoid headaches.
EXERCISE 1. Answer the following questions about Model Paragraph 1.

1. What is the topic sentence?


2. What is the first major supporting idea? Is there a linking word/expression to introduce the first major supporting
idea? How many minor supporting details are there?


3. What is the second major supporting idea? Is there a linking word/expression to introduce the second major
supporting idea? How many minor supporting details are there?


4. What is the third major supporting idea? Is there a linking word/expression to introduce the third major
supporting idea? How many minor supporting details are there?


5. What is the concluding sentence?


EXERCISE 2. Fill in the following outline with the ideas from the Model Paragraph 1 above. Write these ideas in
phrases, not in complete sentences.


Topic sentence:
Major Supporting Idea 1 (1) _______________________________________________
(Cause 1):
(a) _______________________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail(s):
Major Supporting Idea 2 (2) _______________________________________________
(Cause 2):
(a) _______________________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail(s):
Major Supporting Idea 3 (3) _______________________________________________
(Cause 3):
(a) _______________________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail(s):
Concluding sentence:
MODEL PARAGRAPH 2 (with 2 major supporting ideas)

Topic: What are the causes of (reasons for) the extinction of dinosaurs?

Over the years, scientists have developed many theories to explain the causes of the disappearance of the dinosaurs.
One possible reason is a change in the Earth’s climate. At the end of the Cretaceous period, the temperature
dropped, and the climate became much colder. For this reason, many of the plants died. As they died off, the plant-
eating dinosaurs couldn’t find anything to feed on. Also, many dinosaurs lacked fur and feathers for protection
against the cold and because of this, they were unable to adapt to the new cold climates. Another possible cause is
disease. In that period, oceans were drying up and dinosaurs were able to walk across the land bridges. As they
migrated between the separate continents, they infected one another with illnesses. In addition, the diseases carried
by insects created epidemics and wiped out dinosaur populations. In conclusion, it seems that no theory adequately
explains why dinosaurs died out, but climate change and diseases are two major causes.

EXERCISE 3. Answer the following questions about Model Paragraph 2.

1. What is the topic sentence?

2. What is the first major supporting idea? Is there a linking word/expression to introduce the first major supporting
idea? How many minor supporting details are there?


3. What is the second major supporting idea? Is there a linking word/expression to introduce the second major
supporting idea? How many minor supporting details are there?


4. What is the concluding sentence?


EXERCISE 4. Fill in the following outline with the ideas from the Model Paragraph 2 above. Write your ideas in
phrases, not in complete sentences.


Topic sentence:
Major Supporting Idea 1 (Cause 1): (1) _____________________________________________________
(a) _____________________________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail(s):
(b) _____________________________________________________
Major Supporting Idea 2 (Cause 2): (2) _____________________________________________________
(a) _____________________________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail(s):
Concluding sentence:

Topic: “What are the causes of road accidents?”

EXERCISE 1. Read the information below, add your own notes, and decide which ideas you will use in your

Reasons - Road Accidents

distracted driving
running traffic signals
running stop signs
eating while driving
talking on the phone
talking to passengers
avoiding seat belts
drunken driving

EXERCISE 2. Prepare the following outline to organise your major and minor supporting ideas for your cause
paragraph. Write your ideas in phrases, not in complete sentences.
!!! Find at least two major supporting ideas. Each of them should present a separate reason. If you prefer to write
three major supporting ideas, you need to support each of them with at least one minor supporting detail. If you prefer
to write only two major supporting ideas, you need to support each of them with at least two minor supporting details.


Topic sentence:
Major Supporting Idea 1 (1) _______________________________________________
(Cause 1):
(a) _______________________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail(s): (b) _______________________________________________
Major Supporting Idea 2 (2) _______________________________________________
(Cause 2):
(a) _______________________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail(s): (b)_______________________________________________
Major Supporting Idea 3 (3) _______________________________________________
(Cause 3):
(a) _______________________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail(s): (b) ______________________________________________
Concluding sentence:

EXERCISE 3. Now review your outline above and write a well-developed cause paragraph to answer the following
question. While organizing your paragraph, use linking words and expressions you have learnt.

“What are the causes of road accidents?” (Word limit: minimum 120 words)




















EXERCISE 4. After you write your paragraph, read, and edit it. Then submit it to your instructor to get feedback.

Put a check (√) as appropriate.
____ 1. Does the paragraph have a topic sentence?
____ 2. Does the paragraph have at least two major supporting ideas?
____ 3. Does the paragraph have minor supporting details (explanations, examples, etc.) that support
the major supporting ideas?
____ 4. Does the paragraph have a concluding sentence that restates the topic sentence?
____ 5. Does the paragraph include the necessary linking words and expressions?
Reference: adapted from Effective Academic Writing 1, p. 112

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