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Janatainrpl.t EanK Llmlteq ORI.GI.

Deyrtt., (Exchange Control PurPose)
: i.,:i. i.i i. q 1. ;i;,. :; .:;.':1
:;;;.. ......Branch
Iltr,r"-i,:,..,1;;.r,r..i "''".
LETTER OF cREDrr aut'hoiug*prox
LCAF'I i.l;;; l:r l,il. l i.\i lrr;, illi'l'iAiilli
No. iil i l,:: i: i iil! lili;i:ii ili. iililr: SHIPPING PERIOD
A iIi
ii:,:,i t--1,14'i:ililf l"iili"',iiili

A. (To be filled in by the aPPlicant)

i. Name & address of the Industrial Unit.
,. (i) IRC number .... (ii) Year of Renewal """""""""':'
3. Sector of Industry :

4. Whether the unit is Ad-hoc or Regular :

5. Whether for Raw and Packing material or for spare
(i) Annual imPort entitlement :
6. Source of fi"i"ci"g : Cash/B arterlLoarlCredit/Others
(Parliculars of the source must be
mentioned clearlY) :
7. iif Furtic"lars o'f'CCI& E'sPublic Notice with date or provision of
Import Policy Order

(ii; east of Licensing under the aforesaid source :

g. Utilization .fiir;;;;"io"'. f-C41.) (wherever applicable)with proof (LlC particulars to be
indicated with date) :
9. List of items io Le iin-ported with ITC Classification No. Shares for
the overall value of LCA
Description of items to be imported.
the restrictea ii"* (s), if any, should be separately indicated within Restricted items showing individual


has been suspended/can-

I hereby declare that above particulars are correct and that I my IRC not celled and that
or licensing authority
licensing facility has not been withdrawn or withheld by SA I further declare that I have not
during current shipping
utilized my share from any other source
. dated.
period/I utilized %o of my share under Public Notice No
(to strike offwhichever is not aPPlicable).

Date """"" seal and signature of the Importer'

B. (To be Endorsed by Bank) financing.
.tt i"qrir"a u"a r"""4 uiit is eligible to utilize its share for and.
IRC, source of
Cer-tified that we have verihed the importer'ssignature, Pass Book,

tnat the the item(s)

"ip"rti.rtu6 open L/C
above from this source. We haie no objection to allow them to
of M/s.
the amount as indicited

under Group Leader under sector.........

(in case of
bearing IRC No. .... and that we have endorsed the same in the Pass Book

has been renewed for

L/C urider Group Leader only). Also certified that IRC of the unit
Date of issue................. Signature of the Manager of the Nominated Bankwith seal.

with Bank is not

C". In case of imports under sources other than cash where regist_ration Fangladesh i"q"ir"A,
their seal and signature.
the'designatedbank will .e_ndorse the following under
Part i c u I ars of Bart e r/ Loan/C redi t/Ol he rs :
(i) Name of the source
( ii ) Name of the Designated Bank and branch.

Date.......... seal'
Signature of the Designated Bank with
D. For Use of Bangladesh Bank' quoted
This registration No. should invariably be
Registration Number with Bangladesh Bank.
by the Authorized dealers while reporting
payment on E-2 schedule in duplicate.

Registered for Tk. .. P. As sistant Controller

(in words) Bangladesh Bank
Date of registration Exchange Control D ePartment

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