9 - Data Analysis

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Survey & Statistics

sampling vs. assignment
Random sampling means to create your study sample randomly, by
chance. Random selection results in a representative sample; you can generalize

and predictions about a population’s behavior based on your sample.
Random assignment is where study participants are randomly assigned to a
study group. In a single blind study, the participant does not know whether they are

in the experimental group or the control group. In a double-blind study, neither the
participant nor the researcher knows.

• you first randomly sample subjects for your experiment.

• Then, once you have a collected a sample of subjects, you
randomly assign.
• So, sampling happens first, and assignment happens second.

1 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

What is sample size?
Sample size is the number of completed responses your survey receives. It’s called
a sample because it only represents part of the group of people (or population)
whose opinions or behavior you care about. For example, one way of sampling is to

use a “random sample,” where respondents are chosen entirely by chance from the
population at large.

Margin of error: A percentage that tells you how much you can expect your survey

results to reflect the views of the overall population. The smaller the margin of error,
the closer you are to having the exact answer at a given confidence level.
For example, a 60% “yes” response with a margin of error of 5% means that

between 55% and 65% of the general population think that the answer is “yes.”
What is 'Standard Deviation'
... is a measure that is used to quantify the amount of variation or dispersion of a set
of data values. A standard deviation close to 0 indicates that the data points tend to
be very close to the mean (also called the expected value) of the set, while a high

standard deviation indicates that the data points are spread out over a wider range
of values. AT

Less spread more spread

consistent great standard
Smell stander deviation

Deviation far from the


Near to the mean

* less standard deviation is more consistent

2 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

Margin error and confidence interval

If the true value is x and it has a margin error r% So the confidence interval 𝒊𝒔
( 𝒙 ( 𝟏 − 𝒓%) , 𝒙 ( 𝟏 + 𝒓%))
Ex: x has 5% margin error. So, the confidence interval is between 𝒙 ( 𝟏 – 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓 ), 𝒙 ( 𝟏 + 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓 )

𝟎. 𝟗𝟓𝒙 , 𝟏. 𝟎𝟓𝒙
Ex: Number of students come today 200 with margin 6%

200 x ( 1- 0.06 ) = 192 ,,, 200 x ( 1 + 0.06 ) = 212 conf. interval between 192 , 212

Most repeated data. (value)

Mean: (Average) → Mean = 𝑵𝒐.
( individual data )

From table – Mean = AT

𝒙𝟏 𝒇𝟏 +𝒙𝟐 𝒇𝟐 +⋯.+𝒙𝒏𝒇𝒏
𝒇𝟏 +𝒇𝟐 +⋯.+𝒇𝒏

Median: Arrange the data first from last to greatest

• Odd no. data → one median its order = ( n:odd )
• Even no. data → two medians their order = 𝟐 , 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 ( n:even )

Range: max value – min value


One of the data is far from the data (smallest or greatest)

Which is most effect on

1st → range (greater effect)

2nd → mean (more than median)


3rd → median (less effect)

4th → mode (no effect)


3 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

1 AmrBoard SAT Helper 3 AmrBoard SAT Helper

Ms. Mai is one of the music teachers at a High School, To determine if gender and number of siblings are
which has 1200 students. She selected 50 of her music related to whether 10 -year-old children like to read,
students at random and asked each whether they play Salma selected a random sample of 60 boys with fewer

an instrument. of the 50 students surveyed. 39 play an than 2 siblings and a random sample of 50 girls with 2
instrument. Based on the design of the study, which of or more siblings tram the 10-year-old children in her
city. For each child, she recorded the child's age,
the following is the largest group of students to whom
gender, and whether the child reported liking to read.
the results of Ms. Mai’s survey can be generalized? Why is it inappropriate for Salma to draw a conclusion

from her study?
A) All of Ms. Mai’s music students at a high School
B) All of the music students at a High School A) The two samples are not of equal size.
B) The two samples should have been chosen from
C) All of the students High School different cities.

D) All of the music students in the city. C) There is no upper hound on the number of siblings
of the 50 girls.
D) Salma will not be able to tell whether a difference in
liking to read is related to the difference in gender
or to the difference in number of siblings.
2 AmrBoard SAT Helper

An athletic trainer wants to determine whether a new
exercise regimen improves the performance of
members of high school athletic teams. To test whether
the regimen improves performance, the trainer
AT 4 AmrBoard SAT Helper
arranges for all the members of the boys track team at a
local high school to use it for one season. The trainer
A survey was given to a random sample of 100 high
will then compare this season’s performances to
performances in previous years. Which of the following school students in Cairo. The results of this survey
would NOT improve the quality of the study? should be representative of which the following

A) Randomly assigning half of the track team to use the
new regimen while the other half uses the current
A) All high school students in Egypt.
B) Including members of all the boys’ athletic teams at
the high school in the study B) All high school students in Cairo.
C) Including members of the girls' track team at the C) All students in Cairo.
high school in the study

D) Including students who are not on athletic teams at D) All students in Egypt.
the high school in the study

4 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

5 AmrBoard SAT Helper Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following information.
A researcher chose 50 families at random from the two
towns and asked each family how many children they
In a survey, 66 residents of a particular town were have. The results are shown in the table below.
selected at random, and approximately 60% of them

reported that they recycle regularly. If the reported
percentage is used as an estimate for the proportion of
all residents in the town who recycle regularly, the
margin of error is 17% which of the following

statements is appropriate based on the data provided?

A) less than 35% of all the town residents recycle

There is a total of 600 families at Town A and 900
families at Town B.
B) Between 0% and 17% of all the town residents

recycle regularly.
7 AmrBoard SAT Helper
C) Between 43% and 77% of all the town residents
recycle regularly.
D) Approximately 16.7% of the surveyed residents What is the median number of children for all the
misstated how often they recycle families surveyed?

A) 0

B) 1
6 AmrBoard SAT Helper AT
C) 2

D) 3
A survey was taken of the weight of students in the
school, and it was found that the mean weight was 56
kg and the median weight was 65 kg. Which of the 8 AmrBoard SAT Helper
following situations could explain the difference Based on the survey data, which of the following most
between the mean and median weight in the school? accurately compares the expected total number of

families with 2 children at two towns?

A) The students have weights that are close to each A) The total number of families with 2 children is
other. expected to be equal at two towns
B) There are a few students whose weights are less
B) The total number of families with 2 children at Town
than the rest

A is expected to be 3 more than at Town B

C) There are a few students whose weights are much
more than the rest C) The total number of families with 2 children at Town

D) Many students have weights between 56 kg and 65 B is expected to be 3 more than at Town A
D) The total number of families with 2 children at

Town B is expected to be 300 more than at Town A


5 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

9 AmrBoard SAT Helper Questions 11 and 12 refer to the following information.

A researcher chose 40 people at random from the two streets

A survey was taken of the height of students in the and asked each of them how many pets he/she has. The
school, and it was found that the median height was results are shown in the table below.

168 cm and the mean height was 175 cm. Which of the
following situations could explain the difference
between the mean and median height in the school?

A) The students have heights that are close to each

B) There are a few students whose heights are less
than the rest There are a total of 300 people at Street A and 200
C) There are a few students whose heights are much people at Street B

more than the rest
D) Many students have heights between 168 cm and
175 cm 11 AmrBoard SAT Helper

10 AmrBoard SAT Helper What is the median number of Pets for all the People

A) 0

B) 1

C) 2

D) 3

12 AmrBoard SAT Helper


Based on the survey data, which of the following most

accurately compares the expected total number of
people with 2 pets at two streets?

A) The total number of people with 2 pets is expected

to be equal at two streets
According to the histogram shown above, which of

the following is closest to the average (arithmetic B) The total number of people with 2 pets at Street A
mean) number of residents per apartment? is expected to be 25 more than at Street B

C) The total number of people with 2 pets at Street B

A) 3 is expected to be 25 more than at Street A
B) 3.25
D) The total number of people with 2 pets at Street A
C) 3.5

is expected to be 100 more than at Street B

D) 4

6 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

13 AmrBoard SAT Helper 15 AmrBoard SAT Helper

A theater owner wanted to determine whether local the tables below show the distribution of scores of
residents were more interested in seeing operas or recent quizzes in English and Physics given to the
symphonies. The theater owner asked 85 people same 33 students of a particular class.

who were in a shopping mall on a Sunday and 5
people declined to respond. Which of the following
factors is the greatest flaw in the theater owner’s
methodology in reaching a reliable conclusion about

the local residents’ performance-viewing
A) The size of the sample
B) The location in which the survey was given

C) The population of the area
D) the residents who declined to respond

14 AmrBoard SAT Helper

A medical study was conducted in order to
determine whether product K could help people
with hearing loss improve their hearing. The
administrators of the study selected 200 subjects
at random from a large group of people who had
Which of the following is true about the data
severe hearing loss. Half of the subjects were provided for the 33 students?
randomly assigned to be given product K and half
were not. The resulting data demonstrated that A) The standard deviation of the scores on the
subjects who were given product K had significantly
English quiz is larger.
improved hearing compared to those who were

not given product K. Based on this study, which of B) The standard deviation of scores on the Physics
the following conclusions is most appropriate?
quiz is larger.
A) Product K will enable all people who take it to
C) The standard deviation of the scores on the
significantly improve their hearing.
English quiz is the same as that of the Physics
B) Product K is more effective than all other

hearing- improvement products.

D) The standard deviation for the scores on the

C) Product K will help people significantly improve

two quizzes cannot be calculated from the
their hearing.
data provided.
D) Product K is likely to help people with severe

hearing loss improve their hearing


7 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

16 AmrBoard SAT Helper 18 AmrBoard SAT Helper
In order to determine the effect that caffeinated
beverage C would have on sleep, researchers conducted A telephone survey was conducted in order to
a study. From a large population of people without determine if people in City C are more likely to work 9
sleep disorders, 500 subjects were randomly selected. to-5 office jobs than other jobs. The research team

Half the subjects were randomly selected to consume called 5,000 random people between 12 P.M. to 4 P.M.
beverage C and the rest did not consume beverage C. on a Thursday. Of the 5,000-people called, 3,000 did not
The results of the study showed that the subjects who answer, and 250 refused to participate. Which of the
consumed beverage C slept less than those who did not following was the biggest flaw in the design of the
consume beverage C. Based on the design and results of survey?

the study, which of the following statements is the best
conclusion? A) The time the survey was taken
A) Beverage C will cause more loss in sleep than all
B) Population size
other caffeinated beverages.

C) Sample size
B) Beverage C will cause a substantial loss in sleep.
D) The fact that the survey was done by telephone
C) Beverage C is likely to reduce the amount of sleep of
people without sleep disorders.
19 AmrBoard SAT Helper
D) Beverage C will reduce sleep of anyone who

A group of scientists designed a study to test the
consumes it. effectiveness of pesticide P at eradicating aphids
from rose gardens. From a large group of botanists,
17 AmrBoard SAT Helper AT
400 participants with aphid-infested rose gardens
were randomly selected to participate in the study.
Half of the 400 botanists sprayed their rose
gardens with pesticide P, and the other half did
not. The data showed that the rose gardens
sprayed with pesticide P had significantly fewer
aphids as compared to those that were not sprayed
with pesticide P. Which of the following is an

appropriate conclusion of the study?

The histogram above shows the distribution of the A) Pesticide P will decrease the number of aphids
scores of 22 students on a recent biology test. in any rose garden.
Which of the following could be the median score
B) Pesticide P is the best pesticide available for

of the 22 students represented in the histogram?

decreasing the number of aphids in a garden,

A) 68
C) Pesticide P will likely decrease the number of
B) 71 aphids in aphid-infested rose gardens.
C) 77 D) Pesticide P will kill substantial numbers of

D) 84 aphids present in a garden.


8 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

20 AmrBoard SAT Helper 22 AmrBoard SAT Helper
The board of directors at a natural history museum
decided to survey all of its scientists to determine if the
new wing in the museum should feature an aquatic
exhibit. The board met with a sample group of 30

marine biologists. The majority of the sample group
were in favor of featuring an aquatic exhibit in the new
wing. Which of the following is true about the boards

A) The sample group should have included more
marine biologists.
B) It concludes that a majority of the scientists are in

favor of featuring an aquatic exhibit in the new wing.
C) the sample group is biased because it is not
representative of all scientists.
D) The sample group should have consisted only of
There are 35 U.S. Presidents who were 60 years old or

scientists who are not marine biologists.
younger when they were inaugurated, as shown in the
table above. Based on the table, what was the median 23 AmrBoard SAT Helper
age for these 35 presidents?
A) 51
A community advocacy group recently polled 500
B) 52 people who were selected at random from a small town
and asked each person, “Are you in favor of the
C) 54 referendum to increase the property tax rate. Of those
D) 55 surveyed, 67 percent stated that they were opposed to
the property referendum. Which of the following
21 AmrBoard SAT Helper statements must be true based on the results of the

A study was done on the circumferences of different

types of trees in a forest. A random sample of trees I. If another 500-people selected at random from the
were measured, and each tree was marked to town were polled, 67 percent of them would state
guarantee that no tree was measured twice. The sample they are opposed to the property tax referendum.
contained 250 red maple trees, of which 40% had a II. If 500 people selected at random from a different
circumference less than 35 inches. Which of the town were polled, 67 percent of them would
following conclusions is best supported by the data?
report they are opposed to the property tax

A) The average circumference of all the trees in the
III. Of all the people in the town, 67 percent are
forest is approximately 35 inches.

opposed to the property tax referendum.

B) Approximately 40% of all the trees in the forest
have circumferences less than 35 inches.
C) Approximately 40% of all the red maple trees in the A) I only
forest have circumferences less than 35 inches. B) I and III only
D) The majority of all the trees in the forest have C) II and III only

circumferences larger than 35 inches. D) None


9 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

24 AmrBoard SAT Helper

25 AmrBoard SAT Helper

Name Time
Amr 6 min 34 sec The manager assigns the values shown below to each

Ahmed 6 min 11 sec response choice to calculate a mean rating for the
Maya 6 min 30sec survey question.

Ghada 6 min 52 sec Response Rating

Strongly agree 2
Mohammed 8 min 12 sec
Agree 1
Neither agree not disagree 0
Disagree -1

Five students ran a mile, and their times are shown in
Strongly disagree -2
the table above. If Mohammed’s time is removed, the
data set which of the following measures will change What is the mean rating for all 50 responses?
the least?
A) 0.24
A) Mean
B) 0.26

B) Median
C) 0.44
C) Maximum
D) Range
D) 0.92

Questions 25 and 26 refer to the following

information. 26 AmrBoard SAT Helper
For one week, the manager of a restaurant gathered
customer feedback by randomly selecting 50 customers Which of the following is an appropriate conclusion
and asking them to complete a survey question. A total about the customers surveyed?
of 700 customers ate at the restaurant during the week

in which the survey was completed. The survey A) The majority of the customers would recommend
question and the survey results are shown below. To the restaurant to others
what extent do you agree or disagree with the following B) The majority of the customers would not
statement: “l would recommend this restaurant to recommend the restaurant to others.
others." (Select only one of the five choices.) C) The majority of the customers would neither
Survey Question Results recommend nor not recommend the restaurant to
Response Number of others.

customers D) The number of the customers who would

Strongly agree 8 recommend the restaurant to others is the same as

Agree 20 the number of the customers who would not

Neither agree not disagree 12 recommend the restaurant to others.
Disagree 6
Strongly disagree 4

Total 50

10 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

27 AmrBoard SAT Helper 28 AmrBoard SAT Helper

According to a study done by the Cairo of labor A community advocacy group recently polled 500
Statistics on typical day between the years 2009 and people who were selected at random from a small town
2012, about 8% of Egyptians aged 12 and older and asked each person, “Are you in favor of the

exercised. The Pie chart below shows the distribution of referendum to increase the property tax rate. Of those
the length of time those people spent exercising each surveyed, 67 percent stated that they were opposed to
day. the property referendum. Which of the following
statements must be true based on the results of the

I. If another 500 people selected at random from the
town were polled, 67 percent of them would state
they are opposed to the property tax referendum.
II. If 500 people selected at random from a different

town were polled, 67 percent of them would
report they are opposed to the property tax
III. Of all the people in the town, 67 percent are
opposed to the property tax referendum.

A) I only

B) I and III only
C) II and III only
D) None

Based on the data shown, which of the following could 29 AmrBoard SAT Helper
be the median length of time spent exercising each day Ticket Prices by Row Number
for those people who exercised? Row number Ticket price
1-2 $25
A) 36 minutes 3-10 $20

B) 55 minutes 11-20 $15

C) 1 hour 25 minutes
D) 1 hours 40 minutes The price of a ticket to a play is based on the row the seat is
in, as shown in the table above. A group wants to purchase
10 tickets for the play.
They will purchase; 3 tickets for seats in row 1.
They will purchase 2 tickets for seats in row 3.

They will purchase 2 tickets for seats in row 7


They will purchase 3 tickets for seats in row 12.

What is the average (arithmetic mean) ticket price, in
dollars, for the 10 tickets? (Disregard the $ sign when
gridding your answer.)

11 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

30 AmrBoard SAT Helper
32 AmrBoard SAT Helper
The mean weight of a group of 12 automobiles is
3,320 pounds. the weights, in pounds, of 4 of the Maria gets new tires for her car. The radius f g each of

automobiles in the group are listed below. her old tires is 0.30 meter, and the radius of each of her
Automobile Weight ( in pounds ) new tires is 11% larger than the radius of one of her old
A 1,950 tires. What is the circumference of each new tire, to the

nearest (tenth of a meter?
B 3,250
C 3,350
D 8,550

The removal of which of these automobiles from
the group will have the largest impact on the mean
weight of the group of automobiles?
A) Automobile A

B) Automobile B
C) Automobile C
D) Automobile D
AT33 AmrBoard SAT Helper

Questions 31and 32 refer to the following information.


An instrument shows the number of revolutions per

minute made by each tire of a car. In each revolution,
the car travels a distance equal to the circumference of

one of its tires. The circumference of each tire is equal

to 2nr, where r is the radius of the tire.
In the table above, the median number of children per
household is 2. What is one possible value of X ?
31 AmrBoard SAT Helper

If the radius of each tire on maria’s car is 0.30 meter,


what is the approximate speed of maria’s car, to the

nearest kilometer per hour, when the instrument is
showing 779 revolutions per minute?

12 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

34 AmrBoard SAT Helper 36 AmrBoard SAT Helper

A poll was conducted to find the percent of residents in

A data set consists of the values 350,420,530,552, 700,
a community who support an increase in taxes to help
and 12,012.1f the outlier is removed, what will happen pay for the construction of alternative energy sources.

Of the 1,600 residents selected at random to be polled,
to the value of the mean of the data set? 53% were in favor of the tax increase. The poll had a
margin of error of 4 percentage points. Which of the
following conclusions is most appropriate about all
A) The mean will remain the same. residents of the community, based on the results of the

B) The mean will decrease. poll?

C) The mean will increase. A) The percent of all residents who favor the tax
increase is 53%.
D) There is not enough information to determine how

B) The percent of all residents who favor the tax
the mean will change. increase is likely less than 50%.
C) The percent of all residents who favor the tax
increase is likely between 49% and 57%.
D) The percent of all residents who favor the tax
increase is likely either less than 49% or greater than
35 AmrBoard SAT Helper 57%.

The tallest student in Class X is 52 inches tall, and the
tallest student in Class Y is 49 inches tall. Each class has
27 students, and the shortest student in each class is
the same height. Which of the following statements
AT37 AmrBoard SAT Helper
Employee Absences
must be true?
Number of Number of
I. The range of the heights for students in Class X days employees
is greater than that in Class Y.
0 8
II. The median of the heights for students in Class
X is greater than that in Class Y. 1 4
2 3

III. The mean of the heights for students in Class X

is greater than that in Class Y. 4 4
5 5
A) I only 13 1
B) III only
C) I and II only
D) I, II, and III The frequency table above shows the distribution of the

number of days each of the 25 employees of a company

was absent last month. What is the median number of

days absent for the 25 employees last month?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 4

D) 5

13 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

38 AmrBoard SAT Helper 40 AmrBoard SAT Helper

Researchers in Egypt carried out an experiment to Masses (kilograms)

determine if the color of a tea mug affects how people Andria 2.6 2.3 3.5 3.2 2.6 2.6
rate the flavor intensity of the tea. Volunteers were Marram h 3.2 2.8 2.7 3.1 3.0

randomly assigned to taste tea in mugs that differed
only by color, some white and some clear. The same
type of tea was used in both mugs. The researchers Andria and Marram each collected six rocks, and the
concluded that the mean flavor intensity rating was masses of the rocks are shown in the table above. The
significantly higher for those who drank tea in a white mean of the masses of the rocks Marram collected is

mug than for those who drank tea in a clear mug. Based 0.1 kilogram greater than the mean of the masses of the
on this study, which of the following statements is rocks Andria collected. What is the value of h?

A) The color of the mug was the cause of the difference
in mean intensity rating for these volunteers, and this
conclusion can be generalized to all tea drinkers.
B) The color of the mug was the cause of the difference
in mean intensity rating for these volunteers, but it is
not reasonable to generalize this conclusion to all tea
drinkers. 41 AmrBoard SAT Helper

C) It is not reasonable to conclude that the color of the
mug was the cause of the difference in mean intensity The members of a city council wanted to assess the
rating for these volunteers.
D) It is not possible to draw any conclusions from this
experiment because volunteers were used.
opinions of all city residents about converting an open
field into a dog park. The council surveyed a sample of
500 city residents who not own dogs. The survey
showed that the majority of those sampled were in
favor of the dog park. Which of the following is true
39 AmrBoard SAT Helper about the city council’s survey?
It is often possible to donate money to a charity by mail
or by cell phone. The amounts of 5 mail donations and 5 A) It shows that most city residents are in favor of the
cell phone donations are given in the table below. What dog park.

is the positive difference, in dollars, in the mean

donation amount for mail donations and for cell phone B) The survey sample should have included more
donations? residents who are dog owners.
Donation Amounts in Dollars
C) The survey sample should have consisted entirely of
Donation residents who do not own dogs.
Amount (in dollars)

Mail 20 40 5 25 10 D) The survey sample is biased because it is not

Cell phone 8 7 14 16 5 representative of all city residents.

A) 0
B) 10
C) 25

D) 50

14 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

Questions 42 - 44 refer to the following

Guests Who Used the Bike Ride in 2013 by Age

Number of guests


1 to 4

5 to 9
under 1 year

10 to 14

15 to 19

20 to 24

25 to 29

30 to 34

35 to 39

40 to 44

45 to 49

50 to 54

60 to 64

65 and over
55 to 59
Age - group

In 2013, the total number of guests who used the

bike ride at an amusement park was 55,994. The
bar graph above shows the distribution of guests
43 AmrBoard SAT Helper
by age.

Which of the following age groups is closest to 40%
smaller in number than the 1 to 4 group?
42 AmrBoard SAT Helper
Of the following, which is closest to the ratio of the
AT a)
35 to 39
40 to 44
number aged 65 and over to the number aged 30 c) 45 to 49
to 34? d) 50 to 54
a) 2 to 5
b) 1 to 4
c) 2 to 1

d) 1 to 2 44 AmrBoard SAT Helper

Which of the following ages could be the median
age of the groups in 2013?
a) 36
b) 32

c) 29
d) 22

15 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

45 AmrBoard SAT Helper 47 AmrBoard SAT Helper

Price of Lunch Specials

Amr would like to find the proportion of all houses
in a large city that have a garage. Of the following, Monday - $ 9.00

which sampling method would be the best in
estimating this proportion? Tuesday - $ 12.00
a) Research the 200 houses most recently sold
Wednesday - $10.00

in the city
b) Randomly select a small area within the city Thursday – $ 8.00
and research the houses in that area
c) Randomly select 50 houses from all the Friday - $ 10.00

houses in the city.
d) Randomly select 200 houses from all the
houses in the city.
Based on the menu above, by how much does the price,
in dollars, of the lunch special on Tuesday exceed the
average (arithmetic mean) price of the lunch Special for

the 5 days shown? (Disregard the 5sign when gridding
your answer. For example, if your answer is $1.37, grid

46 AmrBoard SAT Helper


A radar gun in Abu Dhabi was used to measure the 48 AmrBoard SAT Helper
speed of vehicles travelling along a highway. After
all the data were collected. It was found that the A random sample of 300 Popcorn consumers was

selected to taste Popcorn's new caramel and chocolate

radar gun had been calibrated incorrectly and was
covered popcorn. Of these consumers, 275 disliked the
reporting each speed as 20 km per hour lower than taste of the new popcorn flavor. Which of the following
the actual speed of the vehicles. Which of the is the best inference to make from the results?
following statistics will NOT change if the speeds
are reported at their actual values? A) It is likely that most people who have never eaten
Popcorn would enjoy the new popcorn flavor.

a) Mean B) It is likely that most people who have eaten Popcorn

b) Median would dislike the new popcorn flavor.

c) Minimum C) On average, 96% of all popcorn eaters would dislike

the new popcorn flavor.
d) Standard deviation
D) Of all the Popcorn eaters, exactly 96% of them would
dislike the new popcorn flavor.

16 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

49 AmrBoard SAT Helper 51 AmrBoard SAT Helper

A marketing executive plans to survey 500 potential car

buyers to determine which car feature customers value The weights, in kgs, for 21 horses in a stable were
most. Which of the following sample groups is most reported, and the mean, median, range, and standard

likely to represent all potential car buyers? deviation for the data were found. The horse with the
lowest reported weight was found to actually weigh
A) 500 first-time car buyers selected at random 20 kgs less than its reported weight. What value
remains unchanged if the four values are reported
B) 500 potential car buyers selected at random

using the corrected weight?

C) The first 500 first-time car buyers who enter a certain A) Mean
car dealership
B) Median

D) The first 500 potential car buyers who enter a
C) Range
certain car dealership
D) Standard deviation

50 AmrBoard SAT Helper

Ages of Participants
52 AmrBoard SAT Helper
37 54 41
Near the end of a US cable news show, the host
invited viewers to respond to a poll on the show’s
44 39 68 website that asked, "Do you support the new federal
14 36 76 policy discussed during the show?” At the end of the
32 29 73 show, the host reported that 28% responded “Yes,”
and 70% responded “NO.” which of the following
best explains why the results are unlikely to
An article reported the mean age of participants
represent the sentiments of the population of the

in a study. The ages of the 18 participants in the study

United States?
are given in the table above. Which of the following
statements best describes why the mean age of
A) The percentages do not add up to 100%, so any
participants alone may not be a useful measure of possible conclusions from the poll are invalid.
center for the distribution?
B) Those who responded to the poll were not a
random sample of the population of the United
A) Outliers may cause the distribution to be skewed. States.

C) There were not 50% “Yes” responses and 50% “No”

B) Repeated numbers may cause the distribution to be responses.

D) The show did not allow viewers enough time to

respond to the poll.
C) The number of participants is too small to calculate
and report the mean.

D) Sets containing an even number of data points may

cause the distribution to be skewed.

17 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

Questions 53 and 54 refer to the following A) The median is equal to the average.
B) The median is greater than the average.
The histogram below shows the proportion of
households in a large suburban area that own a certain C) The median is less than the average.

number of dogs.
D) The median could be greater than or less than the
average, depending on the population of the
suburban area.

55 AmrBoard SAT Helper

53 AmrBoard SAT Helper

According to a local ordinance, no household in this
area may own more than 3 dogs. What is the
approximate percentage of households in this area that
are in violation of the ordinance?
A) 9% The graph above shows the average daily temperature
for City A (which is in the Northern Hemisphere) and
B) 17% City B (which is in the Southern Hemisphere) over the
C) 26% course of a year. Which of the following is the most
accurate statement about this information?

D) 83%
A) The average annual temperature for City A is
greater than the average annual temperature for
City B.
B) The standard deviation of the average daily
54 AmrBoard SAT Helper temperatures for City A is greater than the
standard deviation of the average daily

temperatures for City B.

Using the data in the histogram, a researcher calculates C) The coolest average daily temperature for City B is

the median number of dogs per household and the warmer than the warmest average daily
temperature for City A.
average number of dogs per household for this D) The warmest average daily temperature for City B is
suburban area. Based on the graph, which of the approximately the average annual temperature for

City A.
following statements must be true?

18 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

Questions 56 and 57 refer to the following 56 AmrBoard SAT Helper

According to the data, approximately how many of the
current smokers in the study had cholesterol levels

below 210 mg/dl?
A) 48

B) 72

C) 120

D) 160

57 AmrBoard SAT Helper

Do these graphs provide strong evidence in support of
the tested hypothesis?

The graphs above show the results of a study

conducted to test the hypothesis that quitting
A) Yes, because the average cholesterol level for ex-
smokers is much less than the average cholesterol
level for current smokers.
smoking will reduce the chances that a person will B) Yes, because far fewer ex-smokers than current
have high cholesterol levels. The study measured smokers have "high" cholesterol levels.
the overall cholesterol level of 500 current smokers C) No, because the average cholesterol level for ex-
and 500 people who had been habitual smokers smokers is slightly higher than the average
but who had quit at least two years previously. For cholesterol level for current smokers.

the sake of this study, "high" cholesterol is defined D) No, because the percentage of ex-smokers with
as overall levels higher than 269 mg/dl. "high" cholesterol levels is not significantly
different than the percentage of current smokers
with "high" cholesterol levels.

19 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

58 AmrBoard SAT Helper Questions 59 and 60 refer to the following

The graph above shows the percentage of 5 groups
of adults, by age group and employment level, that The table above shows data for the 2012
live below the poverty line. The data were campaigns of the incumbents in 6 Congressional
gathered from a survey of 1,000 randomly chosen districts.
adults. Which of the following statistics about the 59 AmrBoard SAT Helper
1,000 surveyed adults can be most accurately How much campaign money, in dollars, did the

determined from the graph?
A) The percentage of unemployed adults ages 18 District 5 incumbent spend for each vote received?

and above who live below the poverty line.

B) The percentage of people ages 65 and above
(Round your answer to the nearest cent, and ignore the
$ sign when gridding.)

who live below the poverty line

C) The percentage of unemployed adults ages
between 25 and 34 years of age who live 60 AmrBoard SAT Helper
A political consultant uses the data in this table to

below the poverty line

analyze the relationship between campaign
D) The percentage of adults ages 55 to 64 who
expenditures of an incumbent's campaign and the total
work part-time
number of votes that candidate received. She calculates
that the line of best fit relating the total number of

votes received, v, to the total campaign expenses in

dollars, x, is given by 𝑣 = 𝑘𝑥 + 72,600, where k is a

positive constant. If the data for District 6 match this

model perfectly, what is the value of k?


20 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

61 AmrBoard SAT Helper 63 AmrBoard SAT Helper

A researcher is studying the eating habits of all adults in A botanist hypothesizes that, in a certain patch of
a large city and is interested particularly in how often

those adults eat fast food rather than prepare their own forest, the median diameter of the 360 white oak
meals. The researcher asked 350 adult customers at a
major chain restaurant about how often they ate fast trees is 42 inches. The histograms below show the
food and how often they prepared their own meals. Of
these respondents, 120 were unmarried. Which of the data collected on the diameters of 360 white oak

following changes in The survey method would best
improve the reliability of the results? trees. Which graph is consistent with the botanists'

A) Giving the survey to a larger sample group at the hypothesis?

B) Conducting the survey at a farmer's market rather
than at a chain restaurant
C) Excluding the results from the unmarried
D) Giving the survey to a group of adults selected at
random from public records

62 AmrBoard SAT Helper
The mean value of all the cars on a used car lot is
$1 1,000 and the median value of these cars is $7,000.
Which of the following offers the best explanation for
the discrepancy between the mean car value and the
median car value?

A) Many of the cars are valued between $7,000 and

$1 1,000.
B) There are a few cars that cost much less than the
other cars do.
C) There are many cars priced at $7,000.

D) There are a few cars that cost much more than the
other cars do.

21 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

64 AmrBoard SAT Helper 66 AmrBoard SAT Helper

An agriculture class harvested 18 potatoes from the
school garden and compiled the weights of the potatoes

in the table above. If the 2-ounce measurement is
removed from the data, which of the following
statistical measures of the values listed will change the

The graph above shows the distribution of Richter scale
magnitudes for 200 recent earthquakes in north west A) The mean
California. What is the median magnitude of these 200 B) The median
earthquakes? C) The range
D) the total
A) 1.0
B) 1.5

C) 2.0 67 AmrBoard SAT Helper
D) 2 .5

65 AmrBoard SAT Helper

A square lawn has a length of 8 feet and a width of
8 feet. Eight researchers each examine a randomly
A researcher is conducting a study to determine chosen region of the field; all regions are square
with length and width of one foot. The researchers
whether taking a zinc supplement can reduce the
severity of cold symptoms. The treatment group count the number of seedlings in each region that
for this study is 200 adult patients who will take a have reached a height of at least 2 inches. The
zinc supplement within 6 hours of first detecting table below shows the resulting data.
cold symptoms. The researcher will then measure

the length and severity of the cold symptoms for

this treatment group. Which of the following
comparison groups would best enable the researcher to
reach a reliable conclusion about the ability of a zinc
supplement to reduce the severity of cold symptoms?
A) A group of 200 adults without cold symptoms who Which of the following best approximates the

also take the zinc supplement number of seedlings that are at least 2 inches high
B) A group of 200 children with cold symptoms who in the entire lawn?

also take the zinc supplement A) 80

C) A group of 200 adults with cold symptoms who take
sugar pills rather than the zinc supplements B) 640
D) A group of 100 children and 100 adults without
C) 800
cold symptoms who take sugar pills rather than the

zinc supplements D) 6,400


22 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

68 AmrBoard SAT Helper 69 AmrBoard SAT Helper

The median weight of the manhole covers on Street A is

how many pounds greater than the median weight of

the manhole covers on Street B?

Robert and Louis each have five rose bushes, and the

heights of the bushes are shown in the table above. The
mean of the heights of Robert’s rose bushes is 0.3 feet
greater than the mean of the heights of Louis’s rose

bushes. What is the value of h?

70 AmrBoard SAT Helper

The mean weight of the 9 manhole covers on Street B is

267 pounds. If an additional manhole and manhole

cover are added to Street B, and if the mean weight, in

Questions 69 and 70 refer to the following

pounds, for the 10 manhole covers on Street B is an
integer greater than 267, what is one possible weight, in
pounds, of the additional manhole cover?

The table above shows the weights, in pounds, of the


manhole covers on two city streets. City regulations

require that each manhole cover weigh at least 250
pounds and no more than 300 pounds.

23 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

Questions 71 and 72 refer to the following 72 AmrBoard SAT Helper
Jennifer is a 55-year-old woman. Her
Recommended daily intake of calcium
recommended calcium intake is 20% greater than

that of her daughter. What is the youngest age her
daughter could be, in years?

The table above shows the recommended daily intake

73 AmrBoard SAT Helper
of calcium, in milligrams ( mg ), by age and gender

71 AmrBoard SAT Helper

AT Name
6 min 34 sec
Ahmed 6 min 11 sec
Heather and her husband Roger are 32 and 35 Maya 6 min 30sec
years old, respectively. Their three children are 4 Ghada 6 min 52 sec
months old, 3 years old, and 5 years old. What is

Mohammed 8 min 12 sec

the range of the values of the recommended daily
calcium intakes, in milligrams, for the members of Five students ran a mile, and their times are shown in
the family? the table above. If Mohammed’s time is removed, the
data set which of the following measures will change

the least?

A) Mean
B) Median
C) Maximum

D) Range

24 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

74 AmrBoard SAT Helper 75 AmrBoard SAT Helper
Based on the information given in the table, how
much greater, in millions, was the median number of

Building Height(ft.) international tourist arrivals to the top nine tourist

Burj Khalifa 2717 destinations in 2013 than the median number in 2012,
to the nearest tenth of a million?
Shanghai Tower 2073

Makkah Royal Clock Tower 1971

The table above shows the heights of three of the world

's tallest buildings. If a new building is built, what is one
possible height, rounded to the nearest foot, that would 76 AmrBoard SAT Helper
The number of international tourist arrivals in Russia in
make the average height of the four buildings greater
2012 was 13.5% greater than in 2011. The number of
than 2210 feet but less than 2211 feet?
international tourist arrivals in Russia was k million

more in 2012 than in 2011. What is the value of k to the
nearest integer?

Questions 75 and 76 refer to the following

77 AmrBoard SAT Helper

A study was done on the circumferences of different


types of trees in a forest. A random sample of trees

were measured, and each tree was marked to
guarantee that no tree was measured twice. The sample
contained 250 red maple trees, of which 40% had a
circumference less than 35 inches. Which of the
following conclusions is best supported by the data?

A) The average circumference of all the trees in the

forest is approximately 35 inches.

The table above shows the number of international B) Approximately 40% of all the trees in the forest
have circumferences less than 35 inches.
tourist arrivals, rounded to the nearest tenth of a C) Approximately 40% of all the red maple trees in the
forest have circumferences less than 35 inches.
million, to the top nine tourist destinations in both
D) The majority of all the trees in the forest have

2012 and 2013. circumferences larger than 35 inches.


25 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

No. Ans. No. Ans. No. Ans. No. Ans.

1 A 26 A 51 B 76 3

2 D 27 D 52 B 77 C

3 D 28 D 53 B

4 B 29 20 54 C

5 C 30 D 55 B

6 B 31 88 56 C

7 C 32 2.1 57 D

8 A 33 3,4,5 58 C

9 C 34 B 59 2.60

10 D 35 A 60 .27

11 B 36 C 61 D

12 B 37 B 62 D







15 A 40 2.6 65 C
16 C 41 D 66 B

17 D 42 A 67 D

18 A 43 B 68 5.8

19 C 44 D 69 14

20 C 45 D 70 277,287,297

21 C 46 D 71 800

22 C 47 2.2 72 4

23 D 48 B 73 B

24 B 49 B 74 2081,…

25 C 50 A 75 1.3

26 AmrBoard SAT Helper - Survey and statistics

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