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sil y0S> clr slo 9 polis colal tego Lod Ge ge Yo Ste 9% Lally aS> Glejler 9 pole lu! Ao dio BP AATIS LA Ras ill Cae ules gep0e spel Cape 9h lyaS> SSR OS Al yaS> tb os GylocagS> Gy] d 50 pays odtaF ES Lis g aale Sl Grobe 5 sLaldjel gljlo Cul oad cys jg Glad 59 AF 6 Ko wi ye wl Sel tly ea ge LSAT L, ESLY L JES apt ble SUbLS,I 50 5 wi LST 0 a5 Syke Ay ojo Kew Lal 9 Sys gl poke GG CL gy GLEL gl esis as La BI AB polis jI cldsgarre A dgtgce A AU E Sse Ops gla ho a5 9 AS 50 ot CIEE 5 cd wm 99 Syg0 4 BIE Cal yg39 49 Lyles 9 Jgel jbo ce Bowe 45,45 lakers 01) O55 ile Sat 9 oily p0X> ily LN and SLT LS sgl BRT AS Col Joa ad Ss 45,8 ig alga BaF yp eel SS olpte Spe hb dens ay glowed Cyr ig] Comey OS > loci g pols jus So 4 ji yp stile je 95 oily So Col aalge il ogloes pole g shal do Sy the olibd ely alo 3 pal LlS,l jo 6 cuted Ses Go J) Godnte cla sndic’ 9 235 S90 cilere clatoy Ws (ly SS Gghl worce fle Glajbe dnagi Acbiy, flee coly 10,19 ogy cllallings bee celaglejle » loalgs de dec Jot Gob AS AS ge Ba i gd otly oS Giles lyse |) Geol a weak YF yah Gilke ~VUNDP woxio lo dning aly 58 0550 Jal OT LS ye gio yl y PF atlg So US ol osd AE SoS ema 99 eb LS g bose AUT glare se yLthe | oSjLee Gal optic plas gy he sLaals Gy 3 L pete Sypou Wy nels EI 5 op co WBS Ly (RAE ky oT ghey 2 fal She wld ope aly Bees gL sla Sa lala 98 oly aS 2G GU!) 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Lasyf tor Sloe oS eg aaleten Gleet Sy ay oy Cape ay glits AS 4 Seal bal y OA a ey |) eng pte —) Aces 9 09 FF Sisley 9 Spas, KLST pal OS SE AI Waal ST LS yg AF al y SLUT aasagh 9 gs alg aS a9 AS ayo gelcal y Bia 8 u,b GL Sema I ays Sp ce ob ae tet ily WS rttly 9 Ca pide 1 BS aS GAGS da aS astm (gluigha Laas’ y asl gS Geul, UBS tgs pre oral ogy a als 9 Lean Sr gaaT US 9 Gel WS eee alia Osh ou 9 ate js Gls Tal gad 2S ge anys] | Kale Slagle y oped slg? aWybsormad 6 pyc ghane ESS sLaglajle 5 Lasky 4 oS jb glen marie Seal pope 4 a ste Sd Cagle ales y Laibar Gal dy Aa aged cn! ene El Lastg bold oy dogs sly OledL! abjl ghey Callas ASL HF LEI g i Jo 8 Gan Sooliaal yu so 49 peltane ppb oy ledlhl sopeSigt ab Glas seas oll AY » debt cle PEL Lae UL ogete slye GAS Ceo yb sU) 9 cldye gale bal ome .ai,ho ag oy phe Lyel ald poy y Cool AVale igsipld clawyz siz told Seale Sr caphne PF las =o (Graham et al, 2003) sake ise et 1; United Nations Development Programme wv Sr 9 gly eS Globes 5 police ole! YF catlaoK> Gj leo Sy ggLp ole g dasngs cglaslgs g laglejle jf soles |) ys calgyoS> Glojlne HIN gs 4 goleatil cag S> Eg) lee (UNDP) ace fle dag dabiy leo EES weorat & by ys wolaidl lg yeSo iS ge lade pm jl) anaplls 9 lol rth Cathy Se 09,50 5 plied |, golatdl CLS peione pal olaigh® & aS Cull 9 Eartee 9 igi cgLaaL gi gps AS Cal Gols Fob 9 lagna 4 bye Gazb J ecales chal e by al al - wy)! ay 97S ie Soyo ethos slash 9 Le bobs 4 sropllis oily aS coal aol IS 9 firme gFauk capes Ute AS go Culm g roca |) golazel —colatil y gaol Lally, AF Cool by yo eleie! to 9 AS AS ge GS ajar 9 AS a CbUi> Sin yh 9 Leet de 55) 5) LOYAY acgaeel 9 3995p) Cal Spee g cya ulb cceeg Cone’ g Ctal « galjl cottage (goleail (alg o> owls coil o> 101 got wh Sal01 gala o> Slain ecto fle dawg deli SBI 5I sila paSm Elgil (WAM agaal 9 agp) 22 FB g CUS y See dLeck wad IS oslo! JaLS oy cailypoS> aestler Sb bs 5! 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Paps g SITS 909 cles Saad Sage le dagacl calla’ y gle gal5l IS 995 095 Sheedy SLs atl | ly Od Gaal s eek BBLals 4, progenl pies 4 Leash Gop Seb CHS g og SL Up clyate fate bad eran 9% 9 9 gd CeraS Le ay pl poll aS Cel GFasgrcregS> (Bion pg rer gladly 9 StL! 4 03,05 pur d poh 9 Goes Giagh> GEOL 295.0 seal baal IF igh 89 9 danagl dy Agate AF Caul 5 pd) Spa tyfodenigl 6 roy ee EE DD ATTEN shy by ae cobs Gard, IAM Sle jl slr Sb CaS Nye tte cy tS Rey gle LF aS Eal 9 LAL zel Ge rl FNS a ATA cL [Sao 9 erly) LS 4 II SLAY 05 hee 9 agild CeeST> wl ye Lge GLa sil, Top cas! gags ghbe 9 "ELS Sul ails Sule toler Sb Glin Seay Opalyas “igaljl AE 9 getz-s ke SICRG SEIU ggqee Uellge al: Ghyte Coad (gS a LS 9 0075 plat pe Li Lay etl 9 cgelesel gobasil Pon Sil 9 CITAY sgh Sao 9 ble satan) Aoeed tote by cotbyyaS> cla asl gi1E cape Le tile tence cla Shy sacle SS 9 ojlail sys ttyl 5 eS Erk wo daabe Tyo cgilp aS abl Fad ay 9 othe Sg Atel Oly jie wld g pay LATAY cygp teres dpe) 92 aly Fiwalie danas’ oy J isle eee 1- Daniel Kufmann 2- Aart Kraay 3- Pablo Zoido Lobaton 4- Economist Intelligence Unit 5+ International Country Risk Group 6- Haritage Foundation 7- Freedom House "a St OF aly aSe Glajlns 5 pole vole! 2 tla S> GE Sing eee eS Lhe J ale WS hg ool cel Shey Ste Lo oye ily Se SCALE 5 ahLS alga 9 cllae ys ygeraglorl 9 dbs sors: Feud Cedlad silt jlo L995 polic jai WS 525 En! i! pS ye AF Gpbcalgine Sopuglel 3 BBs eS Le Spdecedgtne Sul 5 gh ceils pod g tail ese Shae 9 callyd joes F atlayeS> Ga Shs (Srivastava, 2009) ;asco SS lve (at IS 59 9 CHIE Ba,U Uy pla abel) Gl aalye Glee 59 Sy Lbs JET AS ace ye Ae aR Bo NADY 69 9 hints ly SL oily ly Cad ye Gay gt SAAB eS Lie egos lad Ay dag Sao 8 9 LUI gla ge SIS 9 wo F fae de gl Sam aS Ca! Si fair 9 caeysie le ae LS serge gelece! leo nS payday OS Late Loge ode Ay g Cau Aaagl ole dan 59 poy0 A cates Sate UT IF 9 Sys tall gta 8) 99 y page coals Sy OAH 8 9 LS) Cal gone ISI Gags glas ja} 9 deagi Glob tion 2-.Umalele peer ee ee we snrh Shes wo Sah AS Cal tale alg y all at 6S Le Jes ee BB erase 0808 3h AT Le Eb hy S clio onl gs Oye yaar OVA las gle) Coal la tis’ pbaal ly caly 9 cits pba le eS te Cod 5 eilg pao WIS g ling) Ses glow ES Lbs Sb ES oral pp Cel PY Opidce abo Gy pe GlFaLas 5 lle’ rb jl L gpadine phi 9 job cgtletel AS LAN AT Cus Loe cyl yogic Sussled cul Spe oF og cal ogld gtailejle 9 cAlFT ay 5L5 oS Lae igs ca cals CULSS silugeaal yo 5 cd eet Be0 sg jl chin Cael crailejle g yeu Sy iP LEE y ly als cline a (ESCAP, 2009) gapalojl, GAT ITE Gb LEAT 3 un gods Vr amo SYN iI syed eee5 59 ye Cod da nagl 5) conte CLOGS 5 ratlie gyi dy a s)AF Cale g Arnish die SLs pp gde A298 Clas 6 ed ely ro 9 Suge ES Lite ctl danse SH abiy gleol clinoa a! jf Se 4 45> cay aS> be BLS) 99 jgy4l asda od Syl, Leys y Altes cylas 49 ybaig gb CF Le Cel outs Jrans sileryed AS Shite g Sed Ls g ili ts oT jhe 99 Gb Oyl9 Gat He Syble a2 Mbyee $615) 95) oprg Sols clasp tal ld 9 ES 29 ob ally Od les AAYAA sh Son OW 9 IS cogyad gual yo eS Ube gla onion 9j!9 glow slag eS Lb has, ee Lag ge yo pope CS Lea iF gpl & cual Sze meme 99 Sle Glan Grd penal 9 Srytabys p OSjLee I lag yb oslyal yo oS bee -¥ sib pepit 9 OS bea YAN agyeel carbo) eile yl a9 ES Le -F din, 5 eS bbe 0. shea celaay Lit AS cosh oat ela ple syle sulaziet 5 be sy glass log bs egy SRM 9 Sil. 95 Mtoe Slashs g Jplen by Laceygtd itl Gbdail 9 te sak? SIUM 9 STS 39 py A looged 998 WT 059m * sont SI tan eal ge aly Ln oul usin JIE Sit OF ely SS Glojler 5 polis by! ‘ppl aS jlo ay ss Bal SLs gga wid pire VAFA Js 59 shoals! Gly F lull 59 clits} Ab Sapte Sab yest LL) Sdig ed CS je 69 505 Gand 9 GAT ody) Cys cil cloak, G2 8b 59 9S ooltul CS Lee glo s old! jl gl ands Gly 9 CF SHS bsily CLO IT oly tots Saige d JAS 5 odd Argh Oya CST ahs! LOYAY cgntiilo 9 gbole) ogS.ce Tye 9 ilulud csig gd CS jlie Std O78 jl ley pS jl slays SS Le cogs GubatiyT gaigyted ES bide gho,3-T Js (Arnstein, 1969) yd ype Glia td cele id eee nls] eg lo,5 ch Ga sonk 2° 9 ot sdAlb | Lagyl eg AF Bao ge LBs |) 9% a tink aly 90 59 CS jLLapde Seo Syl 1- Amstein | eee rr cele GLE ISS alge GLagby day cols jgeres sigs Glagljbe jl ae etd Ts aay saga gles ee pA Jad che bis ed tiga bog] ally as aS leas Sor |, oS Le pe Shape DES JES ste GIL, 99 cel oad yyy hd gl glbielss oS > cul wlalgdog> 9 Ailbale 2 CS Leepac i] E55 Gal ogthage ool Gays aS ogcigge La poe Sento Sa AF al Gli sd, 9 Leclys (sly globe al, G0 5 ayy «bao Lous! See PEN) Sinz GAT la rte jl ccalgs AS hy es 5 49 LI Ca Giles og ple QUE cal Sibir gS ted Ay! pa SG Glgie 4 AF boy! oul So sleek, gdp b> 5 CaagSo Glad aby O550 59 95290 GALE jI glaig gt G05 olf] cuul eyghte ghz AS ASL oS ob igh $1 opaday wgege ele lSal, 5 log] clacelgine gee CS Le be ge hy OS ye Cage 8 Cake gal BLS Meyer LODE By pete AS Col SLs 5) lide ope Gulig d 9 Gaede Ged pt ce epee pees a8 gL ts gl dipb i) AF Col cates jf Bead Gbtigget Oat shee eles ealbclgLine ga LitssT Bs gf cS Lhe fab, de Spl ula ge CoKd Cpe obey pO tag Sy FST Gybo son loaly a zVb 29 cee! oad corel (mei) Spgs Cpe ghbigyt SLi Tse aily GLASS ole & sine LAF AOTA® 36 gle 5) \ guoayges ClRa ay si 1, CS Le digo, VAAA Sle 59 Opmtage? eS te 5 gin coke ein SF Gal 9S adds cal US cee Geet lb gaint CS jLbe tou ly: Sab LE plas ye oly graze? Seu! ope b Sapo Gag gt g Colya eget potent bald 32 EaeSmemet TAY Bb gles pS) 35 50 Lay ES be ly AF eae lt Omnis S28 1 Selo cpea &y Label g cnet il ol gle lee Garon Sle ye & LI aS ge woyfo gs 49 Giles dle 9 OS jLde I 8G 5 pow eS oe A Laas ole ay 450 8 ole! ighibe clo eb! fold 2S jlee ole ie Se et "Davidson gud gyo ES bide diga F (Davidson, 1998) :ai0 Sg Eg pad WT ge uly OS Le lp SF ages ly Omri S Ae P Le saad ge olden! ho i gle 4 4599,5 ola 51 ald creo 4 Lata ones BE Go gS Lite vyglite ygilaeebl Jabs oS yLte col lal jler saree Je 2 8 yb BS 59 sie \JSangl> tage des igbibgess 9 GES 09S Ly alpnw yey ola a clgte age fh 9 OF 1) SSabe sal cgtige Goal des yp ES Lt wes tins HOS Le Sh ale i! vty gle ls Qi yay aa jl tan 9 Ua Alay 9 tment 1- David Driskell gp ee ARS YF EWE op Gedo wa ' abe AIGP? AS oe S85) 659 dali 50 osgacea PS ope WjNd Lag ya Sledge g odgdre eS be slp CA te tied oe wl ai iI, cal Outten S dye (SO ; 5,0 6 pSipemad ogy 39 pS jbe BAS Kad 99 59 So Io dyr5 OS Les i gales IAI Jeual,s bs jl emt 9 GHB Op Sa gol CSL elesl IS > Si pS ge gle CS Leaps HOTAF ilps ase I 5 yo sls SFP) Sham 9 ster) 319 SLES 165 pS peat 99 L551 Glee pp PBA cable 9 AOS 5 pF 9 oS bee soe] CTLs 5) geale Lend Bes > P9098 GS & 2 lye B 95SiI gay |y QUT aS Coal cay, glocasige pets te hn lng Gal 9 CVYAY agnigh) ag Sab WF cagtine 9 sue 5 | Gb pps col Gece Sy9 4S 94) Opry Ercetgtone 9 oslo Gb odd SP sceul e5e dus gal dy lla! ag) 99 Sly Coed Ogdiree coi GLA BDH 4 Ga CS lbe tegible 9 aS, cl pF y9 GLB GIy Blu jl poh Gat og CAL Se daceghls 5) a5 alge Coed att eS Le 39 02h HE he sl soales sola catg S Gass & tas by xe Fossils ops GLa tes p 6 op Shee b GES te tale yphg™ Vy 955 cle telgt oe 9 eile Se AD ein Sie AB phecelgns ATV glediggle) sade Calgtons 9 Siealy oleol ay Ces VAP + ans gd dead jf obigyi 9 P77 ob bs Socal y esysly EE UT I et 4 oad CS ee oped > 955 ey OL 9 5 wiles, 13S 31 ‘Be ob eT ee 48 Lal ay ole She ES abst eres ol Gy duke 44 25 0,5 0) gyal 2 GIS 8 Se aw oH aw : alex! GLAS po WS pei HBO leleze Si cae pe 1+ John terner Site 9 gly SH sla jleas y pole sole! — Ab 9 EIS AL 9 GsTgF webs pope RIOT LSU (9 g Cul Acdigi Cy sly alge nl cally I 2 lo aa Ny 59 Mali GME og ier Cad jl jad Wl glocnd i IS” sb Ogei odalten yi Sym BS Gla gS bee w yi (RS eto cess bei SBS AT | pp eS Lea ils y Cal ately y Ste yids | | we Sagi cpot| 9 | AL 195 Meg rsh tad gh aly Cond 5S pate 9 paddle acy sbyeAS Noy Sy) hay! Ly Bas oS Lbs soak 59 GIL) gob 4 alesse porye iI ex3 | ape oD) ale 6b Je chal b by bea GT AS Cl Sg al » pps GS prema YE Ips oo est est le 938 I) alae GALE 9 ope lig led LOLS) Bayh jl poy 9 2) glows gyal po gills wcalys e931 Sloe . Sapa, pl pb See Geald |) le gle pa ery | alee es 6 yl eS igs (YAY gbylRan 9 oaljele) santa ‘gil capa (cla jboen alld 9 cles gla bd) Gog, Auavsell y aindlyls cline & ol Sool) seotlFcugld cal analy ply 9 plat cacy 9 dale abil Ca 85T eed 2990 9 4 OU pled Slt jh shes Gee 9 2yb Aaabe lps 5aLaj sheng Slag 9 jUT dose Ne peS le JZil yigalsl Geded digas gly Coed Sb Be 9 Gatld cules Ga aN jt p89 a slemns 9 mol = gtlatel dasagh ale Cage a gslatel Coal aslo! aL dead 9 aly, db staalys asl Leste Gl I iladlgad gat b tbe! danish occas Biol ily Acilaagl gelge slodasls jl ideale jo gi reaTe SOF pre ed GAS gline dy sdaaber 39 ypild eral I AS palin 9) yal jh cme ole GS cha LE (pop 8) 045 Glam JI AS Cel tpl g Lely caeaS le spline wiles ole 1+ Rule of law gee all> ee I5gjle god Ayal : gp eesbae o 818 9 Gr IS 5S sly a sojlo alee (ego 5 cya) ATAR hae 9 SIE coal = IARI SSG) Male SLY 64959 59 bly, elisd g lejls o> ple Breer AS i LS lade ill pee Se ays alga 5 Local) ggi> 04, t Slusl zak . bpzh ash 5S call Gale ohages Slat Spi I 598 cular y litle & eins cael phaboled (gALlatil SLeg yes 9 Jie lad lke oyeg pple gid ali jbug ESCAP, 2009) ected jeg BLS jJ oyb CVs CLSILI ay utus Cal y calli pgp Se ph So4 9 AT tend pions Cal jee Se G99 4 GIT AE GLI glee egal JS jy eee IS GT gape 9 ogy9 oh SOS Cool Glyjls wiles gly, cass aL, GLEGLS 9590 GLEE eglejle GT 9,2 clasil,d 5 SLE! 2,50 99 Les] Ls LOYAY a ial 5 cop 4) 35,5] geld I SL > 999 59 oF cleats GS prema SF Cul Lee gl & Cali DS pede y dN] jg bay SLED! g Lnools AS Cal Line Gl & jah 9 Op pledl Ce TBS 9 5S oe NS lal lal y clageat Sbood oF abl SL Ald yazuo sles Galled ody 9 Pyne sly LEME! Cogs eee 9 Ae CaS de jo ae heeniat oygen 99 a Spe Ae g Geb CUEDLI a pasted jb oli begat 9 Sie GT goliacdl cgloyg JA Soule 9 aga tte sly ilies ge oles 9 goles) 4S leg oy la tse aber jl oat » Loree lew! objT ghy> Sb le (Srivastava, 2009) coul o5ypp2 shone) Shad igthes 9 WS yaie wa TenF ClEdUbI g aosks 42 Maas JS pole Gipson) |) colpe 9 cailit dation claubajle jl sale slo F giyae SLE Laaigh 9h cally 08> shel ave 4g gelazel dangle Gade daaigi ceils oxy! SAS oat yer oper ual ELE gS gLaaSeab y LAL y9Qb 9 ob HAS J, Sledbel ,Lasil 5 5 9lo,5 sacs i slsel B oledtel edb» ely ly what OVS ie 2 AS eel leh a igs 1 Transparency ry SAA OF ilo eS> Sl jhe y pole ol) lejos (ICT) SLEMbl 9 SLbLS,! sipl5 aaugs ul p59 0S Cues UacaagSs 39 eal Spa RaS Seizes ob HA Ep Sete yyb |) SLI! OSTy 5 sa sesh oa abil lye algae iI LesT OL LEG g Shaiya alll lee ules oF peal OTIS 5 Bhs sere cathy SS hel) chal WS 4 ceil oad) esl posdle eS OLS WS od jab pogad Typ Glaage 9 eS po crlg peK> jl ody & aS 9 golecel agoLatdl gLS lcal ay gape, dys glared b Celis guy aF CL! L8Saly 5 c55 wybpal ced ie Gl 92 9 Spt uge Helge phd 9 Cuogaree b Gules etlae ols 5 gelccel qgoladl ONL ts gl syle: HL Gy S9 Gly Cal gp Laclbe yy AF sao,ge oflel glaigped dy wily Ceilah 99) Gaels Jo bli ne cpoles Sl egal ops walys VL |; Cog cphycadlgtine GS Epil g AES UB go Glare oS gk by oF op sale VEL oF EMAL W cdg & Sled! G3 Gab jl ose cyl Bipre JSte glee cuilad 89 Ojhe a who aalys all |) obad 5 9,5 ales g Ale 5 cpl dy rete AT FSF dre ce Syed Giga & 9 cus! Sle del ( al., 2015) a2 sale clos cues pA Sasi GSS ly DE Je 39 Glee pole 39 ert 35 Gat See} > Abe LEDS! 09 ra cla ygiga jf ane 07259) Glacalld CudLAS Li! Caer dre pS tulad |) ed vals diya oS led py gla y|yl Based Glacelory DS ghgge tL Fite QA Sys 9 Rte Sale Gly eyed S ee ales Cb hy easy Malls ojo 49 CeLA oly LOL 059,21 (Pulidindi, 2010) 5x pes aga Ale ALIS Ss shal ojby9 4 cola Masa jf whey cool ih, ab Lec ilg ds yo Cel pS pate eB tap Hl Cel y9 pe ber 8 JI ote Oe a= BL canes ty lye tal f Sole ss ed della Ceoken 9 Caled sl HP ing Cg Seal Sal way tee yh Alle played LL jae ye Cel lr set) P SS yc stay glen Bye SiS 9396 59 EiPsteh eeS al 9 SALT leer edabygt nn ob 9 os olor eer 89. ot YA ei PS HSI 99 le eT Le Jes ys . Bis slags aby Jee clr athe ALesl Sis Iy:S5 la Iyl sf oolinal bls lS aS ge coli! pS ete lel asic Cal 8 heal Sy SSI blag 0 oS cits lageygo or SLT 49 Sle 9 abe ally 9 5.5 solace! lesbo, tassel, seb y Cyl ple wile LeaiLe, ol ab jl Alles Oyg.0 4 Gliig gd g acne OL Joe (Citio, 2011) ans Gis 5 eS Lie gy Copse ‘assesk abby JUS 59 Gar te Goll L oF Grails Jpn foe sil cual jhe ees eul ely 5 0d plas slay cle gis do & yong do So Gabe 4k dgee Tyee Gl by 5) GU Ba ph og eg yf Ceul yLe Gol yp pSe Jgeol aS 00.85 plas JLB 39 eae elgtine Gorge paltry OLS ple! Calpine Gog uate AVY R® sg Kaw 9 eALILE) Lng, Org Jorne 9 dene dpe yates tlgone gel go ebb eggl slat 59 a Ceul eltiaby egal, Culgtine wale Glee & alps cal 09,5 Jgoee lag oage 72 AF alacelgtne all oly clea olaness pS fealy ceyteh dale pls Se 9 Sao Syhe a dlaiige LIL) AY SALLIE 9 soya! Gilpley ww 9 Sel; Lagl ple 52 9 tiehie Cull ole bag Slepprona’ ol, Se ysl plosl ay ply) op Seger 2b SLAs aieky 99s ergS Gel, Celpine Sig Se uy ts y eds ply ‘Responsibility 4 pass tua Aas b Joc Sa pope LSI ug late a9 yp tie HY GREE SU! Garb 5 alpine ple! YAM agile bl) Accountability jo asl gla aS col oil pps 9h oily eS pp g ALLS! egg ale 2 Ob SS plas 4 AF ars (BSCAP, 2009) wus (oe bal eg cL ee NY Ls «ttle (gilej edge USS coast g clapeat af el viola ote? HH 2? ashok, A . alps upstate) ish e983 ge pb Lana gale ied 9 Ae asthe usobal sy! » oylyam Sie pee | Responsiveness Greed 9 csilyppS> slo les g polic ole eS eb analy Laub ogee AS AUS fone gly go dy Faced gry S eal, pene Sy easly alee gyal gigs Ld ceo! 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Sluts LS ay ol il cel oat Gls ples Lael 5 oy tice pean" soleil algo a Locauige coll acqultbanale ay 25 9g fitane Caner 9 cage aS Sle Sue 59 98 SF Cul ie Laces STAY 659205228 9 celle) 9,28 1 49 5351) GL S9 lads, 5 giles Caplin clonal ail tbiree hy IAB 9 GI Sib 5 laog S oypie dale Se 59 Beg BAe al oe ts 6S tiles Be 9 ailg p> 9, 9975 GLY cigllne JS cain 5S g Sool, plas aS ip! ojl,9 ciples Elarl 9 Cumg ay U oto 5hi cislite Ged aay Ogeege Cel |) gMKaw gil g oj)o Jleio ay boog Fg als eu AST sly Ly oe th eS lly sags Gly SI pe gies teal Skea g Gang jbilete He ae} ab Cass glaensgs Guig Glad & lpi ues ai9hz 9 Sol SLs 2a9e Giz 4 Su Sigh g (polar gts gloaiges Ceye Spo 9 CHEE jer 2 ote xl ol (Srivastava, 2009) 99% .c2 Jol> dase Tedlae lioyge 9 Giles gLasltags op jh goes BEI So obi oe Capit lias ay |, cule ab gpk paris oF 2 al Scaiglles Cull C5 F Oyxe Sle Gay i) gel! jloeinte 2 Bh or! “he ball ahaad a Aabat sly WE pM plesy ceye AF sigh gl al Seaealle 9 by cdNo analy oll dap slaceigllan 50505 fj cuagllan 19, cpa 00595 9 dE OS Get 9 5 SpSoslail ob gore Cyxe 4) BP ciple pie mec es goign 1 Consensus oriented 2+ Social dilemma 3- Equity and inclusiveness + Jeremy Bentham Swe OF rlyeS> Gl hone y polis ste) — pe eats gop Ll Serene DISH Gilley MS ne Sb ph eolis sly cecal gy] oaegles “Bh gle oF LF lat cual dale JF worecels, ghee il sks Shp) cgelete! 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Basho Leal gal i) closigas cuul ous Ys gluil cole oti yeedt 9 dele aty SHS V aaT to) 09-8 oloul (gid Aig g asl Aard (Sail 09,8 958 whi Oy cl ae lad glo! 5 Joe 4 igh (10 au] ig lpee JT) Cou eno 9 Joe obe® 2:00 aT elas) antl Lag elle alee 99 5 sasics gLag’ poye a A> al Jo) ren FY aT oa tle) cl 955 og & GSo0 Jae ye jf cdlue igh (8) cole poal eizen (00 AT sy) ales XS pays gles p9 ede 4 45 5b curl 1-John Rawls 2- Robert Nozick gee ne pil ie 9 WA ne SS te ead argerileal Balog sasils alge OVAN solar g al etile) iho gs Cle &y Gye ol wp ole eres SES Gabel nal clacl dow oF oils oyl ay (Siw staal old, > Lang 9 ST ASS Coal Cal a dee Gul css Sy glacal Lal gle ily Bair | oF eA, log Sab GT AF sgt placed Cole pdr JLadl obese cole V4 gelacel cleo class js Gull (Srivastava, 2009) wuts sgege b ass B58 jet 9 930 SE ol a 2 Gbejley yp desley elecel 5 solatil lags yl pli oF Bf pabine rll tacky 99 also Qa595 5 salad y gelare! Lily, 5 glad slajle jo Had y elacel CUlaer glgse 098 OES 59 cso aged (ITA sola 9 ceaee>) We aad age 59 ual 9 Qajg5 ilar dhe y pd 4 SoS 591, CUE pggie pS gp Cll agile pets jo Sige IS a pope ceulel slajls a3, 9 Gls SAS 5p hy atlis gas Eand LAS 9 no Sloe ele Ga j9h ge caablie See) Ale 6 yh ste Ly eb SLT ls yep S9l 9 AS Og dled SS Clb th C515 ory eb 9 elatel y glad clue agile (ITA> isles Eas 9 ogy Lal Ite i) clans Lee 98 aS Cal, alge wyatt 9 oS 50 AIS ol elo ag abotes Cola yd g Glib Sylite ight ns OL elsal spl FEB igh te 1 Fay socio gd 59 SylxU elsel onl 4 Cul dusky ya ,9 SUT ashe g cuthigy auido JUbl dhwart ead jI ilacuay’ y CU Lats Jtp8 golly elarel Lael Sib, 92 ply slrcresdye S52 ly tL ou tte wanes Aaabe pit 59 baoy ‘gral 9 als Mes sys Gere ay ite Unk g Laan 8 AS Celine Gi! 4 a9 tly a> PENS py aie al ene dy giles jl oobi! garter 9295 Gy taal slajls Gb ‘ " ay seul wg call we 8 Calan one ALi g ter Giles iI baby aU eae oe 5 b (Srivastava, 2 Od Ge “st Osan catlaailge besa Sy nll ssid OH 2? nn “Eietveness and Efficiency SAD oF tly SS lajlene y pole ty — OPPS Seat tloes clas 19 Latino potine Gall ladles yo Vocals 5 SLi jai Speedy Lac Lge CandS yotane Gtuljil agatailyy Bees G95 Ausles via) til WL, JOYA ig] Kae 9 doga) Specs Ge ET oneal 9 Gpyteliy aul s AVY LLY 91) HE aly eS 29 GATE 9 GALLS tay Glas, bo sel jee ins Ciel 0 Ly cgilbee glaal, oF 2S ge ast Soe A! SUEY! 5 Saye kd pad co pad g Laggl Jo abil ge daile pines Gla S099 HALT Lael, Gy! alee 5) joie Lem GEBId 9 (org LF agp hat) Saeed GHAlE Sg eal gry LAS) YT CabS ogate be seater Gla ueg> OdygT SHH 42 K9 aly Cal Gh org gabel Jpeer oes pt ally eS 99 AIF Gam a AF gpl dy Cel 9 Sy9278 eile! eslon Sie JSS Sy sTtnts 9 92d Gast dy bere ge Last jo galte AF Col 4255 Gy popes og Linge pl og gle aad 99 Lg opp Shes alg ails Gi, 4g yopeasety Ulltses Colas 491) Shed danigh g Ady waldo ub Wal 5 yh) alsa 9 clsiel wLasil Lageilo Aj) 45 wa Jeole gLizebl y atl jboouge lew claw Ap MY ee dy eilins cglosuly 49 jad og 3Hh jy! 9 a anlyss Lek Cony jeans Cayce plang Sale Shel Ca pide Ygtine oles Ge Fishel gigieds glee Slabs wt salys OL Wye GLE! y WALs Ele Bled Ele 9 9,5 lyin |b oF Ere SASHES, ed dy Vy etna lle Glee Sper ygzee Worle Lald pl cx! OT SipSyiS jPod BAAS y yale g copa lel gps Sp FWH og alle 9 4 (Rashid et al., 2009) o52.4 gan 9 gilnr sd tes Je gel Ly Ll cal inal Ib es aS Coal ten sagt ste Wl aay b 95 Sy ababy plail yo Sloe aS bccn Gs le} enstlee Mee 9 Cet he 9 nS LS rubs Sylad gays Spas 9 ol dl pls b Jee ts! teelatel y wopd bal 59 epd veulys ue (World bank, 2005) tb ealel o9¢ Lael . Na PL aaH at 59 celetel pleut! Li Se ate Alay 9 jIpal uly igs AF onl cert? 1- Accountability soe whe oe ls, ore rF pede OTT abl San 9 spp heels) wah Lgl ed 5 Sgege clacylis 4 cet AB Jo a RFU Sa cerige 49 5058 SIG L Jae a ill ull a eliza gacdlh) sBbcee OsSU9F bab 59 55509. BL g aga gles SF oul Guple 4 LOY gig pe BEB US Cal 55 oila yao Slag ile TLS caisSlae 9 cpdecelgine BES GLEN 9 Pope Ay Ces Ul job side CGlagbojle 5 Gogad cise Sb algo dap NB Slermad SSeS oyod 4 oF HLS lad ay Cones wb Ly andl Sle ae 9 eM 9h rig ge AF 995 GleSI ub webl ph cginn 9 0992 gle> SLapLES Ap Ahm a ong Seely operd g JSS Abb cot jad pam bldg oshas 85,1 gill ciple Ehare Gla y9S 49 55,1 slapllds Log Sie b here deb colatil ool .(Srivastava, 2009) 21 bad crear he pS Soe lie cal al g soleil - pales Sapo ays oe cathy eS Spal 6S Coal lal g Le Mal, 005 pF p29 Gu ya Cel Col dS Qaaw Ghaal 4 ga, SA ly ops igh Byte 9 GME PS SL Able le Gurb jl eleie! laeg,F 9 S(UNDP) soers Je de gs dabiyy AF 9 co aly eS Spel ead Gal 92 andl 9 yy Syge ecu 09,5 all,| (ESCAP) ppl osileil 9 eal gelete! sales! ogemeaS SSIS agagh Gey eB yg Capo WS bee Jal pol gil E96 18 Seles Ul cy a5 athce wypycnlgtons Heth 9 ttl (CUlse) alee Sole verses Sly SE go cs yal eg cilgpaS& 29 caged era He caletns AF Sell Gl Sealy A aS HESS we Ls atlas wily aS aent glee 2? GPa SlaygtS KS pe Jie 59 Ue gods 99 Lage le cl > cn! Els Sane la tae layasld Gull, Sate Soe 39 dang JL 2 9 acdlar ogi jl el tabsee clajgtS 9 wihad addy wishes gyhele} pal 99 G8 slaasls ‘on for Asia and the Pacific L Economie and Social Com!

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