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Who Am I?

Personality Profile Assignment

For this assignment, we are going to be looking at two different Personality Profile survey sites and comparing the
Part 1: Please login to your MyBlueprint page and look at the personality profile survey. (If you did this in grade 10 or
just want to redo your survey, please click the “restart” icon to do your survey over again.)

Which personality type did you receive from your MyBlueprint survey? INTJ

Letter: Designation:
I Energy
N Information Gathering
T Decision Making
J Lifestyle & Structure
Place a screen shot of your Overview page from your MyBluePrint results below:

Once you have completed your My Blueprint survey and you have discovered your personality type and some of its
characteristics, compare the results with the results from the profile.

Letter Percentage

I 73%

N 66%

T 90%

J 69%
T 63%

C) What does each of the letters mean?

I = Introverted
N= Intuitive
T= Thinking
J= Judging
T= Turbulent

Notes from 16 Personalities Personality Profile pages

Section: List bullet points:

Strengths  Rational
 Informed
 Independent
 Determined
 Curious
 Original

Weaknesses  Arrogant
 Dismissive of emotions
 Overly critical
 Combative
 Socially clueless

Friendships  Sharp witted

 Dark humor
& Relationships
 Intellectual match
 Depth & quality
 Honesty
 Self-improvement
 A different perspective

Career Paths  Managers

 Directors
 System engineers
 Marketing strategist
 Military strategists
 Systems analysists
 Management consultants
Workplace Habits  Independent
 Problem solving
 High standards
 Efficient
 Leader
 Determination

Attach a screen shot of your personality profile results:

Finally, write a comparative paragraph (can be more than 1 paragraph) based on the two survey results. Focus on the
similarities, the differences and your opinions of the results.
*Your writing should be between 200 – 300 words in length.*
Within both survey results, I have received the INTJ-T personality type, and the overall results generally
remained the same. Both surveys had the highest percentage in the introverted and thinking category,
although, I do not believe I should have a high introversion percentage. The traits normally follow the
introverted category, especially in the workplace, explained INTJ as someone who prefers to always work
alone, believes group projects are a waste of time and doesn't take criticism easily. This doesn't apply to me as
I am planning on going into film, which is a heavily community-oriented career. I also believe that criticism is
necessary to improve and that communication with others in the workplace is something I enjoy doing in
which I believe I can act extraverted at those times. Other than that, note, the rest of the results were
accurate to how I believe my own personality is. Elements like curiosity, valuing creative ingenuity,
straightforward rationality and self-improvement are things I also value as well. Overall, compared to the
other personality results I could've gotten, INTJ generally fits the best especially with Christopher Nolan
sharing the same personality type as I always looked up to him growing up and with wanting to be a director
too, it makes sense that I took traits from how he works and acts. Although, the main thing that sucks with
INTJ is the Einstein looking character. Why can’t INTJ be one of the cute ones, oh well.

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