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Case Study 3 – Integrated System

Student Guide

 Fully integrate two applications, ensuring that data is consistent among all databases.
 Understand how business process supports the requirements for information consistency.
 Understand that system integration often limits what can be done with legacy software.
 Ensure near real time data consistency, but document instances when data can become
 Develop a feasible approach to database consistency within limited time constraints.

Deliverables: The teams must:

1) Develop a functionally integrated system, where data is only entered once, but distributed to
other databases in near real time.
2) Requirements , design, and test plan/results document
3) Demonstrate integrated system meets all user requirements
4) Updated previous documentation to reflect the new vision

Approach Guidelines:
 Teams don’t have much time to complete this task, so the system design should be realistic
given the time allotted.
 T integrated system should demonstrate the ACID properties, or the documentation should
reflect possible situations when the databases will be inconsistent and how the system should
be brought back into consistency.
 Teams have several options for completing this case study. Teams may be able to integrate
using middleware, triggers and stored procedures, or by creating a third database. The
important element here is that each team selects a feasible option that can be completed within
the time frame of the exercise.
 The interface should change very little, unless they need to improve performance or enhance
usability from the previous exercise.
 Teams may find that two-phase locking is not feasible given the time allotted.

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