SCI 9 Q2 Percentage Comp-WPS Office

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Percentage Composition of a Compound | Grade 9 Science DepEd MELC Quarter 2 Module 7

hi there

in our previous lesson we talked about

the mole concept to express

massive substances in this video

we will talk about how to determine the

percentage composition of a compound

given its chemical formula and vice


if you still haven't watched the

previous lesson you can pause this video

and watch that one first to better

understand our lesson today

imagine yourself taking a test and

getting a hundred percent remarks on

your test result

what does the hundred percent mean it

means that you got

all items correct and have a perfect


you may have gotten 10 over 10 or 20

over 20.

the 100 is called the percentage score

if you want to get your percentage score

in a test
you simply divide your score over the

total test items

and multiply it by one hundred for


we have twenty over twenty times one


equals one hundred percent now why do we

need to multiply the percentage score by

one hundred

this is because percentage would also

mean an amount in hundred or by a



the percentage composition of any given


is identified as the fraction of the

amount of each element

on the total amount of individual

elements present in the compound

multiplied by 100 it is simply an

expression of a compound's composition

in terms of all the elements present

knowing the percentage composition in a

compound is useful

in determining the empirical formula of

a chemical substance

which will be discussed in higher grade


the percentage composition of a compound

can be determined from the chemical

formula of a compound

the formula to be used is percentage


equals mass of element in one mole

over molar mass of a compound times 100


from the given formula you can get the

percentage composition

by knowing the following data first one

the elements present in the compounds

two the atomic mass of each element

three the number of atoms of each


and lastly the molar mass

let's try this sample problem muriatic


also known as hydrochloric acid

is used as a cleaning agent in homes to

get rid of tough stains and molds

calculate the percentage composition of

muriatic acid

i'm going to list down some steps to

better understand the calculations

step 1 list the known and unknown


the known quantities are mass of


in one mole which is 1.001 grams

and mass of chlorine in one mole

which is 35.45 grams

note that these can be found as atomic

mass from the periodic table of elements

lastly when we add the two elements

we can get the molar mass of

hydrochloric acid

which is equal to 36.45 grams per mole

next we're going to look for the

percentage of hydrogen

and chlorine

step 2 calculate the percentage

composition of each element

by dividing the mass of each element by

the molar mass of the compound

and multiplying by 100 percent

percentage of hydrogen equals 1 gram of


over 36.45 grams

times 100 percent equals 2.74

of hydrogen percentage of chlorine

equals 35.45 grams chlorine

over 36.45 grams

times 100 percent equals

97.26 percent of chlorine

last step step 3 review your result

it should total to 100 2.74

of hydrogen plus 97.26

of chlorine equals 100

therefore hydrochloric acid is 2.74

percent hydrogen

and 97.26 chlorine

that was the first way of getting the

percentage composition

through its chemical formula the other


is from its given mass data


percentage composition can be calculated

given the masses of each of the elements

present in a compound

we will still use the same formula with

little changes

instead of massive element in one mole

it will be

mass of given element and

instead of molar mass of compound it

will be

massive compound

let's try another problem a certain

newly synthesized compound

is known to contain elements zinc and


when 30 grams of the sample is


24.12 grams of zinc remains

determine the percentage composition of

the compound

first list the known and unknown


the given quantities are massive


which is 30 grams and

massive zinc which is 24.12 grams

we're going to find the percentage of

zinc and percentage of oxygen

second calculate here's a hint

subtract to find the mass of oxygen in

the compound

divide each element's mass by the total

mass of the compound

to find the percentage by mass

mass of oxygen equals 30 grams

minus 24.12 grams of zinc

equals 5.88 grams of oxygen

now we have both the mass of zinc and


percentage of zinc equals 24.12 grams of


over 30 grams times 100 percent

equals 80.40 zinc

percentage of oxygen equals 5.88 grams

of oxygen

over 30 grams hundred percent

equals nineteen point sixty percent


lastly review your result it should

total to

one hundred percent eighty point forty


zinc plus nineteen point

sixty percent oxygen equals one hundred


the calculations sound reasonable

because this adds up to a hundred


and you can see in the result that by


the compound is mostly zinc with 80.40

percentage composition

now let's wrap things up the percentage


is simply an expression of a compound's


in terms of all the elements present

there are two processes in determining

the percentage composition of a compound

first by calculating given the chemical

formula of the compound

and second given the mass data of the


knowing about percentage composition is

very significant

in determining the empirical formula of

a chemical substance

that's all for now see you on our next


and don't forget to keep your minds busy

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Mole Concept | Grade 9 Science DepEd MELC Quarter 2 Module 6

in our previous lesson we talked

about the general classes and uses of

organic compounds

in this video we will talk about a mole

concept to express the mass of


so let's get started

have you ever tried counting how many

grains of rice can fit in one bowl

i'm pretty sure that would take a very

long time

in the same sense counting atoms

molecules or ions

is not that simple because of their very

small size

therefore scientists have devised a

different scale of counting atoms

molecules or ions


a more convenient way to handle

calculations in chemistry

is by defining a specific number of


just like when we say a dozen eggs

refer to 12 eggs or a ream of paper

is 500 pieces of paper this specific

number of particles

is the mole a mole is defined as the

number of particles

may it be an atom molecule or iron

present in exactly 12 grams of carbon-12

the number 6.02 times 10

raised to the 23rd power is popularly

known as the avogadro constant

or avogadro's number and is often

denoted by the symbol

n sub a the elementary entities that can

be represented in moles can be atoms

molecules monoatomic or polyatomic ions

and other particles such as electrons

any measurement can be broken down into

two parts

the numerical magnitude and the units

that the magnitude is expressed in

for example when the mass of a ball is

measured as 2 kilograms

the magnitude is 2 and the unit is


when dealing with particles at an atomic

or molecular level

even one gram of a pure element is known

to contain a huge number of atoms

this is where the mole concept is widely


it primarily focuses on the unit known

as a mole

which is a count of a very large number

of particles

one mole refers to the amount of

substance of a system that contains as

many elementary entities

as there are atoms in 12 grams of


the number of moles of a substance in a

given pure sample

can be represented by the following


n equals n over n sub a

where the small n is the number of moles

of the substance

or elementary entity to capitalize

n is the total number of elementary

entities in the sample

and n sub a is the avogadro constant

the number of moles of a molecule may

not always be equal to the number of

moles of its constituent elements

for example a mole of water contains

n sub a number of h2o molecules

however each water molecule contains

two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom

therefore one mole of h2o

contains two moles of hydrogen and one

mole of oxygen


all right so here's a sample problem

how many molecules are there in four

moles of sodium chloride

here are some steps to follow to easily

calculate what is asked

step one identify what is given

the known number of moles is four moles

of sodium chloride step 2

identify what is asked the unknown

is the number of molecules of sodium


the desired conversion is mole to


we need a conversion factor that gives

molecules or mole

we know that 6.02 times

10 raised to the 23rd power molecules of

sodium chloride

is 1 mole of sodium chloride

step 3 now we can start calculating

4 moles of sodium chloride multiplied by

6.02 times 10 raised to the 23rd

power molecules of sodium chloride over

1 mole of sodium chloride

we can cancel out common units this

equals to

24.08 times 10 raised to

23rd power molecules of sodium chloride

or if we move one decimal point to the


2.41 times 10 raised to 24

power molecules of sodium chloride

here's another sample problem how many

moles of magnesium

is 3.01 times 10

raised to 22nd power atoms of magnesium

the known number is 3.01

times 10 raised to the 22nd power atoms

of magnesium

the unknown is the number of moles the

desired conversion

is atoms to moles the expression

relating the unit

is one mole equals 6.02

times 10 raised to the 23rd power atoms

of magnesium

the solution will be 3.01

times 10 raised to the 22nd power atoms

of magnesium

multiplied by one mole of magnesium over

6.02 times 10 raised to the 23rd power

atoms of magnesium we can still cancel

common units

this equals 0.5 times 10 raised to the

negative 1

power moles of magnesium or 5

times 10 raised to the negative 2 power

moles of magnesium

here's the last sample problem how many

fluoride ions

are in 1.46 moles of aluminum fluoride

the known number is 1.46 moles of

aluminum fluoride

the unknown is the number of fluoride


the desired conversion is moles to

formula units to ions

we know that one mole is equal to

6.02 times 10 raised to the 23rd power

formula units

the first conversion factor will be

formula units

over moles to convert formula units to


we need to know how many fluoride ions

are part of each

formula unit thus we need to write the

formula for aluminum fluoride

we find that this compound has three

fluoride ions per formula unit

the second conversion factor will be

three fluoride ions per one formula unit

of aluminum fluoride

now let's start calculating 1.46 moles

of aluminum fluoride

multiplied by 6.02 times

10 raised to the 23rd power formula

units of aluminum fluoride

over one mole of aluminum fluoride

multiplied by three fluoride ions per

one formula unit of aluminum fluoride

take note that we can cancel common


this equals to 26.37

times 10 raised to the 23rd power of

fluoride ions

or 2.64 times 10

raised to 24 power of fluoride ions

all right that's all for the


let's proceed to another concept

the atomic mass of an element is the

mass of one atom of the element

it is expressed in atomic mass units for


the atomic mass of hydrogen is 1.00794

atomic mass units

and that of oxygen is 15.9994

atomic mass units

on the other hand the molecular mass of

an element

is the sum of the atomic masses of all

its constituent elements

this quantity is also represented in

terms of atomic mass units

therefore the molecular mass of water is

equal to the sum of the atomic masses of

its constituents

hydrogen and oxygen water molecules

contain two hydrogen atoms

and only one oxygen atom the atomic mass

of hydrogen is

1.00 atomic mass

units and that of oxygen is 15.9994

atomic mass

units to get the molecular mass

we multiply the hydrogen twice and add


thus the molecular mass of h2o or water

is 18.0154 atomic mass units

lastly the molar mass of a substance

is defined as the total mass of one mole

of the substance

it is often represented in terms of

grams per mole

however the international system unit of

this quantity is kilograms per mole

molar mass can be represented by the

following formula

molar mass of a substance equals mass of

the substance in grams over number of


for example the molar mass of sodium


can be calculated for finding the atomic

mass of sodium

and atomic mass of chlorine and

combining them

the molar mass of sodium chloride is

58.44 grams per mole

now here's a quick recap the mole

is represented by avogadro's number

which is

6.02 times 10 raised to the 23rd power

atoms or molecules per mole by

understanding the relationship between

moles and avogadro's number

scientists can convert between number of

moles and number of atoms

the atomic mass of an element is the

mass of one atom of the element

the molecular mass of an element is the

sum of the atomic masses

of all its constituent elements the

molar mass of a particular substance

is the mass of one mole of that


that's all for now we will be discussing


percentage composition of a compound in

our next video

so stay tuned see you on our next video

and don't forget to keep your minds busy

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Variety of Carbon Compounds | Grade 9 Science DepEd MELC Quarter 2 Module 5

there in our previous lesson we talked

about organic compounds

we learned that these are groups of

compounds that contain the element

carbon by the way if you still haven't

watched our previous lesson

you can pause this video and watch that

one first to better understand our topic


many organic compounds are formed

because of the special characteristics

of carbon

our carbon atom has four valence


this kind of atomic structure makes the

carbon atom

able to form four covalent bonds with

atoms of other elements and

other carbon atoms carbon atoms can also


many types of arrangements single bond

double bond and triple bond with these

abilities of the carbon atoms

chemical bonds between carbon atoms and

other elements can

form different kinds of compounds with

short and long

straight and branched chain structures

alcohols are another group of organic


these organic compounds also have very

important uses

some alcohols are used as antiseptics or


some are used as cleaning agents others

are useless components of liquors

and a few alcohols are used as fuel for

portable stoves or other types of


an alcohol molecule consists of two


the first one has the alkyl group and

the other

has the hydroxyl group


for example ethanol the principal

ingredient in alcoholic beverages

is an alcohol it has an alkyl group

and a hydroxyl group

the boiling points of alcohols increase

as the number of carbon atoms increases

the patterns in the boiling point

reflect the patterns in

intermolecular attractions that is

hydrogen bonding between hydroxyl groups

of alcohol molecules

alcohols are soluble in water this is

due to the hydroxyl group in the alcohol

that is able to form hydrogen bonds with

water molecules

alcohols with a smaller hydrocarbon

chain are very soluble

as the length of the hydrocarbon chain


the solubility in water decreases

because it requires more energy to

overcome the hydrogen bonds between the

alcohol molecules

since the molecules are more tightly

packed together

as the size and mass increases

viscosity is the property of a fluid to

resist the force

tending to cause the fluid to flow the

viscosity of
alcohols increases as the size of the


increases this is because the strength

of the intermolecular forces

increases holding the molecules more

firmly in place

the flammability of alcohols decreases

as the size and mass of the molecules


combustion breaks the covalent bonds of

the molecules

so as the size and mass of the molecules


there are more covalent bonds to break

in order to burn that alcohol

hence more energy is hard to break the


therefore the flammability of alcohols


as the size and mass of molecules


methanol is produced by heating wood

chips in the absence of air

it is used as fuel for automobile

and is a polar organic solvent

ethanol is produced through fermentation

of fruit juices

it is used as motor fuel or gasoline


isopropyl alcohol is made by indirect

hydration of propylene

it is used as an industrial solvent and

rubbing alcohol for disinfection

ethylene glycol is used for automotive

antifreeze an ingredient in hydraulic


printing inks and paint solvents and

reagent for explosives

lastly glycerol it is a byproduct

of soap manufacture through


it is obtained by fermentation from


and sugar and is used as a primary


in dynamite coronary vasodilator

solvent and moisturizer

another group of organic compounds are

aldehydes and ketones

aldehydes and ketones in combination

with other functional groups are widely

available in nature

aldehydes and ketones contain the

carbonyl group in

aldehydes the carbonyl group is located

at the terminal end of the molecule

whereas in ketones the carbonyl group is


anywhere between the two terminal ends

of the molecule

in aldehydes the carbonyl group has

one hydrogen atom attached to it


and with either a second hydrogen atom


a hydrogen group which may be an alkyl


or one containing a benzene ring which

we'll be discussing in another topic

the simplest aldehyde is formaldehyde

which has an irritating and pungent odor

and is soluble in water

in ketones the carbonyl group has two

hydrocarbon groups attached to it

these can either be the ones containing

benzene rings or

alkyl groups ketones do not have a

hydrogen atom

attached to the carbonyl group acetone

is the simplest and most important


which is colorless with a pungent and

sweet odor

methanol which is a gas has a boiling

point of negative 21 degrees

celsius on the other hand ethanol

has a boiling point of 21 degrees


this means that ethanol boils at close

to room temperature

the other aldehydes and the ketones are


with boiling points rising as the

molecules get bigger

the temperature of the boiling point is

governed by the strengths of the

intermolecular forces

the lower members of aldehydes and

such as methanol propanone and the like

are miscible with water in all


because they form a hydrogen bond with


as the length of the alkyl chain


the solubility of aldehydes and ketones

decreases rapidly

because the number of carbon atoms

increases in chain

all aldehydes and ketones are fairly

soluble in organic solvents


the lower aldehydes have sharp pungent


however as the size of the molecule


the odor becomes less pungent and more



formaldehyde also known as formalin

comes from pressed wood products

containing formaldehyde resins

it is used for preserving tissue


and embalming bodies and also used to

sterilize soil or other materials


acetaldehyde or ethanol occurs

naturally in coffee bread and ripe fruit

and is produced by plants it is used in

the production of acetic acid

and pyridine derivatives vinegar is only

five percent acetic acid

propionaldehyde also known as propanol

comes from various plant sources like


melon and pineapple it is used as a

flavoring agent

dimethyl ketone or acetone is used as a

solvent for

lacquer acetylene plastics and varnishes

and is a paint and varnish remover

butanone or methyl ethyl ketone

is an industrial solvent it is used in

the manufacture of plastics and textiles

it can also be used as a paint remover

and cleaning agent

lastly cyclohexanone it is used in the

production of nylon

now let's wrap things up an alcohol


consists of two parts the first one

has the alkyl group and the other has

the hydroxyl group

aldehydes and ketones contain the

carbonyl group

in aldehydes the carbonyl group is


at the terminal end of the molecule


in ketones the carbonyl group is located

anywhere between the two terminal ends

of the molecule

that's all for now we will be discussing

how to use the mole concept to express

mass massive substances in our next

video so stay tuned

see you on our next video and don't

forget to keep your minds

busy if you like this video please

subscribe to our channel

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Carbon Compounds | Grade 9 Science DepEd MELC Quarter 2 Module 4


in this lesson we will get to know how

unique the carbon atom is

the structural formulas of carbon and

other atoms

will show you the exact way of

connecting them to each other

using a short straight line known as a


we will discuss how the structure of the

carbon atom

affects the types of bonded forms single


double bond and triple bond


carbon is the same element present in

all living things

and some non-living things such as paper

coal and diamond carbon forms organic

compounds with many other atoms like

hydrogen oxygen nitrogen

and halogens which can form complex



the compounds which contain carbon

combined with hydrogen

oxygen and nitrogen and few other


are usually called organic compounds

organic compounds

have low thermal stability usually


easily char and burn when heated

thus organic compounds have lower

melting points in boiling points

due to its weaker bonds which are

covalent bonds

salt is classified as an inorganic


that has a higher melting point compared

to sugar

sugar easily melts in the presence of

flame or fire

and eventually changes its color to


this isn't evidence that an organic


has a weaker bond and its chemical

properties change

like its color odor and taste


the only distinguishable characteristic

of organic compounds

is that they all contain the element


carbon is the most common element

present in all biodegradable materials

it has a unique ability to bond elements


and form long chains and rings

the ground state electron configuration

of an atom

is a description of the orbitals that

the atom's electrons occupy

the carbon atom with a length

configuration of

1s2 2s2

2p2 has 4 electrons in its valence shell

or outer shell

while hydrogen with electron

configuration of
1s1 has one valence electron

gilbert lewis an american physical


discovered a covalent bond and his

concept of

electron pairs the lewis dot structures

and other contributions to the valence

bond theory

have shaped modern theories of chemical


carbon bonds to other atoms not by


nor gaining but by sharing its electrons

the four valence electrons of carbon

represent the four dots of carbon in its

lewis dot structure

for a hydrogen atom its valence electron

is represented by one dot

according to the octet rule a stable

molecule results when the valence shell

of eight electrons has been achieved for

all atoms in a molecule

for carbon to be stable having four

valence electrons

it needs four more four atoms of


can form four covalent bonds with carbon

bonds are usually represented by a short

straight line connecting the atoms

with each bond representing a shared

pair of electrons

electron sharing occurs when two atoms


and their atomic orbitals overlap

bonds that have circular cross sections

and are formed by head-on

overlap of atomic orbitals are called

sigma bonds

bonds formed by sideways overlap of

p orbitals are called pi bonds

the simplest and most commonly

encountered class of organic compounds

are the hydrocarbons

the structures of hydrocarbons affect

their properties

such as their physical state and boiling


there are two types of hydrocarbons


and unsaturated saturated hydrocarbons

are called alkanes unsaturated

hydrocarbons are further classified into

alkenes and alkynes


the international union of pure and

applied chemistry

has established rules in order to

systematize the naming of hydrocarbon


first is to determine the type of bond

it has

next determine which type of carbon

compound it is

whether it is a saturated or unsaturated


saturated hydrocarbons are called


to name alkanes it will have the suffix

in unsaturated hydrocarbons are further

classified as

alkene or alkyne alkenes

will be named with the suffix in

while alkynes will be named with a

suffix iron

in naming we also determine the number

of carbon atoms in the compound

and look for the equivalent prefix


now let's combine the two concepts for

naming so far

for example you have determined the

number of

carbon atoms which is two and

it is an alkane thus the hydrocarbon

will be called ethane an alkene

with three carbon atoms will be called


lastly an alkyne with four carbon atoms

will be called butane

alkanes whose general formula cnh2n

plus 2 also known as paraffins

meaning low affinity are hydrocarbons

that contain

only single bonds they are classified

as saturated hydrocarbons with all

carbon atoms

linked by single bonds therefore

for an alkane with four carbon atoms the

formula would be

c4h10 this is called butane

butane is used in various applications


lpg in commercial and residential

chemical refinery industrial

petrochemical and auto fuel sectors

this table will show you the

hydrocarbons names and their

corresponding molecular structure

expanded and condensed structural


which are very important in

understanding their individual makeup

and differences you can pause the video

and study it thoroughly first

now let's discuss the unsaturated


the alkenes and alkynes


alkenes also called olefins

are unsaturated hydrocarbons containing

one or more double bonds

as a result they contain less hydrogen


bonded to the carbon atoms and follow

the general formula


in an alkene the formula of a three

carbon atom

with one double bond would be c3h6

this hydrocarbon is called propane

in industry and workshops propane is

used as an

alternative fuel to acetylene in oxy

fuel welding and cutting

brazing and heating of metal for the

purpose of bending


lastly we have the alkynes alkynes


one or more triple bonds they have the

general formula

of cnh2n minus 2.

the simplest alkyne ethyne is a highly

reactive molecule

used in oxyacetylene torches the

molecular structure

would be c2h2

now let's wrap things up all organic

compounds contain the element

carbon carbon is the most common element

present in all living things the carbon


is a unique kind of element that has

four valence electrons

which enables it to form four covalent

bonds with atoms of other elements

and other carbon atoms

there are two types of hydrocarbons

saturated and unsaturated

saturated hydrocarbons are called


alkanes contain only a single bond

and have the suffix in unsaturated


are further classified into alkenes

and alkynes alkenes

contain one or more double bonds and

have the suffix

in lastly alkynes contain

one or more triple bonds and have the

suffix iron

that's all for now we will be discussing

about general classes

and uses of organic compounds in our

next video
so stay tuned see you on our next video

and don't forget to keep your minds busy

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to our channel

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videos like this


Carbon Compounds | Grade 9 Science DepEd MELC Quarter 2 Module 4


in this lesson we will get to know how

unique the carbon atom is

the structural formulas of carbon and

other atoms

will show you the exact way of

connecting them to each other

using a short straight line known as a


we will discuss how the structure of the

carbon atom

affects the types of bonded forms single


double bond and triple bond

carbon is the same element present in

all living things

and some non-living things such as paper

coal and diamond carbon forms organic

compounds with many other atoms like

hydrogen oxygen nitrogen

and halogens which can form complex



the compounds which contain carbon

combined with hydrogen

oxygen and nitrogen and few other


are usually called organic compounds

organic compounds

have low thermal stability usually


easily char and burn when heated

thus organic compounds have lower

melting points in boiling points

due to its weaker bonds which are

covalent bonds

salt is classified as an inorganic


that has a higher melting point compared

to sugar

sugar easily melts in the presence of

flame or fire

and eventually changes its color to


this isn't evidence that an organic


has a weaker bond and its chemical

properties change

like its color odor and taste


the only distinguishable characteristic

of organic compounds

is that they all contain the element


carbon is the most common element

present in all biodegradable materials

it has a unique ability to bond elements


and form long chains and rings

the ground state electron configuration

of an atom

is a description of the orbitals that

the atom's electrons occupy

the carbon atom with a length

configuration of

1s2 2s2

2p2 has 4 electrons in its valence shell

or outer shell

while hydrogen with electron

configuration of

1s1 has one valence electron

gilbert lewis an american physical


discovered a covalent bond and his

concept of

electron pairs the lewis dot structures

and other contributions to the valence

bond theory

have shaped modern theories of chemical


carbon bonds to other atoms not by


nor gaining but by sharing its electrons

the four valence electrons of carbon

represent the four dots of carbon in its

lewis dot structure

for a hydrogen atom its valence electron

is represented by one dot

according to the octet rule a stable

molecule results when the valence shell

of eight electrons has been achieved for

all atoms in a molecule

for carbon to be stable having four

valence electrons

it needs four more four atoms of


can form four covalent bonds with carbon

bonds are usually represented by a short

straight line connecting the atoms

with each bond representing a shared

pair of electrons

electron sharing occurs when two atoms


and their atomic orbitals overlap

bonds that have circular cross sections

and are formed by head-on

overlap of atomic orbitals are called

sigma bonds

bonds formed by sideways overlap of

p orbitals are called pi bonds

the simplest and most commonly

encountered class of organic compounds

are the hydrocarbons

the structures of hydrocarbons affect

their properties

such as their physical state and boiling


there are two types of hydrocarbons


and unsaturated saturated hydrocarbons

are called alkanes unsaturated

hydrocarbons are further classified into

alkenes and alkynes


the international union of pure and

applied chemistry

has established rules in order to

systematize the naming of hydrocarbon


first is to determine the type of bond

it has

next determine which type of carbon

compound it is

whether it is a saturated or unsaturated


saturated hydrocarbons are called


to name alkanes it will have the suffix

in unsaturated hydrocarbons are further

classified as

alkene or alkyne alkenes

will be named with the suffix in

while alkynes will be named with a

suffix iron

in naming we also determine the number

of carbon atoms in the compound

and look for the equivalent prefix


now let's combine the two concepts for

naming so far

for example you have determined the

number of

carbon atoms which is two and

it is an alkane thus the hydrocarbon

will be called ethane an alkene

with three carbon atoms will be called


lastly an alkyne with four carbon atoms

will be called butane

alkanes whose general formula cnh2n

plus 2 also known as paraffins

meaning low affinity are hydrocarbons

that contain

only single bonds they are classified

as saturated hydrocarbons with all

carbon atoms

linked by single bonds therefore

for an alkane with four carbon atoms the

formula would be

c4h10 this is called butane

butane is used in various applications


lpg in commercial and residential

chemical refinery industrial

petrochemical and auto fuel sectors

this table will show you the

hydrocarbons names and their

corresponding molecular structure

expanded and condensed structural


which are very important in

understanding their individual makeup

and differences you can pause the video

and study it thoroughly first

now let's discuss the unsaturated


the alkenes and alkynes


alkenes also called olefins

are unsaturated hydrocarbons containing

one or more double bonds

as a result they contain less hydrogen


bonded to the carbon atoms and follow

the general formula


in an alkene the formula of a three

carbon atom

with one double bond would be c3h6

this hydrocarbon is called propane

in industry and workshops propane is

used as an

alternative fuel to acetylene in oxy

fuel welding and cutting

brazing and heating of metal for the

purpose of bending


lastly we have the alkynes alkynes


one or more triple bonds they have the

general formula

of cnh2n minus 2.

the simplest alkyne ethyne is a highly

reactive molecule
used in oxyacetylene torches the

molecular structure

would be c2h2

now let's wrap things up all organic

compounds contain the element

carbon carbon is the most common element

present in all living things the carbon


is a unique kind of element that has

four valence electrons

which enables it to form four covalent

bonds with atoms of other elements

and other carbon atoms

there are two types of hydrocarbons

saturated and unsaturated

saturated hydrocarbons are called


alkanes contain only a single bond

and have the suffix in unsaturated


are further classified into alkenes

and alkynes alkenes

contain one or more double bonds and

have the suffix

in lastly alkynes contain

one or more triple bonds and have the

suffix iron

that's all for now we will be discussing

about general classes

and uses of organic compounds in our

next video

so stay tuned see you on our next video

and don't forget to keep your minds busy

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Carbon Compounds | Grade 9 Science DepEd MELC Quarter 2 Module 4

hi there

in this lesson we will get to know how

unique the carbon atom is

the structural formulas of carbon and

other atoms

will show you the exact way of

connecting them to each other

using a short straight line known as a


we will discuss how the structure of the

carbon atom

affects the types of bonded forms single


double bond and triple bond


carbon is the same element present in

all living things

and some non-living things such as paper

coal and diamond carbon forms organic

compounds with many other atoms like

hydrogen oxygen nitrogen

and halogens which can form complex



the compounds which contain carbon

combined with hydrogen

oxygen and nitrogen and few other


are usually called organic compounds

organic compounds

have low thermal stability usually


easily char and burn when heated

thus organic compounds have lower

melting points in boiling points

due to its weaker bonds which are

covalent bonds

salt is classified as an inorganic


that has a higher melting point compared

to sugar

sugar easily melts in the presence of

flame or fire

and eventually changes its color to


this isn't evidence that an organic


has a weaker bond and its chemical

properties change

like its color odor and taste


the only distinguishable characteristic

of organic compounds

is that they all contain the element


carbon is the most common element

present in all biodegradable materials

it has a unique ability to bond elements


and form long chains and rings

the ground state electron configuration

of an atom

is a description of the orbitals that

the atom's electrons occupy

the carbon atom with a length

configuration of

1s2 2s2

2p2 has 4 electrons in its valence shell

or outer shell

while hydrogen with electron

configuration of

1s1 has one valence electron

gilbert lewis an american physical


discovered a covalent bond and his

concept of

electron pairs the lewis dot structures

and other contributions to the valence

bond theory

have shaped modern theories of chemical


carbon bonds to other atoms not by


nor gaining but by sharing its electrons

the four valence electrons of carbon

represent the four dots of carbon in its

lewis dot structure

for a hydrogen atom its valence electron

is represented by one dot

according to the octet rule a stable

molecule results when the valence shell

of eight electrons has been achieved for

all atoms in a molecule

for carbon to be stable having four

valence electrons

it needs four more four atoms of


can form four covalent bonds with carbon

bonds are usually represented by a short

straight line connecting the atoms

with each bond representing a shared

pair of electrons

electron sharing occurs when two atoms


and their atomic orbitals overlap

bonds that have circular cross sections

and are formed by head-on

overlap of atomic orbitals are called

sigma bonds

bonds formed by sideways overlap of

p orbitals are called pi bonds

the simplest and most commonly

encountered class of organic compounds

are the hydrocarbons

the structures of hydrocarbons affect

their properties

such as their physical state and boiling


there are two types of hydrocarbons


and unsaturated saturated hydrocarbons

are called alkanes unsaturated

hydrocarbons are further classified into

alkenes and alkynes


the international union of pure and

applied chemistry

has established rules in order to

systematize the naming of hydrocarbon


first is to determine the type of bond

it has

next determine which type of carbon

compound it is

whether it is a saturated or unsaturated


saturated hydrocarbons are called


to name alkanes it will have the suffix

in unsaturated hydrocarbons are further

classified as

alkene or alkyne alkenes

will be named with the suffix in

while alkynes will be named with a

suffix iron

in naming we also determine the number

of carbon atoms in the compound

and look for the equivalent prefix


now let's combine the two concepts for

naming so far

for example you have determined the

number of

carbon atoms which is two and

it is an alkane thus the hydrocarbon

will be called ethane an alkene

with three carbon atoms will be called


lastly an alkyne with four carbon atoms

will be called butane

alkanes whose general formula cnh2n

plus 2 also known as paraffins

meaning low affinity are hydrocarbons

that contain

only single bonds they are classified

as saturated hydrocarbons with all

carbon atoms

linked by single bonds therefore

for an alkane with four carbon atoms the

formula would be

c4h10 this is called butane

butane is used in various applications


lpg in commercial and residential

chemical refinery industrial

petrochemical and auto fuel sectors

this table will show you the

hydrocarbons names and their

corresponding molecular structure

expanded and condensed structural


which are very important in

understanding their individual makeup

and differences you can pause the video

and study it thoroughly first

now let's discuss the unsaturated


the alkenes and alkynes


alkenes also called olefins

are unsaturated hydrocarbons containing

one or more double bonds

as a result they contain less hydrogen


bonded to the carbon atoms and follow

the general formula


in an alkene the formula of a three

carbon atom

with one double bond would be c3h6

this hydrocarbon is called propane

in industry and workshops propane is

used as an

alternative fuel to acetylene in oxy

fuel welding and cutting

brazing and heating of metal for the

purpose of bending


lastly we have the alkynes alkynes

one or more triple bonds they have the

general formula

of cnh2n minus 2.

the simplest alkyne ethyne is a highly

reactive molecule

used in oxyacetylene torches the

molecular structure

would be c2h2

now let's wrap things up all organic

compounds contain the element

carbon carbon is the most common element

present in all living things the carbon


is a unique kind of element that has

four valence electrons

which enables it to form four covalent

bonds with atoms of other elements

and other carbon atoms

there are two types of hydrocarbons

saturated and unsaturated

saturated hydrocarbons are called


alkanes contain only a single bond

and have the suffix in unsaturated

are further classified into alkenes

and alkynes alkenes

contain one or more double bonds and

have the suffix

in lastly alkynes contain

one or more triple bonds and have the

suffix iron

that's all for now we will be discussing

about general classes

and uses of organic compounds in our

next video

so stay tuned see you on our next video

and don't forget to keep your minds busy

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Formation of Ions | Grade 9 Science DepEd MELC Quarter 2 Module 3


there what comes to mind when you hear

the word iron

you may have seen it in some drinks or

in the battery packs of your gadgets and


in this video we will be discussing

about ions

so let's get started

ions are atoms that carry either

positive or a negative charge

these charges are a result of the atom

losing or gaining electrons

but how do atoms lose or gain electrons


we know that in an atom electrons orbit

around a nucleus

the valence electrons are the electrons

found in the outermost shell

of an atom these are the electrons that

are lost

or gained in the process of forming ions

the elements in the periodic table are

arranged according to increasing atomic


the rows are called periods and the


are called groups which is numbered 1

and 2 respectively

group number in the periodic table gives

us the number of valence electrons in

its outermost energy shell for example

carbon which belongs to group 4a has

4 valence electrons

electronegativity is the ability of an

atom to attract electrons

the higher the electronegativity value

of an atom

the higher is its ability to attract


in period 2 of the periodic table

fluorine is located at the rightmost

part of the row

hence fluorine has the highest

electronegativity value

and it is the atom that is most likely

to attract

electrons thus it has the highest


to gain electrons and become negatively


generally non-metals are the ones that

tend to gain electrons

and become negatively charged ions they

are called an ions

when atoms gain electrons in its

outermost shell

the number of their negatively charged

electrons exceed those of the positively

charged protons

thus they carry a negative charge

ionization energy is the energy required

to pull or remove

electrons from an atom this energy

breaks the attraction between the

nucleus and the valence


the lower the ionization energy value of

an atom

the easier it is to remove an electron

from that atom

in period 2 of the periodic table


is located at the leftmost part of the

row and

is the element having the lowest

ionization energy

thus it has the highest tendency to lose

electrons and become positively charged

generally metals are the ones that tend

to lose electrons and become

positively charged ions they are called


atoms that lose an electron in its

outermost shell

carry a positive charge because by

losing electrons

the number of positively charged protons

exceeds those of the negatively charged


electron affinity is the energy that an

atom releases when it accepts an


it is therefore a measure of the

tendency of an atom to attract an


atoms are electrically neutral despite

them having charged subatomic particles

like the negatively charged electrons

and the positively charged protons

atoms are neutral because the number of

negatively charged electrons

and positively charged proteins are


thus an atom is stable


atoms need to lose or gain electrons in

order to be stable

they become stable when their outermost

shell or

valence shell contains eight electrons


satisfies the octet rule so what is the

octet rule

the octet rule refers to the tendency of

atoms to prefer

having eight electrons in the valence


when atoms have fewer than eight


they tend to react and form more stable


remember our example on fluorine when we

discussed about an ions

we learned earlier that fluorine has the

highest electronegativity value

in that period and it is the atom that

is most likely to attract electrons

why not neon because neon is a noble gas

noble gas elements are stable elements

they already have eight valence


they are called noble because they don't

have to lose or gain electrons in order

to satisfy the octet rule

to illustrate the atoms from their

neutral state to their ionized state

we make use of the bohr model of an atom

here is fluorine in its neutral state

fluorine has seven

valence electrons and thus needs another


to be stable

in its ionized state fluorine will be

negatively charged

due to the addition of another electron

in this state

fluorine is stable it has followed the

octet rule

the size of the anion fluorine increased

due to the repulsion among valence


here is lithium in its neutral state it


one valence electron

to be stable lithium needs to lose its

valence electron

and be positively charged the size of

the cation which is

lithium decreases due to the reduction

of valence electrons in its shell

now let's wrap things up ions are atoms

that lose or gain electrons

anions are negatively charged ions

because they have more electrons than


cations are positively charged ions

because they have more protons than


valence electrons are electrons in the

outermost energy shell of an atom

these electrons are directly involved in

any chemical activity

the octet rule refers to the tendency of

atoms to prefer

having eight electrons in the valence


that's all for now we will be discussing

about how the structure of the carbon

atom affects the type of bonds it forms

in our next video so

stay tuned see you on our next video and

don't forget to keep your minds busy

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