Addolesence Addictions Abuse Annotated Bibliography Module 7.1

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Pamela Reeves Adolescence & Substance Abuse Annotated Bibliography (Module 7) April 19, 2010 The population studied herein is the segment of adolescents whom not only struggle with substance abuse problems but also face depressive mood disorders. Recent research from the National Institute of Mental Health reveals that thirty percent of adolescents with depression will also develop a substance abuse problem. In some cases, adolescents addicted to alcohol and illicit drugs are as young as 12. Patricia A. Harris, PhD. Cites that Substance use is associated with three highest causes of mortality among young people: injury, suicide, and homicide; (in Estroff, 2001). Although American society labels them juvenile delinquents, it is

the adolescents who are most at risk. With such a significant number of teenagers experiencing these very serious issues and potentially lethal disorders, it is critical that we learn how to identify both processes along with figuring out treatment for these at-risk youth that will address the underlying cause of both of these issues so that the adolescent has the opportunity to develop into a content and highly functioning, mentally healthy adult. References Carr, A. (1999). The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology: A Contextual Approach. New York: Brunner-Routledge. Retrieved April 18, 2010, from Questia database: Carrs book addresses common issues that clinicians face in the practice of adolescent psychology. His book is organized in a logical fashion: (1) frameworks for practice, (2) ways of thinking about psychological problems, and (3) the process of the psychological consultation. In addition to being user-friendly with regard to its organization, the language utilized in this book may be understood by the student as well as someone within the

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medical field. Furthermore, the contents are helpful to each due to the practical nature of

the information provided within. With specific regard to the topic of adolescents, depression and substance abuse, this book provides a good starting point for obtaining an understanding of each of these afflictions amongst teenagers today. Dyer, PhD, J. (2009). A challenging comorbidity in adolescents. Addiction Professional, 7(5), 40-41. In this article from the Addiction Professional journal, John Dyer, PhD., explains the enormous challenges that come into play in the diagnosis and the treatment of adolescents with substance abuse disorders. He recognizes that to find a treatment plan for a substance abuse disorder alone may be difficult let alone when another comorbid disorder is added to the patients diagnosis and overall needs. His article does an excellent job of discussing in comprehensible terms the recent research which has addressed the current state of knowledge about the relationship between substance abuse amongst teens and mood disorders and provides a breakdown of possible treatment options. Estroff, PhD, T. W. (2001). Manuel of Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. The authors, medical research is based on scientific theories concerning adolescent substance abuse and its treatment. The book provides scenarios which model actual cases involving adolescents and addictions. As such the scenarios provides the reader with a view of the treatment/lack of treatment of addicted adolescents; and the possible outcomes. Estroff utilizes data from The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse; which surveyed 25,357 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17. A therapeutic collaboration of medical clinicians, psychiatric physicians, and the authors original findings exploit a hypothesis that considers various approaches to identifying and treating

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adolescent substance abuse/substance disorders. Estroff recognizes that adolescents is a critical developmental period and cautions his audience to show empathy. This text would be a good resource for students, families, clinicians, treatment facilities, and assessment evaluators. Flaherty, L., & Flaherty, M. (2005). Adolescent psychiatry: The annals of the American society for adolescent psychiatry (Vol. 29). Hillsdale, New Jersey: Analytic Press. This resource is from a special edition of Adolescent Psychiatry that pertains specifically to issues that arise along with adolescent substance abuse issues. The topics range from teens addicted to club drugs to gambling addictions. For the concerned adult, parent, clinician or educator, the information within this journal provides a fastidious and compelling look into the vast range of issues that may coincide with an adolescents substance abuse problem. With specific regard to adolescents, depression, and substance abuse, two articles are especially illuminating: one which discusses comorbidity amongst teenagers with depression and substance abuse issues and another which discusses issues related to dual diagnoses in adolescents with depression and substance abuse issues. Schwartzberg, A. Z. (Ed.). (1998). The Adolescent in Turmoil. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. Retrieved April 17, 2010, from Questia database: a=o&d=26000946 Schwartzberg addresses several of the salient issues that have arisen in modern times with regard to adolescents and mental health conflicts. A significant amount of the book focuses upon diagnosing and treating adolescents struggling with depression. Within this text, he also addresses the normal and pathological adolescent as well as the overall development of the adolescent which can be helpful in addressing the differences amongst adolescents with depression and those without. There are additional sections that discuss specific issues that afflict troubled adolescents such as eating disorders, mood disorders, aggressive and violent behavior, and suicide. This text is written in comprehensible terms and the

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reader does not need to have extensive medical background to understand its contents. Stevens, PhD, S. J. & Morral, PhD, A. R. (2003). Adolescent Abuse Treatment in the United States. New York: Hayworth Press. This is a national evaluation study on adolescent substance abuse treatment within the United States. The authors identify adolescent behavior trends, substance abuse treatment approaches, family therapeutic approaches and outpatient and residential programs. The authors provide step by step treatment approaches based on the needs of the adolescent. The treatment models are addressed from a clinical and developmental perspective. The author provides theoretical cultural and gender client characteristics of adolescents. As a result of the clinical assessment evaluations, clinicians are able to develop individual placement treatment plans. The original and secondary data could be a great resource for students in the field of behavioral psychology and for those interested in developing a substance abuse adolescent program.

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