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Construction - Design Data NELSony Nelson” . embedment properties of headed studs Paes 1.0 20 3.0 40 4a 42 43 4a 45 48 47 48 60 et 62 63 70 7A 80 20 484 482 483 49 50 51 82 53 53.1 532 533 53.4 5.45 EMBEDMENT PROPERTIES OF HEADED STUDS INDEX Title Introduction. Connection Theory Mechanical Properties of Headed Anchors Embedment Properties of Headed Anchors Headed Anchor Ultimate Embedded Strength ‘Shear Cone Theory Partial Embedment — Full Shear Cone Full Embedment Condition Headed Anchor Tension Capacities ‘Spacing for Full Tension Capacity of Partially Embedded and Fully Embedded Anchors Reduced Anchor Tension Capacity — Partial Shear Cone Calculating Reduced Tension Capacity Partial Embedment — Reduced Shear Cone Full Embedment — Reduced Shear Cone Use of Tables Anchors in Groups — A Note of Caution Embedment Properties of Headed Anchors in Shear Ultimate Embedded Shear Capacity Spacing for Development of Full Shear Capacity Reduced Shear Capacity of Headed Anchors ‘Case A— Boundary Conditions and Spacing Between Anchors not Subject to a Free Edge Shear Force Case B — Free Edge in the Direction of Shear Force Distance trom Free Edge for Full Development of Shear Capacity ‘Spacing Between Anchors at a Free Edge Subject to Shear Force Reduction in Shear Capacity Due to Free Edge Spacing Embedment Properties of Anchors — Combined Shear-Tension Loading Full Embedment — Combined Loading Design Data Partial Embedment — Combined Loading Design Data Use of Design Curves for Combined Loading Example Problems Index to Design Tables and Curves Problem 1— Tension Load Problem 2— Group Calculation for Tension Problem 3— Shear Load Problem 4— Combined Loading Problem 5 — Combined Loading Standard Specifications Standard Stock Anchor Dimensions, Accessories and Recommended Equipment References Page eeeoonan 10 12 3 158 15 28sea Fay 23 RSSECFLLFESSSSSELRERB 45 a7 NOTATIONS = area of full conical surface (in.2) = #8 (R+r) = area of remaining or partial shear cone (in.2) = area of reduction (in?) = cross-sectional area of the anchor shank (in2) constant for concrete type = distance from free edge to center of anchor (in.) = distance from shear edge to center of stud (in.) = diameter of stud head in.) = diameter of shank of anchor (in.) modulus of elasticity of concrete (ksi) = 28 day concrete compressive strength (psi) = tensile strength of anchor steel (ksi) = yleld strength of anchor stee! (ksi) = height of the remaining or partial shear cone (in.) = constant equal to 4.0 = length of anchor under the head (in.) = number of reductions = applied tension load = tensile capacity of the anchor (kips) = ultimate concrete tension capacity (Ibs.) ultimate embedded tension capacity of a headed anchor <0.9 Act, yield strength of the anchor stee! (ksi) = radius of head of stud (in.) major radius of shear cone (in. radius of remainder of partial cone (in.) = reduced tension capacity (kips) = reduced shear capacity (kips) = length of side of cone— Le sec (90 — 8) (in.) = applied shear load shear capacity of the anchor (kips) ultimate concrete shear capacity (kips) = ultimate embedded shear capacity of headed anchor <0.9 Agtg = unit weight of concrete in Ibs./cu. tt. = R—De = capacity reduction factor INTRODUCTION 1.0 Beginning in 1959, Nelson Stud Welding con- ducted extensive tests on the use of headed studs ‘embedded in concrete. The test results and design data were originally published in the brochure “Design Data, NELSONE Concrete Anchors. Increasing use of headed concrete anchors has been made in anchoring steel shapes and plates in concrete with studs welded to the embedded steel items as the anchorage devices. It_ became apparent that additional data were needed to adequately predict stud performance in many conditions of use. The "shear cone” or conical section failure of embedded anchors was advanced by such advocates as Mr. Peter Courtois' and others. Explanations of the conical failure concept cul- minated in the publication of the Prestressed Concrete Institute Design Handbook, Section 6.1.132 where anchor strengths were based on theoretically derived, empirically confirmed equations. Prior to the PCI publication, Nelson Stud Welding had initiated a comprehensive test program at Lehigh University‘, to determine headed anchor behavior and provide sufficient data to reliably forecast the accuracy of the empirically derived ‘equations. The material published in this manual is test confirmed and provides up-to-date information for engineers involved in designing concrete-steel structures, 2.0 CONNECTION THEORY It should be noted at the outset of this report that connection design used in concrete con- struction is governed by American Concrete Institute code.’ criteria. As such, most em- bedment plate items, weldments, etc. are used with additional reinforcement materials in the form of bar or mesh to develop specified design strengths. Testing for headed anchors used as the basis for this publication was done in plain, unreinforced concrete since the objective was to establish performance criteria for the anchors only. All anchors were tested to failure either in the anchor itself (ductile failure) or failure in the concrete section (brittle failure). These two modes of failure are part of the basic performance criteria in concrete design. Brittle for abrupt failure when indicated in a connection is generally strictly limited or prohibited in design of concrete structures. Where use of brittle be- havior concepts is provided for in a design, it will generally be limited to areas where the struc- tural design is close to ductile (balanced design). Brittle failure is characterized by little or no movement in @ connection or structure prior to catastrophic failure. Since there is virtually no warning of failure, codes require a design safety factor considerably in excess of that required where ductile behavior can be demonstrated. Ductile failure or semi-ductile failure allows for movement, providing warning of impending col- lapse without sacrificing load carrying capacity. One of the intents of this report is to indicate the areas of ductile, semi-ductile and brittle per- formance of embedded anchors so that connection designs may be made that limit or, preferably, eliminate any behavior in the anchors that ap- proaches the brittle mode. This design approach results in economies that are achieved through reduced overload factors while structural safety is assured by the behavior criteria which insure increased structural capacity as movement is taking place. Ductile or semi-ductile behavior in embedded headed anchors can be obtained by using data contained in the report to be sure that the full anchor yield strength is reached in the following areas. 1, Anchor to embedment plate connection ‘A. Weld quality B. Plate thickness 2. Embedded anchor strengths ‘A. Tension capacities B. Shear capacities C. Effect of stud spacing D. Combined shear-tension capacities Each part of a full connection design must be analyzed with respect to its overall performance. The failure mechanism should be determined, since failure of one part of the connection before another part has developed its design force may mean the overall connection is unsatisfactory. Progressive failures of this type are sometimes referred to asa “zipper” type collapse pattern. Naturally, brittle connections with no warning prior to catastrophic failure are far more sub- ceptible to “zipper” type structural failure than ductile or semi-ductile connections. The data presented in this report are arranged so that the behavior of a stud can be readily determined. Connections employing stud sizes that fail before the optimum loading levels should not be used unless adequate subreinforcement is employed to extend their capacity into the ductile range, Ductile or at least semi-ductile embedded anchor behavior should be reached wherever possible regardless of the stress dis- tribution or crack patterns that may be present in the concrete. The reduction in capacity of anchors used in areas of flexural cracking should be taken as approximately 10%. In most cases of full ductile anchor performance shown in this report such a reduction need not be taken, Table 1. gives the general performance levels of headed anchors as embedded in concrete. Shaded areas should be avoided if at all possible. This table Is merely a selection guide to the anchors which fall in the brittle, semi-ductile or ductile behavior modes with and without reinforcement. After selection of an anchor size, analysis of its specific use with regard to spacing, concrete density, loadings, etc. should be undertaken in accordance with data outlined in the body of this publication. Following Table 1. are definitions and or expla- nations of the table itself Table 1.— Selection Guide Suggested Nelson Headed Anchor Sizes‘. Connection Type Primary Connection‘ ‘One Way ‘Two Way Reinforcing “Partially “Single Acting” Redundant” Failure Mode Brittle ’x4% Ux he semi- and 5%e Ductile and She and 6he WA XAG and6% and 6% xe Xe thrush, — Hx Be Kee UXCe ae HxTHe thru Bg and 8% Tax Te Wx8%e and Be Notes: 1 Reinforcing Secondary Connection TwoWay _OneWay —_No Add. Reinforcing Reinforcing Reinforcing “All Types Fully Redundant” Yex 8% Wx 3M%e thru S%e x 4g thru 6% %x3% x dhe and 5% hx 5%5 and 6%. ex 3% 4x Ste Hx Bhs WM = HXH HAY and6% and6% and 6/4 Wx4e xd x4 thru 8% — thru8% — thru Bip YXO%e XG HX OMe and Be aNd Ye and Bg UxGhe — UXOHe YX Ee thru Bhp URUBYe thru Bye Tax The Wx The Tax The and %X8%e and 74 x8%e and 7% x B%e Nelson 1 x 21%¢ and Y x 41% Headed Anchors while fully ductile under all the above conditions are not frequently used in structural connections. 2. No primary connection should be made without at least one way reinforcing Explanation of Table 1. 1,Shaded areas are to be avoided whenever possible. Use of headed anchor sizes listed in the shaded areas under the conditions shown should be subject to vigorous analysis of fac- tors affecting load capacity including spacing, concrete density and type, stress conditions, temperature, volume change and workmanship. 2. Primary Connections Single Acting — This connection is one where the failure of the connection would result in the collapse of a member being supported without. the benefits of added structural redundant support. 8. Partially Redundant — Failure of the con- nection would result in a redistribution of loads and stresses accompanied by signifi- cant movement and distortion of the struc- tural member but without catastrophic collapse. 3. Secondary Connections — Failure of a sec- ‘ondary connection would result in a full re- distribution of loads and stresses to adjacent parts of the structure without significant dis- tortions to the member of the structure. 4, Brittle Behavior — No noticeable or significant movement in the connection is evident before catastrophic collapse. 6. Semi-Ductile Behavior — Movement of ap- proximately ¥,"“in the weld plate position under combined shear-tension loading has no effect in the woldments structural capacity. 6.Duetile Behavior — Movement of approxi- mately 1" in the weld plate position under combined shear-tension loading has no effect on the weldments structural capacity. 3.0 34 32 3.3 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF HEADED ANCHORS Steel Grades Used In Manufacture Low Carbon Steel per ASTM Specification ‘A-108 Physical Properties: Tensile (Minimum) 60,000 PSI (60 KSI) 50,000 PSI (60 ksi) (0.2% Offset) Elongation (Minimum) 20% in 2” Steel Tensile Strength The ultimate steel strength or tensile strength of a headed anchor may be computed as: Yield (Minimum) PU=Asls (Equation 1.) Where: Plu= Tensile capacity of the anchor in Kips. Ag= Cross sectional area of the anchor shank 1g= Tensile strength of the anchor steel Steel Yield Strength The yield strength (point at which the steel begins to elongate) of a headed anchor may be computed as. yeasty) Where: y= Yield strength of anchor in Kips (Equation 2.) = Cross sectional area of the anchor shank eld strength of the anchor material 40 aa EMBEDMENT PROPERTIES OF HEADED ANCHORS Headed Anchor Ultimate Embedment Strength Results of tests by Nelson‘) on 1" die ameter through 74" diameter headed anchors with full embedment are summarized in Table 3. The load displacement curves on several anchors are shown in Figure 1. The shapes of the load displacement curves indicate that a tension load causing 0.01" displacement on a headed anchor represents a reasonable esti- mate of the yield strength of the embedded anchor. it can be seen that the 0.10" displace- ment loads are consistently lower than the ultimate embedment loads’ (Pye) at_ which the embedded anchors failed, but do not fall lower than 0.9 Pye Figure 1. curves show that the load valves at 0.10" displacement represent a point where the load curves approach a flat attitude. Very little increase in loading is required to reach the ultimate embedment strength Pye. For engineering and design purposes, a con- rvative valve for the ultimate embedded igth of a headed anchor with sufficient sl ‘embedment length to develop full strength may be calculated as: Pye = 0.9 Agts (Equation 3.) Where: Pue= Ultimate strength of an embedded headed anchor Ag= Cross sectional area of the anchor shank ‘ensile strength of the anchor steel Table 2. Mechanical Properties Of Headed Anchors ‘Anchor Ag-Nominal Tensile Strength Yield Strength nk Dia. Area,in2 _P'y= Asts Kips P'y = Asty Kips Me 049) 2.48 0.110 5.52 % 0.198 11.78 9.82 b 0.307 18.41 15.34 % 0.4a2 26.51 22.09 h 0.601 36.08 30.07 Table 3. Tensile Capacities Of Headed Anchors — Nelson Test Series‘ ‘5) AW! Load at 0.1" Ult. Embedded Ds oL. Le Le Failure! Concrete Displacement Strength Pue No, (in) (in) (in.) No. Diameters Mode Strength Kips Kips Ah 2% he 925 s "3000 psi 36 37 Bh he 9.25 w 3000 psi = 3.0 ee oa 3594 (9.58 s 3000 psi 85 a5 Bo % 3% 3504 © 9.58. s 3000 psi a6 87 A % 58 4%e 9.38 s 3000 psi 19 125 Bo% 5 4% 9.38 s 3000 psi 138 15.0 ie Cee Stal 9.50 s 3000 psi 22.7 237 Bh 8% 1% 5% 9.50 8 3000 psi 240 25.0 ee Ole ime 5h 9.50 s 3000 psi 213 22.0 B&B Th Me 9.50 8 3000 psi 24.0 25.0 ee ike re 9.50 w 3000 psi — 33.0 Bo Mh Wh Th 9.50 w 3000 psi 33.8 345 A Th Kk Th 9.50 A 3000 psi 312 33.2 B % TM Th Th 9.50 s 3000 psi 36.1 38.1 re re B14 w 3000 psi 48.1 505 Boh ™% % Th 814 A 3000psi — 425 NOTES: (1) AW.L.— After weld length. APPLIED LOAD (kips) (2) S—Shank of stud broke; W— Weld at head broke; A— Attachment to testing machine broke “Tested in Series 5."; all others tested in series 6. 35 30 20 15 10 0.05 0.10 0.15 LOAD DISPLACEMENT CURVES (DISPLACEMENT IN INCHES) FIGURE 1.— Load Displacement Curves 0.20 3/4” DIA, NO. B 5/8" DIA. NO. A 1/2" DIA. NO. B 1/4" DIA. NO. A 0.25 4.2 Shear Cone Theory Investigations into the tension capacity of headed anchors and inserts embedded in concrete have shown that when these em- bedded items do not fail in the anchor stee! itself, but pull out of concrete, the geometry of the failed concrete section is conical in section.'"'" Since the concrete has been Subjected to diagonal shear forces, this failure mode is termed a “Shear Cone.” The area of this conical section that fails is pri- marily dependent upon the following factors: 1. Concrete Compressive Strength 2. Concrete Weight 3. Headed Anchor Size ‘A. Length of embedment B. Head Diameter 4. Boundary Conditions 5. Anchor Spacing or Grouping FIGURE 2. — Typical Conical Failure As the depth of embedment of the headed anchor continues to increase, the area of the conical section that may be pulled out in- creases proportionately up to the point of full embedment At an embedment depth of some 8 to 10 times the anchor shank diameter'® the capa- city of the concrete contained within the conical area exceeds the tensile strength of the steel in the headed anchor. At that area of development, the stud rather than the con- crete fails. Beyond the full embedment of 8-10 diameters, conical area failure does not apply since strength is limited by the stud embed- ment capacity (Pye). ‘These statements assume that the studs are spaced so that there is sufficient surrounding concrete area for a full shear cone to be developed. Limitations of conical area are covered ina later section. Figure 3. illustrates the geometrical relation- ships of a full shear cone. FIGURE 3. — Full Concrete Shear Cone ‘The concrete capacity of a full shear cone may be determined by the formula: (Equation 4.) Puc =PCKA,, VF Where Puc = Ultimate concrete tension capacity (lbs.) 0.85 Reduction Factor C= Constant for Concrete type (Per ACI 318-71, Section 11.3.2) Normal weight concrete C= 1.0 All lightweight concrete C = 0.75 Sand lightweight concrete C= 0.85, K=40 ‘fc = Area of full conical surface (sq. in.)* fc¢=28 day concrete compressive strength “Mes 8 (R+A) 4.3. Partial Embedment — Full Shear Cone This case covers those anchors with insut- ficient embedment length to develop the an- chor embedment strength (Pue), but with adequate space in the surrounding concrete to develop a full shear cone area. Failure occurs in the concrete. ‘The relationship may be described as: Puc $Pue le Capacity is less than or equal to the anchor embedment strength. The shear cone failure of an anchor with partial embedment is described geometrically in Figure 4 2 Let Dy Lp + Dy/2 Dn FIGURE 4.—Partial Embedment — Full 45° ‘Shear Cone Converting Equation 4., Section 4.2 to the partial embedment case, full shear cone area geometry, the following derivations are evolved; Puc = CK AlcVT, Puc = () (4) (C) (Ate) VF Afc= 7 ~(7Z Le (Le + Dh/2 + Dh/2) or Va Le (Le + dh) (0) t) VE Le (Le + Dny]} VTS | or Puc = 17.77 C (Le)(Le + Dh) VFg Puc (Equation 5.) This expression may be restated as in the Lehigh Report by: Puc = 0.475 C (Le + Dh) LeVTe which simply converts Puc from pounds to kips. Confirmation of the concrete capacity formu= la accuracy is shown in Figure 5. where partial embedment, full shear cone test speci- mens are graphed on a measured (tested) versus theoretical (predicted) basis. 8 [MEASURED TENSION LOAD (kipe 44 10 20 30 «0 PREDICTED CAPACITY (kips) ‘Stud Size fe Concrete bol__ Beam DxLe (psi et Beam € xa" 8180 NWC 78Hab "x4" 3000 NWC Ae) TDM %!%31% 6" 3000 NWE of 7stHab "yx4" 3000 NWO Now: {These values obtained from Table 5. ‘These Values Obtained from Nelson Stud Project No, 1802, Report No. 1966-5 Test No. 77) FIGURE 5.—Partial Embedment Capacity Full Embedment Condition Where the anchor embedment length is in the range of 8 to 10 times the anchor shank ameter, the relationship of concrete capacity to stud embedment capacity may be de- scribed as: Puc 2 Pue or Concrete Capacity is equal to or greater than the anchor embedment strength. In these cases, the stud will fail rather than the concrete. ‘McMackin, Slutter and Fisher have reported) that tension capacity near a free edge in 5000 psi normal weight concrete can be de- termined by the formula, R Puc = £88 (Puc) where: R Puc = Reduced concrete tension capacity De= Distance from a free edge to the center of the anchor Puc = Concrete capacity = 1m hs gh ee Bar ae ze fa gu pa Soe 3s mM ke Ea ge Ba far ea Ba 4., one part of the Lehigh tests was ten- sion‘loading of headed anchors embedded in normal weight and all lightweight concrete beams, The beams were 2’ x 2” and the full shear cone development confirmation test specimens were placed in the center of the beam so that no boundary conditions would influence the results. Table 5. summarizes the results of the tested specimens versus the retical values from Table 4 Note that specimens 5., 6. and 7.. while ex- ceeding the design embedment capacity (Pus) did not fail in the stud but in the con crete. If the value of concrete capacity (Puc) were to govern according to Equation 5., Section 4, failure of the concrete would be calculated as being some 73 kips for speci- men 5, and 55 kips for specimens 6. and 7. Obviously, failure in the concrete at much lower values indicates that design embed- ment strength (Pue) for full embedment specimens not concrete strength (Puc) con- trols. A typical test beam, anchor arrange- ment and anchor test schedule are shown in Figure 6. Table 5. Predicted Versus Actual Embedded Tension Capacity Anchor Size Concrete Type Actual Calculated Actual Failure Predicted yngth) and Strength Load Lo: Mode _Fallure Mode (1)%x7 _ NWT-5200 psi 28.3 Kips 23.86 Kips Stud ‘Stud (2)%x7 285 | 23.86 Stud Stud (3) %x7 " 28.0 23.86 ‘Stud Stud (4) %ex7 ALWT-5300 (28.7 23.86 Stud Stud (5) x8 NWT-4900 43.0 32.47 Concrete Stud ()%x8 | ALWT-5300 301 23.86 Concrete Stud ()Ax8 a 315 23.86 Concrete Stud ()%x4 NWT-s180 185 18.87 Concrete Concrete (9) x4 7 18.5 18.87 Concrete Concrete (10) % x4 al 173 18.87 Concrete Concrete For full embedment specimens, the ultimate design embedded strength of the anchor (Pue) is shown rather than the concrete capacity (Puc) since Puc > Pue. sale hoa = pee eS Pure Tension Specimens (free edge) eee Combined-Loading Specimens s or Pure Tension Specimens xT Pure Shear Specimens (free edge) /-3@ 7.0" = 21.0" "I Cost Seperately. 1" -BNC x 10” ‘Threaded Stud Schedule of Anchor Sizes 20 2" 1/2" FL AW. Number D Length Le Dh ‘Shank i Tested (in) (in.)__(in.) (in.)_Area (In. 2% 4 9% 1% 442 23 % 7 6% 1% 442 6 YG 8 THe 1% 442 3 % 8 Th 1% 601 2' 0” FIGURE 6.—Typical Test Beam and Anchor Section X-X Test Schedule " 4.8 Spacing for Full Tension Capacity of Partially based on calculating the surface area radius Embedded and Fully Embedded Anchors (R) according to Equation 6., Section 4.4, by The shear cone areas for partially embedded een anchors are calculated with a 45° cone, making the surface area radius (R) equal to 2De ic) fe 11and solving for De Le + Dhv2 in all cases. Spacing for a single 9s 5000 anchor, between anchors or from the center , of an anchor to a free edge are based on this Table 6. shows the minimum spacing re- ei Quired for full shear cone development capa- city for stock size anchors in various con- Spacings for full embedment anchors are crete types and densities. Table 6. Spacing For Full Tension Capacity Development Of Stock Size Headed Anchors Anchor Spacing (R) In Inches Anchor Normal Weight Concrete Sand Lightweight Concrete All Lightweight Concrete Size 3000 psi _4000 psi 5000 psi 3000 psi 4000 psi 5000 psi 3000 psi 4000 psi 5000 psi YeX2i fe __1585in. 1.530 in. 1.190in, 1.80Bin, 1.566 in, 1.401 in. 2047 in. 1.774in, 1.587 in Yx4% «1595 1330-1190 «1808 | 1566 | 1.401 2047 «1.774 «1.587 %x4% 2305 1907 1.786 2712 2948 2.100 3073 2.662 «2.381 Hx6% 2305 1.997 1786 2712 2348 2100 3073 2662 2381 x2 2188 2188 «2.188 «2.188 2.188 2.188 2.188 2.188 «(2.188 Yex3% 3188 3188 3.188 «= «3188-3188 3.188 3.18 | 3.188) -3.188 ‘x4% 3070 2.661 2380 3.613 3.131 2800 4096 ©3548 3.174 Yx5%—_ 3070 2661 2380 3613 3.131 2800 4096 «3.548 3174 YxBie 3070 2661 2.380 3613 3.131 2800 4.098 3.548 8.174 rc Wex8i 3070 2661 2.380 «3613 «3.131 2800 4.096 «3.548 3.174 if Hx2M%e 2813 2813 2813 2813 2813 2813 2813 2813 2813 5ex6% 3.843 3927 2976 4520 3914 3500 5122 4.436 3.968 %x8%, 3843 3927 2976 4520 3914 3500 5.122 4.436 3.968 %x3%_ 3.250 3250 3.250 3.250 3250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 Hx3M%e 3750 3.750 3750 3750 3750 3750 3750 3.750 3.750 Hx4%_ 4250 4250 4.250 4.250 4.250 4.250 4.250 «4.250 4.250 Yx5%_ 5250 3992 3571 5.250 5.250 5250 5250 5250 5.250 Hx6%_ 4610 3992 3571 5.424 4.897 4.201 6.147 5.323 4.761 YxT%e 4610 3992 3571 5424 4.697 4.201 6.147 5.323 4.761 HxB%_ «4610 3992 3571 5.424 «4697 4.201147 5.323 «4.761 %Hx3%e 3813 3813 3813 3813 3813 3813 3813 3813 3.813 Wx4%e 4313 4313 4313 431343134313 4313 4.313 4.313 WHxS%e 5313 $313 53138 $313 $313 $313 5313 5313 5313 Tx6%e S377 4657 4.167 6.313 «6.313 «4.901 6.313 «6.313. «6.313 Wx7%e_ 5377 4.657 «4.187 6.326 «5.479 «4.901 7.169 | B.210 8.555 THx8%e 5377 4657 4.167 6.926. 5.479 «4.901 716982105555 IR a 2R : 2) - imum spacing for ‘Minimum spacing between 1um spacing, center of single anchor = 2R anchors = 2R anchor to free edge = 1R. 12 4.7 Reduced Anchor Tension Capacity — Partial Shear Cone ‘The case of an anchor having sutticie crete area surrounding it to develop a full shear cone or optimum capacity is not fre- quently found in practice due to the con- figuration of the concrete member in which the anchor is embedded. More frequently, the physical dimensions of the member cause a reduction in anchor capacity for two primary reasons. A. Boundary Conditions — Reduction in shear conie area due to one or more edge conditions can occur as shown in Figure 7. FIGURE 7.— Boundary or Free Edge Condition B. Spacing Conditions — To meet loading requirements, headed anchors may be grouped or clustered. Again, due to physi Cal limitations, the distance between an- chors may noi be sufficient to allow full shear cone area development. Essentially, the cone areas overlap, producing @ re- duced area similar to that of a free edge ‘as shown in Figure 8, FIGURE 8. — Overlapping Spacing Condition Overlapping Spacing Condition Common reduction cases are shown in Fig- ures 9, 10 and 11. FIGURE 9.—One Reduction to Full Shear Cone. FIGURE 10,—Two Reductions to Full Shear Cone CONE A - THREE REDUCTIONS CONE B - FOUR REDUCTIONS FIGURE 11.—Three and Four Reductions to Full Shear Cone Finally, in the infrequent case where full reduced capacity of each anchor, the over- ones ‘overlap with very tight spacing, the lapping areas of reduction may normally be areas of reduction may also overlap. Figure ignored, 12. shows such an example. In calculating the OVERLAP OF AREAS OF REDUCTION FIGURE 12.—Overlapping Areas of Reduc- tion (Ar) 4 48 Calculating Reduced Tension Capacity In calculating the reduced capacity of a headed anchor shear cone influenced by boundary conditions, the extent of reduction is dependent upon whether the anchor is long enough to develop its full embedment strength (Pue) or whether the concrete capa- city (Puc) controls. 4.8.1 Partial Embedment — Reduced Shear Cone When the headed anchor is of insufficient length to develop full anchor embedment capacity, Puc or concrete capacity controls. From Section 4.2 Puc or concrete capacity may be calculated as: Puc = § CK Afc VFc When subject to reduction, the reduced capa- city may be stated as: R Puc =P CK (Aje— Ar) VFO on R Puc * 6 CK (Rpg) VTE where (Equation 7.) FR Puc = Reduced tension capacity in kips 9.C. Kas previously defines ‘Ae = Area of the full shear cone in square Ae or the full shear cone area of a partial ‘embedment anchor may be calculated as: Ajo #S(R+0) since partially embedded anchors pull a 45° shear cone in tension, full shear cone area is: Ajc= #VELe (Le + Dh) Full shear cone areas (Ajc) for partial embed- ment, stock size anchors are shown in Table 7. along with partial cone areas (Apo) for various single edge distances. ‘The area of the remaining or partial cone (Ape) following reductions by boundary con- ditions may be calculated as: Apc= Ra /Age oP where R= Radius of the remaining or partial cone H= Height of the remaining or partial cone Depth and embedment Le where more than one reduction to the cone is necessary, the reduced capacity may be described as: nies e-em ta] Rome inches A, = Area of reduction in square inches [oxtee (rue) : Re fen tC. Apc Area of the remaining or partial Ate cone in square inches (Equation 8.) Table 7. Partial Shear Cone Areas For Partial Embedment Anchors a ‘Ape For Distance To Free Edge Ot: Size AFC O0Sin. 1.0in. 15in. 2.0in. 25in, 3.0in. 3.5in. 4.0in. 4.5in. 5.0in. 5.5 in. 6.0 in. xq 0014 912 168 1448 1770 — — — —- — — 1%x3% 44.00 18.89 22.43 2627 3048 3498 3088 — — — — — = %x2M%—_ 3329 — 1744 2090 2669 2059 — -— -— -~ =~ = = Yx3%e 4516 — 22.69 2655 3074 3530 4022 — — - -~ = — Uxdife 60.70 — 2041 3380 3849 4357 4896 S468 — — — — = Uxde 7646 — 3705 4193 47.15 5268 5856 6478 7197 — — — — Ux5ie 12084 — 5498 60.88 67.11 7364 8052 87.72 9529 1031911199 — — Hx3%yqe 6244 — 2092 34.34 30.08 44.18 4961 5543 — — -— -— = Wx4%e 8048 — 3761 4254 4779 5337 5934 6560 7217 — — — — Tx 5% 123.21 — 55.70 61.62 6788 7446 81.37 8868 96.20 10419 11240 — — — 1px 6% 17483 — 77.28 84.22 9150 99.10 107.03 115.26 12387 192.76 141.99 151.58 161.62 16 ‘TENSION LOAO tkips) 10) 2 Full Embedment — Reduced Shear Cone In calculating the reduced capacity of a full embedment anchor where Puc 2 Pue and the anchor embedment strength controls, Equa tion 6., section 4.4 provides a conservative estimate, Restated, this formula to calculate individual reductions is o/s ) pea] (Equation 9.) With both partial embedment and full embed- ment anchors, the reduced tension capacity of a shear cone subject to boundary or edge conditions is equal to the full tension capa- city Pue or Puc minus the sum of the num- ber of reductions. Under no condition can the anchor design capacity (Pue) be exceeded, + etc. Tables 9. through 14. follow. These tables show the amount of a single reduction (in kips) to the tension capacities of stock size anchors for various edge distances, Tables 9., 10. and 11. are for normal weight con- crete of 3, 4 and 5 Ksi compressive strength. Tables 12', 13. and 14, are for all lightweight concrete of the same compressive strengths. Approximate reduction values for sand light- weight concrete may be calculated by inter- polating between the values shown tor normal and lightweight concretes. Several specimens subject to edge condition reduction were tested in the Lehigh study® Figure 13., shows the tested results plotted against the calculated curve for % x 7%." full embedment specimens. ‘One specimen tested was a partial embed- ment anchor, % x 4%q" in 5000 psi normal weight concrete at a distance from the center Of the anchor to the free edge of 2.0". Table 8. includes the calculated versus tested re- sults for this case, CONCRETE SLAB 2n E u A cunve ron a k 4/7 \—eatoutaten vatues e\ 8 Ae: | ten eauation 2 Dom Ape ito, Lo, xL__ix fe Concrete feeeeeee, Symbol Beam sud size Gal) “Type 7+ * ww BA 3x Ta 270 Neral 7 SB SEAT s800 FREE EDGE DISTANCE tnt - Oy 58 RS ae FIGURE 13.— Tension Reduction Table 8. ‘Specimen Size Concrete Density Tested Value _Caleul Wah "5000 psi Normal 11.0 Kips Note: Value obtained from Table 8 Table 8: 3 | 5000 psi Normal Weight Concrete. 16 11.34 Kips x &3i¢" Headed Anchor with 20° Free Edge Distance Table 9. Single Reduction Values For Various Edge Distances in 3000 Psi Normal Weight Concrete Reduction To Tension Capacity (Kips) Distance From Center Of Anchor To Free Edge (Inches) Tension ‘Anchor Radius Capacity’! Oe Size NW.C." Kips Ale 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 x2" 1505in. 265 142 ~«418 73 «28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yxdh 1595 26 «42 118 73 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ext 2.905 596 920 302 232 165 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 3x6 205 596 920 302 232 165 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 x2 2.188 375 201 158 105 4 0 0 0 0 0 Oo YEx3% 3188 820 440 402 330 252 168 72 0 0 0 0 x4 3070 1060 569 472 385 294 197 98 0 0 © 0 YEX5% 3070 1080 569 472 385 294 197 96 0 0 0 0 px8% 3.070 1060 569 472 385 294 197 9 0 0 0 O %x8% 3070 1060 569 — 472 385 294 197 9 0 0 0 0 5x20 2.813 622 333 — 295 231 16 6 0 0 0 oOo oO Fe x 6%e 9.843 1658 «889 — «789 Ga? 572 457 398213 0 0 0 x8, 3843 1656-889 — «789 G82 572 457 338.213 0 0 0 Y4X3%5 3.250 eat 452 347 269 18 92 0 0 0 oO YxS"he 3750 "31 607 = = 501 414 319 21112 0 0 0 x4%e 4.250 1462785 — = — bat S84 481 971 255 133 0 0 Yx5¥e $260 2248 1208 — 14.14 996 BTS 7.48 G13 472 325 1.72 YxO%e 4610 2386181 — = «1061 932 799 BEI 517 389 215 0 UxTe 4810 23868181 — = 1061 932 799 BEI 5.17 369 215 0 UxB%e 4610 23861281 — «= — 1061 982 7.99 661 517 369 215 0 Wx3%e 3813 116364 524 498 340 240 131 0 0 0 TAxd¥e 4313 1500 805 707 609 505 394 277 155 0 0 TAX5¥e 5313 2296 1232 1148 1032 9.09 7.80 644 5.04 956 202 WAx6he 5377 2247 1744 15.18 13,70 12.18 1061 900 733 562 384 WAxThe 5377 32.47 174.4 15.18 1370 1218 1061 900 733 562 384 ‘AxB%e 5377 32471744 «15.18 1370 12.18 10.81 9.00 7.33 562 384 Notes: (1.) Radius Or R From Table 6., Section 46. (2) Tension Capacity Puc Or Pue From Table 4., Section 45, Table 10. Single Reduction Values For Various Edge Distances In 4000 Psi Normal Weight Concrete Tension Reduction To Tension Capacity (Kips) Distance From Center Of Anchor To Free Edge (Inches) ‘Anchor Radius Capacity’. tn Size NW.C.1) Kips Ale 05 1.0 15 20 25 20 35 40 48 50 2 0 Unceept 08 rere 100 a0 ce 8 Op Ot eres es Oe Ores eet) xd 1330 26 «123115 «65 «0 60 600 CC Yx4 1.997 CCy rae ee et) Hx6% 1.997 596 277 292 222 147 0 0 0 0 0 90 oO Wx2Me 2.188 493° 01 — 182 122 53 0 0 0 9 OO VexS%e 3.188 946 440 4.64 381 291 194 89 0 9 0 0 px ale 2661 1060 493 — 459 363 262 155 0 0 0 0 0 MexS%e 2.661 1060 403 — 459 363 262 155 0 0 0 0 0 BxBle 2.661 1060 493 — 459 363 262 155 0 0 0 0 0 YexBl 2661 1060 493 — 459 363 262 155 0 0 0 0 O Wx 2M%e 2813 718 933 — 341 266 185 8 0 0 9 0 0 x 6% 3927 1656 «770 — 775 658 596 409276 0 9 0 O %xB%s 3327 1656 «770 — 7.75 688 596 409276 0 0 0 0 Yx3%e 3.250 g71 452 — 400 310 212106 0 Oo 0 oO Yx3'%e 3.750 1305 607 — 578 477 368 252 129 0 0 0 x a%e 4.250 1687 785 — 785 673 554 428 294 152 0 0 UxSHe 3992 2386 «1110 — — 1095 B92 744591 433 0 0 0 Hx 6%¢ 3.992 2386 1110 — — 1035 892 744591 433 0 0 0 YxT%s 3.992 2396 1110 — 1095 892 744591 433 0 0 0 HxB%e 3.982 2396 «1110 — = 1035 B92 744591 433 0 0 0 WXI%e 3.813 1943-624 — = 6.04 502 392276 151 0 0 0 Txa%e 4313 1730 805 — — 815 703 583 494 320 179 0 0 Tx S%e 5.313 26491232 — = = 13.24 11.90 1049 B99 7.43 581 4.10 292 Thx 6%e 4.657 8247 151.0 — = 14.88 19.24 11.55 982 B03 6.19 429 0 ThxThs 4.857 3247 151.0 — = 14.88 13.24 11.55 9.82 8.03 6.19 429 0 TxB%s 4.857 3247 181.0 — = 14.88 13.24 11.55 982 B03 6.19 429 0 Notes: (1.) Radius Or R From Table 6., Section 4.6. (2) Tension Capacity Puc or Pue From Table 4., Section 4.5. v7 Table 11. Single Reduction Values For Various Edge Distances In 5000 Psi Normal Weight Concrete Reduction To Tension Capecity (Kips) Distance From Center O1 Anchor To Free Edge (Inches) Tension ‘Anchor Radius Capacity '! De Size NW.C.") Kips Alc 05 1.0 15 20 25 30 95 40 45 50 Try a oe a a a a eee) 1190 28 110111 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oO 5x4 1.786 596 248289 212 137 0 0 0 0 0 0 oO 5x64 1786 596 248289 212 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %x2% 2.188 484 201 — 204 138 59 0 0 0 0 0 9 xd 3188 1058 440 — S19 428 9.25 217 100 0 0 0 OO Yxdye 2980 1080 441 — 448 342 252 0 «920 20 20 OOO YxS%e 2980 1080 4k — 4.45 342 2320 «20 «20 Wx 2300 1060441 — 4.48 342 2320 «20 0 0 8 x8 2300 © 1060 ak — «aus 3.42 292-0 2020 0 Hx2%e 2819 800 933 — 381 298 207 6 0 0 0 0 0 xO%e 2976 «16.56 O89 — 760 633 500 362 0 0 0 0 O Hx8%e 2978 «1656.69 — +760 633.500 362 0 0 0 0 O Yx3%~e 3250 1086. 452 — 44a 3.47 237 119 0 «20 Yxie 3750 1480607 = 647 534 412 282 145 0 0 0 Uxdye $250 18.87 785 — 879 753 620 479 320 171 0 0 Hx5%o 3571 2388 98.2 = 1004 849 688 522.350 0 0 0 Yx6he 3571 2388 982 — — 1004 849 698 522 350 0 0 0 Hx7%e 3571 2386 992 — — 1004 B49 688 522.350 0 0 0 Hxehe 3571 2386 992 — — 1004 849 G88 522.350 0 0 0 Wx 3813 18.01 24 — «76-562 490 300189 0 0 0 Txd¥e 4313 19.35 805 — — 912 785 G52 508 358 200 0 0 TAxShe 5913 29631292 — — 14811331 11.73 1008 B31 650 459 260 TaxGhe 4167 32471380 — — 14851278 1092 9.04 709 509 0 0 TxTHe 4167 «32-47 1350 — — 14951276 1092 904 709 S08 0 0 TaxOhe 4167 «32.47 1350 — — 14851276 1092 9.04 709 509 0 0 "Notes: (1) Radius Or F From Table 6., Saction 4.6, (2) Tension Capacity Puc or Pue From Table 4., Section 45. Table 12. Single Reduction Values For Various Edge Distances In 3000 Psi All Lightweight Concrete Reduction To Tension Capacity (Kips) Tension Distance From Center Of Anchor To Free Edge (Inches) ‘Anchor Radius Capacity De Size ALWT'. “Kips _"_Afe_ 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Wx2e 205in. 265. 190 121 84 42 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 000 x44 205 BS Om oo bo oo oO oo oO 8 Wx4y% 307 596 427 297 244 187 128 61 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 O x6 307 596 427 297 244 187 128 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %x2% 219 281 21 — 119 79 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oO 1Ex3% 319 15 440 — 302 248 189 128 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Axa 430 1060 759 — 482 409 333 253 168 72 0 0 0 0 90 O Yex5He 410 1080 759 — 482 400 333 262 163 72 0 0 0 9 90 O Yx6% 410 1060 759 — 482 409 333 253 168 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 %%x8% 410 1060 759 — 482 408 333 253 168 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 hx 2%he 281 465 933 — 221 173 120 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oO Gx 6% 5:12 1656 1185 — 798 708 616 526 420 316 207 94 0 0 9 0 SexBhe 512 16561186 — 796 708 616 526 420 316 207 8 0 0 0 0 Bx3%e 3.25 631 452 —~ — 260 202 138 68 0 0 0 9 0 0 oO HxdMfe 375 OC Se Wxae $25 1097785 BMT 438 361 278 191 100 0 0 0 0 0 YxShe 5.25 1685 1206 — — 869 749 657 561 460 354 244 129 0 0 0 Ux6%e 615 2386 1708 — — 1084 976 865 749 629 505 377 246 107 0 0 UxThe 815 2388 1708 — — 1084 976 865 749 629 50S 377 244 107 0 HxB%e 615 23.86 1708 — — 1084 976 865 749 629 5.05 377 244 107 0 0 wx3"%_ 381 872 624 — — 393 327 255 160 98 0 0 © 0 0 O Taxa¥e0 431 12 85 — — 530 457 379 296 208 116 0 0 0 0 oO TAxS¥e 5.31 22 1232 — — 861 774 682 585 483 378 267 152 0 0 0 Tax6%e 831 2449 1748 — = — 12.88 1165 1059 948 832 712 588 459 9.25 185 0 AxT¥e TAT 3247 2325 — 1537 14.14 12.86 1185 1020 881 737 590 438 281 120 xB. TAT 3287 2328 — 1837 1414 1286 1155 10.20 881 737 590 428 281 120 Not (1) Radius Or A From Table 6, Section 4.6. (2) Tension Capacity Puc Or Pue From Table 4, Section 45. 18 Table 13. Single Reduction Values For Various Edge Distances In 4000 Psi All Lightweight Concrete Reduction To Tension Capacity (Kips) Tension Distance From Center Of Anchor To Free Edge (Inches) Anchor Radius Capacity De ‘Size ALWT*! “Kips Afe_05 10 45 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 [x2ve titi 288 164-120 793i 0 0 0 00000 0 0 Yxay 17 ao ir ee Oo 0 0-0 O Oo Oo x4 268 ieee) = sy) 2oeecwoi fee?) al 0208101 (012 01 020 10) x64 268 7 Rese TO oO oO 0 0 OO YO Wyx2% 2.49 32 21 — 137 92 4 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 Oo xa 3.49 Tio 440 — 348 286 218 146 G7 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oo xay «3851080 ST — 479 400 317 229 138 39 0 0 0 0 0 O WxS%— 355 1060 «57 — 479 400 317 229138 39 0 0 O 0 0 O iixey 385 060657 — 479 400 337 220 138 39 0 0 0 0 0 O xem 388 «1060-57 — 479 400 317 229 138 39 0 0 0 0 0 O x2 281 539 333 — 256 200129 60 0 0 0 0 oO oO Oo Axo%e 444 18581027 — 7.96 7.00 599 495 386 272 154 0 0 0 0 Oo GxB%e 444 =~ 1658 1027 — 795 700 599 495 386 272 154 0 0 0 0 O Yx3%s 328 728 452 ys 00) Os) 1160, oo 0b 0n 01 02 F010) YxBMhe 375 979 oT — 434 358 276 18 97 0 0 0 0 0 O Wray 425 1265 7S 5B 505 416 321 221114 0 0 0 0 0 YxShe 525 1948 1206 — — 964 864 758 G47 591 409 282 1.49 0 0 0 Uxoye 532 23886 MTB — — 1078 961 839 713 583 447 307 163 0 0 0 Uxthe 832 2988 79 — — 1078 961 839 713 589 447 307 163 0 0 0 UxB%, «592 «© 2386.:« M479 — — 1078 961 839 713 583 447 307 163 0 0 0 x3" 981 1007-624 — «= — «453-377 294 207 118 0 0 0 0 0 oO Wxaye 4311298805 — — 811 S27 497 341 240 194 0 0 0 0 O Uxshe 581 1987-1282 — — 993 893 787 874 557 436 308 174 0 0 0 Axe, 681 —«-2BIY.-«TAB — «= +1461 13.44 12.21 1098 860 B22 679 5.29 975 179 0 WxTH, 6213247 2013 — 1634 13.99 1261 11.18 971 819 662 501 335 184 0 Axo, 621 S247 -2013. ———_—*15.34 13.99 1261 11118 B71 B19 G62 501 335 164 0 Notes: (1) Radius Or R From Table 6., Section 46. (2.} Tension Capacity Puc Or Pue From Table 4,, Section 45. Table 14, Single Reduction Values For Various Edge Distances In 5000 Psi All Lightweight Concrete Reduction To Tension Capacity (Kips) Tension Distance From Center Of Anchor To Free Edge (Inches) Anchor Radius Capacily'®! De Size "Kips Ale_05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Sis ay ST gg ©-66 ge 14710 er 7S ur 00 Os O te Obes O es Oe Oot Olesen OO Ux” 1587 26 «47118 «7 2% 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 O %x4% 2.981 596 931 297 295 168 97 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 Oo 3x6 2.981 596 331 297 235 168 97 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 O 0 yx 2% 2188 369 201 — 183 102 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 9 oO x8, 3188 79% 440 — 389 320 244 163 75 0 0 0 0 oO oO O Bxah 3474 © 1080 BB — 474 380 299 205 106 0 0 0 0 9 9 O ‘GxS%e 3174 10.80 588 — «4.74 389 299 205 108 0 0 0 0 O O 0 Yix6 3174 1060 S88 — 474 389 299 205 106 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Yex8l 3.174 3080 588 — 474 389 299 205 106 0 0 0 0 0 oO 0 x2 2813 600 333 — 286 224 185 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 oO oO rei 3968 «16.56.18 — 7:90 G87 579 47 349 227 0 0 0 0 O O xB, 3968 «16.5698 — 790 687 579 467 349 227 0 0 9 0 0 O Y4x3%e 3.280 815 452 — — 336 260178 88 0 0 © 0 0 oO Oo Yx3ihe 3750 1095 607 — — 485 401 909 212 1090 0 9 9 0 0 Wxde 4250 1415 7BS — — 659 585 465 350 247128 0 0 0 0 0 Mxohe 5250 2176 1208 — — 1078 966 84s 724 594458 315 167 9 0 0 Sixes 4761 2386 1323 — — 1085 940 809 674 533389 238 9 0 0 0 xe 4761 2386 123 — 3066 940 809 674 533389 238 0 0 0 0 Hx8% 4761 2386 1323 — — 1065 940 809 674 533389 298 0 0 9 0 WxIM%a 3819 128g — «SOT 422 az 292 1270 0 0 0 Oo Oo Wxse 4313 1451 805 = Ges 590 489 381 269150 0 0 0 oO 0 TEXS%e S313 2222 1282 — = 1111 888 B80 7.55 029400 944 195 0 9 0 TyxO%e 6313 «9183. 1748 — 16.34 15.03 1366 12.23 1074 919 759 592 419 238 0 Tex7He 5555 92.47 180.1 = 1822 13.78 1229 1075 917 754 $86 413 236 0 0 TxO%e 5555 92.47 180.1 = 1822 1378 1229 1075 917754 586 413 234 0 0 Notes: (1:) Radius Or R From Table 6. Section 4.6 (2) Tension Capacity Pue Or Pue From Table 4., Section 45. 19 4.8.3 Use of Tables 9. through 14. ‘An example calculation for reduced capacity of a headed anchor follows. Case: Insert plate with 6 anchors, Y x 6%, ‘embedded in 5000# normal weight concrete for Figure 14. Find the reduced capacity of the end anchors, A. and the full plate capacity. A. From Table 4., section 4.5 tension capacity of} x 6%" anchor in 50004 concrete — 10.60 kips. B. From Table 6., section 4.6 spacing for Y% x 6% anchor in normal weight con- crete = R = 2.38 in. Min. spacing be- tween anchors = 476" = 2R. Min. spacing to free edge = 2.38" = R. . Spacing between anchors in Figure 14 is, 4.78" or sufficient for full tension capacity. D. Spacing to edge in Figure 14., is 2.0" not adequate for full capacity. E. From Table 11., reduction values in 5000# concrete, 2.0" ‘distance to free edge, A anchors with 2 reductions. R Pue = Pue — (2.92 + 2.32) R Pue = 10.60—4.64 R Pue = 5.96 kips = capacity of A anchors F 1 Total capacity of insert in tension Two anchors (A) with 2 reductions = 2 x 5.96 = 11.92 Kips. 2. Four anchors (B. & C.) with 1 reduction = 4 (10,60 — 2.32) = 33.12 kips Total insert plate capacity = 45.04 kips Allowable load = S504 22.52 Kips. For additional sample problem see Section 79. 20 Anchors In Groups — A Note Of Caution In some connection designs, the use of groups of headed studs is quite prevalent. ‘These anchor groups use large numbers of studs spaced so closely that full conical areas cannot be developed. Examples of such grouping of headed anchors are seen in turbine mounting plates, column-beam con- nections, shelf angles, nuclear containment liner base rings, etc. In these cases, whether the anchor is sub- ject to a shear or tension load, there is a Possibility that large numbers of headed an- chors of the same embedment length may cause the establishment of a shear plane in the concrete. Failure then occurs in the con- crete in the form of a truncated pyramid as shown in figure 15. FIGURE 15. — Shear Plane Failure Usually, calculation of the anchor group on the basis of individual anchors and their re- ductions yields 2 low allowable load for the connection. Calculation of the allowable shear or tension load by using the surface area of the truncated pyramid as Afc in the formula Puc = @ CK Afcif'c should be made as a check on the anchor group performance. Problem No. 2 in the sample problem Sec- tion 7.0, shows this procedure. A higher allowable load value using the truncated pyramid area calculation is acceptable, pro- vided that sufficient secondary reinforce- ment in the form of bars and/or mesh is employed to increase the connection per- formance into the ductile range. Itis far better to avoid the possibility of shear planes and reduced connection performance by applying the following corrective measures. 1. Change in anchor size 2. Change in anchor spacing 3. Placement of longer or shorter embed- ment length headed anchors in the stud pattern to disrupt the potential shear plane effect Finally, a confirming calculation based on group performance should be made on any Cluster of anchors where the spacing be- tween anchors approaches the 2R minimum suggested for tension in Table 6. and for shear in Table 16.

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