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Hà Minh Bảo Châu – K72K

NỘP BÀI TẬP (thành viên nhóm 2)

7. x+6 =x
What is the positive solution to the given equation?
Assume that x ≠−6, we multiple two sides of the equation with ¿)
It implies that:
2 2
55=x ( x +6 ) ⇔55=x + 6 x ⇔ x +6 x−55=0 ⇔ ( x +11 )( x−5 )=0
⇔ ( x+11 )=0∨( x−5 )=0 ⟺ x =−11∨x =5 ( good )
Because we want to find the positive solution of the given equation, the
solution is 5

7.1. 3 x 3−22 +2 x −3=0

How many real solutions to the given equation?
It’s easy to see that 3+ (−2 )+2+ (−3 )=0 ⇒ The equation has a solution x=1
We can write the given equation as: 3 x 3−3 x 2+ x 2−x +3 x−3=0
⟺ 3 x 2 ( x−1 ) + x ( x−1 )+ 3 ( x −1 )=0
⟺ ( x−1 ) ( 3 x 2+ x +3 ) =0
It implies that x=1∨ ( 3 x 2 + x +3 ) =0 ( 1 )
Solve equation (1)
Δ(1)=1 −4.3 .3=−35<0 ⇒ Equation (1) has no real solution.
Hence, the initial given equation has only one real solution x=1

7.2 x+ 4 =x
What is the negative solution to the given equation?
Assume that x ≠−4 , we multiple two sides of the equation with ¿)
It implies that:
2 2
45=x ( x + 4 ) ⇔ 45=x + 4 x ⇔ x +6 x−55=0 ⇔ ( x+ 9 ) ( x −5 )=0
⇔ ( x+ 9 )=0∨( x−5 ) =0 ⟺ x =9(good )∨x=5
Because we want to find the negative solution of the given equation, the
solution is −9

Hà Minh Bảo Châu – K72K

8. An object travel an constant speed of 12 centimeters per second. At this

speed, what is the time, in seconds, that it would take for the object to
travel 108 centimeters?
We know that t= v
s 108
⇒ The time it take to travel 108 centimeters is: t= = =9(seconds)
v 12

8.1. The length of a road is 10 kilometers. John spends 2 hours completing

that road. Given that John runs with a constant pace. Calculate the pace
of John (km/h).
We know that v= t
s 10
⇒ John’s pace is: v= = =5 (km/h)
t 2
8.2. Linlin plants pumpkins. Each 4 seconds, she can plants 4 pumpkin
seeds. In her bag, there are 150 seeds. What is the time, in second, that it
would take for planting all the seeds?
The time it take Linlin to plant all the seeds is : t= 4 =28( seconds)

9. Data set X: 5, 9, 9, 13
Data set Y: 5, 9, 9, 13, 27
The lists give the values in data sets X and Y. Which statement correctly
compares the mean of data set X and the mean of data set Y?
A) The mean of data set X is greater than the mean
of data set Y.
B) The mean of data set X is less than the mean of
data set Y.
C) The means of data set X and data set Y are equal.
D) There is not enough information

Hà Minh Bảo Châu – K72K

Choice B is correct. The mean of a data set is the sum of the values in the
data set divided by the number of values in the data set. It follows that the
5+9+9+ 13
mean of data set X is 4
, or 9,
5+9+9+ 13+27
and the mean of data set Y is 5
, or 12.6. Since 9 is less than
12.6, the mean of data set X is less than the mean of data set Y

9. 1 Data set X: 3, 45, 9,9, 8

Data set Y: 3, 3, 9, 9, 8, 8
The lists give the values in data sets X and Y. Which statement correctly
compares the mean of data set X and the mean of data set Y?
A) The mean of data set X is greater than the mean
of data set Y.
B) The mean of data set X is less than the mean of
data set Y.
C) The means of data set X and data set Y are equal.
D) There is not enough information
Choice A is correct. The mean of a data set is the sum of the values in the
data set divided by the number of values in the data set. It follows that the
3+45+ 9+9+8
mean of data set X is 5
, or 14.8,
3+3+9+ 9+8+8
and the mean of data set Y is 5
, or 8. Since 8 is less than 14.8,
the mean of data set X is greater than the mean of data set Y

9. 2 Data set X: 4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2
Data set Y: 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 0
The lists give the values in data sets X and Y. Which statement correctly
compares the mean of data set X and the mean of data set Y?
A) The mean of data set X is greater than the mean
of data set Y.
B) The mean of data set X is less than the mean of
data set Y.
C) The means of data set X and data set Y are equal.
Hà Minh Bảo Châu – K72K

D) There is not enough information

Choice B is correct. The mean of a data set is the sum of the values in the
data set divided by the number of values in the data set. It follows that the
4+ 3+2+1+3+2
mean of data set X is 6
, or 2.5,
4+ 4+ 4 +4 +2+0
and the mean of data set Y is 6
, or 3. Since 2.5 is less than 3,
the mean of data set X is less than the mean of data set Y

10. A rocket contained 467,000 kilograms of propellant before launch.

Exactly 21 seconds after launch, 362,105 kg of this propellant remained.
On average, approximately how much propellant, in kg, did the rocket
burn each second after launch?
A) 4,995
B) 17,243
C) 39,481
D) 104,895
Choice A is correct. It’s given that the rocket contained 467,000 kilograms
(kg) of propellant before launch and had 362,105 kg remaining exactly 21
seconds after launch. Finding the difference between the amount, in kg, of
propellant before launch and the remaining amount, in kg, of propellant
after launch gives the amount, in kg, of propellant burned during the 21
seconds: 467,000−362,105=104,895 . Dividing the amount of propellant
burned by the number of seconds yields =4,995 . Thus, an average of
4,995 kg of propellant burned each second after launch.

10.1. A rocket contained 500,000 kilograms of propellant before launch.

Exactly 10 seconds after launch, 465,000 kg of this propellant remained.
On average, approximately how much propellant, in kg, did the rocket
burn each second after launch?
A) 3,500
B) 465,000
C) 500,000
D) 35,000
Hà Minh Bảo Châu – K72K

Choice A is correct. It’s given that the rocket contained 467,000 kilograms
(kg) of propellant before launch and had 362,105 kg remaining exactly 21
seconds after launch. Finding the difference between the amount, in kg, of
propellant before launch and the remaining amount, in kg, of propellant
after launch gives the amount, in kg, of propellant burned during the 21
seconds: 500,000−465,000=35,000 . Dividing the amount of propellant
burned by the number of seconds yields =3,500. Thus, an average of
3,500 kg of propellant burned each second after launch.

10.2. A rocket contained 467,000 kilograms of propellant before launch.

The rocket burns on average approximately 4,995 kg propellant per
second. How many kilograms of propellant remained after launch
exactly 21 second?
A) 362,105
B) 17,243
C) 39,481
D) 104,895
Choice A is correct. 467,000−4,995.21=362,105(kg)

11. If 4 +2 x=12, what is the value of 16 x +8 ?

A) 40
B) 48
C) 56
D) 60
Choice B is correct. Multiplying both sides of the given equation by 4
yields ( 4 ) ( 4 x +2 )=(4)(12) , or 16 x +8=48. Therefore, the value of 16 x +8 is 48.

11.1. If 6+ x =12, what is the value of 12 x+ 8 ?

A) 80
B) 48
C) 56
Hà Minh Bảo Châu – K72K

D) 60
Choice A is correct. 6+ x =12⇒ x=12−6 ⇒ x=6 . Therefore 12 x+ 8=12.6+ 8=80

11.2. If 2+3 x=11, what is the value of 9 x +6 ?

A) 40
B) 45
C) 33
D) 60
Choice C is correct. Multiplying both sides of the given equation by 4
yields ( 3 ) ( 3 x+ 2 )=(3)(1 1), or 9 x +6=33. Therefore, the value of 16 x +8 is 48.

12. An object is kicked from a platform. The equation h=−4.9 t 2+ 7 t+9

represents this situation, where h is the height of the object above the
ground, in meters, t seconds after it is kicked. Which number represents
the height, in meters, from which the object was kicked?
A) 0
B) 4.9
C) 7
D) 9
D is correct. It’s given that the equation represents h=−4.9 t 2+ 7 t+9 this
situation, where h is the height, in meters, of the object t seconds after it is
kicked. It follows that the height, in meters, from which the object was
kicked is the value of h when t=0 . Substituting 0 for t in the equation
h=−4.9 t + 7 t+9 yields h=−4.9 ( 0 ) +7 ( 0 )+ 9=0, or h =9. Therefore, the object

was kicked from a height of 9 meters.

12.1. A ball is kicked from a platform. The equation h=−5.9 t 2 +6 t +10

represents this situation, where h is the height of the ball above the
ground, in meters, t seconds after it is kicked. Which number represents
the height, in meters, from which the ball was kicked?
A) 0
B) 5.9
Hà Minh Bảo Châu – K72K

C) 6
D) 10
D is correct. It’s given that the equation represents h=−5 .9t 2 +6 t+ 10 this
situation, where h is the height, in meters, of the ball t seconds after it is
kicked. It follows that the height, in meters, from which the ball was kicked
is the value of h when t=0. Substituting 0 for t in the equation
h=−5.9 t +6 t +10 yields h=−5.9 ( 0 ) +6 ( 0 ) +10=10, or h =10. Therefore, the

ball was kicked from a height of 9 meters.

12.2. A marble is dropped from a table. The equation h=−0 , 5 t 2 +t+ 0.7
represents this situation, where h is the height of the ball above the
ground, in meters, t seconds after it is kicked. Which number represents
the height, in meters, from which the ball was kicked?
A) 0
B) 0.5
C) 0.7
D) 1
C is correct. It’s given that the equation represents h=−0.5 t+ t+0.7 this
situation, where h is the height, in meters, of the marble t seconds after it is
dropped. It follows that the height, in meters, from which the marble was
dropped is the value of h when t=0 . Substituting 0 for t in the equation
h=−0.5 t+ t+0.7 yields h=−0.5 ( 0 )2 + ( 0 )+ 0.7=0.7 , or h = 0.7. Therefore, the
marble was dropped from a height of 9 meters

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