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In your opinion, what were the best business ideas of the last 15 years?



Listen to the first part of the interview. What products and services does Kate mention?
Why does she think they were excellent ideas?


Are these statements true or false?

1. eBay is useful for large companies.

2. eBay provides a way to reach markets that is new.

3. Auctions are new.

4. Kate Pitts talks about USB sticks in relation to data and pictures.

5. She also mentions plug-and-play devices.

6. USB sticks have had no effect on other devices.

7. Digital cameras were certainly invented in the last 15 years.


I: In your opinion, what were the best business ideas of the last 15 years?

KP: I've thought about this for quite a long time and, in my opinion, it's (1) A
SERVICE……………………… and (2) …PRODUCT……………………….... The first is (3)
…EBAY….…., and this works for me because it provides (4) ……INDIVIDUAL
AND…………………………………... with (5) …SMALL BUSINESS………………………
to (6) ……………………. that didn't exist before. It started in the (7)
………………………………. and has been extremely successful, with (8) THE
TURNOVER……………………… in 2009 of $2.4 billion. It's not a new idea though – (9)
RUNNING AN OPTION…………………… is almost (10)
SOCIETY………………………………………. It's based on (11)
………………………………………. It's just (12) ……………………. the model and the
thinking to a (13) IT DIFFERENT ENVIROMENT …………………….
My second is the product, and it's a (14) USB STICK………………………. for computers, or
(15) PLAGRAN DEVICE…………………………………... This enabled (16)
………………………………. to be easily (17) …TRANSPORTABLE………………………….
and satisfied a demand for (18) EASY POSSIBILITY………………… from computer to
computer. The amount of data that can be transported now is (19) ……
ENORMOUS……………; and it had the (20)HUGE BENEFIT ……………………………… of
meaning that you didn't have to take your portable computer with you everywhere. So, it
satisfied a (21) CUSTOMER NEED……………........................... The technology itself also
enabled a lot of other devices.
The final one is the (22) …DIGITAL CAMERA………………………. I'm not sure it's – if it's
strictly an invention of the last 15 years, or if it's just become a (23) ……
MARKET……………………………., but it's (24)REVOLUTION
…………………………………… and it's now (25)INCORPATION
……………………………. into many other devices as a (26) ………FREE
GIFT………………, like mobile phones or PCs. And again, it satisfied a customer demand to
(27) ……SHARE PICTURE……………………………………... quickly and easily.


Listen to the second part and answer these questions.

1. What types of company spend a lot of time and money on research and development?


2. Which company spends nearly 25% of the cost of sale on research and development?


I: Do companies spend enough time on research and development?

KP: I think this depends very much on (1) THE INDUSTRY………………………... There are
some (2) PRODUTCTLY COMPANY…………………………………., like (3)
…………………………… and (4) …HIGH-TECH…………………. companies, that spend an
(5) …………ENORMOUS AMOUNT TIME AND MONEY……………………………… on
research and development. Nearly 25 per cent of the (6) COURSE OF
SALE…………………………., for example, at Ericsson, the Finnish mobile-phone company,
are on research and development.
I strongly believe that most companies can benefit from using (7) INFORMATION AND
RELATIONSHIPS…………………………… within their own company to actually develop
new (8) …PRODUCT……………. and services. My definition of (9)
ENOVATION…………………… is to look at what everybody else sees and see something
(10)DIFFERENT ………………. So that might mean looking at what you already do and
looking at where you can do it slightly differently to (11) INCREASE…………………. your
product range, or (12) ……EXTENDING………………. your products into new markets. This
can save (13)TIME ………………… and money.

Listen to part one again and complete the table with words that Kate Pitts uses.

Verb Noun
Boom(NỔ) …
Turn over (DOANH THU) …
Auction ( ĐẤU GIÁ) …
… transfer
demand …
… transport
benefit …
… satisfaction
invent …
… revolution

Find the adverbs which mean the following:

1. almost

2. really

3. a bit

4. firmly

5. in another way


Article 1

Capable of having the ability, power, or qualities to be able to do something.

Transform to change completely the appearance or character of something or

someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved.

Software the programs that you put into a computer to make it do particular

Instantly ; instant immediately.

noodles: mì ăn liền

Eventually in the end, especially after a long time or a lot of effort, problems,

Voice recognition the ability of a computer or other machine to understand spoken

instructions or to recognize who a human voice belongs to.

Conduct to organize and perform a particular activity.

Attempt to try to do something, especially something difficult.

Synthetic: sợi tổng hợp made artificially and not produced from natural substances.

Hone: mài, trau dồi to make something better or completely suitable for its purpose.

Equivalent having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc.

INTERPRETER: phiên someone whose job is to change what someone else is saying into
dịch another language.

Note: translater: biên dịch (dịch văn bản , viết ) khác với interpreter: phiên dịch (nói)

Article 2

RUIN to spoil or destroy something completely.

COLLAR: VÒNG CỔ the part around the neck of a piece of clothing, usually sewn on and
sometimes made of different material.

PATENTED: ĐÃ CÓ used to describe products for which someone has a patent (= the
BẰNG SÁNG CHẾ official legal right to make or sell an invention for a particular
number of years)

INFLATE:LẠM PHÁT to cause an object to increase in size and shape by filling it with air or
gas, or (of an object) to become larger as a result of this process.

DUMMIES: hình nôm a large model of a person, especially one used to show clothes in a

UNIQUE being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual, or
special in some way.

RECHARGABLE: có able to be recharged (= filled again with electricity) when it has used
thể nạp điên all its electricity.

SENSOR: cảm biến a device that is used to record that something is present or that there
are changes in something.

CYLINDER: HÌNH TRỤ a solid that has long straight sides and circular ends of equal size, or a
hollow object shaped like this and often used as a container.

DETERMINE to control or influence something directly, or to decide what will


DISTINGUISH to notice or understand the difference between two things, or to make

one person or thing seem different from another.

Article 3

DISPENSE: PHÂN to give out things, especially products, services, or amounts of

PHỐI money.
Overheads: chi phí chung the regular and necessary costs, such as rent, heat, electricity, and
telephone, involved in operating a business.

bulletproof (a) Chống đạn

bullion (n) Vàng thỏi

claim (v)

Vending machine Máy bán hàng tự động

Own , know chỉ dùng thì past simple

They owned 5 stores

We did not know about it

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