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The Book That… Writes Itself

The Book That… Writes Itself

Copyright © 2018 Korina Lymnioudi

All rights reserved.

This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing
without written permission from the publisher, Korina Lymnioudi. The unauthorized
reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book
may be scanned, uploaded, or distributed via the Internet or any other means,
electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission.
Chapter 1: The Elf-Land

Dedicated to:

Ioannis and Stamatia, who weren’t allowed to live their love, but they can have all

My Arcturos, without whom this book wouldn’t exist.

My beloved brother.

The Lord of the Pleiades, who takes care of the union of all Twin Flames.

The Lord of Sirius… He knows what I mean…

My brother from Sirius…

Ioannis Fourakis and Georgios Gkiolvas, who were the first to shine on my way…

Everyone’s future self.

The Book That… Writes Itself


CHAPTER 1 The Elf-Land 11
CHAPTER 2 Do humans exist? 14
CHAPTER 3 Mistrizia 22
CHAPTER 4 The Vocation 32
CHAPTER 5 The Aventurine 37
CHAPTER 6 Dezola... Inside Hollow Earth 42
CHAPTER 7 The Great Darso 50
CHAPTER 8 In the Hall of The Elementals 56
CHAPTER 9 The Quantum Hypnosis 59
CHAPTER 10 The Butterfly’s First Flight and Tuathan’s Story 64
CHAPTER 11 Lucid Dreaming 78
CHAPTER 12 The Atharans 86
CHAPTER 13 Neurosensory Expansion 92
CHAPTER 14 The True Story of Maya in Our Own Realm 104
CHAPTER 15 Maya’s First Visit to the Spaceship 116
CHAPTER 16 In the Hall of UNUM 120
CHAPTER 17 A Violent Visit from Sirius 124
CHAPTER 18 In another world…in some higher fields of existence 135
CHAPTER 19 The Great Council and the Prophecy of the Marble King 141
CHAPTER 20 The fateful encounter 151
Sources that inspired me 159

Chapter 1: The Elf-Land

Foreword from Dr. Menas Kafatos Ph.D

How can a book write itself? This means that it’s written thanks to inspiration,
automatically. Korina is the medium, the vehicle, for bringing information from
elsewhere, not her mind. This information comes from non-linear time. From levels
beyond the physical space.
As the author explains, the intuitive ability of the heart plays a pivotal role in the
book, the association with the worlds of the light, dreamworlds.
Worlds, where Fairies live, where imagination and dreams make up reality. This book
opens up ways of communication with parallel universes.
Read it and step into magical worlds.

Menas C. Kafatos Ph.D

Fletcher Jones Endowed Professor of Computational Physics
Chapman University
The Book That… Writes Itself


The characters of the story that follows wanted to use my hands, my vocabulary, my emotion,
even my memory deposits related to my experiences, so that their story would take shape, and
so they could convey their messages.
Maya played the role of the messenger—my future self, who imparted this book to me as my
mind clarified the substance of her emotions, peeling away the layers of Truth, as I searched
for a more elevated view of reality.
It may be uncommon, but one of the characters of this book wishes to write the preface to
convey his message.

Chapter 1: The Elf-Land


This story is true, through and through.

To better understand it, you have to forget about the notion of time in the form you
know it.
On Earth, we know time in a linear fashion, but in fact, it is vertical, and everything—
past, present, and future—is really happening at the same time.
I, Dark-Elf, am the character that comes from what you would call the past.
My desire to impart this message came from a vision I had. At some point, the Lord
of Sirius appeared before me. He explained to me that people on Earth will learn, at
some point, about the various extraterrestrial races. When that happens, there will be a
lot of misleading information, and people will get confused. They will not know
which tribe is good and which is bad. They will grow wary of all tribes, seeing that
each of them has its own agenda and interests.
However, regardless of what these tribes will be like in the future, how each one of
them treats humanity, and whether they will return to the light and innocence of the
Soul, we have to learn to see the bigger picture.
Only when we show understanding and become wise will we achieve our greatest
goal: to return to the Source, to the Light. Understanding and empathy must be the
core of every mission.
In order to see the bigger picture, I would like to refer to the information provided by
the Lord of Sirius, when I saw him in that distant vision. “The notion of polarity isn’t
real. They condition you to think you have to live in a Universe where there are good
and bad. They tell you that if you hadn’t encountered evil, you wouldn’t have
appreciated kindness. That if you hadn’t encountered poverty, you wouldn’t have
appreciated wealth. That if you hadn’t encountered sickness, you wouldn’t have
known what health is all about.
“No, you don’t live in a bipolar Universe. Simply, ‘they’ see it that way. By ‘they,’ I
mean all humans and non-humans, all tribes on Earth and elsewhere, displaying the
kind of behaviour that have you believing they are evil.
“How did they end up having such a behaviour, since all souls are part of the Source
that can only be kind? Even in the most normal stages of the life of Planet Sirius, huge
amounts of energy are created, rendering the planet the most positively activated point
in our small corner of the Universe.
“Every 49.9 years, the two stars of the system, Sirius A and B, come as close as their
orbits permit, since they are what you would call in Earth’s parlance ‘entities in love.’
In this way, they cause huge magnetic storms between them. As they come closer,
these stars begin to swirl faster and faster as the tidal forces grow, and finally they
The Book That… Writes Itself

swap places. Think of a gigantic electric turbine turning and spinning, generating
billions of volts. This energy is finally released and flows through the lines of the
magnetic fields toward the sun, which transmits them to all of the planets, like a torch.
“What does this mean for life on Earth? One of these occasions was in 1944, when
humanity was trapped in the biggest clash ever: the Second World War. As Tibetan
Master Djwhal Khul said, the energies coming from Sirius stimulated all things
positive and negative lying in humanity, magnifying them. That’s exactly what was
portrayed in that huge global conflict. Sirius was always associated with the notion of
freedom. According to the ancient teachings of all civilizations, this star activates and
enhances the notion of freedom in people’s consciousness.
“If you study the future, Dark-Elf, you will see that when Sirius is in the same star
sign as the Sun, at 14 degrees in Cancer, then freedom is celebrated on Earth. This is
July 4, the USA’s Independence Day; July 14 is the same day for France, while
Canada celebrates its independence on July 1. Venezuela’s Independence Day is July
5; Argentina’s is on July 9, whereas Iraq’s is on June 28.
“All this is not accidental. Sirius, like every other star or planet, is a living entity
taking care of the Divine Plan.
“Dark-Elf, now that you have realized what is going on with these energies and
magnetic fields, you can see that when Planet Tiamat was destroyed, it split up into
pieces and, due to this great energy, it was forced to enter an orbit around the Sun.
This affected Tiamat’s inhabitants’ moods. The same holds true for the other planets
and tribes.
“All these beings lost their instinct as to what is really good, what their Soul really
expresses, their Spirit, and the Source of Light they came from. They weren't to blame
for what happened, nor was anyone else to blame. Was it merely an accident of the
Universe, or part of the Divine Plan?
“You will learn this when you are ready. Until then, you will have to show
understanding, not animosity against whatever appears to be evil. You should lavish
love on it, not just tolerance, so that it will find its way toward the Light, and you take
the road for real freedom, apart from the Matrix, which will help you become what
you really are.
“Sirius will keep sending its strong energy to the Sun, which will reflect it on Earth.
Now, there is no longer the Van Allen Belt, which used to ward off part of this
energy. This means that huge changes will happen on Earth, to beings and cultures
“Those seeking peace and security will have to search deep inside them to find
invincible balance and stability. Never before has it been a more opportune time to
reconnect with the Spirit, the Soul, and the Higher Self.
“A new image of the Universe is revealed…that of absolute cosmic interdependence
and connection. From the biggest parallel Universe to the smallest electron, the whole
Universe is a spiral within a spiral, magnetic fields inside magnetic fields. The stars
are connected to one another, exchanging particles and gases all the time, and all this

Chapter 1: The Elf-Land

is transmitted through lines of magnetic fields playing the role of arteries across the
galactic body. Through such arteries, one galaxy is connected to the other.”
This is what Lord Sirius told me, and I came to realize that he was describing neurons
to me…the galaxy’s nervous system, which transmits information from one star to the
other, from one galaxy to the other, from one parallel Universe to the other.
Likewise, dear reader, we would like to impart to you the message that you have a
mission…a mission that you will discover in the pages of this series of books.
This mission will reveal itself to you, piece by piece. Your brain will be activated,
thanks to the special internal technology used to make these books a tool for
activating your brain and DNA. All you have to do is study this book thoroughly.
When you do so, miracles will start to happen.
Your intuition will be heightened.
Your third eye will open.
You will start communicating with your future self.
Then, as Dark-Elf found the magic path that led him to the parallel Universe, so will
you see sprawling before you the magic path leading you to your mission.
The Book That… Writes Itself


Is it possible that a book can help communicate with parallel Universes, allow you
to meet your parallel selves, and pave the way for keener intuition and spiritual

Yes! If this book presents exactly what happens with what we deem to be bad or
negative events and behaviour. If it explains the reason why darkness was created,
and how darkness thinks it is the light.
If we know why and how something was created, then we cannot blame it; we can
only want to help it turn into something bright and find its way toward the Divine
Are humans’ darkness and hardships based on a simple misunderstanding, which
perpetuates itself? Can we change this?
The answer is in the affirmative (for both questions).
You will discover the answer while walking along the path that opens up, thanks to
this series of books that came from somewhere else. It seems to be some other
expression of life that needs our typing skills and our vocabulary to communicate
what it knows.

The Book That… Writes Itself


The Elf-Land

rom early in the morning, everyone was discussing the news brought by Dark-
In the central square of Notingel, the Elf City, the huge crowd surrounded him
with surprise and amazement, forever questioning every word he uttered.
He stood in the middle of the gathered citizens, with a sense of pride, pretending to
have suddenly grown taller, looming way above the rest of the crowd, a glowing smile
on his face. No one could ever imagine that the usually sad messenger of Notingel could
transform into this bright elf, becoming the center of attention of the entire city.
Everyone was deeply impressed by Dark-Elf’s sincere smile. Everyone could recall his
previously sad and grim face for which he came to be known around the town as far
back as anyone could remember. Actually, that was the reason he was given his name
of Dark-Elf.
Everyone remembered the day when Doriel, the poor pretty girl from the outskirts of
the city, pulled out of the cold waters of the Ivory River the basket with a baby inside.
Like all Elves, he had small wings, not yet fully formed, that were glowing under the
spring sunlight, giving off a rich, multi-coloured rainbow. A large pendant around his
neck matched the glow of his small wings under the sunlight. Doriel was amazed at the
sight of the lovely glowing elf creature, and in her eyes, there was a flitting thought.
“What a beautiful Elf. And what a strange glow his little wings give off. I can’t imagine
a more beautiful Elf ever born, especially with such pretty wings! “His eyes, though...
They’re so sad. I never saw sadder eyes. Who knows what happened for this beautiful
creature to end up in the river totally unprotected? His parents must be beautiful and
majestic-looking, probably descending from royal Elf origins. I have never seen a more
elegant and illuminating baby. You know, I could keep this baby. He needs a lot of
love, and I need to love someone dearly.”
Suddenly it dawned on her, and her eyes became sadder than the small Elf baby’s eyes.
“I’m crazy. How am I going to raise this baby? He’ll probably have a much better fate
in a rich household.”
The Book That… Writes Itself

With care, she picked up the basket with the baby inside, and started to walk toward the
palace. King Grifim was known to be very compassionate, so she thought he would
either keep the baby himself, or have him raised by a rich family.
When she met the King, he immediately realized the pain of the young girl who had to
give away the baby Elf. “I see you’re very sad to be giving away this baby. Why don’t
you keep him yourself, since giving him away will cause you so much grief?”
“King Grifim, I’m destitute and concerned that I won’t be able to raise him properly.
The baby deserves a better fate. He’s so beautiful, but so sad at the same time,”
answered the girl with tears in her eyes.
“Good fate coexists with love,” answered the King. “Keep the baby, Doriel, and raise
him with love like he’s your own baby. Show him the same love you’d like others to
show you. Should you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask me."
“Thank you,” answered Doriel and, taking the baby in her arms, she left for her poor
The news spread like wildfire throughout the city. Her poor shack soon became the
center of the town, always filled with Elves of all shapes and sizes, willing to see the
new baby Elf.
The baby started growing fast; however, the sadness never left his face, and no one
could explain why.
With Doriel always trying to provide the best, the child Elf was raised better than any
Elf in the rich households. She found a good job in the neighbouring town of Pegasus
and managed to avoid asking for any help, including from the King.
The other Elves of the same age were curious to meet Dark-Elf, but slowly each and
every one of them went away and stopped wanting to see Dark-Elf for no apparent
Elves celebrate every single day, treating it as a holiday. Come rain or shine, they
welcome the rays of the sun the same way as they welcome the rainfall. They always
have a song or a dance for anything happening in nature. That was the reason no one
could understand this strange and constantly sad Elf child.
That was why everybody in the city was amazed when they observed the strange Elf
child smile for the first time in his life at the age of eighteen. Everyone in the entire city
of Notingel responded to the news with amazement and great curiosity.
The general notion was that the child had brought some strange but definitely good
news, since he was smiling for the first time in his life, and his eyes were sparkling like
balls of jubilant fire.
In her shack, Doriel was expecting her son to return from work. The King had appointed
him as the messenger of the city, since he was very discreet and trustworthy. Every day,
he finished his work by sunset and returned home without fail.

Chapter 1: The Elf-Land

Today, though, he was very late, and Doriel felt worried. Then, all of a sudden, she
heard a loud knock at the front door. She rushed to answer it, only to meet her neighbor,
old lady Malthar.
“Come in, Mrs. Malthar. Why are you knocking so hard? You startled me!”
“It’s your son. He’s smiling. He said he brought some very good news. Everyone in
town has gathered in the square to hear the news, but he won’t reveal anything until his
mother is present. Everybody is waiting for you. Even the King.”
Following Mrs. Malthar, Doriel took the road leading to the square. Malthar may have
been an old lady, but only in age because an Elf does not look older with time, so she
looked the same age as Doriel. One could detect her age only by looking into her eyes
because they revealed the accumulated wisdom of her years, as well as the happy and
unhappy experiences she had experienced during her lifetime so far.
Arriving at the square, Doriel was stunned by the sight of her son, who was finally
“Mother, I have wonderful news! Mum, they do exist! They exist! You were always
telling me stories about the ‘humans,’ those large living beings. I thought they were
only fables. But now I know. They really exist,” said Dark-Elf in a loud voice. A bright
smile lit up his face.
Having no doubt in her heart about anything her son said, Doriel smiled and asked him
to relay more details of his experience.
Unlike Doriel, however, all the other Elves, upon listening to the Dark-Elf's words,
became agitated and screamed at him in disapproval. Their long-suppressed envy for
Dark-Elf came to the fore all at once.
“No way!” someone screamed. “You’re crazy, Dark-Elf. You’ve lost it!”
Soon, everybody repeated the same words, laughing at him with envy.
The smile was wiped off Dark-Elf’s face. He lowered his head and headed home.
Since that day, many young Elves had walked past his house, throwing stones at the
door, screaming and mocking Dark-Elf. The entire town called him crazy. They had
seized yet another opportunity to make fun of him. However, they never realized how
evil they were being, which was something heretofore unknown in the Elf society.
Day by day, Dark-Elf became sadder and sadder. The bright colors of his Elf-wings
started fading away and turning a much darker shade. He didn't want to talk about the
“humans,” not even with his own mother.
Doriel tried to hide her deep sadness as much as she could, avoiding any mention of his
Suddenly, one day, he turned around and said to Doriel, “Mum, I’d like to leave
Notingel. I know humans exist, and I’ll go looking for definite proof in the outside
world. I’ll bring it back here so you’ll stop feeling ashamed of me, and the other Elves
won’t call me crazy anymore.”
The Book That… Writes Itself

Doriel started crying out loud. “My beloved son, I’m not ashamed of you, and I never
thought you were crazy. I don’t care what all the other Elves feel about you. I love you
a lot, and I understand you have your own reasons to believe humans exist.”
“Yes, I do,” said Dark-Elf, taking a deep breath.

The Book That… Writes Itself


Do humans exist?

his is the story Dark-Elf recounted to his mother.
That day, early in the morning, I was waiting for Goler the Pegasus at the
usual place, anxiously anticipating the news I had to convey to King Grifim.
He didn’t show up, but I wasn’t worried, since we had an agreement: if he
didn’t have any news, it wasn’t necessary to meet me. For some reason that day,
although he didn't show up, I didn’t leave. I stayed to play for a little while with Meril
the small Dragon. Suddenly, I started feeling cold. I was freezing, something unknown
to the town of the Elves. Even small Meril clung to me, shaking like a leaf. The sky had
become dark and gloomy, shooting out yellow and violet rays of light.
Feeling something bad was happening, I took Meril in my arms, and I walked through
the borders of our city and then, without realizing it, I found myself inside the blue
forest. In front of me stretched a small pathway, and I started walking on it, only to
realize that the more I walked, the longer the passage became. The pathway hadn’t
existed beforehand, but formed as I was walking on it. Of course, everyone knows there
are no pathways in the blue forest.
I felt scared, but having small Meril in my arms trembling and terrified, I ran faster and
faster to provide a secure place for him. After a while, I observed that the path ended in
front of the gate to a huge castle. I was surprised, as no one had ever spoked of a castle
inside the blue forest. The castle was very tall, and thick smoke billowed toward the
sky, as if the castle were on fire. I was strangely attracted to it, and got the feeling we
would be safe inside. I approached the huge front gate and, as I was about to knock
hard, the moment I touched the golden door handle, the gigantic gate opened. I entered
and immediately found myself in a large reception area. Blue and violet prevailed,
similar to the colors of the sky just before dawn. Impressive paintings depicting strange
symbols decorated the walls. The furniture was magnificent in size, the couches were
covered with royal red upholstery, and each could seat at least ten Elves.
I felt so tiny in this environment. In the corner, a giant fireplace was lit, giving off heat
around the entire room.
I started screaming for someone to notice my presence, but I received no response. The
first thing I saw was a huge dusty book with strange symbols on the cover, and the
writing looked totally different from our Elfish writing. I tried hard to open the book,
The Book That… Writes Itself

and finally it opened. Half of the book was written in an unknown language, and the
other half in our own. I started reading as much as I could understand. It looked like a
poem or a song. It was a book of prayers and curses, describing black magic and angels
at the same time. Mesmerized by the beautiful words, I soon forgot the reason for being
there. I forgot that someone or something was chasing me and, as I read the last words,
the wind started blowing, but deep down in my heart I knew I was in no danger. The
wild wind blowing was creating a sense of benevolent attitude and a safe environment.
“Soon, the wind stopped blowing, and an elderly woman showed up. Not like our own
women, but rather like the ones you described to me in the stories. She had some
wrinkles on her face. Time had obviously taken its toll on her. She was much taller than
I am. I didn’t feel any fear because her eyes were so calm and peaceful, glowing with
serenity and wisdom.
“Hi, beautiful Elf,” she addressed me.
“Hi, my dear lady. Please accept my apologies for intruding into your castle uninvited,
but I was running to save myself and my little friend Meril here from some evil force.”
While talking to her, I was curious to find out if she had any wings on her back, turning
my head right and left to satisfy my curiosity.
Reading my mind, she smiled and said to me, “I’m not an Elf. I’m a human, but don’t
worry. I won’t harm you at all. I love Elves, because you’re so beautiful and so well-
“Thank you very much! You know, I wasn’t aware that humans actually exist. I thought
those stories about humans were fables for small children.”
“You’re very kind and straightforward. Probably that was the reason why you
responded to my calls, and I’m very happy you did.”
“Calls? What calls?”
“Yes, I’m soliciting help for a benevolent cause.”
“I’ll help as much as I can,” I answered hesitantly, thinking, what kind of help could a
small Elf provide to such a humongous human?
“Before you make up your mind, I want you to think very seriously and, if you decide
to help, then you have to realize that you must leave your own kind, your loved ones,
to provide the needed assistance. My father was the King and after they killed him, they
conquered the entire kingdom. I’ll give you all the details if and when you decide to
come along. You should know that the road will be very difficult, and full of danger. I
can’t even tell you that you’ll survive, or if you’ll complete your mission. Not even if
you’ll be able to see your loved ones again. You will encounter humans and other
beings that you never had any idea existed, not even in your mother’s fables, but they
do. Now you may return home. I assure you that you will be safe and secure in your
journey, and whatever you decide to do will be perfectly understandable and acceptable.
I’ll sense it when you make up your mind, and I’ll look for you then. So, stay healthy
and happy, my good Elf.”

Chapter 2: Do humans exist?

I left, Meril still in my arms, awake and amazed, but after taking a few steps, I turned
around to see the large castle again, only to realize that nothing was there at all. It was
like the earth had opened up and swallowed the entire building deep inside the blue
Doriel was stunned, not knowing how to respond.
Dark-Elf sensed the doubt in his mother’s mind. “Mother, I’m telling you, the woman
didn’t have wings! She definitely wasn’t an Elf! Also, Elves never get old. I’ll surely
leave soon to meet the old lady! First, I want to prove to everybody that I’m not crazy,
and second, I feel I don’t fit in this city any longer. Don’t you see how everyone in this
town treats me? On the other hand, I’m convinced that the old lady is speaking the truth,
and indeed she needs help. You know very well that Elves are insightful and extremely
perceptive. I only need your blessing for my long journey.”
“Alas!” said Doriel, bursting out crying. She observed in the eyes of her son the
decisiveness of an unshakable conviction, realizing that nothing could change his mind.
She, in turn, had to be strong, and show faith in her son and his abilities. “My son, I
realize how important this is to you, and you have my blessing. However, I want you
to know I feel deep sorrow, and I’ll pray for you to be safe and sound, and to return to
me as soon as possible.”
The preparations began immediately. Doriel started weaving a special backpack made
from Elf fibers, Iril, which were strong like steel, and had intense magic powers,
bringing luck and providing protection to the carrier. She made new clothes for Dark-
Elf of the same Iril fibers, which had the ability to provide heat during cold weather,
and cold during heat.
“My son, these clothes will change color depending on the environment you’re in. So,
if you’re chased by some enemies, they won’t be able to see you if you keep a safe
She filled the backpack with Kahallan, the main nutrition for Elves. She hugged Dark-
Elf for a long time, and with tears in her eyes blessed him and said, “My son, there's
something else I'd like to give you.” From an old chest Dark-Elf had never seen before,
she pulled out a silver necklace.
The chain was shining bright, reflecting the light, and a small ball hanging at the end
changed color to match those of Dark-Elf’s wings, exactly like the day she had found
him by the Ivory River. Inside the sphere, a small dagger seemed to be suspended, and
on the dagger itself the letter A was engraved in a gold color.
“This necklace belongs to you and, although I’m unable to explain this right now, I
strongly believe it has the power to protect you from all kinds of danger.”
She placed it around his neck and, for a moment, she thought of revealing to him the
entire truth regarding the circumstances under which she had found him by the river,
thinking she might not see him again. However, she did not want to burden him with
the revelation that she was not his natural mother.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“Don’t worry, Mum. When I come back, you’ll be very proud of me.” He kissed her
and left.
As he walked away, Doriel observed that the color of his wings became darker than
ever before, like teardrops made of silver were covering their entire surface.
Dark-Elf walked in the direction of the blue forest, hoping to find the huge castle again.
However, his attempt to find the castle was to no avail. No pathway formed to direct
him there.
“How stupid of me!” he said to himself. “I started a journey without even knowing what
direction to take. If the Elves from Notingel could see me now, they’d laugh out loud,
and I must admit they’d be absolutely right this time.”
His pride, though, prevailed, and he did not think about going back, not even for one
moment. He continued taking some light steps, in a way only Elves know how to walk.
For hours, he continued walking around the blue forest, trying to locate the strange but
rather familiar pathway. Soon, night was falling, and he decided to lie down to rest for
a while. He could not sleep, disturbed by the idea he might have to turn back. All of a
sudden, he felt something on his hand, and leapt to his feet, terrified! As he was an Elf,
his senses were heightened, so he saw Meril giving him a curious, appreciative, but
questioning look.
“Oh, my dear Meril, please forgive me. I left without even saying goodbye to you.”
Meril looked at him with great understanding, and lay down next to him. Dark-Elf,
however, felt a sharp pang of pain, and stood up, disturbed. A low, sweet voice was
heard saying, “Don’t be afraid, my dear Dark-Elf. I had to sting you a bit with my tail-
teeth because that was the only way to direct you to the place you want to go to.”
“What? Meril? Are you able to speak? How is that possible?”
“Let me explain to you what happened that day. As you held me in your arms, Ι stung
you with one of my tail-teeth. That was when you started seeing the pathway inside the
blue forest, leading you to the huge, beautiful castle. Every Dragon’s tail contains a
special fluid that in the olden times provided us with protection from the evil spirits of
the forest. When we sting someone we love, the sting doesn’t harm our friend. How can
I best explain it to you? As I love you dearly, I wanted to assist your effort to save both
of us from the evil hounding us, so my sting whisked you off to a parallel world,” said
Meril, smiling because he had the opportunity, at last, to explain the entire truth to Dark-
Dark-Εlf was astonished, and he grimaced. Obviously, he had more questions to pose.
“Parallel world? What’s that nonsense? I can't understand this, and I never will. My
small friend Meril, what strange words are these? I hope this isn’t a bad joke,” said
Dark-Elf with suppressed anger smoldering in his eyes.
“Oh! No... Please, believe me! Don't let your doubts ruin your chances because then we
won't achieve anything! That day, everything happened so fast you weren't able to think
straight since you were so scared. Your logic wasn’t functioning, only your emotions
were, and your only concern was how to save both of us by running fast, away from the
Chapter 2: Do humans exist?

evil hounding us. You even said you wanted to leave this world if that saved us, and
you guided us to a secure place. Please, Dark-Elf, try to recall the events. Try hard to
remember. If you have doubts, if you don’t believe, you’ll never see the truth. You’ll
never realize that we’ve been already transferred to that parallel world. You’ll never be
able to see the changes occurring around you, and maybe with ourselves. This is the
reason you’re able to hear me talking. In this parallel dimension, you realize I have a
voice you can hear. You could hear my voice that day as well, but I decided not to allow
that because you would have been startled.”
That was the moment Dark-Elf finally realized the truth, and his eyes opened. Small
Meril the Dragon’s sweet voice was music to his ears, but more importantly, he could
see Meril in a totally different form. Still small, of course, but there was deep wisdom
hidden in his eyes, accumulated over countless years. He reminded him of good old
lady Malthar.
He looked around carefully. He could see the same blue forest. There were no changes,
except it seemed like bright daylight, all of a sudden. “Meril, is it already daytime?
How many hours went by?”
“No, no time has passed at all. You just showed real faith and, for that reason, you’re
now able to observe everything around you in the parallel reality we’ve entered. Time
here is quite different and, when it’s daytime in Elf-land, here it’s nighttime, and vice
versa. That’s the reason why they’re so afraid of the small Elves during the night. The
young ones, as long as they’re young, are very pure. Their logic does not interfere and,
since their senses are highly developed, and logic does not prevail, they have the ability
to hear every small noise coming from the beings of this parallel reality during the day,
which is night for you.”
Dark-Elf recalled his own childhood. He was scared by the slightest noise during
nighttime, even the sound of the wind blowing, and he left a small light on next to his
bed all night long, otherwise he could not fall asleep. His mother always told him,
“Don’t be afraid, my son. Whatever exists at daytime exists at nighttime as well.”
Was she so wrong, after all?
Meril's voice snapped him out of these deep thoughts. “Let’s go, Dark-Elf. I’m sure the
good old lady is waiting for you. If you don’t mind, I’ll come along on this long journey
to keep you company.”
Dark-Elf started walking behind Meril, half-conscious, completely absorbed by his
thoughts, and with countless questions churning in his mind. All of a sudden, he noticed
that Meril was following the “living” pathway, like the one he’d walked along on that
strange and fateful night. The pathway was forming in front of them before every step
they took, until they stopped in front of the same beautiful castle.
The castle looked quite different, compared to the previous time. It was no longer
grayish and gloomy, nor was there any strange smoke coming from the chimneys.
Bright light poured through all the windows, like a celebration was in full swing. That
immediately gave him a strange, pleasant, satisfying feeling deep down in his soul,
pulling him out of the abyss of his curious thoughts.
The Book That… Writes Itself

As he touched the heavy elaborate front gate, it opened exactly like the first time.
They entered the reception area, and he instantly noticed that same book, only it was
not dusty like before, and the golden symbols on the front page were so shiny and bright
they gave the impression of being alive.
“Where’s the good old lady?” asked Dark-Elf, thinking aloud.
“I’m right here, my good young man. I’m very happy you made the decision, and I hope
it proves to be the right one for both of us.”
As Dark-Elf turned his head, he saw the old lady coming down the huge staircase,
apparently from some other part of the castle.
The old lady wore a beautiful black dress, and a large diamond set on her forehead
shone like a star. Everything showed it to be a day of celebration.
The jubilant smile on her face made her look like a very young girl. Of course, the
wrinkles had not disappeared, but her happy mood made them fade away.
Spontaneously, Dark-Elf bowed in the presence of such magnificence. “You’re very
pretty,” he whispered, his cheeks turning red.
The old lady smiled. Dark-Elf’s sudden appearance surely seemed to be the happiest
moment of her life. She directed them to the dining room for a royal dinner like no Elf
could ever imagine, not even in his wildest dreams. Many candles were lit around the
room, their flames dancing with happiness.
After dinner, the lady noticed Dark-Elf was so tired his small wings were falling heavy
on his arms.
“I think it's better for you to get some rest, and when you wake up, I’ll answer all your
questions. For a moment, I forgot that, right now, it’s nighttime for you,” the lady said
and, holding his hand, led him through the huge staircase to the room she had prepared
for him.
Dark-Elf could not hide his pleasant surprise upon entering the room. He had never
seen such a large bed before.
For sure, these iron ornaments all around the bed are made for humans, he thought.
The four-poster was huge, with elaborate iron ornament railings all around, exactly the
same color as that of the beautiful bed covers. Everything in the room was a bright sky-
blue color. The windows were all made of wood, and their shape gave the impression
that, if any of them were opened, a gallery would curve out of the sky dome.
The lady of the house pulled the heavy curtains to block the light, so the two guests,
Dark-Elf and Meril, could rest comfortably. Meril observed everything with great
satisfaction, listening attentively to the few words his friend exchanged with the
magnificent lady.
“When you wake up, I’ll be expecting you downstairs, so we can talk.”

Chapter 2: Do humans exist?

“I apologize,” said Dark-Elf in a loud voice. “I forgot to introduce myself, and I didn't
ask for your name. This is the first time I’ve been exposed to such a wonderful
experience, and I feel totally lost,” he added, bowing his head shyly.
“I already know your name, my dear Dark-Elf. My name is Mistrizia. However, now
it’s time to rest,” said the lady as she walked away with light steps, not wanting to
disturb her guests any longer. She then discreetly shut the door behind her.
“All this is very strange,” whispered Dark-Elf, but seeing Meril fast asleep already, he
turned to the other side and plunged into a deep slumber.
When he opened his eyes, he saw Meril already awake, gazing at the stars through the
window. The night was nearing fast.
“It’s very hard to get used to such a strange timing in this world,” he whispered to
They walked downstairs, where Mistrizia welcomed them with her usual smile.
“I hope you got some rest,” said the lady while pouring hot tea into silver curved cups,
the likes of which they had never seen before.
“And now we have to discuss your trip, your mission… I’m sure Meril has explained
to you that you’re in a parallel world-reality, and the only thing you know about this
reality is the difference between day and night, compared to your world. You must be
very careful, however, since there’s a great difference between the two world-realities.
In the world of the Elves, you consider every day a holiday, you don’t worry about
many different things, and your only concern is the work each one of you has
undertaken to perform, as well as the beautiful art you’re capable of producing. In our
world, however, there’s plenty of pain and a lot of malice.”
“In other words, humans are so malicious?” Dark-Elf dared to ask.
“Everywhere, in any world, there are good and bad elements. Good and bad cannot be
told apart. Everything has two different angles. For example, although Elves have been
considered benevolent beings from ancient times, bereft of malice, you yourself
experienced the growing malice in their souls, when they were given a reason to
mistreat you.”
“I didn't do anything to them. I can’t understand what the motive behind their bad
behavior was,” answered Dark-Elf, looking for some explanation.
“Oh, my dear Elf, you still have a lot to learn, and the more you learn and discover, the
more pain you will feel. Their motive was the realization that you’re so different from
them. Of course, not because of your distinctive appearance, since all Elves are really
beautiful. They saw you finally smiling when you announced that you discovered there
are humans and insisted they really exist. They didn’t even stop to listen to your
description; they sensed you were different, your way of thinking was different and,
feeling threatened by the openness of your mind, they were blinded by the jealousy as
they wished they had said the words spoken by you, so they could have had the glory
all to themselves. In this world, I want you to understand that your differences from the
The Book That… Writes Itself

others will be more prominent, so you’ll have more powerful enemies. That’s the reason
I hope you’ll be far more careful, and understand this, my little friend.”
Dark-Elf looked at Mistrizia, fear lurking in his soul. “Well, I’m a small Elf, so what
kind of protection do I have against humans, who look like giants in my eyes? I think a
mighty warrior from the human race would be of far greater help to you.”
“Don’t think like that. The body strength isn’t as important as the power of the soul.
And don’t rush to declare that you don’t have the soul-power because good always finds
a way of being victorious over evil. I realize you’re a pure and well-intended Elf who
hasn’t yet realized how much he can achieve with modesty and generosity. Those are
the two most powerful weapons,” Mistrizia said. “I’ll tell you what type of help I need
from you and, if you’re in doubt, there’s always time to back off. No one can keep you
in this world-reality against your will.”

The Book That… Writes Itself



he told Dark-Elf her story, hoping to illuminate his fears.
My father was the famous King of Golden Shadows, our realm. There were
Elves, too. He loved his people, and he was just and benevolent. Everyone
loved him. We used to live with Elves in those days who had their own
kingdom. We used to live together with love, harmony, and mutual understanding.
Close to our borders, far on the horizon, there was a beautiful green mountain that was
the source of happiness and satisfaction to all of us, to humans and to Elves alike. Next
to the mountains, a bluish-green sea sprawled to the end of the horizon. Peaceful and
beautiful. So beautiful, no one could ever imagine that a terrifying secret could be
hidden in these wonderful waters.
One day, the King of the Elves, the magnificent Lord Goodelf, paid us a short visit to
announce that he sensed a terrible catastrophe was about to strike our lands. Knowing
the intuition of the Elves, we took his opinion very seriously. We had no clue what type
of danger to anticipate. A few days later, the magnificent Druid Maverel arrived in
Golden Shadows.
“Druid? What’s that?” Dark-Elf asked.
She answered his question and continued with her history.
Druids are a whole race of people full of magic powers that use the natural elements.
Their magic powers are only effective if the purpose is benevolent. We welcomed
Maverel with the honor he deserved, but he only stayed for a while to warn us about a
danger coming from the sea, a danger that had devastated his own race.
Indeed, two days later, a strange ship we had never seen before arrived at our shores. It
had a large black flag, and two devilish eyes giving off flames of fire had been artfully
painted on it. We had no army, since we had lived in peace forever, and we didn’t know
how to react. We always settled our differences with discussion and peace of mind.
Alas! The newcomers conquered the top of the mountain in no time, building a small
temporary establishment.
Shortly after their arrival, the forever vibrant mountain started changing colours, slowly
but steadily taking on a glassy faint grayish form.
The Book That… Writes Itself

At this point, Mistrizia’s voice cracked, she started trembling, and she almost burst out
crying. Taking a deep breath, she continued the story.
While they were planning their terrible deeds, we attempted to form an army and
develop some weapons, but the atmosphere started to become heavy, and it was difficult
to breathe, to the point that we could move only with great difficulty. A terrible smell
was spreading throughout the entire land. Every day, we got sicker and sicker, and our
souls sobbed endlessly. We were all waiting for our demise. And that’s exactly what
One morning, we were awoken by screams and cries throughout the entire kingdom.
They were rampaging through the land, killing anyone who stood in their way: men,
women, and children, even baby Elves, without emotions or regrets, indiscriminately
and mercilessly. They were of a similar size to humans, and all dressed in black. Their
eyes were covered with black hoods, seemingly unable to stand the sunlight.
Occasionally, we stole a glimpse at their faces, which were painted blood red. Their
extremities were slender and long and, although they were almost fully covered by
clothes, we could definitely assume their bodies were very slim. Their strange long
fingers were covered by a greyish-green mould-like substance, ending in black ugly
Whoever could hide was saved, but only very few. The ones who survived, however,
remained prisoners inside dark cages in the basement of the palace.
My family and I were kept as prisoners there, as well. They kept us in the same cell—
my father, me, and my husband, Prince Logarn. On the first day in jail, someone visited
us, probably their leader, who said, “We are the Red Pirates. You will rot inside this
prison, unless you agree to become our servants. Regardless of your decision, you must
hand us the Golden Leaf.”
“Never!” shouted my father. “Even if you kill me, you won’t take the Golden Leaf.”
“Very well, then. We’ll kill you tomorrow in front of your daughter’s eyes, so she’ll be
forced to reveal the hidden location, otherwise we’ll kill her, as well,” shouted the Red
Pirate, closing the heavy door of the cell behind him.
I’d never seen my father suffering so much. Teary-eyed, he told me, “Mistrizia, my
dearest, I have secured the Golden Leaf. I have given it to the King of the Elves, my
good friend Lord Goodelf. I’m sure he’ll do everything in his power to prevent the
Golden Leaf from falling into the hands of our tyrants, even if they capture him. I don't
care if they kill me. However, I feel tremendous pain knowing that so many of our own
people and Elves were killed, our country has been decimated and, if any of us survive,
we’ll suffer forever. I hope they never find the Golden Leaf because, if they do, they’ll
acquire tremendous powers, enabling them to destroy any parallel reality, perhaps even
the entire Universe. I’m more disturbed by the fact that I don’t know what will happen
to you and the child you’re about to bring into this world, my grandchild, whom I’ll
never have the chance to see.”

Chapter 3: Mistrizia

After saying these words, he went to the corner of the cell, and began praying. Although
despair had overwhelmed us all, and we felt like we were walking on thin ice, he
maintained his composure, his face calm, and awaited his fatal blow.
Cursing and screaming, they came to take him away the next morning. He followed
them without resistance. He remained calm and content through to the bitter end; virtues
a king should always have.
Through the small window of my cell, I watched them place the rope around his neck
to hang him. My heart was pounding, and the only thing I could do was scream, “I’ll
be with you forever.” Then, I started crying for a long time.
A few days later, I went through the same torture for my husband's sake, whom they
also hanged, still trying to force me to reveal the hidden location of the Golden Leaf.
Several days passed, and I started to think they had forgotten about me. They only came
to bring me a small loaf of bread and some water.
I gave birth to a beautiful little girl all by myself, in that dirty cell. She had the greenest
eyes, like the color of the green mountain, and bright like the moon, which illuminated
the dark cell every night.
When they realized I’d given birth, they stopped bringing any food to force me to
disclose the location of the Golden Leaf. Even these heartless people realized that a
mother would do anything to ensure her child's survival. In the beginning, I had some
strength, and was able to breastfeed my precious child. Before long, though, I had no
strength left, and now the fear of the Golden Leaf and the fate of the Universe vied with
the anxiety I felt over my child's survival.
One evening, they came and grabbed the child from my arms. I fought hard to save her,
but their rotten hands pulled my baby away from my body. I begged and cursed them
at the same time, as I heard the child’s sobs peter out.
I later learned they had killed the child with terrible magic omens. I cried endlessly,
feeling that my heart had been plucked out of my chest.
At this point, Dark-Elf and Meril’s eyes filled with tears.
Dark-Elf thought of his own mother, whom he had left alone in Notingel, tremendously
anguished, and didn't know if he would see her again.
Mistrizia continued her story.
I remained in that cell for several more days. I can’t remember how many. My deep
pain and the endless crying made me lose track of time. Days and nights passed
torturously slowly. I avoided eating anything, even though they had started bringing
food again. I looked forward to my own death. Several days later, a small ray of light
crept in through the window of my cell. I did not know its nature or its origin but, all of
a sudden, I was filled with courage and determination.
“I won’t allow them to destroy everything! For as long as I live, I’ll hold out some
hope,” I heard my voice saying. And in that moment, a specific plan birthed in my mind.
The Book That… Writes Itself

I started screaming, “Red pirates, come close and listen. Okay! I will be your servant
since that’s my only choice.”
The heavy door of the cell opened and they took me into the palace. I glanced around
with greed, observing every and each one of the places where I had spent my life. The
place looked radically different now. It was much darker than before and black flags
hung from everywhere, with the painted eyes and flames on each one. The color of the
golden doors had faded, as if they were sobbing, as well. Desiccation was evident in
every corner of the palace, and a terrible smell pervaded every space.
Their leader was now sitting on my father’s throne. My eyes sought revenge, and I was
afraid they would give me away, myself and my plan. I did everything they asked me
to do. I wore the clothes they gave me. I ate the food they offered me, in order to
reinvigorate me and enable me to execute my plan. I felt like I had already lost much
precious time.
With his eyes full of satisfaction, their leader approached me, the distinct expression of
victory on his face. “You made a wise decision, my princess You finally realized what
is best for you by stopping the mindless acts. You’ll serve me the way I decide. The
first thing you’ll do is reveal the hiding place of the Golden Leaf.”
The very sight of him completely disgusted me. I hated every small cell of his body,
but I had a plan to carry out.
“I made the conscious decision to serve you faithfully, Red Pirate, with dedication and
precision. As you’re well aware, my people never lie. It’s simply not in our nature.
Since this is what you wish, of course I’ll search for the Golden Leaf, but at the present
time, I don’t know where it’s located. In order to avoid exposing me to any danger, my
father never revealed to me the hiding place of the Golden Leaf.”
He was not convinced I was telling him the truth, but he had no choice.
“Two of my guards will accompany you on your journey, but I warn you not to return
without the Golden Leaf. And don't even think of trying to escape. The guards are very
strong, and they won’t hesitate for a moment to use their weapons. I hope you won’t do
anything stupid.”
My plan was not successful, but I didn’t give up. I started the journey with the two Red
Pirates, searching for an opportunity to escape. One thing was for sure: I’d never lead
them to the Golden Leaf. I could never allow them to seize it. Deep down in my heart,
I knew I was on my way to freedom.
The leader gave them three black horses. Something in their eyes reminded me of the
malice I saw in the eyes of their masters. Each horse was provided with a bag filled
with necessary supplies.
“So, what direction are we taking?” one of the two guards asked.
“I have no idea where we’ll find the Golden Leaf. Most likely, we should head east. I
can faintly recall that it may be buried inside the Angry Forest.”

Chapter 3: Mistrizia

“Are you out of your mind? There's no way we're going there! You know very well that
everybody believes this forest is the place where Fairies live. They feel so much hatred
toward any mortal being ever since you stupid people in the old times, even before the
era of Light, expelled them from your society. And all that because of your curiosity.
We’re sure you know they’re very dangerous. They’re invisible to us, and they kill
anyone who dares come close to their place. We aren’t going there.”
“These are mere suppositions,” I answered them, although I knew they were absolutely
correct. At this point, the anger of the Fairies was my only alternative way to freedom.
“Stop acting like children who believe in fairy tales, and remember the orders of your
master. He’s more real than the Fairies, and he’ll kill you if you return without the
Golden Leaf.”
They both took a quick look at the palace, and then we started moving east. The passage
was rugged, and the scorching sun did not make the journey any easier. I was feeling
elated, close to nature and under the sun. Τhe horses were galloping fast. By sunset, we
stopped to have a short rest. It was nippy, so they started a small fire to keep warm, but
I did not stay close to them, choosing to feel cold, away from their terrible company.
I took a blanket from the supply bag and wrapped it around my body, then I fell asleep
to recharge my energies. Knowing the orders they had from their master, I was not
afraid to fall asleep, since without me they would never find the Golden Leaf. Soon,
they brought me some food, but I did not touch it. It smelled terrible, and was totally
different from the food they had offered me earlier in the palace. I looked around to see
if there was any edible plant or fruit, and soon, under the grass I found a strange plant
resembling a small bush. Little, round fruits were hanging from its branches, giving off
a strange light in the dark. They looked like mushrooms, violet in colour, with bluish-
golden dots on their surface. I picked one up and smelled it. Its odor was light and
sweet. They can’t be poisonous if their smell is so intense and sweet, I thought and took
a bite. Immediately, I felt sleepy. My eyes closed, and I got the feeling I was hanging
from a great height. That made me look down, wanting to convince myself I was still
sitting on the grass.
Looking down, I was extremely surprised to see the Red Pirates sleeping close by, and
I saw myself sleeping peacefully with a smile on my face. I did not understand what
was happening to me. Strange thoughts flashed through my mind. Was I dead? What
was hanging above my body? Could it be my spirit? Was my body dead or asleep?
What was going on?
“Hello, my dear Mistrizia,” I heard a familiar voice say.
“Druid Maverel! Did I hear correctly? I can hear you, but I can’t see you. Where are
you?” I responded in amazement.
“I’m here on your left, by the tree,” he said.
I turned my head in the direction of the voice, and I saw him sitting on a tree branch,
looking at my spirit and smiling.
“I’ll explain everything to you. Listen to me and don’t be afraid. The fruit you ate is
called Moon Heart or rather Inilou in the Fairy language. It possesses some magical
The Book That… Writes Itself

powers, even moreso when closer to their Fairy land. Its most significant effect is that
it allows you to leave your material body while maintaining your astral body. What you
see on the ground is your material body, which looks like you’re asleep, but your spirit
is within your astral body. Make an effort to observe your astral body.”
I made the familiar movement, trying to observe my hands as if Ι had my material body,
and I saw that I still had hands, but what I was looking at was beyond the bounds of my
imagination. My hands were made of myriads of small silver flowers, shiny like
fireflies. My entire body was made of the same kind of flowers, giving off a purple light
mixed with golden rays, similar to the color of the fruit I had eaten.
The Druid pulled out a small mirror and turned it toward me. “Look! You don’t have
an image. Your astral body can’t be seen on the dimensions the regular mirrors are
made of.”
Then he pulled out a strange object: a small handle made of silver, resembling the
handle of a small sword, ending in a black round net.
“Look inside here,” he said.
I looked inside the net he held in front of me, and I saw my face. It was radiant from
the shiny astral-flowers that were dancing all over. My blonde hair was silver now, a
reflection of the shining silver flowers, forming a crown on my forehead. I was
speechless for a moment. My surprise was abruptly interrupted by a loud noise and a
“Let me go and check,” the voice said. Looking down, I saw one of the two Red Pirates
approaching my body for a careful inspection. “Good... She’s asleep. We shouldn’t
have fallen asleep together. We were careless. She could have escaped. Of course, we
would have captured her with our sharp sense of smell. We could smell her essence
The Druid smiled. “Don’t worry, they can’t see your astral body.”
“You mean I’m free? Can I escape? Let’s go, then!”
The Druid shook his head with a sad expression. “You’re forgetting something, my dear
Mistrizia. You can’t stay alive without your physical body. At least not on this
dimension, and we aren’t allowed to destroy our body without the permission of our
Creator’s mind. He gave you life, and you don’t have the right to take it away from
your material body by yourself. However, I’m here to help you out. I came as fast as I
could, when I received the message through your mind that you were heading toward
the Angry Forest. You really need some advice. The Fairies aren’t malevolent creatures,
but the humans in the old times made them very mad, as you know. They’re now so
scared of humans. They desire to live in peace by themselves. They decided to make
humans afraid of them, since humans didn’t respect them. One of the worst feelings is
fear. The frightened person may react badly, out of fear and, without realizing it, he
may become leery, looking for ways to protect himself. That’s exactly what happened
to the Fairies. Despite their magnificent heart, they react negatively out of fear. The
first thing you must watch out for are the Bluebells. The small plants, which look like
small bells, all blue in color, hang over the entrance of their forest. Anyone who hears

Chapter 3: Mistrizia

those bells ringing will soon die. So, the entrance to the Angry Forest, which is full of
Bluebells, is a very dangerous field. This entrance, however, as you will see, may be
the best way to get rid of your tyrants. For them, it’s a trap, and you shouldn’t miss this
opportunity. Please, use it correctly. Be very careful not to touch any Bluebell so it
doesn’t ring for you. However, if the bells start ringing for somebody else, you should
cover your ears and start singing:
Bluebells!!! Bluebells!!!
A tide of secret breaths
And from the cloudy glances
A kind Fairy planted you
The moon became drunk out of your Divine smell,
Courageous guards of the fairyland
Respectful spirits of the winds,
Forerunners of the fateful hour
Lost inside the labyrinth of light
You reach the skies without the need for wings
Bluebells!!! Bluebells!!!
You did your bad deeds, but you let me walk away.
“Besides, inside the Angry Forest, you must have some additional protection and
proceed with caution, feeling no fear. We’ve already said that fear is a bad advisor. It
forces you to react with negative energy. You need to take every precaution, so you’re
protected against any danger, and fear will become totally irrelevant. Take this purse.”
He pulled a small purse out of his pocket, made of blue material. I opened it, and a
wonderful smell spread throughout, a combination of basil and lavender. The purse was
full of small dry flowers, each one with four small petals. On the outside, they were
black, and deep red on the inside.
“These are clovers,” the Druid said. ‘Just one of these petals is more than enough to
release any Fairy omen. Keep them safely on you. I believe you’re now ready to enter
the Angry Forest. In a short while, the effect of the Inilou will wear off, and you’ll
return into your material body. If you want, pick the rest of the fruits from the tree and
keep them on you for any occasion. They may be useful to you. Oh, yes! Something
else: When you exit the Angry Forest, I’ll meet you again to advise you where to stay
until the right time comes when we’re able to intervene, change the flow of history, and
determine the future. Our mission is to have everything evolve in favor of the entire
Universe. These Red Pirates shouldn’t keep oppressing all people, but unfortunately,
they occupy too many kingdoms. Goodbye, my dear Mistrizia. I wish you good luck,”
said the Druid.
The Book That… Writes Itself

I waved at him until he disappeared high in the sky riding a blue Pegasus, leaving
behind him a series of multicolored stars. When I returned into my body, I collected as
much Inilou as I possibly could, keeping them with the other gifts from the Druid.
It was already daylight, my body felt well-rested, but my mind was beset with so many
worries. Still, my hopes were high after the unexpected visit of the Druid. The Druid
was correct. My fears diminished, thanks to his advice and the precious “guards” he
had given me for protection. We set off for the Angry Forest again, which soon
appeared in front of us. Obviously, we had to leave our horses, and continue our journey
on foot. The entrance was so narrow that the horses couldn’t fit through.
The Red Pirates hesitated for a while. I pretended not to notice them and moved
forward, hoping they would leave me alone, out of fear. Soon though, they followed
me without tearing their eyes away from me.
The entrance to the Angry Forest was a large gallery, each side formed by tall trees.
They looked like they had been painted by a unique painter who used only deep red and
dark blue colors. I also noticed multiple long, light blue ribbons, instantly realizing that
they were the deadly Bluebells. Some of them tilted to the ground, others were
suspended at different levels, like unique ornaments. I looked up to examine the ribbons
closer. The Druid was right. They were small flowers. Real flowers! They were upside
down compared to regular flowers, and hanging in mid-air. In the middle of each small
flower, I saw a small bell. From those small bells, the dangerous blue ribbons were
hanging down. I walked extremely carefully to avoid touching any of them.
Suddenly, a sweet light sound was heard. Dlin!! Dlin!! It sounded like it was asking me
to release my soul, free to be transferred to different lifeless worlds… I cupped my ears
and soon enough one of the Pirates fell down, dying fast… The second pirate, without
realizing what had happened, bent over his dying comrade to try and help him. The bell
ring got louder and louder, increasing in intensity. Scared to death, I started singing.
Bluebells!!! Bluebells!!!
A tide of secret breaths
And from the cloudy glances
A kind Fairy planted you
The moon got drunk on your Divine smell
Courageous guards of the fairyland
Respectful spirits of the winds
Forerunners of the fateful hour
Lost inside the labyrinth of light
You reach the skies without of the need for wings
Bluebells!!! Bluebells!!!
You did your bad deeds, but you let me walk away.

Chapter 3: Mistrizia

When I finished the song, I felt thousands of eyes staring at me, questioning who knew
this Fairy song.
“Lady, what’s happening here? My friend just died! Of course, this doesn’t bother me
as we Red Pirates consider love to be a ridiculous feeling, but I’d still like to find out
exactly what happened,” he shouted in a disturbed voice, obviously terrified.
No sooner had he finished his sentence than the Bluebells, apparently disturbed to hear
him call love ridiculous, started ringing all together in their attempt to punish him,
Dlin!!! Dlin!!! Dlin!!! until he fell down, unconscious.
Naturally, I started singing the song again after stopping up my ears, so nothing
happened to me. Now, I was truly free. Could I possibly search for the Golden Leaf and
reclaim the Kingdom? But how? I could not achieve anything by myself. It was futile.
I had to cross the Angry Forest and find the Druid who was waiting for me on the other
side in order to plan our next steps.
I soon realized that my thoughts were only the result of my fears which had suddenly
gripped my mind, and I had to ward them off, since, as the Druid said, nothing can be
accomplished with fear. He was right. Fear only destroys everything. It’s like a monster
that devours you alive, depriving you of rational thinking and concerted action. I kept
walking carefully and silently. The gallery soon came to an end, and finally I was able
to enter the forest. Much to my surprise, I found myself in a large open area. The night
was fast approaching, and the moon was shining over the land with a promising soft
light, which was a true blessing. High in the clear sky, the stars made their beautiful
presence known, like small light bulbs hanging from the sky dome. At this point, the
road split into multiple clean paths, all covered with golden-yellow leaves, giving off
their own natural light. A masterful beauty. For a moment, I felt like I wanted to stay
there forever. Totally carefree.
Overwhelmed by this unique fulfilment and joy, I took one of these paths by chance. I
felt I was making too much noise walking on the dry leaves. The Fairies probably
noticed my presence, as I soon observed multiple small lights moving in my direction.
The closer they got, the more I realized there were many more than I had initially
thought. When they came close, I noticed all the Fairies were holding small curved
lamps, glowing with a bright blue light. All together, they turned night into day.
Scared, I started looking for a clover that the Druid had spoken of, in case of an
emergency. All of the Fairies wore a blue dress embroidered with bright stars. Their
multicolored wings were flapping with vigor, and I could sense their anger. Despite
this, they all looked beautiful with golden hair loose on their shoulders, and decorated
with night flowers. One of them came closer, and shouted in a stringent voice, “What
are you doing here? How did you manage to pass through our gallery?”
“I am Mistrizia, daughter of the king of the Golden Shadows. My country was
conquered by some tyrants who killed all our people and my family. They now occupy
my father's kingdom. It's the Red Pirates, if you've ever heard of them. They held me
captive, and I gave birth in jail. They took my child and killed her as well. I came here
to escape them. If you don’t believe me, look at the gallery. Two of them are dead,
killed by the Bluebells.”
The Book That… Writes Itself

“How did you know about the Bluebells?” the Fairy asked again.
I thought of keeping quiet about it and not giving the Druid away.
Reading my thought, she continued, “Tell me. Don't be afraid. We still have some
friends we can trust. If I trust him, I will trust you, as well. If not, I will be forced to be
“The Druid Maverel,” I said sadly, feeling like I was betraying him.
“I hoped it was him, as he’s our only beloved friend. Please, forgive us, and we beg you
to accept our hospitality,” said the Fairy, smiling now, which made her look even more
“I’m sorry, but I’m in a hurry. I have to meet him on the other side of the forest. We
have to prepare. I suppose that’s why he didn’t come to visit you: we must prepare,
since the Red Pirates have devastated all the races on Earth.”
“Okay! Since you’re in such a hurry, we’ll move you to the other side of the forest
without your running any risk.” She took out a small pipe and started playing a truly
Divine melody. With a loud noise, a beautiful Pegasus soon landed in the middle of the
field. I had never seen a more beautiful one in my entire life. It was blue, but with skin
in two colors and long black hair falling over his blue eyes and his blue body. A silver
horn jutted out of its forehead, like a magnificent ornament.
For the first time in my life, I saw such a grand creature. A dual-color winged unicorn!
Upon landing, Pegasus greeted us, bowing his head discreetly forward, kneeling on his
two front legs, waiting for me to mount his back.
“This is Albastrian. He’s the pride of the Angry Forest. He’ll take you to the other side
safely, and with great speed. Please, greet the Druid for us. If you ever have to go
through the Bluebells again, after you sing the song, inform the Bluebells that you’re
friends with Elriam,” said the Fairy, smiling.
I sat on Albastrian's back, and he brought me to the other side of the Angry Forest at
the speed of wind. Then, bidding farewell, he disappeared within the scattered clouds
of the clear sky. The Druid was waiting for me on the other side, happy I didn’t have to
use all the weapons he had provided. “I’m overly cautious sometimes,” he said with a
smile. “Let’s go now. I must show you the place where you’ll stay, as we have to start
our preparations. This fateful time is approaching fast.”
We both hopped on his own Pegasus, who brought us here. He then left, promising to
return soon, but there hasn't been any sign of him until now. This castle is called the
Castle of Comfort. From the time the gates were shut and disunity prevailed, everyone
found comfort here, as its name surely denoted. So, now you have a taste of the risks
you may face. Do you still want to help?

The Book That… Writes Itself


The Vocation

o, you need our help to regain your kingdom and the Golden Leaf,” said small

S Meril, realizing that Dark-Elf was left speechless by Mistrizia’s story.

“I’d consider it a very bad thing to seek only my own benefit. We should never
look after ourselves only, but rather work for the benefit of everybody around us,” said
Mistrizia, causing Meril to bow his head in shame. “This world is made in such a way
that it depends upon very delicate balances. If you only care about your own benefit,
automatically you will be driven to do deeds that will cause pain to others, and Divine
Justice will punish such deeds. On the other hand, how could I feel happy, knowing
everybody around me is miserable? No, my little Meril, what I really strive for is to see
this world the way it once was.
“I don’t want to see any more angry and deprived Fairies who are suspicious and hide
trying to protect themselves, nor do I want to see expelled Elves, hiding in different
dimensions to avoid danger. I want to be able to live in harmony with all different
creatures, in a world where injustice won’t be the governing force. Of course, different
worlds do exist, but no creature should be afraid to cross the virtual gates of its
dimension to another. We should all be able to cross the virtual gates, and they should
be renamed the Gates of Peace, like in the old times, and not Gates of Fear, as they’re
called now. For this to happen, we must all help to find the Golden Leaf, since it has
the power to dissolve the shadow of fear, which through the Universe fills all creatures
with malice. Even small Elves become malevolent, and that is due to the same shadow
spreading all around with black magic, because of the enemies of good, like the Red
Pirates and other similar races.”
“We’re going to help you, Mistrizia. We too, want to see a better real world reborn,”
said Dark-Elf, his eyes shining with a glimmer of hope.
“I knew my call wouldn't fall on deaf ears. Some creatures with a good nature and a
fearless heart would respond to it,” Mistrizia said with a smile full of hope. “Meanwhile,
let me show you the castle until we hear from Druid Maverel.”
It was dawn already, so they stopped briefly at the castle’s entrance to enjoy the
marvelous sunrise that dyed the scattered clouds shades of orange and red. The tall
The Book That… Writes Itself

mountains in the distance pierced the sky. Their view made Dark-Elf wonder what type
of a world was hidden behind them and what kind of creatures were living in those
worlds, which he could not even imagine. He genuinely wished his mother were there,
so she could enjoy those wonderful new experiences.
Little Meril sensed the sadness in Dark-Elf’s eyes. It was deeper than any other time,
and he asked him with great concern, “My good Dark-Elf, what’s bothering you so
much? I know you’re always sad, but this time it seems your burden is heavier than any
other time.”
“You’re right. I’m thinking of my mother. I’d like her to be able to experience these
wonders of nature that we encounter. I can’t help thinking that she’s alone, back there
in Notingel, with a heavy heart, wondering how I’m faring and where I am. I’m sure
everybody is probably driving her crazy, asking what happened to me. They may even
make fun of her, due to the fact that they all think I am crazy,” said Dark-Elf between
Mistrizia showed them around the gardens of the castle. There, they saw all kinds of
flowers and plants, all dark in color, as if they were mourning. Despite the dark colors,
though, the deep blue roses were as beautiful as the sunset.
Tall trees created thick shadows covering some artful stone tables upon which Mistrizia
served them breakfast. Then, she took them inside to continue the tour of the Castle of
Up to that moment, they had only seen the dining room and the bedrooms they’d slept
in. Next, they visited the large living room. The wallpaper prints, full of bluish flowers,
reminded them both of the Blue Forest.
Large paintings hanging on the walls depicted fierce battles, together with peaceful
small Elves riding large mushrooms, talking with fairies and people in a jubilant way.
A large fireplace adorned one of the walls, while on the front cover of the chimney, two
interlocking swords formed the letter X. Underneath them was a picture of a
magnificent coat of arms depicting a beautiful black wolf, which was staring at a blood-
red full moon.
Upstairs, they were impressed by a large collection of different colored candles with
individual scents in one of the rooms.
“During the old times, when the Gates of Peace were still in existence, the castle was
known as the Castle of Joy. Many renowned kings frequently gathered here to celebrate
and enjoy themselves. If you happened to pass by, you could hear all kinds of music
and songs,” Mistrizia said with nostalgia.
The next room housed a collection of paintings coming from many different famous
castles. Some of them were on top of tall mountains, overlooking the blue sea. Each
painting was marked by its name and that of its king.
Dark-Elf and Meril were having a great time there, asking thousands of questions about
whatever impressed them.

Chapter 4: The Vocation

The next surprise was a large room full of different musical instruments. All the
instruments were made of gold, and very shiny, as if they possessed a soul. They looked
like they were anxious, awaiting some hand to touch them and spread their Divine
Suddenly, after sightseeing for a long time, the galloping of a horse was heard. They
all rushed to the window to see a man dismount and approach the entry gate. He wore
a very long coat, and half of his face was covered with a hood.
“The Druid?” asked Meril with anticipation.
“I’m afraid not,” said Mistrizia with concern. “Let’s all go downstairs to find out.”
They went downstairs to observe the strange visitor scouting the place.
“Greetings, Mistrizia, renowned Mistress of the Golden Shadows. The Druid sent me,
since he couldn’t be here himself at the present time. He asked me not to delay the
mission, but to send your friends to find Lord Goodelf, the King of the Elves.”
“But I don’t know if he’s still alive. It has been a long time since we heard from him,”
said Mistrizia.
“We heard that he’s alive. However, we don’t know anything else, and we must hurry
while there’s still time because something is terribly wrong. If he was free and well, the
least he could have done was to send us a message if the Golden Leaf is still all right,”
said the man, looking cautiously around him while uttering those last words. “The
situation has taken a terrible turn, Mistrizia. Besides the Red Pirates, there are more
enemies, and your friends have to pass through their territory to reach King Goodelf.
That’s why the Druid sent me here to accompany them. I’m an apprentice Druid. Very
few of us are left from our race. Most of us perished at the hands of the insidious
enemies who caught us unprepared. My name is Tuathan. Please, forgive my rudeness
at not introducing myself earlier, but I felt compelled to relay the information first. I
feel the danger approaching fast, and we must start right away. The Druid is absolutely
“You surely won’t leave for a while because we have to find horses for our two friends.
I’ll speed up the process as much as I can. You should get acquainted until I come
back,” Mistrizia said, leaving in a hurry.
“I am Dark-Elf, and this is my little friend Dragon Meril,” said the small Elf, bowing
to the ground.
Tuathan noticed that, up until that moment, Dark-Elf had not smiled at all, but he did
not make any comment. He put his serious expression down to the difficult mission.
Mistrizia soon came back. “I made arrangements for Dark-Elf’s horse and procured
some weapons. I suppose they’ll take some time to get here. I ordered the horse from
the world of the midgets, since, as you all noticed, our friend is small in size. They’ll
get a beautiful pony. Meril flies very fast, so he’ll be able to follow, considering the
distance you have to run. Until then, Tuathan, why don’t you get some rest with our
small friends, to gather strength for the difficult journey? I still have a task to attend to,
The Book That… Writes Itself

and I need to leave for a while. You can talk and have something to eat. I’ll be back in
no time.”
They all sat around the fireplace, and explained to Tuathan how Dark-Elf left Notingel
almost as a fugitive. When his turn came, Tuathan told them some stories of courage
and bravery from the old times.
“What do the Druids do, exactly? Are they some type of magicians?” Meril asked with
Tuathan smiled. “The Druids were travelers in the old times. They travelled between
the parallel worlds, gaining great wisdom from those journeys. Their wisdom grew so
much, to the point of being considered a magic power by everybody. They know the
history of every place and the customs of all people. They conquered the secrets of
nature to such an extent that they’re able to cure every illness with a specific plant, and
use any form of energy to the betterment of the worlds. During their travels, they
became acquainted with the most renowned kings and with the strangest magicians as
well. Each one they’ve encountered was deeply impressed with the endless wisdom of
the Druids. However, they never participated in or performed any magic, until the
famous Druid Serpent discovered on one of his trips the ‘Celtic Mandala’ that
represents the major connection of the Universes. That gave them the ability to perform
fantastic deeds, gathering such a great amount of energy that some entities consider it
to be magic power. They try not to transmit these powers to the younger Druids, since
anyone who gets involved with such great powers runs the risk of being drawn toward
evil, along with their soul. They can teach those mysteries only to the ones who are able
to pass through some strenuous scrutiny, during which the apprentice must prove
beyond any doubt that he’ll use these powers only for good causes. Whoever seeks
knowledge must prove that he’s ready to accept it. He must be able to accept wisdom,
otherwise he may cause more evil than good.
For any successful apprentice, he must allow the oceans of his brain and the
vastness of his soul to be engulfed by the light emanating from the three candles of
Love, Nature, and the Truth.”
“For sure, our mission is very dangerous. Despite the fact that Mistrizia assured us that
we’ll find the courage within our benevolent nature, I doubt I’m going to be able to
meet the challenge, since I never had any warrior training. I don’t know if my help will
be sufficient. I feel so small when I compare myself to these wonderful things that you
and Mistrizia are talking about,” said Dark-Elf, absorbed in his thoughts, but Tuathan
“Don’t think that you need to know how to handle weapons or the art of war in order
to win. You don’t even need any bodily strength. The most basic thing you have to learn
is how to keep the child inside your soul alive.” His eyes, always pure, without
bitterness, had the capacity to judge who to trust and who not to trust. “…who your real
enemies are…something very important in the battle between good and evil.”
The dusk was deepening, and they all went outside to enjoy the beautiful moonlight,
which was spreading across the evening sky, full of hope. Some noise inside the castle
signaled to them that Mistrizia had returned. Upon entering, they saw her serving tea to

Chapter 4: The Vocation

a small woman sitting with her back toward them. On her back, though, there
were…wings. Dark-Elf’s heart started pounding vividly and fast. “Motheeeeer!” he
shouted and threw himself into her open arms.
“I couldn’t let you go away on such a long journey sad and worried,” Mistrizia said to
him, deeply moved to see mother and son hugging each other and sobbing.
They all stayed up late to explain to Doriel how destructive it would be for the entire
Universe if they allowed the Red Pirates to rule over its entire vastness. She agreed, but
she was very concerned now, realizing what a great danger her son would be exposed
They sat around the fireplace. Mistrizia brought a musical instrument from the
collection she had in the castle, a harp made of pure gold, which filled the room with
Divine music at the magic touch of the young apprentice’s fingers. The soft melody
filled the room, causing even the flames in the fireplace to start a harmonious charming
dance. Soon, everybody went to bed.
Dark-Elf felt anxious all night long and, when he finally fell asleep, he dreamed of
strange creatures attacking him and Druids throwing energy balls in order to help him.
Early in the morning, Mistrizia informed them that the pony from the land of the
midgets had arrived, so they were ready to start their journey.
Dark-Elf’s pony was beautiful, light blue in color and with large, melancholic eyes. The
small bags with the supplies were placed on the backs of Tuathan’s horse and on Dark-
Elf’s pony. Doriel decided to stay in the castle, helping Lady Mistrizia, until her son
was back. Bidding farewell to Mistrizia and Doriel left some emptiness in everyone’s
hearts, but the journey started.
The Book That… Writes Itself


The Aventurine

T he sunrays were hot and pleasant. There was nothing to indicate the seriousness
and danger of the mission that had just started. They travelled for hours. Tuathan
was whistling a pleasant tune when Dark-Elf interrupted his comfort, alarming
everybody to say that someone was following them. “I feel that someone is constantly
watching us. I feel a pair of eyes fixed on us all the time.”
“Well, I know the Elves have very strong instincts, but maybe this time you’re getting
that feeling due to the fear in your heart. Look behind us: the road is straight, and you
can see far away. Do you see anything?” asked Tuathan, trying to calm him down
“Maybe we should stop for a little rest and a snack.”
They stopped by a little creek with crystal-clear waters under the thick shadow of a tall
tree. After a light snack, they all fell asleep. Everybody except Dark-Elf, who was
pacing up and down worriedly. For a moment, he approached the creek and, looking
down over the water, he watched the reflection of his face, like in a mirror, inside the
water. Taking a deep sigh, he did not like what he saw. He sat by the water, took out
his shoes, and dipped his feet into the brilliant waters to cool down a bit.
“I’m so afraid… Those people made a big mistake in selecting me for this mission.
Look how small I am. It seems that only the brook recognizes that reality of my
appearance. Then, this sense that someone is following us… Tuathan believes I’m
seeing things. I’d like this creature that’s following us to appear before us,” Dark-Elf
whispered, while rubbing with his thumb and index finger the small metal ball hanging
from the chain around his neck.
Unexpectedly, a loud splash was heard and all of a sudden, the calm waters were
disturbed. It looked like they started boiling at that particular point, resembling a
pregnant woman just before childbirth. He jumped straight up, horrified and stunned by
what followed. A vision of a tall woman appeared, transparent and beautiful, as if she
was made from water.
“Who are you, possessed of such power as to be able to summon entities from the world
of the spirits, making them appear in front of you, without them being able to resist the
call?” asked the woman, bowing with respect.
Chapter 5: The Aventurine

Dark-Elf was shocked, his body trembling, unable to utter a word. “Please, forgive
me…forgive me. I have no idea. I don’t know. I’m just a simple Elf. I didn’t summon
you, my good lady. I don’t know how this happened. I only thought and wished to learn
who’s following us. I felt that someone was constantly looking at us.”
“Well…” said the water vision, sizing up Dark-Elf’s looks from head to toe. Fixing her
gaze all over his body, she stopped at the chain around his neck, shouting in great
surprise, “An Aventurine!!!”
“What?” whispered Dark-Elf.
“The stone around your neck! It’s an Aventurine,” said the young lady, and bowed once
more, as if she was worshipping the multicolored stone.
Dark-Elf was totally lost. “What exactly is Aventurine?”
“How is it possible that you ignore the meaning of what you have around your neck?
Did you steal it?” asked the lady with suspicion.
“No… No, my mother gave it to me, bidding farewell to me before I left on my trip,
but she said she couldn’t reveal anything further regarding the necklace, explaining it
was mine, and hoping it would provide me with some protection…"
“Of course it’ll provide you with protection, but that isn’t all. It’s a precious stone with
strong connections with the Kingdom of the Devas. The main quality of the Aventurine
is the search for absolute Truth, the global consideration of things, the intent to turn
around your axis so you won’t miss any angle or any prospect of a given situation. It
helps you solve difficult problems, and in the process, you acquire a deeply analytical
mind. It provides solutions and gives answers to all emotional problems, even those
someone wouldn’t usually have the courage to face. It wipes out hidden fears and repels
anger, providing comfort by replacing any mental tension. It cures any wound of the
heart with love. It bridges the gap between the heart and the mind when apart, providing
brand new dimensions, thus weaving a protective network around you. It releases any
suppressed feelings, allowing them to surface and to be expressed, in order to have love
instead of fear as a predominant force.” As she said the last few words, the lady’s
jubilant expression turned to a sad silent cry, her eyes full of tears.
“My dear lady, so far you’ve given me the impression of being made from water
running down the stream, and all of a sudden it seems you’re made from tears. Who are
you? Why are you crying? How do you know so much about the stone around my
neck?” asked Dark-Elf, posing so many questions in one breath, trying to address the
endless concerns that had been flashing through his mind for a long time.
“My name’s El-Morya. I used to live in this world, and I was a princess. I was in love
with Prince Jemey. He was very good to me. I felt he loved me too, but he always used
to tell me he could only see me as a friend. I felt sick from sorrow, and I used to come
to this brook every afternoon, crying until late at night. One evening, a voice coming
from the waters asked me why I was crying. It was a young girl who had drowned in
the waters of this river many years ago, for the same reason I was crying. She appeared
to me the same way I appeared to you, except for the fact that she only appeared because
she felt sorry for me. I told her my story, and she told me hers. In the end, I said I was
The Book That… Writes Itself

willing to sacrifice my life to find out if he really loved me. How come I sense that he
loves me, while he doesn’t? The young girl gave me a small, artfully made bottle, filled
with a wonderful fragrance. ‘With this, you’ll uncover the Truth, provided you love
him more than your own life,’ she said. After drinking it, I heard a thunderous voice,
seemingly coming from the bowels of the Earth and the height of the sky. ‘Jemey loves
you as much as you love him but, despite being a prince, his Soul is in turmoil because
he never knew his mother, so his feelings are locked, having no bridge between his
heart and his mind. He checks everything through the filter of logic, and that’s why he
can’t comprehend that he really loves you. There are two ways for him to unlock his
feelings. The first is to find the precious stone called Aventurine, which unlocks
emotion and bridges the heart with the mind, and the second is for you to die, so he can
feel he lost you forever. It is obvious you chose the second method.’
“With these words, I felt my body became lighter and lighter, and I began flying toward
a bright light. I started screaming, but it was already too late. I asked, ‘What is
happening? Where am I going?’ From a great height, I saw the young girl whispering
to my dead body, ‘You were interested in finding out the truth more than keeping your
own life.’ So, I passed over to the Kingdom of the Devas.”
Dark-Elf looked at her with sympathy. “So, you died because of your love?” he asked.
“No, I died because of my impatience. Patience is a great virtue. I was in a hurry to find
out the truth. I felt so disappointed that I drank the deadly magic elixir without even
asking what its effect would be. I thought I would discover the truth, and nothing else.
Maybe, if I’d stayed alive, I might have found someone with the Aventurine to assist
Jemey in unlocking his feelings.”
“What did Jeremey do?” Dark-Elf asked.
“The next morning, after my father realized that I hadn’t returned to the palace, he
started looking for me everywhere. Someone told him they’d seen me by the river
crying. He sent a lot of people to look for me in the waters of the river. Miraculously,
no one could see my dead body. After everybody left, the only one to continue the
search was Jemey, who kept calling out my name. It was like he had to be left alone for
my body to become visible, so he could bid farewell to me. He hugged my body on the
ground, shouting and crying, ‘No…No…I love you!’ His feelings were unlocked as
soon as he realized my permanent loss. That girl’s voice was right. That dawn, I heard
Jemey’s love expressed to me again and again. Only with this expression, nobody felt
happy, since we were not together to enjoy our love. He could not see my spirit, or hear
my voice, while I was crying, ‘Sorry I left you…’ I don’t know what happened to him.
He left his kingdom, and no one ever heard of him again. While in the Kingdom of the
Devas, I chose to study and learn the qualities of all precious stones, and that was my
first task there as a Deva myself.”
With his eyes filled with curiosity, Dark-Elf asked, “What are the Devas?”
“Devas means ‘brilliant creatures,’ entities that my own species, the humans, call
‘Angels.’ However, they don’t know that they aren’t only ‘Angels.’ There are many
kinds of Devas with different tasks and different missions, some of them more and some
of them less advanced. The best-known Devas are those of the fire. There are Devas

Chapter 5: The Aventurine

able to regenerate and produce energy of many kinds, energy humans can realize with
their own senses. The pulsation of the ethereal bodies of every animal, every plant, is
caused by Devas. The cohesiveness of the three lower kingdoms of nature is maintained
through the described function, depicting at a perceptive level the expression of the
Master Entity, which humans define as expression of GOD.”
Dark-Elf suddenly recalled the large paintings on the walls in the Castle of Comfort,
which depicted entities with large wings on their backs and whom Mistrizia had called
“Angels” when explaining about them during the tour, so he asked, “Do they look like
humans? Why are they shown as having large wings?”
“Who would ever think that an Elf who knew nothing about Devas until today could
ask me that question, which is so painful to me?” said El-Morya, sighing deeply.
“My apologies,” said Dark-Elf in a whisper. “Why is this question so painful to you?”
“You know, I’m not yet a mature Deva, nor have I taken on the final apparel of a Deva.
I’m still an apprentice, and here in the world I exist in, many stories are making the
rounds that, before a Deva passes into the human kingdom, he or she must first pass
through the kingdom of the birds. It’s described that the only way for a Deva to become
human again is to become a bird first. As a bird, they may communicate with humans
and, after evolving within the bird Kingdom, only then will she return as a human again.
As you understand, I’d love to achieve this transformation at one point, so I could return
in a human form, able to see Jemey…if he’s still alive. Your question was so painful
because everything I just described is considered to be a legend. None of our Masters
seems to be able to explain such a process. That is why it’s so painful to me…”
“We, in our Elf world, say that everything you believe can happen!” said Dark-Elf with
a sparkle in his eyes. “Believe it, El-Morya! Believe it beyond doubt! Try to live it in
your imagination, visualize it as having already taken place, and then you’ll see that
it’ll happen in an unexpected way. A way that you could never imagine.”
“Wise words coming from a small Elf. Maybe this meeting wasn’t accidental after all!”
“Sure it isn’t accidental! Remember the Aventurine,” Dark-Elf responded
“I know it’s very easy for Elves to feel enthusiasm about something, but it isn’t easy
for me. I’m still curious to find out how you were able to summon my spirit,” El-Morya
“Frankly, I have no idea. The only thing I remember is that I wished to be able to see
who was following us. I formed the wish in my mind while I was playing, puzzled by
the Aventurine.”
“That’s it. The Aventurine is helping you to manifest your wishes,” she said, looking
with amazement at the Aventurine hanging from Dark-Elf’s neck.
“In that case… I hope you become a human,” responded Dark-Elf while rubbing the
Aventurine with his fingers.
The Book That… Writes Itself

El-Morya looked at him, surprised, with his eyes closed, trying with as much strength
as his Soul could muster to believe that his wish would come true in a second. However,
nothing happened. He opened his eyes, only to realize that El-Morya was still standing
in front of him in the same form as before, shaking her head in disappointment.
“But why?” Dark-Elf asked sadly.
“Some wishes, my dear Dark-Elf, need a lot of work to become a reality. The
Aventurine was able to manifest your previous wish for you, since one of its qualities
is to connect the different entities with the spirit world, and that was a permissible act
by the laws of the Universe. This second wish of yours, however, is something I have
to achieve myself, in order to allow my spirit to be exposed to the evolutionary
experiences through the transformation process. I came to this world as a human in
order to evolve into something through the experiences of my Soul; however, it seems
I was unable to learn what I came for, and that, in turn, kept me away from the true
meaning of love. I hope my spirit will learn whatever is needed while I am in the form
of a Deva, so as to be able to live in true happiness one day. Now, I have to leave. If
you ever need me, you know you can always call me back through the Aventurine. You
must, however, be close to the water, and summon me while you’re touching it.
Goodbye, Dark-Elf, and take care.” After these words, she disappeared within a ball of
steam that formed over the brook.
“Goodbye, El-Morya. I hope you’ll meet Jemey one day,” said Dark-Elf while walking
toward his comrades, who were still resting.
Tuathan heard the noise as Dark-Elf approached and jumped up. “What’s happening?”
“Nothing to worry about,” answered Dark-Elf with sadness in his heart, lost in his
thoughts. “I was right about someone following us.”
“What? Who was it?” Tuathan exclaimed, alarmed.
“A very nice young lady. Or rather a ghost, or even better, a Deva,” he said, continuing
his deep thoughts.
“What are you talking about, Dark-Elf? What do you really know about Devas? What
are you hiding from me? You must reveal everything to me,” Tuathan shouted, waking
up small Meril.
“Well…it’s something very personal regarding another creature’s life,” answered Dark-
“It doesn’t matter. We must trust each other, Dark-Elf,” Tuathan responded in a strict
“You’re right. Please, forgive me. I’m not used to trusting others, since most of my life
I’ve been forced to be alone with myself,” Dark-Elf answered.
“I perfectly understand, but there are so many dangers out there. Our strongest weapon,
our strongest protection, is trust. We shouldn’t keep any secrets; otherwise, we expose
ourselves to great unforeseen dangers. Even if there were no dangers, any sound
friendship is jeopardized by secrecy. We must always be united. The basic

Chapter 5: The Aventurine

characteristic of unity is trust. We must trust each other all the way, while keeping
confidentiality within the group.”
Only then did Dark-Elf tell the story to Tuathan and Meril, reciting the entire
conversation he had had with El-Morya.
“It seems you have the power to attract very important friends. Tell me, don’t you feel
much better now that you shared your experience with us?” Tuathan asked with a smile.
“Sure, I do. The sense of relief stemming from trusting others is very rewarding,” he
“Now, we must move on. We have a very difficult journey ahead of us,” Tuathan
responded in a friendly manner, while mounting his horse after touching Dark-Elf’s
The Book That… Writes Itself


Dezola... Inside Hollow Earth

t dusk, they took the northward direction, reaching the foot of a very tall
“We must climb this mountain, but without anyone else noticing us. It’ll be
prudent to hide our horses and start climbing the mountain right away. I’ll
perform a small invocation ceremony to hide the horses within ‘violet ether.’ Unload
every supply from the pony and stay very quiet until I finish the ceremony, Dark-Elf,”
Tuathan said, while taking out some strange-looking small bottles from his bag.
Dark-Elf unloaded the supplies from the pony, and then he waved to Meril to sit next
to him on top of a small rock nearby. From this point, they watched Tuathan carefully
performing the ceremony. He mixed different drops from the bottles inside a small ball
made of stone and, facing the mountain, he raised the ball with both hands as high as
he could and started chanting this beautiful melody.
“Silk and golden-hair associations,
tied together with the rope of illusion,
Open the gates!”
In a sturdy voice, he shouted with authority, “OPEN THE GATES!”
Right there and then, large golden lines appeared in the sky, curling in multiple shapes
and mixing with the violet drops in the ball he was holding in his hands. The golden
sky-lines kept curling, like they dithered over what final shape to take. It seemed that
the violet drops were helping the golden lines to eventually form an arched gate,
transparent, with a violet line inside and a golden line outside its perimeter.
Dark-Elf, demonstrating the fearless and enthusiastic nature of the Elves, moved right
away to take a stab at passing through the newly formed gate, like a small innocent
“No! Dark-Elf, wait!” shouted young Druid Tuathan.
Chapter 6: Dezola… Inside Hollow Earth

Surprised, Dark-Elf froze in his position, with his eyes full of questions.
“This is one of the Gates of the Underground city called Dezola. It’s a gate to Hollow
Earth. You aren’t allowed to know everything about Hollow Earth, except for the fact
that it’s the habitat of a very benevolent human race. There’s a treaty between the
Druids and the Dezolians, which allows us to use their Gates in the case of an
emergency, but we aren’t allowed to pass those gates by ourselves. We must wait for
someone to come and accompany our horses into their internal world.”
True to form, a yellow light all of a sudden appeared all in the centre of the gate in the
shapes of a cross and an X, which both had the same centre, forming a diagram of an
eight-prong star. The light was getting bigger and bigger as it approached, and with a
small explosion a human creature appeared, seemingly walking on thin air.
He was a young human, approximately thirty-five years of age, much taller than the
average human, about eight feet in height, slim, and in perfect shape, with long blond
hair cascading down to his shoulders. His eyes were blue and, when combined with his
voice, he gave the impression of possessing wisdom accumulated over millennia.
“Hello, Tuathan, greetings to you and your company,” he said, and Tuathan bowed
respectfully. The other two comrades followed suit.
“Hello, Buhara,” Tuathan responded. “We’d like to hide our horses here so we can
climb the mountain. We’re trying to reach the King, Lord Goodelf.”
“What? You’ll try to climb the Mountain of Disaster? You know very well what
happened last time someone tried to climb the mountain. You know that you don’t
possess the proper supplies, and we can’t help you in that respect,” said Buhara,
obviously upset.
“I know, Buhara, but at least we have to try,” Tuathan responded.
Buhara seemed disturbed.
“Buhara, I plead with you, don’t place obstacles in front of us. We must proceed with
our plan at all costs, and I wouldn’t like to inflict any harm on you to gain access. Our
mission is so important that it concerns the entire planet, all dimensions, and all parallel
universes. If I calculated correctly, maybe the time for the Final Conflict is approaching
fast, according to the timeline indicated by all prophecies.”
“The Final Conflict?” Buhara whispered. “The Great Darso must be informed
immediately about the developments. Tuathan, I won’t allow you to proceed. You must
come with me.”
Tuathan seemed very disturbed upon hearing that name. “The Great Darso? I’ve heard
that he doesn’t allow anyone to leave your city after visiting it. Are you sure we’ll be
able to depart? I must remind you that we have a very important mission and this
particular Elf…” The rest of his explanation went unheard as he whispered in Buhara’s
ear, and the other man, in turn, whispered something in Tuathan’s ear. The other
members of the mission gave each other some puzzled looks.
Tuathan, with a deep sigh, turned around and said, “My friends, we should follow him.”
The Book That… Writes Itself

Buhara started walking toward the gate that remained open and, as soon as he crossed
it, he turned into a bright yellow star again.
“Are we going to turn into light as well?” Dark-Elf asked, scared, taking two steps
“No, we don’t possess that quality,” Tuathan answered, totally absorbed in his thoughts.
Entering one by one, they all realized that this was a large dark space similar to a cave.
The horses stopped in a corner and a violet light tied them to a golden stick nearby. The
yellow bright star illuminated the road they had to follow. It was a sloping tubular
structure. The more they progressed, the steeper the inclination, until it became so steep,
they fell down a bright slippery slide. Their screams as they slid soon gave place to
expressions of amazement, looking at the wonderful view that followed. It felt like they
were passing in between multicolored planets accompanied by Divine melodies. In the
centre, there was a very tall tree laden with bright fruit, each covered in a violet layer
of light, looking like a giant chandelier. They all felt jubilant, until they landed on an
elastic surface, which caused them to bounce up and down until they stopped, only to
realize they all landed on a thick layer of grass.
Of course, Dark-Elf was the first to stand up. He took a look at the grass and, in his
usually playful manner, he tried to jump on the grass, only to start pulsating up and
down again.
“Look!” he shouted. “This grass is flexible.”
His observation made a large group of kids that had gathered there laugh in response to
his words, as they jumped and down, having a lot of fun. Amazed, he stopped and took
to observing the kids. All of a sudden, the yellow star transformed back into Buhara,
who explained, “The grass is flexible, in order to absorb the fall from the steep slope.”
“So, you have the power to make the grass the way you want to?” asked Dark-Elf,
completely baffled.
“You will see much stranger things here, my dear Dark-Elf,” Buhara responded.
“What? How do you know my name?” Dark-Elf asked, but he got no answer. Buhara
ignored the question and, in a serious manner and a sturdy voice, ordered everybody to
follow him.
Stepping off the flexible grass, they looked all around, realizing they were in a very
wide tunnel, at the end of which they could see a bright light. It was their guide. At the
exit, a new surprise was awaiting them. Many people, taller than Tuathan, all of them
the size of Buhara, were dressed in beautiful, colourful clothes. Some of them were
having a discussion, standing on their two feet, while others were suspended in midair
instead of walking. It looked like a large city square. The floor was paved with blue and
yellow stones, decorated with the same cross with the X in the middle. All around, there
were small hills, each with a waterfall. They formed a circle of waterfalls, but the sound
they each made was that of a note, part of a melody, each representing a different
musical instrument, in a magnificent, sweet, unheard-of concert.

Chapter 6: Dezola… Inside Hollow Earth

“What a Divine melody! It’s like the waterfalls are playing music,” said Meril, who
was able to talk for the first time after the shock of all these new experiences.
“They’re really playing music,” Buhara said.
“How could that happen?” asked Dark-Elf.
“For the time being, just enjoy the music and, when the time comes, you’ll get the
explanations you need. This particular music is very beneficial to both body and Soul.”
“These waterfalls look very strange,” said Tuathan. “Whatever is running doesn’t look
like water.”
“That’s true,” said Buhara, “but you’ll hear about that in time.”
Tuathan, despite Buhara’s advice, approached the closest waterfall and reached out his
hand. The “water” was transparent, composed of multi-colour light molecules, but he
could not sense it with his hand. It felt like his hand was simply going through them,
feeling no resistance at all.
“I thought we were in a hurry, Tuathan,” said Buhara with a smile.
“Well…this the first time I’ve seen such a waterfall, and it’s really amazing that these
people can be suspended in thin air,” Tuathan added.
“Keep moving, and everything will be explained on the way,” Buhara said with a smile
across his face as he started crossing the huge square.
Soon, he reached the farthest waterfall. He went through it and called everybody to
follow him. They went through it with some hesitation, only to face a new unbelievable
view: a huge walkway with multiple endless arches, one after the other. One was made
of gold, and the next of glass, forming an unprecedented beauty, with the pavement
cover made from coloured pebbles of every shade of blue. Side trails began from every
space in between the arches, allowing you to turn either right or left in an endless
network of pathways. Pink lighted mushrooms illuminated the pathways, placed on
either side of the trails.
“Be careful not to get lost here, since this is our psychedelic labyrinth. Be sure you all
follow me,” Buhara warned them.
“It’s amazing,” said Tuathan, hypnotized by the beauty he witnessed.
Dark-Elf took the small Dragon in his hands, jumping up and down, shouting, “It’s
perfect, perfect!”
They were turning right and left, then straight again, then left again and, after a while,
they reached a door. Buhara made a sign in the air with his hands, and the door opened.
It was a very heavy door made of thick wood and covered with gold. They found
themselves inside a large living room, and they noticed three more doors.
“Those are your rooms,” Buhara said. Each door had a sign that left no doubt as to
which room belonged to whom.
The Book That… Writes Itself

The first door had the picture of a Dragon on it, which resembled Meril almost perfectly.
The second one had a picture of an Elf, and the third one of a human.
“It looks like you were expecting us,” said Tuathan with suspicion.
“Maybe yes, maybe not. The result in both instances could be the same,” answered
Buhara enigmatically.
“I’m going to inform the Great Darso. You go and enjoy your rooms, rest for a while,
and soon you’ll be served food. Each room has its own bath.”
“If we’d like to get out of our rooms, how are we going to pass through the labyrinth
without getting lost?” wondered Tuathan loudly.
“Simple; you aren’t going to get out of your rooms,” responded Buhara kindly, while
closing the door behind him.
“I…begin not to like any of these,” Tuahan whispered.
“Everything’s so beautiful, Tuathan,” noted Meril.
“It’s stiflingly good…” Tuathan responded, whispering, “but we’re wasting valuable
time because Darso must be informed and, while we haven’t met him as yet, they’d
prepared special rooms for us as if they knew we were coming.”
“We’ve experienced such strange things so far, so this shouldn’t impress us at all.
Mistrizia was expecting me, as well, but that didn’t mean anything bad,” Dark-Elf said.
“It’s obvious we don’t have a choice to leave if we’d like to, but we can’t even go out
for a walk,” responded Tuathan.
His last words were interrupted by a knock on the door. Tuathan pulled out his sword
and opened the door carefully. A woman and a man dressed in multicoloured clothes
rolled in a serving cart full of strange fruits and different produce. They greeted them
with a smile.
“Welcome. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to have meat here, but we can assure you
that the fruits and nuts of Dezola will provide all the energy and nutrients your bodies
need. You may now enjoy your meal.” They left, bowing their heads and smiling.
“You see? They’re very hospitable,” the small Elf said, and he started gathering the
chairs around the table so they could all eat.
“Don’t touch anything,” Tuathan shouted. “I must check them first. They might be
From his bag, he pulled out two sticks made of copper; holding one in each hand, he
crossed them in an angle over the food, without touching each other. He tested the bowl
with the fruits first. He prayed for a few seconds with his eyes closed. The sticks started
bobbing up and down. He repeated the same process with the sticks over all the plates
containing food. “They’re safe,” he declared finally.
“What is this?” Dark-Elf asked.

Chapter 6: Dezola… Inside Hollow Earth

“These are sticks we use for rhabdomancy. We, the Druids, use them quite often. This
method is popular among humans. Actually, a Chinese emperor had issued a special
regulation that no houses can be rebuilt unless checked with this method of
“Why?” asked Meril.
“Because on Earth, there are some radiating energies that can be very catastrophic to
any living creature.”
“The life of humans seems to be very complicated,” Dark-Elf whispered, only to add
immediately, “If I had to check everything before I eat it, I’d never eat. Can we eat
now?” He started to eat voraciously.
“Ι’m probably much too cautious. Everything seems to be fine, and we’ll probably
enjoy our stay here. Yes, let’s eat,” Tuathan said.
The moment they started eating, the frail voice of a girl interrupted them.
“Would you like to watch a live musical while eating?”
They looked at each other, and finally Tuathan said, “Why not? Let’s enjoy that part as
There appeared a girl—too short by the standards of the city. She was approximately
the same height as Tuathan. Her long hair was the colour blue, and her fine dress
featured floral patterns in different shades of green. She was holding a violet-pink harp.
“Bon appétit! I’m Giribel,” the young lady said, and immediately started playing the
harp, filling the entire room with a beautiful melody while singing at the same time. It
was a plaintive song, describing a beautiful girl’s love of a young man, who could never
imagine she was in love with him, since she was so beautiful, thinking she would never
think of him, so he never confessed his love to her. Finally, she was forced into an
arranged marriage through her father. Her husband was an old, rich man. The voice was
magical, and the story so moving that Tuathan started crying.
Everybody was impressed by the beautiful young Giribel, so at the end of the song,
they invited her to join them for dinner. They enjoyed their meal, and then went to rest,
except for Tuathan, who sat with Giribel, asking about the story recounted in the song.
The ones who went to sleep had a unique experience. The moment their bodies touched
the beds, the lighting in the room changed automatically. The big lights went off, and
small yellow-brown candles lighted up in each corner of the room. The flame in the
candles was half-hidden inside, and the light illuminated like small droplets, similar to
those the water was made of in the waterfalls.
Despite the soothing environment, and although he felt very tired, Dark-Elf could not
fall asleep. All of a sudden, a small shadow appeared on the wall, which began growing
and growing only to take the shape and size of a human of large stature.
“Who are you?” Dark-Elf asked, apparently scared, sitting up on his bed.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“Shh…relax! Don’t be scared, my son. I am a friend. I’m Druid Maverel.” As he spoke,

the shadow started forming faintly in the beginning, until he appeared in his natural
form in front of the terrified Elf.
“Druid Maverel! Mistrizia told us about you,” Dark-Elf shouted happily, albeit puzzled.
“Yes, my son, I tried to communicate with Tuathan; however, he is so convinced that
everything is great here, due to the girl he just met, his subconscious is blocked to any
other suggestion aside from the girl. I appear to you in a dream form as I need a clear
subconscious to relay my message to, and Tuathan’s is not so clear. I came to help you.
You should—”
A knock at the door awakened Dark-Elf. He looked around to locate the Druid. A
second knock, and the door opened. It was Tuathan and Buhara together. He looked
carefully to see if Giribel was with them, but he could not see her.
“We must appear in front of Great Darso,” Tuathan said.

The Book That… Writes Itself


The Great Darso

D ark-Elf raised his eyebrows, obviously disturbed by the news. His expression
was different now. Only Meril could notice the change. As they started walking
along the hallway, Meril was careful to stay close to Dark-Elf, in order to
whisper in his ear, “What is bothering you, my dear Dark-Elf?”
“I think we should leave,” Dark-Elf answered in a low voice so that nobody else could
hear the conversation.
“But why?” Meril asked.
“I saw Druid Maverel in my dream. He did not have time to tell me exactly what he
wanted, but I have the notion he wants us to leave, for our own protection.”
“You know that in our dreams, we project whatever we are thinking. Maybe your
concern is unwarranted, due to the negative thoughts that Tuathan is expressing, and
that turned into a dream of yours,” Meril answered.
“Maybe, that’s what it is… I did not think in that context,” Dark-Elf answered, puzzled.
They kept following Buhara and Tuathan in this strange labyrinth until they reached a
large gate. At the entry, two large white light balls with light blue shaded spots scattered
on their surfaces gave the impression of being made of ice and light.
“These are the guards,” Buhara said. “They are elementals. They use the water energy,
and freeze anyone’s steps if they are unwanted, so that they cannot cross the gate. If
you wish, later on, Giribel may give a tour of the room with the elementals, and she
will explain to you each one’s function. There are many kinds of elementals.”
“Yes, we would like that very much,” Tuathan responded, his eyes shining upon hearing
that name.
Buhara moved his hands over each ball, and their blue aura stopped emanating. That
moment, the Gate opened. “Now, it’s safe to proceed.”
One by one, they crossed the Gate and found themselves in a large room made of glass,
covered by a glass dome as well. Outside the glass enclosure, one could see the thick
The Book That… Writes Itself

tree leaves. A small waterfall on either side produced a concerted melody, much
different from the one heard before outside, but they could sense it coming from the
waterfalls. It sounded like they were exchanging notes, alternating from one to the
other. All the way in the back, there was an elaborate throne, artfully made from the
same elemental ice, similar to the sphere-shaped guards at the entrance. The back of the
throne was huge, and a large clock was engraved on its surface, showing the time—
quarter past twelve—without the clock hands advancing. Each side of the throne was
guarded by a large firebrand, also made from the same ice.
“Great Darso, please accept Druid Tuathan, Dragon Meril, and Grand Dark-Elf.”
Meril started laughing, upon hearing the words “Grand Dark-Elf.”
Dark-Elf tapped him gently on his back and asked him to behave.
“Meril!” shouted the Great Darso. “We never make fun of someone when the word
‘grand’ is in front of their name.”
“It sounded funny to me,” Meril apologised.
“The correct word is actually ‘ancient.’ Throughout the centuries, we have changed the
word to a codified one that sounds like ‘grand’ in order to avoid certain risks. ‘Ancient’
means that someone belongs to the indigenous race. Those who were the first to inhabit
the planet. Dark-Elf is such an indigenous one,” said the Great Darso and, standing up
from his throne, he took a deep bow in front of Dark-Elf.
Meril, totally stunned, was looking at Tuathan, who was deeply puzzled.
“So, what is exactly happening with Dark-Elf?” Tuathan asked.
“Don’ t you know that he is the Chosen One?”
“The Chosen One?” Dark-Elf asked, astonished.
“Yes, but that is not all. I did not know that he belonged to the ancient ones. Are you
sure?” Tuathan was quick to ask, completely ignoring Dark-Elf’s question.
“Show us your necklace, Ancient Dark-Elf,” the Great Darso suggested.
Puzzled, Dark-Elf pulled out his necklace, held up the chain, and left the small ball
“Can you see the letter A on the dagger? This is the symbol of the Ancient Ones.”
Meril said, “So, if someone makes a ball necklace, and then engraves on it a letter A,
this makes them ancient?”
“You can always distinguish the real one because the fake will not be able to do this.”
Holding the necklace in his hand, he rubbed it slightly while uttering, “Ancient,
Ancient, Ancient.” The ball started to give off an intense violet light, filling the entire
room. At the same time, it started spinning, letting out a discreet metallic sound, and
soon a small violet butterfly escaped from the necklace ball. Immediately, as the
butterfly was “born,” the ball stopped spinning. The wings of the butterfly were

Chapter 7: The Great Darso

decorated with golden lines, and it started flying around Dark-Elf’s face. Everybody
looked on in amazement.
“Did you ever hear about the Butterfly Effect?” the Great Darso asked everybody.
“If a butterfly moves its wings near the Amazon River, this may result in rain,
somewhere in China,” Tuathan responded. “But what does that have to do with the
“This necklace possesses particular magical qualities. First of all, it is an Aventurine,
and that has the ability to connect its owner with the world of the spirits. This is
something that Dark-Elf has already experienced. Am I right?”
“Yes…but how could you possibly know that?” was Dark-Elf’s response.
Ignoring the question, the Great Darso continued. “Now, regarding the Butterfly Effect,
you should know that the necklace has the capacity to guide its owner through the best
possible route of sequence of events in order to achieve a desired goal. As soon as the
butterfly is born, the owner may request a specific outcome, and the sequence of the
necessary steps to achieve such an outcome will appear on the ball in sequential order,
with the desired outcome as the end result. The advantage to this function is that, at any
given time, you have the power to arrange the synchronicity of several events, leading
you to the outcome. However, extreme caution should be exercised. Occasionally, you
expose yourself to great danger because the butterfly may indicate steps against the
laws of light and the universal order. There, you must exercise discretion. If even once,
you violate the universal laws, the qualities of the necklace disappear forever. On the
other hand, sometimes the instructions are crystal clear, and sometimes they may look
like a difficult puzzle. If you do not possess understanding of truth and reality, the
instructions again may look like an unsolvable mystery. Only someone from the
Ancient Ones has the ability to make the butterfly appear, but only the real owner of
the necklace has the right to order the butterfly. If you do not express the orders to the
butterfly soon enough, it may disappear.”
“What are the Ancient Ones really?” Dark-Elf addressed the Great Darso, while at the
same time trying to make the butterfly fly off his face, since it had alighted on his
forehead, the same way he would try to scare a fly off his face.
“The Ancient Ones are the oldest and most learned souls. The more reincarnations a
soul has been through, the wiser it becomes, due to the experiences accumulated. Each
soul, during every life cycle, passes through the ‘Dark Night of the Soul.’ During that
period, the soul gains new wisdom, guiding the individual to a new consciousness.”
“What is the dark night of the soul?” came the question from Dark-Elf.
Great Darso smiled suspiciously. “I am sure I will have the opportunity during your
stay here to analyse its meaning in greater detail… The result of this process, however,
is that it enlightens the individual, increases his consciousness, and provides a totally
different understanding of the world,” said Great Darso, while giving a friendly pat to
Dark-Elf’s shoulder but keeping the suspicious smile on his face, as if he were planning
something. “Until then, you must learn some more things regarding the Ancient Ones.
Every material body on this planet possesses a special quality that is called cellular
The Book That… Writes Itself

memory. Every cell of the body, every component of the soul, constantly registers
memories. Not the memory of life events as you think, but the memory of the current
incarnation. This registered memory is recognised and used by the subconscious.
Obviously an Ancient soul possesses greater wisdom. It is very difficult to confuse its
subconscious level because it does not function based on ‘self,’ but rather on the path
of love. It does not hold any grudges, nor anger, forgiving quickly and easily. The older
the soul, the faster it forgives. Actually, in an ideal setting, forgiveness is extended even
before the transgression occurs, avoiding the sadness and the pain, considering
everybody around like small children playing carelessly, recognising that, at some point
in the past, the soul itself was at the same level of evolution like the transgressors. Thus,
it allows the ‘children’ to play, forgiving them, loving them, and advising them with
immeasurable love. It does not allow anyone to create negative emotions or negative
thoughts. All these may become possible only if a soul has gone through the ‘dark
night,’ so then it becomes enlightened, realising that it is a creator soul and everyone
and everything is dependent upon the soul itself.”
“Well, I spent all my life feeling very sad, and that is how I got the name Dark-Elf.
How will I be able to feel only positive feelings?” asked young Ancient Elf.
The Great Darso responded, “You feel this way because you are not enlightened yet, so
you cannot sense the power of your soul. You are still in the state of Oblivion. You
really do not have conscious attachment to your cellular memory. That is exactly the
reason you are here. We will help you out. Dark-Elf, do you know where you come
“Yes, somewhere around Notingel,” he answered.
“My dear Ancient Child…if only you knew where you come from,” said Great Darso,
shaking his head with the notion that Dark-Elf had to climb a tall, steep mountain before
he could possibly understand. “We have a long way to go. For sure, you have no idea
where your necklace came from. So, we have to start working fast. Let us call
Hypnotica.” Great Darso gave back the necklace to Dark-Elf, saying, “First, we have
to do certain things so you will be able to recall who you really are, what is happening
to you, and what your mission is here on earth. At the same time, I will teach you what
the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ is, and how to awaken your consciousness.”
The grand gate opened all of a sudden, making some strange noise. A tall, blonde,
young lady with very long hair appeared, a shade of red on either side of her head and
short bangs on her forehead.
“I greet you, Great Darso,” she said.
“Greetings, Grand Hypnotica. Finally, Grand Dark-Elf has arrived. Take him on a trip,
so he will start meeting…himself.”
“It is my honour,” the lady said, bowing in front of Dark-Elf.
“But tell me, Hypnotica, can you smell a scent that creates a special feeling, like
someone is present in the room hidden behind an old magic chest of armour?”
“Yes, indeed,” said Hypnotica, moving toward Meril.

Chapter 7: The Great Darso

Meril, very shy, dropped his head, like a child caught red-handed. “I would prefer not
to reveal…” he responded, disturbed somehow.
Dark-Elf looked at Meril, feeling betrayed by his friend.
“Meril? Not to reveal what? What have you been hiding all this time? I’ve always told
you everything,” he shouted angrily.
Meril could not even raise his eyes to look Dark-Elf straight in his face. “This is the
first time I’ve seen you angry, Dark-Elf,” he said in a whispering voice.
“Perhaps because this is the first time I’ve felt betrayed by you, someone I’ve
considered you a dear friend,” Dark-Elf responded, teary-eyed.
“Calm down. Everything can be explained and resolved. Do not allow negative feelings
to surface.” Great Darso intervened to defuse the situation. He then touched his wrist
bracelet, made from blue glass. As soon as he touched it, the bracelet started giving off
a rich blue colour; he pulled it out of his hand, raised it high, and said:
“I am looking in the mirror of the infinite river waters,
looking for mystical dream revelations.
At the mercy of the blue river
Lives hidden strange and forgotten
I am looking in the mirror the mirror the mirror.”
Uttering the last words, he gently placed the wrist bracelet on the floor. The bracelet
started growing, its circle expanding…and expanding…until it formed a large double-
face mirror, a bright blue light shining throughout the room.
“This is the mirror of the grand alchemist Ruth, one of the Ancient Ones, who sacrificed
himself for humanity. He gave it to me centuries ago, knowing pretty well you would
arrive one day. This mirror is here to help out Meril. Meril, do you know what this
mirror is capable of?”
“No, I don’t,” said Meril.
“Don’t be afraid. Come closer to the mirror,” Great Darso advised.
Meril approached the mirror, and immediately saw there was a writing around the
surface in a strange Ancient language: Γνώθι σ’αυτόν.
“What is the meaning of this writing around the mirror?”
“It is Ancient Greek, and means ‘Know thyself,’ ‘Know your own self,’ that is. A Saint
once said,
“Whoever felt their own sins is better than the one who can raise the dead with his
prayer. Whoever is sobbing for one hour for his own soul is better than the one who
is the benefactor of the many. Whoever was able to know himself is better than the
one who saw the angels. To the one who knows himself,f the knowledge about
The Book That… Writes Itself

everything is given, since knowing one’s self is equivalent to the entire

Meril looked inside the mirror, apparently disturbed. He made a movement as if
something was bothering him. Tuathan and Dark-Elf bent down to see what disturbed
him. Much to their surprise, they observed a fantastic lake with choppy waters inside
the mirror. The lake was located in the middle of a large plateau, with a lot of trees
surrounding it, while multiple lights were blinking over the waters. It was a marvellous
sunset, however, with two gigantic suns in the sky. They were all stunned by the view,
when Great Darso gently pushed Meril toward the mirror. Instead of hitting its surface,
Meril went straight through it and, along with him, the image of the lake disappeared.
Dark-Elf started screaming, totally wrecked. “Why did you do this, Meril? No… No!!”
Then, kneeling in front of the mirror, he began to cry. “No, Meril. No…”
Tuathan, angry, pulled out his sword, shouting at Great Darso, “What is wrong with
you?” while pointing his sword at him.
Great Darso, responding fast, moved his hand in the air in a circular fashion, and a blue
light wave was directed toward Tuathan and Dark-Elf, immobilising both of them. They
attempted to move, but their feet were nailed on the ground.
“So, you have trapped us here. You are the enemy, after all, Great Darso. I did have the
suspicion all along that you wanted to keep us here, so we will not be able to complete
our mission,” Tuathan shouted uncontrollably.
“No matter what you do, I will find Meril! I want you to know that! He was my only
friend,” Dark- Elf screamed, tears trickling down his cheeks.
“Calm down and everything will be explained to you. Buhara, take them to their rooms.
Hypnotica, after you are ready, take care of Dark-Elf’s journey and tell Giribell to visit
Tuathan a little later.” Then he performed another movement with his hands up in the
air, reversing their bondage, and allowing them to move their bodies again. With yet
another movement, he disappeared into a golden cloud.

The Book That… Writes Itself


In the Hall of The Elementals

hey had no option but to follow Buhara to the psychedelic Labyrinth. “I would

T like to be alone for a moment with Dark-Elf,” Tuathan said, apparently upset,
stopping for a moment.
“You will have time for that. For the time being, you must follow the instructions of
Great Darso to the last iota. Dark-Elf will be taken to the room of the puzzle of the souls
to work with Hypnotica, and you will be taken to the room with the elementals to meet
with Giribel.”
“You placed Giribel close to me, thinking I would fall for her beauty, so I would decide
to stay here, but you should know that those tricks do not lure the Druids. I do not want
to see her, even from a distance. From what I can gather, she is on the game as well,”
Tuathan responded in a harsh voice.
Buhara ignored the comment, maintaining unbelievable calmness and a peaceful
demeanour without the slightest effort. They kept walking toward the psychedelic room
until on their right-hand side they reached a heavy, engraved door surrounded by blue
molecules of light similar to the water in the waterfalls. They made the door look as if
it were surrounded by a bright halo. Buhara, at this point, said to Dark-Elf, “Do you see
this bright round ethereal carpet in front of the door? Step on it. It is like you are
knocking on the door.”
Dark-Elf stepped on the carpet, and it started becoming transparent, ethereal, until he
“What happened?” Tuathan shouted, quite upset.
“He was simply transported into the room by dematerialising out here and
rematerialising inside the room. Don’t worry, your friend is fine. Let’s move on.”
Trying to encourage him, Buhara gave Tuathan a gentle pat on the shoulder.
The Book That… Writes Itself

Soon, they reached another similar door, only the halo here was of violet colour. Again,
there was a small carpet in front of the door similar to the one they had seen before,
only its colour was violet.
‘Here we are,” said Buhara.
“I imagine you want me to step on the carpet, as well. Isn’t there any other way into the
room?” Tuathan asked.
“For security reasons, most of the doors of the main and the secret rooms are made this
way. You don’t have to worry about anything. Just try it,” Buhara commented.
Tuathan stepped on the violet light on the carpet and disappeared. He found himself in
a small, dark room. His first priority was to check that his body was safe and in one
piece. After he was reassured, Tuathan started walking around. The only thing he
noticed was a small bookcase. All of a sudden, a small purple light appeared in a corner,
which slowly started taking the shape of Giribel’s body, until she appeared in physical
‘My apologies. I should have been here before you; however, Great Darso called me to
give some additional instructions,” said Giribel, greeting him with a smile.
“Look here, there is no chance I will trust you. I hope you realise that, so you stop trying
to seduce me, despite Great Darso’s instructions,” Tuathan responded harshly.
“I am not here to seduce you, although I must admit you look very attractive to me as I
indicated to you before. My attraction to you has nothing with instructions from Great
Darso; it actually disturbs him that I am attracted to you,” the girl responded calmly
and with a sad expression.
“I don’t believe anything here anymore. Let’s do what we must, since I don’t seem to
have a choice,” Tuathan continued in the same harsh tone.
“I don’t blame you. Let’s start, then,” Upon saying that, Giribel whistled the note
middle D three times. A book moved out from the shelf by itself. Giribel pulled the
book slightly, and the bookcase moved sideways, exposing a door opening. A bright
light through the door filled the room. The door opening was big enough to allow both
of them through together. After crossing its threshold, they found themselves inside a
huge room, all made of glass, which accounted for the profuse light. After they went
through the door, the young lady pulled back the book in its proper position, so the
bookcase closed the opening between the two rooms. Along both sides of the room,
containers made of glass were filled with large spheres. Some of these spheres were
exactly the same as the ones they saw at the entrance of Great Darso’s room.
“These are the water elementals, transforming into ice balls. You encountered them at
the entrance to Great Darso’s chambers. They can shoot ice balls that may immobilise
even the strongest enemy. With the proper invocation, they may form an ice column to
encase an enemy. They may enclose the enemy, or they may create a defect on the ice
around the enemy for the purpose of wiping him out. The sequence of the commands
is very important for the success of the invocation.” She picked up the handle of the
cover from a container with the words “Water Elemental” written on the label and

Chapter 8: In the Hall of The Elementals

opened the container. The elemental molecules, acting as if they had a million small
legs, slowly started spinning around. “Water,” said Giribel in a loud voice. The
elemental extended a long arm made of water, above the jar, and started dripping all
over Tuathan, like rain. As he had not been expecting such a thing, he jumped
backward, pulling out his sword, while Giribel burst out laughing.
“Water Two,” was the second command, and the elemental threw an ice-ball right
atTuathan’s feet, then in a strange manner the ice-ball moved around his feet, freezing
the floor completely and creating a big crack in the iced floor, which appeared around
his feet all of a sudden. He instinctively jumped to escape outside the crack, but as he
attempted to jump toward a specific direction, Giribel gave the third command as
Tuathan was in midair. The elemental threw a ball toward Tuathan while he was in the
air, and an ice column surrounded him, immobilising him completely. He attempted to
break the ice with his sword, but to no avail.
“Stop!” The next command came from Giribel. The ice column disappeared.
Tuathan fell to the floor. He stood, shaking some small pieces of ice off his clothes,
very upset, and remarked ironically, “What a demonstration. Of course, how effective
your weapons are! Anything else?”
“Those are weapons you must learn how to use. That is the reason I demonstrated them
to you. There is a way to increase their potency. You can even kill someone with the
ice-column, if need be. I kept it at its lowest potency as a demonstration for you to
experience them personally without being harmed,” she said, pulling a colourful
booklet from her purse. “When you read the manual, you will learn their use and acquire
the necessary skills. After you master their use, and I am convinced you will, call my
name three times, and I will appear to show you the next step. If you wish to rest or
have a snack, pull this book from the library.” She showed him a book entitled Group
Room, which she pulled herself. Instantly, a door opened in the middle of the library,
and the large central room adjacent to it led to the three bedrooms of Tuathan, Dark-
Elf, and Meril.
“What will happen with Meril?” Tuathan asked.
“I have no idea,” said Giribel, lowering her head in a sad expression. “When you are
ready with your next training on the elementals, please give me a call,” she added, then
pulled the first thick book from the library. The bookcase moved away, the door
appeared again, and Giribel disappeared behind it, while the bookcase moved back to
seal the opening. Tuathan, left alone in the room, started checking the manual.
The Book That… Writes Itself


The Quantum Hypnosis

W hile Tuathan started training, since he had no other option, and learning how
to command nature’s elementals, Dark-Elf was meeting Hypnotica in the
room of the puzzle of souls. This was a room whose walls depicted strange
paintings with vivid colours. Each wall was a separate huge painting. In the middle of
the room, there was a round bed the colours of the dawn. It was that characteristic blue-
purple colour one noticed in the sky when the first daylight breaks. A divine music was
playing very low, and the room was lit only by candles. The entire atmosphere was
meant to be very relaxing.
Grand Hypnotica felt miserable, realising how sad Dark-Elf was. She addressed him
very softly. “Before we take a trip together around the land of real memory, I would
like to present you with a gift—against Great Darso’s instructions, and he should not
find out about it. I will teach you the art of lucid dreaming. After you become a dream
traveller, you may be able to meet your friend Meril in your dream, no matter where he
“How is that possible? Sure, I want to find out what happened to him.” While saying
these words, a ray of hope lit up his face.
“To become conscious in a dream, you have to start questioning every day while you
are doing simple things if you're dreaming. For example, after you get up in the
morning, and wash your face, while looking yourself in the mirror, you should start
asking yourself, ‘Am I dreaming?’ Repeat this every time you stand in front of a mirror,
every time you wash your face. Make that a daily habit. Do the same thing when you
are about to eat, or when you are about to drink a glass of water. Your brain will be
conditioned to question these movements every time you perform them. If you repeat
them in a dream, your brain will register that you are in a dream. While you are in the
dream, the next step will be to observe your own hands. If you can recognise your hands
as your own, then you are a mature dream traveller. Of course, this presupposes that,
all this time, you have observed your hands very carefully and very intensely, in order
to be able to identify them as your own. Even if you don’t meet Meril the first few
Chapter 9: The Quantum Hypnosis

times, this is definitely an enjoyable experience. For example, the moment you become
a mature dream traveller, you may think you want to fly. Immediately, you will realise
that you have the capacity to fly. Entering your wish, you may experience and achieve
it in the dreamworld. This, however, has certain risks. Some dark malevolent entities
may take the shape and form of our beloved friends or relatives in order to mislead us.
In time, you will learn to be very careful. One way to protect yourself is to create a
shield around yourself. Before you fall asleep, you should imagine a four-prong star,
surrounded by three shields, a blue one, then a purple, and a golden one outside in the
form of a circle, one inside the other. This keeps the dark entities away. You will make
a humble request to the creator of all to empower these shields, to the Highest Creator.
And remember: Many great scientists have declared that dreams are the only real
“Can we try this right away?” Dark-Elf anxiously asked Grand Hypnotica.
“Unfortunately, you cannot succeed right away, unless you apply yourself to the
performance of the daily activities. On the other hand, now is the time to travel together
to the real memory world for the first time. Soon, it will be dark outside and, by then,
Great Darso expects us to have completed the first trip to the memory world.”
Serious but sad, Dark-Elf responded, “I understand. What do I have to do for the first
“Lie down on this bed, and I will direct you.”
Dark-Elf lay down, and Grand Hypnotica directed him to shut his eyes and focus his
attention, one by one sequentially, on all the parts of his body to achieve a complete
and total relaxation. After he totally relaxed his whole body, she said, “I want you to
imagine that you are in a beautiful place you like very much. Then, you ask yourself to
be guided to a very important and particular moment-memory from your past that you
do not remember. I will start counting to five, and the beautiful place will begin to
appear in front of you. One… Two… Three… Four… Five…”
“I am in the Blue Forest.” His eyes welled with tears. “I miss the Blue Forest. I used to
play there with Meril, when we were kids.”
“Find a big tree hollow inside, with a very large opening that fits you. You are getting
inside. Now, describe to me what you see,” Hypnotica suggested.
“I found it. I got in and…this is very strange. The roots are forming a ladder that I can
go down. I am going down, and right and left, I can see small lit mushrooms, some of
them giving off a purple light, others a blue or a bright gold. As I descend, I can hear
some voices…some people are there… I stop for a while, I try to discern what the voices
are saying…but I cannot yet understand what they are talking about.” He stopped,
waiting for Hypnotica’s instructions as to how to handle the unexpected visitors.
“Keep going. Most likely, they can’t see you, since we have programmed your
subconscious to travel into the past so you are simply an observer. Even if they see you,
you have nothing to be afraid of. Whenever you feel uncomfortable, you may give a
command to open your eyes and leave that place,” Hypnotica assured Dark-Elf.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“I keep descending…I am going down, I am at the last step, and I can see a young, very
attractive couple… The girl has red hair that is long and straight; two thin delicate braids
form a wreath on her head… The young man is blond with long hair, and they are
holding a beautiful baby in their arms…a very beautiful baby… They all have wings.
The baby has wings too, exactly like mine! The mother is crying…
‘I can’t take this, I can’t leave him.’ Sobbing and crying, the mother bent her head into
the arms of her husband.
‘Liliam, my sweetheart, remember we are doing this for his own benefit. We are hunted
down by them. They aim to find him and kill him. Isn’t that the reason we alter our
appearance to travel here safely, so we can hide him? We are doing all these so he will
survive. We will meet him again one day. We are going to work very hard so peace and
love will prevail again on this planet, then it will be safe to meet him again.’
‘Our son has a mission…that is the reason they seek to kill him. If we hide him here,
will he ever find out what his mission is? Can’t peace prevail without him? Could we
be making a mistake?’
‘If everything has to happen because of, and around, him, the universe will find the
way, by the prime creator, for the mission to be completed. Our mission is to keep him
safe. If we take him back home, they are going to kill him, and you know that very well.
Even if they kill us, he will survive to help the entire planet. We cannot be so selfish
this moment. We must consider the benefit of all humanity, his own benefit, and not
the pain we feel…You know that very well, sweetheart.’
“They are now hugging each other, crying endlessly,” Dark-Elf said.
‘Liliam, my love, let’ s go now to leave him in the place the Druid showed us. We
should not stay in this place for long. They may locate us through the morgellons we
are carrying. He does not have any and cannot be located. We must leave him alone.
He will be safe.’ The man pulled a map out of his pocket to follow the directions. ‘The
river where he told us to leave him is probably behind this door.’
“Behind them, there is a secret door, exactly the same colour as that of the walls, and
could not be seen at all,” said Dark-Elf, then he continued, “The man opens the door,
and the mother is holding the child in her arms. I follow them, as they are going outside.
Indeed there is a river… Wait a minute! I recognise this river! This is the Ivory River.”
‘Adrian, somewhere here, we must find the basket that Druid Maverel told us about.’
‘Look! It’s right here,’ Adrian said, bending over a bush, and pulling out the basket,
which was covered with a blue-green checkered cloth.
“The cloth, the basket… My mother has exactly the same in our home, and she does
not allow anyone to touch it. No one knows why,” Dark-Elf said to himself.
“The mother places the baby in the basket with tender loving care, and covers the baby
with the cloth,” the young Elf continued his description. “Crying her heart out, she
unhooks the necklace off her neck, and puts it around the baby’s neck. It is shiny, there
is a small dagger on it, and a letter A, suspended inside the handle of the dagger. This
is exactly the same necklace as the one I have,” the Elf uttered in a shaken voice.
Chapter 9: The Quantum Hypnosis

“Keep going, Dark-Elf. Keep going,” Hypnotica advised him, obviously touched.
“I see the baby they left by the river bank; the waters pull the basket softly
“And the couple? What are they doing?” Hypnotica asked.
“They’re standing still. The man is pulling out a small box with a light on it. He’s
talking to the box. ‘Come and take us. The mission is accomplished.’ The woman is
crying in his arms, ready to collapse. All of a sudden, a large light appears hovering
above, and they disappear! The baby can be seen at a distance, I am running to see if
he is safe, and where he is going to end up,” Dark-Elf continued anxiously. He stopped
talking for a moment, his breathing getting faster and faster, as if he was actually
running. “The river makes a turn… I am very close to the baby boy. He is crying out
loud while the basket is travelling down the smooth water surface, when a woman’s
voice can be heard… A very familiar woman’s voice. The song she is singing is
familiar…very familiar. I make a turn around a bend in the river… That’s impossible.
This woman who is singing is my mother! She is cleaning some clothes in the river
waters, singing loudly… Now, she stops… She sees the basket with the baby boy
inside… She steps into the waters with her clothes on, chasing the basket, until she’s
able to safely pull it ashore in her arms… ‘Don’t cry, little baby. You are safe now.
Don’t cry’. She’s looking at the baby with tears in her eyes, while the baby stops crying
instantly. ‘What a beautiful Elf! And what strange, shiny, small wings. No other Elf
was ever born with such strange wings. His eyes however… There is so much sorrow
in his eyes, I have never seen anything like it. Who knows what happened for the baby
to end up in this river, alone and so vulnerable! His parents must be grand and beautiful,
probably descended from a renowned Elf family. I have never seen so radiant a baby
boy… I could keep this baby. He is in need of love, and I need to love someone. What
am I thinking? I have probably lost my mind. I am not capable of raising such a child.
His fate will be much better in a rich household.’ She holds the baby in her arms and
starts walking. I follow her. I try to talk to her, but she cannot hear me. She arrives at
the Palace and asks to see the King. The King has just appeared. She explains to him
how she found the baby with tears in her eyes.
‘I see you are very sad to give away the baby. Why don’t you keep him, since you feel
so much pain?’ the king remarks.
‘King Grifim, I am very poor, and I am deeply concerned that I will not be able to raise
this baby boy properly. I thought he deserves a better fate. He looks so pretty and sad
at the same time,’ she replies to the King.
‘Good fate coexists with Love, Doriel. You keep the baby and love him as if he were
your boy. Show him the love you wish others to have for you. Whatever you need, feel
free to come and ask me for it.’
‘Thank you! Thank you!’ she says, full of joy and, with the baby in her arms, she runs
back to her shack.” Dark-Elf said, crying his heart out.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“Dark-Elf, you did very well. At the count of five, you will open your eyes. You will
feel better than before, with peace in your soul, and completely rejuvenated. One…
Two… Three… Four… Five.”
Dark-Elf opened his eyes. “Grand Hypnotica, what was that?” he asked with
“This was the first trip to the real memory world. We traveled into your past. How do
you feel?”
“I have a million questions. You say this was my past. This means that I was the baby.
The basket, the necklace were not similar to mine, they are mine. My mother found me.
She is not my real mother! She never told me anything. Why? Why?”
“My dear Dark-Elf, even if she had told you, what would you have done? You saw it
with your own eyes: she does not know your real parents, nor does she have any idea
where to look for them,” Grand Hypnotica answered.
“Is there a chance I could talk to them if we revisit the place? My parents seem to love
me very much. I want to talk to them, I want to hug them, and learn everything about
them,” Dark-Elf responded with boundless anxiety.
“There is a way. You may intervene as a time traveller and, if it were necessary, we
would have done it already. However, everything happened the way it should. From
now on, you have your parents in your heart forever, my good small Elf.”
“Are they still alive? Will I be ever able to meet them?” Dark-Elf asked.
“We do not know if they are still alive. We do not know what happened to them. Maybe
you will find that out at some point. For the time being, you should go and rest. You
did an excellent job. You will meet Tuathan, too; you can have dinner together, talk for
a while, and then go to bed. This was a very difficult day for you. You have a lot to
work out in your mind, and a lot to settle into your consciousness. Come close…” said
Grand Hypnotica and, moving her arm around, made a small circle of blue light appear
on the floor. “Step inside this circle, and you will find yourself in the central room that
will guide you to your room.”
Still in shock, Dark-Elf stepped into the circle, saying, “Goodnight” to Grand

The Book That… Writes Itself


The Butterfly’s First Flight and

Tuathan’s Story

W hen Dark-Elf reached their rooms, Tuathan was not there. He checked the
other rooms, only to realise he was alone. He started walking up and down.
A million thoughts were flashing through his mind, and his disappointment
was mounting. He finally stopped and whispered to himself, “Meril, I wish you were
here, my friend.”
He then lay down on his bed, and started crying. He cried for a long time, until a
splitting headache stopped him. That moment, he remembered his necklace. He jumped
up and sat on his bed.
“The butterfly!” he shouted. He pulled out the necklace and, rubbing the Aventurine,
he said, “Ancient, Ancient, Ancient.”
The butterfly appeared.
“What do I have to do to escape this place?” Dark-Elf asked, looking at the butterfly.
The Aventurine started illuminating intensely, so he was able to see inside. A figure
slowly appeared. He soon realised that the figure was himself, Dark-Elf. He could not
understand anything. It seemed like he was looking at a full body mirror. Suddenly, his
figure started growing and growing, his aura glowing, until the entire necklace became
a large intense light. At that moment, his figure disappeared, he returned to his natural
size, and the butterfly disappeared. Feeling that his last hope was lost, he threw the
necklace on the bed, disappointed.
“Useless thing! Great Darso is fooling us,” he said angrily and, sitting down, he held
his head in his two hands. He did not know what to think next. He was exhausted. He
heard a knock on the door. “Who is it?” he asked, scared.
The door opened, and in came Tuathan. He looked very tired as well; his expression
was different, as if he had aged a lot.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“You are here, after all,” he noticed with relief. “Hypnotica said you would be here
before me and, when I didn’t find you, I was alarmed.”
“Dark-Elf, my friend, I think nothing goes well here. I believe we have fallen into a
“Hmm…so, the dream was correct! I tried to warn Meril, but…” Dark-Elf said,
lowering his head, obviously disappointed.
“What dream?”
“I saw Druid Marevel. I believe he was trying to advise us that we must leave this
“Well… We must leave, but how?” Tuathan responded.
“I tried asking the necklace, but nothing. It is a totally useless thing. It showed me
myself growing and growing in size. As I was growing, I started shining around my
body, until the necklace gave way to the bright light that filled it entirely, and nothing
else was visible inside. Then, everything stopped, and the butterfly disappeared.”
“You were growing, while shining… That means your aura was expanding. That’s it!”
A ray of hope and enthusiasm lit up Tuathan’s eyes.
“I don’t understand why you are so happy,” said Dark-Elf, upset by the fact.
“The meaning of all this is that you ought to improve spiritually to be able to escape.
When someone’s consciousness is awakened, their vibrations are raised, and their aura
is augmented. I do not know what is going to happen, but the route of escape should
not be our concern at present. We must concentrate on the method, on how you can
strengthen yourself spiritually, and the way of escape will appear on its own. The
universe has its own ways. We must demonstrate our faith to the universe.”
“Strengthen myself spiritually? It sounds very difficult, considering the way I feel right
now. My depression is getting out of control, Tuathan. Not only did I lose my best
friend, but I also discovered that my mother has been lying to me for so many years. I
am not her son. Hypnotica hypnotised me, and I saw my real parents who left me in the
waters of the Ivory River, and that is how Doriel found me. Now I am obsessed to find
my real parents. If they are still alive… And I miss them so much. I feel helplessly
imprisoned in here.”
“I feel very sorry, Dark-Elf, for the way you feel, but this may be your opportunity to
attain spirituality. This deep sorrow may be the dark night of your soul. You ought to
take advantage of it! If you exit this stage the proper way, you will achieve your spiritual
transformation. You will be really awakened—”
“And do you think I care about my awakening at this very moment? I feel nothing
interests me. It is horrible that we the Elves are immortal. But if we are injured, we can
Tuathan held him by the hands and shook him back and forth. “Don’t think that way!
The fact that you are thinking of death signifies you are really in the dark night of your

Chapter 10: The Butterfly’s First Flight and Tuathan’s Story

soul. Listen to me, we the Druids learn about this stage of the soul from a very young
age, and we wait for it anxiously, since all our life is dedicated to our spiritual ascension.
I myself went through it. Everyone goes through it one time or another. The trick is to
properly take advantage of it.”
“How did you go through it? What exactly happened?” Dark -Elf asked with great
Tuathan started recounting the story. “One moment of my life, I was very happy. I had
married the girl of my dreams, and we were expecting our first child. We were so happy.
Pregnancy, however, changes the behaviour of a woman. This happens quite often in
humans because hormonal changes cause depression and anxiety at the same time. We
started fighting quite frequently.
“Our egos were so strong, and we started exchanging very nasty words. We inflicted
deep wounds on each other. Looking for an escape, I felt that if I left home and stayed
away from her, that would be a relief for me. I never realised that I had to reconcile
with myself, within myself, so I could help her, since she was in more need than I was.
I started telling her that I would leave her, that I would abandon her. She was crying,
begging me not to leave, promising she was going to change.
“However, she was not able to control the physiology of her body. She was getting out
of control once in a while, at a different level and, while I was aware of it, I was getting
more and more upset, still threatening her with abandonment. When she gave birth to a
beautiful girl, she didn’t even want to see our baby. She was afraid of everything. Her
condition kept worsening by the day.
“She was begging me for a hug, and I could not do it. I told her I did not feel like
hugging her. My behaviour made her feel so lonely during this terrible time of her life.
I was very young, very restless, and I was not aware of anything. I wanted her to be the
girl I first met, but I never helped her to make the change.
“I became very disenchanted that she was not the carefree girl I once knew. I was
getting more and more upset for the pain she felt. She kept reminding me of the
promises I had given her that I would be by her side rain or shine, that I would always
support her, that I would never leave her alone. The more she reminded me of my
promises, the more upset I got. She was asking me not to betray her, but I was doing
exactly the opposite, telling her, ‘I will betray you. I will betray all my promises. You’d
better accept it. Allow me to leave, otherwise I will leave at nighttime in secret.’
“She was constantly crying, telling me that I was her entire life, and that she would die
if I left, her life had no meaning without me, and she did not have the courage to allow
me to leave.
“One night, I left in secret. I galloped with my horse for hours, totally relieved. By day’s
break, exhausted, I lay down inside a small cave to rest for a while, feeling liberated. I
felt relieved only for that first night. My sleep was a torture. All night long, my vision
of her suffering was my nemesis. I was awakened by an old man’s voice saying, ‘My
son…get up and return to your wife.’
The Book That… Writes Itself

“Although I did not feel the first day’s relief anymore, my ego blocked my heart and,
recalling the difficult moments I had gone through with her, I refused to follow the old
man’s advice. ‘Your wife has gone through a lot, even before meeting you, and you are
very well aware of it. Everybody misbehaved to her, realising her unique nature. She
felt close only to you, believing that she had found her other half, she felt at home with
you, and now she feels totally betrayed, since you don’t hug her, you don’t understand
her pain. It is not only the hormonal imbalance. This depression creates a special
vibration, which in turn fills all the parts of her soul with similar vibrations and
intensifies their effect. When you snap her head off, this intensifies all the negative
vibrations, and she relives, through you, all the negative experiences of her life. She
was in great need of your love, and instead, you belittled her by denying her a small
hug, although you had promised that your embrace would be her eternal refuge. Do not
allow your ego to govern your life. Ego is a great delusion. If you showed her support
from the beginning, helping her through her difficult period, neither of you would have
ended up feeling the way you do today. After the first two or three fights, if you hugged
her and loved her, you would be happy and content as before. You did not help at all.
You have no much time. Go back to her.’
“I refused again. As magically as he appeared, the old man disappeared in a similar
fashion without a trace. My mind was surrounded by a dark cloud, and I did not think
of asking him who he was and how he knew so much about me and my wife. I went
back to sleep. I saw in a dream that I had returned home at dusk. It was full moon.
Before getting there, I met a woman neighbour who greeted me, saying, ‘Tomorrow, I
will come over to see your wife and baby. Congratulations!’
“I thanked her and continued on my way home. A large dog, a German shepherd,
appeared in front of me, a dog I had never seen before in the neighbourhood. I patted
the dog, then climbed the stairs to my house. As I entered, I saw my wife hanging dead
from the ceiling, while the baby was crying loudly. I saw myself asking for forgiveness,
sobbing and crying endlessly, while I took her down off the gibbet. I was screaming to
her how much I loved her. I was fully awake by now, and recalled the strange old man.
‘You do not have much time. Believe me. Go back to her,’ he had said.
I hopped on the horse and started galloping back home. The night was bright with a full
moon. The colours of the clouds around the moon were exactly the same as the ones in
my dream. My heart was pounding with agony. The only thing I wanted was to be close
to her, to hug her, and show her my love. I arrived at my village, and met the neighbour,
who told me, ‘I will come over tomorrow to see your wife and baby. Congratulations.’
On my way to the house, the unknown German shepherd dog appeared in front of me.
I was reliving the dream in great detail. I rushed up the stairs, and opened the door. The
house was empty, and everything was out of place, like the house had been ransacked
by burglars. From the ceiling, a rope-loop was hanging.” Tuathan started crying at this
point, his hands shaking, unable to control them. He covered his face with his hands,
like he was trying to hide the fact that he was crying.
“Oh my God, Tuathan!” Dark-Elf said. “Did she hang herself? Was she dead?”

Chapter 10: The Butterfly’s First Flight and Tuathan’s Story

“No one knows. I never saw her again. I don’t even know why everything at home was
out of place. Despite my extensive search, I was never able to find anything, no matter
how hard I tried. No one seemed to know anything about what happened after I left
home. I had been looking for her for many years, hoping to find her alive. I was going
through the dark night of my soul without even realising it, because I did not seek help
from any one of my Druid teachers. I was tortured by guilt, depression, and my dark
period in general, while attempting desperately to find her. I abandoned the training by
the Druids and dedicated my life to finding her. One day, after I started getting older
and death was approaching, I heard of a baby girl found in the forest outside our village.
Nobody knew where she was nor who had found her, but I felt great hope that the girl
might be my daughter. I needed more time to find her. At that point, I went to the leader
of the Druids for advice. He was four years my junior, but a very wise man. Had I
continued my training with the Druids, I might have been the leader of the race by
“Wait a minute… I know that you, the humans, can only live for eighty to one hundred
years. You said you were close to death. You were old. How come you are so young
now?” Dark-Elf asked, puzzled.
“You are correct in your observation. However, take a look at this.” He opened his sack
and pulled out a pink, egg-shaped crystal no larger than an apple. It was deep pink
mixed with fire red, and it was curved like a string around each circle, ending like a
drop of water or a golden tear resembling trickling honey drops.
Dark-Elf took the object in his hand, looking at it in amazement.
“This is the Druid-egg, otherwise known as the Egg of the Serpent. We the Druids
believe this to be the Wisdom Stone of the Ancient Alchemists. When I addressed my
problem with the leader of the Druids, I had no idea about the Wisdom Stone, since I
had stopped my training at a very early stage. The leader was familiar with my story. I
had visited the entire group to inform them about my personal disaster. He was a
classmate of mine; that’s why his face was so familiar. I asked him if there was an
incantation of some sort to prolong my life for a while, so that I would at least be able
to find my child. ‘What you are asking is very difficult,’ he said. ‘There is no incantation
to prolong life. However, there is a way to gain immortality. Whoever is asking for it
is actually asking for the spirit of God. There is no enchantment but the Wisdom Stone,
otherwise called the Druid-egg or Egg of the Serpent. That is the only thing to secure
immortality. The spirit of God is effectuated with two things. The material aspect of the
Wisdom Stone is not sufficient to achieve immortality. You must ascend spiritually at
the same time. Only if the Wisdom Stone decides that you are accomplished enough,
only then, will you acquire immortality.
‘You must consider the pros and cons very seriously. No wonder none of the Druids,
until today, has chosen immortality, regardless of his spiritual ascension. It is a very
sad and lonely condition not to meet them in the other world. One after the other, you
will see the people you love depart from this world, and you will feel that you will never
have the chance to meet them in the other world, since you will remain in this world
The Book That… Writes Itself

‘Only if you have a fight with someone and you're mortally wounded, only then will
you be able to die and move to the other world. You should also know that, since you
are asking for the Spirit of God, you cannot commit suicide. Even if you try to kill
yourself, you will fail time after time, and definitely you cannot get sick. You must
think of these parameters very seriously.’
“I thought over all the consequences for three days and three nights, and in the end I
decided to do it. The Druid-eggs were discovered for a reason, I thought. Whoever
possesses this egg acquires unbelievable magical abilities. If God or the Universe did
not have a reason for it, they would never allow the Egg to be discovered by humans.
That thought was my only consolation, while at the same time it made me feel that I
had God and the Universe on my side. It was not so easy to acquire. I had to anticipate
that I would be alive until the day of Blessing of the Sun that particular year. It is the
day of the summer Solstice, when we have the custom to jump over fire for good luck.
This custom comes from the very old times, when they used to set very large fires to
assist the travellers and repel the dark spirits. This was known as ‘Setting the Guards.’
That evening, all the streets were illuminated by lanterns and all the people held torches
in their hands as they kept moving from fire to fire. There were special groups of people
dressed in elaborate clothes and with garlands around their necks, named ‘Procession
of the Guards,’ frequently accompanied by dancers and traditional musicians dressed
in special costumes resembling unicorn dragons, and riding fake horses. Among the
many traditions of this holiday was for young courageous individuals to stay outside all
night long, in the centre of a circle formed by stones standing upright. This was the
shortest night, and I had to perform this dangerous act that could cause my death, or
make me crazy, or give me inspiration, if I was daring enough to attempt it.
“I had to stay with the young people for several hours during the night, and then
accompany the leader of the Druids into the forest to a specific spot. There, many snakes
curled together, forming a pulsating ball and whistling, in order to give birth to the so-
called ‘Egg of the Serpent’ or ‘Druid-egg.’ Not the best experience for someone who
despises snakes, as I do. They were all whistling at the same time, and oozed some
terrible smelling secretion from their mouths and through their skin, named
‘anguinum,’ which was used as an adhesive to form this mass into a ball. The secretions
were thrown up to the air at the same time by all the snakes, and I had to catch the
anguinum in the air before hitting the ground, using my coat. If the anguinum hit the
ground, the snakes curled around it to form their eggs. If I was successful in catching
the anguinum, the snakes would not be able to form the ball. Immediately afterward, I
had to quickly jump on my horse and ride away fast because the snakes would chase
me, attracted like a magnet by the anguinum.
“I had to get away very fast, and all this I had to do without any help. A very difficult
task for an old man like myself. I was able to achieve it with great difficulty. Afterward,
I had to find a specific rock with very low temperature. The secretion I had brought
with my coat had to be frozen on the rock, so as to become like rock itself, exactly the
way you saw it just now The leader of the Druids seemed very pleased. Then, he ordered
me, ‘And now you have to utter in the Elf language the following, while you are holding
the Wisdom Stone in your hands: Aa’ lasser en lle coia orn n’ pmenta gurtha.’”

Chapter 10: The Butterfly’s First Flight and Tuathan’s Story

“The leaves of your tree of life should never be brown,” Dark-Elf translated the phrase.
“So simple and yet so symbolic of immortality,” Tuathan added. “I said those words,
and yet nothing happened. The Leader of the Druids shook his head, seemingly
reassuring me of something. ‘As I predicted’, he said. ‘It cannot happen until you
ascend spiritually. Unfortunately, you lost lifelong training. I don’t know if you will be
able to achieve it before you die. Do you insist you want to try?’ he asked me. ‘Yes I
do, but there is not enough time. What can we do? Is there a way?’ ‘The only way is to
feel happy and content, even without finding your wife and child. You are passing
through the dark night of your soul. If you succeed in exiting that stage without any of
the external factors changing, meaning without finding your family, then it means you
were able to defeat your own ego. Only when the ego is killed can someone ascend
spiritually. This is the meaning of the lifelong training of the Druids. We are not only
to learn incantations and treatments or magical techniques. A fully-trained Druid passes
the Dark Night of the Soul much more easily, as you can imagine. For you, however, it
will be exceedingly difficult, but you will replace a lifelong training with the time you
will take to exit the stage where you presently are. I cannot promise you will have
enough time, and unfortunately this is something you must do by yourself. You may
ask for my assistance, but I can only provide it to the extent that it is allowed.’
“With my hands shaking, I asked ‘What is exactly the dark night of the soul?’
“‘I will explain that but, in addition, I will give you some very useful hints that will
help you a lot, provided you pay enough attention. It will sound like a narrative of the
lifelong training that you missed. When the human transformation reaches its peak, the
last and decisive stage is marked by a period of intense sorrow and internal darkness
that the ancient Essenes named ‘The Dark Night of the Soul.’ Most people think they
have made a terrible mistake when the Dark Night appears, especially those who have
already achieved substantial spiritual ascension. The concept of mistake does not apply
here, however. When you enter the Dark Night, you must express gratitude, and
congratulate yourself on going through a ceremonial spiritual detoxification. The pain
and confusion you feel are the feelings you have suppressed for eons, maybe even
during many previous lives. And now finally they surface, in order to be cured by the
love and compassion that you and only you will provide. Even if it is exceedingly
difficult to face this turmoil, you must feel blessed because, finally, this pain is expelled
away from your inner self. The expulsion could not have happened unless it was
manifested through a reason, like losing your family, and you would never have
discovered you carry this pain inside you since birth. We have all been carrying inside
us, since the day of our birth, the pain and suffering of all humanity throughout time.
And we would never have realised the heavy burden we carry inside us for so long, if
it were not for the Dark Night of the Soul.
“‘No matter what the reason is, you are now at the stage where treatment through pain
is unavoidable, stemming from the turmoil caused by the separation from the SOURCE,
meaning from God. This pain is not personal, even if it feels like it, during the Dark
Night. Since our ego is an illusion, our ego-self does not really exist; the ego or, in other
words, personality, is an illusion. This pain is a feeling we dress up with different stories
that we encounter in life in order to substantiate the pain. The pain that you feel is really
The Book That… Writes Itself

a communal pain, felt by humanity. You and everyone else individualises the pain as
being yours and only yours, due to the perception that we are individual entities, soon
after being separated from the SOURCE. Each time we accept and treat the pain, we
automatically treat the pain of the entire humanity. When you are going through the
Dark Night, you feel very depressed. The harder you try to escape, the deeper into the
depression you fall. The entire spectrum of feelings you were trying to suppress for the
longest time now haunt you constantly, feelings like guilt, shame, incapacity,
abandonment, anger, sorrow, self- incrimination, loneliness, and more. Those feelings
for a long time attempted to attract your attention, but you kept ignoring them and
resisting them. Make an effort to reach out to these feelings as if they were a child
seeking your love, a wounded child. Those feelings are seeking your attention. Until
you are able to see them, accept them for what they are with unconditional love.
“‘During the Dark Night, you feel totally isolated. You are not aware of anyone else
having gone through the process or going through the process along with you. You
don’t feel like dealing with your loved ones or your friends. They actually cannot
understand you, believing that you went mad or, worse yet, their own fears get
activated. You think that if you could escape all this, you would, but you don’t have the
energy or the interest to try. And this is due to the fact that all your energy has been
consumed by your ego in its attempt to resist the unavoidable, trying to protect your
“‘You feel you are totally stuck. The funny thing is that you want to stay stuck. That
was an experience that I personally had during my Dark Night. On the one hand, you
feel really miserable, and on the other, you are fully aware of the fact that to get out of
it, you have to abandon the pain and the turmoil to allow the change to occur. And this
is one of your greatest fears. Your ego is terrified by the prospect that you will stop
existing. Despite the hard time I had during the Dark Night, I didn’t want to get out of
it. If and when that happened, my identification with my ego would be decimated, and
then what would I do next? Despite the fact that the separation from the ego/personality
is the best thing that could happen to you so you can find happiness, at the same time
there is the most terrifying feeling that you might not live through it. The fear of losing
control (although you never have control over the intact ego/personality) and of the
unknown kept me imprisoned in a terrible emotional state. Whenever someone gets out
of the Dark Night of the Soul, they realise it was actually a divine intervention, a true
blessing, which allowed them to complete transform. The reason we go through the
Dark Night is to learn trust, acceptance, true love, and deliverance. This is our true
nature, our ego is aware of it, and it actually creates the conflict itself.
“‘A nasty conflict. Our ego is very hesitant to abandon the control it exercises, and is
very fearful. This is natural, since this is the true nature of the ego. Ego=Fear,
Personality=Fear=Ego. If you are able to decipher its true nature, like a real man,
meaning to recognise it as the nature of your ego and not as your nature, then you obtain
the power to allow everything to flow toward an amicable resolution. Your exit from
the Dark Night totally depends on you and only you. The time you need to overcome
this state depends on how ready you are to abandon your ego. And you should know
that if you get out without having overcome your ego completely, you will return again
and again into multiple Dark Nights until your ego is completely decimated. That’s how

Chapter 10: The Butterfly’s First Flight and Tuathan’s Story

things are, and that’s how they will always be. This is a universal law. The stronger the
domination of the ego, the longer you remain an egoist. If you feel pressure when
requested to act upon communal benefit, when you refuse to extend love, the longer the
Dark Night will last. Humans in general are dependent upon pain and suffering because
they enjoy fighting their own selves. They are in a constant battle with their own ego.
And their ego survives by being in the fight. Actually, the humans don’t like the battle,
their ego does, since it fights for its own survival. The reason is that ego makes people
believe that because of it, they have a unique identity. If this conflict never appeared,
they wouldn’t know who they are. They would feel they have no identity. Scared by
this unknown field, they are terrified by their vulnerability. This unknown field and this
vulnerability after killing their ego is true Love.
“‘And this is actually their true nature. As human beings, we always seek our true
identity, our true nature, the super being we believe we are. We are perpetual explorers
for that ultimate entity, which is nothing more than true Love. In that respect, we are
terrified by the thing we desire more than anything else in life. And that is the true
reason, the necessity, so to speak, for the Dark Night of the Soul. To overcome the fear
of the death of the ego, the fear we feel of true Love.
“‘The first step for this realisation to occur is to accept that this is a natural, unavoidable
process, and that you are already within the process. As soon as you accept this, you
are inside the process of the Dark Night, and you will allow the spiritual detoxification
to take place inside you for your extreme benefit. When you are inside the process of
the Dark Night, you feel the extreme desire to exit, unable to tolerate the pain and the
turmoil. But, when you realise you are there knowing you can exit the state of the
extreme pain any time without change, then and only then does it dawn inside you that
the process is unavoidable for the change, for the ultimate discovery of your true nature.
“‘At this stage, you have to accept the process and identify with it by stopping the
resistance. If you really wish to help yourself, stop the resistance. The next step is to
feel comfortable within the process, and miraculously the Dark Night of the Soul will
disappear. The next step is to do nothing. This may sound easy, but when viewed from
the perspective of Ego, it is difficult or even impossible, since this symbolises the death
of Ego. And, while you are doing nothing, Ego will start making a lot of noise,
projecting lies in your mind, attempting even to strike fear into you, seeking control,
but you must always remember that this is not you, these feelings and projections are
not you. Your true self is way above these feelings, those thoughts finally being aware
that their source is Ego. Your true self is Love and Self-Realisation.
“‘So, when these thoughts appear, when those feelings surface, accept them for what
they really are and live through them with the acquired wisdom. Do not attempt to
explain them, to test them with logic, or to accuse anyone as the source of the feelings.
Love and cherish every thought, feeling, or condition that you would oppose
instinctively. And this is true always for any moment of your life from this point
onwards. Recognise it promptly when you are resisting something. Be aware of your
body during resistance. You feel tight and heavy. Isn’t that so? You feel a tightness on
your stomach because you resist your feelings. Stop resisting your feelings, live through
them without judging their origin, and they will disappear as readily as they came.
The Book That… Writes Itself

Every and each one of us goes through the Dark Night, regardless of whether we are
able to connect it with the experience we live concurrently or blame the people around
us for our ‘misfortune.’
“‘So, do not do anything. Doing nothing means that you simply exist. Be the true Love
and the Self-Realization that you really are, your true nature, in other words. The Dark
Night seems so difficult because we react so vigorously. The terrifying vise of Ego is
so powerful because it desires to stay alive. Ego is the one that tightens up your stomach,
trying tooth and nail to stay alive. It will fight you as long as you allow it to stay alive
and make you forget that you are true Love. The moment you accept you are true Love,
Ego is dead. This explains the popular phrase that the worst enemy of someone is their
own self. In other words, their own Ego. This destroys their relationships, causing
indescribable unhappiness. This applies to you, when with a simple hug or a small
gesture of love you could have avoided all the fights, the sickness of your wife, and
your entire disaster. However, you had to go through it because no one can reach true
Love without passing through the Dark Night of the Soul. Nobody, no human was ever
born without an Ego.
“‘When, however, you accept the fact that you are true Love, nothing can harm you.
For example, if you constantly think of and fear sickness, you are not in the state of true
Love. In the state of true Love, nothing touches you, nothing harms you. Nothing can
shake you down, nothing can make you afraid. Being in the state of true Love, you
radiate light and in turn, that light transforms everything around you into their natural
state of light. If in the past you were light, that state would have touched your own wife,
transforming her into light as well. Because we all are one, completely united with the
same identity. Since everything happens now, we cannot get out of the Dark Night
tomorrow, we can only get out now. And the key to the exit door is Love. Love is the
only reason to be on earth. The revelation here is that the way things occur between
Ego and the Dark Night is one more illusion.
“‘We are always light, and always exist in our true original state of light, even if all this
time we were seeking the light through the process of the Dark Night. How could we
recognise Dark unless we were Light? If we were Dark, we could not recognise Dark.
Thus, when you recognise that you are Light and Love, then you understand that during
the period of Dark Night, you were living an illusion as an observer of the Dark.’
“I was stunned by his explanation. Normally, we are forbidden to talk and transfer this
knowledge to anyone unless they are apprentice Druids but, since you are an Ancient
Elf, I am allowed to talk to you, but not freely. The rest of the knowledge, apprentices
must discover themselves. I am conveying only what he was allowed to impart to me;
the rest of it you will discover for yourself, exactly the same way I discovered it
“Unbelievable. While you were talking, I had the distinct feeling I was going through
the Dark Night of my Soul, Tuathan. Now that you stopped, my sorrow is growing
“Well… Yes,” Tuathan noted. “It is only natural because this is the battle of Ego. It
will always turn you back to the state of turmoil, to be convinced that you cannot

Chapter 10: The Butterfly’s First Flight and Tuathan’s Story

survive without Ego and to feel that it is harsh and unjustified to kill it. Consequently,
you start feeling sorry for your Ego, and automatically you start being overwhelmed by
the feeling of self-incrimination, you suffer from extreme depression, and start accusing
everybody around you except yourself. You are constantly looking for scapegoats,
while your internal turmoil is always within you.”
“I am very angry at Great Darso. I have serious complaints against him. I feel injustice
and, naturally, I blame him for everything. I consider us his victims, and mainly with
regard to poor Meril. We don’t even know if he is alive.” That was how Dark-Elf
responded with tight fists.
“I perfectly understand you. I believe you will overcome and exit the Dark Night of
your Soul radiant and bright, exactly as you saw yourself inside the necklace.”
“How did you overcome it?” Dark-Elf asked again.
“It was a tremendous battle with my Ego, through very strong painful stages. It took
me about six months. Suddenly, one day, I came to grips with my condition. I felt
liberated from the pain. Of course, I would like to find my wife and child, I would still
give everything I have to achieve it. However, I was able to feel happy and content
without ever finding them. As I realised I could feel happiness, light and careless, I
went to meet the leader of the Druids and said to him, ‘I feel a tremendous change. I
can enjoy the smells of nature, I can enjoy the sunset, I feel alive again without finding
my loved ones, and I think I have exited the Dark Night of my Soul. How can I be sure
of the fact that I am out of it?’
‘Do you feel happy even in the knowledge that you may never find your child? Have
you accepted her loss?’
‘Yes,’ I answered. ‘The difference here is that my daughter’s loss is no longer a source
of pain.’
‘Now that the loss is no longer the source of pain, do you still wish to obtain
immortality? Do you still have the strong desire to find your child?’
‘Yes I would like it, but not only for the purpose of finding my child. I want to be able
to help everyone. I believe I have a mission that I did not fulfil. I want to help everything
and everybody. I have descended to this earth for a reason. I came here not to suffer for
so long and feel like I am lost. I realise I am Light and Love, and that I have a lot to
‘In that case, let’s go and perform an experiment with the Druid-eggs.’
“We returned to the frozen rock. I held the stone with my hands. My legs could barely
hold me, since I was already eighty-seven years old. I felt my strength slowly oozing
away. Holding the stone, I uttered the known phrase in the Elf language. All of a sudden,
the stone started throwing sparkles of light resembling the tongue of the snake. The
sparkles were incandescent, but pure light. They were dancing in the air frantically.
Finally, one by one, they began to disappear, leaving only one behind. After several
revolutions, the sparkle turned around to face me, and without notice the sparkling
snake tongue entered my skull through my forehead. This moment, I lost consciousness,
The Book That… Writes Itself

and I could only hear the leader’s voice coming from a huge distance. The voice started
to become stronger and stronger, and hesitantly I opened my eyes. I was lying on the
“I saw the leader of the Druids, with a branch of chamomile in his hand, which was
burning slowly, chanting and blessing me, by moving the burning branch around my
head. ‘What happened?’ I asked. In a flash, he pulled out a small mirror from his pocket.
He placed it in front of my face. I saw my face in it, and started shouting, ‘What? That
is impossible!’ I jumped up quickly. I felt so light, full of energy, and very strong. The
Leader of the Druids noticed. ‘Why are you so shocked? Isn’t that what you wanted?’
“‘Well… Yes. But I never anticipated I would return to the period of my youth.’ Upon
saying that, I attempted a huge jump, like I wanted to convince myself that I was young
indeed, since I could not believe it. ‘I have a second chance to do whatever I did not do
the first time in this life. I have the body strength and the energy to change the world!’
I shouted enthusiastically.
“‘I am very happy you look at it from that perspective, and I would like to talk to you
on this subject. It is absolutely necessary for you to take over an important mission. We
cannot estimate the time required for its completion, since it involves the final conflict
between Light and Dark, between Good and Evil. The time has arrived. For this reason,
it is better to appoint someone who would be permanently in a proper natural state of
vigour; however, that presupposes that you complete your training within the sect of
the Druids and the Masters of the order. Do you agree?’
“‘Of course!’ Only then did I start my training. A Druid is always an apprentice, even
if he is 410 years of age, like I am at present,” Tuathan announced proudly.
“410!” Dark-Elf exclaimed and smiled.
“I know it sounds strange for a human, but it can happen,” he said, shrugging.
“Whatever happened with the girl? Did you want to find out if she was your daughter?”
Dark-Elf asked immediately.
“I tried again and again, following any and every lead I discovered, but to no avail. At
some point, I stopped looking for her, and all traces of her existence finally
disappeared,” Tuathan answered with his head down. “After one hundred years had
passed, I never asked again. There was no point in continuing my search. I never forgot
my wife and daughter but, since I exited the Dark Night of the Soul, I have forgiven
myself and stopped feeling any pain. You will see that something will happen to you, I
am sure of it.”
“I want to find my friend Meril. I don’t think I will ever stop looking for him. I feel
responsible because I allowed him to come along with me.”
“Do you remember that Great Darso said to you that you will be taught by the Dark
Night of the Soul? Did you ever think he might have created all this for you to ascend
spiritually? And I admit, he did not gain one iota of trust from me, despite the fact that
he is an Ancient One. The only advice I have for you is to face this as the Dark Night
of your Soul, so you can feel content and ascend spiritually. I hope to have translated

Chapter 10: The Butterfly’s First Flight and Tuathan’s Story

correctly what is happening to you, as well as Great Darso’s behaviour. He might have
said on purpose that he would train you on the subject. Since he knows my story, he
could have foreseen what my advice would be,” Tuathan observed, lost in thought.
“What did you do after we were separated?” Dark-Elf asked curiously.
“I met with Giribel, who announced to me that I had to learn how to control the
elementals of Air, Water, Earth, and Fire. She took me to the room of the elementals
and, as soon I realised I had learned what I was supposed to learn, I called her back and
she came to bring me here. They did not even test me. She trusted me.”
“You feel attracted to Giribel, isn’t that so?” Dark-Elf asked.
“Yes, she reminds me of my wife, but I haven't yet managed to pinpoint what reminds
me of her exactly,” said Tuathan with a deep sigh.
“Do you believe we will be able to leave from here?” Dark-Elf asked anxiously.
“I have the lingering suspicion that they are preparing us for something, like they are
taking us through an intense training. However, I cannot explain the secrecy involved.
Why don’t they tell us the truth, if what I think is correct?”
Hesitating for a while, Dark-Elf finally said, “I would like to try to leave. Remember
the dream with Druid Marevel.”
“I am thinking all the time of the same thing. It is not wise to attempt it, yet. We don’t
even know the psychedelic labyrinth. We will get lost inside, and they will find us
easily. We first have to learn all the ins and outs of everything. I saw some books today
that have the capacity to teach how to tele-transport someone. You never know. We
may find a different way. On the other hand, we may be able to take advantage of the
knowledge they are giving us. My only concern is that we have limited time until the
final conflict between Good and Evil. If they are working with the Dark side, they may
make it look like a benevolent training in order to hold us up. They know you are the
Chosen One, and without you the battle will not be won by our side. It seems we will
remain in their state of confusion for a little more,” Tuathan said, obviously very
“Hypnotica taught me some exercises to familiarise myself with lucid dreaming.”
“Very strange. Why do they want you to learn this thing? It will not come in handy for
the upcoming battle.”
“She told me that Great Darso does not know anything about it, and she asked me not
to reveal anything to him. She told me that lucid dreaming may help me meet Meril in
the Dream world.”
“Hmm! For this to work, both parties should be familiar with the method and use it at
the same time. If you simply dream of him and he is not aware, you will meet him like
he is drunk in the dreamland, detached from his environment and sleepwalking with his
eyes shut tight. However, you may try it, since it is a very good exercise for your
spiritual ascension.” Tuathan was so exhausted that after these last words, his head and
eyelids grew heavy.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“You are too tired. I will let you go to sleep. Goodnight,” said Dark-Elf in a hurry, ready
to attempt the lucid dreaming, hoping to meet his friend Meril. On the way to his room,
he stopped in front of Meril’s room and opened the door. A quick glance inside showed
he was hoping to see him asleep, but he closed the door behind him, disappointed, and
moved into his room.
“Dark-Elf, don’t worry about Meril. We will address this matter later,” Tuathan said
loudly, while closing the door to his own room.

The Book That… Writes Itself


Lucid Dreaming

pon entering the room, Dark-Elf stood in front of the mirror on the side. “Am I

U dreaming, am I dreaming, am I dreaming?” he asked, while looking at his hands

and fingers. He became frustrated, feeling he would not be able to complete the
process without a lot of practice. He lay down, repeating, “I am dreaming, I am
dreaming.” Soon, he fell asleep. Shortly afterward, he heard footsteps approaching. He
sat up on his bed and asked loudly, “Tuathan, is that you?” He got no answer, however.
He got up and stood at the door. He placed his left ear on it to listen to the footsteps.
He heard the noise grow louder and louder, assuming that whoever the visitor was, they
would soon knock on his door. He took a step backward and leaned on the water basin.
The door opened, and a young lady entered the room. She was able to spot Dark-Elf
right away. He did not move at all. He observed her very carefully. She was extremely
pretty, with long, blonde hair and very large, clear, bluish-green eyes. They looked as
if they were of mixed colour, depending on the angle the light fell on them. She wore a
very long skirt tied around her waist with a big multicolour circle like a sun in the
middle of the skirt. She also wore a short-sleeve short blouse, which left her abdomen
bare. She was much taller than Dark-Elf.
“Greetings, Dark –Elf.” She spoke softly and with a smile on her face.
“Who are you?” Dark-Elf asked.
“I am Maya,” was the answer.
“And what do you want?” he asked, obviously scared.
“I want to show you something, and please do not be scared.” She held him by his hand.
“Come with me,” she addressed him with childish innocence. “Do you see this door?
Would you like to go through it with me? You should tell me that you want to do it
because I cannot take you with me without your asking for it.”
Dark-Elf got very scared when on the opposite wall a new door appeared. He pulled his
hand away and ran toward the mirror, breathing fast. He was sweating, terrified. “This
door was not there before,” he said with great suspicion.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“So what?” she continued, answering innocently, pretending to ignore Dark-Elf’s

suspicious attitude.
Dark-Elf, however, did not feel well at all.
“I see you are upset and sweating profusely. Why don’t you drink some water?” Maya
said, blinking her left eye.
“I don’t like all this… I don’t know what is happening,” said Dark-Elf and, while
turning his face toward the water basin, turned on the faucet, and drank some water.
Then, he washed his face. The moment he raised his head, he looked unintentionally in
the mirror. In a flash of intuition, he started questioning himself. “Am I dreaming?”
All of a sudden, the walls of the room changed colour, and it became brighter. He turned
around and looked toward his bed. He saw his body sleeping on the bed…
“My body…me…” he whispered and, pointing to his body sleeping on the bed, looked
at the one standing. “What is all this?”
“Well, it took you a lot of time to realise that you are dreaming,” Maya responded,
obviously pleased, with a small cute jump in the air.
“Unbelievable! So, you are really in my dream,” answered Dark-Elf.
“Yes, I sneaked into your dream,” the young lady answered very calmly and honestly,
always with a smile. “What do you say now? Will you follow me?” Grabbing his hand,
she quickly pulled the surprised Dark-Elf through the new door that had suddenly
appeared. The moment the door was wide open, a bright, almost dazzling light filled
the space. They were at a beach. The sea was very calm. It wasn’t windy at all… The
temperature was perfect.
“This is the first time I’ve seen the sea,” said Dark-Elf.
“Welcome to dreamland,” Maya responded while bowing adorably, pulling her skirt
slightly to the right and then left to accommodate the movement. “Here, you can do
whatever you want! Why, for example, don’t you make some water waves?”
“But I have never seen any waves, except in some paintings,” replied Dark-Elf
“You can imagine a strong wind, or you may imagine waves exactly like the ones you
saw in the paintings. Simply think in your mind, ‘I want to see waves. I want strong air
blowing,’ and it will happen,” she continued.
“I want strong wind and water waves!” Dark-Elf shouted, expressing his desire.
A mild breeze started blowing his hair backward, which was soon to become stronger
and stronger, creating waves.
“Unbelievable! I feel like God here,” he shouted, smiling this time.
“You are like God everywhere and, to be more precise, you are God, like everyone is,
but the state of oblivion we are in does not allow us to remember the fact that we are

Chapter 12: The Atharans

Gods. By the same token, our deeply ingrained beliefs prevent us from realising our
wishes. We are actually our own mental obstacles to our capabilities,” Maya said.
“You possess a lot of wisdom,” Dark-Elf commented.
“Thank you,” Maya answered, while at the same time she started getting very short,
and small wings grew on her back, exactly like those of Dark-Elf. She stopped getting
shorter as soon as she reached a height lower than Dark-Elf’s. He was looking at her,
totally stunned. Maya did not look completely pleased. She looked at Dark-Elf from
head to toe, and whispered, “Hmm!”
She closed her eyes and, all of a sudden, her clothes started changing. After completing
her transformation, she asked, “Now I am okay! How do I look to you now?”
Still stunned, Dark-Elf was looking at the beautiful turquoise dress, very tight at the
waist and, as it cascaded, it became wider and wider, making her look like a mermaid.
Her hair had changed as well. Multiple braids were decorated with ribbons of a colour
similar to the dress. She looked like a beautiful Elf girl, with wings similar to Dark-
“Very pretty!” said Dark-Elf, turning red and slightly embarrassed.
Upon hearing his comment, Maya closed her eyes, trying to contain her smile, and
addressed him. “Thank you. But count from one to ten.”
While Dark-Elf counted, Maya stood still with a divine smile on her face. “Nine…
Ten,” said Dark-Elf.
“You know, when we listen to something positive, we must retain it for ten seconds,”
Maya said smilingly, feeling as if she had made the greatest revelation.
“Why?” Dark-Elf asked, apparently puzzled.
“You have probably observed that everyone’s brain gets stuck on negative things. That
is expressed through genes over time, representing the need for protection. For example,
someone had to remember the den of a bear to avoid it and protect himself when
hunting. Today, though, with the evolution in this world, it is unnecessary, and we have
to train our brain to remember positive things, to open up new vistas, new habits, and
for that to occur, we have to create new connections in our brains. We must switch our
brain from remembering the negative, which was the result of aeons of conditioning, to
creating the new habit of focusing on the positive. By dwelling on everything positive
for ten seconds, we cause new brain connections to develop.
“If, for example, I had not dwelled on your positive comment that I am very pretty for
ten seconds and, because of shyness I had moved away quickly, the brain connections
activated by your comment would have remained unstimulated, other connections
would have been stimulated, usually negative, because of the existing habit, and I would
probably have made the connection, ‘Well, I don’t really feel so pretty today.’ However,
by allowing the positive feeling arising from your comment to settle in, billions of new
neural connections were stimulated and strengthened themselves during these ten
seconds. My internal energy started to polarise on the positive side and, if I slowly
repeat this process for a while, I will start attracting the positive things I desire in my
The Book That… Writes Itself

life. I will reveal a secret to you. If you are able to keep a positive thing in your mind
for sixty-eight seconds, then it will materialise immediately without exception.
“If you try it, you will realise that this is not so easy. For example, you will think, ‘I
want Meril to appear,’ and right away doubts will settle in your mind. ‘Well, how is
that possible?’ ‘What if this happened to him?’ If, however, you are able to maintain
the picture in your mind and visualise Meril next to you for sixty-eight seconds, then it
will definitely happen. It will materialise because it cannot happen otherwise.”
“How do you know about Meril?” asked Dark-Elf.
“For several reasons, I am not allowed to explain. However, I want to assure you that
my intentions toward you are very good. I am here to help you go through the Dark
Night of your Soul faster and more easily. Consider me your Elf-God mother, since I
have wings like you, and my ears are similar to yours,” Maya said with a cute smile, as
she cocked her ears and blinked her left eye.
“How could you transform like that?”
“The same way you were able to create wind and waves. In the dreamland, everything
we ask for instantly becomes reality. The same thing can happen in real life, but we
usually do not have so much faith in our capability to materialise our wishes, so there's
always a delay,” Maya said as she turned around her body 360 degrees, proud of the
dress she had created for herself.
“Do you know if Meril is well?”
“If you visualise him as being well, then he is well,” Maya answered with an unusual
charm. She then pulled Dark-Elf by the hand and started running. He had no choice but
to follow her footsteps.
“Where are we going?” he asked, short of breath.
“You will see,” she answered with a smile.
Running, they climbed a small hill. When they reached the top, they had to stop because
they were in front of a locked ornamental gate.
“Open the gate with your mind,” Maya said to Dark-Elf.
He closed his eyes, and imagined the gate open, then he announced, “I want this gate
to open.” Indeed, the door opened instantly.
They entered to find a marvelous, multicoloured garden with all kinds of flowers,
decorated with multiple elaborate gazebos, some with swings, some with benches.
“It is wonderful!” said Dark-Elf.
“I knew you would like it,” Maya replied on her way to a gazebo, far away from the
“Here,” she said. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, and a beautiful blue rose
appeared in her hand. “Do you like it?”

Chapter 12: The Atharans

“Yes, it’s wonderful,” he answered, surprised.

“Would you like to make this our flower?” Maya responded quickly, not losing for a
second her pleasant tone of voice.
“Well…yes, but what are we going to do with this?”
“Its intrinsic value stems from the fact that it belongs to both of us, it will unite us
forever, no matter what happens, and it will always remind us of the place where we
first met. Right here, where the blue rose is, will be the place of our meeting from now
on. Today, I met you in your room. Still, wouldn’t it be better if you came to meet me
here, or I did? The moment you realise you are in a dream, you will be able to say, ‘I
want to visit our flower,’ and instantly you will find yourself right here at this spot. Isn’t
that wonderful?”
“Yes, but I don’t understand. Why is it better for either of us to wait for the other? Isn’t
that going to be boring?”
“Oh…you…the elves! Haven’t you ever read the book The Little Prince?”
“Apparently not,” Dark-Elf said. “Please accept my apologies. All this is so new to
“Don’t apologise. Would you like me to show you? There is a better way here in a lucid
dream to learn certain things faster than reading a book.”
“Yes, please show me,” Dark-Elf responded immediately as he was curious.
Maya, holding his hand, uttered the following words, “I want us to go to the planet of
the Little Prince.”
All of a sudden, they found themselves flying through space, surrounded by many
bright stars and different planets, stopping at a small planet. They could walk across it
with three or four steps. A small, cute, blond boy was standing there with a crown on
his head and dressed in simple clothes, with a royal overcoat and a scarf around his
neck, asking them in a wondrous voice, “Welcome! How did you find me?”
“Little Prince,” Maya screamed, while bending to pick him up. “Is it really you?” She
then placed him back on the ground, telling him, “I am Maya, and this is Dark-Elf.”
“Happy to meet you,” said Little Prince, responding with a deep bow.
“Where is your rose?” Maya asked.
“The…what? What is a rose?” Little Prince answered, apparently embarrassed,
scratching his head.
“Hmm. We probably travelled to the past before your trip,” Maya said, disappointed.
“What trip? I never went on a trip. My planet is very small. I can’t go anywhere,” said
Little Prince.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“You must go on a trip! Go on a trip, and you will see. When you meet a fox that is
going to ask you to meet her frequently, you should tell her, ‘I want Maya and Dark-
Elf to appear right here.’”
“Hmm! Okay… Maybe I should go on a trip to other planets, and experience different
things. What is a fox? How could I know that I have found the fox?”
“The fox will tell you! Don’t worry. Please, just call us the way I asked you to do it,”
Maya said, while leaning over to kiss Little Prince on the cheek. Then she said to Dark-
Elf, “I want to go to our flower.”
They were instantly transported to the small gazebo with the blue rose.
“I made a mistake,” she said. “I asked us to go to the planet of the Little Prince, and we
found ourselves in a different time loop.”
“We could have gone in a subsequent time period? What really determined the fact that
we went to the past?” Dark-Elf asked.
“Hmm… Maybe the fact that in the future, when he has his rose transported there, the
planet will not be considered only his own but the rose’s as well, since they will share
the planet,” Maya answered with a sparkle in her eyes from the revelation. “However,
let us move to the future, so you will be able to realise why it is better for someone to
expect your arrival, instead of meeting you in your own room.”
“Well… Little Prince did not have enough time to take the trip you suggested,” argued
“Past and future are One and the same. There is no past and future. Everything happens
simultaneously during perpetual Now. I am forced to use those two terms, past and
future, but in reality they are wrong. It is quite difficult to explain that now. Everything
happens Now. We have a choice as to what experience we want to live through.”
She closed her eyes and, holding his hand, she announced, “Let us go to the point where
Little Prince has the conversation with the fox regarding their meetings.”
Suddenly, they found themselves under an apple tree. The surrounding field was full of
wheat ears, and a fox was under the apple tree; the Little Prince was talking to the
“Welcome. I just asked for you to appear,” he said, turning his head toward Dark-Elf
and Maya. “You were absolutely right. I have met the fox,” he said, pointing toward
the fox.
“Greetings to you,” said the fox. “I was just explaining to Little Prince the reason why
he has to meet me, and I will expect him. However, he does have some difficulties
understanding the concept.”
“We are here for the same reason. In other words, we are trying to understand
ourselves,” Maya explained, teasing Dark-Elf at the same time.
“It is much better if we showed up same time every time,” explained the fox. “If I know
you will be here at 4:00 p.m., I will start feeling happy with anticipation. As time

Chapter 12: The Atharans

progresses, I will feel more and more. When it’s4:00, I will start worrying a bit. That is
how I am going to discover the importance of happiness. However, if I don’t know what
time you will show up, I cannot have my heart prepared with those positive feelings of
anticipation. It is…ceremonial…”
“What is the meaning of ceremonial?” asked Little Prince.
“That is something also forgotten,” said the fox.
“It is what really makes one day different from the other, one hour from the next. For
example, hunters follow certain ceremonial habits. Every Thursday, they dance with
the girls of the village. So, for me, Thursday is an excellent day to visit the grape field.
If, however, hunters danced any day without a routine, all days would be the same for
me, and I could not have a careless moment.”
That is how the Little Prince domesticated the fox. When time came for him to depart,
the fox said, “Alas. I am going to cry…”
“That is your fault,” the Little Prince reacted. “You chose to be domesticated. I never
meant anything bad to happen.”
“Of course,” said the fox.
“Yes, but you are going to cry,” said the Little Prince.
“Of course,” said the fox.
“So, you really didn’t gain anything.”
“Well…I did,” said the fox, the colour of the wheat-ears. “Any time I see the wheat, I
will remember your hair, and I will remember you.” The fox then added, “Go and see
the roses again. You will realise that your rose is a unique one in the whole world. You
will return to greet me, too. I will be able to share a secret with you.”
The Little Prince went back to observe the roses again.
“You don’t look like mine,” he said. “You don’t look like anything yet,” he added.
“You didn’t domesticate anyone, and no one domesticated you.”
“You are exactly like my fox was. A fox like any other, of one hundred thousand foxes.
Now that I made friends with her, this fox is a unique one in the entire world.”
The roses felt very insulted.
“You are beautiful, but you are still empty in fact. No one will give his life for you. Of
course, even my rose for an incidental bystander would look similar to any of you.
However, my rose is the most important one, since that is the one I cherished and
watered. That is the one I placed in the protective cover. That is the one I separated with
the divider. That is the one I cleared the larvas from, except two or three in order for
them to become butterflies. I only heard that one complain or brag, and occasionally
absolutely silent. That is my rose…” Then he returned to the spot where Maya, Dark-
Elf, and the fox were.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“Goodbye,” he said.
“Goodbye,” the fox responded. “This is my secret. You only see well with your heart.
Your eyes cannot distinguish the essence.”
“The eyes cannot distinguish the essence,” the Little Prince repeated, in order to
remember it. “It is the time you spent on your rose that makes it so important. Oh… It
is the time I spent on my rose that makes it so important,” the Little Prince repeated, in
order to remember.
The Little Prince disappeared. Maya and Dark-Elf said goodbye to the fox and returned
to their rose.
“I understood,” said Dark-Elf thoughtfully. “Our flower is not the same anymore as any
other rose. It is valuable because we will use it to meet each other. We already use it to
discuss things we don’t want anybody else to hear. And, if you wait for me, or if I wait
for you, this forges our connection, exactly like the fox said. It makes us form friendly
ties, so we feel unique for each other. Exactly like it was between Meril and myself,”
Dark-Elf added sadly.
“Exactly,” said Maya, apparently pleased.
“Why do you want to be my friend?” he asked.
“I am already your friend.” Maya gave him a benevolent smile. “Oh… No…” said
Maya, as her body faded away.
“What… What is going on?” asked Dark-Elf, reaching out to touch Maya’s fading
image. “Maya? Where are you?” He was unable to see her anymore.
“Dark-Elf? Dark-Elf?” A male voice was heard, getting louder and louder.
“Tuathan, is it you?” asked Dark-Elf. He opened his eyes, realised that he was in his
bed, and Tuathan had just woken him up. “Tuathan, this is unbelievable. I had a lucid
dream. I met a young lady, and—”
“Oh. No… Were you able to do it already? I can’t believe it. I am amazed!”
“But I did not try very hard. Actually, I didn’t do anything special. This young lady
came into my dream and woke me up.”
“I forgot to tell you yesterday that you must exercise extreme caution and protect
yourself with special protective shields. This young lady may not have been a
benevolent entity and wanted to mislead you… However, we do not have time to
discuss that right now. Giribel just arrived, and she is calling us. They said we have to
go to the main yard. Why don’t you place a lighted carpet, so we can step on it, and
materialise in the central yard. Wash up and get ready quickly,” said Tuathan. He sat
on a chair, waiting for Dark-Elf.
When he came, they stepped one by one on the lighted carpet, and immediately found
themselves in the yard with the waterfalls

The Book That… Writes Itself


The Atharans

T he melody coming from the waterfalls was only faintly audible, due to the large
crowd already gathered and the loud noise caused by the multitude of people.
Drums started beating, and all of a sudden…absolute silence reigned. A noisy
mechanism lifted the pavement tiles in the centre of the square. A platform then slowly
ascended, and on the giant platform there was a group of drummers. They were playing
a fantastic rhythm, dancing at the same time in tune with the rhythm, occasionally
jumping over the drums that were nailed onto the platform.
“They are unbelievably short,” Dark-Elf whispered to Tuathan.
“They are probably kids. With a lot of talent, nonetheless,” Tuathan replied.
They could not distinguish facial characteristics because the drummers had covered
their faces with impressive purple butterfly-shaped masks. They had some elaborate
bands around their heads of white and purple colours, tied in the back of their heads
with the final third of each band free in the air, waving wildly at every rhythmical
motion. Their appearance was fantastic.
Every Dezolian was holding a feather in each hand, one of white and the other of purple
colour. Instead of clapping their hands, they raised the feathers high, and gently hit
them against each other. After the lyricless song finished, a golden cloud appeared in
the centre of the platform that slowly took on the appearance of Great Darso.
“Dear citizens of Dezola, some of you may have heard we have some visitors, Dark-
Elf and Tuathan. A very unusual Elf and a wonderful human, who is actually a Druid.
Yesterday, it was a very gruelling day for our visitors; however, today, we would like
to celebrate their arrival, to get to know them better, take a tour within our city, learn
about our culture and civilisation, the culture we call Agatha. Tuathan and Dark-Elf,
you are free to move around without restrictions and, when you decide to return to your
rooms, you just pronounce Buhara’s name three times.”
The crowd started to cheer for a while, hitting their feathers against each other. The
drummers took the masks off their faces, and then with great synchronised movements
thrust the bands off their heads, creating an amazing show. It was obvious that the
The Book That… Writes Itself

drummers were not actually children, but some strange beings. They had children’s
bodies and huge heads with gigantic, penetrating black almond-shaped eyes; their hands
featured long, slender wrists and fingers; their skin colour was greyish-green.
“Chilling, Why are these kids like that?” Dark-Elf asked Tuathan, turning around.
“I have no idea,” Tuathan responded. “Let’s ask somebody around.” They approached
a tall girl with short dark hair in braids. She sensed they wanted to talk to her, so she
turned around toward them first, introducing herself.
“Hi. I am glad to meet you. My name is Lilith.” She extended both hands to greet
Tuathan, then she repeated the same movement to greet Dark-Elf.
“Lilith, we would like to ask you something,” Tuathan said, then continued. “What are
those greenish…children playing the drums?”
“You are not familiar with them? They are a group from Athara. They are
extraterrestrials living here in the inner earth. The surface of their planet called Ponaturi
was destroyed during a violent conflict with another extraterrestrial race called Taral in
the Teral constellation, so they escaped under the surface of Ponaturi, creating their
domicile underground named Athara. Throughout the generations, they had to adapt
their vision to the condition of the underground tunnels, so they acquired those huge
“Many years later, they came out of the tunnels only to realise that due to the use of
nuclear weapons, their planet was transported to a different Time-space continuum by
means of the distorted electromagnetic field from the nukes. The new location of the
planet was close to the constellation of Teral. Some of them stayed there, some moved
far away, and they evolved to a new race, the Rimond. The rest came here, close to us.”
“Why do they all look exactly the same?” Dark-Elf asked.
“What you should really keep in mind is that during a nuclear explosion, a very
powerful kind of radiation is released and, due to its effect on their bodies, they could
not reproduce any longer, since they lost their reproductive organs. This forced them to
start creating clones of themselves, and that is the reason they all look alike. Along with
their reproductive organs, they lost their digestive organs, as well, and they are now
forced to obtain nutrition through the skin. That changed the colour of their skin. The
reason they came here to Earth is that there is an agreement with the Earthlings;
however, this agreement is known to very few, some kings and some leaders of large
countries of Earth, and some powerful forces behind the governments. Their aim is to
learn how to regain reproductive capacity. According to the agreement with humanity,
they are allowed to abduct some people for genetic experiments, trying to discover a
method to regain reproductive organs, as well as the capacity to feel bodily pain and
pleasure. The way they are now, they cannot have those feelings. According to the
agreement, the abductees will not have any side effects from the experience, and no
memory of the abduction or any traumatic results. In exchange, they provide humanity
with certain technologies believed to help the human race, according to what humanity
“This cannot be happening,” Tuathan said.

Chapter 12: The Atharans

“I am getting dizzy,” Dark-Elf added, trying to support himself against a small column.
“Many more things are taking place, that the humans on the surface of the Earth have
no clue about them. That is why we prefer to live right here. From this particular
location, we have access to all expressions of Time-Space universe and lines of the
earth. We cannot interfere to change them; however, we at least do not experience any
abductions, since we have an agreement with the Atharans. We allow them to stay here
with us, we allow them to have their own spaceports, and, in exchange, they will not
interfere with our daily lives, both of us enjoying a peaceful coexistence.”
“It seems they haven’t yet achieved reproductive capacity. They still look exactly the
same, still greyish-green in colour,” Tuathan said in an argumentative tone.
“It is quite difficult to explain to you certain facts when the concept of Time is involved.
What I just described to you occurred in the future. Are you able to perceive the future
like it was the past? If you can, you will be able to understand. I will try to demonstrate
the concept with a hologram. Could you please come with me?” Lilith said.
She started walking. Dark-Elf and Tuathan, amazed at these revelations, followed her.
They crossed the square and approached one of the melodic waterfalls. She did not stop
but kept walking through the water. The others hesitated. “Come on. Don’t be afraid.”
Lilith’ s voice was heard on the other side of the waterfall.
They bent their shoulders to avoid getting wet while they walked through. To their great
surprise, they did not have even one drop of water on their clothes, after they both went
through it. They were in the great chamber of a huge cave, very clean and shiny. So
shiny, it reflected the light.
“How is that possible? How come we did not get wet?” Tuathan asked.
“This is not water. These are photon bands, which become visible using a special
technology. It is similar to the phenomenon of diffraction of light passing through a
glass of water. The light enters the water, and some of its energy is released into the
water, a mixture of light and matter. However, when the light exits the water, it is still
in the form of light. This process is similar to the one I described, only more intensified.
The light speed is slowed down considerably, allowing more energy to be absorbed
than in diffraction, forcing the energy field to become visible. Using this process, we
are able to produce matter from light, matter of any quality we desire.”
“And the music?” Dark-Elf asked in amazement.
“That is another, more sophisticated technology, which relates to the physics of
particles. The melody you hear has its source from the planetary movements. It is a
melody of the universe, but I cannot explain that properly as I am currently being taught
exactly this at the special school of the Atharans. So, I can’t explain it properly, yet. All
this technology is theirs.”
They walked to the end of the chamber, where they noticed a minute door.
“If you want me to show you the history of the Atharans, we must enter through this
door. Of course, you notice that none of us can fit into this space. Would you be kind
The Book That… Writes Itself

enough to drink this liquid?” Lilith asked, while pulling out a small bottle from a purse
she had around her neck, containing some strange purple liquid.
“I promise to give the antidote upon exiting, so you regain your normal size and
“I don ̓t really mind seeing their history,” Dark-Elf responded, suspicious of the request.
“Dark-Elf, I have a way to reverse things if need be,” said Tuathan, sure of himself.
“In that case, all right,” Dark-Elf whispered, trying to demonstrate his faith in Tuathan.
Tuathan reached out and took the small bottle.
“Just a small sip is enough,” Lilith said.
He took a sip, and gave the small bottle back to her.
“I don’t see any changes,” Tuathan commented, carefully observing his body.
“Give it some time. Your cells are going through a complete transmutation, and that
requires some time,” Lilith answered with a wide smile.
All of a sudden, Tuathan started changing colours. First, he became purple, like the
liquid he had drunk. Then, he turned blue, then turquoise, light green and, finally, dark
green, with grey lines appearing all over his body skin, which now was dark green from
top to bottom. At some point, his transformation slowed down, then stopped.
“For God’s sake... I was supposed to become small to fit through the door. Now, my
entire skin has completely transmuted.”
Next, his hands, as he had them out gesticulating, started to shorten, his face becoming
wider, his shape changing, until he became extremely short.
Dark-Elf, surprised and terrified at the same time, shouted loudly with a wide-open
mouth. Lilith took a mirror out of her purse. She placed it on the floor, and ran her hand
over the mirror. The mirror started growing in size, reaching that of a full body mirror.
“Look inside,” she addressed Tuathan.
As soon as he saw his image, he jumped, terrified by the view. “You have changed me
into an Atharan. Why did you do that?” he asked angrily.
“The Atharans gave us permission to examine their history without restricting any part
of it, but they consider that humans have misunderstood them as a race, so before we
enter to examine their history, they want us to take on their size and appearance. They
believe that when we ‘step into their shoes,’ we will be able to understand them better.
Were they able to understand compassion and understanding, as well as all the different
feelings, the way we experience them, they would realise that the hatred we feel is
totally unrelated to whether we have their size and appearance or not. However, they
do not have the capacity to understand that.”
“Yes, but why do they hate so much?”

Chapter 12: The Atharans

“You will be able to comprehend the reasons, as soon as we enter,” said Lilith. “Dark-
Elf?” She, extended her hand to hold out the cute, small bottle.
Dark-Elf looked at Tuathan, wondering if he should do it. He wanted reassurance that
Tuathan would be able to reverse things, considering such a radical transformation.
Tuathan asserted his ability by signalling ‘go ahead.’ He took a sip and went through
the same transformation-transmutation. He looked exactly the same as Tuathan and
every other Atharan.
Lilith sipped the liquid, as well, and the door opened by itself. They passed through,
one by one. They entered a room lit by small lights and full of chairs. Someone
appearing to be an Atharan was sitting in the first row.
Lilith sat next to him. “You are here? I never expected to find you here.” Lilith started
“Shh!” The person looking like an Atharan avoided giving any answer, but turned
around to stare intently at Tuathan.
He realised the attention he drew, and looked back very suspiciously. He felt very tired,
living through all these experiences, and he could not feel secure, or that he could trust
anyone. Suddenly, a voice came through some speakers; however, they could not be
“Put on the masks hanging off the backs of your chairs,” the voice pointed out.
Tuathan and Dark-Elf found the masks on the handle of the chairs. Made of thick glass,
they were very large and rectangular in shape, able to cover the eyes from side to side.
Lilith put on the mask, then showed them how to do it correctly. “These masks will
give you the impression you are living their history along with them, like you lived it
with them at the time. It is called virtual reality.”
Everyone put their masks on and, after a few seconds, the room became completely
dark. All of a sudden, the room was filled with multicoloured stars travelling at
tremendous speed. The screen was convex, like the one in the star-observatory, the
difference being that they felt they were part of the picture inside the screen, due to
virtual reality. They all had the feeling they were travelling through the stars at a similar
speed. They soon felt they were slowing down, until they landed on a strange planet.
Overhead, a spaceship travelled at high speed, producing an ear-splitting sound.
A quite familiar thunderous voice was heard at this point.
“Stop the movie projection,” the voice said.
Everything stopped; they took off their masks, able to see the dark room and nothing
else. They saw Great Darso in front of them, and all of them automatically stood.
“It is improper for our visitors to familiarise themselves with the history of the
Arharans. They should be exposed to everything, however, in the proper order.”
Lilith, staring at the ground, was obviously embarrassed, like a child caught in the act.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“My apologies, Great Darso. I didn’t even think of it,” Lilith said in a low voice,
regretting the initiative she took.
“It’s all right. I will transfer you now into the room of neurosensing extensions. We
must bring our friends back to their natural form, so they feel comfortable.”
“Great Darso, what is going to happen with Meril?” Dark-Elf suddenly burst out.
“Everything will be explained to you in time.”
“Will I ever see him again?” Dark-Elf asked, waiting for a reply in agony.
“I don’t know,” Great Darso responded.
“At least, tell me if he is alive,” Dark-Elf asked again, obviously furious.
“I don’t know even that,” Great Darso answered, and making a simple movement with
his hand, everybody found himself covered with a turquoise smoke cloud. He moved
his hand again and the cloud moved them to a larger room, where instead of chairs there
were large leather beds, each surrounded by a strong blue light, and Lilith, Tuathan,
and Dark-Elf were returned to their original form.

The Book That… Writes Itself


Neurosensory Expansion

ach one of you, choose a bed,” said Great Darso. “Now, our specialists will
take care of you.”
They all lay down on a bed next to each other. Several people approached
them, their size similar to that of Tuathan. They all had blue robes on and
greeted them politely. They placed a yellowish bandana on everybody’s head.
“This bandana is made of pure silk. The one who wears it can only realise his own
thoughts, not the ones imposed on him from outside for brain control. The humans on
the surface of the Earth are all victims of brain control. For example, if you get the
notion to go and sit on a bench without an obvious reason, that may be an implanted
thought from outside your brain. By examining your aura, we know you don’t believe
what you were just told, but we can assure you this is absolutely true. These bandanas
will clear your brains in just a few minutes.”
After wearing the bandanas for a few minutes, the attendants removed them, replacing
them with some thick black ribbons that covered their forehead and were held in place
by some strange electrodes.
“Now, you are ready to expand your neurosensory ability and observe through your
Avatar the entire universe, otherwise called UNUM.”
That comment was followed by three ping sounds, and everyone felt an irresistible need
to close their eyes. From each of their bodies, a bright transparent inner body seemed
to separate itself. Those light bodies were all the same but, generally speaking, similar
to the body of the owner as well. For example, Dark-Elf’s body was shorter, and one
could make out the wings. All these bodies were composed of pure light.
“Move your heads if you are still able to hear us,” said one of the instructors in the blue
robes, now sitting on a chair and handling a portable machine of golden cables, all
forming a sphere.
Everyone on their beds nodded.
“Now that you can make observations through your bright Avatar, you will explore the
universe. Sensibly, you should stay all together so you experience the same things. You
will be able to communicate among yourselves. However, if any one of you is separated
from the others, do not panic. It is something that could happen. So, let’s start.”
The Book That… Writes Itself

A loud mechanical noise was heard, and their light bodies started hovering in a wide
open but very dark space.
“And now what?” said Tuathan.
“I have been here before, so I will be able to help you if need be, but you should behave
like I am not here. You must research and play, like you were children exploring
unknown fields,” said Lilith.
“I can see a light. Let’s walk toward the light.” No sooner had he completed his sentence
than he was already close to the light.
“What happened?” he asked loudly, so as to be heard by the others.
“You don’t have to shout. We can hear you no matter what, since we can communicate
telepathically. In a similar fashion, at this level, whatever you wish automatically
becomes reality. That is the reason you spontaneously moved toward the light. We are
coming. Tuathan, simply think that you want to find yourself next to Dark-Elf.”
Tuathan found himself next to Dark-Elf. They both started laughing. Lilith joined them
right away.
“I can see seven different circles, each of different colour, one inside the
other…resembling an egg, rather than a circle,” Tuathan said.
“Those are the seven layers of the universe. They are all unique materials. In other
words, they are directly related to the thought process. That is the reason why
everything you think of becomes reality. The same thing is happening on Earth as well,
but with a time delay because the thing we erroneously call ‘matter’ is denser than here.
The first outer section is the primary effecting super-domain. Its function is to create
the thought process, the propulsion of thought templates, the transfiguration of each
thought, in a sequence of thoughts, in order to maintain cohesiveness in causative
“The second layer is the super-domain of the thought process’s sound. It functions in
harmony with the first one and in parallel fashion at the same time. Its role is to register
the thought as a picture. It registers each and every sound that represents each thought,
since every thought corresponds to a sound. Within this layer, evaluation of each
creative intuition in a form of a thought is taking place, thoughts that have originated
in the first domain, so that each intuition is realised by the universe as a part of a
wholeness. This is the reason you occasionally see thoughts becoming reality in front
of your eyes—thoughts you had in the past.”
“How is that possible?” Tuathan exploded. “Before my wife suffered this postpartum
depression, I had thought she might, for just a second as a possibility out of fear, after
hearing about another similar case in our village regarding another pregnant woman.”
“So, you did materialise your own reality. As you will discover today, the universe says
‘Yes’ to each and every thought you have. It is like a magical genie that realises
everything you have as a thought. However, the important thing to realise is that the
created reality is based on thought, without a distinction between wishful and adverse
nature of thought.”
Chapter 13: Neurosensory Expansion

“It acts, as it seems, as a generic storage of thoughts, but why in Tuathan’s case did it
affect only his own life through his wife’s illness?” Dark-Elf asked.
“This is a very good question, Dark-Elf. The unfortunate fact is that as long as a thought
exists as a stored thought in the central library, it affects other beings. The thought will
materialise in people having similar or parallel thoughts with the same vibration. Each
time, a sound is registered with individual characteristics and specific coordinates. If
another sound has the same frequency, the same vibration, for example vibration of fear
with similar coordinates, the same thing may happen to that other being. That is why,
when we think positively, we not only benefit ourselves, but the entire humanity. You
named it central storage for a good reason. Another name we use for this domain is
Akashic Fields or Akashic Records because even a thought throughout the ages is stored
within those Fields. This is the ‘Universal Library.’ Even if this particular Universe
dies, the records will remain stored into the multi-universe library, where advanced
beings have access to the mistakes made in the past, so they can shape the future.”
“We the Druids always believed in the existence of multiple universes. So, it is true?”
remarked Tuathan.
“Naturally, science has proven that, beyond any doubt. It is a reality,” Lilith added, then
continued, “We just used the first two super-domains; we thought of something, and it
did happen. We acted upon it, and our thoughts were registered, meaning the sounds
related to our thoughts were actually stored. The next layer is difficult to use. Its name
is ‘Unified Sound Domain.’ I would like you to decipher its basic function, although
for beings living on the surface of the Earth it is much more difficult to understand,
since you have the registered notion-belief that something like that is impossible.
However, I will attempt to show you that what I am describing is not false. Humans, as
well as other different beings, have travelled to what you call future, and the trip has
been monitored by special machinery. So, give it a try. Only with your thought. Do not
forget that all super-domains are functioning only with thought. Maybe, you will think
of something you want very much.”
Both seemed to be drowning in their own thoughts.
“What I really want cannot happen,” Dark-Elf said, apparently depressed.
“What is that?” Lilith asked.
The conversation was interrupted by the appearance of a bright Avatar that seemed very
strange, since it was the only one spinning around very fast.
“Meril!” Dark-Elf shouted, while trying to touch the Avatar, only to realise that his
hands went through it, unable to touch anything. They were both transparent.
“Unfortunately, you cannot hug each other, since you are both in the form of your
Avatars. However, you can send your love to each other from the centre of your hearts
by just thinking of it.”
A thick, pink ribbon appeared from the heart of Dark-Elf, which covered Meril entirely,
and the same happened from Meril’s heart. Totally shocked until this moment, Tuathan
made the comment, “The colour of love seems to be pink.”
The Book That… Writes Itself

“Meril, where are you? What did Great Darso do to you?”

“I am sorry, Dark-Elf, but I am not at liberty to reveal this to you. It’s not up to me,”
said the bright Avatar that had stopped spinning from the moment it was enclosed by
the pink ribbon.
“But…you are alive, right? Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here with your Avatar.”
“Dark-Elf, I apologise, but I cannot reveal that, either,” Meril said, while turning his
head to look away.
“But this is impossible ! You must tell me something,” Dark-Elf responded.
Lilith thought it was the right moment for her to cut in. “Dark-Elf, you caused him to
appear. The characteristics of this super-domain is to transfer the information thought
and materialise it. The information you thought of was Meril, and that is exactly what
was materialised.”
“I don’t see him materialise,” Dark-Elf responded to the comment in an ironic tone.
“At this level of density, we exist right this moment. This is the density level at which
you can materialise.”
“In other words, if I return to my body, will I be able to materialise at that density?”
“If you are able to overcome your preconceived notion that you are not able to
materialise an entire human body, and if you are able to process the neuro-perception
without mechanical support, then yes, you could do that in any given case, even if he
were dead. However, that is very difficult, and the time delay would be very long,”
Lilith answered in a sad tone.
“But he was answering me, don’t you see? How could he do that, unless he was alive?”
“My dear Dark-Elf, this particular domain is not called ‘Unified Sound Super Domain’
by accident. Its function is to give you the chance to materialise everything based on
sound. If you request an orange, for example, the orange has its own melody, its own
frequency. You have your own individual melody, and so does Meril, like every single
being. When you requested Meril to materialise, you did it based on the melody you
have inside you, which depicts Meril’s identity song, as you register him in your mind.
“Every human, every being, every planet, every star, every galaxy, every insect
resonates its own frequency, thus its own melody. On that basis, we actually recognise
every being, even though we do not perceive it as such. This specific song has the
identity of Meril. The higher the harmony, meaning the closer the tone is with the
Source of Creation, the more beautiful the song, the more love it attracts, the more we
want to be with him. And that actually depends on his own thoughts, which in turn
create his own feelings. If someone thinks of something fearful, their melody is altered
and their song becomes discordant and unattractive at the moment of fear. No matter
where you are that moment, you may not transfer the discordance here, but you have
altered the perception of the song in your mind. What is indisputable is that there is no
limit to the spectrum of creation and materialisation.

Chapter 13: Neurosensory Expansion

“If you use the super-domains correctly, you can materialise an orange, or create a
clone. In other words, you could materialise another Meril or, even better, resurrect
Meril himself, if he is dead. However, you must acquire all the necessary knowledge,
know what true reality is and not just what you have learned so far; you have to learn
life without interferences, and to work on improving yourself for a long time. Most
likely, you may have communicated with your own Avatar, alive or dead, and for some
reason it could not communicate with you. You may learn something from the turmoil
you’re going through right now.”
“That’s what everybody says,” said Dark-Elf sadly.
“The capacity to resurrect someone interests me, as well,” Tuathan said.
“There are many versions of the universe you live in. So, there is a universe where those
you are missing so much are still alive. It is like every day, all versions of the universe
pass in front of our eyes like on a TV screen, and we choose to live in the one that we
create in our mind, based on our thoughts and feelings. If you focus on the fact that
someone you are missing is dead, there is no chance you will be able to recall him back
to life, because you constantly focus on the universe where he is dead.
“You will have the chance to comprehend what I am telling you after you study the
concepts extensively. In any case, you need to work a lot on much simpler things first,
in order to create the foundation for the ability to move to a universe where someone
you are missing is alive. I would say that at your current stage of evolution, you did the
best you could. You sent him love, and now the best thing is to bid farewell.”
Meril's bright body changed to a dark purple hue, and so did Dark-Elf, and they both
“Why did they turn into the same colour?” Tuathan asked.
“I understand the color Dark-Elf’s Avatar took, knowing that this colour denotes
sorrow…but the fact that Meril’s Avatar had the same hue indicates that he is not a
byproduct of Dark-Elf’s thought form, but rather representing the soul of Meril himself.
Alive or dead, your friend felt it, even if not consciously, but deep down, he felt the
communication and the farewell.”
A moment of absolute silence followed.
“Would you like to examine the next super-domain?” Lilith asked hesitantly, in her
attempt to dilute the feeling of awkwardness.
Both responded, “Yes!”
“The fourth super-domain is Logic-forming, and the fifth, Diffusing. These two super
domains are establishing the rules of functioning, and the rules of materialization; in
other words, they prepare the thoughts to enter the Time-Space continuum. The Logic-
forming domain categorises thoughts in a functional executable sequence, and registers
them in a huge record-keeping apparatus so they can be recalled, similar to the index in
a library that facilitates locating a specific book. The Diffusing Domain establishes a
domicile for each and every thought, from inception to final evolution, on its way to
materialisation. The sixth super-domain is the Hypo-quantic, where all creational
The Book That… Writes Itself

intuitions are formalised before entering the Time-space continuum. The seventh and
final super-domain is the Time-Space continuum.
“All intuitions in this domain originate from the first super-domain; they pass very
quickly through the hypo-quantic domain, where they take their form and move fast to
the phase of materialisation. I must point out that the way we perceive matter is wrong
because matter is actually vibrational frequencies, and our senses determine them to be,
more or less, dense. I am sure you have realised already, when I speak of creational
intuitions, I mean thoughts, since every thought is one creation each time. It is a creation
we will experience once later in our lives. Now that you perceived and realised how the
Universe works, we can return.”
Tuathan asked curiously, “The Atharan who was with us is invisible, despite the fact
that he was connected to the machine, like we were. Why?”
“Our scientists have explained to you that someone may choose to take their own
individual trip. That’s why I am not concerned. If there were any problems, I am sure
they would take care of it. Just think of yourselves back in your beds, and we will return
Dark-Elf saw them disappearing out of view.
“I cannot think of myself back in my bed, I cannot focus on that. I am so emotional
having met Meril that my thought is stuck there. How am I going to go back?”
A little purple vortex suddenly appeared in front of him like small thunder. The Atharan
appeared from inside the vortex.
“Hi, Dark-Elf,” he said.
“Hi, Atharan!” he answered
“Would you take a walk with me?”
“All right!” said Dark-Elf.
The purple vortex appeared again, growing bigger and bigger, until Dark-Elf was
engulfed along with the Atharan. Dark-Elf started shouting, terrified.
He found himself shortly by a lake at nighttime, with the sky full of stars and two
moons. “This is the place where Meril went inside the mirror,” he screamed.
“This is a location in a parallel universe, so it cannot be seen through the machine, since
the machine is calibrated to observe that universe. I brought you here because I don’t
want them to register anything that we will think, feel, or express in their machine, and
so they cannot have any record of it. I want you to give a message to Tuathan. Do you
want to do it?”
“Of course!” Dark-Elf answered, still in shock.
“I am Tuathan’s wife. My name is Diona.”
‘What? And how did you assume this appearance? How come you are still alive?”

Chapter 13: Neurosensory Expansion

“I am entrapped in this body. I was abducted by the Atharans.” A small dome appeared
in front of him, and he was able to see the story he was listening to, like a movie, the
voice coming from the Atharan’s mouth—actually Tuathan's wife. “I was so depressed
that my vibrational frequencies were attuned to theirs, attracting them. I was actually
ready to hang myself. I had placed the rope around my neck, and for the last time I
checked my baby, who was peacefully asleep. The baby would not understand anything,
and I would free myself from the terrible depression that made Tuathan so unhappy,
and definitely would do the same thing to our child. That was the plan. As I was getting
ready to execute the plan, with the rope around my neck, three Atharans stepped from
inside a light that suddenly appeared. They took me down while I was losing
consciousness, shocked and terrified by their appearance. I spent a lot of time on a
spaceship. I learned a lot of things, and they experimented on me extensively. Since
then, I have been in this form you see me in right now. They considered me a failed
experiment, and kept me in their own army. This body of theirs you see me in never
dies. It does not have the capacity to feel pain, and has no feelings. Mine, however, is
substantially different.
“I do have feelings but I, until now, have not managed to show any, so they do not
know that I have real feelings, otherwise they would have continued experimenting on
me. I believe that Tuathan is not here by chance. I strongly believe that we will be able
to find our child and live all together. Of course, if my appearance didn’t bother him so
“Why don’t you say all this to Tuathan? Why don’t you appear in front of him
yourself?” Dark-Elf asked with great interest.
“That’s impossible! Great Darso would never allow that, since he has some special
treaty with the Atharans. Besides, he is able to perceive in advance anything going on
in the city. My plan was to transfer Tuathan to this parallel universe in order to explain
all this to him personally, but he disappeared so fast, I did not have the time to do that.
You are my last hope. There is only one way, if you really want to help me,” Diona said
with tears in her eyes.
“Ask what you think is right, and I will do it,” Dark-Elf said, deeply touched.
“You must convince Tuathan to enter a lucid dreaming process. I will meet him there,
and I will explain to him.”
“But Tuathan is able to lucid-dream any time he wishes. Why do you think he would
“He did it once, and we had a wonderful time in that dream. I did not think of explaining
to him at the time. We both needed to have some good times, and I thought that I would
be able to explain next time. However, he never appeared in the Dream-World again. I
don’t know why. For some reason, he refuses to do it again,” said Diona with her head
“I will try to convince him.”
“Be very careful, however, not to mention anything to him about me. Great Darso
should not be sensitised in any possible way. Let’s go now.”
The Book That… Writes Itself

“Wait a minute. This is the same place where Meril went when Great Darso cunningly
threw him into the mirror. How would I be able to find him here?”
“I don’t know anything about Meril, Dark-Elf. I only know how to come to this parallel
“How would I be able to be here myself?” Dark-Elf asked with great anxiety.
“You can only do that if you are within the body of an Atharan. This is the only way I
know. There may be other ways,” Diona responded.
“What is the name of this universe?” asked Dark-Elf.
“Harmonic Universe 2,” Diona answered. “However, the universe you saw in the mirror
could be another parallel universe that happens to have a purple lake and two moons.
Don’t you find that possible?”
“This thing of all these parallel universes is so nerve-racking,” Dark-Elf whispered.
Diona, nodding in agreement, said to him, “Let’s go now. You go first, and I will follow
later, so we do not arouse any suspicion. Think of the other Universe where you were
before, the same spot where Lilith was teaching you. Then, think of the bed you have
left your body lying on. Goodbye and thank you very much.”
Dark-Elf followed the instructions to the iota, and soon found himself heavy inside his
body. Everybody was looking at the bed, anxiously expecting him to wake up.
“Dark-Elf,” Tuathan shouted. “Are you okay? We thought you were lost. There was no
sign of your thought in the machine.”
“I am okay! I was simply in such a shock after I saw Meril that I could not get him out
of my mind,” Dark-Elf answered, telling a lie for the first time in his life.
“Do you understand now how important thoughts are?” Great Darso asked. “All day
long, you have been creating so many thoughts in your minds without even consciously
realising it. If something goes wrong during breakfast, for example, and you connect it
to the phrase that a good day starts in the morning, you start believing that the whole
day will go wrong. If this is just a passing thought but you really start to believe it, then
everything during the day will go wrong. It’s that simple. We just showed you that the
entire universe depends upon your thoughts. It is up to you to consider what you saw
as an education and to start applying it in your daily life, and everything will become
easier in your life.”
“Well, the difficulties make you stronger, and we all learn through difficulties, right?”
Tuathan asked.
“That is a totally a wrong notion,” Great Darso answered. “If you believe you need
difficulties, then it is difficulties you will meet in your daily life, and difficulties you
will materialise. You may encounter another human being with the same knowledge as
yours, but his was learned through happiness and ease. Needing difficulties, you give a
signal to the Hyper-Universe to assign to you a route with difficulties because you
believe they are necessary for knowledge and self-improvement.”

Chapter 13: Neurosensory Expansion

“Yes, I believe you are right,” Tuathan said. “Frequently, I catch myself thinking it is
better that this difficulty appeared on my way, since I am made to face difficulties, and
I draw strength from that thought. I never realised that I myself perpetuate the
difficulties created on my route.”
“It is very simple. Change your notion. Think ‘I learn from comfort and ease.’ ‘I am
made for comfort, I learn from comfort.’ Is that understood?”
“Yes, but… Is it really so simple?”
“Well, sometimes, you may see the old notion surfacing in your brain again, since it
has been imprinted and rooted deeply in your subconscious. But it is up to you not to
allow it to empower itself. The first thing you do when that happens is to void it by
saying three times ‘void, void, void.’ So, you weaken the thought, and then you apply
the antidote. You start thinking you learn through comfort, you are made for comfort,
and learn through happiness and ease.”
“It is so unfortunate I didn’t know all these earlier in my life,” Tuathan commented
“Do you see? Again, you focus on the negative. Instead of thinking how lucky you are
given this present opportunity to learn, during which, through this neuro-sensing, you
have experienced the greatest universal secret, but you are complaining you did not
know it earlier. Change from now on, and you will change everything you did not want
to have happened.”
“But they already happened in the past,” Tuathan answered.
“Cure the present if you desire to cure the past, and simultaneously the future,” Great
Darso noted.
“I didn’t get that,” Tuathan said, raising his right eyebrow.
“I will make you understand,” Great Darso responded, patting Tuathan's shoulder in a
friendly manner. “Now, let’s go to the room of UNUM, in other words, the Super
“Multiverse…Super Universe. Why don’t simply call it Universe?” Tuathan noted
“Because it is multiverse. Many people believe that by the word multiverse we mean
the multiple parallel universes, while that is not accurate. This word means the different
expressions of the same universe. Each one of us has their own multiverse, which has
multiple expressions, and is constantly evolving. The personal universe is the
multiverse, and all multiverses constitute the UNUM.”
“Well, I see the same universe like everybody else. We all see the same components,
the same stars, the same moon.”
“Everyone lives in their own multiverse. Your multiverse is different from your next-
door neighbour’s, but both have many similarities. Let’s discuss the differences
between universe and multiverse. Universe is what we define in the physical realm,
The Book That… Writes Itself

meaning the space you perceive, the planets, the stars, the moon, and so on. It is the
place where one may perceive a three-dimensional expression of the creation. However,
in this perception, we do not include anything spiritual, any souls, and so forth. We only
include what we can perceive as matter, everything we can see or hear. Any components
that we cannot perceive with our senses, we do not include. We consider them
nonexistent, since we cannot see them. That is the definition we accept as Universe. In
the multiverse, we include more components. For example, advanced physics, which
the ancient Greeks, famous for their knowledge, determined as ‘beyond physics,’
meaning ‘advanced physics’ or ‘metaphysics’ and ‘spirituality.’ Thus, in a multiverse,
there are more things to analyse than in the universe. The multiverse is full of life, like
life on other planets, which we can comprehend as well as life we cannot since it exists
beyond the electromagnetic spectrum the human senses can realise. Those things we
cannot realise are on a different dimension. It is so simple. There is nothing magical or
“Advanced Physics—Metaphysics—has proven that the universe possesses its own
consciousness. All celestial bodies, planets, and stars have their own consciousness;
they are living beings that are able to perceive, think, and feel. They have their own
modes of thinking, which in turn create their own individual separate realities, meaning
they create, like us, their own personal multiverses. Each and every thought creates a
different version of reality. So, thought A creates its own reality, and thought B its
separate reality. If you focus your attention, and direct your energy to either of these
two, A or B, this will be the one that will materialise.
“Your multiverse depends upon your thoughts, your notions, your actions, and it
definitely affects some people close or around you. Someone who exists at a great
distance from you, at the other end of the planet, will not be affected. He will live within
his own multiverse, unaffected by your multiverse, and the route you have taken in life.
Thus, your inner multiverse is different from his because we think differently. And we
think differently because we live in different multiverses. It’s that simple. If you had
never come here, and you had not learnt what you have learnt, and what you are going
to learn, you might have performed better or worse in your mission. However, it cannot
be the same as if you never came here, just as it cannot be the same now that you did
come here. Every movement, every thought, changes everything.”
“In other words, we are going to continue our mission, and you are only giving us some
training here, right? Did I guess right?” Tuathan asked.
“We will determine whether you will continue the mission. If you are deemed capable,
you will. Failure is not an option. We cannot allow failure. At least not in this
multiverse,” Great Darso answered in a strict tone of voice.
“If we don’t try, then the failure is a given. We have to try, regardless of your judgement
whether we are capable or not,” Tuathan responded, furious.
“If I ever allow you to go on this mission with this behaviour, with this anger inside
you, you will not win. Negative feelings, negative thoughts, bring only negative results.
First, you have to learn to prevail over your thoughts, your feelings, and your own

Chapter 13: Neurosensory Expansion

multiverse in order to create for sure the reality of a win. Otherwise, you will materialise
“The multiverse will choose if what you have propelled, what you have chosen to think,
is viable or not. Even if it is totally destructive, it will be materialised. This is the simple
way the multiverse functions. If you create something positive, you will receive positive
response; if, however, you create something negative, you will have a negative
outcome,” Great Darso said. “Your further involvement in the mission will be decided
in the future, and that is final.”
“So, you are willing to risk a defeat of light, without even a trial,” Tuathan said, trying
to contain his anger.
“To start with, your simple notion that everything must be difficult for you to win will
make the mission even more difficult than it could really be. After you cure your past,
after you get rid of your notions, then and only then will you be ready. Until then, you
are not considered capable of completing this mission successfully.”
“But you know that time is essential. What will happen if we miss the time frame?”
“Let it be a failure. Do you know in how many multiverses and in how many parallel
universes we missed the time frame? In some, we missed because we acted in a hurry,
and in others, due to ill-perceived pride, or mistaken notions of the members of the
mission. In this universe, we try not to fail and to act properly.”
“It does not sound right to me. I think you are missing something, Great Darso,"
Tuathan said.
“We will see,” Great Darso declared. “Let’s go to the room of the Super-Universe now.
Maybe you will appreciate a thing or two there. At this moment and time, you do not
possess the proper knowledge to express an opinion, as the ancient philosopher Plato
used to say. You will find that out soon.”
Tuathan was seething because all these were exactly the opposite to the agreement he
had made with the Master of the Druids, with Mistrizia and Druid Maverel. He wanted
to keep his promise, and see the victory of the light as soon as possible. His suspicion
regarding Great Darso’s real motives was mounting. Definitely, he was teaching them
some great stuff, but still his behaviour was a big question, and Tuathan radically
disagreed with the Great Darso’s opinions.
“What I want you to understand before we enter that room is that you are creating the
version of the multiverse inside yourselves, and you are projecting it on the others. If
your version is not any different from the one of the others, they will see your version,
as well. Remember the fact that since each one of us is unique, we may look at the same
flower, or smell the same flower, and still it may appear different to each one of us. If
I could swap places with Tuathan for a moment, I would be shocked, since I would say
that I do not see the flower that way, and the same for him in my place. All these
phenomena have been studied by our scientists, as well as yours in the future, and some
specific definitions have been agreed upon. The phenomena are real. Let’s go to the
room of the Super Universe,” Great Darso concluded and, with a movement of his hand,
made them disappear into a purple cloud.
The Book That… Writes Itself

One of the scientists in the blue robes shouted, “Great Darso, you should wait!! We
have a sign of her birth.”
However, Great Darso and his company had already disappeared.
“Too late! We didn’t catch him in time. They will spend many hours in the Super
Universe room under the circumstances. Let’s record as much as we can,” a girl in a
blue uniform said.
“Do you want to watch what is being recorded, Madam Bevary?”
“Just make sure you have selected her multiverse, where we will cross each other,” she
In front of them, a huge dome opened all of a sudden.

The Book That… Writes Itself


The True Story of Maya in Our

Own Realm

ear 06-06-1970
Place: Hospital delivery room
A flower company truck stops outside the hospital. The delivery man starts
moving multiple bouquets of red roses inside. A nurse approaches the
delivery man, curious as to who is the recipient of all these flowers. “My order is to fill
the delivery suite with red roses,” is his answer.
The nurse realises that the delivery man does not want to reveal any details, and
pretends to walk away, still observing every movement of his. He decorates the two
floors of the delivery suite, the staircase, and then he pulls out from the truck a huge
basket full of red roses and, looking at the small paper attached to the basket, Room
Number 6, he starts his search. He finds Room 6.
He knocks discreetly and enters the room. A wearied mother is holding a newborn in
her arms. A smile lights up his face, looking at the newborn and the funny hair of the
baby that looks like a Mohawk.
“It’s like a hippy,” he says to the mother, smiling, while softly patting the baby’s strange
“My poor girl had a very hard time coming out. They delivered her with a suction
device,” the mother answers. “The poor girl seemed to know into what a heartless world
she is coming.”
“My dear lady, the child will be all right. These roses are for you from your husband.
He sent us a message from the ship. He told us to fill the delivery suite with red roses,
which I did. Your baby seems to be a special child. Never in the past have I had a similar
request. Enjoy your baby.”
The mother looks deeply into the baby’s blue eyes, and for a moment she’s lost in those
blue eyes. Then, she says, “Yes, indeed. She is a very special baby,” and hugs the baby
The Book That… Writes Itself

The door opens again unexpectedly, and a slim tall woman in her mid-thirties enters
the room. She looks very exhausted and bedraggled.
“I brought you what you asked for, Stemmie.” She leaves a large pouch on the floor.
“Thank you, Dalia. Take a look at what your brother did. He filled the delivery suite
with red roses. Why don’t you take some for your house?”
“What a crazy man!” she responds, laughing in jubilation, feeling proud of her brother,
then she bends over to smell the roses in the basket.
“Tell me now, why did you insist on holding the child still, with blood all over, inside
the operating room?” the mother asks.
“Whoever holds the child first immediately after birth imparts to the child his or her
good heart and nature,” she says with pride.
“I don’t see you that happy, though. All your life, you’ve been offering your services
to others, but you don’t really take care of yourself. I hope my child will not become a
victim of others. I don’t want her to ever get hurt. I will name her Maya,” the mother
says, totally exhausted, before falling into a deep sleep.
Maya started growing in a strange environment, since the father was away, being a
merchant marine captain, and the mother worked for endless hours.
Maya’s care was undertaken by her grandmother and Aunt Dalia, so that the mother
could work. As she was growing up, she constantly cried every time her mother left for
work. Then, one day, she peed on herself, stressed as she was and feeling abandoned.
After that incident, the mother, realisig Maya’s stress, started taking her along to her
workplace (she was an English teacher), so the child started learning English from the
age of three. She was soon able to read English with ease.
Around this age, her brother was born, whom Maya was waiting for with bated breath.
Her father frequently asked Maya to provoke her mother by saying, “When are you
going to get me a brother named Robin?’” That was to assure that the child would take
his father’s name, whom he never met, since he died when his mother was pregnant
with him. Aunt Dalia, however, performed her magic again and as soon as the newborn
was presented, she addressed poor Maya with tears in her eyes, saying, “Now, he will
take your place as the family’s favourite, my poor girl!”
Young Maya, although she did not understand the gravity of the statement, just by
looking at the face of her aunt felt that this would be a great disaster, so she started
crying. She could never imagine that this particular moment would have tremendous
consequences in her later life.
The time came for Maya to enter kindergarten. Those days, all girls, even at
kindergarten, had to wear uniforms. Girls wore pink, and boys, blue. Her mother
dressed her in a pink uniform, and they set off for school. Her classroom was in a semi-
basement with a small window looking over the street. Maya joined the other kids, who
were sitting scared and quiet around the room.

Chapter 14: The True Story of Maya in Our Own Realm

Her desk was on the side closer to the front yard. The window was on her left, but there
was an iron grate made of thick steel, joined to form equal squares covering the entire
windowpane. Maya’s glance flicked in and out of the room. She used her peripheral
vision and started seeing light bands of green colour mixed with the numbers 1 and 0.
The coloured bands formed several shapes.
She immediately sensed she was inside a prison, unable to perceive that it was actually
a virtual reality. She deeply felt contained. She got up and went to the teacher’s desk.
The teacher was not in class yet. She was talking to the parents in the front yard. Maya
stood on the teacher’s desk and started shouting.
“Kids, what are we doing here? Don’t you see this is a prison? We must leave right
away! Look at our mothers. They are leaving, they are deserting us. This is a prison.”
The children looked outside the window, seeing their mothers greeting one another
happily, beguiled by virtual reality. Children are very innocent beings, able to sense the
truth if someone sensitises them, even for a moment. All the children started crying and
Maya kept encouraging them to get out of that room. “Get out, all of you. There is still
time. They are trying to imprison us because our generation is here to save the planet
from this prison. We have a mission. Through school, they will anesthetise our sense
of mission.”
The children started running into the front yard, and the teacher ran after them, terrified,
trying to stop the turmoil. Maya was still standing on the teacher’s desk, shouting like
an adult revolutionary. The teacher grabbed Maya by the arm, and abruptly pulled her
out of the class. She brought her close to her mother, who had approached the door of
the classroom. “I am sorry, but you should take your child home now, calm her down,
and bring her back tomorrow.”
“I am not coming tomorrow. You will not put me in this prison again!” Maya was still
shouting while they were pulling her out with her small braids frantically swaying right
and left.
Her mother was embarrassed. She was deeply concerned about public opinion. She felt
extremely humiliated. “Shame on you!” she shouted at Maya.” You have disgraced
me!” While chastising Maya, she grabbed the kid’s arm until her skin started bleeding,
scratched by her mother’s long orange fingernails. The girl was sobbing and crying: “I
don’t want to go back to that place again. They will make me forget the mission I came
to fulfil on this planet. My life will be wasted. Please, don’t bring me back here.”
The mother spanked her, and said in a serious tone of voice. “You have no mission.
Like it or not, you will be back here tomorrow, and you will be very quiet. Every child
goes to school .There is no argument about that. Do you understand?”
Soon, she saw the scratches on the child’s arm and got very worried. Instead of going
home, they made for a pharmacy. Before getting inside, the mother said, “You won’t
tell anyone who caused these wounds. If you do, I will spank you even more.”
The Book That… Writes Itself

Maya thought to herself, But it is so obvious these are nail scratches. However, she said
The pharmacist started treating the youngster’s wounds, then, turning around, said:
“Stemmie, these wounds seem like nail scratches. Did you do this to the kid?”
Reacting angrily and defending herself, she said, “Yes. She didn't want to go to
kindergarten. She actually tried to convince the other kids to do the same, telling them
that they are in a prison.”
“To tell you the truth, I don’t believe that she is wrong. She is a very smart kid,” the
pharmacist said softly, patting her head and smiling at Maya, who was looking at him
with her eyes bloodshot. “Young lady, any time you need something, feel free to come
and talk to me.”
As they exited the pharmacy, Maya turned around and said to her mother, “Did you
see? He knows that I have a mission.”
“Stop that. Do you understand?” the mother shouted, pulling her to walk faster.
When they got home, the father asked what the iodine colour meant on Maya’s hands,
what was the explanation. The mother told him the whole story, and he became very
angry. “We didn't give birth to a child. She is like Che Guevara in a pink uniform. You
are a total failure. Not good for anything. You are like a failed business.” Then, he
started spanking Maya.
From that point onward, her life was full of violence. She was beaten up for everything.
Because she could not write the letter D in calligraphy, like the father did. If she got
anything less than an A+ in any class at school. She started living in terrible anxiety.
Most of the beating used to take place late at night for any reason, no matter how
insignificant. One evening, while she was still in kindergarten, the father informed her
that every night, after finishing her exercises, she should read large articles from the
encyclopedia, memorise them, and then recite them to the father.
That took hours. The texts were huge, written for adult readers, and more than that, she
had to learn them by heart. For any mistake she made, she was beaten hard. That fateful
night, she forgot one word of an article regarding tomatoes, and she was punished
harshly. Maya was constantly crying, and the father said, “Stop crying. The more you
cry, the more I will beat you up.”
Maya, a small child, was going through an ordeal suitable for a trained secret agent to
keep cool while beaten by his enemies. She was looking for something to hold on to,
somebody to support her, but to no avail. No one was available. The mother tried to
protect her, like she had attempted before, but she herself was pushed away violently
by the father. Maya had both hands tied, and gnashed her teeth, telling herself,
“Patience, Maya. Soon, we will be in bed, and you will have all the chance to cry as
much as you like.”
Soon, the father left, and the mother took her to her room. The entire room was painted
pink. The walls were cream, but the large built-in closet was pink, and so were the bed,

Chapter 14: The True Story of Maya in Our Own Realm

the drapes pink, the radiator, as well as the chest of drawers with the mirror on top. The
only things of different colour were the handles of the drawers, which were white.
This chest of drawers served as a desk for Maya. Above the desk, white large shelves
were full of books, while in the middle, under the mirror, there was an empty space
between the drawers for a sitting stool to fit. One of the walls was full of icons of Christ,
the Virgin Mary, and different saints, decorated by the mother. Just above the mirror in
a small empty space, there was a small frame with an embroidered picture of a young
boy holding a fishing rod with a fish at its end.
Maya was taken to bed by the mother, wishing deep within to get a hug before
sleeping…thinking and wishing… “Please, hug me, please hug me.” Her eyes stung
from the desire to cry, and a lump in her throat prevented her from breathing normally.
She wanted to cry in her mother’s arms, but the hug never came.
“Just say your prayer,” was the only thing the mother said.
She still had to endure more before she was able to cry on her own after completing the
prayer, but she did it, fearing any further beating. She made the sign of the cross on her
pillow, like she was taught, then started uttering the children’s prayer she knew, “I am
going to sleep with the sign of the cross I have as protective armour on my side. I am
considered a servant of God. I have no fear of anybody. I only fear God,” the girl added.
“Why should I be servant of God, and why do I have to fear him, since he is so good,
and loves me, as you said?” a grieving Maya asked her mother.
“When speaking of God, the word fear means respect,” explained the mother.
Maya made the sign of the cross over the pillow again, and then uttered to herself, “I
only fear and love God.”
She tucked herself in bed and started crying under the covers, as she had promised
herself, sobbing and trying to be silent, so as not to raise any unwanted responses. All
of a sudden, she heard a noise that seemed to come from under her desk, where the
sitting stool was. She got up and pulled out the stool, which quite heavy for her size.
She noticed some miniature people under the desk, after removing the stool. She
crawled under the desk. “Who are you? You look like midgets,” she noted happily.
“Stay silent and hurry up,” one of them responded with anger.
She looked at them very carefully one by one. All of them were ugly-looking and very
angry. They all started shouting in concert, “Take down all the icons. All of them. Right
They were so aggressive that no argument was the best choice. Maya tried to tell them
that she could not reach that high, but then she realised she had to obey. She climbed
up as high as she could, and started taking down the icons. Meanwhile, they were all
shouting aggressively and impatiently.
“Take down all of them and place them on the floor, face down.”
The Book That… Writes Itself

She took them all down and placed them in a straight line, parallel to her bed, all face
down. As soon as she was done, all the miniature people disappeared. She slept, totally
Early morning, she was awakened by her mother screaming. “Who did this in the
child’s room?” she was asking.
“Mom, I did it, but it’s not my fault. The midgets came, and they were very angry. They
asked me to take them down and put them upside down on the floor.”
“There are no midgets, my child,” the mother responded and started hanging the icons
back in their place.
“But…” Maya attempted to react, but all of a sudden the father showed up through the
door, and she stopped any discussion, terrified.
Next evening, the midgets showed up again, asking for the same thing, but Maya put
up resistance. She told them bravely, “I don’t want to take the icons down. I love God.”
“In your prayer, you said that you are afraid of God, and that indicates that you can
jump into our side. We are the Vrill and, from now on, you will do as we say.”
“No, I will not take them down, and you noticed that in my prayer. I said that I love
God as well.”
“Well…we cannot insist any longer, since humans are endowed with free will.
However, we would like to tell you that we are going to obstruct your mission.” Then,
they disappeared.
Maya was left with her mouth wide open. So, the mission was real. Instead of being
scared, she was actually happy, reassured that her mission was real. She jumped into
her bed, whispering something while falling asleep right away. “I have a mission, I have
a mission. I should never forget it.”
Several years later, at lunchtime, their plates were full of food to the brim and, if they
dared not polish them off, then the “holy rod beating” would be the consequence, as the
father used to say.
“I cannot eat all this food,” the younger brother dared say.
“Me, neither,” Maya said in a more assertive tone.
“Eat as much as you can,” said the mother.
The father got up from the dining table and went to the next room, soon to return with
his face covered with pantyhose similar to the one the robbers use. He looked very
scary, even to an adult. “Start eating,” he ordered both kids.
They both started to eat, very scared.
The younger brother shortly afterwards said, teary-eyed. “Mom…am I allowed to say
that I cannot eat any more?”

Chapter 14: The True Story of Maya in Our Own Realm

“You can say that right now, my son,” the mother responded with her eyes full of tears.
“If you are full, you may go to your room.”
The children disappeared to their rooms, obviously relieved.
From their rooms, they could hear their parents fighting loud. They heard strange
noises, and only then did they realise that the father was beating their mother. As time
went by, Maya started realising that her brother was deeply affected by the situation as
she kept completely silent.
A day after that incident, she patted her brother’s head softly, and told him, “Please,
don’t cry. Let’s play the game of happiness.”
“What is the game of happiness?” he asked, curious to find a relief, opening his
wonderful black eyes wide, lying down. In anticipation of the proposed solution, he
stopped crying.
“It is a story that I am now reading. Once upon a time, there was a small girl called
Pollyanna. Her mother had died. She was living with her father, who was a priest, and
they lived in poverty.”
“What is a priest?” the young boy asked.
“I believe someone who takes care of a church, but that is not so important. It was
Christmas, and some rich ladies brought some old household items they no longer used
to donate them to the poor families. Old clothes and toys no longer used, and so on.
Among those items, there was a quite large box with the word ‘DOLL.’ It was big, and
Pollyanna’s father was very happy he could give her such a big gift, the large doll.
“He placed the box aside and, on Christmas Eve, he placed the box underneath the
poorly decorated tree, after wrapping it with glossy red paper. Pollyanna was used to
receiving old, second-hand gifts, so that did not bother her. As soon as she got out of
bed in the morning, she went straight to the tree to find her present. Her father
approached very happily, as well. She tore the cover, and read the indication DOLL on
the box. She started imagining and anticipating the big doll soon to become her best
friend, her sister, and started tearing the cardboard. The father helped her but instead of
a doll, they found a pair of crutches inside.”
“Oh…poor Pollyanna,” the brother said, deeply sad, as he was very compassionate.
“Yes… Pollyanna started crying as soon as she saw the crutches. However, the father
asked her if she would like to play the game of happiness. He explained that, in every
bad situation, she should be able to focus on one positive aspect of the situation.
Pollyanna responded that she could not imagine anything positive in the fact that she
received a pair of crutches as a Christmas gift. That is the moment the father said, ‘The
positive thing is that they are useless to you.’ She could get them as a useful gift if she
was handicapped. Thus, she was very lucky she did not need them! That was the game
of happiness.”
“Hmm… Not bad,” said the young boy. “But what positive thing can we find in what
has happened to us?”
The Book That… Writes Itself

“You could go through all these experiences by yourself alone, and so could I.
However, look: we have each other,” Maya said, hugging her brother.
She kept him in her arms until he slowly fell asleep, and then she went to her own room
to lie down in her bed. “My dear God, please let me have a hug from someone. I need
to be hugged by someone. I need it so much.” Then, hugging her own self, she pulled
the covers, and started crying underneath.
When she was ten years of age, a boy, a classmate of hers, invited her to his party. Her
mother bought a book for her to bring him as a gift. Maya did not really want to go
because the boy was paralysed, and she felt very sad she could not help him. Each time
she met that boy, she felt so awkward because she was healthy and the boy was
paralysed. Outside the house where the party would take place, Maya met her closest
friend, who sat in the same desk with her in the class.
“Natasha! How are you? Are you coming to the party, as well?”
“No, I am not invited. I am going to Sunday school.”
“What is Sunday school?”
“It is a place where they tell us stories about how to become a better person and to learn
to behave like Jesus Christ.”
“Fantastic! I like stories very much. I will go in to give my present, and then I will come
with you,” Maya said and felt very happy.
So, they made for Sunday school. They spent a lot of time there, and did not realise
how late it was. Maya liked it very much. Such beautiful stories, such sweet advice, and
such a peaceful environment. She felt relieved and happy. When she returned back
home, she was happy to sing the Sunday school song going upstairs. All of a sudden,
her father appeared on the staircase landing, very angry.
“Where have you been?” he screamed.
In Maya’s eyes, he looked gigantic, taller than ever, standing three steps above her. She
got scared. She quickly thought of the consequences if she said the truth: that she had
been to a place without his permission in advance, or if she lied, saying she was at the
party where she was allowed to go.
“At the party,” she responded with fear. She did not realise how fast he grabbed her by
the arm, and thrust her out on the balcony, next to the staircase landing.
“I will teach you not to lie again. Whoever lies will drown in blood,” he said and started
beating her mercilessly.
On the balcony, there was a large rotten pair of garden scissors the mother used for
cutting plant branches. He took the scissors and cut her long hair very short, like a boy’s
hair. Then, he took her clothes off, and started beating her, until she was purple all over
her body. Maya, holding her small hands tight, was begging, “No more. Please, no
more. I beg you, Dad. No more.”

Chapter 14: The True Story of Maya in Our Own Realm

Her mother heard the screams and showed up after a while. She shouted to the father to
stop and pulled Maya inside. She did not know what to do with the child’s bruises. Her
daughter’s hair was cut short, and she was naked and black and blue all over from the
beating. She just wanted to cover the girl’s tiny body, unable to tolerate her sight. She
put her to bed and covered her.
No hug or stroke. Her mother’s sister, who was living on the first floor, heard the
commotion, got out, and went upstairs. Still, everything was over. She was afraid of
Maya’s father as well. She sat next to the beaten child, whose body was trembling,
black and blue all over, shocked under the blanket, unable to utter even one word. Not
even the aunt was able to offer a hug
That is how Maya grew up—with great anxiety and dark sad shadows, but she was
always able to play the game of happiness in a magic way between beatings.
She never went on vacation. Even during summer, she had to study for at least eight
hours a day. She studied all basic school subjects: maths, physics, chemistry, foreign
languages, and essay writing. At the age of ten, she had mastered the maths of middle
school level. She loved mathematics more than anything else. Then, something strange
happened that Maya’s young mind could not comprehend. All of a sudden, for the
children of her class only, a test was proposed by the Mathematical Society, and the
winner would be hired by NASA on a scholarship to study and work in the United
States. When Maya heard that, she said to her closest friend, “I would love that! I always
wanted to become an astronaut.”
“You are so good at math,” Natasha responded. “You may become an astronaut, after
all. But do you really want to leave your parents so young?”
“It does not bother me. I don’t have such a great time at home. Maybe the people there
will be very nice. If you talk to my parents on the phone, don’t tell them anything about
the test because I will be in big trouble if I don’t win.”
“So what? If he gets mad, he’ll get over it,” Natasha responded.
“Aren’t you afraid of your father when he gets mad?” Maya asked curiously.
“Why should I be afraid of him? When he gets mad, he goes and sits by himself in a
corner until he relaxes, then he comes back to discuss whatever made him mad. But
why are you so afraid of your father? What does he do when he gets angry?”
“Nothing,” said Maya, dropping her eyes to look at the ground.
This was the first time she had realised that all fathers did not react like hers. Up until
that day, she had thought that all kids were routinely beaten up by their fathers, and
parents argued all the time.
Maya did not prepare for the test at all, so her parents wouldn’t notice. After all, they
were constantly checking what she was reading. The father had hidden the keys to all
doors, so he could check everything and everybody in the house, not allowing any
privacy for anyone. No one could lock their door.
The Book That… Writes Itself

One day, the father entered the room unexpectedly. Maya was looking outside the
window at the time, sitting on a stool in front of the pink desk. He beat her up wild, and
asked her, “Are you daydreaming? Shame on you! You are a useless ungrateful child.”
This happened on a daily basis. Under these circumstances, she could not prepare for
the test, although she wanted so much to win.
The day before the test arrived. Maya prayed to God to help her not to be beaten up that
evening, so that she could sleep several hours peacefully, and get some rest for the
morning’s test. Unfortunately, however, that evening, the worst happened. Her mother
was testing her for the history homework assignment.
Maya observed that her mother was losing concentration once in a while while listening
to her. She started thinking to herself, “If I forget any word, and do not score an A+
tomorrow when examined by the teacher, I will be beaten up again, and that will be my
mother’s fault, who is not paying enough attention.”
She got angry at her mother, fearing another violent day, and deliberately omitted a
word, to check if the mother was paying any attention at all. Her mother did not realise
anything, nor did she correct her in any way. Maya threw a book at her mother, saying,
“Mother, you are not listening at all. I just forgot a word! Tomorrow, if I forget the
same word, Father will beat me, and that will be your fault as you’re not checking me
The book landed next to her mother. She placed her hands on her abdomen, and
suddenly blood appeared on the sheet the mother was sitting on. The sheet was getting
more and more bloody.
Maya screamed to call her father. “Dad! Help… Mother!”
He came, surprised, asking, “What happened?”
Looking at the blood, he accompanied the mother to the washroom. Maya, apparently
disturbed by the sight of blood, was saying, “I threw a book at my mom,” feeling
immense guilt.
After taking care of the mother, who never got sick, being everybody’s strength and
protection, and after placing her to bed, he turned his attention to Maya. “Come and see
the damage you caused, crazy kid.”
He grabbed her by her hair and placed her in front of the basin in the bathroom. She
raised herself, stepping on her toes, to reach the inner part of the basin, and she saw an
incredible spectacle.
Blood...a lot of blood all over.
“This is your little brother you just killed!” the father screamed.
“My little brother?” the girl said.
“Yes. Your mother was pregnant, and you killed the little baby with the book you threw
at her.”

Chapter 14: The True Story of Maya in Our Own Realm

The girl turned her attention to the basin again, and only then, was she able to make out
in the pool of blood a little baby. She started crying, and tried to explain. “I didn’t know
anything. I didn’t want to harm anyone! I just didn't want to be beaten again tomorrow
for missing a word in my history class.”
That night, she could not sleep at all. She kept crying all night long in her bed. She felt
very dizzy when she got up in the morning to go to school. She was convinced that she
could not do well in the test. The only thing she was thinking about was the baby she
had killed before it was even born.
When the time came for the test, one of the teachers announced the questions. They
seemed to be easy enough to answer. She was impressed. She started to answer the test
feverishly. As she dealt with math, she forgot everything undesirable.
The next day, they announced the results.
“Only one kid from our school on the island was able to answer all the questions and
get the highest score. That kid is Maya. Congratulations!”
All the kids started clapping their hands, and Maya was smiling happily.
“Come and take this paper. Your father must sign it and, for the following academic
year, you may start your studies with NASA.”
Her eyes were sparkling while walking past all her classmates, who were clapping their
hands. She felt like a movie star on her way to picking up her Oscar award. She rushed
back to the house that day. She got in, short of breath. The time had come to make
everybody proud. To prove once and for all that she was not useless.
“Look! I won the contest of the Math Society. Dad, you have to sign this paper. I can
go and be trained by NASA. I told you I have a mission,” Maya said with pride, reaching
out her arm toward her father to hand him the paper he had to sign.
The father took the paper, and looked at it with great surprise, saying, “Bravo. You did
very well…but you are not going anywhere.”
Then, he tore the paper into small pieces and threw it in the garbage bin.
“But why? Why? Both of you wish for me to become a scientist. You asked me not to
do any house chores because my job is to study to become a scientist,” Maya responded,
very frustrated.
“Not with NASA, however,” said the father, like it was a curse for someone to work
there. “You have no idea how bad things are there… They keep you isolated, fearing
leaks of their secrets, and you will not be able to see even your own family. Tomorrow,
we are moving. We must move to Athens because I must take the last test to become a
merchant marine captain.”
“But you never mentioned anything about that,” Maya’s mother said. “Why do we have
to leave so abruptly?”
“First, I am going to rent an apartment, then you will come the next day,” he responded,
practically issuing an order they had to obey.
The Book That… Writes Itself

They all fell silent and started packing for the move.
They ended up in a very strange neighbourhood. Maya was surprised, since they were
a well-to-do family, and now they had to live in a small house with a single room in a
very poor neighbourhood, without kids outside to play with. It felt like nobody else was
living in this area with the narrow streets. Once a week, the mother would take them to
the movies to see some animated film, and that was all. New problems appeared
regarding electricity. Each time she walked past the television set, her hair would stand
up because of static electricity, and the television lost its signal. Her parents did not
figure out why this was happening, but did not allow her to get close to the television
set anymore.
They lived in that house for a year. In the evenings, Maya used to read with a small
light on that served as a candle for the icons.
She loved to read The Prince and the Pauper. She liked it so much. “The one I will fall
in love with will be that good,” she was thinking when reading this book. Then, she
read Les Misérables, and in her imagination she lived the love between Titika and
Mario. “He is going to love me like that,” she said to herself all the time. “My dear
God, where could my other half be at this moment? When am I going to meet him?
Does he anticipate meeting me, as well? Is he thinking of me right now? I hope his life
is better than mine. I hope his parents are good. Oh, my other half. Where are you? He
will be a wonderful prince, who will save me from the torture I am now going through.”

The Book That… Writes Itself


Maya’s First Visit to the Spaceship

T hat fateful moment, a wide band of yellow light like a vertical pathway appeared
on the ceiling and attached to her body. She felt an irresistible pull toward that
light, and her body, as she was lying down, began to suspend horizontally over
the bed. The light was constantly pulling her upward. She went through the ceiling and
suddenly found herself in a strange, unknown place. She was not scared at all, she did
not utter any sound, mysteriously feeling peaceful and happy within that light.
When she got the sense that the strange travel was complete, she looked around her.
She was still lying in a horizontal position face up. She attempted to get up, but she
banged her head on a glass pane. She reached out her hands to touch the surroundings,
only to realise that she was inside a glass tube.
She looked around. The walls had curves. Many people were present in the space: three
women and three men, all very tall and extremely attractive. They all had white gowns
on, as if they were doctors.
Suddenly, she heard a heavy male voice. However, it was very kind, leaving an echo
behind. “Welcome, Eliki,” the voice said.
“My name is not Aliki,” she responded. “Why is your voice so strange, like it’s coming
The voice laughed with a lot of love. “You are very cute. To start with, I called you El-
iki, with an E, not with an A. Second, you hear me in this strange manner because you
hear my voice within your brain. We call this telepathy. This is the way we
communicate here. So do you. You don’t have to speak loudly. Try to speak inside you
while addressing me. Concentrate and try. Slowly, you will grow accustomed to my
voice, and not think that I sound like God with an echo.”
Maya closed her eyes. thinking that it would help her attempt to concentrate. “Hi! How
are you?” she attempted to speak inside her brain.
Many voices, male and female, responded automatically. “Greetings, El-iki.”
“Our El-iki.”
“You learn very quickly.”
“I like this telepathy,” Maya said. “But why do you call me El-iki?”
The Book That… Writes Itself

“This is one of your names. The syllable El in this name means light, and that
synchronises you with the vibrations of the divine light. Simultaneously, it is
therapeutic to you, something you need, considering the ordeal you have been through.”
“Who are you?”
“We are not allowed to reveal that to you, yet. In time, however, you will have your
question answered. Now, you can close your eyes and enjoy a wonderful sleep while
you are being cured and placed in tune with your other half.”
Maya raised her head a bit. From her reproductive organs, a shining, thick,
multicoloured wire connected her with another tube next to her, where a young boy was
“Who is this boy?” Maya complained. “Where am I?”
“Believe me. One day, you will be very happy that in the tube next to you is this specific
boy. As for where you are, this is a spaceship.”
“What is a spaceship?” Maya did not know what a spaceship was. Those days, no
spaceships were shown on children’s television programmes.
“It is a vehicle that travels in space. Now, tell us how you feel.”
“I feel very well, very happy for the first time. I could describe it as if somebody were
tickling my heart.”
“Well, that’s ideal. Close your eyes, and enjoy it. When you wake up in your house on
Earth, please remember that you can call us any time you wish.”
Maya closed her eyes, and slept deeply, a sleep such as she hadn’t enjoyed since she
was a baby. This was the first night she hadn’t cried. When she got up, she was in her
bed, asking herself if what she experienced was real or not. All day long, her thoughts
were there.
Next evening, she thought of visiting her new friends. Soon after the thought crossed
her mind, she found herself on the spaceship again. It dawned on her that the only thing
she had to do was to think of something, and her wish would be granted.
She continued making this visit for many years. Her strange new friends couldn't give
her any additional information, but simply being there was sufficient to bring peace,
love, and happiness into her soul. It was always a pleasant intermission. Sometimes,
Maya asked them, out of curiosity, “I have a mission. Isn’t that so?”
“Yes, you do, and you will do it very well,” they always answered with love.
Then, Maya would sleep with a wide smile on her face. At around the age of fifteen,
Maya started reading and searching for extraterrestrial life, only to realise that there
were two types of extraterrestrials, those of the dark and those of the light. Then, she
started asking herself if she was dealing with the good or the dark side.

Chapter 15: Maya’s First Visit to the Spaceship

“Are those on the spaceship good or bad? And what exactly do they do to me there?
What if they do something sinister to me? What if they present it so beautifully, but it
is actually an abduction?”
She kept thinking of them every evening, but she did not visit them anymore. She
explained with her mind that she was actually afraid, and they stopped appearing. The
torture she was going through because of her family never stopped. Until she reached
seventeen, the violent behaviour at home never ceased. Any small cause was reason
enough for a senseless beating. Even when she was walking on the street with some
classmates, especially boys, her father didn’t approve of that. He stopped the car if he
saw her, got out, and beat Maya up in public. Then, he got her in the car, and drove
away. Her life was substantially improving when her father was away on a long trip,
but one could not call that a pleasant life because her mother was so strict, concerned
only about whether she could get an A+ in all subjects. Maya never learnt to do any
house chores. Her mother would always tell her, “This is not your job. Your job is to
study, get excellent grades, and become a scientist.”
Once, Maya insisted that she wanted to iron some clothes, and her mother paid her some
money when she was done. Maya hated that. It made her feel she was not a member of
the family. This behaviour made her hate all house chores.
Maya grew up studying, and became a doctor. The problem she had with electricity got
much worse. During her studies, any metal object she touched electrocuted her. She
could not even close the door of the car unless she did it by pushing the glass to avoid
the charge.
After graduation, she found an apartment and a roommate. At home, she had a problem
with him. Any time she touched him, they were both electrocuted. When the roommate
called an electrician to check for any shorting fuse, either from an outlet or a switch,
nothing was ever found. This remained an unresolved mystery, which caused Maya to
be scared to plug in any electrical device to any electrical outlet.
She was by now a beautiful young lady with long blonde hair, large eyes—a cross
between blue and green— and a clear glance. Yes. That was Maya Dark-Elf saw in his
lucid dreaming session.
“How is El-iki?” a voice was heard in the room before Great Darso appeared in a
“Great Darso, it was not necessary to waste so much energy to transport yourselves
here. She is doing very well, although she stopped all communication with our team on
the spaceship. She has suffered some violent behaviour from her Earthly family, and
we cannot predict how she is going to end up. Had she kept the communication with
our team, things would have been different. She has serious problems with electricity,
naturally, but she is very careful with that, since she realises the danger involved. She
does remember that she has a mission. She has known that since she was a child,”
Madam Bevary answered, very satisfied.
“She still remembers that? Unbelievable. So, what Lord Arcturus did worked out
perfectly. Please, let me know if anything goes wrong. I am in a hurry because I left my
The Book That… Writes Itself

body in a room in the UNUM with the rest.” Upon saying that, his hologram

The Book That… Writes Itself


In the Hall of UNUM

E verybody appeared in a large elaborate amphitheater in the UNUM. There were

three rows of seats, two of them right and left with four seats each, and a wider
third row in the middle with ten seats. In the aisles between the rows, there were
on the floor a series of small mushroom-shaped lights. These were the only source of
light so the guests could see their seats, walking safely through the aisles.
Everybody was still waiting for any movement on the part of Great Darso, who looked
“Hmm,” was the only comment Tuathan made, addressing Lilith and pointing toward
“Let’s wait for him for a few moments,” Lilith said, like she knew something the others
did not. A few seconds later, Great Darso started moving slightly.
“Sorry for the delay,” he said when he arrived. “Take a seat, each one of you, and put
on one of the virtual reality masks.”
Everyone complied, and total darkness appeared in front of their eyes. In the beginning,
they could not see anything. No thought, no feeling, no sound. This silence, however,
began developing consciousness. Actually, a hyperconsciousness, which started
creating thoughts with a gigantic potential, unlike anything anybody had ever
experienced because, within it, everything existing was contained. A very large living
being rudely appeared that seemed to be breathing. Its appearance was hazy but bright
at the same time. It had no matter, but it was the astral body of a very tall, extremely
beautiful woman, and they viewed her at an angle, like she wanted everyone to see that
she was breathing.
“It feels like you converse about God,” Tuathan commented.
“I mean to speak about the Creator of all,” Great Darso responded, correcting Tuathan.
“Yes, but you are showing us a woman figure,” argued Tuathan again.
“You will realise that the Creator Of All is a female energy, Tuathan. You will
understand everything in the process. You will be impressed by a lot of things because
all this time you have lived within an artificial hologram called Matrix by the ones who
know more…”
The Book That… Writes Itself

The tall beautiful being kept breathing.

Great Darso continued, “She conceptualised that she knows everything. She started
questioning the possibility if she did not know. She could experience anything desired,
but only from her perpetual perspective. If the desire were to experience a different
eternity, a new enlightened consciousness had to be created, so this new unit could
create its own version of eternity. So, you will see that the way of expansion of this
perpetual consciousness and the creation of infinite universes from her own different
perspective, was to expand herself to different units of consciousness, and from unity
to go into division. For your own understanding, let’s call her the Source from now on.
The Source thus created a game for herself. It created the UNUM, which is the multi-
universe; it was created by the same Source, yet from different perspectives of view
and consciousness.”
At this moment, they noticed the tall woman take a deep breath, and a noise was heard,
“Shaaa…” while from her bright body small tongues of light extended toward the
beings gathered in the room. They soon took the shape and form of the tall female astral
body. They were all miniature copies of her. Then, as they all observed, she breathed
on each extension of her with that soft sound.
“You must realise that the entire cosmos was created by sound. With this expiration
sound, she gave existence to any and all extensions of hers, each one with different
characteristics and personalities, so every unit could create its own universe within the
UNUM, so that way any thought, any feeling, any experience returns back to the
Source. The initial UNUM became a gaming place, with the same levels of expression
as you saw before. To complete this game, some gamers had to be devised. She created
different versions of herself and spread them around within the UNUM, so an intelligent
version of life appeared, however of lower frequencies than her own, which could
explore the entire UNUM, and bring back the different experiences of theirs, so the
Source could comprehend different things about herself. Thus, you must realise that
even the Source needs to ‘know thyself’ as we mentioned earlier.”
“So, who gave the Source the capacity to conceptualise herself? And who created the
Source?” Dark-Elf asked.
“Those are very good questions, but I don’t have any satisfactory answers. This is
something we are all looking for, and it could be that there are infinite Creators of the
Creators and infinite Sources of Sources as infinite is the cosmos. Let us see the next
They saw the Source creating seven more versions of herself, and then telling them, “I
have created you very close to my frequencies. You have the capacity to create your
own realities within my UNUM, even galaxies, stars, nebulas, planets. Create them and
spread life on them. Go create, play, and bring back to me all your experiences. Gift
yourselves freely any creation of yours within my UNUM, any creation able to realise
my substance and my identity! You are the Creator Gods of this UNIVERSE.”
The movie continued demonstrating the Creator Gods. It showed how life was spread
on different planets just with a thought and the exhalation sound. At one point, the
created planets were so many, so many stars, obviating the need for more creating

Chapter 16: In the Hall of UNUM

powers, so the initial creator Gods created lower free creators, able to spread life even
to lower-vibration planets.
“That is very unfortunate,” Dark-Elf noted, obviously disturbed. “Even Gods have a
hierarchy, some higher, some lower.”
“In reality, there is no hierarchy. For you to understand, we have to show you these
pictures. We understand it that way because we are used to the concept of hierarchy.
Every creation has its own role in one unified game, some complex tasks, some simpler,
but all serving the unified plan of the Source. So, all creation, all the diverse versions
of it are only One, all returning to the same Source. We are all One. Remember that
these Creator Gods do not exist in time, as you realise it here on Earth as linear time.
One million or one billion years for them means nothing.”
“Exactly like us, the Elves,” Dark-Elf shouted happily.
“Well, you are not ageing, indeed; however, you experience time the same way we do,
meaning in a linear fashion, like humans and every other living being on Earth. The
seven Creator Gods you see, we name them Originators. Immediately after them are
the races of light or the family of light. Observe from a distance this UNUM extension
and watch what it looks like.”
The picture was at a distance, so they observed a vortex enlarging on the right
directional orbit. The picture was zoomed again to observe the creation closer.
“What are they doing now? Look at them!” Dark-Elf said.
“It seems they are placing their creation under a brightly lit carpet. Isn’t that so?” Great
Darso asked.
“Like they want to hide it,” Tuathan added.
“Exactly! They just created a new galaxy that they are hiding,” answered Great Darso.”
They do that so as to prevent the invasion of the new galaxy by beings of a different
vibrational frequency, dissimilar to the frequency of the new galaxy.”
“And what is this that looks like a lighted river?” Dark-Elf asked.
“This is called the side river zone. Each galaxy has its own side river zone. Designed
to hold the entire system of knowledge, experiences, information, and thoughts, related
to any form of life within the specific galaxy. On Earth, there are seven such locations.
They are physical places anyone can visit. They are revealed to humanity when
humanity is ready. At present, I cannot give you any more detailed explanation
regarding this subject.”
“How was the Earth created?” Dark-Elf interrupted.
“What we have discovered through our recent research is that the galaxy to which the
Earth and all our Solar System belong, called Milky Way or Via Lactea, a Galactic
Road, is almost as old as our whole universe.”
Upon saying this, a huge image of the galaxy appeared before them. This image seemed
to be alive, as if every part of the galaxy were breathing.
The Book That… Writes Itself

He continued, “Our galaxy is called the Milky Way because it looks like a bright
curving band along the night sky, whose stars cannot be made out with the naked eye,
but can only be seen as a blurry, bright milky colour. By today’s standards, and
according to recent calculations, the current cycle of our universe is 13.7 billion years
old. Our galaxy with our sun and our solar system formed slightly afterwards, that is, it
is 13.6 billion years old. I mention this so that you may understand the huge gap
between that point and the point when human beings were created.
“Man appeared for the first time as a Homo Sapiens 400,000 years ago. He is a
relatively new species. Of course, you will see that he existed before that with a
different genetic makeup.
“There was no Earth in the initial solar system. On the contrary, between Mars and
Jupiter, there was a planet much bigger than Earth in orbit around the Sun. That planet
had many names. The most famous was Tiamat.
“This planet, however, was destroyed 4.5 billion years ago, almost right after our solar
system was created. Before it was destroyed, it was inhabited by very advanced beings
who had built a civilisation much akin to that of Atlantis.”
“How could such an advanced civilisation have been destroyed?” asked Tuathan.

The Book That… Writes Itself


A Violent Visit from Sirius

hat’s exactly what we’re going to see later on. The star Sirius…” replied Great

T Darso, as he zoomed in on the image, transferred to the astral system of

Sirius.“…is a triple astral system, that is, it is composed of three stars in one
another’s orbit. Scientists have called them Sirius A, B, and C. This system is situated
8.6 light years away from Earth. Sirius A, also called the Pole Star, can be seen from
our planet with the naked eye, and is the brightest star in the night sky. Sirius is
inhabited by many races and hybrids.”
“What are hybrids?” asked Dark-Elf, who was listening in puzzlement.
“They are beings genetically constructed in labs,” answered Great Darso.
“That sounds pathetic!” said Tuathan.
“Pathetic, indeed…but it happens on all planets, even on Earth. On Sirius, there are also
beings whose DNA was transmuted by the same initial Creators that came from the
“A planet was once in orbit around Sirius C. Its inhabitants called it Ša.A.Me,
pronounced Shaamae. It was six times bigger than Earth. On the Sumerian plates that
were found, they were called Nibiru or, in ancient Acadian, NI.BI.RU.
“Almost 1 billion years ago, Sirius C turned into a nova; that is, it exploded and ended
up becoming a small white dwarf.”
They all saw this story, along with the explosion, on screen and felt as if it were
happening right in front of their eyes.
“Still, 3.5 billion years before this incident, due to some imbalances, Nibiru was thrust
off its orbit and was left adrift in the deep universe. This forced its inhabitants to
abandon the surface of the planet and live underground as the temperature there was
much more bearable.
“After Nibiru travelled across space for a long time, they say that it was attracted by
the gravity of our own solar system. During its eccentric orbit around our young solar
system, one of its multiple moons hit planet Tiamat and split it into two.
“After this violent visit, Nibiru left our solar system and continued its voyage into
space. Yet, due to gravity, it was always part of it. It began revolving around our Sun
The Book That… Writes Itself

in a vast elliptical trajectory that lasts for 3,600 years. This period is called Šar by its
inhabitants—it is pronounced Shaar—and it is their own year. This means their year
lasts for 3,600 Earth years. So, after one Šar, the story continued, Nibiru came back, hit
the other part of the planet Tiamat, and turned into what we now know as the asteroid
belt. Its first half was struck by one of the moons of Nibiru, thrust out of orbit, and
became the planet we now know as Earth, our own planet.
“Another thing that is shown on the ancient Sumerian plates is what we now call Moon.
Actually, it is one of Nibiru’s moons that was thrown off its orbit and literally fell away
from Nibiru. This explains the fact that the moon is inhabited by a race in the form of
a lizard, which can change at will. That’s why the space program Apollo on Earth was
discontinued upon orders from the moon’s inhabitants, because they didn’t want any
Earthlings there.”
“Wait a minute! You mean to tell me that the Earthlings went to the moon? I don't
understand a thing!” said Tuathan.
“Here, we see the Earth as a total of various versions of different points in time. We
have the ability to see what happened in what you view as future, intervene, send
messages to the people of every era, and so on. Of course, this has not happened yet in
the era where you have focused your consciousness. Still, you have to know all this
because, if there’s a way you can save the planet, this is diachronical. Whichever
therapy happens in the future cures the past, as well. This holds for every being, as well
as the whole planet.”
“You mean that we have to beam ourselves to the future?” exclaimed Tuathan in
“It may be necessary,” said Great Darso, his face inscrutable.
“What if we don’t want to? I suppose that, since you know everything, you must be
aware of the reason why I chose immortality! Maybe, you think that since I didn’t
manage to find my wife and daughter, I have no reason to exist, and I am the ideal
person to wander hither and thither in time as a warrior,” Tuathan let rip.
“I can understand your shock,” said Great Darso, and continued undaunted, “You seem
to forget, though, that you set out on a mission. Could it be that this wasn’t your own
“What if I don’t want to go to the future?” Tuathan continued in an aggressive tone.
“You really believe that there is free will among those of you who live on the surface
of the Earth?” This question sounded like an invisible affront to Tuathan, who stared at
him, nonplussed.
He continued, “You will soon understand what is happening on Earth. Be patient,
Tuathan. If you don’t want to go to the future, no one will push you to do it.”
Tuathan heaved a sigh of relief, but he didn’t have the time to reply as Great Darso had
already begun to speak.

Chapter 17: A Violent Visit from Sirius

“Since you saw how the Earth and the Moon were created, let’s see now what’s going
on with the initial Gods-Creators coming directly from the Source. We said earlier on
that this is not the first circle in the universe we live in. There have been other circles
as well. This is a great truth. A universe is created by every initial Creator with specific
goals set by the Source and, when these goals are achieved, every universe stops
expanding and goes back to the initial Creator that made it. It seems that, when a
universe has served its goal and reaches its end, the souls that inhabited it can decide if
they want to return to the Source, from which they all derive, or to take another ‘stroll’
around a new universe recycled from the old one, with a new goal each time.”
“Do we have an example of a target?” asked Tuathan. This teaching reminded him of
the Druids’ words, and his interest was piqued.
“We believe that the primary goal of the Source was to experience separation and
diversity, as there was only one Source at first. How would someone feel if they were
left alone, with powers but no experiences? They would like to experience things and
see how they feel. What better way than sending many parts of himself or herself so
that each one of them may feel something different? The primary goal may have been
the experience of separation, so as to love the experience of reconnection. The goal,
however, cannot only be separation and reconnection. As the pieces of the Source are
divided into souls, they can gain an incredible number of experiences, which they
transfer to the Source, and then reconnect with Her.
“The Founders, or primary Creators, seem to have been created alongside the universe,
to start spreading life and make sure things go according to plan. So, we have assumed
that the Founders are always there at the beginning of a universal circle to work directly
with the Source, and they have full recollection of where they come from, what the
Divine Plan is, and so on.
“Such Founders are Praying Mantises, who are ten to sixty feet tall when they are in
their natural form, and look like locusts. However, we must not confound them with
short Mantises, who work with a race of aliens that collaborate with the lizard-shaped
ones, as we said before. The latter abduct people to conduct experiments on them.”
“Well, I find it hard to believe all this, Great Darso!” shouted Tuathan as the huge
screen showed the form of the Mantises, who literally looked like huge flies or locusts
standing erect.
“This reaction stems from fear, but not everything’s so bad, Tuathan! There are
Founders who have split their own existence or soul into smaller souls. Some pieces
may experience this experiment as stars or planets, and others inside human bodies but
with no memory, so that the experiment of this experience may be successful. Ask
yourself: would it be so bad if your soul were the soil of a primary creator, a Founder,
and you are now in a body to live what you experienced and still do, simply to go back
to the Source, the Creator of All?” asked Great Darso with serenity.
“It would simply seem too silly a plan to have been drawn up by a God,” Tuathan
murmured annoyed.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“This is because you have heard so many teachings that you have started to believe that
God is as complex as a human. A real God would not have the same complexity as a
human being, Tuathan, as when you know everything, nothing seems complex to you.”
Tuathan was pensive.
“Next time you look at the night sky and see myriads of stars, you will know that what
you see is one of the Founders’ expressions and manifestations. You can directly
communicate with them by sending your energy up there or to a specific star or an
entire astral system, and they will know who you are. Another theory popular with the
Earth’s future scientists is that if a race, let’s say human beings, is well advanced, it can
become Founders, and turn into stars overseeing the planetary system they created. We
cannot even imagine where this evolution stops. It seems the Divine Plan for our own
galaxy is for there to be ‘free will’ and for the Source to see what will finally happen if
everything is free. The plan may be different for another galaxy; there may be no free
will, and so on.”
“But you said there is no free will on Earth!” said Dark-Elf, who had been listening
silently all this time, watching that wonderful spectacle on the screen, which wasn’t
over yet.
“Yes, people living on Earth have unfortunately lost their free will. Everything will be
explained to you,” replied Great Darso. “Humans have also lost the sense of who
created them. In very old times, they still remembered that the Creator of everything
was of a female energy; they called her the Goddess, and worshiped her. Now, they
tend to believe that it is neutral gender, or mainly male.”
“This planet looks like Earth! But I doubt it!” shouted Dark-Elf, reaching out to put his
index finger on the screen.
Everyone turned around to look in the same direction.
The screen filled up with a light blue planet.
“What differentiates it from Earth as we know it?” asked Great Darso.
“It’s all this blue… It’s blue all over…” answered Dark-Elf.
“Indeed, it is so, since we see it as it was at first. Back then, it was covered in water.”
“And it was sort of blurry…” said Tuathan pensively.
“This blur you see actually shows that even water is not absolutely materialised. We
get to see very old images, before the planet became matter.”
Great Darso’s voice was interrupted by a loud sound that turned the blue planet into
pitch black.
“How can a sound make the planet go dark?” asked Dark-Elf.
“Zoom out!” ordered Great Darso, as if talking to an invisible crew operating the screen.
Immediately, the planet got farther away, and right over it turned up a huge spaceship
made of light, as if it were transparent.

Chapter 17: A Violent Visit from Sirius

“Zoom in on the vehicle! From now on, our technical crew will give form to whatever
is immaterial so that you can see what happened. Actually, all these forms didn’t have
matter the way we see it here on three-dimensional Earth. They were ethereal beings.
Whatever you’ll see, the beings and the planet, they were all made of different forms
of frequencies and vibrations. They are visible to one another, but invisible to us if we
couldn’t use machines that can give us a material form of a three-dimensional analogy,”
continued Great Darso.
Some conversations were heard as the camera entered that huge ‘transparent’ vehicle
that began to change form and colour.
“Announcement: We found the planet Garu was talking about… Indeed, the
instruments show that we captured it before it started to materialise!” said someone who
seemed to be the captain of the spacecraft.
Applause and strange cheers that sounded like moans were suddenly heard.
The camera had now focused on the vehicle, so that they could see it was full of weird
human-shaped beings that were taller than humans with lizard-like heads.
“Watch out! Some entity is going to appear inside our spaceship in a few minutes. A
teleportation process is underway!” said a woman seated in front of a strange machine
with lots of huge purple stones around it.
“But how? Do they have this right?” shouted someone from the crowd.
“Of course they do! They are the planet’s natives. They are from the Central tribe of
the initial Creators.”
“Ohhh!” was heard from the crowd in unison, and they all cringed, as if frightened.
“There’s nothing to fear,” shouted the captain.
“This race is absolutely benevolent…so pure, you would even call them dumb. They’ve
never experienced what being cunning or suspicious really feels like. We’re safe.”
True to form, a transparent figure turned up that started to take on a material form. It
was a woman with long and straight snow-white hair that formed two oval silver-and-
blue protrusions over each temple.
The captain of the spaceship stood up and went up to the woman.
“Welcome. We surround you with love,” she said and, waving her hand, made a pink
cloud envelop each one of them.
A sigh of relief was heard in unison.
“I am Aerea, Queen and Priestess of the Atlanteans, wife of King Toth. Do you need
something? We see that you have come very close to our planet,” said the woman
“Hail, Aerea. I am Invir. Our tribe is called Garuki as our chief is Garu. Yes, we need
your help,” said the captain, and took a deep bow.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“Speak out!” Aerea urged him politely.

“We are beings in need of gold in order to gain more life. The surface of our planet was
completely destroyed. We had many states, and five of them were made of immaterial
gold, so we could survive. Now that we live underground, we are in great difficulty.
Your planet has a lot of gold in its core. Could we come to procure gold from you? If
so, in exchange for what?”
“Oh, I am so sorry to hear that something so bad happened to your race. You won’t
have to give anything in exchange. You can freely get as much gold as you need. We
don’t need it,” replied Aerea, reaching out her hand to touch him with compassion.
“Thank you,” said Invir, holding her hand tightly.
Then, an ethereal construction appeared on screen that literally clung to Earth. The
crowd started descending through a huge insubstantial staircase that went deep into the
bowels of the transparent planet. With some special machines, they sucked in the gold
that ended in the special compartments of the spaceship.
When they were done with the mining, the Atlanteans invited them to celebrate and get
to know one another.
The Garuki couldn’t believe their eyes. It was the most beautiful landscape they had
ever seen.
Inside this ethereal water, there were exceptional architectural creations. Aerea
appeared at the entrance to a round bluish-green building that looked like an ancient
temple, accompanied by Toth, who was handsome with long, straight blond hair. He
was holding her tenderly, wrapping his hands around her slender waist.
“I am Toth. I welcome you, surrounding you with love,” he said and reached out to
Invir, who was in charge of the crowd, wrapping everyone with a soft pink cloud.
“Please, follow us into the Temple of the Twin Flames. It’s our official building. We
are happy to have you here. You are the first visitors we’ve ever had. We want to
celebrate with you the joy at giving more life to your tribe,” said Aerea in her sweet
and soft voice.
Their screen showed them all seated in that splendid temple, whose interior was full of
furniture made of delicate pink-and-green crystals.
Beautiful melodies enveloped them and, for a while, the Garuki forgot about their gold-
mining mission. They were speaking and laughing. The two tribes had become a
pleasant company of friends. They were inseparable.
Then, the screen started to mist over, and against the black background a text appeared
that Great Darso began to read out loud.
“This way, there passed thousands of years of friendship between the two tribes. The
Atlanteans kept giving away their gold, and the Garuki started providing their advanced
technology. Then, at some point, things got tough. The Earth got more and more
material, while the Atlanteans and the Garuki remained ethereal. The Garuki couldn’t

Chapter 17: A Violent Visit from Sirius

go very near the core of their planet. The more material Earth became, their
insubstantial bodies couldn’t stand that dense atmosphere. They realised that they had
to create material bodies to carry out the mining procedure. A council was held between
the two races. Garu and all the Atlanteans were present. The meeting took place on
Earth in the area of the Atlanteans at the Temple of Life. The Atlanteans thought that
this Temple, as it contained the precious stone ‘the Heart of the Atlantis,’ which
prolonged their lives, would also favour the Garuki, so that there would be a solution.
“‘Why aren’t the rest here?’ wondered Aerea.
“‘We are in the habit of sending only our leader to councils. He is the one to make
decisions,’ said Garu.
“‘But…everyone should agree to what is decided, so that their opinion will be heard,’
said Aerea, surprised.
“‘It doesn’t matter, Aerea…They have their own habits…It’s okay,’ said Toth, who
didn’t like what he saw, either; however, he understood that this led nowhere, so he
continued, ‘Unfortunately, nature has pronounced. I wish we could help you, but there’s
no way.’
“‘Still, we have an idea,; said Garu.
“‘Let’s hear it, then,’ replied Toth.
“‘We have spoken with the Council of planet Sirius. They too have very advanced
technology. If you would allow us, we could make many ‘vessels,’ like uniforms, that
could accommodate the ethereal entities of our volunteers. This way, they will be able
to mine gold with material bodies.’
“‘But do they agree to lose their immortality, and become slaves by trapping themselves
inside material bodies-vessels?’ asked Aerea.
“‘Yes, of course!” Garu replied coldly.
“‘Maybe, we could allow that, as long as your volunteers choose to do it of their own
free will. However, the Earth is material now, like a huge organism. We feel it every
day. This gold is its bowels. So, we could permit this on a small scale, so as to see how
Earth’s health is coming along. In the meantime, you might be able to find another
planet with ethereal gold,’ remarked Toth.
Aerea had turned her back and was irritated. She didn't like all this. As a woman, she
could feel the Earth’s female energy more than Toth did.
Garu thanked them and left.
On screen appeared the text again, which Great Darso read out loud. “Garu met with
the Council of Sirius and that of the Reptilians. Those with their advanced technologies
had already tried for many years to discover the way to inhabit a super-condensed
planet, but they had drawn a blank. This way, they all suddenly saw the Earth as a huge
lab where they could conduct their experiments. They decided that the only way was
that of a ‘vessel,’ but in fact no one had any volunteers eager to die. So, they started
The Book That… Writes Itself

conspiring about how they could fool the race of the Atlanteans, who were not cunning
or suspicious. They decided that the Atlanteans would hop into those material bodies-
vessels, even against their will.”
On screen, Garu appeared again, this time inside a huge lab full of computers and
machinery made from stones and gold. Indisputably, they gave the impression of being
state-of-the art.
“There must be a way for them to learn how to move around and make the mining,”
said Garu.
“Our implants do that, but we also have to come up with other implants that will make
them feel hungry, so as to feed their bodies-vessels, otherwise they will die,” replied
Zyr, Sirius’ leader.
“What will they eat?” asked Garu.
“We can make a virtual environment of fruit trees, and eat them,” remarked Zyr.
“It’s not enough!” said Jiva, the leader of the Reptilians, and continued, “You want
them to be strong and mine gold. As the bodies-vessels are biologically made, they need
proteins and some stubbornness, something that will keep them there. It’s better to put
on Earth what we earlier made with our experiments. These are called animals. They
have stronger proteins than plants and, when we slew them, they secreted so many
hormones of rage, hatred, and grievance, do you remember? The best combination to
create the feeling of obstinacy. Based on our experiments, this is the only way
stubbornness is created.”
“Exactly!” said Garu happily. I like this plan. So, put these implants on them that will
make them want to hunt and eat animals. Make them sharp, crooked teeth to chew the
horrible flesh of the animals you have created.”
“Make sure you don’t make them completely material. Every vessel must be half-
ethereal, half-material, as Earth is not yet absolutely material,” said Jiva.
“Of course! The uniform we have already made for the initial ‘body-vessel’ is in the
state Earth is in: 50% material, 50% ethereal. The implants should be inserted in the
brain, as well as be scattered inside the uniform for a better operation and obedience,”
Garu replied.
“The implants must be of the same sound frequency as the spots where they will be
inserted. This means they will be inserted in the material spots. As for the vessel-
uniform, it will be half ethereal. In the bones, spine, and muscle tissues. Where’s Garu’s
son? We need him to make the programming. We have to make sure he constructed the
memory eraser. It’s important that they should not remember. If they remember who
they are, they won’t be slaves, even if you’ve trapped them inside uniforms-vessels,”
said Zyr.
“Yes, he’ll be here in a minute. I’ve notified him. He told me he’s close to completing
the memory eraser. As soon as it’s ready, he’ll come to the lab. In the meantime, make
a virtual environment with trees, lakes, and other things,” replied Garu.

Chapter 17: A Violent Visit from Sirius

“Have you thought what we’re going to do if they die? There’s going to be a problem
because, as soon as the body dies, they will be in their physical consciousness again,
they will know who they are. In general, they will be in their previous condition. They
will be normal Atlanteans again,” Jiva said worriedly.
“No problem,” Zyr said with a sinister smile.
“What have you thought of, you cunning mind from Sirius?” asked Garu happily. He
was somewhat alarmed by Jiva’s declaration.
“Simple enough. We will put a big electromagnetic field with frequencies that will
bring pleasure to any soul that comes out of the body. It will be a marvelous, alluring
light that will attract their souls like a magnet, literally sucking them for recycling…to
put them in a new body, since the memory banks will have been erased again, so that
they won’t know they live again!” Zyr said proudly.
“Grandiose! Ingenious!” said Garu in shock.
“Of course, to achieve all this, your son must prepare the memory eraser. Without it,
we can’t move on,” said Zyr and, all of a sudden, jumped up as the door opened up with
a bump.
Garu’s son Yoluk, with tousled hair, stormed into the room, running and shaking like
a leaf holding a small silver box.
“What’s going on? Why did you come in like that? What happened to your good
manners?” Garu chided him.
“Forgive me, but…the memory eraser…” he said, trembling, as if scared to talk.
“What’s wrong?” asked Jiva.
“It can’t work without an activated DNA. And I know you don’t want any chain
activated in the bodies-vessels,” he replied with his head bowed.
“Are you sure?” asked Zyr.
“Positive! I’ve tried everything. I need at least one activated chain in order to set it in
“We can start the experiment. One way or another, until the first one in a body-vessel
dies, we have plenty of time to see what we are going to do about it. The next generation
should have one chain activated. It’s not that difficult,” said Garu.
“It’s dangerous. Even one activated chain can gradually lead to their sensitization and
the activation of the other chains. This will mean that they’ll start remembering who
they are, and realise that we’ve trapped them in a virtual environment. Of course, they
will want to return to their real eternal form. Don’t forget that we have eleven DNA
chains, while their full potential is for twelve. It’s not in our best interests to activate
them,” Jiva remarked.
“I think they deserve to find their real form and properties. How can you forget that
they helped us?” asked Yoluk.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“Because they’re no longer helping us. They say they will allow us to mine gold only
on a small scale if we use material bodies-vessels. This means we kill two birds with
one stone. We will get rid of them, so that we can mine as much gold as we want, and
we will use them inside the bodies-vessels, since we don’t have any volunteers,” replied
“I don’t think it’s a bad thing to defend Gaia, which is an entity higher than all of us,
and actually one of the initial Creators that made himself as a planet. That’s exactly
what they must do,” Yoluk resisted.
“There is no must!” shouted Garu. “We live in a universe of free will, and there can’t
be any must.”
Yoluk let out a sigh of disappointment.
“How will we name them? We actually made a new race,” noted Jiva.
“The ones that look above…as they have lost the property of living above, they will
always look for the answer up there…in their skies…That is, ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΙ or humans,
deriving from ΑΝΩ ΘΡΩΣΚΩ. What do you think?” asked Garu.
“I like it,” replied Zyr.
“So do I,” said Jiva, and they shook hands, agreeing to create the human race.
“Well, they must be checked through the implants all the time. Their movements must
be recorded, and registrations made. Is all this ready?” asked Garu.
“Sure, although we will keep advancing the implants, depending on the needs that will
arise during the experiment,” answered Zyr.
“Is it right, all this we’re planning to do? We’re going to have them live in a virtual
environment, like they’re trapped in a big computer?” Yoluk wondered.
“We don’t need to be so emotional. You know that the whole universe is the result of
mathematical equations. It is made of math, anyway. We happen to be those beings that
know how to organise and plan space and time. It’s not bad to make a reality made by
a computer. The fact that we can make space and time the way we want to, create a
virtual reality, and have an entire race live in it gives us the right to control even when
they will scratch their noses, if we want to,” answered Garu.
Yoluk fell silent, as if lost in thought and a moral dilemma. “You have another problem,
though…which you must solve first. The implants must be multi-dimensional, so that
you can transfer them to our dimension after death. This way, their memory will be
erased, and new data and implants will be inserted in the new body-vessel for their next
lives,” said Yoluk, as if he wanted to show them that it was impossible to do such a
thing. His remorse wouldn’t let him proceed. He took pity on those pure beings.
“This has already been taken care of. You know that we the Sirians are experts on
implants,” Zyr replied proudly.
“Okay. I’ll go delve into the memory eraser, then,” said Yoluk and left with his head

Chapter 17: A Violent Visit from Sirius

The screen was switched off and Great Darso asked, “So, what do you think of all this?”
Dark-Elf was so nonplussed, he couldn’t speak.
Tuathan started protesting and bombarding him with questions. “How is this possible?
You mean to tell us that we humans are the results of technology? The trees and the
nature we the Druids believe in exist thanks to technology? How can this be? But they
said that the Earth is an entity that develops like an organism. These things are
Dark-Elf, who had realised that all this was true, touched Tuathan, his gaze full of
“Tuathan, I don’t know how it happens, but I feel it in my bones: all this is real, and I
can tell you I feel so relieved.”
“It’s the relief of the discovery of the Truth,” said Great Darso, and added, “Yes, the
Earth is an entity that decided to manifest itself as a planet. But how would it manifest
itself? As a water planet? At least, that’s how it looked at first. Animals, plants came
from elsewhere, from labs, and there are still coming other new kinds. More will come
in the future. After all, on no other planet are there such life forms that were born on
their own. Wherever such life forms exist, they are the result of genetic experiments
and labs. Thanks to E.N.S. technology, we managed to videotape what you saw on
screen. All these people aren’t our actors. They are the same figures, the same entities.
We simply added some filtres, so that the beings might look more materialised. This
way, you would be able to see them with the limited sensory organs of your three-
dimensional body-vessel-uniform. Use any term you like.”
“If humans are made thanks to technology, what about us the elves?” Dark-Elf posed a
reasonable question.
“We have some suspicions regarding you, but we’re not sure yet. So, we’d better not
discuss this right now. Only after research is done. What you have to understand is that
others are on Earth because of this recycling of souls that enter new bodies by force,
and others because they came here and entered bodies of their own volition because
they had to fulfil a mission. Even those who are victims of recycling may have come
here off their own bat in the past, forgotten all about their mission, and fallen into the
trap of recycling. Some others who think they have a mission may not really have one,
but they have had this feeling instilled in them in the form of an implant, something
like a program. It’s a virtual environment of implants,” said Great Darso.
“Why do they insert into people’s consciousness the illusion that they have a mission
to fulfil?” asked Dark-Elf.
“Great Darso, something urgent has come up. You have to come to the surveillance lab
immediately!” Madam Bevary’s voice blared out of the loudspeakers.
“Take a stroll around the town. Think of what we said, and calm down. I’ve allowed
announcements in front of you only when there is something serious or dangerous, and
I have to leave on the spot. Excuse me. We can continue when the problem is solved,”
said Great Darso, and disappeared.
The Book That… Writes Itself


In another world…in some higher

fields of existence
In timeless time…
In the infinite ‘NOW’…

here was light all around. A blue light and serenity.
They sat on the bank of the purple lake, locked in an embrace. All around
were very tall trees with purple trunks and weird bluish-green foliage.
“I like the purple you made for the lake,” Lord Arcturus whispered.
“I hope you’ll remember saying this when we reach Earth,” replied Victoria.
“Sure I will. Please, don’t be so worked up,” he said and hugged her tightly.
“How am I supposed not to worry? Every time we set off on our mission, the end result
is the same on Earth,” she sighed.
“This time, things will be different. I’ll keep our avatars close together on the Medallion
spaceship, so that we can always feel attracted to each other. No matter how many times
we split up, the attraction will keep us close to each other, so that we can try again,” he
said with a sweet smile.
She turned around to shoot him a disapproving look.
“I don’t believe you. You know I always screw up. I never remember you. The Matrix
fills us up with programs. Even you, who go down on Earth in an adult body, find it
extremely hard. At least, you regain your memories, so you’re more conscious. What
about me? I’m hopeless. On Earth, I always find it hard to hear you speak of a mission,
so I run away. With all these Matrix programs down there, how can one believe in a
mission? It looks like a feeble excuse that someone comes up with so that I can maintain
Chapter 18: In another world… In some higher fields of existence. In timeless time… In the
infininite NOW

my relationship with him. Why does the Great Council allow only you to go down there
in an adult body? Why can’t we both do that, so as not to screw up our mission?”
“I don’t know. It’s their great secret. But you gave me an idea. Let’s go find the leader
of Sirius. I’ve got a surprise for you. Don’t ask anything. Let’s beam ourselves there.”
They stood up, their bodies changing form. They looked as if they were made from a
milky bluish liquid light, like two bright figures, one of which looked like a man with
long straight hair, the other one like a woman with curly brown hair cascading to her
waist. Still, everything was made from light. The two bright bodies stood opposite each
other and hugged.
“Sirius,” said he.
A light sound, like an electric charge, was heard. Their forms flickered for a while
before they disappeared. Along with them vanished the beautiful lake and the trees.
Only the blue light was left behind, together with the tranquility in a place that looked
as if it were in the middle of nowhere or in the clouds, without there being any of them.
Like it was only the sky.
They rematerialised in a place that smacked of the Middle Ages. A beautiful castle
stood before them, snow white as if made from marble, with blue waters inside.
“Let’s spruce up,” he told her.
The bright avatars seemed to have shut their eyes for a few seconds, and their mutation
She turned into the girl with the long, brown hair, like the one at the lake, but all of a
sudden she had chased gold wings and a chased gold bandana on her forehead. Her long
purple skirt lent her a splendid grandeur.
He had long blond hair, was a little taller than she was, and wore a purple uniform with
a wonderful purple mantle. He too had the same wonderful wings.
They looked like an Elven royal couple in a fairy tale.
“We’re both beautiful,” Victoria told him knowingly.
“Don’t remind me of that remark… It causes me pain,” he told her. “You always cut
up rough when I told you this on Earth.”
“But you know I couldn’t remember you,” she replied, bending her head.
“Well, this is going to change right now! Come on!” said Lord Arcturus with
“I don’t understand anything…” Victoria murmured.
He took her by the hand affectionately, and they walked toward the castle.
Someone was standing at the gate, a small boy with black hair. He wore a tight-fitting
blue tracksuit, and he held his collar as if he suffocated. They could see he was sad. As
they walked closer, they saw his eyes were full of tears.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“Do you need some help?” Lord Arcturus asked him, stroking his head.
Victoria knelt down next to him and held his hand.
“Let go of me! You’re all mean here!” he shouted nervously and started sobbing.
“What’s wrong? Who treated you badly? People on this planet don’t usually do such
things. Not anymore,” Victoria said with affection.
“The Lord of Sirius is bad!” the boy shouted and pulled at his collar, as if he couldn’t
“Why do you say that?” asked Victoria.
“He wants to send me to Earth!” the boy screamed, like this was the worst curse.
“Oh!” Arcturus and Victoria exclaimed in unison, nonplussed.
“Come with us, don’t be afraid,” Lord Arcturus suggested. “We’ll take care of it.” He
held the boy’s left hand, and Victoria his right, and they all walked into the castle.
The ground floor was a huge hall. The walls were filled with books made from light,
and all around there were blue leather sofas and tables with chairs. Everything was blue.
Various entities were seated on the sofas reading these books. Some of them had their
photonic bodies on. There were fairies and elves—all kinds of creatures. In the middle,
there was a corridor leading to an imposing gate.
Arcturus and Victoria quietly made for the corridor so as not to disturb anyone. Still, a
voice shattered the silence.
“Look! Lord Arcturus and Victoria!” a small elf exclaimed.
An exclamation of admiration was heard, and everyone stood up to bow.
“Thank you. You don’t need to bow,” said Arcturus and waved at them.
“Is it true that you’re going down to Earth again?” asked a fairy.
“Yes,” they replied, shyly lowering their heads because they had failed on so many
As if sensing how they felt, the fairy continued, “Look. It’s not your fault. Matrix is a
fierce enemy. You’re not even yourselves when you’re on Earth. All of us appreciate
what you’re trying to do, and we can but show some understanding. We know that this
mission is the hardest of all.”
“Thank you! This time, we changed some things, and I hope to make it,” responded
Lord Arcturus, touched.
They walked on along the corridor, while everyone around them bowed.
“Ah! Everybody knows you here!” said the boy.
“Yes, that’s why you have nothing to fear,” said Victoria, winking at him.

Chapter 18: In another world… In some higher fields of existence. In timeless time… In the
infininite NOW

When they reached the gate, a thin ray of light turned up, skirting their bodies, scanning
them, and a robotic voice was heard, “Lord Arcturus, Lady Victoria, and a boy of
unknown origin, probably a hybrid.”
“That’s not possible! What, we have a small boy here!” Victoria said indignantly.
“What does ‘hybrid’ mean?” asked the boy.
“Don’t pay attention to what you hear,” said Arcturus, and stroked his head. “Place
your right hand on the gate.”
They all put their right hands on the gate, and this opened up.
The hall was like a small clearing in a forest. There was so much serenity in there. In
the clearing, there was a throne made from glass. On the throne, a tall, chubby, dark-
haired man was seated. He wore a snow-white spacesuit and a long purple-and-white
cape, just like the ones worn by kings in the Middle Ages, with gold letters on it.
When he saw them, he stood up and bowed. “It’s an honour, Lord Arcturus and Lady
Victoria. I’m glad to see you. What’s bringing you here all of a sudden?”
They bowed, too.
“We would like to call the Great Council forthwith.” Arcturus cut to the chase.
“Hang on a minute… What’s wrong? You changed your minds? You don’t want to
undertake the mission? You know that something like that—”
“No, that’s not it,” Arcturus cut in and carried on. “It’s just that I’ve got an idea that
will help us succeed this time.”
“Isn’t it a bit too late for innovations?” asked the Lord of Sirius, and took a pendulum
out of his pocket.
Arcturus immediately jumped. “Oh, no! Don’t tell me you’re going to ask your
pendulum! I want the Great Council to decide without the pendulum. If your pendulum
says no, we won’t even have the chance to present the idea to the Great Council.”
“Yes, he’s right, Lord. Please. For us, it will be as if you don’t even give us the chance.
I don’t know anything about Arcturus’ idea, but I’d like to look into the matter all
together,” said Victoria.
“I didn’t expect you to say such things, Victoria. You are respectful. You’re not a
rationalist,” said Lord of Sirius, as if chiding her.
“Arcturus isn’t a rationalist, either. Why shouldn’t you listen to what he has to say?”
replied Victoria.
“That’s great. What’s your groundbreaking idea, Arcturus?” Lord of Sirius asked him,
raising his eyebrow.
“This time, I want Victoria to go down to Earth in an adult body,” said Arcturus.
Victoria turned around to look at him, shocked, her jaw dropping.
The Book That… Writes Itself

Lord of Sirius jumped up, as if feeling dizzy. “Are you out of your mind?” he shouted.
“I’d like to hear everyone’s arguments at the Great Council, and add mine,” responded
Shocked, Victoria’s eyes flicked between Arcturus and Lord of Sirius. She was at a loss
for words.
“You know that such a thing will be rejected even by the Great Council. Why bother,
then?” asked Lord of Sirius, putting the pendulum back in his pocket. “You’re right. I
don’t need the pendulum to judge whether this is irrational.”
“Still…give me a sec,” said Victoria, holding her temples. She stayed in this position
for a while, then continued, “Lord of Sirius, you know my intuition is infallible. I found
what he said shocking, but…something tells me that your pendulum will say yes to
calling the Great Council on this issue. Give it a try.”
Arcturus jumped: “No, Victoria! Not the pendulum. He should call a meeting anyway.”
“Don’t worry…I feel it in my bones that you’re right about what you want to propose.
The pendulum will say yes,” she replied happily.
“You know it doesn’t always make the right decisions,” Arcturus said indignantly.
“I agree, but this time it will. Trust my intuition,” she told him, holding his hand
Lord of Sirius murmured as he took the pendulum out of his pocket. “You’re driving
me crazy, both of you.” He held the pendulum in front of them. It was a purple stone,
and in its lower part a bronze straight line jutted out, ending in a symbol. They were the
counterbalancing Epsilons.
“Shall I call the Great Council over the matter Arcturus wants to discuss?”
The pendulum remained still, as if frozen.
“What did I tell you?” remarked Arcturus, who started pacing up and down.
“Your conviction obstructs it, Lord of Sirius. Please, try not to think. Please, try again,
using the sound N to wipe out your convictions,” Victoria calmly told him.
Lord of Sirius shut his eyes, and said, “N…N…N…N…N…N…Shall I call the Great
Council over the matter Arcturus wants to discuss? N…N…N…”
The pendulum started to move clockwise.
“It says yes!” he said, shocked.
“I knew it!” shouted Victoria.
“Fortunately,” said Lord Arcturus, relieved, and took a deep breath.
“Good. I’m calling the Council now. You can wait at the conference hall,” he told them.

Chapter 18: In another world… In some higher fields of existence. In timeless time… In the
infininite NOW

“Wait. What are we going to do with this boy? We found him crying outside the castle
because he says you want to send him to Earth. What kind of joke is this?” asked Lord
“Ha ha! It seems you’re not the only one with innovative ideas,” answered Lord of
Sirius with a laugh.
“I think you’ve lost your mind over this pendulum,” noted Lord Arcturus.
“It seems everybody here has lost their minds,” replied Lord of Sirius, and added, “One
way or another, I’d like to bring the boy’s issue to the attention of the Great Council,
so it’s a good opportunity to discuss two matters today.”
“Okay, then. We’re going to the conference hall. I’ll wait for you there to share our
folly,” Arcturus said smilingly and gave him a pat on the back.
“Make sure the other ones in the library don't see you enter the conference hall. This
will cause a commotion. You’d better beam yourselves there. Take the boy with you.”
They stood opposite each other again, putting the boy in the middle, and hugged.
“Conference Hall, Sirius.” Arcturus said and they vanished, after their bodies flickered.
“You crazy Arcturians…” murmured Lord of Sirius.
The Book That… Writes Itself


The Great Council and the

Prophecy of the Marble King

T hey rematerialised inside an amphitheatrical hall made from a substance that

looked like cotton and…
“Clouds!” the boy exclaimed.
“Ha! They look like clouds, eh?” Victoria said, laughing.
“What? Aren’t they clouds?” asked the boy.
“It’s a special material called magira. It’s an ‘intelligent material’ that can take on any
form you want when you predetermine its form. You do this with your thoughts.”
“That means I can talk to it, and it can change form?” the boy asked, thrilled.
“No. This one has already been preset and cannot change. However, if we find magira
that hasn’t been predetermined, then yes, it can ‘lock’ the form someone sets for the
first time. What’s special about this material is that it doesn’t require any process,
technique, or effort. You can simply give it any form you like with your thought,”
replied Arcturus.
“I’ll make a magira that will change forms. One that won’t lock!” said the boy.
“Hmm…that would be very useful,” said Arcturus, winking at Victoria, and trying not
to discourage the boy.
“What are we going to do in here now?” asked the boy.
“The Great Council will convene. It consists of the leaders of some famous races, and
we’ll see if they are going to give us their permission—”
“For Victoria to go down to Earth in an adult body,” the boy cut in.
“I see you’ve heard everything, boy,” said Lord Arcturus, smiling.
“What are they going to do with me? Will you help me not go to Earth?” he asked in
Chapter 19: The Great Council and the Prophecy of the Marble King

“We’ll see to it. Where do you want to go? You want to stay here? Where are you
from?” asked Arcturus.
“I don’t know where I’m from. I don’t even have a name. All I remember is that I felt
like I was awakened from a deep sleep in a tall golden mountain when they found me,”
the boy said sadly.
“Hmm…not having a name is a bad thing. How would you like to be called?” Victoria
asked him.
“Well… I heard another boy being named Daniel, and I liked it,” he answered shyly,
pulling at his collar again.
“So, we’ll call you Daniel! It’s a beautiful name!” said Victoria.
“I think this uniform is too tight, right? You want us to decorate you?” Arcturus asked
with affection.
“Yes!” The boy leapt for joy.
Then Arcturus ran his hand around the boy’s body, and a blue light engulfed him. The
spacesuit gradually disappeared, giving its place to a beautiful soft cloth that turned into
a beautiful pair of blue trousers and a light blue sweater.
Victoria too ran her hand over him; a purple colour appeared and gave him a beautiful
blue cape and a big light blue D.
The boy was thrilled.
“Thank you! You’re so kind! I may even go down to Earth if I’m with you!” he said
They all laughed, but their laughter was interrupted by what sounded like a bell, and
the robotic voice announced, “The Queen of Orion has arrived.”
The door to the hall opened up, and in came a very tall female figure. She had snow-
white hair knotted in a loose chignon and wore a loose purple dress that touched the
colourful tiles on the floor. She also wore a hat with a green feather.
“Hello, Arcturus and Victoria. It is an honour to respond to your call,” said the Queen,
and bowed.
They did the same, then Victoria ran to give her a hug.
“You’re always a spontaneous girl, Victoria,” she said and threw her arms around her.
“Children will receive the kingdom of God!” said Victoria laughingly.
The Queen of Orion smiled. “You’re right. Everyone must learn to be like
children…spontaneous. Spontaneity is the greatest lesson one learns on Earth. It gives
liveliness to the cells, making the individual original and pleasant. It is the candle that
shines on the materialisation of every goal, and the substance of imagination. Many
people on Earth will feel jealous of you on that score, and will blame you for your
spontaneity. The more they accuse you, the more you should remember to hold on to
The Book That… Writes Itself

your spontaneity, otherwise the mission won’t yield good results. You can’t realise any
goal without spontaneity as this virtue boosts action. And you can’t fulfil any goal
without any action.”
Victoria slightly bowed her head, and placed her hand on her heart. “Thank you. I feel
honoured by your advice.”
“Hi, Queen of Stars,” said Arcturus.
“Who is this boy?” asked the Queen of Orion.
“Daniel!” the boy said, feeling proud of his new clothes and name.
“You’re so handsome, Daniel! Let’s take a seat now. The rest will be here in a minute.”
Then, the same sound was heard, and the robotic voice announced, “Lord of Sirius,
Lord of Lyra, and Lord of the Pleiades.”
Lord of Sirius walked in first, then followed a man with long white hair and sharp ears,
and Lord of the Pleiades, who was a figure of light.
“Hello!” said each one of them as they entered.
“As always, you forget to put some clothes on, Lord of the Pleiades,” said the Queen
of Orion laughingly.
“Hmm…okay…it’s just that I see no reason why I should get dressed,” he said and the
hand of his photonic body made a move. Immediately, a lanky figure with a hitman
face and a light blue beak appeared, wearing a blue spacesuit and a white cape.
“We are going to be here today. We don’t have to call the others,” said Lord of Sirius.
“The Queen of Orion is agreed.”
She nodded her head.
“Let’s start, then. Arcturus has an idea…quite groundbreaking, I would say. Thanks to
this idea, he thinks he will stand more chances of fulfilling his mission,” said Lord of
Sirius. “He asked me not to use my pendulum and insisted on calling a meeting. The
pendulum answered yes, so…here we are. Lord Arcturus, we’re all ears.”
Lord Arcturus stood. He exuded grandeur and boundless kindness. His voice sounded
soft but decisive. “Dear Members of the Great Council, you know that, due to Matrix,
every time Victoria and I went down to Earth, we failed in our mission because a great
part of it aims to Unite the Twin Flames. Matrix knows who we are, and every time it
puts in us implants and programmes that boost selfishness and fear. The programmes
they install in Victoria oppose the ones installed in me, and the end result is a rift
between us. However, if we want the mission to succeed, we have to be united on the
level of Earth. I always retrieve memories from an age onwards, so, despite the
programmes, I find it easier to be close to Victoria. However, it’s not so easy for her.
She doesn’t remember anything. Having spent so many lives on earth, I think I will be
able to remember some things without being transferred into an adult earthly body. I
believe that Victoria should be transferred into an adult body, so that she will be able

Chapter 19: The Great Council and the Prophecy of the Marble King

to remember me. That’s what I want to suggest,” he said, seeing that the others were
All of a sudden, Lord of the Pleiades burst out laughing, followed by Lord of Sirius,
who said, “It’s utterly insane, isn’t it? I told him!”
The others looked on, pensive and shocked, unable to react.
Arcturus seemed to be irritated and gave Victoria an inquiring look, as if he wanted to
see what she sensed. She let out a broad smile, as if telling him not to worry.
After calming down, Lord of the Pleiades said, “Arcturus, please forgive me, but this
is so childish. I would say you have been influenced by Earth’s environment so much
that you have lost your mind. You know that this is not possible. You are the expert on
Matrix, you are supposed to remember. When you manage to unite, you will have to
make seven machines. If Victoria remembers who she is, this is pointless because she
does not know as much about technology as you do. No matter how successful your
union, you won’t have the way to move on. Lord of Lyra, what do you say about that?
I see you’re shocked.”
“I don’t believe we’re discussing such a thing! I don’t even have to add any arguments.
I feel as if Arcturus is pulling our leg!” he replied.
“Your ancestors did a fine job trapping the Earth into a Matrix. Now, don’t you have
the responsibility to help a little more?” said Victoria agitatedly, as she stood up.
Everyone fixed their gaze on her.
“How can we help? What do you mean? If you had Arcturus’ knowledge, things would
be different. However, you specialise in other things,” Lord of Sirius told her, dropping
a hint.
“Oh, yes! I specialise in the Great Law and Mother Goddess’s love, but you think this
is a petty thing!” Victoria replied.
“I don’t think it’s petty; it’s just not enough. Tell me how you’re going to make
machines if Arcturus doesn’t remember anything about technology!”
“You are going to help us! You’ll channel all this to me!” said Victoria.
They all exchanged some nonplussed looks.
“You can’t be serious,” said Lord of Lyra.
“You know nothing can pass through Earth’s quarantine, Victoria. You know damn
well that all channellings are false and can only be made inside the Matrix,” said Lord
of the Pleiades.
Lord of Sirius was shaking his head, as if exercising patience hearing all this, while the
Queen of Orion calmly looked on and listened.
“Queen of Stars? You must surely arrange something,” Victoria said desperately.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“My dear child, you know I can’t intervene. I’m only here to make sure you adhere to
Universal Laws. You have to sort this out on your own,” she said sadly.
“Can you send them through Hollow Earth?” the boy blurted out.
“What? What do you mean?” asked Arcturus, holding him by the hand.
“I…don’t know… What is Hollow Earth? I don’t even know what came over me!” said
the boy.
“Still! You’re right! It’s very simple. Earth is in quarantine, but in Hollow Earth there
is a way for a starship to pass through. It’s possible through channelling without any
problems. I will leave the plans, you will send them to Hollow Earth, and from there
channel them to Victoria. You will put an implant in me, so that I will be passionate
about physics from an early age. The plans you are going to send after I meet Victoria.
When I see them, I will put my heart and soul into them. They may even bring memories
back to me. What d’ you think?”
“Hmm… Boy, stand up. Relax your body, and shut your eyes for a while,” said the
Queen of Orion.
Daniel did as he was told.
“Say out loud many times, ‘I came from Hollow Earth, I came from Hollow Earth, I
came from Hollow Earth.’ Say it until your body starts swinging like a pendulum.”
Daniel repeated the words many times. His body started swinging like a pendulum.
“The energy control shows that the boy came from Hollow Earth. How strange! Don’t
you remember anything, my boy?” the Queen of Orion asked him.
“No, nothing,” he said sadly.
“The pendulum shows he’s a hybrid. I was thinking of sending him to the Earth’s secret
space programme as a spy of the Bright Side,” said Lord of Sirius.
“This boy is not a hybrid. Your pendulum is wrong. It’s just that he’s not in his real
form; that’s why it sees him as a hybrid. Unfortunately, I cannot intervene or use the
knowledge of Mother Goddess to see what is happening with the child. So, we will wait
for it to appear on its own. Still, we can send the boy to Earth if he wants to help. We
can send him to Hollow Earth on a starship, so as to transfer the plans to Victoria
through channelling sounds and vibrations. It doesn’t sound like a bad idea, after all,”
said the Queen of Orion.
“Since the Queen of Orion thinks it’s a good thing, I suppose we will all agree,” said
Lord of the Pleiades, as he stood up and took a bow before the queen.
All but Lord of Sirius followed his example, who said, “Wait a minute. I’d like to see
what the pendulum says, if the Queen of Stars doesn’t have any objections.”
“Of course you can check that, Lord,” she replied.
Lord of Sirius took the pendulum out of his pocket, and started asking it,
“Ni…Ni…Ni… Is this decision right?”

Chapter 19: The Great Council and the Prophecy of the Marble King

The pendulum moved in a positive way.

“Ni…Ni…Ni… Even more so than the previous one?”
The pendulum swung positively again.
“Incredible! The pendulum agrees!” he said happily.
“Very well, then! What is left to be done is for the boy to tell us if he wants to help!”
said the Queen of Orion.
“No, Daniel doesn’t want to go to Earth. We’ll find someone else to send,” said Lord
Arcturus, placing his hand on the boy’s shoulder.
“I don’t mind going to Hollow Earth. I think that’s where I came from, and feel great
there, while Earth is ugly. I want to help,” shouted the boy.
“Oh, Daniel! Thank you!” exclaimed Victoria, running in his direction and hugging
“Until then, we can have Daniel with us,” said Lord Arcturus. “He needn’t wander
around Sirius on his own.”
“Yes, yes, this way, they’re going to get used to one another’s vibrations, and this will
help with the channelling,” said Victoria, trying to come up with a reasonable argument
so that the Council wouldn’t say no.
“I have no objection. If someone does, let them speak now,” said Lord of Sirius.
No one did.
“Great, then. We seem to be agreed.”
“There’s something else I’d like to say,” said Lord Arcturus.
“Oh…Should I start worrying?” Lord of Sirius teased him.
“When we’re on Earth, I’d like to have access to the Temple of the Twin Flames. Does
this make you worry for some reason?” asked Lord Arcturus with a smile.
Almost everyone let out a sigh.
“No, but how is this going to be done? Have you thought of a way?” asked Lord of
“With meditation,” replied Lord Arcturus.
“Do you want to use Sendai meditation when you’re on Earth? But is it possible for you
to remember it, since you won’t go in an adult body?” Lord of the Pleiades asked in
“I don’t know…” answered Lord Arcturus pensively. “If I have permission, I may think
of something. However, making sure we don’t split up or fall out will be of great help
on Earth. It will help us fight the programs inside us if we get the blessing of the Twin
Flames through meditation. Without union, the mission is doomed to fail. The Matrix
will separate us, and that’s that.”
The Book That… Writes Itself

“You have our permission. For the record, Arcturus, I know you don’t do it only for the
mission’s sake, but out of love of Victoria. This union on Earth means a lot more to you
than to us. I want you to know that I find this very moving. Both of you express in a
perfect way the love of Mother Goddess. That’s why you are the protectors of the Twin
Flames on Gaia,” said the Queen of Stars, and continued, “I’ll give you a present. At
every crucial moment on Earth, a purple stone will appear before you. It will be
materialised energy. It may sometimes turn up out of nowhere in the form of a real
purple crystal. But you may also hear someone speak of a purple stone. Those moments,
I want to believe that you will be able to remember the mission, who you are, or even
your love. May this be the symbol that will keep you united, containing the love of
Mother Goddess,” said the Queen, and reached out her hands at the height of their
Each hand gave off a wave of energy, like a bright channel with all shades of pink that
fell on the third eye of Arcturus and Victoria.
After this procedure was over, they both thanked the Queen respectfully and kissed her
“I suppose we can leave now,” said Lord of Sirius.
“No!” shouted Lord of Lyra.
Everyone turned around to give him a puzzled look.
“You seem to forget something…” he said.
“Which is?” said Arcturus.
“I guess none of you thought of the first part of the mission. The prophecy. We gave
the prophecy, bearing Arcturus in mind, so we spoke of the Marble King. We said
nothing about the Marble Queen. And we know very well what the word ‘marble’
symbolizes…having gone down to Earth in an adult body. The Marble One must should
enter an adult body, and be male. How will Victoria appear as a Marble Queen?”
Arcturus and Victoria looked at each other.
Lord of Sirius started mumbling some questions to his pendulum. The others were
Finally, Lord of Sirius spoke, “I am being guided through the pendulum…We must
consult the Warlord of the Goddess.”
“The Warlord!” everyone exclaimed.
“Oh, stop fearing him, all of you! You know he’s a benevolent being,” said Lord
“I don’t trust him, to be frank,” said Lord of the Pleiades.
“Whatever happened in the past is due to his ancestors, not him personally,” replied

Chapter 19: The Great Council and the Prophecy of the Marble King

The Queen took out a light blue bell and started shaking it. Some jingling sounds were
heard that formed a fairytale melody. It sounded like a harp. Then, an earthquake struck,
and the light started flickering. A figure hove into view. As the light flickered, and the
earthquake struck, the figure became more visible…
It was a tall, slim man with short, curly, black hair. He appeared on his knees, his right
knee on the floor, and his left hand wielding a big sword pointing upwards.
“I greet the Great Council,” he said and stood up.
Everyone took a bow.
“Can I help with something?” he asked in a serious tone.
They told him about Arcturus’ decision that Victoria should go down to Earth in an
adult body in his place, and the problem was that the Prophecy they had sent to Earth
spoke of a Marble King, not a Queen.
He smiled.
“The Great Council seems to get worked up so easily. Let’s consider what the Prophecy
is like. Imagine the Matrix as a bog organism. When the organism is clear and bright,
the virus is something dirty, ugly, and not bright. We wouldn’t have the right to insert
a virus into a bright organism. When the organism is dark, though, you can always pour
some Light in. You, Arcturus and Victoria, each one of you knows that you are pieces
of the prophecy and, along with the others, you make up the mission. All of you, your
own team, are the virus. That is the prophecy. You are the bright virus that carries
something within not only for Greece on Gaia, but for the world at large. That’s why
you are targets encountering great obstacles during your mission. Whenever you go to
Earth, at every single moment you have tried to fulfil the mission, they always knew
who you really are. Perhaps, not all the monks in the Holy Mountain knows, of those
who think they know who the Marble King is, but the Matrix and the guards do know!
You bear a label, something like a seal. They can see you, just like you can see a virus
you have moving around your body.
“It would be great for them to think that the Marble King is a man. Let’s confuse them
a little. What counts is not to explain to the world why the Marble One came down as
a woman. What is important is for this mission to succeed since it concerns the breaking
up of the intergalactic Matrix.
“I will add an idea here. The properties of the Marble One’s entity should be divided
into two bodies. Both Arcturus and Victoria should have them. Victoria is going down
to Gaia in an adult body; it’s she who is the Marble One and, at last, in this way, we
promote female energy that has been suppressed in the Matrix because of your
patriarchal ancestors, Lord of Sirius. Actually, I’m going down in a female body myself,
this time after deliberating with Mother Goddess, so as to promote the female energy
on planet Gaia.”
“It’s ingenious!” said Lord of Sirius, relieved.
Victoria and Arcturus exchanged looks, smiled, and held hands.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“So, we can go. I will discuss with Mother Goddess to see how else we can help without
violating the Universal Laws. Remember that love wins. Farewell.”
They all bade farewell to the Queen, then beamed themselves elsewhere.
In the Conference Hall, only Arcturus, Victoria, and Daniel were left.
“Let’s go to the Temple of the Twin Flames. I have to generate a special technology so
that the visit can take place through meditation. I want to protect the Temple and create
an illusion of a celestial staircase. I want you to register it in your memory as well as
you can, as well as the Temple. When we are on Earth, you will have to find a way to
present to me even a small detail that will make me see the Temple, so that I can guide
us there,” he said to Victoria, still holding her hand. “Daniel, you will come with us,
and I will make your own small Matrix to experiment with the magira material, since
you liked it so much. You want that?” he asked the boy with affection.
“Yes! Thank you!” said Daniel happily.
“Let’s beam ourselves,” said Arcturus, and opened his arms wide. Daniel knew that he
had to step in between, so that they could all beam themselves.
They appeared before a grandiose building that looked like an ancient Greek one. It was
made up of white marble columns. There was no ground; the ground was clouds.
“Is this magira, too?” asked Daniel.
“No, these are real clouds,” replied Victoria.
Arcturus materialised a mostly transparent pentagonal machine with a bright blue
outline and a pink aura, which gave off a golden-yellow light.
This light ran along the cloud; as it moved, it seemed to press some invisible buttons.
Faintly but steadily, a bright staircase hove into sight, a transparent one with a colourful
aura, as if made from a rainbow.
With a wave of her hand, Victoria materialised another machine like a screen, and there
they could see the universe. The image started to zoom out, and they could see the Earth
in the background.
“Activation of Arcturian Corridor from Gaia to the Temple of the Twin Flames through
a colourful staircase,” Arcturus said in a loud voice.
“You activated the Arcturian Corridor? This means it won’t be a simple meditation. It
will be a real visit to the Temple!” Victoria said happily.
“Yes, but, as you saw, I didn’t mention this to the Council for, if Lord of Sirius had
used the pendulum, maybe we wouldn't have gotten the permission.”
“That’s wise of you. After all, you created the Arcturian Corridor. It would be insane
not to allow you to use it,” Victoria said with a smile.
“Let’s go get the blessings,” he told her cordially.
“Daniel, wait here for a while… It won’t take us long,” said Victoria to the boy.

Chapter 19: The Great Council and the Prophecy of the Marble King

Daniel nodded his head and started running happily across the clouds, which made him
hop higher and higher.
The Book That… Writes Itself


The fateful encounter

s Daniel jumped hither and thither, he was transferred onto a cloud that was at
a higher level. It was the only one of a slightly purple colour with some pink
shades, unlike the others, which were white.
However, as soon as he hopped on the purple-pink cloud, the scenery changed… It was
as if he were on a planet.
He was surprised to see that he was by a wonderful lake with blue sand and purple
waters in the middle of a huge clearing, since all around were many trees. They had
some strange lights flickering all over it. It was a beautiful sunset with…two gigantic
A figure suddenly appeared before him; as if someone had nudged it, it fell on him.
They both slumped to the soft blue sand.
“What on earth is going on?” Daniel said in surprise. “Seconds ago, you weren’t here!”
He stared at the strange being in puzzlement, as it tried to stand up. He reached out his
hand to help it. “What are you? Why do you have this form?”
“Er… I’m a dragon…but…it’s a long story. What’s your name? Mine is Meril,” the
being said shyly, looking around in fear.
“My name’s Daniel,” the boy said.
“I shouldn’t be here,” Meril whispered.
“Why not?”
“We are a little above the Temple of the Twin Flames, right?” asked Meril.
“Yes, that’s right,” replied the boy. “Why is this a bad thing?”
“Are Victoria and Lord Arcturus inside the Temple?”
“Yes! How do you know?”
“It’s the visit they made to the Temple just after the Great Council, eh? The day they
met you?”
“Yes… How come you know about all this?”
Chapter 20: The fateful encounter

Meril froze, turning pale. “Please, listen to me. You go tell Arcturus that I’m here. Talk
only to him. He knows what he has to do. Victoria is not supposed to know anything.”
“Oh…okay,” said Daniel and left, hopping on the clouds all the way back.
When he reached the celestial level where the Temple of the Twin Flames was, he saw
that Arcturus and Victoria were coming out, hand in hand.
“Come on, boy,” shouted Arcturus. “Let’s go make your own matrix. Perhaps, one day,
you’ll make a huge discovery regarding magira.”
“Yes!” The boy leapt for joy.
“I think I’ll drop by the Queen of Orion for a while, until you make Daniel’s lab. Maybe
she needs me to take care of the twin flames of Gaia,” said Victoria.
“Yes, why not go?” Daniel said spontaneously.
This made Arcturus and Victoria exchange some puzzled looks.
“You want to make me leave, Daniel?” Victoria asked him cutely.
“No, no! I just wanted to get into my own lab as soon as possible!” the boy replied,
They both burst out laughing, hugged, and Victoria disappeared in a pink and purple
ethereal flame.
When he made sure Victoria was gone, Daniel said to Arcturus, “You know, I really
wanted her to leave.”
“Why?” asked Arcturus, puzzled.
“Well…because I’ve got to tell you that Meril is here!” Daniel answered with bombast,
feeling that he gave Arcturus some staggering news.
“I don’t understand. Who’s Meril?” he asked.
“A dragon!” Daniel said, more loudly.
“A dragon? Here? That’s impossible! Wait a minute…” said Arcturus, and took a round
ethereal object out of his pocket that looked as if it were made from purple light. In this
bright purple sphere, he saw letters that were carved on it in golden light.
“My ethereal radar made from light has never made a mistake. This traces Dragons
from great distances. If there were a Dragon around here, it would turn red.”
“Probably dragons have gotten stronger, or advanced, so that your radar doesn’t capture
them,” said the boy naively.
Arcturus raised his right eyebrow, shooting Daniel a puzzled look.
“Come with me. A dragon in there wants to meet you, and he told me that Victoria
shouldn’t know about him,” Daniel said seriously, feeling that he was fulfilling a great
The Book That… Writes Itself

“Strange things…okay. Let’s go,” said Arcturus, after materialising a huge ethereal
orange-reddish sword.
“That dragon didn’t look so dangerous to me,” said Daniel, staring at the huge sword.
“It doesn’t matter. Show me,” said Arcturus.
Daniel started jumping from one cloud to the other, until he landed on the pink-purple
“Hmm…You’re taking me to one of the time-and-space hubs. This cloud is a Gate,”
mumbled Arcturus as he followed Daniel onto the pink-purple cloud.
There, at a distance, he saw Meril. He stretched his ethereal sword toward Meril but, as
he came closer, he noticed that the little dragon’s eyes welled up with tears. So, he
slowly and hesitantly put it down.
“What’s a dragon doing here? You know that this place is forbidden for you. Who sent
you here?” Arcturus asked in a serious tone.
“Great Darso sent me,” replied Meril, and now hot tears were trickling down his cheeks.
“Great Darso? What’s he doing with dragons? Did he betray us? He’s supposed to be
on the positive side!” shouted Arcturus.
Meril heaved a sigh, moved his hands disappointedly, wiped his tears, and sat on the
light blue sand sprawling around the lake. “I’m not a dragon. Some technique of
metamorphosis has been applied to me,” he said somewhat irritatedly.
Arcturus formed an X over Meril, starting from his left shoulder. It seemed that he
meant to do it more than once, but the second time, Meril stopped him.
“No! Don’t do that!” he said, turned his back, and did the same thing counterclockwise.
“I tried to remove your transformation. Wait a minute… How come you know about
the technique of transformation used by the Arcturians, and how can you cancel it?” he
asked suspiciously.
“I’m not at liberty to divulge anything.”
“We don’t like secrecy up here. Is there something you are allowed to share with us?”
murmured Arcturus, his face turning dark with suspicion.
The little dragon looked at him with teary eyes. “That I must not meet Victoria for any
reason. Still, for the time being, I can’t explain why.”
“I see… It never rains but it pours… I don’t like the fact that you involve Victoria in
all this,” said Arcturus pensively, and continued, “What are you planning on doing
“I have no idea why Great Darso sent me here,” replied Meril.
“Do you understand that I have to present you to the Great Council? They will judge
what you are going to do.”

Chapter 20: The fateful encounter

“I wouldn’t like Lord of Sirius to see me, though,” the little dragon said sadly.
“You can’t avoid this. He’s a basic member of the Board. Let’s go to Sirius.”
“No, no! Not there again! What are we going to do about my lab?” Daniel sulked.
“Boy, this will have to wait for a while. The appearance of Dragons up here is a serious
issue,” replied Arcturus, and hastily stroked Daniel’s hair.
Daniel sighed.
Meril felt uncomfortable. “I said I’m not a Dragon.”
“All right! You can both come with me.”
Both of them approached him, and he beamed them to Sirius, outside the gate to the
beautiful big castle. After being identified by the system, they were led to the office of
Lord of Sirius, which looked like a forest clearing. They found him bending over a
plant, controlling its energy and nervously whispering, “We’re under attack again. The
energy of these plants is negative. It’s great that you came, Arcturus! I want the defense
system improved.”
“You know there is no better defense than tuning in to the frequencies of Love at 528
Hz,” he replied.
Only then did Lord of Sirius raise his head to see that there was a dragon with them.
“I can’t believe my eyes! You’re out of your mind, Arcturus! Now, you hang out with
Meril sighed.
“Check him with your pendulum. He insists that he’s not a dragon, and he’s been
subjected to transformation through a special technique. He says Great Darso sent him.”
“Darso? How can he possibly be sending dragons up here? I can’t make right decisions
after the attack I got today. That’s why I’m asking you to improve our defence system.
Check what technique they used for this energy attack. It’s very powerful.”
“Okay. I’ll make an ethereal projection to trace it.”
Arcturus reached out his right hand. An ethereal hand turned up through his biological
one, which spread over the northern part of the room. Then, an ethereal hand spread
over the southern part, followed by another two, which spread over the western and
eastern parts.
With his left hand, he made some circular movements toward his right hand, as if
sending energy waves to it. The more energy his right hand sent, the stronger the
ethereal projections got. They could see that growing strength, judging by how much
brighter these ethereal hands became, as if made from liquid white light that got denser
and denser. When it turned into a bright thick cream, Arcturus shut his eyes and focused
on feeling.
The Book That… Writes Itself

Gradually, a ray of purple light oozed out of his third eye, and an image of orange light
was projected at the end of the beam of light. Everyone could see it. At first, this image
was faint, so they couldn’t make out what it really showed.
“It seems as if a symbol is being formed!” exclaimed Lord of Sirius.
The image got clearer and clearer.
“It’s the Medusa!” said Arcturus.
“Unbelievable! They used the symbolism of the Medusa to create a new technique
through which they attacked us!” said Lord of Sirius pensively.
“Oh, no! The Gorgoneion!” said Lord Arcturus, scared, and all the projections of the
ethereal hands vanished into thin air as he lost concentration.
“I see,” said Lord of Sirius.
“Look here,” said Lord Arcturus, and went closer to Lord of Sirius to show him a
symbol that formed in the middle of his right palm.
Daniel seized the opportunity to talk to Meril. He had taken to him from the word go.
“What’s a gorgoneion? Why are they so scared of it?” he asked him.
Meril explained to him. “The gorgoneion is a metal with very special properties. It
regulates its vibrations according to those of the entity or creature that holds it. If he
who bears the gorgoneion inside his body has good intentions, he possesses infinite
possibilities based on Light. If he has dark intentions, he possesses infinite possibilities
based on darkness. The gorgoneion activates all the primeval memories and turns a
benevolent being into a light-bearing entity. It can multiply the power of thought and
intention of its owner. It’s dangerous if it falls into anyone’s hands. Those who attacked
them are surely dark, so they worry about the damage. I can help, but it’s difficult for
them to trust me, the way I look.”
“Meril can help you!” shouted Daniel.
They both turned around to look at the small dragon with suspicion and curiosity.
“If you make a shield based on the form of Mother Goddess, and instead of eyes you
use the precious stone topaz, then you get the antidote to Medusa as well as the antidote
to the reinforced darkness that the gorgoneion brings. Topaz is the stone of love. It
sends its energy where it is mostly needed. It cures, charges, activates, and brings
balance. Its vibrations bring joy, generosity, abundance, and good health.
“It is the stone of Love and good luck. It helps to understand and forgive, balancing out
emotions and passions. It is exceptional in cleansing the aura and removing negative
energy. It contributes to determination and sound judgement, giving intuition and
patience. It helps with communication and fluency, releases tension at all levels, and
can speed up ritual development, making you reconcile with your enemy.
“Golden Topaz is like a battery: it charges, strengthens faith, and offers optimism. Make
a mental shield from what I told you, and ask the way you know, Lord of Sirius, so that

Chapter 20: The fateful encounter

the frequencies of this shield may enter the mental and energy shields of every one of
Lord of Sirius was surprised. “The way I know? What do you mean? What do you
“You have your own way of issuing commands. Use it to do what I advise you to do,
and then check if the energy all around has changed, that is, if you warded off the attack.
You’ll see that the energy will be positive. Then, your pendulum will work properly,
and you can ask it about what’s troubling you, although I don’t know if it’s good to
know what’s really happening with me,” answered Meril.
“My intuition says that it’s a good idea, which we can trust… After all, what he said
about the gorgoneion and the topaz are true,” said Lord Arcturus.
Lord of Sirius gave Meril a surprised and puzzled look, as if lost in thought. Then, he
started whispering for quite some time.
Everyone waited silently, respecting the whole procedure.
“Okay. Everything’s ready… Let’s see…” He got hold of his pendulum and started
examining all the objects around him, one by one: the plants and all the rest. Then, he
ran the pendulum over him, and waited to see in what direction it would swing. Then
over Arcturus and Daniel. “Everything’s all right. Everyone's energy has been rectified.
Allow me to check you, as well, dragon,” he said and brought the pendulum closer to
“Your energy is positive. Indeed, you’re not a real dragon. Wait.” He started mumbling
some questions over and over again, until… “That’s impossible! You’ve come here!”
exclaimed Lord of Sirius, and opened his arms wide.
Meril came closer and they hugged.
“Is Great Darso out of his mind? Why is he sending you here? You really don't know
why he sent you here?”
“I don’t, honestly!” said Meril.
“Arcturus, this…er…dragon must stay away from Victoria. When I say away from her,
I mean it. They must never meet.”
“I gather you’re not supposed to tell me the reason why, eh?”
“Not for the time being. I’ll search it thoroughly to see if it’s safe, and I’ll let you know.”
“How are we going to prevent them from meeting? Victoria and I come here very often.
You know we’re constantly together. Can’t we come together to Sirius again?”
“For the time being, you shouldn’t come here until I let you know, so that you’ll come
up with a better plan… Take Daniel and go. I’ll take care of it.”
Arcturus and Daniel left.
Lord of Sirius looked at Meril from head to toe and bowed before him.
The Book That… Writes Itself

“Meril, I saw with the pendulum that you are Victoria’s future self, and I’m really
nonplussed. Shouldn’t you be the Whole, the One…the Divine Source? Shouldn’t you
be one with all the other future selves of us who managed to reach the Source? Why
are you here? Why in this form?”
“First of all, my name’s not Meril. That’s the name Dark-Elf gave me in the land of the
Elves, where he found me in the form of a dragon. My name’s El-iki. Indeed, I am
Victoria’s future self and, since I have reached the Source, I am her Superior Self at the
same time. I am a part of Victoria that will be reincarnated on Earth. This girl will be
called Maya. Victoria will be Maya’s Superior Self, and I will be Victoria’s. Does this
sound complicated to you?”
“Yes, a lot, I would say, but I’m trying to grasp it. How come you know about Victoria’s
reincarnation, and why does this girl have to be called Maya? Why in this form? Why
are you here?
“This is a superior field, but lower than the one I am already in, which is close to the
Source. I went down to even lower fields; however, it was inside Earth’s Matrix, in one
of the parallel universes of the third dimension, in that kingdom that was forced to hide
in a parallel universe, that of Elven and fairies. You know that when the dark ones came,
Lemuria turned into Atlantis, and the fairies, Elves, and other benevolent beings were
forced to hide.”
“Yes, I know all this. However, why were you forced to go to that kingdom?”
“Lord, the mission you care about and puzzle over is not so simple as you think. It’s
not only you who are fighting, or your reincarnations on Earth. All your parallel selves
are fighting from all levels of time, and all dimensions. You know that time is timeless,
that everything is happening in a long, eternal Now. We all fight in favour of this
mission, for this Divine Plan, the self of each one of us—what you call past selves,
future selves, and superior selves. All of them Now. The Dark Ones are trying to take
the place of the Divine Source. They have already taken its place by means of the
programme they have installed in humans on Earth. The programme that God is the
Creator of the Matrix. As humanity within the Matrix is caught up with the chaos of
survival, the economic slump on the planet, and the wars, they have seized the
opportunity to advance their technology to the extent that even you, the superior selves
of humans, run the risk of a different god’s programme being installed, so you will end
up inside a matrix.
“However, even we who are close to the Source are in danger, too. The Source itself is
at risk. Can you imagine what chaos will reign if this happens? Then, Darkness will be
eternal and omnipresent. This way, some future selves, as you say, were forced to travel
into beings, while in parallel universes, on other lower dimensions, while parts of us
are close to the Source.
“Since we are one with the Source, we can be omnipresent. At some point, Arcturus’
Superior Self, who is close to the Source, decided to go down to lower dimensions and
appear as a baby Elf.”
“Dark-Elf!” exclaimed Lord of Sirius.

Chapter 20: The fateful encounter

“But we managed to gain access to the hypnosis of Hypnotica in Hollow Earth and saw
that his noble parents took him down to the Ivory River.”
“I can’t tell you about this yet. I’m not supposed to say anything about this, especially
to you,” the dragon replied, bowing his head.
“Why especially to me?”
“Because you haven’t yet decided whether you are on the side of Light.”
“What are you talking about, El-iki? Of course I have!”
“Deep down, you haven’t. The worst thing of all is that you don’t know it. First of all,
you have to become aware of it. When you see what I mean, you’ll see that everything
will change. You will even stop using the pendulum and start using the ethereal fire of
your soul. Then, you will be able to decide unaffected. I’m sorry. I can’t tell you
anything more about that. Still, it’s very important that Victoria should not know.
There’s a risk of a temporal paradox occurring.”
“Yes, that’s what I thought, too. If such a thing happens, you may never exist, and the
same holds for Victoria, so the protectors of the Twin Flames will not be, nor will there
be a mission, a prophecy, or a glimmer of hope for humankind. No hope for the
dissolution of Matrix, either. That will be the greatest disaster.”
There was a knock on the big door.
“Who is it?” asked Lord of Sirius.
The door opened quickly, and in came a smiling and spontaneous Victoria. She was
almost running. “I saw in the track gauge a while ago that Arcturus is here, so I came
to surprise him.” All of a sudden, her smile froze… Her look changed. “Oh! A dragon!
Lord, how can a dragon be here?”
They were both staring at her, scared.
Suddenly, thunder and lightning filled the place.
Lord of Sirius slumped to the floor, watching what would come next with bated breath.
Seconds later, the lightning and thunder stopped, and everything was calm again. Still,
Victoria and the dragon were gone…
To be continued…
The Book That… Writes Itself

Sources that inspired me

WesPenre Productions : The "Wes Penre Papers" Series, E-Books, Articles, and Interviews
by, and with, Wes Penre.
Souledout : Our Spiritual Sun, Sirius. Esoterically, the heart of the Sun.
The Neruda Interviews:
The Healers Journal:


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