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Heael 6yuna
EsSAY wRITMI n 203-13

Danqey of
of he Sparvous beioming x hin
due to Mobile
Phon 0uesL
awous ave Small ue athrachve bid. Tni bird

ound al Ovey he 0ovld tnduding ndin. "h

avwow isa vtvy nimble bivd The Spavduy a a

ings. 1s lody 's liqht qvchich -blotk. I' brak is

yellow and Hhe tolouv o the Pre is brown. Thy

suallyhaue blauk Spobs on heiv bak. Theve dve

mong Spe ts 0 SpavyOw fcund. Hale SpavwOus and

emale Spavyows ave diflerent in ppeavene

Male Spavvows de move afhath've than male


pavYOw s.

SpaxYOW is an Omnivovus bivd. 1

Seeds Avult and instit

Only Cat qyains

payyCus gehevally build heiv tesh in lhe

Yoo D houst, burldings, bidges and hollotws

tvees. n uban avt, htse bivd of ten
the houses of human.
nest in
Thtse bivds ave varely Sten tn hilli avea
These bivds usually fy a a sped o abuk

24 miles pe hou The most ike to tly în

htrds. They
thy ave lexide in all elimau. Theiy

Span s fo 1 yeavs. Sadly +he spawot

pecits ve duying dut fo envivonmen-ad polluhn

and ofhev And beauihd
Yas0ns. as aNSlk , this
btYd ha stavtd b disappcav qvadualsy. to
Spvead awavencss abou Spavvous and their

poechon wovld Spavvow Day"s cele bvat.4

every yeav tn 20 harh wold wide kcess

fempty auye pvovu fatal v thee bi vds

The CommOn spavyow in East Asia fs no

Hhe houe Spavwow ts he ree Spavyow.

Thoy ave maunuy VCgefvasian bu
bds hted htsh pokin in their dtet so h
nsec sec Th ave Veyu Sotal bivds, n

a u , tHhty maka Hheiy nut nn Colonits hous

eti Tmvee quays d Spovyows disappcaved

e M London belwetn 1904 and

and 2000. Due o fast

dedine +his bir d is ti'sttd neavly endangeved.

The length df a Sparvo Can be maximum

8 indhu And 0- 8 to.y Oun t n weihs

Some cfhe
Ahe Spedt d SpaYYOw include

he VSpev Spavvow YCe spaow, wh LG0wed

SpavYouob SOn Spawow and SpayyoW Sp avr ows

hawe be auuh Fud VOLLes and heiv Chiv ping can

be hdard all avound. Cas and aogs and

Snakus and tDxu aye the masov Pvedalos

he howse Sparyow Their Youho has
been sleadi atcveasin fb Sdme me
The SparvOw wOS the Conb bivd in Bifain

pytsenk Scen that duefo popullafioo

and debrestasion, ett, n fempcvahure

houw visen ave hoalle o

in Hhe YUwa foo
aveasbcaust 1he vll4g ave

opulous The SpaYw Oos ove migvahng hom 1e


CiH in SCavch bE food and nut. To Sae Sporvous

this bivd has been decdaved as a Stal bivd in Biha
Everu One Can pay alention dnd fake aSeious
Stp to pitd his birds. Atcovd? ng o bird

Stknhist, eople shadd povtde 3ome plates t

heir honmes to recall Sparrows, wheve thoy Can

asily nake theiv Duyh heuk, tay hur eggs and

theiv hitdren (an b Sak hom fhe

fnua ding
fnua ding
Ersos Cab do Snaku We
hus pledge fo Soue
the paYYOws ron endangered Spe uts
paYY ows ave Che the mcof beauliful

biYds Dut polluhion On d ohev seasons, hee

ivds ave On he
4he VCvGe of Cahnchon.
People sheuld
vovide Shelts, Food dud Salu plaue tor hem
ave fn tndangeved Specte we need foo

dedae fo Sdv the Spavvows. Th Sparrows

Chiv ping hokes us edcalm

ls lookqgitat dhen Jhy

Opont "f
OuY hispy htnd

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