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Mies van der Rohe’s architectural classification

AD 454 : Modern Architecture

Technical Report - Drawing (15%)

Index Name ID Section


Semester: Spring 2024

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2
1- Diagram [20 points] 3
2- Chronological timeline [20 points] 3
3- Function of buildings [20 points] 3
4- Geometry and materials of buildings [20 points] 3
5- Materials used [20 points] 4
1- Diagram [20 points]

In this part, introduce Mies van der Rohe’s importance in

developing modern architecture.
• [5 points] Give a general overview of his educational
• [5 points] Give a general overview of his professional career.
• [5 points] The influences of his contribution to developing
modern architecture design.
• [5 points] Movements, architectural features, concepts, and
!!! Support the analysis part with diagrams or tables generated by the team. Any
utilization of pre-existing diagrams or tables from the internet
will result in a score of 0. Parts written as texts will be graded with half of the

2- Chronological timeline [20 points]

[20 points] Create a chronological timeline featuring the

architectural works of Mies van der Rohe. Include details such as
building names, construction dates, locations, and photos for a
minimum of 30 buildings.
3- Function of buildings [20 points]

Group the 30 buildings you have added in point 2 – Timeline of

work, by their function-usage (Ex. residential, commercial
buildings, educational buildings, etc.). Provide a table with the
name of buildings, functions (usage), and influences. In the
influence part you need to add the architects or styles that inspired
Mies van der Rohe for that specific building. At the end, add the
source of your information.

Name of building Function/ usage Influences

1 Farnsworth house Residential building Japanese architecture
/ family villa (Zimmerman, 2006)

4- Geometry and materials of buildings [20 points]

Group the 30 buildings added in point 2 – Timeline of work, by

their external geometry (shape). Classify the buildings according
to their shape, volume and line type (linear or curved).

Image of the building Name of building Lines used Volume

Regular/linear -Farnsworth house -straight lines -Pure prism
geometrical shape -… -…
-… -…
Irregular/ complex -… -straight and curved -cylinder and prism
geometrical shape -… -…
Clustered shape -… -… -clustered prisms
-… -…
Regular/ radial shape -… -curved lines -…
-… -…

5- Materials used [20 points]

Group the 30 buildings added in point 2 – Timeline of work, by

their external cladding materials. Add the materials used in the
walls only. You need to add a photo of the wall, and give a short
Cladding material Name of buildings Image of the wall Detailed information
in the group
Glass wall 1.Farnsworth house The buildings
envelope is made of
glass and it makes the
volume look

2. ……. … …

Sections 2, 3, 4, and 5 must be produced authentically by the

student. If any tables or diagrams are sourced from the
internet or copied from other teams, each respective section
will receive a grade of 0.

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